Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Woo hoo look how that belly dropped! Getting close now! Exciting to see if it’s a colt or a filly. Any word on who you will be bred to next?
Happy Day “Z”. enjoy the snow and the fun, but be careful. Yes the weather here in California this weekend was beautiful and I thought of you everyday. Prayers and gentle hugs to you and your baby. How is Tasty doing?
The Kennedys in San Diego
Havre de Grace works in company with Joyful Victory.
Lisag in Texas
My girl, Grace!
Celeste in TX
Bet that was a beautiful sight to see! They are both very pretty fillies. :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Kennedys. Hope everything is wonderful with you! Have you been enjoying the racing at Santa Anita? Any visits with Ebby at Barn 55 lately? I always enjoy hearing from you! Thank you for the link. It is always wonderful to see something about beautiful Havre de Grace. I am so looking forward to her first race. I hope she has a fantastic year. I will be cheering her on!!!
Joanna from TX
I’ll have to own up too, to checking on news of storms affecting any of the horse farms in your area. Thanks there was no bad news that I heard of.
Yes, Hansen looked SUPER in his race! His face reminds me SO much of 1/2 sister Zazu (the Moss’s own her). And any out there who don’t know, Hansen’s sire, Tapit is son of Pulpit, 1/2 brother to Bernie (both by A.P. Indy). Such an outstanding and accomplished family was chosen for our Z girl!
Pacing…pacing…pacing. It will be soon!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Joanna, yes I agree this baby will have a royal pedigree. What an outstanding sire A P Indy is, just watched his daughter Rags to Riches win the Belmont on YouTube. What an accomplishment that was after stumbling out of the gate and rounding the turn 4 wide she beats Curlin of all horses. Yippee, girl power! One has to wonder when you throw Zenyatta into the mix what we could possibly get…..it boggles the mind.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
…and it’s gonna be…A FILLY IN THE BELMONT!!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ, didn’t you just love that call!
Sue, her race was amazing!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I loved how determined Rags looked, like, “I’ll be DARNED if he’s going to beat me!”
Bonnie-Jean, Salem, MA
Sue Fredrick:
The 2007 Belmont stretch run has to be one of the best ever! I, too, watch it again every so often. It looks like it was choreographed the way that Rags & Curlin suddenly separate from the rest of the field simultaneously and then battle to the finish. Gives me chills.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Loved that race!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Z, you and TT are in our thoughts very often now; expecting to find you have foaled every time we log in. You look beautiful in today’s photo, as usual. Thank you Dottie for making us a part of Z’s life. Hansen ran a really impressive race yesterday. He is a gorgeous colt. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Zenny, I’m glad to know that you and all others are safe at Lanes’s End. The weekend of storms was deadly in the loss of life & property so near to your area. Tornados are among the most unpredictable of natural disasters which is why they are so dangerous. Prayers for all who endured & lost loved ones and for those less fortunate. We all know how valuable life is & that every precious moment should be cherished & lived with joy. On the brighter side, literally, how about that Handsome Hansen? Try saying that five times real fast! The photograph shown at the end of the Gotham on the Blood Horse web site was amazing. The shot was captured at one of those perfect moments when his feet are so far off the ground he appears to flying!! Probably looked that way to the other horses in the race as well. WOW, wow, wow!! I wonder if you are as anxious as the rest of us for your baby to arrive. That looks like “quite a load” you are carrying. High weight assignment in the “First Baby Handicap” – Zenyatta. Meantime enjoy your Snow. . .Angel.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“High weight assignment in the ‘First Baby Handicap’ – Zenyatta!” Too cute! High hoof!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I love you Big Momma! You look beautiful!
M. Kern
Happy Monday Queen Z. Thanks for keeping us updated. What a lovely picture of you in the snow. Thanks Sarah for sharing it. You’re right Hasen would blend right into the snow. He is so handsome. He ran great this weekend. I love you and have fun outside in the snow with Tasty. Hugs and kisses to both of you.
Linda B from Va
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
This might be a re-post since I didn’t read updates on Friday’s diary!
I can finally take a breath! After not hearing from you since Friday I was getting really anxious. You look beautiful in the snow. Hugs and kisses, Z.
