Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Dear Zenyatta,
Your Mikie looks like a natural holding the adorable Lelia! They are both TOO CUTE!
I am looking forward to cheering for him on Saturday and I hope he reaches his goal of 5000 wins that day with so many fans there to celebrate this amazing accomplishment.
My daughter has gone back to work and I am babysitting my new grandson a couple of days a week. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this chance to be with him and really know him, and I know YOU will LOVE LOVE LOVE having your sweet foal at your side.
I hope you and Tasty are staying warm and safe during all the storms hitting your area, and that all is going well for both of you soon to be mamas!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Hi Zenny and Dumplings! Happy B-day to the b-day babies today!
I know that I originally picked Feb 25th for her foaling date and well, that didn’t happen. So, I’m hoping for the 3rd. Big Cap day and Mikie has several mounts that day as well. That would be too cute! I wonder, if she does foal on Big Cap day if, they will announce it over the loud speaker and have a moment of silence for the Prince/Princess? That way, the Dumplings that are at the track rooting for Mikie, will hear the news as soon as everyone else. How cool would that be? I bet if that were to happen, the rafters will be shaking with cheers and Joy!
I know that we’re all being nervous Aunties/Uncles to be but, that’s also the fun of it all.
Hopefully, there will be a link soon to Dottie’s interview on TVG. Maybe on youtube?
Zenny, I’m trieing to practice patience but, it’s so hard to do when “one” is so excited,nervous etc… I haven’t had any children (of 2 legs) but, have my kitties and have helped so many mares foal. Both good and bad. Remaining Positive is the only thing we can do. And, have fun with it…
I still think the foal will be larger than 125pnds. Ok, back to pacing and chores. I’ll keep checking back from time to time. And oh my, what will we do with no news over the weekend?
Love you Mamma to be and give TT kisses for me as well.
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
A California Z’ster wanted me to share this link (she sent it to my email)
How Horses Taught Me to Be a Better Doctor
Eveline / Maryland.
Great link, thanks. The dog story on the same link is wonderful as well.
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Really enjoyed this link, JAG. Thank you for posting it.
And Eveline, I agree, the dog story is really good, too :)
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for posting the line, very, very good article.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Wow. Very profound article. Hugs, JB
Hi Z and Tasty! Wishing you both a wonderful day! Love to you and sending smooches and hugs! xxoo
Hey Zenyatta…..just to say we are all hoping and praying for you to deliver a wonderful foal. Loved seeing the picture of Mike Smith…..I’m watching and hoping every mount for him to be a winner so he can get his 5000. I guess he needs you to ride……No better mount then Zenyatta……
A big Hoof up for Mike
Mary Copelin
DAWN- I did retry the link and I was able to see the interview.
Was so glad to see you “in person” on tv. I have been so impressed by your many
wonderful contributions to the site.
Thanks for suggesting I retry it.
It was interesting seeing three minutes of Colorado weather reported yesterday.
Hope to really meet you in person in the not so distant future.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I glad it worked, Mary. I would love meeting you in person, too!!!
Beatrice Lian
Very nice picture of Mike! He would make an excellent daddy for sure!
Looking forward to Mike’s 5000th win shortly.
All the best to Mr. & Mrs. Moss on the upcoming baby Z event!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny, I’m trying so hard to keep up with all the posts, sad to say I think I’m not even close to doing it. Today I had to go to see the pace maker doctor, get wired for sound, and then told I was go to go. Between running Vic to the barn, doctor appointments and the usual chores I don;t seem to have time for myself. All of this is interfering with my computer time and, I suspect, making my pace maker work overtime to keep the anxiety level down waiting for the news. So, Zenny, please take things calmly and sedately, no galloping around the paddock, no stress – we are all doing that – and enjoy a peaceful time with Tasty. We can allow a little excitement if MIKEY hits the 5,000 mark on Saturday but only a little, perhaps Matt could give you a pear to celebrate. I loved today’s photo, Mikey has a wonderful smile and I too noticed his large, but gentle, hands. I think that YOUR JOHN is never without his camera and I do enjoy his photos.
