Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Wow, Big Mama Z! What if Mikey got his 5,000th win the day you have junior! Oh man, what a day THAT would be!! Thanks for the update. I’m getting teary-eyed with each passing diary entry. Love to you all!
Dear Zenny,
Your Mikey looks TOO CUTE, with this little one. Yes, human babies lack very much
behind in development from equines. Little equine’s are running and trotting a few hours after birth and taken on van rides. Little human one are in the house and laying down for about 9 months; don’t smile until 5 months or roll over. You are a very special horse and we are so lucky to be a part of your life. XXXXXXOOOOO
High Hoof Zenny, Thanks for sharing the photo of Your Mike. TOO CUTE!
Wonderful poems, Trina. Many thanks to Dottie for this wonderful site. Many thanks to John, Sarah and all who share their wonderful, inspirational photos. The fans and everything about this site and Zenny’s connections are wonderful !!! Manifold blessings.
Love and Prayers, Arlene from Vermont
Dottie, I just wanted to tell you that a group of racing & horses in general fans are also doing a “countdown” type of little contest. There are over 30 of us who have guessed the date of birth and sex of the foal. I must tell you that the choice of “filly” is out pacing the “colt” choice by a considerable margin…several lengths at least! It’s fun and a way to make the waiting go by a little faster.
We are so grateful to you for all the updates! I have an idea of how time consuming this work can be! Thank you and blessings and best wishes to the Z-Team. Bonnie
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Cute post, Bonnie! High hoof!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Z, so looking forward to your big news and also to Mikey’s 5000th win. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Rachel W
So excited to think the day is getting close Z….we are all waiting to see your beautiful “baby”!!!!! Wow I don’t think I realized it could weigh in at 125#…Love you!
Good Morning Zenny, hope this finds you fit as a fiddle. Are Jerry and Ann planning to be present for the birth? Gosh, I’m so excited about this. But now remember, we’re foaling on March 4, my birthday…..right????
The Central KY area was spared the severe weather yesterday for anyone wondering. As has been mentioned, we’re expecting more tomorrow evening/night. I do worry about Zenny & Tasty when the weather gets bad but am sure the crew at Lanes End keep all the horses safe.
Have a great day Zenny & Tasty.
Love You, Big Mare, and Ms. Tasty too.
Lisa in TN
Thanks for the update. I was wondering how things were yesterday. I live in south central TN and the map showed it everywhere around there. Glad there was not anything to report. For us here April 27th is still to fresh.That was a horrific day. The damage is still not completely cleaned up and here starts another round.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kim, thank you so much for the weather update. I will certainly be praying for everyone’s safety!!!
Pam Homeier
I was wondering what the horse farms do when there is severe weather in their area. Pretty sure they don’t run for the basement. Or maybe they do! Does anyone have any info on the safety plan?
Lisa in TN
We just hope and pray. Not much else you can do. Mine don’t fit in the basement with us sad to say.(15 and us wouldn’t work well) LOL. It scares me everytime this time of year comes around. We have plans for us but livestock not so much. I have no idea what you would do. I do keep them stalled becuse of all of the tress in the pastures. We had so many come down last year. We just hope and pray the barns are left alone. Right where we live is a big lightning draw also so they are always up during storms.
Pam Homeier
Do the workers stay in the barn with the horses to help keep them calm? I only have doggies and kitties to worry about and they go with me. Being in Kansas (tornado alley) I also dread this time of the year. Love Spring but not the storms!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ensign:
Haven’t heard from you in a very long time. Hope you are well. If possible, could you let us know what happened with Vertigineux’s mating with Street Cry last Spring? Also, did Life is Sweet have her Bernardini foal yet?
Would appreciate any info you can share. Hugs, JB
Maureen From Santa Barbara, CA
I talked with Ashford last November where Vertigineux is and she was not in foal. John told me that she was bred to Street Cry but didn’t take. Such a dissappointment. Don’t know if there are any plans for her this year.
Thanks for the update on Zenny’s mom. Gosh, she has produced many good foals…her body probably needed a rest. I say good for her.
