Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Ingrid Arnone
My dear Zenyatta, I am so glad you are well, because if you are happy I am happy, I will keep praying for you every day, love you and I love TT, Ingrid.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- what a wonderful report! You are really progressing! Will Ann be there to hold your hoof? We are all with you in spirit, Z, and Tasty <3 We know Kari will be with you. Love you, beautiful girl. You're the best!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. What wonderful news Momma Z!! I am so glad that everything is as it should be with you. It is amazing the small gradual changes that nature has in store for your body as you are getting closer to foaling. A true miracle!! Of course, all of us who love you so are very excited about it all. The journey is so much fun, especially knowing that we are sharing it with our amazing Dottie, beautiful Ann, your John, the rest of wonderful Team Z and all at Lane’s End. I hope you know Zenny, that your foal is going to be a very special bundle of joy for everyone to cherish!!! Your little one will be so very loved!! Thanks to you and Dottie again for the wonderful post and all of the great details on how you are doing! Love it and love you my dear Zenny. Say hello to Tasty. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Oh, Zenny. I just had to share that I am going to be on TV tonight. I was interviewed by the local ABC channel about some assistance we gave one of our senior citizen customers that had been targeted by a fraud ring that was trying to get them to wire a large sum of money out of their account. It is so sad to see older individuals targeted by these awful groups! I hope everyone is talking to their loved ones about not sharing private information or going along with these types of calls. The customer’s family was so thankful for our help, that they called the TV Station to let them know how great they thought my branch was! That was so kind of them and I am so proud of my team!!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dawn- that’s really neat! Kudos to you and your team!!
Bravo Dawn, crimestopper. It is great what you did.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Good for you, Dawn. It’s reprehensible that people target these folks that have worked all their lives for their retirement and now these crooks are trying to take it away. I’m so glad you were able to help these people. Keep up the good work, as I know you will!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
How could they not be great with you heading up the branch!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
sounds like your team did some great work. You hear these stories all of the time. Send us the link from the TV station’s website, and we’ll get to see you too!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Congratulations Dawn to you and your staff. I’m sure you have the best branch in Colorado. Hope everything went well today, say hello to Mom from Vic and me.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dawn, oh how proud you must be…….congratulations, you probably saved this elderly person’s life savings. Interestingly enough I worked at a bank too and we saw this king of thing all the time. How some people can be born totally devoid of a conscience is beyond me. God Bless you and your team! Hugs
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you so much my friends. I will try to get the video sent to my e-mail so I can share!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
★ Dawn, how great is this! A whole stable full of high hooves to you, and a rousing three whinnies! Kudos to you and your team my friend. You are truly one of Zenyatta’s stars! ★
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Amen! Beautifully said, Cynthia!
Lisag in Texas
Dawn, that is so wonderful. I have never seen one place with so many wonderful, creative, loving people as I do here.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- to us, you are the Queen, one of racing’s greatest (or THE greatest). To little z, you’ll be “mama.” <3
Paula McCaleb in AZ
Sweet Zenyatta, I’m so happy to hear your body is going through all the proper stages…….that is great news! You look so beautiful in the photo and what gorgeous colors in the sky, “pink & blue”………what a perfect shot for our SOON-TO-BE-MOM. Thank you Sarah for sharing. Many hugs, kisses & prayers for our Zen & Tasty too!
Robin Ventura Ca
I can’t wait to see your baby!
DOTTIE – when will they unveil the statue of our beautiful girl?
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dawn – That is so great!!!!! I got one of those calls one time/ and an e mail that a friend (not relative) was stranded in Europe and would I send money? I called her and she was at home!!! Must be very cautious about these kinds of scams.
On another subject, the name escapes me now, but Bernie has another colt, his name starts with an A too ( at least I think it did. He has been doing very well too.
Darn – senior moment for sure…. He is on the Derby Trail too.
I have to say, I hope all the Mama’s to be /and current Mom’s and babies are doing well. There are so many that don’t have the following that our beautiful Queen and her best friend have, but I wish them all the very best. The farms, ranches , assistants, owners. It must be a glorious time fraught with every emotion. Here in Ca at the Golden Eagle Farm in Ramona there are new babies too. John and Betty Mabee’s son now heads it up. We had a foot of snow up in Julian last night, sun is out now, but I’m dying to take a ride up. The kind farm assistant’s wife said, just call ahead. They have some pictures on Facebook. These babies and their Moms are universally “TOO CUTE FOR WORDS”.
