Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Sandra Scott
Hooves crossed for you and Mike’s 5000th win. I hope I see the 5000th win at Santa Anita on Saturday. Mike has nine mounts and is riding Mr Commons in the Frank E. Kilroe Mile Stakes race!
Vickie A Dana Point
Ditto That! I will be there too!
Jane (southern California)
What a great picture of Mike and the baby! He is so good with kids! He’s always talking with Madison at the track every time we go! Last month when Madison turned 7, Mike took us to dinner with him at The Derby to celebrate! I’m attaching a link to see the picture of us at dinner! Mike told Madison he’d go riding with her anytime…I think she has a lifelong friend!
Everyone is getting excited and nervous about your due date but I know you are staying calm and doing exactly what you’re suppose to do! You are going to be a GREAT MOM! I know this name is taken by a racing Quarter Horse but it is such a fitting name for your baby…”DANCE FOR ROMANCE”!! Since you did dance your way into all our hearts!
Have a wonderful day Zenyatta and baby Z!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Awww, great photo! Adorable, beautiful Madison and her hero! ♥ ♥
Marty R / Colorado
What a super picture. Madison will treasure it forever. Such a lucky little girl to have Mike for her special friend.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute! How sweet is that!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Mikey is “Uncle” Mike ♥ and I’m Aunt Judy to Madison ♥
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jane:
Your Madison is just adorable. What wonderful memories she will have of Mikey and the sport of racing. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Well, Z and Tasty, we’re putting another day to rest. Will be praying for safety for all in the storm area. It looked pretty ominous on the weather map. We’ve had some wonderful posts and links today and shared our special bond that won’t go away when your foal is born. Love you always.
Hi Zenny and Tasty I hope you two are doing well! I cannot wait to see your foals! When I woke up today and realized that is was March I was so happy to find out that any day now you will probably foal! I know on Friday March 9th if haven’t already foaled I will be on pins and needles checking probably ever five minutes to see if you have had your foal yet. I had a question for you though or anyone who could answer. I realized that Curlin was standing at Lane’s End which means that Rachel Alexandra must have gone there at one point to get covered. When did you arrive at Lane’s End? Because it could have been possible that you two were there at the same time! I just thought that it would be kind of cool if that was true!
Hope you and Tasty are happy and warm in your nice new stalls!
Love Always,
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
They were there at the same time. In fact, it was noted that there were five Horses of the Year on the premises at Lane’s End on February 21 of last year. They were AP Indy, Mineshaft, Curlin, Rachel, and Zenyatta. Here’s an article:
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Thanks for article. Wow, all in one place. That’s something. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sis Dawn wanted to tell you too I’m so glad that we’ve found each other here and are great friends. And, yes I will be enjoying every second of going through my Ocala sales Catalog. I will just be in heaven. Life is so short and I am so happy about all of the wonderful people I have met here. I know Dottie has talked about that before too. They were talking about it on Pierce Morgan tonight. Just loved Davey Jones. I actually got to see the monkeys in Miami when I was in high school. I went down there a lot during the summer to visit my cousins The Monkeys were just great on stage. RIP Davey. My Doctor told me when I was getting out of the hospital after my Cancer surgery.l To Get out of there and live my life. Wonderful Advice I think.
I love you all…………………..
Zenyatta I love you and am getting really nervous now. Pacing Auntie.
Judy from South Carolina
HRTV………….east coast time just after midnight……..they are re-running the 1982 Big Cap with John Henry………..
You should see Lucas with hair that isn’t all white! TOOOOOO funny!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
I watched that special on John Henry’s 1982 Big ‘Cap win at 6:00 and again at 9:00 (repeat). I cried through some of it…. Lewis Cenicola (exercise rider) died on January 8th this year. Of course, seeing my Beloved John Henry brought back wonderful memories………
Judy G
Judy from South Carolina
I thought of you JAG…………..to see John Henry again on an repeat of an ORIGINAL broadcast was SO nostalgic! I love it when they do something like that and don’t “clutter” it up with modern commercials………know what I mean?
What a GREAT race horse he was! So many times we don’t MEAN to forget so thank the lord for video and HRTV and TVG that has access and replays these things for us to refresh our memory and for those that “hear” us talk but never had the opportunity to have seen it before to give THEM the chance to see what we all so lovingly talk about so often.
I hope that your carpet is going to survive the next several days LOL and I will be nervously PACING along with you!
(Did I ever tell you that I am a “Judy G” also?)
Goodnight all and goodnight MY QUEEN………………2:30 am………..time for South Carolina Bellles to get their beauty sleep………..
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Wow! Another “Judy G” – do you have a middle initial ‘A’ as in Ann? That’s why I’m JAG on here lol
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I didn’t get to see it (I don’t have HRTV and I had to work anyway) but that broadcast of the 1982 Big ‘Cap is the FIRST non-Triple Crown tv broadcast I ever saw … and that’s how it all started for me! I hope HRTV puts up a link to the video at some point; I would love to see it again.
