Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Hi Z–lots of birthdays today. My AQHA boy, Pokey Passer, is 22 today. I was hoping you’d foal on his birthday….that’s fine, he’s celebrating by doing what he does so well, teaching the little ones how to ride. He was my show horse for many years, and now he’s just packing around youngsters as they get introduced to the world of horses. He’s a descendant of Man o War, just like you….but only on one side of his pedigree.
Hope the storms aren’t affecting anything out your way…love you!
Joanna from TX
Hi, Carmela.
Many years ago, I had a reg.Quarter Horse mare who also had a little Thoroughbred in her pedigree; I think she was 1/16 TB. I don’t know if the AQHA still allows that but maybe they do as long as it’s a very thin influence…like your guy with just one in the pedigree. Happy Birthday to Pokey Passer! (Great name!)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Racing Quarter Horses can have one TB parent … some of them are almost 3/4 TB. If you look at the pedigree in a racing program, the Thoroughbred parent will be noted with a (TB) after the name. They are registered separately from the rest of the AQHA studbook in an appendix, which is why they are sometimes called Appendix Quarter Horses (also Running Quarter Horses).
Karen Forehand
My AQHA mare “Georgia Little Too”is appendixed. Her grandmother on her dam’s side was Thoroughbred but she is definitely not a “Running Quarter Horse”. She is cowbred through and through. And there is no sign of Thoroughbred in her confirmation anywhere!
Love to you Z. Impatiently waiting to hear the special news soon. Prince or Princess? And your MIKIE is just tooooo cute and a million dollar smile!
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Joanne & Karen–my first horse was an OTT appendix QH…he was gorgeous & just a love…and bold as they come, afraid of nothing. I’ve seen appendix QH’s that are cowy-er than some cutting horses…nice to know there are some QH people here!
My other horse is a Shire cross, that I’m doing dressage with…a mutt, but a sweet & kind guy who’s teaching me alot!
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Joanna–actually he’s NOT appendix…He’s Barpasser baby out of a pleasure mare. Barpasser is 5 generations out from Man o War…Top Deck, a great-grandsire, is a son of Equestrian, who was by Equipoise out of Frillette, a daughter of Man o War…Sorry if this is confusing, I’m a pedigree wonk!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carmela:
So am I. You know your stuff. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, they do. Our grqndhorse, Money n Jewels, is 3/4 TB. It’s called Appendix.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
CarmelaB, how wonderful that he is active, helping children! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POKEY PASSER!! I love your name!!!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Awww, love this! Good Boy Passer! ♥♥
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the adorable photo of your Mikie with the precious baby! He does look good with a wee one in his arms! Yes, your sweet baby foal will be much larger and able to do so much more right after foaling which we are all looking so forward, too. I’m going to be without a computer for a couple of days and it is going to drive me crazy to not be able to have my frequent Zenyatta fix. Yes, my name is Celeste and I’m a Zenyattaholic.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Hi my name is Kelly, and I’m also a Zenyattaholic!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Hi Kelly:
Welcome. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Kelly, this is the therapy room, your in the right place! Hugs
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Kelly,
Welcome to Zennyland! Great group of people here.
carol in utah
Welcome Kelly….all Zennites here
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute, Zennyholics!
Maryp (New York)
Welcome to Zenyatta world, Kelly! Your condition can only get better here!!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Welcome to Zennyland! I hope you have a facebook page, too. The Zenyatta (athlete) page is there for you to “like”. She’s trying to reach the 100,000 friends before she foals! Tell your friend!! Spread the word!!!
Judy G
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Happy Birthday – on track Z dumpling friend – Lisa B.!!! Happy Birthday Savvy!!! TRINA YOU ARE Z-BEST!!! ♥
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ Zenyatta – More Than a Racehorse ♥
A mutual Zen friend posted this video on my fb wall – Z’sters in case you haven’t seen it – Enjoy!
Judy G
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Eight (8) days from today, Zenny? (wink wink) ;-P
Auntie Judy, I love the way your name gets longet the closer Zen get to her due date
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ MaggieN
Look at it now LOL
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Oh gosh, come on you guys – LOL! TOO, TOO funny!
Stephanie in San Diego
Maggie N.. Very funny and so true. JAG will need an entire page if this baby goes later then the 9th. LOL.
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
If this keeps up, I’m going to be bald, too LOL LOL
Auntie Judy LOL. You and Karen would make a great comedy duo! Thank you both for making me and everyone else smile. Now, if you all can put up with me when I’m a nervous wreck the end of Aug. when my grandbaby is due! Thank you cherished friends
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
We entertain at the track any given Saturday, too! LOL Just kidding! I’m glad we’ve made you smile :-D Laughing is good for the soul – we ALL need a good laugh!