Thanks for the NPR post Cynthia. So amazing and such a kind man helping his “Mama”
Think your talking about Alpha?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thanks, Delrene. I am glad you checked it out before you were harmed. It is terrible what is going on out there!
shirlee in Indy
Love all the news from Zenny and her fans.
Just think 3 years from now we can be doing Derby Watch on Zenyatta’s baby versus Rachael’s!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
I just remembered his name – ALPHA ….. Duh! first letter of the alphabet.
@Shirlee in Indy and possibly Pepper’s Pride’s little dude.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Dawn Conrad–great work!
Diane in CA
One of Bernardini’s babies is off Derby trail. This is really too bad he looked like a strong contender.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Sad news. Algorithms was my #1 pick for the triple crown races.
Dear Great One,
So sounds like a few days from now could very easily be MARCH 3. I highly recommend this day for the birth of your first born. I worked for my mother and I know it will work for you.
So a good possible name for you to consider would be ZeeBeeJea (pronounced Z-B-J). I like it. So let’s work toward this Saturday. I’m totally onboard and ready to fly over in a moment.
Sandra Frey
Z, I’m so excited that I can hardly stand it! I’m sure all of your FAMILY are pacing the floor in anticipation! Sending much love to the Moss and Sherriff families and to Lane’s End Farm – they have done such a good job keeping your friends and fans involved and up to date on your journey. I’m personally thankful for their generosity – your career generated a change in my life’s journey…I got to busy and had forgotten the things in my life that truly brought me great pleasure – you were responsible for a lot of that change. THANK YOU, Z!
Love and blessings,
Sandra Frey
“….I got TOO busy and had forgotten….”
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
It is beautiful the difference Zenny has made in so many lives. Her Zen-magic is amazing!!
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Z. so glad your report was excelent and you are right on schedule.
Reading the article about foal watch they mentioned you and your foal
“she carries a TREASURE within’, that is for sure. Love you and TT and kisses on your soft noses.
@Sue in Wisconsin – Iam with you for sneeking into LE, that would sure be fun. Maybe sneek a peek at the QUEEN.
Trying to wait patiently for the BIG news.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Carol, hey that would be great the more the merrier.; We could meet and car pool. Hugs
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Okay Zenny… I lhave to tell you about a dream that I had on Thurs night Feb. 23, 2012. Well, as always I think of you before I go to bed. You are a constant in my prayers. I dreamt that we ( Judy G., Trina N., Karen G., Jane W. etc…) were at SA on Big Cap Day March 3. We were all in the paddock area waiting for the horses to walk into the walking ring when I got a message on my phone. Then I noticed that Judy was checking her phone and so on. It said that ZENYATTA has foaled a beautiful FILLY. We all looked at each other wondering if it was true. Then Trevor Denman announced the news. We all started jumping up and down for joy. The crowd started to chear at the news. Tears came running down our cheeks and we hugged everyone around us. We lost our composure. Talk about perma grins all around. I woke up from this dream smiling. Oh… I forgot we saw YOUR Mikey and ran up to him to hug him too.
Can you tell that I am soooo excited? I am going to look like a wreck before weeks end. I am so glad that you are able to stay calm and relaxed. Cuz I am surely not. Stay safe and happy Sweet Zenny and Tasty. Love YOU OOOXXX
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Lisa B – I was just going to share this BEAUTIFUL video link when I read your posting, therefore, I’m going to share it under your “dream” XOXO
Please be sure to use your speakers :-D
♥♥♥ Heaven Sent———————–
Amazing time-lapse video captures the night sky
Note: If we are at the track when we “get the word”, those rafters are going to be shaking like they did BC 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Really nice video, Judy. I love sky pictures, but had never seen a sky video before. Stunning!!
sharon in seattle
I think we can bring DOWN the rafters this time!!! go Dumplings!!
Terri Z/ So Fla
Judy, Thanks for the amazing and awe inspiring video.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
That was amazing!! I have to watch it again!
