Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
OMG I can’t believe it the day is almost here. I love your story about watching what you eat and how you have to be healthy. I remember when I had my first baby I gained a bit too much wait and really had to watch as the time came near. After my first little girl was born my father in law came to the hospital and asked if there was something he could bring me and of course I said I would love to have a chocolate eclaire. Maybe after your little one is born you can have lots of perppermints. Love you so much and will be very happy when we see your new little one (sure hope its a little filly) take its first steps. I believe we are all waiting on pins and needles!!!! Love that TT as well and am anxious to see her little one for the first time. Take care and keep us posted
March Foal!!! Yeah!
carol in utah
Wonderful news, Queen Zenny. I do have one request. Let’s have this foal on March 4. That is my birthday and I would be quite honored to share it with your firstborn.
Give us an update on Tasty too.
Love you, Big Mare
One more thing Zenny. I don’t have any kids so never experienced the waiting period as the time draws near. But with your foal I feel like it’s a member of the family and I nervously and anxiously awaiting each and every report.
Love You, Big Mare,
Kelly J. /ND
Hi QUEEN Z! I’m glad to hear that you are doing really well. I hope Tasty is doing fine too. XOXOXOXOXOXO
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Oh, dear, the school I work at just went on lockdown about 20 minutes ago! I’m not sure what’s going on, but we can hear the police helicopter flying around and the principal announced that there was “an incident adjacent to the campus.” Hooves crossed that the incident is resolved quickly and we can get back to our normal routine!!
Lisag in Texas
Please let us know all are safe as soon as you know. God be with you and all at your school.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
They just lifted the lockdown. I still don’t know what happened but apparently local PD handled the situation efficiently!!
Lisag in Texas
More good news today! Bless you, Julie, and all at your school. I was scared, I was scared to look for a post from you…scared it would not be there. Thank you, God.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Julie~ Be safe and let us know what is going on as soon a can…..
Barbara Wood (Texas)
So glad you’re safe, Julie!
Abigail from Montreal
Julie: Please let us know ASAP that you, your colleagues and the students are all alright. I just hate the fact that terror can visit the halls of a place of learning. (I’m a retired teacher and teacher educator.)
Marty R / Colorado
So glad to hear the situation was controlled quickly.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Local PD were in pursuit of an armed suspect just south of campus. We were put on lockdown as a precaution and they apprehended the suspect without incident. I think we were on lockdown for about 40 minutes altogether. It happened just as 1st lunch was starting so we ended up having one 45 minute lunch for all the students and then resuming our regular schedule with 5th period. All in all it went smoothly and safely, just like it is supposed to.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Awesome news…..thanks Julie for letting us know. You know how we all are….Worry Warts…..
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What a relief you are safe and sound after the awful shooting in Ohio!! Blessings to you and the children my friend.
Love and hugs,
Lisag in Texas
@Steve, Delrene’s son, prayers and angels sent your way, and all that are with you.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dearest Zenny, Thank you for providing such a comforting report on your check up and the news that we have to wait “several more days”. That makes me wonder if you are going to deliver earlier than the 9th. Did Tasty get checked out yesterday? I am so glad that you gave us such a detailed report, how you spend your day, and reduced rations of treats. It’s good to know that spend the nicest part of the day outside and it’s sunny again today, I could see shadows on the ground when I checked in on Cigar. Perhaps you’ll be allowed to have a Guinness once the foal is here, my mother was told to drink one per day after I was born to promote lactation, then again, that was a long time ago and times have changed.
Please thank Dottie and Sarah for keeping us so well informed, I don’t know how well I’ll cope if I have to go through another weekend wondering and waiting, probably double up on my anti-anxiety pill. Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty xoxoxo
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Brenda, you are too cute my friend. Remember, deep breathing or maybe you could try alittle Guinness for your nerves now! Zenny, highly recommends it!
Elizabeth in NM
You gave me a thought … Guinness toasts to Zenny and Baby Z from all of Zenny’s Family at Zenny’s Santa Anita sculpture unveiling in November… what fun! Of course, the toasts will have to start before then – at Lane’s End … very soon!
