Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. What a beautiful picture of you out in the snow, Zenny. Please thank Sarah for sharing. I love it when the trees are all frosted. Your description of Hansen disappearing against the snow is too cute!! He was great in the Gothum and his looks are definitely striking. His long white tale flowing out behind him as he runs is gorgeous. We appreciate Dottie so much for keeping us well informed on how everything is going with you sweetie. We just love you so!!! Have fun in the snow with Tasty. And take care of yourself. Of course you have the wonderful Lane’s End crew looking out for you. Say hello to everyone and give them our love. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, do you really know how much you are loved? I am sure you do, I can feel it….You are going to be the best Mama ever! I love you…Lisag
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sharon in Seattle, I am so glad you had such a fun time with the CA Dumplings. Your day at Santa Anita sounds wonderful!!!!
Kinga K
Here’s a picture of Hansen at the Gotham, he’s in full flight here and looks like a pegasus flying across the race track, absolutely gorgeous
Wishing you a safe foaling and for your boy or girl to be safe and sound!
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for the link, love looking at Hansen the Handsome.
PatB from NM
Wow! What a beauty!
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
Great picture. Thanks for sharing the link!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How beautiful!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kinga:
Thank you for that gorgeous photo of Hansen. He does look like Pegasus, or a mighty Steed of the Gods from Greek Mythology. Hugs, JB
Liz Gooch
Beautiful photo of you in the snow! Ky is so odd, I live only 75 miles south of Lanes’s End and didn’t get a single snowflake!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Louise Castello, I was getting caught up from yesterday and saw your post. I am so sorry for the loss of your Buddy. It is so hard to have our beloved furry friends leave us. Please let me know anytime I can help. You have a host of friends here. Remember too, that although Buddy’s physical presence may be gone, his spirtual one remains. I know he lives within your heart to give you courage and love whenever you are in need, just think of him and he will be there.
Love and hugs,
Debbie G/Kentucky
You look so beautiful in the snow, Zenny. I’ve been off work for over a week and have constantly been checking in to see if you’ve had your foal yet. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but it’s really going to get in the way of my checking in with you! I can get online on my phone, but I won’t have a lot of spare time to do so. Hmmm, I do have a lot of sick leave left…..
@Judy Berube – I was watching a show on the Investigation Discovery channel last night and I thought of you. They were interviewing a state trooper in New Hampshire named Eric Berube. I was wondering if he was any relation to you. I know it’s a long shot, but I know that you live in New England also and it’s not a real common name, so I thought you might know him. Hugs, Debbie
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Debbie:
As far as I know, my husband has no relatives in New Hampshire. There are a few in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It’s true, Berube is not a very common name. Russ’s family is originally French Canadian from Quebec. Love and Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear Karen, I was very sad to hear about the passing of the sweet little girl, Angel. Thank you for letting us know. God carried her through the storm and then home to her loved ones. They are together once more.
Jaime Corum
I’m thinking of you often this week, Beautiful Zenny! I’m glad you are doing so well and taking this “mom to be” thing in stride. Of course, you take everything in stride in your Zen way ; )
Big scratch on your withers and kiss on your nose!
Lisag in Texas
Jamie Corum? One in the same who took the picture Momma Z? I love this picture, everytime I log in I am overwhelmed of the beauty and grace of Ms Zenyatta..and you captured it so beautifully. I just love this picture…Thank you for sharing..Lisag
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Jamie, it was so lovely to see your post. I have several of your pieces, including “The Queens Dance” and love each and every one. You have a remarkable talent. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jamie Corum:
I have your wonderful poster print of Z. I love it. Thank you for capturing our “Queen’s Dance” so well. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Julie DuVall, the pictures and posts on your site were wonderful, especially that photo of Lava Man, breathtaking!! Thank you for sharing.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed them. Are there any horses (other than Zenny, of course!) you would like to see photos of? If I have them, I will post them!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Terry Crow, I had to let you know that I love the movie, Kentucky!
Terry Crow
Dawn-Good to hear that there is more than just me. There are some politically incorrect parts, but overall it is a winner.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’ve never seen or heard of that movie, but I sure would like to.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Gary Moulton, the Choctaw Legend you posted yesterday was very beautiful!! Thank you so much!!