From what I have heard V was rebred to Street Cry last week so hooves crossed it takes this time.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen, Amanda, Suew and Vicki B.:
It has been quite a while since we heard from Ensign or Katherine C. on Z’s Diary. I did hear from KC in an e-mail about a month ago and she is OK. Ensign is very knowledgeable about horses and what’s happening at the Kentucky farms. In fact, it was he who first mentioned that the Vertigineux/Street Cry mating had taken place. After another article dated 8/18/11 mentioning the mating, I have been unable to find out anything else. Actually, this is not the first year Vertigineux will not be foaling. There’s a couple of years since she became a broodmare that she did not have a foal. I don’t know if it’s because she wasn’t bred, or like this last mating, did not result in a pregnancy.
Thank you Maureen for the info. Maybe we’ll see a full sibling to Z next year. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Judy, I have thought of Ensign too, as it’s been so long. Also Katherine Cogswell, who was so erudite, when she occasionally posted.
hi Z! what a TOO CUTE photo of YOUR Mikie and baby Lelia! It is so good to hear from YOU, I worried about YOU in the bad weather yesterday, stay warm and dry and SAFE!!! Have a wonderful Thursday with Tasty chatting about babies coming any day! OH I’m sooo excited!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
I can’t wait for the Z’s baby to arrive and also to follow the future of her baby. I also hope Mike finds the one who will give him a a little one of his own, I’m sure he wants nothing more than to be a father. He does look so happy in this photo.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Zenyatta We are all excited for YOU in Homeroom 215. I love the picture of Mike. I think he is one of the Best in the country. GO MIKE GO !!!! I hope he wins every race. I hope you and Tasty have a Great day ! Hugs and Kisses from Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank You Miss Shari for the Birthday greeting
I bet your class is so excited with all that is going on now days.
Have a wonderful day!!
Lisa B
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Shari, your words sound so bright and excited. I love it and you my friend!!
HOOVES CROSSED for both of you, dear Zenny!
Kelly J. /ND
Hi Z! It would be cool if you have your foal on the day Mike gets his 5,000th win. Good luck Mike!
Judy from South Carolina
Such a cute picture of Mike! A question for anyone who might remember since we see Mike with a baby—I remember when he and Chantal broke up one of the “issues” was that one of them wanted to start a family when they got married and the other wanted to wait. Does anyone remember which was which? Just curious since this photo got me to thinking and I can’t for the life of me remember!
SO glad to log onto here today and see that you were safe from all of the bad weather from yesterday!!!! I hear there is more on the way, however, so stay safe!!!
I, too, missed TVG’s interview with Dottie so am hoping they re-show it over the weekend. I’ve had to watch HRTV for racing from Gulfstream and Santa Anita — I much PREFER TVG! — or I would have seen it. I actually am glad when the Santa Anita meet is over so I can go BACK to watching TVG!
Well, MY QUEEN, have a relaxing day and take care of Baby Z as we all anxiously await THE BIRTH. Love you!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I’m just the opposite. I love HRTV. Some of the personalities on TVG drive me nuts.
On another subject—did you notice how large Mike’s HANDS are! No wonder he can control those strong runners.
Ingrid Arnone
No! I think every one in TVG are wonderful persons, each one has there own personality, they are very caring persons and they love there job!!!! In addition, they love horses. I think that is very important, I really love TVG. Of course, I respect your opinion, Ingrid.
Cheryl Y
Bobbie,I totally agree with you,love HRTV,hate TVG especially when Matt is on !!The only racing channel Comcast offers is TVG,so I paid to get a subscription on the computer for live racing from HRTV ! I was so HAPPY the last couple of weekends because they showed all the big Derby preps and I really miss getting to watch Gulf Stream and they also show them. I want to see horse racing not watch someone acting like an idiot and showing only a couple tracks !! HRTV RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
It was MIKIE who wanted to start a family, and Chantal who wanted to continue for a while as a jockey. Two lovely people, just a problem of timing.
Judy from South Carolina
Thanks Trina……….I figured you would know! :-)
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Does anyone know if there is a YOUTUBE link to the TVG interview with Dottie and the update on Zenyatta?
If you find something please post it.
Thanks Dottie for the update on Mike and the TVG countdown – How exciting!!!!
