Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Trisha from VA
Isn’t snow wonderful? So beautiful and everything is silent when it snows. I love it. We had a few flakes this morning. Still hoping for that 2 feet of snow. Just be careful gorgeous and TT.
Whew! So glad you and Lane’s End escaped the wild weather. I was so worried about you. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who did not escape the damage done by the tornadoes
Love hugs and kisses
Nancy from California
I am soooo glad you and Tasty came through the weekend just fine. The snow photos are just beautiful. HANSEN AND UNION RAGS did well over the weekend. Dottie and YOUR JOHN must be so thrilled when fans at Santa Anita ask about you, you are so loved. Have a wonderful day in the snow; I still hang on to March 7th as your due date. Much love from Central California.
Yup Z I’m one of those that stop and talk with Dottie about how your doing. I know what your going through, I went through this with Penny when she was alive, wow that was over 20 years ago. When your ready to have that little one we all will be right there in sprit with you, any time now :) Love ya Z
@Ann Maree, Thanks for the link to the video Lane’s End did on Dec. 20, 2010, the first time Z was turned out without any restraints at Lane’s End….in the snow. Love it. LOL, Arlene
constantly checking in now to see how you are doing. hopefully very soon we will see you with your little one!
You look so truly beautiful, Zenny! We are all so happy to see you enjoying your day. You’ve always been so extremely special to me, as you are to everyone. And now, you are even more special – if that’s possible! As you get ready to deliver your special babe, you have been so kind and generous as to educate us on the process. LIttle did I know the process would become so very important to me…as I now have my very own thoroughbred – and she, too, is in foal!! She is a bit behind you in timing, but will indeed give birth to a sweet foal in April! And he or she will be a foal of Smarty Jones – who has always been the most special in the world to me. It’s an unbelievable beginning of living my dreams, Zenny – and I thank you for being part of those dreams. You are a glorious inspriation to all of us!!
Of course I realize that means my foal will be in the same 2015 class year with your prince or princess! Oh my! But don’t we all thrive on competition??! :)
Thank you so much Zenny – not only for being so spectacular in all that you do and all that you are – but for sharing with us your own special insights!!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Hi Susan,
You may have shared before, if so, I missed it. Who is the dam of your Smarty Jones? Is she a maiden or has she foaled before? Do you plan to be a breeder/owner and race the foal yourself or are you planning to send the foal through a sales ring as a yearling? If you are going to keep the baby what names do you have picked out? This is very interesting to me because I’ve always dreamed of owning a broodmare myself; a one broodmare band so-to-speak. I’ll never forget….as a teenager I was scanning a sales catalog looking for a potential broodmare when I came across a very old (mid twenties) stakes winning, stakes producing barren mare who hadn’t produced a foal in years. I don’t remember much more about her, other than she had the word Morn in her name. Anyway, I dreamt for weeks about somehow coming up with a way to buy her, and of course because of all the TLC I’d give her she’d get in foal one last time AND OF COURSE the resultant foal was a Kentucky Derby winner. LOL. I wish I had kept the catalog page and all my notes about the stud I was thinking of breeding her to, because I can’t remember any of the details now. What I do recall was waiting for the Bloodhorse to come out with the sales results so I could see how much she sold for and to whom. Alas, she had been withdrawn from the sale. Hopefully that meant that someone came to their senses and realized the old gal deserved better than being put through a sales ring at such an old age and after what she had accomplished.
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Queen Z,,,,,so glad to see you out in the snow stretching your long legs. Another poster was correct moving about will help keep your legs from stocking up. You look so happy and healthy. I think you will deliver sometime mid week so we can all be the first to know about little Zendini! Safe delivery and healthy foal Zenny!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Rose- how is Bailey doing these days? I hope she is well!
Happy Momday Z
You look fabulous in the snow. You also look ready to be a Mommy..
Much love to you today.
