Good Morning,
I guess BABIES are a very popular topic everywhere these days. At home, in California, MY JOHN and Dottie live very close to MY MIKIE….and they often run into each other when out in the community. The other evening, they happened to see each other at THE DERBY RESTAURANT. Mike arrived with some friends of his and then they all got together and visited.
MY JOHN just had to capture this photo to share with you. It is MY MIKIE playing with his friend’s baby, LELIA. It amazes ME how small human babies are. From what I’m hearing, MY FOAL will be approximately 125 pounds or so when born and up and walking around relatively soon after birth!
MY MIKIE asked about ME and wanted a complete update on how I am doing. He has been to the farm several times to visit ME since I’ve been in Kentucky and commented he can’t wait to see ME ‘running’ in the paddock with my first foal!
I’d also like to thank TVG for doing an update yesterday ‘on my soon to be a MOM status’ for MY FANS. They visited with Dottie and shared so many of my racing and current photos…many from the DIARY! They even have a ‘countdown’ taking place on set monitoring the days until they think I’ll foal.
I must say, the next several days could be very exciting for several reasons. There are actually 2 BIG countdowns taking place….ME and the number of days until I foal….and MY MIKIE needing 7 more wins to reach 5000! Last night, he told MY JOHN he has several very ‘live mounts’ over the weekend….so HOOVES CROSSED!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Stay safe and warm and dry during these terrible storms. Hoping they all pass you by.
Wouldn’t it be the coolest thing ever if Mike hit 5,000 wins the same day Zenyatta foals? That would definitely be TOO CUTE!
I know i’ve been thinking that too, that would be awesome!
Q & A with Dottie!!! http://www.drf.com/news/qa-dottie-ingordo-shirreffs
Shannon J. in Seattle
I knew someone would beat me too it but I was going to say the EXACT same thing!! We sure are counting down aren’t we…and don’t forget Tasty…she’s counting down too! Good things happen in threes!!
The same day would truly be miraculous!
I really hope everything happens on Sat. March 3rd that would be perfect. I think Mike is riding 9 and also it’s my daddy’s Birthday. :)
Lisag in Texas
It would be, as Zenyatta’s Mikey would say….PERFECTION!
Was just thinking the very same thing. Great minds think alike! I will be away from most communications selling at a festival on Saturday. If I get a phone call telling me it happened and I miss it, my potential customers will think I have lost my ever lovin’ mind ’cause I’ll be whoopin’ and hollerin’ and bouncin’ all over the place! I’ve already planned to avoid social media on Sat. until I can get home and watch replays of all the great races I’m gonna miss.
Robin Ventura Ca
That would be awesome!
congradulations on being number one today !!!!!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
To piggy-back on the “countdowns”, another countdown is occurring on your Facebook page, Z…you are currently 630 “likes” away from having 100,000 fans at your Facebook page. It really would be too much to hope for to have Mikey’s record, your foal be born, and to reach 100,000 FB fans all at the same time, but, they will all happen in all likelihood within the next week or so for sure….Mikey has 9 mounts on Saturday alone!!! He’s really working hard to get to that magic number of 5,000. So, best wishes for a quick and easy foaling, hope Mikey wins all 9 races Saturday (he has a couple on Friday as well), and, I know we all hope for Mr. Commons to be one of those wins on Saturday! Hugs!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
An amazing confluence of events fairly soon, for sure!
Terry Crow
I believe Criswell predicted it.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Well, Terry, I didn’t know who the heck Criswell was, but I do now! What a hoot! However, not a stellar record as a prognosticator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amazing_Criswell
Terry Crow
Amazing you would look it up. It just shows how old I am. I remember this guy from TV many years ago. He would come on and, during the half-hour, would make hundreds of predictions, most of which were so far off the mark that they were forgettable, which is what this guy was counting on.
603 to go as of 6:40 pm now!
I pray everyone is safe and that the storms do not produce destructive tornadoes, and the horses are safe, too.