Kelly J. /ND
HAPPY MONDAY ZENNY! I hope you have fun running in the snow! XOXOXOXO
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dee Smallwood, had to send you a quick welcome note!!! I got a chance to visit the Meadow last summer and enjoyed every minute of it. Of couse I love Secretariat, so I was very touched and a little teary when I saw where he was born. Although the farm is very different from those days, there was still a wonderful feeling of the past that came to me when I looked at what remains. A very special place. Hope to hear from you often.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. It is so good to be able to write to you. We left on Friday to go to New York to see Hansen run. On Friday night, I was besides myself not knowing if you and your friends were safe. We watched the horrible devastation all night and I was crying. I kept on checking with relatives and friends to see if anyone heard about your area and thanked God that you and your friends were safe. It was a great weekend of racing; Hansen won, I was heartbroken that Ultimate Eagle, done in by the terrible fast fractions, did not win but my Derby pick of yesteryear, Ron the Greek ran unbelieveably. Boy has Bill Mott turned him around -he used to be such a late closer – he ran awesome. We will be there for the Classic and hopefully he will run. Of course, I am hoping at my favorite, Ultimate Eagle also runs. They have got to stop making him go to the lead, dueling, have to make him relax. Perhaps if he had stayed in third, he would have won. And I almost died when Thirtyfirststreet came up in the inside, hitting the rail and my Ultimate Eagle. Too scary- thank God no one was seriously injured. Waiting each day to hear how you are feeling, waiting for yours and Tasty’s big days. Love you big girl. Stay comfy, eat well for two and God Bless you both. Love you, Angels.
I think that some folks who have never ridden do not appreciate the true skill these jockey’s have and the control they have over the horses. THE JOCKEY ARE REALLY A GROUP TO BE ADMIRED FOR THEIR WONDERFUL SKILL AND CONNECTION WITH THE HORSES.
So glad S. Flores was mad; take that anger and win the next one. He is a very talented apprentice.
carol in utah
I think the 9th….@6am….a filly…bay…..one white front sock..weight 131lbs…and the longest legs in the world…
Lisag in Texas
LOL, Too cute.
You just might have it right.
Elizabeth (Texas)
Thank you to everyone here for such a warm welcome on the last diary entry!
Love you Z!!
Lisag in Texas
Where in Texas are you, Elizabeth?
Elizabeth (Texas)
East Texas :)
Lovely Zenyatta how wonderful you look in the snow.
Dottie thank you so much for your dedication to this wonderful
horse and this special time. You do a great job and the time you
take to write is so much appreciate.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers for the safe
delivery of Zenyatta’s first foal.
Can’t wait for that beautiful foal! Hope you have a safe and easy delivery.
This will be the most loved foal ever-all because of YOU, dear Zenny!
Love from Dunie and Kari!
Dear Zenny,
What a beautiful snowy KY day. The seasons are so very wonderful except if you are on the track in racing mode. Then unable to train, unable to use that track etc….. So glad you were a CA girl in your racing days. Hansen was just awesome and it is so very nice to see a two year old champion mature to compete early in his three year old year. Not many do that. Best of luck to him and his connections on the Derby Trail. Now he and Union Rags will make another Sunday Silence and Easy Goer in 2012 style (less races than the older sturdier TB generation}. Guess you learned to dig out the grass in the snow. I remember last year you “stole” PQ spot to grazed after she cleaned it. Just learning how to clean the snow away your self. Have a wonderful day. YOU ARE NOW A LADY IN WAITING !!!!!!
Lisag in Texas
@All: I am going in insane, the pacing, the knuckle cracking, the stomach turning…as I know all ya’ll are. I thought if I vented it out at least my tummy would calm down…Please do not let Ms Zenyatta read this, I want her to think that I cool and calm about all this Royal Baby Business. Not working yet. I hope I can survive The Royal Birth Day….Lisag
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Think pink – Pepto Bismol LOL
Marty R / Colorado
Too funny!!
Marty R / Colorado
Very sorry!! Of course I meant JAG. If only we could erase and correct, then there wouldn’t need to be so many red faces.
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Rose Cola
How beautiful you look in the snow dear Queen. And Lanes End looks amazing. Thank you for the photos.
Hope you and Tasty are doing well. Will be checking back frequently to hear any news on you or your girlfriend.
Just remember to breathe!!!!
This is such good news!
Aqueduct has had 14 horses put down this meet.
That is a record high.
I have been tweeting the horse folks/writers about it–questioning why? Track?
NY has been very open about injury/death reports.
This can help gather stats on track surfaces, changes, horses.
Shared knowledge should help bring improvements to racing.
Off my soap box!
Jockey Club Sets Up Injury Reporting Website
by Blood-Horse Staff
Date Posted: 3/5/2012 2:20:33 PM
The Jockey Club announced March 5 that more than a dozen racetracks have committed to publishing their statistics from the Equine Injury Database through a new website set up by the breed registry.
“The Equine Injury Database recently completed the collection of a third year of data from participating racetracks, representing approximately 93% of the racing days in North America and more than 30,000 records,” said James L. Gagliano, president and chief operating officer of The Jockey Club. “Keeneland, Woodbine, and the California racetracks have made a practice of publishing their injury and/or fatality data. This new website is designed to encourage other racetracks to follow their lead and make public their data in a standard, summary fashion.”
