Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Mary Lee
Zenny, I feel like a ‘first time’ grandmommy in the waiting room, pacing anxiously for ANY NEWS!!!! You’re in my thoughts constantly. . . . and I’m praying for a safe journey for you as we await the arrival of your first foal. xoxoxo
Jan S. in Houston
Glad to hear you are right on course. Your home at Lane’s End is very beautiful. Be careful not to make too many angels in the snow. :) Waiting minute by minute now for the good news.
Hansen is a real looker, he is just like a rocket… Stay comfortable and warm Big Mama.
Diana Hanson
It seems I am thinking of you daily now waiting on the wonderful news. It still makes me smile at all the love and good wishes that you receive. You and your team are truly special and blessed. As I think of you, I also think of my daughter. Our little granddaughter is now due also. So I have 2 beautiful things to expect very soon.
Enjoy the last few days before the results of your first dance with Bernie makes his or her appearance. I cant wait to see that first little dance too! Have a great week!
Yep, I did check a few times over the weekend and put my spouse on notice to call me (during the time I had to be away from the computer) if he heard any news about you. I didn’t get to watch any of the Saturday races live. Avoided social media until after I’d watched all the replays yesterday.
Hansen does look great. He’s put on some muscle, but not as much as Union Rags from what my eyes tell me. I’d like to see more, but every horse develops differently and I don’t think anyone can argue with the results! If they both stay healthy & end up at the derby in May, I guess I’ll have to box them up with one more…it would be too hard for me to bet against one of them.
Enjoy the snow, Stay warm. Hugs and peppermint kisses for both you and Tasty.
Thank you Dottie for keeping us informed. We are all like expectant grandparents pacing the floor trying to be patient….:-)♥
Heather from Maine
Hi Zenny!
I was SO WORRIED about you, TASTY and everyone at Lane’s End on Friday! I saw those awful storms headed your way and was just so nervous! I am so happy that everyone is safe and sound!!! Enjoy your week Zenny for I have a feeling life won’t be so tranquil in another week. lol Love you!
Big Mama Z! I saw pictures and videos of Kentucky this morning on my Facebook page. Wow, it’s stunning where you are! I just love Hansen and was happy with what I thought was a very productive race for him in the Gotham. Can’t wait to see what he does next. I’m looking forward to receiving a couple of new t shirts with YOU on them (from your store). Anxiously awaiting for junior. Love to Team Z and Zenyatta herself!
I am one of those who check daily and pace up and down waiting with you and your family for news of YOUR and Tasty’s foaling.
Stay safe and be extra cafeful in the slippery snow.
Kisses and hugs to you both sweet Z.
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Good Morning My Queen!
Yes, we saw Dottie at Santa Anita on Saturday – she was very gracious to stop and talk to us Dumplings (we were wearing our tags!). She explained that you were doing just fine! Whew!
I’ve been instructed to text peeps – who don’t have access to a computer during the day – any updates about YOU – TOO CUTE!
@ DOTTIE – thank you for talking to me about Zen. As you explained, Zenyatta’s foaling day will be on her terms :-D Therefore, I’m not holding out for the 9th. I just want her to have a safe delivery; baby (boy or girl) to arrive without any problems XOXO
Peppermint kisses – hugs – tummy rubs, Zenny. I’m also sending good vibes to Tasty.
Auntie Judy G
p.s. We made Mikey blush when we yelled “good luck!” before one of his races. Hopefully, he will win some races soon and get that “pesty” #7 out of the way. Hang in there Mike!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
p.s. I just came across this link
The Making Of Zenyatta the Equicizer for Jockey Mike Smith
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Judy! This was great! What a beautiful Equicizer for Mike. Too cute!! They have these at the Kentucky Derby Museum. I haven’t tried them before, but maybe Shari and I will give it a whirl this summer when we visit.
Lois Gillespie/DE
I too was one of the multitudes checking Facebook every hour, just so I wouldn’t miss any breaking news. Dottie, I know you will let us know in good time – just so anxious! Z, you are beautiful in that snowy landscape.