Hugs and kisses to YOU and Tasty xoxoxo
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Best wishes, Brenda, for your continued good health with that pacemaker. High hoof to you for all you are doing.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Your Mikey looks so good holding that adorable little baby, Zenny! He has such a beautiful smile. You can tell that it’s genuine. You sure had a beautiful day today, but we’re supposed to get more bad weather tomorrow. I know the folks at Lane’s End will take good care of you and Tasty, though. I love you, big girl!
@LisaB and Savvy – Happy Birthday!
@Trina Nagele – Your poems were spectaular!
@Barbara Wood, Dawn Conrad and Sue Frederick – Thanks for the well wishes on yesterday’s post. I don’t care if I have eye patches on both eyes, if I thought I could get in to see Z, I would be there no matter what!
I came back from my first day at the new barn, and I must say, I am very excited. The trainer said I did pretty well, considering I hadn’t jumped in a while on account of my ankle. I rode a horse called (guess what!?!) BIG MAMA!!! Isn’t that TOO CUTE?!?!!
I get to ride her again next Friday, and I am very excited. She is so smooth and I love jumping with her.
However, I am a little frustrated with school. I sit next to someone who has decided to pick on me all through class, and be rude to me. I don’t understand what I did to “amuse” him to the point that he has to make fun of everything I do. This started because we were discussing dog anatomy in class, and I lost my train of thought completely, so I told the teacher that I would come back to the topic when I remembered what I wanted to say. Then, he and his chronie started laughing and picking on my projects, work, speeches, etc, and now everytime I try to say something, they shout “UM, WE’LL COME BACK TO THAT!!” What should I do Z family? I don’t want to drop the class 3 months before school ends, but I don’t think that I want to take his smack-talk the rest of the year either! I am getting tired of hearing him laugh at me and what stings the most, is that he thinks that I don’t hear him, and don’t know it’s me they are talking about. He thinks I am THAT unintelligent!
You can respond here or email me at bakablonde@aol.com. Please include a name though so I know who is writing me. Thank you Z family; I am glad I have family members like you guys who are willing to listen to my frustration and offer some advice occasionally. :-)
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Pati, you are being bullied. You don’t have to put up with it. This is not gentle ribbing. It’s not a joke. It’s mean spirited and cruel.
I am sure your school has an anti-bullying policy. First, talk to the teacher and ask to be moved to a new seat (or better yet, ask that the bully be moved). Second, talk to your school counselor, principal, vice-principal, or whoever has the responsibility for enforcement. Also talk to your parents about it. They should know what is going on.
Some people may tell you that you are overreacting and should just deal with it. Sometimes the best thing is to suck it up. However, if the situation is so uncomfortable that you are considering dropping the class, then you need to do something. Don’t let these jackasses chase you out of this class. If anyone leaves it should be them..
I have told my mom, so yes she knows. She says to tell the teacher tomorrow, and if it doesn’t get solved by Monday, she will go to the Principle. We have a student teacher, and he pushes her around too. He has the “teacher” teacher around his finger, so I don’t know if she will believe me, but I will try anyway.
Sometimes student teachers are very vulnerable
To student manipulation. We had one in our school
And her class was so unruly. I would talk to her
Out of respect and then move on to the principal
With your mom. She needs some instruction on
How to deal with difficult students and not at the expense
Of others.
Marty R / Colorado
Have you discussed this with your Mom, who should be your first go to person?
Have you discussed this with the class instructor?
Possibly a seating change would help.
I’m sure there is a solution and you should not drop the class.
