Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Dallas from Texas
Good morning Baby Girl. I’m so glad to hear that all went well with your check-up yesterday. It gives me joy to know that you are a very very happy girl with no stress in your beautiful life. If anyone deserves that Baby Girl, it’s you. You have a wonderful day, love you.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Sorry for the mistakes. I am always doing two things at once : )
The Kennedys in San Diego
Getting more exciting with each passing day. An interesting account the ‘foal watch.’
Abigail from Montreal
The Kennedys: Another terrific article. Thanks so much for this!
Lisag in Texas
Excellent read, thanks for the link. It is complicated.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
A very informative article, I just wish I could join Zenny;s foal watch team.
Brenda. You are on the team. We all are. This team is huge.
Joanna from TX
That was detailed and very interesting. It’s no wonder to me that breeders may opt to have their broodmares under care and managed by really experienced horse-people, like at LE or other specialized horsefarms, like Stonestreet.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
The Kennedys, thank you for the great information!
Elizabeth in NM
Loved that sweet picture of Momma and baby toward the bottom of the page. Wonderful article… Thank you all again for sharing website. Blessings to the Kennedy Family!
Zenyatta/Dottie your post as always is uplifting and special. I look forward to each post and walk away with a smile and good feelings in my heart each time I read. I am so anxious about the birth of our new little champion but wish you a safe delivery and good health for you both. Whether it a colt or a filly it will be lucky to have a Mom like you. Team Z is such a loving family and the fans have so much love to give that this little one comes into the world enveloped in love and light. And, of course, all the folks at Lane’s End that give you love everyday. All your fans and me are PACING…PACING…PACING! We cannot wait to meet our new little champion!
We need 791 more “LIKES” on Zenyatta’s FB page to reach our goal of 100,000 before baby Z is born (due 3-09) but could arrive anytime! Please repost this-send to all you know who have not yet experienced her inspiration, love and respect that we all share as fans! We are running out of time! Thanks for your help!
Oh Zenny, I just can’t wait. Your foal and Tasty’s too will be so cute.
Love to the both of you
hi Z! Oh what good news! This is sooo exciting! March 5 is my BD, wouldn’t that be the best gift I could receive? YES! Baby Z/B arrives on my BD!!! Have a wonderful Tuesday comparing notes with Tasty! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Raylene/ So Cal
The Kennedys: Great article. Very informative. Thanks so much!
Jan S. / Houston
Any day now Z. You look so calm and relaxed there in your paddock, unlike us Z’sters who are having anxiety attacks and palpatations…… xoxo
Therese in Texas
So exciting! Can’t wait to hear the happy news!
ZENNIE, thanks for thr good news. Do you know how many mares that are having their foals at L. E.??? ALso how many born will be colts or fillies?? I think about all these things from time to time. L.E. is so wonderful i would live in a stall just to be near such lovely horses. keep up all your good work. Thanks to all for keeping an eye out for the big day.. SHERRY
George Matkovich
Great to hear that all is going well
Anna M
I love hearing your Updates Z.. I am battling a really bad cold right now and still working despite being sick.. I am going to the doctor on Thursday (soonest available appointment) to make sure its not something worse than a cold.. My mom had the same symptoms as me and hers turned out to be Acute Bronchitis.. Plus she has bronchitis related asthma.. I just wish this cough would go away lol..
Lisag in Texas
I have the same thing, and it ain’t going away, I wake myself up coughing all thru the night.
Elizabeth in NM
Anna and Lisag,
Praying for your Mom, Anna, and both you and Lisag. Have to get you all well for Zenny’s upcoming birth!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
prayin that you get better soon anna.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Anna M, positive thoughts and prayers coming your way!! Hope you feel better soon. Take care,
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Get well wishes for you both, Anna M and Lisa G!
I’m thinking about Zenyatta each and every day since the time is getting closer. I’m gonna be a grandma! :-)
Agnes Carlson
You look great, Momma Z! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I can’t wait to see the your little dumpling!
XOXO Agnes in Sweden!