My love to you and Tasty, praying for safe delivery of healthy babies for both of you
Love you SO MUCH!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Thanks for keeping us daily updated with the newest of your status Zenyatta. It is great that you are doing so well and that things are proceeding right along as they are supposed to. I am sure that you and your connections and family are getting extremely excited as all of us out here are of the upcoming birth of you little baby. Keep on taking it easy and enjoying each day-love you lots Zenyatta! Give Tasty our best too!
Love & Blessings with bunches and bunches of kisses coming your way
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
Morn Z ♥
glad you doing great & tasty too. :)
thx so much for keeping us updated.
yes it will be interesting to see when both of you give birth to your foals…oh the excitement & anticipation
hooves crossed
god bless
hugs/prayers Zsters♥
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Sue. God bless you too my friend. Sending hugs and prayers back to you!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Zenyatta, Thank you for your latest checkup report. I felt confident everything would be just as it’s supposed to be. I’d say going from marshmallow size to palm of the hand size is quite an increase. I’m thinking you will make it past this wekend, but that full moon coming up the following week…my oh my.
I’m wondering if Santa Anita is on a bus line. Maybe those going next Saturday should meet up somewhere and take the bus to the track. Sounds like it will be a big day at the races Saturday and it would be a shame if some can’t get in the parking lot. I’m remembering the problems related about parking on opening day. Do I sound like a worrier? Oh yeah. But, I’m still calm about Zenny. lol
What great update! Sounds like everything is going according to plan. Fingers and paws crossed here for you and Tasty!
Zenny, I got your card yesterday. I don’t know what I did to deserve it but it sure made my day!! I did send you some treats but that was quite some time ago (you need to watch your intake now:) and certainly didn’t expect anything! Thank you so much for your kindness!! When your precious baby is born I will make a donation to an animal cause in his or her honour.
Thanks also for the lovely news about P.Q.’s sweet colt! P.Q. has such kind eyes and I always liked Quality Road:)
Love ya, sweet Zenny!
Laurie Collins
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I’m so excited for you and Tasty.
Counting the days right along with you :)
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Before I go to lunch:
1) Do you realize how many Aunties and Uncles Zenny has!!?? Based on her FB friends – almost 100,000 – that is WAY TOO CUTE!! ♥
2) If all of us paced at the same time – we could cause a National Disaster: Earthquake ;-P ♥
Mommy Z – the day after you deliver your foal, I think we should all wear pink or blue, depending on the sex of your baby! I’m favoring PINK… just sayin’!
Judy G
The Kennedys in San Diego
Great idea! I will have both teal blue and pink waiting. Of ONE thing we are certain, it will be a colt or filly.
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Too cute JAG – LOL!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What a lovely idea, Judy!! I will be sure to have something in both colors ready. As the Kennedys say, we can count on it being one or the other.
Jan S. / Houston
Pink it is JAG…….
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
No problem! — since I started watching Zenny, more of my clothes became either Teal or Rose.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Or both at once!
Eveline / Maryland.
Article in DRF http://www.drf.com/news/zenyatta-wait-first-foal-combines-science-art-and-anticipation
Abigail from Montreal
Thanks for this, Eveline. Great article. Geez — by the time Zenny & Tasty foal, we’re all going to be experts!
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
It is taking everything I have to not start bawling my eyes out!!! When i saw the “projected delivery date” of March 9th” I thought I would faint!
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Thank you John Henry for passing your wisdom and good luck charm ability to Zen with this date! Zenny might not deliver on this day, but the fact it is her “due date” is magical enough for me to smile from ear to ear!
Abigail, thank you for finding this article – now I have to share it with EVERYONE I know via email! LOL
Ecstatic On Cloud Nine – Judy G
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
March 9th!!!Oh no, I’d certainly be happy for Jag and JH but my god that is like a week and a half away……I’ll be bald by then.
Eveline / Maryland.
That was the first thing I thought when I read that. LOL!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
hahaha! LOL funny, Sue. You call that a ‘Nanny-Granny bald head coma’, right??