PatB from NM
I was so worried about you this weekend because of the violent weather, but figured we’d hear on the news if you were in the path. I’m glad the only result for you was that gorgeous snow!
Can’t wait for the blessed event, dear one.
Love you always, Zenyatta.
Terry Crow
Pat-I note that you are from New Mexico. Whatever happened to the proposed pardon that Governor Richardson was going to give Billy the Kid?
PatB from NM
That pardon was a no-go, and now we have a guv who I’m sure wouldn’t even remotely entertain the idea! I wonder what it would mean for us to have a Billy with a clean slate?!
Terry Crow
Well, he was a mass murderer. However, he got a raw deal when the state did not reward him for his trial testimony like Governor Wallace promised.
carol in utah
Good morning Zenny…have fun in the snow…but be careful…going to be 60 here today..had snow 2 days ago…so sending warm your way…
your friend CIGAR is also got a white blanket over his paddock…
Hansen was impressive…he is learning a lot…he and Union Rags both earned “95” for their most recent efforts….but I think one or two others have gotten higher scores..
I am going with the one who keeps getting better….Hansen….
for those asking about Life is Sweet….I checked the breeders cup nominations site this am and nothing there yet…the lanes end 2012 foal list…shows Sea Gull and Pirate Queen but not Alys. Alys does show a filly by Rock Hard Ten on breeders cup site.
The lanes end list states at the top that “some” of foals are listed…not “all”
prayers to all fighting illness or adversity after this weekend….esp for little Angel now back in her moms loving arms…so sorry for all those left behind..
as always kisses for your soft nose and gentle belly rubs…some for Tasty too
Well you don’t have to worry about getting in your 10,000 steps a day! Not with all the pacing your doing!
Zenny I am so excited about your foal and really love your updates. Hansen is special but have to admit I am a Union Rags fan myself.
Always wishing you the best I am a number 1 fan. The snow is pretty but will be glad when spring does arrive and maybe without the tornado’s we got Friday.
All My best Zenny,
I love you,
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I posted this at the end of the last diary, moments before today’s diary came up. It’s a heartwarming story for all dog lovers.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great story. Thanks!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Shelties are great dogs. My sister rescued a sheltie who was running on a highway in Mississippi. She was never able to find the owner, so she adopted him. He was a great dog. Very protective. I think he was a angel that came to her when she needed him most.
Terry Crow
Wonderful story. MY mother had two shelties, Cookie and Chip. Great dogs.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Gotta love those names!!!
Lisag in Texas
That is a miracle, thank you Rosemary M (S CA) for sharing that heartwarming story. Such a beautiful dog.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Rosemary, thank you for sharing. Beautiful story.
Marilyn Braudrick
Zenyatta, I ‘m your friend Marilyn from barn 55. I always went to see you at your stall. You were always the most affectionate horse in the world to my daughter and to me. I
havn’t been back as our horses are all a Santa Anita right now. I think Eblouissante might be in your stall now. I call her Blue, not E. And . . .I am one of those ladies who has been getting on my computer night and day since you “waxed” on Friday. Are u going to be like 90% of those mares who give birth at night??? Does it have something to do with the moon??? Maybe you’ll defy the odds and have your foal during the day since U defied all the odds when you were racing and . . . since you are so.o.o unique. God bess you and our love is with you and your beautiful foal. May it be easy as pie for you. You deserve an easy birthing. Thanks Dottie for all that you do for all of us, her vast army of fans.
Lisag in Texas
Love your post, Marilyn…and am jealous..but mostly…I love your post.
Marty R / Colorado
Good morning, Zenyatta. You do look beautiful in the snowy paddock. You and Tasty please be very careful with your footing.
I was really surprised when I looked at the Lane’s End Foal List and saw that Sweet Catomine had a Bernardini filly yesterday. I didn’t know she was at Lane’s End, too. So now I’m not wondering where Life is Sweet is. I’m sure she’s there along with her mom and big sister. That’s quite a little dynasty right there, two BC winners and their Broodmare of the Year, mamma. Yikes, that’s a lot of responsibility for one farm including Zenny and then the male Horses of the Year as well.