Zenyatta has her JOHN and I have MY JOHN :)
Lisag in Texas
Julie, You must have Turner Cable, it is not on all the time, just special racing events for a few hours from time to time, as they do not want to promote gambling. However, they do provide HBO, with soft porn movies.
Lisag in Texas
Sorry, I meant Time Warner. We have it here as well, but I chose U-Verse so I could see the races…Long Star ain’t all that.
Judy from South Carolina
Oh and heart of my heart THE SHOE
Terry Crow
I think that John Henry’s greatest race was the inaugural running of the Arlington Million. Try watching that race without thinking that he lost. It was a masterful ride by the master of them all, SHOE.
olga lidia rubi
i agree mikie would be a great father,ooh chantal you missed oout. anyway we out here also cant wait to see you run with your baby, i do agree you probably want this over with quicker then us, but we are with you zeni.here is praying for you…glendale ca
Lover of horses
That’s such a cute picture of Mike and Lelia! It’ll be wounderful to see you and your foal together after he/she’s born! You will make such a wounderful mother!!! Love you, Zenny!
Marshall (in NC)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lisa B. and Savvy!
Sleep tight and sweet dreams, Zenny!
Hooves and fingers crossed for Mike – thanks for all the updates!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Goodnight Zenny! ♥
I survived today LOL and look forward to tomorrow. You know how to take care of yourself, I have no doubt. We just worry because we are Aunties-In-Waiting-for-Your-First-Born-Foal!!! :-D
Sweet dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Love always, Judy G
Barb Zylbert
Will there be any video of Z’s delivery, or first moments with her foal? Would be a hit if it’s in the works!
i think their should be a vido of the birth also i think the foal will be born on, my mind says 5th but i say the the 10th/15th
Helen Donnelly (Michigan)
Ooooh! Wish I lived in California! I’d join the Z Dumplings every chance I could get. I’d be picky, picky, picky though. Have to be a day when 1: John’s horses were racing, 2: A day when the Mosses horses were racing, 3: A day when Mikey was racing.
Ooooh! Wish I lived in Kentucky! I’d be storming the gates at Lane’s End, just to get the inside scoop from Charles and Matt on Queen Z’s status moment by moment.
Ooooh! Wish I could meet each one of you someday. What a great group you all are. Never miss a post. Keep it up!!!
Been a long time since I posted myself and the reasons were sad ones. My darling husband of 48 years died January 31st. Thankfully, Hospice here at home gave me precious time with him and the gift of a painless, peaceful transition from here to bliss. I’m assured him that our two sons would be there to greet him.
I must say this: in these last weeks, Z’s place is the only one that has uplifted me enough to face the day and you all did it.
With thanks and love,
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Helen, my prayers go out to you in your time of overwhelming grief. What a saint you are to have gone through so much in your life. I can’t even imagine losing children and then your husband! May the magic of Zenyatta and the birth of her foal give you a little joy in your life. God Bless you. Hugs Sue
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Beautifully written Sue….
Darlene Daniels
Helen, Welcome. Sorry for your loss. You have definitely come to the right place for happiness. Please post more often. Your post was sweet, and I agree with you, I would love to meet everyone someday.
Lisag in Texas
May Blessings surround you, Helen.
Abigail from Montreal
Helen: I can’t imagine what you must have endured in the loss of husband and children, except to say that I, too, have known a number of significant losses in my life over the past 2 years. But your courageous tone in opening your post also tells me that your faith in something greater than the purely mortal and tangible is strong. This is what helps me too — the strong arms of belief in the everlasting spirit. It kind of cradles my grief, I would say. And reminds me that we are here for such a short time and our contributions to making the world a better place are our legacy.
I love this “Zenyatta meeting place” for the spiritual depth, generosity and kindness of my Zen-ster family. It’s such a good place for the soul! I’m glad you’re back among us because having you here makes us all so much stronger. HUGS
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Dearest Helena~ May you find peace and comfort here in Zen Nation. Blessings to you from all of US!
Love and Hugz
Terry Crow
Helen-Come back as often as possible. This is a good place.
Terri Z/ So Fl
Dear Helen, My heartfult condolences for the loss of your husband. At least, he went peacefully at your side and at home. You must be a strong lady to lose two sons and then your husband. Please come back to join us. We are a very supportive group.
I’m so glad that Zenyatta fills your heart with joy. I love to go to You Tube and watch videos of her dancing and prancing. It really helps me get through the day.
God bless and be strong. Think of the good times. And thank God he went without pain and with dignity.