Thanks for sharing
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I envy all of you who have Santa Anita as your local track. I always know when my HPI TV channel is screening a race from SA when I hear the track announcer. He is so good and I can’t think of anyone better to make the announcement if the big event happens on the weekend.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
I know Lisa B.!! See you Saturday!! AND HAVE SOME MORE SWEET DREAMS KIDDO! Maybe this weekend I’ll come out of the ‘foal watch coma’ and be in a ‘baby watch coma’! Better yet, a Nanny-Granny first foal coma!! Yipeee yahoooo!! :) :) : Hugs! NGFFC
This is an awesome dream. I wish I dreamed like this….It should happen now that you have dreamed it. LOL Talk about ultimate dream come true!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisa, what a fantastic dream!! It was wonderful!!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
That is a wonderful dream, Lisa! I hope it comes true! :) There should be an official “Zenyatta Foal Watch” section of the grandstand, don’t you think? A sea of pink and teal!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh Zenny!! You’re bag grew quite a bit over the weekend. What a great sign and that you are “dropping” is even better! They say, several days? Hmmm, I think it will be on Big Cap day (Sat)! How cool would that be? Sitting on pins and needles in N.Cali!
I have also noticed that there are several “newbies,” tuning in as well. Welcome to the Z family! There’s no place like here. Such wonderful friendships have formed, love, and caring people. One big happy Family!!!
I’ll check back later! Love Ya big Mamma to be!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Zenny – I can’t wait to hear the news of your foals arrival!!! I am sure that Zenyatta’s Diary site will be the first to make the announcement – unless of course Dottie and the Team would like to give each of us a phone call at 3:45 am to let us know….. just kidding. Just so happy and excited!!!! How about sending each of us a text message!!!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I know there are ways to send a “text blast”. It would be awesome if Dottie could set one up, we could all sign up for it and then she’d just have to send ONE text that would reach everyone!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
ok wait- I got off track – how big will Zenyatta’s bag be before she is really ready to foal? If she is at a “palm of your hand” size? Please let us know if anyone knows the answer to this.
Thank you :)
And I was just kidding about the text message – maybe.
Taking a sec to answer this.
It’s not about the size of Z’s bag. It’s all controlled by hormones now.
Hormones will trigger physical (as in visable) changes. The bag now has clear to opaque water in it mostly. Hormones will change that to milk with colostrum in it. Hormones will trigger labor and delivery.
It is all Mother Nature now. We are at her beck and call.
Back to bed rest!
Marty R / Colorado
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge about the foaling process. I think it’s your expressing the logical order of things that’s helping to keep me calm.
Feel better soon.
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
761 Facebook fans to go to get to 100,000 – please hurry and tell your friends. We only have about what – less than 10 days to go – maybe less maybe more.
761 fans is nothing WE CAN GET THERE – Share the news Zenny is having a baby!!!!
Queen Z I am super happy for you and Tasty!That would be great if you had your foal very soon.I can’t wait for it.
Marilu V
Dear Zenny:
So happy to hear everything is going well. I pray for your safe and easy delivery very single day. Of course Tasty too. Love and hugs, Marilu
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hope to see you Saturday, Marilu!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Sweetheart, Dottie, Tasty, Babies 2B + Zensters:
How fabulous to hear this report on your progress towards the Big Day and it sure sounds like your body is using its very own intelligence to make the blessed event as smooth as any birth might be. Like others, it makes me so happy to know that your moving along just as you should be at this stage and I just love that you’re feeling happy.
Personally, I think you have been supported all along the way — to arrive at this very moment — especially by your loving owners and by Barn 55, notably YOUR JOHN, MARIO, CARMEN & STEVE, who got to know your natural rhythms and taught you how to “talk” to the rest of us! This would give you the confidence to move into the “brand new” without getting yourself too ruffled and the trust in those around you that brings a sense of well-being. All their care and love for you has prepared you for the moment when that sweet little foal will come into your world.
AND ALL that confidence and sense of well-being is also helping your body RIGHT NOW to do what it needs to do in a gentle, loving way, as well as helping you to feel happy and relaxed.