Can’t Wait – I’m guessing that the Moss’ are camped out at Lane’s End or someplace very close by – I know I would be there until the BIG DAY!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Hi Big Mama Z, well no exciting news today, you’re really doing a number on us crazy aunties aren’t you. I hope we don’t have to go through the weekend with no updates……..oh torture………I am trying to keep myself busy but I just keep running back to this darn computer. I’m going to have a big fat butt if this doesn’t happen soon, not to mention no hair, chewed up nails, heel spurs etc. Boy am I glad we don’t have SKYPE here……we talking U G L Y!! LOL
I just love the picture of our Mikie with the baby. He is just a doll and so is she.
For those interested:
3/2 Fri, Churchill, UNION RAGS, race2
3/3 Sat, Aqueduct, ITS TRICKY, race #5 (if you don’t remember she’ s the sassy filly that dumped her jockey after the race when he dumped water over her head.
Kim S, I’ll mention to Sally when I talk to her that you will be at Tampa on the 10th so she should look for a dumpling who’ll be looking for her. LOL Wish I could have gone with her……..but it was not to be.
Take care Z and T kisses on your noses, Auntie Sue
Joanna from TX
Sue, I believe you are correct…It’s Tricky is the filly who dumped her jockey when he poured cold water on her head after a race. I love a horse (and people too, usually) who display some ‘tude’ now and then. Makes life interesting.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Thanks for the race info Sue. I’m keeping a close eye on Union Rags and I’ve had a soft spot for Miss Tricky since she pulled that stunt.
Kim S in Tampa FL
Thanks Sue! Wish you could have come too.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sue Thank you telling about It’s tricky Sat. I like her very much. She’s usually up to some mischief. Is it her that only likes to go out with her certain lead pony. It’s one filly……….Picky girl I’ll watch Saturday…
Terri Z/ So Fl
I love It’s Tricky too. She reminds me of her grand dam, Terlingua, who was Secretariat’s daughter. Abigail Anderson wrote a nice piece on her blog about Terlingua. She had her trainer, D. Wayne Lukas, wrapped around her hoof, as he would leave a golf game to go and shampoo her himself with Breck shampoo. LOL
He said that all of her babies looked like her. Shackleford is goodlooking like her and he is quite a card.
By the way, being from Georgia, are you a fan of Mucho Macho Man, a Georgia boy? What a sweet baby. And now he is all grown up and filled out and winning races. He has a nice long gait like Queen Z. I saw him at Gulfstream at the Sunshine Millions and he ran like the wind and won.
Happy Birthday to Lisa B. and Savvy !
Arlene from Vermont
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dottie and Zenyatta –
There is another countdown – 636 Facebook Fans to reach 100,000 fans before Zenyatta has her first foal – ONLY 636 to go – that’s really not a lot – Please share this so we can get Zenyatta to 100,000.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How exciting!!!!
Good to hear everyone is doing great.Mike looks so sweet with a baby in his arms. Zenny glad you and friends are safe. last night the 8th race at CHARLES TOWN, WV was terrible..sloppy track, lead horse fell..what an aweful pile up. Only one rider and horse finished. I pray everyone will be okay. I know several horses had alot of cuts. One horse was put down. One too many..SHERRY
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Sherry- that sounds awful :(
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sherry–the horse who finished was Miss Fifty, bred by the Mosses.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Yes, Miss Fifty was bred by the Mosses and is loved by our very own Past the Grandstand. Read about the love affair on her blog http://pastthegrandstand.blogspot.com/2012/02/story-of-miss-fifty.html
So very sad about the mishap.
Past the Grandstand
Please keep praying for Miss Fifty and the others involved, everyone. Fifty is okay, but she did need some stitches.
For more: http://pastthegrandstand.blogspot.com/2012/03/miss-fiftys-miracle.html
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
Barb, the horse was bred by the Mosses, most likely sold–and wound up at THAT track? Oh how hard our horses have to work to earn their keep…
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I watched the replay of race 8 this morning and it was unbelievable. It is amazing that Miss Fifty was able to stay on her feet and the jockey was able to stay on board. I also hope the survivors heal quickly. Any word on the jockeys?
Irene Caty
Zenny, the countdown is on everywhere and the excitement over your foal soon to be born is thick in the air. Today is March 1st and that is your due date so now it can be any time. I hope we hear the news right away somehow. God Bless you for this special time in your life, love and kisses baby girl Zenyatta.