I don’t know much about it, but it seems to me that since LIS had her Smart Strike colt in the last half of Feb. last year, that some time would have had to pass before she could have had her “date” with Bernie. So, I’m thinking Zenny had already bred with him the second time before LIS visited him. So I’m guessing LIS will foal later this month.
Don’t want to get too far ahead, but I’m wondering what John Shirreffs training barn will hold in the next few years. Exciting times to come!!!
Joanna from TX
Hey, Marty R….
I too sometimes wonder at the incredible talent housed at Lanes End. I can’t even imagine what their horse insurance bill must be. And it’s not just the horses the farm owns or has connection with (like Tasty) but all the other boarded residents….like Zen and Curlin.
Marty R / Colorado
It’s definitely mind boggling. So glad I can just observe and don’t have to write out the checks.
And definately the monthly boarding fees, which it seems realiztically could be close to if not 5 figures ($10,000 per month)
Life is Sweet had her colt March 23rd 2011, I think they wait until the next heat not the foaling heat to rebred them so it was probably the end of April before she saw Bernardini so LIS is probably due around the end of March. Just a guess.
Marty R / Colorado
Thanks for supplying the date. I was off by a whole month. At least I know to not wonder about LIS having her next foal very soon.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Amanda:
I think that sounds right. Hugs, JB
Lanes End goes back to Civil War days, very old horsemen and women with many wonderful hopes and dreams that developed for them. Lanes End is a very speicial
place and Zenny is so very lucky to be there.
Marty R / Colorado
I agree, Zenny is very lucky indeed to be at Lane’s End. But then, she’s been lucky her entire life regarding where she’s been and who she’s been with people wise. It’s like she’s had a charmed life. I think there should be a documentary made of her showing how to raise and train a horse. How to be exemplary owners. And, oh the rewards received in return.
Did you see the AP Indy Inside Informations; a very wonderful history of Lanes End and its development as one of the number one breeding operations in KY.
What a beautiful picture!
Was this your first snow?
Nearby farms have posted snow pics–one had a first-snow foal & mare.
Sorry that Mike didn’t hit the 5000.
He had some great almosts.
Coincidences in Life,- from a Tweet
The Sons of Italy have a party here @ClockersCorner
5th race named after them and
Italian Rules wins !
Had to share that one
Auntie Judy: you may already thought of this.
But, there is a nice selection of carpet protectors at the major hardware/home stores.
I’ m just saying
The pacing must be pretty intense by now.
Happy Monday to all
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute about the Sons of Italy’s race being won by Italian Rules! High hoof!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
You are funny!! Us Z Dumplings put a lot of “pacing” miles at the track on Saturday LOL I was so exhausted I didn’t even check Friday’s diary for additonal postings!
We wore are Z tags!
Exhaling Auntie Judy
When I glanced on Sun. afternoon, just scanned did not post–
there were 802 Posts.
I did a WOW—looking back to when 200 or so a day was a lot.
Z-Nation is growing!!
Oh yes, at various time there have been up to a 1,000, when we were waiting to hear the news of the pregnancy, number two and a few other times.
Zenny you are going to make Bernie jealous ops that Hansen is a cuttie.
Jan S. / Houston
Sooo cute…
Look at her baby belly. I love it. I can’t wait for the delivery!! Happy Monday and take care.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Zenny, you are having fun with us aren’t you, driving us all nuts! I have computer eyes, and calluses on my fingers from running in the Zen Den and checking the computer every 15 minutes, and I don’t even want to discuss my big butt! I hope you enjoy your beautiful sunny snow day while we pace and tear our hair out.
Congrats again to the handsome Hansen he put on quite a show. I guess it will be a fun Derby anyway even though so many have been injured.
Want to thank Rosemary McCauley for the nice dog story, and Laura J for the nice horse story at the end of yesterday’s post…….both heartwarming.
Well I guess I’ll be back checking this box all day again……just in case you’re being sneaky and intend to pop that baby out when least expected.