Best Wishes
I have told my mom, I tell her everything. I will ask tomorrow.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
You did well your first time back jumping. As far as the student in your class who is causing you to be uncomfortable, I think Marty’s suggestions are good ones. Also, do you really feel that what this boy thinks of you, or says to you or about you, defines who you are. You are intelligent and you are in class to learn. Seems, today especially, people forget if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Hugs, JB
No ma’am, but after hearing it for the past week, I am a bit tired of hearing him. I like the class, and him and his table really are the only reasons I have stopped enjoying it.
Thank you for the compliment. My instructor said the same thing. I was so nervous, that when I came down and jerked on Big Mama’s mouth, I started apologizing to her! I was so upset that I had pulled so hard on her mouth. I gave her some butterscotch, and a big carrot afterwards for putting up with my rein jerking. Big Mama is like a mom…..very very patient. :-)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Pati, I thought you were an adult, but having just read all of this, I realize I was mistaken. I hope the teacher will do something to take control of the problem. I was surprised she hadn’t already told them to stop it, since it’s her class, and the first time it may have been “funny”, but after that, it’s just abusive. It is the teacher’s responsibility, and that’s something she needs to learn how to do.
Just some food for thought: have you thought about saying something yourself, if the adults won’t take responsibility? Standing up for yourself doesn’t suit everyone’s personality, and it’s scary to do, but it may be appropriate, if other help doesn’t work. For example, if you were an adult (which you’re not), I would ask you why you haven’t felt you could say anything to them. E.g., “Stop it, that’s not funny!” That would also clue the teacher to the fact that you feel you’re being harassed. And you might have to repeat yourself, if the abuser(s) didn’t take you seriously, and laughed at you (everyone’s nightmare). Sometimes people have to escalate expressing their distress & needs, to get the message through, to someone who is being mean, and won’t quit.
Since you’re not an adult, the best way would be through your teacher, or principal. Hopefully, the teacher will find some strength to deal with it, or changing seats will help. You shouldn’t have to be made to feel bad, especially when you’ve done nothing wrong. You need to remember it is NOT your fault, just theirs.
Did you really think I was an adult? Goodness, I didn’t think I came off as an adult… I have made plans to go to administration tomorrow. If that doesn’t help, or it gets worse, (that will just ruin my year) I guess I will drop the class, and find another way to finish my graduation cluster*.
*A cluster is a group of class you want to take to graduate with. (Ex. Agriculture, Business, Art, etc.)*
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, I really did think you were an adult. We had a brief conversation once about links you were having trouble with, and with that subject-matter, nothing tipped me off otherwise. I don’t think there’s another “Pati” on here.
I really hope you don’t have to decide to drop out. Not without making a “stink” at least about being treated badly! They should know this is wrong! It should be put right in their faces! Any adult who condones this garbage, or hasn’t enough courage to stand up to it for you, is NOT doing their job!
LoL, I’d come right down there and beat them up for you, if I wouldn’t get hauled to the hoosegow, myself. But it’s not right! When I was in high-school, I had to put up with a teacher who was abusive to me, she just made my physics class hell, and seemed to take pleasure in being mean. I moved from the front to the back of the room, just to get some “space”. There was no one I could go to for it. Other students could see it, too, and sympathized. But I did not quit, as it would have hurt my record, going into college. Instead, I won a science award, in spite of that teacher telling me how she had voted against me. I did not do a great job of standing up to her, at that age, but I did try, and I did the best I could, and I am still glad I didn’t quit. But I’m not sure what’s best for you.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pati, I thought you were older as well. How old are you, if you don’t mind?
Terry Crow
Vicki B is giving out some pretty good advice here. This is a problem which must be dealt with. It’s been my experience that most male bullies will back down when confronted. And, yes, I thought you were an adult also.
Patricia/Far northern CA
VickiB, in the end you DID stand up to that teacher just by being determined to succeed.
My middle brother teaches physics and all sorts of advanced chemistry at college level… he always loved teaching and is very popular with his students and the other faculty members. But it sure only takes one rotten egg to stink up the kitchen, doesn’t it? BTW his twin sons just finished up their PhDs and one of them will be teaching at the college level. The other will be one of the experts at Intel. (Spoken by a proud auntie).
