Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sweet Z. and Tasty–as if we’re not already on pins and needles, here come those nasty storms! Praying hard for everyone’s safety in the area.
Dumplings in those areas–please check in when you can and report how yuou are. Hugs to all.
Georgia Bleu
Can anyone tell me if KY horse farms have any
type of equine safe house or basements? Seems
they would invest in such an idea considering what’s
at risk in these storms. Prayers for all of you, stay safe Mama Z.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
To ALL in the area of the terrible storms~ Hunker down and please be safe. Let us know you are ok.
Zenyatta and Tasty (and ALL 4 legged creatures) BE SAFE!
Margaret Story
Stay safe and during these storms they say is heading our way here in Lexington.
Love and Hugs Always
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, Eagerly waiting for your next post. Will go to lunch now and when I come back there it will be. Be safe, storms go away. By the way, Your Mikey has just beautiful hands, I started at them a bit this morning…just beautiful. I love you and talk with you on the next post. Lisag
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
How are you doing TASTY – we love you too! ♥
Zenyatta and Tasty, and everyone in KY and in the tornado threat areas – please stay safe! we love you and pray for your safety always –
Lori K
ZENNY, TASTY, and everyone at LANES END and KENTUCKY, Please stay save during these storms. I hope everything is OK. Waiting patiently for your next post. Counting down the days until you foal. I believe that you are going to have a FILLY that will look just like you (BEAUTIFUL). I LOVE YOU ZENNY. PLEASE STAY SAFE & SOUND. PRAYING for your SAFETY….GODBLESS ALL OF YOU.
Janie (in L.A.)
I am praying that the storms pass you by in Kentucky and that everyone is safe, Zenyatta. Please keep us posted as we worry and wait…
Lillian L, Illinois
To Helen from Michigan: I’m sorry for your loss and I’m glad this site can lift your spirits, as it does for me. I too wish I lived near Santa Anita. I’d definitely be a frequent visitor and it would be nice to meet up with people who share the same passion for horses and horse racing. I’m fortunate to live about an hour away from Arlington Park (very nice track) and go as often as I can.
I know Dottie is a busy woman, but can’t help wondering if there’s news with Z, since we don’t have a post yet today. Hmmmmmmm
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I was kind of thinking the same thing, but it seems that sometimes Dottie/Zenyatta don’t post on Fridays. But since it could be any day now – it’s anybody’s guess at this point. Very exciting waiting time.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Zenny/Dottie… No post yet today? I was just watching the weather channel and Oh My…. Hunker down Zenny and TT and all of the other equines! Bad weather is coming you’re way. I thought my nerves were shot due to waiting on baby but, with that weather being there and coming back again, makes everything worst!
Lisa (TN) keep in touch and let us know how you are, my dear friend!!! And anyone else in the path of the Tornado’s!
The weather here in N.Calif has been really weird too. Also, my girls (kats) have been acting weird and sniffing the ground. Hopefully, that doesn’t mean another earthquake coming “our way!”
I’ll check back later…
Oh Z I’m so worried about YOU, please GOD protect our gorgeous mama and all, let us know please Dottie! LOVE YOU Z!!!
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Helen Donnelly (Michigan)
My sincere condolences! ♥
I lost my husband, John, in 1991. I lost my sister, Mary, in 2011.
We have another poster, Elena, who lost her husband last year. I actually ran into her at Santa Anita earlier this year. We exchanged emails and have stayed in touch. Wer will be seeing each other on the 10th, too.
Yes, it would be great if you were able to come to our local tracks – it is quite the social gathering around the saddling barn / paddock / and the winner’s circle! :-)
I’m sending a {hug} to you – hang in there, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, but you WILL survive!!!
Judy G (one of Z’s many Aunts)
Maryp (New York)
Ooh Zenyatta/Dottie…..no post yet……storms brewing in KY….foal watching….!!!!! Pins and needles and frayed nerves don’t begin to describe these feelings!!!????!!! From what I can tell from all the above posts we are all feeling affects of anticipation.
Lots of love to all Z-sters. Love and hugs Zenny and TT and all humans and animals at LE. Be safe.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Z and TT, stay warm and indoors today out of harms way. Thinking of both of you. The weather there is rainy and windy, so stay cozy in your stalls. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
carol in utah
No post yet….cigars web cam broken….stopped working around 3am…hope Z and T are in a bunker somewhere
Jan S. / Houston
Wonder if Big Mama delivered her foal today!!!