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I know, Judy!!!! I couldn’t believe it when I read that, how fantastic!! Hooves crossed for you, sweetie!
Love and hugs,
JAG. Take at look in this article at the projected due date.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Interesting and couple that with the full moon connection.
Ingrid Arnone
Thanks for the great link, Ingrid.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Eveline- thanks for link. Good article!
Cool, her Due date is March 9th and the next full moon is March 8th. What timing!
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Love watching the newborn foal trying to stand for the first time. Legs–how do they work?!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Eveline — loved that article, thanks so much!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Zenny, questions on Black Caviar’s next race being raised.
That’s all great news, Zenny! Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date! Sounds like we might have a little Zenny on the ground some time in the next 10 days… I’m so excited!
Elizabeth G.
I certainly will have a happy Tuesday now that I know you are so healthy and everything is right on target. God Bless you, Z.
Trisha from VA
Well of course you are perfect, doing great and as expected. What else could we expect from the greatest Queen that ever reigned danced or stepped on a race track (or would that be reined a little play on words here) or ever will reign, until the end of time . It is so wonderful you are healthy and happy. Give TT a kiss . Smooches and big hugs to all who care for you.
We have a lot of March babies in our family, March 4, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 28. Makes my purse sigh. BUT, there is always room for one more. Can’t wait.
Love, hugs and kisses to you and yours
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trisha:
Love your post. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Sounds like a ‘heavy’ sigh to me! LOL! Love your post!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trisha, great words for our Zenyatta!!! Love it!!!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Algorithms off Derby trail — so sad!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Dang it!! I love Algorithms!!! Get well soon handsome boy!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Ah, geez. What a shame! Such a nice colt and was hoping he’d do his daddy proud on Derby Day. Hoping he’ll get back to the track & not end up in retirement.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Sorry to hear that.
Ingrid Arnone
Yes, very sad very sad, Ingrid.
Jan S. / Houston
A speedy recovery to the big guy.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Kennedys Oh poop, he was one of my derby horses I guess I must be the kiss of death I also liked Stephenoatsee and he’s out too. Hugs
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Very sad, indeed. It is always so awful when one of these beautiful athletes is hurt. Wishing Algorithms and his connections the best. My prayers for his full recovery!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Mom risks life to save horse:
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great story. Thanks, Kimberly! It is so true that horses pick up the attitudes of those around them!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
OMG- what a picture. I’m so glad this had a happy ending. Thanks, Kimberly.
sharon in seattle
thanks for sharing, Kimberly. The series of pictures shows a heart pounding sequence of events — seeing the horse, the owner and all the people involved in the rescue.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kimberly, this brought tears! She had so much love for her horse and it made all the difference in a successful rescue. What a wonderful story!!!!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Wow, reading the same post almost at the same time! Sorry to have one of Bernie’s boys off the Derby Trial. Hope operation goes well and he comes back stronger than ever!…http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/67704/algorithms-injured-off-derby-trail
Kim in Saratoga NY
Zenny, you and Tasty are such sweet girls. My gosh I feel like I’m holding my breath when I read these updates! I can only imagine reading the BIG ONE when the day finally comes; cannot wait!!!!
Hugs and a High Hoof to all!
Jan S. / Houston
I agree Kim. Can hardly breathe now. ;);)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Kimberly Potter–thanks for the great link. They are so right. Horses pick up “vibes” from those around them for better or worse. Hugs.
Celeste in TX
Thanks to Sarah for sharing the lovely photo of you grazing in your paddock. You are still so beautiful!!! What exciting news you’ve shared with us about the changes and progress you are making toward your foaling time. This is so wonderful it makes my heart smile so big!! The folks at Lane’s End must be excited too, but I’m sure quite nervous at all the responsibility of taking care of our Queen. Thank you so much, Zenyatta, for making my day brighter with your diary!!
Jody Lawrence
I”M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you and Tasty and Hot Dixie Chic!!!!!!
geri bidwell
Glad everything is a-okay!
Can’t wait to see the little Mondatta !!