Pati (there’s an affinity here ), there have been some really good suggestions offered. You can use several of them at the same time.
I liked the one that tells you to say “Stop it! That’s not funny!” You could also add, if you feel it is warranted, “You’re trying to bully me!” or something like that. If the “B word” comes up it should be a red flag to everyone around you, especially the teacher.
But do NOT drop the class; in that case THEY have won. Stick it out. And find something about the bully to amuse you…. his eyes are crossed, he burps a lot, or whatever. Just smile to yourself. There’s an old tired saying that can help you here —“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” — only if you LET them.
Essentially, you fight back but on YOUR terms and with YOUR weapons… and I’ll bet he’d be chicken to get up on a horse, wouldn’t he? Ignorance is bliss, and in his narrow little world he thinks he is king…. he’s not.
You have a lot of friends here and we are all ready to help you out at any time, remember that.
In blustery, chilly far northern California
@ Mrs. Heidi
I am 16, to be 17 in June.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Pati–I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. I’m sure it will work out in time. Otherwise this kid is going to have a pack of Dumplings to deal with. We have your back.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof and right on, Barbara!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Pati, I knew you were a high school student, but ONLY because you posted not long ago about how you had one year of high school left and you were thinking ahead about what colleges to apply to (high hoof to you on that!). I’m glad to see you have already gotten really good advice here. We are ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! We will be watching for your update on this situation…
Terry Crow
Include me in on that.
Lisag in Texas
Pati, LauraJ is absolutely right..you are being Bullied…Do not quite your class! My prayers for you will now be added. My nephew was bullied from time to time, and I am so glad I do not live in Austin, as I would have been like the woman in ‘Hand That Rocks The Cradle’, when she was protecting the little girl…not the rest of what she did.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Hi, Pati- I wonder if this guy secretly LIKES you? Teenage boys can be…strange creatures at times. Just a thought and it doesn’t help the fact that he’s bothering you. I agree with others’ advice, including Barbara Woods who hinted at a Dumpling Squad that that boy would NOT want to mess with! Best wishes and keep us posted <3
I am surprise many people thought I was an adult…haha maybe I am too serious. LOL
Thank you all for the support! I ignored him for the entire hour and a half we were in there, and he never brought anything up. He might have gotten bored but he while he forgets, his little side-kick won’t. Oh well, I might just try to get them seperated, that should help. Plus, I saw their presenatation today on Lyme disease, and it wasn’t too good. He laughed at my project, but he misspelled words, didn’t have ANY pictures (which was a requirement), and he worded some sentences so badly that they sounded derogatory…. :/
I told the teacher earlier that he has been causing problems, and she yelled, but that’s it. He gave me a weird look and gave me,”What the crap!?! You TOLD on me?” but that’s it really.
I will stick through the class, and remember the words of my Z family. Thank you. :-)
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m baaaaack – Mikey had two mounts today, but, unfortunately, didn’t get a win. Here’s Friday’s card:
Hopefully, he will narrow the number down with a win or two tomorrow! GO MIKE!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
OH SHEESE! hhahaheehee Gotcha!
Lisag in Texas
Love the trying to remaing calm (UserName) Me to, and then I feel like I am going to explode. Keep up the god work., JAG
Especially Horses / Southern California
As always, fun and interesting Posts today; I did pick up on a couple of minor themes running through the posts today. In addition to most of us being anxious in one form or another (mostly in a light-hearted fun way), I learned that JAG, Lisag in Texas, Vicki B, Raylene and Heidi Kruckenberg never had children. Me either, only furry kids.