Cathy Braun-Emig
Hi there, you beautiful Queen! Glad to hear all is well! Hope you and Tasty stayed nice and cozy over the weekend! Looking good out there in the snow! Take good care you two! ^..^<
Barb Zylbert
Beautiful picture!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Louise, I hope you’ll go back to Diary #449 again to see more comments of condolence on your loss of your dear Buddy posted early this morning. He’s waiting now at the Rainbow Bridge where you’ll see him again.
Raylene/ So Cal
I think that Rainbow Bridge is great. I know my Kittie, Pachew, is waiting there for me also. They used to have a poem you could get personalized with your pets name and the cost goes to help the organization. It is a very nice poem to frame if you are interested. I have mine framed with a pic of Pachew. And most of all condolences on your loss. I know it is very diffucult. Love and prayers. Raylene
Louise Castello
Trina, I did go back and read. Unbelievable reponse from you all. Raylene, thank you, too. I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. This means so much to me.
I saw Dottie and John at dinner on Saturday and had to control myself not to ask about you, especially given all the weather news. They were having a great time with a group, so didnt want to bother them or interrupt their dinner.
Good to hear all is well and you are moving toward a healthy foaling.
Stay well Z
High hoofs
I’m officially predicting your foaling date as the 8th, which is the full moon. I’m really excited to see the baby, so tell your humans to take tons of pix!!
Zenny, as we grow more anxious about the arrival of your foal, I have been reminded by my own mare Biddy, that you will have it when you are ready. She was bred April 5, 2010 and drove all of us up the wall by not having her colt until April 17th, 2011! In a tornado no less :D ! So we are not worried about you “cooking” your lil bun longer than usual, as we found out good things come to those who wait but awesome things come to those that wait longer! Lol! Maybe you are trying to have a very special birthday gift for yourself! In any event, may you have a safe foaling and a healthy foal!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Bella. Thanks for sharing.
Pattie in South Carolina
Dear Zenny, I thought about you, all weekend. I don’t have internet at home & I was concerned about you, and all the farms regarding the wild weather that came through Kentucky on Friday. I feel much better now, knowing you are ok.
Does anyone know how the farms did, around the Lexington area. I saw the damage in East Liberty, which isn’t very far from Lexington. Please say a prayer for those that were hit by the storms.
I Love you, Zenny & I’m keeping you in my prayers that all goes well when the time comes, for Baby BZ to arrive :)
All the farms in and around Lexington did fine. I live about 15 minutes from Lexington. We didn’t get anything but some thunder, not even much rain/wind. We were blessed, as many areas of our state took direct hits. Last count 21 people were killed in Friday’s storms in Kentucky,
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kim, I am so glad that you were spared. My heart goes out to all of those touched by these awful storms. The loss of life was tragic and so very, very sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to all everyone across the mid-west who took direct hits. I know many states were involved. I am sure the Red Cross is active in the cleanup, they are such a fantastic organization.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Dawn, you are so right about the Red Cross. It’s been all over the news about them taking donations. You can simply text “Red Cross” to 90999 and $10 will be sent to the Red Cross for the tornado victims. They’re such an awesome organization. On another sad note, I saw on the news tonight where some horses were killed in Friday’s tornadoes. My heart goes out to everyone, two legged and four legged, who was affected by these devastating storms.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kim:
My gosh. So many lost. These storms were horrific. Glad you fared so well. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Debbie G, thank you so much for sharing the Red Cross donation information. That is a great way to make it easy for people to help make a difference.
Thoughts on why Z will most likely give birth at night…
In the wild mares can go into seclusion. They want to be by themselves because they are at their most vulnerable. They do not want draw attention to the blood and afterbirth.
I understand we are talking Z and that she is domesticated but that doesn’t change Mother Nature from putting in her two cents.
Mares give birth quite regularly when us humans are on foal watch. After we’ve gone through all our clean clothes and we go inside to throw in a load of wash, grab something to eat–in this scenario we’re gone maybe 15 minutes–we come back and voila the foal has been born. Safe and sound. Mom is up, nuzzling and licking the baby dry. This happens VERY regularly.
And there are exceptions to this. Ginger Kathrens caught Dusty’s mom right after Dusty was born. She had not left her herd but rather stayed with them for protection. Very u usual.