It’s going to be a Fabulous Week!! Happy Foaling:)
Zenny, too cute what you said about people constantly checking their iphones on any status updates. All week-end I was checking up on you while I was out and about! My husband was getting frustrated with me…he said “I think you care more about Zenyatta than me!!”. Well that’s a man for you and I did not reply to his comment!!! ;-) I do love you sweety and all of your wonderful Team Z…Dottie you are AWESOME!!!!!
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Did you not just want to replay: “What’s your point?” LOL
Debbie G/Kentucky
That’s too cute, Maggie. Men can be so clueless. When the storms were all around here Friday I was taking shelter in my closet and my best friend Jim texted me to see if I was all right. I texted back “I’m fine, but I just hope that Zenyatta is OK”. I don’t think he understands my obsession with Z. Him and the guys at work laugh at me. Oh well, that’s their loss.
Hello Zenyatta! You look so nice in the snow! The pictures of Lane’s End are so beautiful. You are so lucky to live at such a beautiful farm.
I cannot wait (like everyone else!) to hear the news about your foal. Hope it will be soon. Be careful out in the snow.
Dottie, thank you for all the updates. They are much appreciated.
Hi Zenyatta, Glad you have been safe and sound. Nice to see you out in the fresh snow. Happy, healthy days to you and all. LOL, Arlene from Vermont
Gwendolynne Graves
How CUTE are you MOMMIE TO BE!
Liz Carlin
Lady Z, you look so regal in your snow kingdom. I’m glad to hear you are progressing well with your pregnancy. But you didn’t mention Tasty! How is she doing? Hugs and kisses from Tennessee.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny-you look marvelous! I see a lot of hoofprints out there! Our horses love the snow and it looks like you like it pretty well yourself. If you and Tasty decide to do horse snow-angels, be careful! Love you, pretty mama <3
Hansen did run a good race and so did Mr. Commons! Congrats to your John and Mike :)
Maggie, you are not alone! My family is starting to think I am crazy!! All weekend I was cheking the website for any news!! They asked me if there is anything else I am thinking about and I told them, “NO!!!”
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
very cute Celeste, my family feels the same way
Zenny, I was constantly checking on you all weekend. Zenny, you mean sooo much to so many of us, that you have no idea all of the prayers that are around you. Or maybe you are feeling all of our prayers! Love, love, and more love to you and Tasty. Many hugs, kisses, and chucks to you two sweet girls. Nose nuzzles and love, h+++
I am hoping that the little one will be born on March 7, which would have been the 35th birthday of my beloved TB mare, who lived to nearly 32 years of age. You share similar bloodlines through the great Nashua, who was her grandsire.
Much love to you!
carol in utah
Nashua…aka Mickey…one of the greats…Zenny has him on both sides…he was Kentucky Horse Park with Sham and Kennedy Road
Terry Crow
Nashua was, indeed, one of the greats. Had a good rivalry going with one of my favorites, Swaps.
PatB from NM
Swaps, my all-time fave till Zenyatta!
Patricia/Far northern CA
Silky Sullivan… I remember watching him on TV and what a local favorite he was. He was a superstar… I wonder if there are any TBs out there now with him in their pedigrees?
AHHH, SWAPS. What a horse he was. I followed his every race, every word written about him… was SO disappointed when he was sold to Darby Dan and had to move to KENTUCKY!!! Just a kid, what did I know? California’s loss was Kentucky’s gain, and he pops up every now and again in pedigrees of horses I like. And his full sister, Track Medal, is in the pedigree of one of my current faves, the beautiful Sky Classic.
I matched up the pedigree of Sky Classic with Zenyatta and wow, would get a foal that could run all day, win the Ascot Gold Cup and the Arc de Triomphe and come here to win the BC CLassic and then go to Dubai for the big ‘un. I can dream, can’t I?
Thank you again to Z’s family for keeping all of us in the loop! This has been a wonderful experience for THIS Z-lover.
Zenyatta, you are a snow bunny, unlike Tiznow that thinks snow is his enemy. Noticed Cigar was out in his paddock this morn. I am asking everyone I know to get to your Facebook page, so you can reach 100,000 before giving birth. Sending calming thoughts your way. You are such a caring horse that your foal will certainly have the best of mothers…and you, Zenyatta, are so adored.