Jan S. / Houston
Those furry babies are just like children. ;)
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
…except they don’t borrow the car.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Just four-legged kids for me. They’re the best kind! (and nieces and nephews because you can send them home! LOL!)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Our daughter is adopted, so I never went through the “process” either. Here in Waco, Family Counseling & Childrens’ Services, who did the adoption, was down by the river. We used to kid her that we went down to the river to get her…just like Moses. She’s getting ready to be 39…careening toward 40.
I know you’ll join me in a “Go, Lady Bears”!
Especially Horses / Southern California
You know it! :)
Terry Crow
Adopted children are special because you chose them. Good article about the Heisman Trophy winner in Sports Illustrated this week. Seems like a special young man.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Especially Horses/S.Calif…
Too funny that, that is what you picked up on! Our furry friends are not “only” friends but, they are our Children. LOL
Heaven forbid if anything goes wrong or out of place with our three girls!! Let me introduce you… Mia will be 11 yrs old on the 10th and is a big girl. Almost all black with a mahogany mane and high-lights through-out her coat (long curly hair). With white on her tummy and a splotch of white on her chest. Then, litter mates: “Precious aka, VP:” who is a calico that looks like a puzzle piece and, she’s also a big girl. A lil smaller than Mia. VP’s sister is “Stinker!” She’s a lil athletic, dainty, tough girl. Love’s to play fetch with straws. She’s a tuxedo: black with lil white markings. So Cute!! When we got VP and Stinker we would laugh because, VP has a brown and black splotch on her nose and Stinker, on the opposite side of VP’s black splotch has a white one. So the joke was, they were attached at birth by the nose! Ha ha ha…
Ok, I think I’m rambling,….
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to meet the kids!
Terry Crow
You are rambling, but in a good way. Your pride is showing.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
You can add me to that list, as you might have guessed!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
I have a kitchen towel: “Animals are children with fur coats”
Elizabeth in NM
Us too! Since no kids came, we sort of developed into the rescue mode, so we now have an unofficial animal sanctuary. We figured over the years that we would try to help whoever ‘shows up’ at the doorstep…whether it be human or critter. When we were overseas, one of the vets made us the unofficial bird docs. We had a rooster tapping at our door, who just thought he belonged in with unfeathered folk! When folks came over to dinner one night, someone called as they entered our home, “Is this chicken supposed to come in the house?!” Love this website, Zenny, where we can all share Your Joys and each others stories and concerns and news. Blessings to everyone and especially you, Momma Z and Momma Tasty
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute, Elizabeth!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Thank you ladies! I really enjoyed all your comments.
It’s March 2. Is today the day?
Lisag in Texas
As you other Human Childless Mama’s, we have wonderful, special, beautiful, loving 4 legged children, maybe some here have two legged kids that can a bit, and/or others have some that will crawl, hop and jump for the rest of their lives, now we are becoming Aunties to Royaly. Life is fulfilling.
Lisag in Texas
2 LEGGED that can fly.
Sorry my puter at work cannot multi-task at all, it can barely Single-Task. Just typing on this Key Board warrants a ………………
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“Single-task”–I love it!
Sweet story of woman’s reunion with her horse:
Marty R / Colorado
Wonderful feel good story. Thanks for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Nik:
Oh my gosh, what a story. Crying happy tears. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
What a great picture of Mike and baby Leila. I noticed she has bare feet. That couldn’t happen here. We just had the second snowiest February on record and had more today. And more is expected tonight and tomorrow.
We have to dash out between snow falls which we did this morning. One thing I bought while shopping was a pink t-shirt. I have plenty of blue but no pink, so now I’ve got both possibilities covered for the day after Z/B is born.