Much love to you and TT and kisses on your noses. Auntie Sue
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, you look absolutely beautiful in all that snow, and am glad the storms are gone. You are so right about Hansen the Handsome, he would just blend in an nobody would be able to find him until the snow melted. I knew he would be great as a 3 yr old, and he was a 2 yr old, and same when he becomes a 4 yr old… Is Tasty there with you, she might not be quite as hard to see in all that snow? I love you, stay warm and cozy, enjoy your time out..I know you had to stay in awhile. I love you, Sweetheart….Lisag
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
You look SO BEAUTIFUL in the snow (not to mention . . well . . . um . . . “large” :-). It’s so good to hear from YOU. We were fortunate to learn over the weekend (thanks to the enterprising Ingrid who called to find out) that everything was OK at Lane’s End after the terrible storms on Friday, but it’s good to get an update straight from the horse’s mouth (ha, ha).
I was going to say that it would probably be good if you waited until the snow melts so that your little one could go outside, but then I looked at the gorgeous “winter wonderland” pictures that Lane’s End posted (THANKS, Abigail, for the link) and saw that the babies were outside, snow and all! Can someone please tell me, is that a STATUE of a horse that looks like it had a ton of snow just dumped on it??
Well, it won’t be long now. I’m the only die-hard Zenny fan that I know here in my neck of the woods (I do have a few “tolerant” friends ) so it really helps to be pacing along with all of your Zensters. We’re all staying tuned for the next exciting moment . . .
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Catherine Hicks (Florida)
Are you out there? We’ve missed you and wondered how things are going for you. Last we knew (unless I just missed it), you were headed for some surgery. Please know you are in our prayers.
I too did a double-take when I saw the inches of snow on the horse.
Yes, it is a statue on a pedestal.
There is writing on the base–I can’t make out what it says.
So, no worries.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Keta. I didn’t see the writing at the bottom (duh!). The pictures were just spectacular though.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sandy, scrolling across the pictures it identified one statue is of Dixieland Band and the other statue is Kingmambo. I took pictures of both statues when I was at Lane’s End. They are wonderful. The most beautiful and largest statue on the grounds is that of A.P. Indy. Bill Farish said that he had already accomplished so much and meant so much to the farm, that they went ahead and put up the statue in his honor now.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Dawn. I guess I didn’t realize the magnitude of Lane’s End (or that they would have statues!!!!). I’m getting the picture now that I see how many foals are being born there this year. I haven’t seen ANY of the horse farms (Kentucky or otherwise) and, obviously, I am just feeling my way around here.
Zenny you look gorgeous out in the snow. I heard on the news that there was a lot of storm damage about 8 mi. East of Lexington on Friday, that is getting a little to close to our Queen. You were talking about Hanson out in the snow, I bet Tasty could hide from you also. Hope You and Tasty have a great afternoon. And yes I have also been checking your web site all weekend.
Sharyn - Vermont
Oh, you look so pretty out there in the snow – those blue skies are just beautiful!! Are you finding any grass to munch on under that snow!!
Lane’s End had some gorgeous pictures on their facebook page this morning – all those cute babies out there in the snow with their mama’s!! Soon that will be you and Tasty.
Have a wonderful afternoon!!
Keri Mattingly
Beautiful photo Z! Nice to see you enjoying the snow this morning. I think that we all are very excited for you and can’t wait to see your new little sweetheart! I’m hoping that we will get to see Tasty’s little bundle too!!
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
I am almost holding my breath waiting to hear about your delivery.
Queen Zen
You are aware dispite the beautiful snow this morning that 21 Ky lives were lost friday with the horrible tornado’s that hit this state. You should ask you many followers to step up and support their own species as well as the well being of horses don’t ya think? I’m sure you just don’t know about it, although this snow is pretty, KY is in moarning and lots of people lives are forever changed.
I’m excited and can’t wait for the ROYAL BIRTH! May GOD richly bless you and your team! Lots of love to you “Z!”
Another Derby Contender Gone!
Jay Privman DRF
Breaking news: Out of Bounds suffered condylar fracture to left front ankle in work at Hol. this morning, sidelined, reports Harty
Laffitt Pincay
Algorithms, now Out of bounds. Unfortunately,this won’t be the last of the derby casualties. Feels like game of “last man standing.”
Sad news!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Link :-(
Abigail from Montreal
GEEZ! He was one of my favourites. I agree — it IS like “the last man standing” as we get closer to Derby day. What a bummer!
Especially Horses / Southern California
No! I just watched a wonderful news clip on him yesterday. Bummer, indeed.
Praying for Hansen and Union Rags.