Read more: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/67832/jockey-club-sets-up-injury-reporting-website#ixzz1oHV1toU6
Celeste in TX
That is excellent news. I first saw something about it on face book, but ave not read all the details yet. It’s about time.
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
I think there are so many breakdowns because so many trainers put horses in that should not be racing. They have soundness issues that are known but they are still put in races. The purses are so large at Aqueduct now and that adds to the problem. Rather than do what is right for the horse they put them in for a tag and someone else will claim them. I have heard that “everything” is getting claimed these days at Aqueduct.
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
The “special” news that was to be mentioned “later” was talked about while I was standing outside the Santa Anita gift shop on Saturday by someone who works there!!
Would YOU be so kind to share that info with us on Tuesday’s diary? It’s that St. Patty’s Day surprise (wink wink) ;-P
Auntie Judy,
Have you been wondering.,like I have, the significance (if any) of the St. Paddy Day green T-shirt in the Z Shop? Other than St. Patrick’s Day.
Any thoughts?
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Well, it does have something to do with Queen Z – does that help?
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Does that mean that the green dye in the fountain is not going to be the main attraction? Wink, wink.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I am intrigued! I’ll be at the track on St. Patrick’s Day for The Second Race’s Day at the Races … now I have another reason to look forward to that day :) LOL
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL we are all so vague! I know what it is but I know how to keep a secret, therefore, we will have to wait and see when the “official announcement” is made – hopefully, soon!
Let’s put it this way – I already had plans to get to SA on the 17th – now I REALLY have something to look forward to! :-))))) Don’t hate me because I live so close to our race tracks….. tee hee
I’m also attending the TROTT charity event at the Derby Restaurant after the races so that will be fun!
Don’t you love A N T I C I P A T I O N !! (wink wink)
♥ Auntie Judy about to burst with excitement…
Can’t wait for “official” announcement
Hmmmh! It is too early for Z to travel with foal.
Are you trying to divert me from Z foal watch?
It’s not working!!
Could it have something to do with a half-sister?
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I’m only guessing but I think the big announcement is the offical announcement that Zenyatta will host the Breeders Cup at Santa Anita this fall. Either that or name the sire of her next foal.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m jealous too! Now I have something else to be anxiously waiting for!
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
The annoucement has to do with BC – no visit from Zenny & her foal! Sorry, I got you anxious about something in addition to Z’s foaling…
No, to my knowledge (!) Ebby ♥ isn’t racing that day – however, THAT would be way TOO CUTE & SPECIAL! :-D
Foal gift? I saw this link on Peppers Pride fb, to a charity that releases funds to horses in need of disaster relief. Given the horrific destruction from the tornadoes, I thought it might be a good place to donate to in Zenyatta’s name as a foal gift. However, I have not had time to check it out on charity navigator or the like, to make sure it gives most of the donation to the horses. Since I haven’t heard of it before, checking is advisable. If anyone has time to check, or knows of this charity, pls let us know. Thanks.
2009 tax returns for above charity, which is the Kentucky Horse Council. FYI tax returns are public info for all 501K charities. You can always look to see how much they are paying employees, how much they pay out in grants, etc. Above only has 1 paid employee, which is great, but on line 12, it’s a lot more than that persons wages! But Michael Blowen is on the board, so it can’t be bad.
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Hope you and TT are en;joying your snow day. Please take it easy running around. Love to both or you and kisses on your soft noses.
I ordered a shirt today and asked the lady about the cards going out. She did not know where they were sent from as they were not sent out of her site. Maybe there is hope for all of us yet , HOOVES CROSSED.
Hey Zenny. I was a wreck this weekend just wondering if baby is coming. Wow this is soooo nerve racking. Please let us know as soon as something happens. I can`t stand it!!!Hope Tasty is doing good. Hansen is a handsome fellow. I really like him…Lots of BIG hugs and kisses..Alene
This is to Rose Cola, I thought it was sooo funny when you told Zenny to remember to “breathe”…ALENE
hi your looking very well even in all that snow, im pleased to say that my mare had her foal on the 1st and is a nice big colt, hope yours in well and healthy in there.
Marty R / Colorado
Congratulations on your new colt. Won’t you give us some information about him and his dam, too, of course. Is this your first or are you an old hand at this? Would love to hear more.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zara- I’m with Marty! I would love to hear more about your colt!
Linda in Fla.
We went to the Kentucky-Florida game yesterday with friends who had joined us at the Breeders’ Cup in Louisville to see you race for the last time. There was as much conversation in the car over how much fun we had on that trip and getting to see you in person as there was about the game. Of course, we were told to keep them informed about the blessed event. I normally only get on the computor once a week. Now I find myself checking up to three times a day. Not obsessing like some of you fellow fans, but definitely getting close.