I couldn’t ask for more for you, Big Girl, or for Tasty. And I’m also thinking that OUR KARI is right there with you. She is your newest angel, Zenny, and I know she’ll make sure that you “come home safe.”
Love you, sweetie. Kisses to you & Tasty. Love & hugs to my Zenster family, be they near or far…..
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, that is a wonderful observation. Zenyatta’s entire Team Z have made her who she is today. Her love of people and genuine enjoyment in having them near will make a great deal of difference as she enters this new phase in her life and delivers her foal. Beautiful!!
Love and hugs,
Abigail from Montreal
Thank you, Dawn. And congrats to you for the public recognition you so richly deserve!
oh, Happy Tuesday right back at you, Zenyatta!
What great news that everything is as it should be.
Thank God for your good health.
Hugs and Prayers
Its so exciting to read how your coming along with your baby…I am telling all my friends that I am gonna be a “GRANDMA” lol you don’t even know me but I am and have been a fan ever since I saw you the first time…
LOL this is all sooooooooo KOOL!!!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Hi Zenyatta I just wanted to say WAY TO GO DAWN !!!! My Movie Star Friend. I wish I was closer to see your interview. I am so happy for you. You GO GIRL !!!! Love Ya : )
Julie from Canada I am so glad you and your students are safe. We just had a really bad situation in Ohio. Sometimes even being at school can be scary. Take care.
Zenyatta I used YOU and Bernie today when I talked about Supply and Demand. Economics can get boring and I needed my horses today to help the children focus.
I love you Special Girl. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thanks gorgeous girl!!! It came as a total surprise today! Mom called me the day the shootings happened in Ohio to be sure it was not your school. She was worried. I had not heard anything yet, so rushed to check. Thank God it was not!!! So awful that these things keep happening. How great that Zenny and Bernie were able to help in class today! Kisses to Miesha.
Love you,
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“Ontario” is so confusing–the well-known one being the province in Canada, but lucky for us here in So Cal, the Ontario where Julie DuVall lives is just a little east of Los Angeles, so we get to claim her as one of our own .
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I get that California/Canada thing all the time! Maybe I should start calling it “Ontario, CA — where Zenny took her last steps on CA soil (since she flew out of Ontario airport to go to KY)” :-)
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Nice picture Sarah, Thank You! Oh, this is such good news! Very soon there will be a
very cute foal running around the paddock. I was hoping for March 16th. That now looks doubtful. We are finally getting some snow tomorrow. Update on my friend Amy,
she is off the chemo for about 4 weeks. She had a terrible time with the side effects.
They will try a different “cocktail” when Chemo resumes in the future. Amy is very upbeat and will be barrowing all of my Masterpiece Theatre DVD’s soon. HUGS
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Alex, lots of prayers and positive thoughts to you and Amy! I admire her attitude and joy in life so much!!!
Love and hugs,
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Alex, for the update on Amy. Our thoughts and prayers are with her.
Cheryl from Webster, NY
I think Mary B. had a great idea for a great name for a great future racehorse (girl or boy) born on March 4th. What a positive statement of power, controlling, and winning in a name like March Forth. I bet no one has used it either.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Dawn Conrad–What a great thing you have done. I am so glad you are getting the recognition you deserve.
@Lisa B.–what a great dream. I never dream anything remotely as good as that.
@Alex Bowdoin–continued prayers for Amy.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Barbara, how kind of you, my friend!!!
Malene Paulli, Denmark
Of course it makes you cry – like…a lot! But that´s to be be expected, given we all know the tragic story of Ruffian.. But what absolutely stunned me, is Jane Schwarz´ extraordinarily beautiful language..The way she describes the horse, the flight, the beauty of Ruffian, the people and the fuss surrounding the whole thing is..wow! Actually I like it much more than Laura Hillenbrand´s book on Seabiscuit. It should be interesting to read William Nack´s book on Ruffian, in comparison to Schwarz´s… :-)
Malene Paulli, Denmark
sorry, I´m new at this..this post was supposed to be a reply to “MARY” who commented at 4:26 p.m ….Just recommending Jane Schwarz´s book on Ruffian – “Burning from the start”… :-)
Jan S. / Houston
Malene, Was just reading an article about Crown Princess Mary. :)