Climb’s High’s mom also gave birth with her herd, right by the highway in the middle of the afternoon. Up in the Pryors.
There are always exceptions to this rule. That’s Mother Nature for you.
While a part of me thought it was possible for a baby this weekend–after all the ugly weather Friday–she would have shut delivery down. Mares in the first stage of labor can do if something isn’t right in their environment.
The baby should here soon. I’m thinking by the end of next weekend. Could be sooner but who knows! Just keeping thinking good thoughts and positive energy.
One other quick thing. I was watching tv last night and got very anxious for Z. I grabbed my plush Z and just start petting her like I would Z if she were real. I quietly spoke to her telling her I knew how uncomfy she was but that it would soon be over and her baby would be here. Sounds crazy I know but it helped me to calm down. For those that have the plushie just try it. You have to do this for a little while. Honestly I don’t know who you are comforting more–Z or yourself!
Oh and do tell me if your plushie–is Z’s left eye considerably lower than your right eye? Mine is. I mean noticeably lower! But that’s cool because each plushie can be and should unique! Baby Z has a wild forelock (bangs). They look punk! Really long but it sticks out. Tell me what your plushie’s look like.
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for more knowledge and exceptions to common facts. My Baby Z is just wild, he runs around and bucks cuz he wants to be a 3 year old and run the Kentucky Derby side by side with some girls…He love his Mama, that is why!! He has got the longest hair.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Margaret, I told my friends I wasn’t going to get a plushie, and then I changed my mind and did! She and little ZB are on top of my printer, just above and behind my monitor, so they are always in my gaze if I look up. Z’s eyes look level to me on mine, and I do think she and her foal are TOO CUTE! What I did notice was that Z’s socks were knee-highs! LOL.
I’m sending much love and best wishes for an easy delivery. Zenny, you’re in my prayers, MK
Zenny, count me as one who is checking internet, iPhone constantly for baby updates. We all have to learn to be patient. When it is time, baby Z will appear.
It was beautiful this morning, wasn’t it. I don’t like snow and even I had to admit the snow was pretty. I guess we got around four inches in Nicholasville too.
Take care,
Love You, Big Mare
Zenyatta, thank you for the update and photo of you in the snow.
I keep checking the site.
I’m soooooo excited, and nervious. I want to hear that you have a healthy foal and that you are doing fabulous with your new suprise. Wonder if a new horse mom is surprised to see they have a baby?
Hugs and Prayers xoxoxoxoxox
Kyle Stasierowski
Queen Z,
I hope everything is going well with you and your foal to be. Also
personally I hope you have a colt because then your son by Bernardini would be able
to face Rachel’s son by Curlin in the triple crown races and hopefully beat him in all
three becoming the first triple crown winner since Affirmed in 1978 which would be 37
years if we don’t have a triple crown winning horse between now and then.
Kyle Stasierowski
27-year-old loyal TVG viewer, HRTV Live Feed viewer,
TVG Community member, and your fan from Alden, New York
PatB from NM
If Z has a filly, she can STILL take on and beat the R-C colt in the Classics when they’re three! No rush, though; I’ve that John took his time with Z.
PatB from NM
Meant to say “I love that John took his time with Z.”
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
You look absolutely gorgeous, Zenyatta out there in that snow, but I really hope it melts before you have your little baby, so that when the two of you go outside for the first time together, you both don’t have to deal with the cold and wetness of the snow.
Hope that you are feeling well and are getting ready for the big moment that I imagine is right around the corner for you. Keep on shining and sparkling as you are brighter than any star up above! Love you lots Zenyatta and sending my Love & Blessings to you!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
It’s supposed to be cold in the Lexington area tonight, but it will warm up throughout the day tomorrow. Highs should be in the high 50s and into the 60s through the rest of the week.