Oh, my, if your grand-baby is due the end of August, try for August 31st, my beautiful mother turns 91 (God willing) on that day! CONGRATS – GOOD LUCK!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thanks. I had never seen that one before. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Jag, thanks for posting that I really enjoyed it! Hugs
Pam Homeier
I cried.
Yes that would be very cool if you foaled the same day Mike was to win his big 5000. Great accomplishments for both. Any day now Zenny.
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
So exciting times, hooves crossed for Mike, TT and our Z Queen.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Every time I drive by The Derby, I see the lawn jockey with the MOSS colors out front and think of YOU, Zenny! If I ever win big at the track (I’m not holding my breath!) I will have dinner there. The way my luck goes, I usually end up stopping for something off the dollar menu at Sonic on the way home ;-)
Just two more days until Big ‘Cap Day! Hooves crossed that Mike wins a few today and tomorrow and has a chance to hit 5000 on Saturday in front of a big crowd! I was at the track when Laffit Pincay, Jr. hit 9000 winners; I’d love to be there for Mike’s 5000th, too!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Forgot to say … as we countdown to the birth of your foal, I am posting a photo of YOU every day on my photo blog. http://lookofeagles.wordpress.com I may not get one posted today, I am working late at job #2, but I did post one yesterday. I must say, you were TOO CUTE! :)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Love your site Julie!! You are a great photographer! :)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
blush, blush! :)
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I too love your site Julie~ This is the first time I was aware of it…..I must of missed something somewhere, which is entirely possible the last month of so. Thanks for sharing. I bookmarked it…. :)
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Wow, Julie, your blog is great! Love it!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
I have a lawn jockey that my sister bought for me 2 years ago for my birthday. When you foal, Zenny, I am going to repaint it in the Mosses racing silks in honor of your great achievement! May paint it blue for a colt, or pink for a filly first to celebrate the bouncing-baby-bundle. I’ll end up in a blithering-bouncing-baby-bump-bundle coma that day!!
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL !! Should I come by your place and give you CPR!?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen and JAG:
You’re cracking me up. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
I think it would be too late – you and I (and everyone else!) would need CPR that day!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karen, I think that is the cutest idea, wish we could see it when it’s done. Hugs
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Yep, I have a plan to post something on Z’s FB page!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
For those of you out there wating patiently, HOW COULD YOU!!?? Sheese, I have a sun burn from pulling all my hair out, pacing, and not breathing, and wringing hands, stroking out, and my eyesight is blurry from being glued to the computer screen, my fingers are knubbs from typing, my brain is one track frame of mind, fried, status? COMA – birth, birth, birth, birth, foal, foal, foal, Zenny, Zenny, Zenny, baby, baby, baby …………………………….
Karen I guess for me it’s kind of easy. I can’t do anything to speed up Mother Nature.
Another learning moment…
Horses are one of the only animals that can stop labor if they feel frightened, scared or whatever. This only applies to stage 1–before the mares bag of waters break. With all the bad weather even if Z was ready to deliver–Mother Nature might have told her to hold off.
This is a big reason mares are moved ahead of time to their foaling stall. They want the mare to be fully relaxed in her environment, to know the stall, the people caring for her and “to make it hers”.
Z still probably close to a half a week to go. I’m now thinking Tues. Dottie said several days to… . I’m thinking it was going to be another week.
Patience! A WATCHED POT NEVER BOILS! We are all on Mother Nature’s time.
Darlene Daniels
Karen, I think I’m having sympathy labor pains!!
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Too cute, Karen!!
Maryp (New York)
Karen, You are toooooo funny!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Julie, I had gone out to your site before, it is wonderful and you have some fantastic photos. Thank you for sharing!!
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Woo Hoo – check out Mikey’s schedule for this Saturday – he has 9 mounts out of 11 races!! GO MIKEY!!! ♥
ATTENTION: So. California Z Dumplings – please come out to support Mike to reach his goal of 5,000 wins. We can party-hardy! High Hoof!
Who knows, Zenny, maybe you will foal on this day, too (blush blush) ♥
Getting excited to the point of almost passing out, Auntie Judy LOL
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Wow, fantastic schedule! Thanks for sharing Judy. Wish I could be there!!!