Earlier I took a training ride on Shackleford at Gulfstream Park via jockey cam. I didn’t see the date so don’t know if it was today or not. There were some differences between “riding” him and Zenyatta or Eby. First was the color..it was a shock initally, but is really a pretty red. During the ride, it seemed his head was much lower than “the girls” and not out as far. The shadows were interesting and looked like his neck was bowed a little. I’m going to try my best to provide the link. Hope this works.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
Thank you so much for the Shackleford Jockey Cam. Love that boy. Hugs, JB
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Hi Zenyatta – – – Hint Hint – – – Maybe 60 Minutes will do another special on you shortly after you foal – Hint Hint – –
Also – Blush Blush – Zenyatta is over 99,401 FACEBOOK FANS – we just need 599 more to go!!! Today was a great day – but we need about 70 ish people a day to LIKE Zenyatta’s Facebook page to get her to 100,000 before March 9th!!!! Let’s Z’sters and Dumplings – We can do it!
And if Mike gets to 5000 wins the same time Zenyatta foals – WELL – THAT’S JUST TOO CUTE – BLUSH BLUSH – SIMPLY MAGICAL
Hugs All
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Don’t horses have to be vaccinated for rabies too?? I thought they did. Horse owners, please do this!
Lisag in Texas
Love the Looney Tune Coma…I answer my phone at home….No, The Royal Baby has not been born yet..I think I am normal.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
Very funny. Hugs, JB
Rose Cola
Patti, I’m not making this up or trying to minmize your problem, but is it possible that this guy has a crush on you? Many boys will make crude jokes because they don’t know what to say to a girl or woman. If not, don’t let him get to you, you know who you are and if you love racehorses the way we here on this site do, you have to be a strong indivual since horseracing is definetly not mainstream. Stay strong.
Z, I only can think of you and Mike as the days go on. Stay safe and don’t let us wait too long! Oh, also, thanks mucho for the great card, I showed it to everyone at work because I was so thrilled to have recieved it. It goes with the rest of the shrine I have to you! :)
That actually made me laugh! No, I am pretty sure he doesn’t like me, but if he does, the feeling IS NOT mutual. LOL :-)
Plus, he has horrendous table manners…lunch is a disaster for him.
And yes, I love horseracing. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t want to plan my entire life around it. :-)
Terry Crow
Horse racing will be lucky to have a person such as yourself as part of the industry.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Pati- Professional Pacer
That is very nice, and it means so much to me. Thank you so very much. It sounds repetative, but it is true.
Love you Z. Saying a prayer every night that you have a safe delivery and a very healthy foal. hoping your Mikey gets his 5000 win soon! Hope you are with all the close people that love you.
Good eve Zee & Tee
okay, I just checked the weather map for Lexington, Ky and tomorrow is NO DAY to stick your snooties out the door. Severe storms all day.
Stay safe :)
Little two legged ones are too cute, aren’t they.
So are little four legged ones. :)
Rest well & dream sweet
Rose Cola
Love to make people laugh ( I think I was a comic in a former life!). I understand, can’t deal with a messy eatter either. (bet he eats with his mouth open too!) Stay strong girlfriend!
Ok, I will do my best!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi there SWEET ONE, Dottie, Tasty, Babies 2B & faithful Zen-sters:
WOW! Even your Diary today is engaging in excited speculation, so I guess that the reast of us are pretty much on the same page. I’m thinking of your BFF, Tasty, as well. IN FACT, WE’RE ALL EXPECTING TWINS, RIGHT?
Mike looks so sweet holding that baby girl. It’s nice to see him with his feet on the ground, right? But best of luck Mikey as you ride to win # 5,000 — what an AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENT that will be!!!!
@ Lisa B & Savvy: Happiest of birthdays!
@ Brenda S: YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, GIRL! I do know how quickly a day runs its course though. Just try to remember: like yours truly, you’re no longer 18 — thank goodness. Remember to emulate our Zenny & take the time to smell the roses and stare off into the distance in a dream. (One dream a day is GOOD — TWO is EXCELLENT!)
@ Cynthia H: My goodness! My beloved granny was Welsh, although born in Quebec. But she runs strong in my blood and would be smiling down on YOU for reminding ME that it’s St. David’s Day!!!!