It is hard to believe the events over the past year with the violent storms in Alabama, Joplin, now the midwest. I also pray that Mike Smith wins his seven more races to make 5,000! That would be awesome! How about a name for Zen’s foal if she delivers on the same day that Mike makes 5,000 wins – AttaboyMike! LOL! Zen’s foal will have a magnificant name because she is a great mare and was ridden by one of the greatest jockey’s of all time. They are very special in the racing world and to their fans!
Stay safe, happy & warm!!! Thinking of Zenyatta today :)
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta!
Zenny, this picture of your Mikie is too cute…his smile says it all. Yes, the countdown is on…here, there and everywhere!
Could I really be in sec?
Stephanie in San Diego
Good morning Mama Z! Cute picture of you Mike and Lelia. I have a feeling that next weekend at the legends benefit we just might be celebrating two exciting event! The arrival of your precious little one and Mikes 5000. Have a wonderful day everyone ! Off to work ;) xoxo
Jane (southern California)
We’ll be at the TROTT event next Saturday too Stephanie! Sounds like FUN!
Stephanie in San Diego
Jane, look forward to meeting you. I believe JAG will be there too.
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, I sure am going to be at the TROTT charity :-D
sue and tony
Zenny…we hope your Mike reaches that 5,000 level this month. Now, that would be awesome! Tell your John we love all his photos and this one is especially nice.
Mike sure has a great smile and seems right at home holding a little one. So little Z/B may weigh 125 lbs at birth. Whoa…..it seems like a lot but then you are a nice size yourself and can surely manage it. Have a great day with TT.
Hi Zenny…like this picture today and all the news in your post. Is it possible for us to get a link of the interview with Dottie yesterday? Thanks.
Good morning. Mike is so cute…. Have a wonderful day.
Theresa Buck/Texas
good morning sweetie how are you today? stay warm and dry muuah
diana in P.V.P
hooves crossed! love you! ♥
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Best wishes to YOU and MIKIE in your countdowns!
A Birthday Poem for Lisa B.
(March 1, 2012)
Our dear Lisa B
Was blessed six times to see
Beloved Z
Race from victory to victory
And additionally
Was at Churchill Downs
That day
When some, Lisa included, would say
Z reached
The loftiest peak
Of her glory
As she defended her Breeders’ Cup crown.
Here’s the story
Of how Lisa began
An ardent fan
Of Queen Z
To be.
Looking back in time,
Before August ’09
And the Clement Hirsch Stakes,
Lisa was not known as someone who takes
Particular interest in any horse race,
But soon, due to Z,
Would make
A complete about-face!
For her Del Mar
Was just a nice place,
Not too far,
With soft ocean breezes,
A place to take one’s ease
As one pleases
With a convivial friend.
’Twas by good fate
That with friends Bonny and Rosie
She made a date
That August day
At Del Mar to spend.
Together, as Lisa does say,
They the horses did play–
She and Rosie liked the name
Lethal Heat
And thus did choose
That stakes winner,
Already on simmer.
Lisa thought she’d be hard to beat,
But all the same,
Lethal Heat was about to lose…
Lisa won’t ever forget
On whom she DIDN’T bet—
That remains her one regret—
If only she could hit “reset”!
But Lisa to the paddock didn’t go
The horses better to know
And had no inkling of who Z was—
She hadn’t heard all the buzz.
As Lisa stood at the rail,
Horse by horse
They came onto the course,
And then there was Z!
Oh me oh my!
Lisa looked in her beautiful eye
And couldn’t fail
Therein to see
A wondrous quality.
After the race was run
And Z number 12 had won
(Though heaven knows,
By only a nose!),
Lisa went home, and her son
Asked her what she that day had done.
Learning she’d been at Del Mar,
He said, “You bet on Zenyatta, right?
She’s the West Coast superstar!”
He couldn’t believe his ears
When he the truth heard,
And I fear
That night
He was so bold
As his dear mom to scold
When she him told
She’d bet not on Zenyatta,
But on the horse who was third!
Nonetheless that day was the start
Of how Lisa B
Was stirred
To be a devotee
Of the great Z.