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Go Mikey! See you on Sat., JAG and Dumplings!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I’m wishing that I could change my TV coverage to nothing but Santa Anita. I’m going to rather upset if I miss any of Mikie’s wins.
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
You can watch on Cal Racing from your computer –
Click on the menu tab at the top “Audio/Video’
Click on Cal Racing
Click on Live Video
Click on Santa Anita (icon) or Golden Gate
It’s FREE! You use your email to sign up and your own password! Good luck!
I watch on there because you can see the saddling barn, the paddock, the post parade, the race, and the winner’s circle – WAY COOL!!!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
We are all in the countdown for when your are going to have your baby, Zenyatta and also for when your Mike will reach his pinnacle of 7000 wins. Keeping fingers crossed for Mike that this weekend he hits the jackpot! And surely won’t be long at all now and the long wait will be over and you will have your baby, Zenyatta and the world will be light up and rejoice! Thanks for being such a large part of my life and for helping me to get through my days of difficulty. Love you lots and sending my Love & Blessings with lots of hugs and kisses!
Jill in Jersey
Love the picture. Ok, I’m gonna say it – I think Mikey is a hottie!!!!
If only I was a little younger, lived in California, and oh, not married!!!
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Jill
We all feel that way about Mike LOL
Judy G
Jill in Jersey
He is too cute, what a smile! But I love my husband (he cleans my horse’s stall everyday! – LOL!)
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
If you’ve ever met Mike, he is as charismatic as his “smile” – and by Queen – they were a GREAT match! :-D
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Too Cute!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
JIll, your hubby’s a keeper, for sure! Ditto also to JAG’s comment about MIKIE.
Terry Crow
But not all of us have pictures of Mike giving a certain JAG a big kiss.
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Well, Terry, she had her prison guard uniform and ‘billy club’ under the table if Mikey didn’t!!! I saw them, I swear! er … well, I have been known to fib on occassion!
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Karen!!!! People are going to start believing I actually wear a Prison Guard Uniform :-))))))
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You don’t wear a prison-guard uniform? I was looking forward to it, and figured you’d be easier to spot in the crowd!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jill and All Mikey Fans:
Don’t know if you seen this tribute to Mikey by Barbara Livingston. Some photos from when he first started riding. Extremely cute. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I had seen it before, but enjoyed it again, Judy, thanks. I am always stunned by his pic at the top, from 1990. Definitely my favorite.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Prayers go out to all the folks in Missouri, Kentucky and everyone in the storm ravaged areas, Judy and Russ
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
The oldest neigh is Essex: Meet Shayne, 51, from Brentwood, the world’s most mature nag
I don’t know if the above link has already been posted (I just read it last night on fb) I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E !!!
Eveline / Maryland.
Wow he looks fantastic! And how about the oldest dog living in the same town? Wonder if it is the water!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
That is amazing!!!
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Your MIKE is such an incredibly nice person! He always has a smile for everyone and is so generous with his fans!
Terry Crow
A true class act.
Marilu V
Dear Zenny: So glad the storm did not hit Lexington. So sad to watch many who lost their homes and their love ones. My prayers go out to them.
Thank you for every good news you post each day. We hear so much bad news its refreshing to hear news about babies and wonderful events in our part of the world today.
Love and Hugs to you and Tasty. Marilu
Marilu V
Dear Zenny: So glad the storm did not hit Lexington. So sad to watch many who lost their homes and their love ones. My prayers go out to them.
Thank you for every good news you post each day. We hear so much bad news its refreshing to hear news about babies and wonderful events in our part of the world today.
Love and Hugs to you and Tasty.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hope to meet you Sat., Marilu!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Cigar is out.
I’d liked to thank the following people for all the good wishes and thoughts formy health earlier this week. If I missed you somehow please forgive me. Know that this list also includes you.
I’m still quite ill. Don’t know if it’s turning into a bad cold or what. It’s one of the worst colds I think I’ve ever had. And it’s not the flu! Which I think might be easier to contend with.
Back to bed! Still fighting fevers!
Judy Berube
Vicki B
Kimberly Potter
Heidi Kruckenberg
Susan Carothers
Jan S
Brenda S
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Dawn Conrad
Trina Nagele
Barbara Wood
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
You’re so welcome. Hoping you will feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
Here’s hoping that just thinking ’bout Zenny will have you feeling better in no time! ♥
Oh Z is never far from thoughts!
Honestly though I’m so sick that I’m glad she hasn’t had the baby! I wouldn’t have the voice or lung power to shout with joy.