@ Judy B: Another WOW! thinking about a Life Is Sweet X Bernie baby. Just imagine the potential!!!!
@ Shari Voltz: SERIOUS HUGS!
@ Terry Crow: So touched by the suspension of the Redneck Narratives. Truly.
@ Margaret: Given the faithfulness of Dottie-Zen’s communications with us, I’m pretty sure we’ll be the first to hear the news!
WELCOME to you, Jessica. As others have said, this is a GREAT community of people! (And VERY ADDICTIVE…..!!!)
Sleep well, my sweet Zenny & Tasty. I’m sending you kisses, hugs, rubs & many virtual treats. Love you!
Hugs & love to all
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
I know. Wonder if LIS has had her Bernie foal yet. Love and Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
I tried using Amanda’s sites for finding new foals and nothing is reported yet for Life Is Sweet for 2012. I’m also wondering if she is still at Lane’s End. Her mamma, Sweet Life is, which I didn’t know before seeing her on the Lane’s End foal list.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
I did the same and nothing yet. Hope everything is OK with her. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Thank you, Abigail. Coming from a charter member of the club it means a lot.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Abigail!
Elizabeth in NM
Baby Z must be warming up to ‘race’ out! Love the pic of Your Mike holding Baby Lelia! We NM-ners love new life! We have all kinds of Mommas… bunnies… birds…especially foals…. on the way soon. Glorious Springtime! God’s many Blessings are prayed for You and Tasty and your soon-to-arrive little ones…well not so little!! And Blessings to everyone in Your amazing Family!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Loved the pic of Mikie with his friend’s baby – just too cute. Please be careful tomorrow; have been watching the weather predicted for Kentucky. We will be flying to New York, Aqueduct to see Hansen run on Saturday. Weather calling for thunderstorms for Saturday, bummer! Hope they are wrong. You and Tasty, please stay comfy inside, eat well for two and enjoy your talks together. Love you, Angels.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I hope those weathermen are wrong and that you have a glorious time. Go, Hansen!
Lisag in Texas
I hope they are wrong as well. I see the devastion on TV and some folks can say what they will…but I would prefer an Earthquake over a Tornado anytime. Everything, everything is gone, and then the sun shines like nothing ever happened, and the people…it makes my heart break and ache.
You, Zenyatta, are safe, prayers are even stronger in many.
The Kennedys in San Diego
How exciting — we would love to see Hansen. It’s Tricky will be running in the Top Flight Stakes — that is, if they can get the bridle on.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedy’s from San Diego:
Too funny. She is feisty. Hugs, JB
Oh Please don’t forget the countdown for TASTY!!! I’ve come to love her too!!
Can’t wait for the foal
Lisa May Niederhauser
i hope that all goes well when you bring your 1st foal into the world, i just wanted to tell you that when i was in foster care (i have recently been released from care) i watched as many of your races as i could and that well you put a hole new love for horses in my life (i was already competely horse crazy as it was lol) but you made my love for horses stronger. thank you Zenyatta
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to see you posting, Lisa!
Lisag in Texas
Hi Lisa May, Zenyatta does have a way of making one fall in LOVE passionately.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
that baby “our Mikey” is holding is absolutly adorable….. Look at those sweet-apple dumpling cheeks.
Mike – you are close and so are you Zenyatta. Maybe your foal and Mike’s 5000. win will come on the same day. It could easily happen.
Thanks again to you Dottie for keeping us in the Z-loop and all other things related to our favorite Mama to be. Tasty T too. It’s better than March madness. I hope you all have a restful evening and stay safe inside.
I have a small “field trip” Tuesday to Golden Eagle Farms in Ramona Ca. they had so many cute foal pictures posted on their website, I e mailed and asked if I could visit along with my dear friend Judy and the manager said “yes” . She said she loved my “comments” ( blush, blush) I look forward to the trip and it will keep my mind occupied. Judy’s too as she has recently lost her Mom and her Dad is failing.