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Not to add more “concern” to OUR concern, but in So. California, we had high winds – again – last night. This might be on reason Dottie hasn’t posted; computer connection down.
Prayers for those in the eye of the storm! ♥
p.s. Yes, the cam is malfunctioning at the Kentucky Horse Park. I will contact my source at the park if it isn’t working by Monday. I don’t like to bother them when they have more pressing matters! Thanks!
Hope you and Tasty are well and safe in KY. I hope the storms aren’t too bad.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Continueing prayers for the safety of ALL in harms way!
Rhonda Clements
Debbi M --Virginia
I share my concerns with so many….. Very scary to see a big shaded area of the map with the words HIGH RISK for tornados and know that pregnant Zenny is under this threat—and yes, I know there are other horses and so many people that are also in this area and could be impacted……but my first thoughts are always of Z and hoping she and all at Lane’s End stay especially safe. She carries not just a foal, but the hearts and hopes of so many all across this country. I know she has mine.
Marty R / Colorado
JAG, Thank you for the information about the high winds there in So. Cal. We know they caused Dottie and John immense problems a few months ago. Certainly hope they aren’t that severe again. But, it could be an explanation for the late diary post.
I’m trusting the good people at Lane’s End have procedures in place for dealing with terrible storms and keeping their equine residents and humans as well, as protected as possible. I just hope Zenyatta doesn’t get demanding about going outside. She loves to gaze and graze.
Praying for all facing any kind of challenging weather to stay safe and please report on your status as quickly as possible.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi Marty,
I keep thinking the same thing. Severe storms aren’t unusual for Kentucky so they MUST have some sort of procedures in place right? RIGHT? I want somebody to tell me that the barns have basements, or bunkers or . . . something. The Weather Channel is running non-stop coverage of the actual and potential storms – looks like the worst will actually be a little later. It’s really hard not to worry, but I guess all we can do is to have faith in the LE people and pray that horses and humans all stay safe.
Marilu V
Dear Zenny and Tasty:
Hope all of you in the farm are safe and everyone in your area.
Praying the storm will stop. No more devastation.
Take care, Marilu
Judy from South Carolina
I am very late getting here today……..I, too, am worried about the weather in Kentucky AND very curious about no post yet today. Not the best thing but it would be just like OUR QUEEN to foal under these circumstances since she always does EVERYTHING in grand style!
I am even taping my soaps today and keeping The Weather Channel on instead. Oh and of course sitting here in front of the computer………..
Hope all my fellow Zensters in the storm areas stay safe and I pray for the safety of YOU, Zenny, and everyone at Lane’s End.
Joanna from TX
Praying for the safety of all creatures in the paths of the storms. We’re good here; y’all welcome to come anytime!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Hi, fellow Z-sters! Just checking in to say hi. No news yet today, I see. :p We have bad weather headed our way this afternoon/evening or at least the potential for it. I know many others have the same threat. Safe wishes to all, not the least for Zenny, Tasty and everyone at Lane’s End. <3
Beth was in a car accident yesterday. A truck hit her almost head-on and totalled her car- but who cares?!? She is fine, as were the two in the truck. So I am almost giddy with relief- I saw a photo of her car.
Will check in later-
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Thank God, Susan. I am so glad that it was only the car that was damaged, and not the precious occupant.
Jan S. / Houston
To everyone in the states with the bad weather. Please take care and be safe.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Susan in TN–I am so sorry about Beth’s accident, but I can so understand why you are giddy with joy that she is not hurt. One thing to be thankful for today! Hugs.
Dear Zenny,
Hope you and Tasty have a great weekend relaxing, grazing and waiting for your foals to arrive. Relaxing and walking really helps human babies deliver, I think the same is for horses. So have fun. Really look forward to the Gotham Stakes this weekend. You
“dads” son Side Road was entered after Consortium another of your “dads” relations
through his dam was injured. GO SIDE ROAD, GO, GO, GO !!!! He is a little inexperienced, but you never know how fast he will grow up and it may happen on the track at the Gotham. He has a very beautiful long stride, love that type of a ride, sooooo
very much fun.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign and Z Fans:
One of the Pletcher horses in The Gotham on Saturday is an A. P. Indy colt, Ranconteur. Since Consortium is not going, I’m rooting for Side Road (Street Cry’s Boy) and Ranconteur. Of course, they have to deal with Hansen. Hugs, JB
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Sign and JB~ Go Go Go Side Road and Ranconteur….I love Hansen too! Run fast and come home safe.