{{{Helen}}} Terri
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Helen:
So sorry for the loss of your husband and your boys. Love and Hugs, JB
Maryp (New York)
Helen, I am very sorry for your loss and I see that your faith has kept you strong. If ever there was a place to lift one up or be an inspiration or make one smile, Z’s place it is!!!! God bless you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Tears and prayers for you, Helen, at this time of great loss. HugZ also, from this born and raised Michigander.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Helen- my thoughts and prayers are with you. <3
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Helen: I am also glad for this site as a place for positive energy and to enjoy Zenyatta’s past, present and future life. I hope you continue to post to let us know h ow you are doing.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Terry Crow – missing the humor you provide. Things have been tense with my mother’s health for the past month, and having a sense of humor and sharing laughs does lessen the tension.
Darlene Daniels
Rosemary, Prayers and blessings to you and your mother. I didnt know she was dealing with health issues. You and she will be in my prayers.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Darlene: Thank you very much. It is greatly appreciated.
Terry Crow
Rosemary-Sorry to hear about your mother. It is posts like yours, encouraging me to resume the jokes, which are most appreciated. I had a lot of fun posting them and I am glad to hear they helped.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary:
Hope your Mom is feeling better. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hope your mom will soon be doing better. HugZ.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Dearest Helen–you have really weathered the storm. I know all the Dumplings join me in wrapping you in our (virtual) arms of love for big hugs. Words seem so tame compared to what we feel for you inside. I am so thankful for this site, and that it brought you some measure of respite from your grief.. We never know when our words will be viewed by someone who is hurting inside. I think that’s one reason (among many) that we try to be unfailingly kind to each and all. Please join us back more often as you can. We are holding a special place in our hearts for you.
Darlene Daniels
Barbara, You said that all so beautifully. Have a wonderful day!
Maryp (New York)
Barbara, you said it all.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Zenyatta and Tasty and everyone at Lanes End, just saw the weather report. PLEASE stay safe. We all love you so much.
Top o’the morning Zee & Tee,
okay, the Lexington Ky Leader’s Chris Bailey, weatherguy, has it down for today:
severe storms in the afternoon & evening, tornadoes likely.
This is just scary as heck, the two legged ones hopefully all have weather alert radios!! Turned on!! In your barn & everywhere else in KY.
Missy keep your head low and go into the NW corner of your abode and hunker down.
I’ll be thinking about you guys all day.
Other then that have a great day :)
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
We really hope that Lane’s End has a great emergency plan in place.
Watch – she will pick today of all weather days to have her beautiful foal…SHE DOES HAVE HER TORNADO BLAZE LOL
May all horses and humans stay safe in this very busy foaling season despite this awful weather forecast for likely tornadoes…
I hope Mike get’s his 7 wins he needs.I can’t wait to see your foal Z.Have a great day.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Oh Helen, I’m so sorry! Please stay in touch. Your faith, courage, and strength of character you have shown to us Z dumplings during the ordeal you have faced over the last few years, will be a blessing in the years ahead. Know that we think of you and will be here for you always. May Angels wrap their wings around you and comfort you!
Carol Howard
Can’t wait until your baby arrives. My daughters birthdays are March 7th & March 9th so you can only imagine what they are putting us all through hoping you deliver on their birthdays!
Don’t know if this has been posted yet but here is a link to a interview with Dottie on DRF. http://www.drf.com/news/qa-dottie-ingordo-shirreffs
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for that, Carol! Dottie answers one of our questions: “The Mosses are going for the foaling, which could be next week. John and I will go after the foal is running around.” And I liked in the final paragraph, when she says, “Zenyatta not winning that last race, she was obviously still a winner in our eyes, but if she’d have won, that grandstand would have come unglued.” Indeed.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Thank you for the link. Hugs, JB
Maryp (New York)
Thanks Carol. I missed that one.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Zenny and all in Lexington and Louisville KY: Do hunker down and praying that severe storms pass without touching your every day lives – that all come out safe. Praying that all emergency plans in effect and all humans and animals well be kept safe through this tornado activity. We do worry at times like these, can’t help it girl! Everyone in all states affected, we are sending thoughts and tremendous power of prayer your way! Biting nails until this passes!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Prayers for your safety Zenny and all the people and animals in the path of these nasty storms! Hugs
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Shari Voltz! Special love hugs always to get you through! ♥ ♥
If Zenny has her foal today with a Torcon of 9 in the area, a good name might be Zencon. I hope everybody (people and horses) in Kentucky and all the other states under the gun today come out safe and sound.
Ethel Cooney
Great pic of Mike youwill make it 5000rides oh my I wish I could say that on just anyhorse , you have 5000 almost, winners?? Cool glasses join the crowd!!!
Ethel Cooney
Great pic Mike and baby friend ! love the glasses join the club. LOL Almost there I wish I could have reidden that many times of one horse , now you get the winners lucky you uyou are a gift you know Thanks ! for thememories!!