I still hope to make it to March 3rd and Santa Anita. Hope to see many of you there. Should be an exciting day of racing.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great idea for you and your friend Judy to take a field trip to Golden Eagle Farms! Have a great time! And hope to see you Sat.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
“Absolutely” my fingers are not following my brain…
I looked at the number on my plushie and it is 46!!! No card as yet, but I will remain hopeful.
Gary Moulton
I want to personally thank everybody for all the kind words about Granny.
@Lisag in Texas – “THANK YOU”
@judy berube from Rhode Island – “THANK YOU”
@Trina Nagele in So Cal – “THANK YOU”
@Vampressqueen Sue Colvin –NJ – “THANK YOU”
@Brenda S..Ontario, Canada – “THANK YOU”
@Deborah Richman from So. Calif – “THANK YOU”
@Dawn Conrad / Colorado – “THANK YOU”
@Terri Z/ So Fla – “THANK YOU”
@Marshall (in NC) – “THANK YOU”
@Terry Crow – “THANK YOU”
@signofthetimes – “THANK YOU”
@Anybody I missed – “THANK YOU”
@Author’s note: ‘Pink Star’ won The Kentucky Derby in 1907 the year Granny was born.
“On a string” reverences WWII when people would communicate by a long string through a small hole to the hiding place, two pulls, safe to come out, other signals as needed and so on.
@SIDE NOTE: @@Trina – My fellow poet, is fellow the right word? Isn’t a fellow a man? Anyway you didn’t catch my spelling error. I spelled college wrong, obviously I didn’t go, LOL. Granny used to help me with grammar and spelling questions although she didn’t catch ‘Long-stemmed’ either. On the ‘Animal Kingdom’ poem I spelled ‘prey’ wrong too, but I did that intentionally. If you read between the lines, I meant it for the ones who wouldn’t Pray and pretty much the same ones and more that are going to be Praying. Granny was the Director of the Financial Aid Dept. for 23 years at a major University that I don’t want to mention here. She helped many, many people. She also worked two terms for Senator Case from South Dakota. The Case Bridge in Washington D. C. was named for him. Oh, another thing I wanted to say, whenever I can I use a Derby Winner to make a date in a poem, I try to use it. For me my Derby Horse carries as much weight as The Daily Horoscope, Chinese Calendar, or any other stuff like that. My Derby Horse is ‘Determine’ (1954) the year I was born. Do you want to give up your Derby Horse?
@MIKE – 7up – go man go!!!!!!!
What a great post, so wonderful to have a great
Granny like you had. Mine was very special, too.
Born in 1898, but not a horsewoman
Trina Nagele in So Cal
My Derby horse is Pensive (1944), just after Count Fleet! And yes, I think fellow poet is right on. I do hope to get a poem ready for the BIG EVENT, as was suggested above, and I hope YOU will too!
Marty R / Colorado
My derby horse would have to be Pensive, as well. If I may ask, what is your birthday? More fabulous poems from you for the March 1st birthdays.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Marty, It’s May 17–thanks for asking.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for the author’s notes!
Lisag in Texas
AaHHhhhh, He’s back.
Lisag in Texas
I read the @@Trina (even tho not meant for me) As for “read between the lines”, I think that my response to ‘Animal Kingdom” is that it leaves the reader alot to think about..and it does. I wish there was a Spell Check here in Z’s world, for typos alone.HH…Gary, repost Animal Kingdom, alot was going on when you posted it. #449 would be good. Lisag
Terry Crow
Gary-Determine has a special place in my heart. Not only was he the first California bred horse to win the Derby, he was also the first grey. His son Decidedly was the second grey, and he won in 1962. As for me, all I can tell you is that Santa Anita did not have any racing the year I was born.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Gary M.:
You’re so welcome. What a wonderful bond you had with your Granny. Lots of great memories. Love and Hugs, JB