She soon knew the facts
And followed Z to other tracks–
Santa Anita and Hollywood Park.
Before each race,
She at the paddock would wait
For Z to arrive,
And, coming with her face to face,
Lisa would feel more alive,
Absorbing positive energy
Emanating from Z
And feeling it through her body flow.
To hear Lisa tell the tale,
It’s an inexplicable experience
As if being in the protective presence
Of the Holy Grail,
For standing next to Z you know
A special grace.
As Z’s force
Through her did course,
Lisa deep in her soul recognized
Z is a heaven-sent angel,
Only disguised
To human eyes
Happy Birthday, Lisa B, and many, many more!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Lisa B, wow I feel as if I know your life story! A very happy birthday to you, and many more! TRINA ROCKS! Hugs
Happy Birthday Lisa B.
Hope is it is a great one !!!!!
Lisa in TN
I hope you have one in the making for the biggest birthday to come !!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Funny you should mention that….No pressure, huh? LOL
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Abso-%r@{<)#&-lutely!! No pressure. LoL.
p.s. we know it will be wonderful, Trina.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
You two are busting-side funny on this!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Happy Birthday, Lisa B! Hope it’s a great day!
Celeste in TX
Wow! Happy Birthday to Lisa! Thanks, Trina, for sharing her story in such a wonderful poem. Brought tears to my eyes, but that often happens on this wonderful site. Tears of emotion overflowing from the love for our Queen Z. Thank you!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Oh Sweet Trina,
I am speechless!! Thank YOU sooo much for such a beautiful poem. It brought tears to my eyes…. Okay tears down my cheek I should say. You have a way with words that is unbelievable. You captured exactly the feelings that I went through. How do you do that? I will cherish this poem for the rest of my life. I know that everytime I read it, it will bring me back to the racing days of the Great Queen Zenyatta and how she made me feel. Those were the days when I was in the presence of an Angel called Zenyatta!
You made my B-day a special one!!
Oh, by the way… I actually was blessed in seeing Zenny race 7 times. 3 times in ’09 and 4 times in ’10.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Happy B-day Lisa! You are one lucky lady to have seen Zenny 7 times. WOW!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thanks Kelly,
My only regret is that I never met her in person. I only seen her in the paddock and the track. I wish that I had gone to Barn 55 and met Zenny nose to nose. I thought that you had to know somebody to go to the backside.
Have a Great Day!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Yes, seven times in all–the “six times” went with “race …to victory”, followed by “additionally… at Churchill Downs,” since the seventh time was not technically a victory.
Eveline / Maryland.
Great poem!
JAG / Wringing Hands-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA! See you Saturday :-D
Judy G
Pam Homeier
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Havng a beautiful day here in Kansas.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I just counted and I saw Zenny 12 times! That includes 3 retirement ceremonies (the two “false” ones and the final) and one trip to Barn 55.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
A BIG Thank YOU to everyone for the birhtday wishes!!
Let us all have a Wonderful day!!
Life is Good for we have Zenyatta in our lives
Jane (southern California)
Happy Birthday Lisa!!
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
VERY COOL Happy birthday Lisa
Eveline / Maryland.
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Jan S. / Houston
A very Happy Birthday Lisa.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Happy Birthday, Lisa B. Hope you have a wonderful day and a super year, with many more to come!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisa B, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have a wonderful day and fantastic year!!!!
Trina, another great tribute to an amazing Z-ster! You are amazing!!!!
Love and hugs to you both,
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Trina, you are such incredible person, Lisa B happy birthday! Hugs Ingrid.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy birthday Lisa. Wow!! What a poem. Poet Laureate Trina has outdone herself.
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Happy Birthday Lisa!! Hope to see you Sat.!
Trina…Wonderful poem!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Deborah, and see you Sat too!
Abigail from Montreal
TRINA: You’ve outdone yourself on this one! It’s flippin’ SPECTACULAR! Can’t wait to read the poem you’ll write for Zenny’s newborn!!!!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a Looney-Tune coma ♥
♥ Me to Trina – ditto!