Marty R / Colorado
It’s good to have you join us here on Foal Patrol. Please feel free to comment again.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Foal patrol! love it! a ‘foal patrol coma! I know! (all right already with the coma! Geesh Karen! ) Zenny, maybe your foal better hurry up just a little, huh? Don’t think this Granny can take much more nail biting, pacing, insomnia, $$$ to replace carpet, comas, and it’s a little drafty with a bald head! ♥
I can Fed-Ex you the carpet, tehehe….but I may not be able to send you hair… ;-D LOL
But I can wish for some to grow…my mom always said dreams come true. :)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“Foal Patrol”–high hoof!
Elizabeth in NM
Love ‘Foal Patrol’!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Agnes:
Welcome to Z’s Fan Family. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Agnes, welcome!! How great that we have another Zenyatta fan from overseas joining our wonderful family!!!
Welcome Agnes, FOAL WATCH is fun !!!!
Jan S. / Houston
Hi Agnes Glad to have you on Z’s site.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Welcome, Agnes from Sweden!
Elizabeth in NM
So nice to have you join Zenny’s website from Sweden. It is such fun and so informative. I don’t know how long you’ve been reading Zenny’s site, but it’s nice to have another ‘pacing’ Auntie.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' coma ♥
Maybe in about four days or so to go now Zenny! Will be no ‘let down’ once you foal girl! Yipeeee! Can’t wait until we can oohhh and awwww and breathe again! What PURE JOY that day will be! Love you more and more and more and ….
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Karen- LOL!
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Karen –
No!! I love her more and more and more and more and more…. :-P
Excited Auntie Judy G
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, dear Karen!! I know the anticipation just keeps building, but you are right, there will be no let down. Our hearts will be twice as full on the day our Zenny gives birth!
Elizabeth in NM
Hadn’t thought too much beyond Zenny’s new foal arriving, but I agree with you. We’ll all be checking for new baby pics everyday – probably several times a day! It’s just too much fun to really even imagine. Blessings Dawn.
Keri Mattingly
Great news on the check up!! Glad to hear everything is progressing nicely. Enjoy this beautiful day with Tasty!!!
The birth of your foal will be celebrated around the world-all because you are THE QUEEN, dear Zenny. Take it easy and dream of what is to come!
Shanda Hooton
This is such good news: ) but then I knew it would be!!!! It won’t be long now and you are gonna have a little foal by your side: ) Oh Z you will be such a wonderful mom! I like so many of your other fans, and your, teams….cannot wait for the magical moment to arrive! I bet this is the most wanted little foal ever because of everyones special love for you my girl! Take it easy….it won’t be much longer. I include you and yours in my prayers everyday. Praying for and easy safe delivery for you and your precious bundle! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HIM OR HER: )
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Shanda, how lovely. I am saying my prayers for Zenny also. I just want her and her sweet little one to be safe, happy and healthy!!
Jazzy Mazz appaloosa/welsh cross
Zenyatta I can not wait too see your foal I keep staying updated so I know as soon as you have your foal. sooo exciting :)
Zenny, I hope you have one of these blankets ready (in pink too) for the foal. This is just too cute, it’s Peppers Pride’s new colt, born last Saturday.
That blanket is just TOO CUTE, but no foal socks!!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Too cute for words!
The Kennedys in San Diego
He is adorable. Brava, Pepper’s Pride!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JSmith, thank you for the link. I went out to the site, but it is not available right now. I will keep checking. The foal in it’s baby blanket sounds just too cute!!
Elizabeth in NM
So Cute! Love that blanket! Congratulations to Pepper’s Pride!
It won’t be long now and everyone is so excited and happy for you, Zenyatta. I’m sorry you can’t have so many treats now but it will be worth it soon when you have your baby by your side to love. I can’t wait for the photos and videos. Be well and you and Tasty both have safe, successful deliveries when the time is right.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
You are progressing nicely. I know I’d be camped out at your stall door. Good luck to Tasty and YOU, you big beautiful gir. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
Lisag in Texas
No news yet! Am waiting and anticipating, and am a nervous wreck.
Great News Zenny!! The final count down has started. Zenny you and Tasty have a great day. LOL from Tennessee.
Dear Zenny,
That foal sure has dropped. Getting ready
For the big day. So glad you and Tasty are
Comparing notes, just like we humans do when
Our bestfriends are pregnant too. Bet you are
Missing those extra carrots. Oh, well it will be
Time to indulge after the baby arrives. Producing
Milk requires more calories. Have a wonderful
Relaxed day with Tasty.