I’m certain that my head will come up, a big smile and an alright will be forthcoming from me when the moment is announced.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
So sorry to hear that you’re still under the weather Margaret. My friend is still recovering from similar symptoms that had her in hospital for a couple of days so please take good care of yourself.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry you’re still not feeling well, Margaret. Maybe you need a Z pack!
Darlene Daniels
Margaret, I feel your pain, I had the same thing a few weeks ago. Am sending you “Virtual” chicken soup, vitamin C and a big get well wish.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you, Margaret. I just hope you feel better soon, I really want you to be able to shout with joy!!! We will all be joining you! The shout heard round the world! Too cute!!!
Love and hugs,
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Just want you to get better Margaret….. We are going to have some “partying” to do!! Get better soon Z’ster!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Illness, illness, go away,
DON”T come agains another day!
Our Margaret has had enough!
Maybe that will do it.
Hugs and get-well prayers and wishes.
LOVE IT! My sister use to be able to do that to her friends and the hiccups would “go away”! She was actually quite popular in the neighborhood because of this!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Margaret, I hope you feel better soon! As said prior, there’s going to be a Huge Celebration coming up anyday now. If you can’t shout out with Joy then, we’ll do it for you! :)
Maryp (New York)
Margaret you are so welcome and we will all understand if you don’t post for a couple of days so you can stay in bed and do nothing but rest! OR if you don’t have a laptop you can request that one be given to you from some special person in your life and then you can have it in bed with you all the time on Zenny’s site!! Isn’t that a great idea?? (I think this foal watch is twisting my thinking and I know it’s affecting my nervous system)LOL!
In my little house? Another laptop plus my iPad??!!! Yikes, even me the sometimes hoarder can’t manage this!
My iPad is always with me! I check in several times a day.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Good, Margaret — at least you’ve got your priorities straight!
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Margaret, I hope your shouting with joy capabilities are back to normal soon! Stay warm and take good care.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers continuing for yuor return to good health. I’m sorry you have felt so bad for so long.
Myrna VandenBerg
Oh I LOVE the Derby restaurant in Arcadia. Can never get enough of looking at all the great horse memorabilia.
I am starting to light candles for a smooth and safe birth.
Sharyn - Vermont
Such a nice picture of Mike and the baby! It is truly amazing to me that the foal can get to his/her feet so soon after birth – the miracles of nature!
It would be just perfect for you to foal on the same day as Mike winning his 5,000 – how special is that!!
Thinking of you and Tasty and each day wonder if the news will be posted!
Have a wonderful day!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
What a darling picture of Mikey and Lelia. What fun it must be for people to gather at The Derby and catch up on each other’s news (as well as have a nice meal, I’m sure). So glad that you and Tasty are safe and sound. The storm radar sure looked like there were many bad storms all around you yesterday. This winter certainly has been weird. Here in NE Ohio we hit 69 degrees yesterday (still in February!!), and today we’ll be lucky if it gets to 40! Tomorrow sounds like a repeat of yesterday so stay safe in your barn.
Things are really heating up here on “foal watch.” As others have suggested, it would be nice to have a link to Dottie’s TVG interview if it’s “out there” anywhere. I wondered yesterday how Karen G knew that Dottie and John would not be traveling to KY for the big event – kept reading yesterday’s post over and over before I remembered that she was the one who first told us about the interview (LOL)
I wonder if you could also ask Dottie to share “the plan” with us as far as letting us know about your baby. I’m sure a lot will depend on WHEN it happens (not only the day but the time). Should we just keeping checking for a new diary post?
Hope you’re having a good day! Rest up, but I hear lots of walking is also part of the prescription for an uncomplicated delivery. Take care dear Zenny.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Lisa B and Savvy – Happy Birthday!! Best wishes for a great year!
@Trina – what can I say? WOW! (again). Wonder if any Zensters will have Birthdays on the same day as the most anticipated foal in history?
Terri Z/ So Fla
What a sweet guy Mike is.
I wonder if after the three big races this year, if he thinks anyone is good enough for Zenyatta?
Would it be the horse being trained by Michael Matz, the trainer of Barbaro? He’s handsome and sweet and I think Zenny would like him too.
I’m not going to say more, don’t want to jinx anything.
XOXOXO to sweet Zenny and Tasty and to all of the Z-sters.
Marilu V
Dear Trina:
What a wonderful poem for Lisa. You always take the time to make our birthdays memorable with your poems. I forwarded the poem you made for me on my birthday to my husband and children. They loved it and said you are a great PAL!
Hugs, Marilu
Trina Nagele in So Cal
HugZ back to you, Marilu, and hope to meet you on Sat.