Stephanie in San Diego
Oh I am so sad that I can’t go on Saturday!! Unless a small fortunate falls from the sky in the next 24 hours…..I have to work. Have fun everyone, should be a great day!! Could be a lucky day for Mikey. Hope to see many of you the next week. Won’t miss that one…I am on vacation )
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Karen–I hope you’ll join in a poetry fest in celebration–see my reply to Abigail below.
Terry Crow
I would imagine that Trina is preparing for it and sharpening her pencils.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you so much, Abigail! As to a poem for the coming blessed event, as I posted above, no pressure, huh?! Actually, I think (and hope!) I won’t be the only one who wants to write a few lines of rhyme to celebrate the first born! I hope there will be MANY posters who will try their hand here–the more the merrier, I say. How about you, Abigail?
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday, Lisa!
Love your Birthday celebration poem (Trina!). God’s blessings for many, many more!
Stephanie in San Diego
Happy Birthday Lisa B!! hope it has been a wonderful day!
Trina…you are amazing. You are so talented and just have huge heart. Hope to see you again soon at Santa Anita.
JAG / EXCITED (but trying to remain calm) Auntie Judy / So. CA
We’re going to miss you this Saturday – but will see ‘ya on the 10th :-D
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Stephanie. I’m disappointed that you can’t be with us for Big ‘Cap Day… but we’ll make it another time!
Happy Birthday Lisa! This is another amazing poem by Trina! I still have mine from when my horse passed away and I read it almost everyday and I love it so much! Thanks for sharing all of your amazing poems with us Trina!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Sierra, Thank you so much for the compliment, and I’m happy to hear that you enjoy the birthday poems, but in the case of that touching poem “Going Home,” I have to tip my hat to Especially Horses–she is the one who posted that tribute to you and your beloved TB Spike back on Jan 4. It truly is a masterpiece. I’m glad you continue to read it and keep it in your heart, and I’m sure that will please Especially Horses too! HugZ.
The only baby we are really waiting for is yours!!!
Dear Zenny – that is a great picture of Mike and Lelia. Hopefully this time next week you will be a MOM. Can’t wait to see pictures of you and the Little Prince or Princess. The suspense is killing me lol!!!!!
Love you so Much!!!!!
#1 New England fan
YOUR MIKE has a million dollar smile! These 2 countdowns will be fun..and nervewracking. Stay warm and cozy during all this bad weather.
I hope TVG will re-play the interview with Dottie. Does anyone have a link?
Anne B in MA
Love you! Can’t wait for your foal to arrive!
Maryp (New York)
@Gloria Jeanne, My mistake in yesterday’s post, I think I saw the same post you saw on Zenyatta’s FB not Lane’s End.
Thank Heaven that the storms weren’t damaging in your area big momma. You can stay calm and relaxed in your daily routine with Tasty and all your friends at LE. Love & hugs.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Another birthday today!
A Birthday Poem for Savvy
(March 1, 2012)
Dearest Savvy,
Unlike me,
You’ve not been
Here with Z,
At least recently.
You I don’t know
Really well,
I nonetheless send
These lines to say
I hope your birthday
Will be swell
And not at all shabby!
Happy Birthday, Savvy, and many, many more!
Lisa in TN
You are just way to creative Trina. Love it!!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Savvy, Happy, Happy Birthday Savvy and many more! Hugs
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Happy Birthday, Savvy! Have a wonderful day!
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday to Savvy! Thanks, Trina for another great poem!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Happy B-day Savvy!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Happy Happy Birthday Savvy!!
Another Great poem Trina!!
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Savvy.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Yippee, another celebration! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Savvy!!!
Love and hugs,
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy birthday Savvy. Isn’t it an honor to be the recipient of one of Trina’s poems.
Deborah Richman from So. Calif.
Happy Birthday Savvy!!
Another very special poem, Trina! How do you do it?
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday Savvy!
So close to Baby Z’s birthday….what a treat! Lovely Birthday Wishes, Trina! God’s Blessings for a wonderful day, Savvy!