Kathy S.
Zenny, YOUR Mikie certainly looks like a NATURAL with that adorable baby. Just like YOU will be with your very own prince or princess! Of course you’ll be a perfect MOM. Why wouldn’t you be? You’re PERFECT in all your undertakings.
Deb Carlino
Thanks to Cynthia H for acknowledging those of us with Welsh heritage!
Zenny, can’t wait for your foal to come. This is a very exciting time of year. So happy all of the horse related mags (or rags, as I like to call them) are showing more of the little ones. They are just TOO CUTE!
You and Tasty stay calm and cool! Won’t be long now!
harriett (Oklahoma)
Happy Birthday, Lisa and Savvy!
Presume this post means you are safe and sound from those menacing tornado storms. Mikie does have the best smile. I got a picture with him and me at Your Party back at BC at Churchill. As always thank you Dottie for the wonderful updates. I think of you daily waiting for the big event. Many hugs and kisses
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- please thank your John for the wonderful photo of Mike and little Lelia. How adorable! Hooves crossed for him and his quest for 5000! I can’t imagine riding in a race, much less winning a race, much less 5000 of them!!
Z, I have butterflies every time I check Facebook-lol. We are all thinking of you and Tasty and your Team- sending love and warm wishes. <3
Shari Voltz\Ohio
@ The Baby is Beautiful !!!
@ Happy Birthday SAVVY !!!!
@ Trina you are so talented : ) I still have my birthday poem. You make everyone feel so special. Thank you sweet lady.
@ Dawn I agree with Darlene, YOU ARE A HERO and a really sweet person. Love ya : )
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Left a message above, but wanted to say thank you, sweetheart!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. This is a great picture of your Mikie with Lelia. She is too cute!!! Please thank John for sharing. It is wonderful that John, Dottie and Mike get to see each other often, on and off the track. How sweet that Mike was asking all about you and that he has been able to visit you at Lane’s End. You two have a very special connection, different from any other. It was the two of you all those times running in front of thousands, completely surrounded, yet all alone. You were joined by voice and touch, becoming one. You kept each other safe in a highly competitive atmosphere and crossed the finish line first time after time. He has shown us his love for you many times in many ways, Zenny, pulling at our heart strings each time. Mike is a part of so many memories I have of you. I always say, he was your partner in the dance and it was beautiful to see!!! I’ll be cheering him on to 5,000!!!!!
We are all so looking forward to the site of you and your foal running in the paddock. John better have alot of batteries on hand to keep his camera always at the ready. I can’t imagine how many pictures and video will be taken between John and Sarah!!! I know I will love seeing them all!!! Speaking of videos, I hope that someone posts the link to Dottie’s interview if they haven’t already, Zenny. I would really enjoy seeing it!! I know it had to be just wonderful!! Isn’t it fun that TVG is counting down to the big day!
Love you more and more and more and more. . . .!!! Sweet dreams! Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@LISA B. AND SAVVY–hope your birthdays are wonderful. They have to be, since you started them with great poems from our TRINA!
@SUE FREDRICK–I spend so much time at this computer that my hubby had to go our and buy another one for himself!
Dear Z.–what a great picture of our MIKIE. He looks very content, but I know he misses you. It wod be great to get that milestone win on YOUR foaling day.
@PAST THE GRANDSTAND–I left you a message at the end of yesterday’s diary to the effect that now I am in love with MISS FIFTY TOO. Please give us updates. Hope she comes to you soon and safely. She has a beautiful face,
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Barbara, BUTT what’s the matter with that, everyone should have their own computer. LOL Hugs
Barbara Wood (Texas)
#1 New England fan
@Judy South Carolina – I was watching Jockeys recently, and it was Mike who wanted to start a family. Chantal said that their plan was for her to go to the West Coast, she would ride for a year or two, then they would get married and have kids. But then she got very successful and had to make a big decision…
Of course, you never know what else was happening. I’m just re-stating what was on the show.
I love you beautiful Zen!!! Cant wait to see you and your foal out in the paddock. Rest easy sweet one, enjoy the sun. Sending hugs and ear rubs.