Jan S. / Houston
Hope you are doing ok and not too uncomfortable. It won’t be long now. Just waiting for the good news. Lots of love and kisses coming your way. xoxo
Nice picture of Mike and baby Lelia.
Paula Higgins
Oh this is too cute of Mike and the baby!!!! Good luck Mike on reaching your 5000 milestone!!!! It will be here before you know it. Thanks for th heads up Dottie about the TVG show. I will try and find it.Have a good day everyone.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
TVG has not posted the link yet – if they ever do! I’ve checked You Tube and TVG site and nothing yet. They did repeat the interview last evening about 4:00 pm PST with Christina Oliveras (spelling?) on Racing Coast To Coast. Lets hope they eventually put it on their site. It was really great and Dottie was so ‘her too cute self’, upbeat, postive, and cheery. She was so gracious to Z Dumplings world wide, and Matt and Greg talked of YOU Zenny NEVER fading into the background. You being, without question, the most popular horse ever in racing history! How’s that make you feel girl? Dottie talked of your personality and how you just seemed to love every minute of the limelight, and how you were always so kind and stood for hours so that your fans could get their picture taken with all of them! Dottie, if you get a link, please post it. WE LOVE HEARING FROM ANYONE JOINED AT THE HEART TO ZENNY ANYTIME!! (Thank you Abigail for that! :))
Trisha from VA
Such severe weather, hope all is well out your way. Babies are a true blessing, but alas yours will be very special to us. Mike is a cutie isn’t he? I wish I had talked to him more at your party in Nov. I want to know what it feels like to ride a whirl wind!
Love you gorgeous.
Love hugs and kisses
Pam Zacek,
Swet picture of Mike and the Baby, if all are taking bets on when you are going to foal, Im for the 4th of March, but just saying, its a good date, not to long from now, that is a fact, and good Luck to Mike, hope he wins, his races, and goes down in history, like you Zen, and that all is well, with the baby and glad that Tornado, didn t reach you, Prayers ans. High Hoof to you all at Lane ENd, and Barn 55, Have a great race weekend, and Zen keep that gracing, good, and lots of carrots, to you, have a good weekend, Heres hoping, foal will appear soon, and the 4th is a great day for that a Good Sunday.
Sue MacGray
Hi Z,
I so wish I had more time to read everyone’s posts here, but I rarely do. Every day I check the calendar out of habit now, to see how close you are, and it truly is “any day now”!!
Good Luck to Mike this weekend (is he riding Mr. Commons? I’m assuming so, but must check that out. Maybe he’ll hit the mark before the weekend is out!
Take care and be safe during the tumultuous spring weather Zenny. Talk to you soon.
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
1994 | Monkee Davy Jones rode a horse at Churchill Downs
Quote: “Jones, 49, said he would rather ride a horse than perform….” You are Davy, you are now!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
RIP, Davy, and ride ’em high!
Cheryl Y
Thanks for sharing the link about Davy riding at Churchill !!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Oh, I hadn’t heard that news! I always liked the Monkees, and also their movie “Head”. Just searched the news, and caught up with the comments from Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Mike Nesmith. Davy looked pretty fit, so I was surprised he had a heart attack — much too soon!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Zenyatta’s little brother is back on the work tab!
Souper Spectacular (5-Year-Old Horse)
Date: March 1, 2012
Distance: Three Furlongs
Time: 39:20 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 4/4
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Good to know Souper Spectacular is back in training. The last time he raced was 1/9/11 at Gulfstream. Must have had some kind of issue. Hope he’s back and sound. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Don’t worry JAG! If you faint WE BOTH WILL CATCH EACH OTHER! Turning blue everyday – catch my breath everytime I open up Z’s site, or when I tune in TVG, hold it till I’m blue!!! So afraid that it will not fade once this is a done deal! AND BLUE IS NOT MY COLOR!!!
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL Karen then turn pink when you pass out or hold your breathe LOL
See ‘ya Saturday!! :-D
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
LOL!! Yeah, I guess we all are a little looney-tune right about now! You crack my funny bone up GF! See you Saturday – I don’t know if I can stand myself by then!!! Maybe you won’t either!!! LOL!
JAG / Excited (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
If Trevor makes a “special announcement” while we are at the track – well, what can I say – are there enough EMT’s to cover us… NO pun intended LOL
Okay, we are getting way to giddy!!!! Lord help us once she delivers————–
stephanie from san diego
L0L you girl are losing it!! But i hope you each get a cute EMT if the need arises:))