Best wishes to Z and baby-can’t wait…hooves crossed for an easy delivery.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenytta, OK…of to a break in a few minutes…since you look so relaxed and confident, I do not mind and I am sure Street Cry, your Daddie would not mind if you waited to bring Your Royal Baby into the world on St Paddies Day…..Too Cute, for sure…Back again later…I love you…Lisag
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
It’s YOU looking so beautiful in the snow that makes Lane’s End look just like a christmas card. You have had more snow in Versailles than here in Fort Erie and you can just play in it, no shovelling for the Queen. Please thank Dottie and Sarah for the news today, stay calm and remember that slow and steady is the way to go right now. I kept myself very occupied at the computer over the weekend, checking every hour, on the hour, such a long weekend, I could barely wait for Monday.
Enjoy your paddock time with Tasty but please take care, pregnant ladies need to move around carefully. Hugs and kisses to you both. xoxoxoxoxo
Therese in Texas
Enjoy the snow, Queen Z! So looking forward to the happy news when your beautiful foal finally arrives!
Celeste in TX
It is wonderful to read your diary and see you in the beautiful snowy paddock. Thank you so much to our Dear Dottie and to Sarah for the photo and the update. Stay warm and comfy, my Queen!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
I just sent my husband a text asking him where he’s working today. And he sent me a text back “where r u, Zenyattaland” Thought that was TOO cute. I responded YES Zenyattaland is the only place to be!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
:-) lots of us are waiting in Zenyattaland!! ♥
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
After the 2009 BC Classic, I was so much in Zenyattaland that I almost walked into Joey Fatone (sp?) when he was being interviewed for tv :) I was in the Trophy Lounge (had won tickets in a photo contest) and had had a couple of Grey Goose “Down the Stretches” but I think most of my obliviousness was due to Zenny! LOL
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
THINK PINK on the 8th :-) – – – Full Moon
Auntie In Waiting Judy G
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Marian, Citrus Heights, CA
Isn’t it true that mares will begin to leak milk when the foaling is imminent?
Zenny, are you leaking yet?
Marian they can leak for days up to birth. Kinda bad because the mare could lose all the colostrum ahead of time depriving the baby of those nutrients. Really nothing can be done about it. Its just another facet of Mother Nature.
Okay, now that I’ve scared you the vet can offer shots that micmic colostrum or they can get a nurse mare in. The other thing farms do is “milk” the mares of any extra colostrum, freeze it and offer it to those in need. The foal needs I think like 16 or 24 ounces and the mare has more than that. So a bit here and there and you could well have enough for a foal in need.
And colostrum only offers protection for the first 3 weeks of life. Then the baby is o it’s on to about 3 1/2 months when it’s old enough to start getting vaccinations on its on.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Did not know that.
Hope you’re feeling better, Margaret!
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
Very interesting I had no clue thanks for the info!
Marty R / Colorado
Thanks once again for the great information. Yours is the voice that has kept me calm all along.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
Thank you for your always informative posts. Learning a lot. Hugs, JB
Lynn from nearby Hwd race track
I have a personal experience story about this.
I was 16 yrs old. In 1967, In my backyard, my sweet mare was due. I check her at about 11pm. she was dripping from her teets, and was pacing around. I new it was soon, and woke up my mom and dad. They told me to go back to bed, it could be a long wait. (They didn’t know anything about horses, really.) I learned about mares birthing, and at Agriculture in H. School. So my bay mare delivered her foal with 45 minutes, just before midnight. My parents were amazed. I was the birth coach. All prepared, I helped wiped the newborn foals nostrils, to putting iodine on the navel cord. … Ahh, The best experienced of my life. I kept that foal, a filly, all her life. The End…..
Zenny I wished I was there with you. However….. I will be on foal watch with my friends mare that is due around the 25th. Lucky me!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Lynn- really nice story! Thank you for sharing :)
Lynn from nearby Hwd race track
Thanks Susan. Just passing time in Zennyland.
I’m anxiously awaiting happy news along with everyone else. I can’t wait to see photos of you with your baby. I know you will be such a good mom. I loved the photo of you enjoying the snow, and I can’t thank Dottie and everyone enough for caring enough to keep us updated on your progess. And I was happy to see Hansen come back and win so well, too. Best wishes, Zenyatta. May you have an easy time and a beautiful healthy foal when the time is right – soon!