Stephanie in San Diego
Happy Birthday Savvy!!
Annette Reynar
Anytime now Zenyatta and all of us can’t wait to see the wonderful foal you’ll welcome into this world.
All of us here in Ontario Canada wish you a safe delivery and personally, I’m hoping for a little filly!
Enjoy the first day of March and send our best to your friend TT.
Hugs and Kisses
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I love you My Beautiful Zenyatta! Mikey is soooo cute!
Saw the fabulous special on TVG w/Dottie talking about you, Zenyatta. Dottie is soooo great.
Everyone is so excited and waiting to hear the BIG baby news.
Praying for you and your foal to be healthy and well.
I can hardly wait to see your baby!
Hugs and Prayers
Lisa in TN
Fingers crossed for Mike. Wishing him all the best. Hope 5000 happens soon. What a CUTE picture. It is that time of the year. I would love to see the interview also. Hope there is a link! Counting, counting, but all good things come to those who wait. It’s just that waiting is SOOOO hard. I am sure the Moss’ are sittng on pins and needles along with the rest of the team. I was looking back at a picture that I took after the 2010 BCC of Mario and Zenyatta. He was just the best to take the time to deal with all of us. The picture just brought a smile to my face. Keep safe tomorrow all in KY the weather is going to get bad again. Can’t wait :0{ My mares like to foal when it is raining. The worse the weather the better they like it. Have a great day everyone the sun is shining bright right now!!!!!
Shema Satya
Oh Z! big hugs!
Audrey - British Columbia
Safe journey for you and Mike.
Dear Zenny !
I hope Mike wins his 5000th this weekend and many more after that..
I wish you and Tasty a good day and don’t run to much in your paddock….take it easy big girl and take good care of your little one …I can’t wait to see it running with you
Big hug from Marion
M. Kern
What a cute picture of Mike and Lelia. OMG! It’s getting close. I have my fingers crossed for you and Tasty. Thanks for keeping us updated. I love you so much Queen Z. Say hi to Tasty for me. XOXOXOXOX
Darlene Daniels
Good Morning Zenyatta and Tasty. I love your Mikie. He is a total HOTTIE, and I love the way he rides, but most especially I love the way he loves YOU. Have a wonderful day my angel. Love to all.
@Trina, Awesome poems.
@Dawn Conrad. I saw your interview. You were a hero to all of us before you became a hero for your bank customers.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Darlene, you are much too kind! As Zenny would say, “Blush, Blush”! My heart is touched each day by the joy I receive from all of my beautiful Z-friends. Thank you, sweetie!!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Happy St. David’s Day, to all of you of Welsh heritage.
judy berube from Rhode Island
And to you , Chynthia. Hugs, JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I am of Welsh heritage but don’t know much about it :) I’ll have to look up St. David’s Day. Thanks, Cynthia!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, lovely lady. I hope you are having a very, very, good day!! I know you have been experiencing a cold snap, so stay warm my dear. Drink plenty of tea!!! I actually do have some Welsh blood. On my mother’s side of the family, my grandfather was Welsh, German and my grandmother was Irish. What a mixture!
Thinking about you aways, my dear friend!!
Love and hugs,
You want to talk mixture? How about Polish on my moms side, and Commanche Indian on my dads side!
Lisag in Texas
Thank you, I am a quarter, me mom being half.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I went to an all girls high school in England. We had four houses, St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick and St. David and the daffodils in the school grounds were usually in bloom on St. David’s Day. I was in St. Patrick’s house and there was always some shamrock on the St. Paddy’s bulletin board on the 17th.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy St. David’s Day, dearest Cynthia!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Wow! St. David would be proud! Thank you all for your great responses. I hope that you had a fabulous day!
Cymru Am Byth!
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Good Morning Ms. Z,
Sharing your baby countdown with others & TVG. Don’t hurry in the “baby race”. Good things come to those who wait. (((Horse Hugs)))
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Lisa B. Hugs, JB
Wonderful Trina. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Savvy. Hugs, JB