Awwww, look at your tummy! I just can’t wait to see your newborn foal. He or she is going to be beautiful :-)
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, you look so beautiful standing in the white snow. We were very nervous about your statis because of the big storms and tornatoes hitting Kentucky, so glad that all is well with you. I guess you should be having your foal at any time now. I hope we get informed by way of your Website as soon as it happens. I can tell you that we are really getting excited waiting for the big moment. Wishing the best to you for a easy delivery and know that you have much love and many prayers along the way. Good Luck Zenny!
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
It’s been a long weekend between checking for information and checking on the weather! Glad you and Tasty are safe and happy. Anticipation level is getting even higher (if possible)! It’s looking more and more like you are going to make Auntie Judy very happy! (thanks Dottie)
Anna M
Zenny I am one of those ones when I am at work I am checking for updates on you too lol.. Your comment about Hansen running in the snow reminded me of my friends horse a long long time ago (back in the late 80s).. She had a few Spot Appaloosa mare so she was almost all white.. One winter she bought a Bright Blue horse Blanket for her.. One day they had a big snow storm and I remember my friend looking out in the pasture and the only thing she could see was this bright blue object running around the pasture lol….
I think I am starting to turn the corner on the bronchitis.. Starting to feel better.. still have a cough but not coughing nearly as much as I was..
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
That’s good news about your cough getting better. I’m glad to hear it.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Anna. Good to hear it.
Maryp (New York)
Anna, So glad to know you are on the mend.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Anna M, great news that you are feeling better!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Zenyatta, you look beautiful in that snowy scene! The contrast of the snow and your dark, gorgeous body is stunning. We do agree Hansen could hide in plain sight in that setting. He is such a handsome, talented boy! And we were so pleased that he has matured and allowed himself to settle and be rated.
Tapit (Pulpit -Tap Your Heels by Unbridled) has proven himself as a sire. He has thrown so many good runners and at least two champions — Hansen and Stardom Bound. As a two year old filly, Mike Smith (her jockey) called her “Little Zenyatta.” She was tall and had the same come from behind running style.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I have some nice photos of Stardom Bound; I’ll have to post some to my blog. She was a beautiful girl … Tapit does produce some striking greys!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Hi Everyone – as of 9:56 am PST we only need 342 more Facebook Fans to get Zenyatta to 100,000 fans before she foals sometime this week. Please help out by liking her page if you have not done already. Also, tell your friends, family and coworkers about the Magic of Zenyatta and have them like her Facebook page… we can do this. We only have a short time left – what a welcome this would be for the Queens first foal!!!
It seems like she’s getting around 200 new fans a day so she should probably reach 100,000 by Wed March 7th, I’m thinking.
Hopefully before Wed, I don’t know how much longer she’s going to make it before it’s time.
We are all SO EXCITED that you will soon have a beautiful baby. Also we are glad that everyone at Lane’s End was spared from the terrible weather that came through Kentucky!
Still praying for a safe delivery of a healthy baby!!!
On a personal note, I got a card from you and it came at a time in my life when I had just lost my precious pet of 10 years. It gave me something to smile at again!
Thanks and know you are LOVED by MANY!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cheryl:
So sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Our hearts go out to you in your loss.
Paula Higgins
I am sorry Cheryl about the loss of your beloved pet. They are very much a part of the family and when we lose them, we grieve because we have loved them so much and they have loved us in return-unconditionally.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Condolences on your loss, Cheryl.
Christine in Placerville, CA
So sorry for your loss, Cheryl.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry about the loss of your beloved pet, Cheryl. It’s so good that you got Z’s card when you did. She could make anyone smile again.
Lisag in Texas
Cheryl, I am so sorry for your loss! Is your baby a girl/boy, dog/cat, what is her/his name? May Angels comfort you.
Celeste in TX
So sorry to read about losing your beloved pet.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cheryl, I am so sorry for your loss.
Jan S. / Houston
Cheryl, So sorry for the loss of your kitty.
Sarah T.
Lovely Zen out in the snow, we certainly did have a winter wonderland this morning here in Lexington. I keep waiting for “the news” too, but I don’t have access to the internet at all times so I think it will probably happen and I won’t hear right away. But all in due time, looks like all is progressing well and we know you’re in good hands.