Janie (in L.A.)
As you can see from the comments Zenyatta, we’re all pacing and sweating and holding our breath awaiting word of your precious baby, but I’m sure you are as cool as a cucumber as you move toward your goal – just the way you were on the race track. So we’ll do all the hand wringing and fidgeting for you – you just continue to stay calm and happy and enjoy all the exciting changes your body is going through. You are such a champion, pretty girl, and I’m so glad you have Tasty to experience this with. Love you both!
Lisag in Texas
@Theresa Buck/Texas, in case I missed it, when is your Birthday?
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thanks Dottie and Zenyatta for this most-welcomed update on your condition. It’s so nice to read such good news.
I received a short e mail from my son Steve, I don’t think he can say much and I couldn’t stand it any longer and just said, “let me know you are ok” and he wrote, “fine thanks” but he is ok and that is so good to know- dated early this a.m.
Zenny you and all the lovely folks on this website are helping me try to remain positive and in good spirits.
You look so rested and calm. I must get back to a couple of the links but later.
I want to say, I love all the new names and places that have found your website. A big welcome. It’s a wonderful, safe, happy place for all kinds of reasons too numerous to mention I know I read for awhile and was too shy to comment. This is the greatest group of virtual friends anyone could ever hope to have.
Always a place to come too, like a best friend having you over for coffee or tea ; even though we are spread literally “around the world” Isn’t the internet wonderful for many good reasons????
and the Facebook goal?? so CLOSE. I guess you can’t “Like” it more than once, or I would do it in a heartbeat….
Hugs to all, especially you and Tasty T
Thanks Dottie for sharing Zenyatta’s info.
Mommy time is literally around the corner.
Must hit the Target for more Kleenex…..!!!! Happy tears for sure.
Lisag in Texas
Delrene, yeah, I never thought I would say it, but O YEAH, the internet is wonderful…because of Zenyatta, and all her people, which includes all the aunties, uncles, nannies, grannies and grandpapa’s on this website. Alot of best friends over for coffee and tea, I do both, and they do not get annoyed at me because I cannot hear them, because I do hear them, all of you…each and every word. Thank you all my family in Z’s world…I love you all….Lisag
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag in Texas:
Right back at Ya! Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Delrene, I am praying very hard for your son and all our boys over there! God Bless them all! Please let them know we CARE. Hugs
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
well said ♥
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Delrene–so thankful for your good news and echoing Lisag’s thoughts too.
Celeste in TX
My thoughts and prayers with you in waiting for your son’s safe return.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene:
That’s great that you heard from your boy. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Delrene, how wonderful that you heard from your son!!!! Your post was absolutely fantastic and I agree whole heartedly!! We are all so blessed to have this remarkable diary site and the beloved friendships we share here!
Love and hugs,
I sure hope I get to meet you at the Breeder’s Cup this year, so I can give you a hug in person!!
Target should send you a thank-you card. :-)
Elizabeth in NM
Agree with Pati… Target should give you a discount! Thank you for keeping us informed about your Son. Many prayers from so many people on this site are being offered for him and for You. You must really have pacing tracks at your home for Steve and for ZENNY! Many Blessings from Above, Delrene. Hugs from NM
Hi Z, I am having a migraine today. It is a hum dinger!!
I only have a few words for you and TT today.
Tasty Candy and Z your gift to Ann are so close.
We love all 4 of you. Have a great evening.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
praying it goes away soon sue. i get them daily so i know how ya feel.
Thank you all fo your kind words. The Z family is so cool I love being part of it. U
Sue Judy Dawn we are family through Z. Momma Z
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue in Florida:
Wishing you better. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Sue, how awful! I hope you feel better soon!!
Elizabeth in NM
Sue, I hope you are over your headache now. They get your attention, don’t they?!
Will pray for you that they get better with time (or go away completely!). Glad you checked on ZENNY. She’s always good medicine! Love and prayers from NM
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a 'let down now!' tummy coma ♥
Praying for your son (and all men and women in uniform) our hero! Hugs , hugs!