Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, HAPPY TUESDAY TO YOU AND AROUND THE WORLD. It’s Perfection, my Queen, would you have it any other way! I am so happy everything is going as it should be, and I am sure Tasty’s status is just a Perfect, you two BFF’s taking such good care of each other. Wow, what a day it is going to be when YOU have your FIRST born, I cannot image how every room in every home, car, workplace, is going to react. This is history, and I am here to see it. Thank you so much for making my day even better. I love you….Lisag
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Lisag in Texas~ LOVE your post!
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
BIG SOON -TO- BE MOMMA Z , Several days and counting. Gave me goosebumps just reading that!
@ Cynthia H. – I also read that NPR story before I came to Zenny’s page. Very interesting & reassuring to those of us who are not part of “the foaling know-how” group.
Legs, arms, fingers & paws crossed in our household for you, Tasty, and the safe & healthy delivery of your babies. No pressure, but you know the world is watching! Do they have a “baby pool” at the farm on you two? I’m going with March 3rd, 122 lbs., 3:17 am, colt. My other prediction for the year is that the world will not end!
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Carolyn–I still am holding out for a filly on March 1…but it’ll be fun to see who came closest…and got it right! I’m with you about the world not ending….
Keeping fingers crossed that you and Tasty have an easy time foaling, Z! Can’t wait to see the new little ones…..and pass along congratulations to Pirate Queen too!
With much love from Illinois,
So very glad to hear all is going as planned. Very excited for the days ahead.
Stay well and looking forward to the day we know more about your little one.
As always thanks for sharing. XOXO
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ I was holding my breathe as I opened your diary, Zen!!! Oh, I’m getting so excited for YOU, Sweet Cheeks! :-P
I’m wondering what kind of esp messages you and Tasty are sending to each other :o) (blush blush)
Peppermint kisses – hugs – tummy rubs, My Queen XOXOXO
Auntie Judy G ♥
♥ Uncle John Henry’s esp message: MARCH 9th (or full moon on the 8th!) (wink wink) ;-)
carol in utah
Dearest JAG….cease nail biting immediately…not good for you…finger drum…or pencil thump instead
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL if I start finger tapping here at work I’ll drive them all crazy – as if I haven’t done that enough over the years talking about Our Queen and now her pregnancy (tee hee)
Judy G
March 9 is looking good.
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Kris O. - Chicago suburbs
I wanted March 9 cuz it’s my b-day! But lately I just want it to happen SOON and be healthy and safe! I’m so excited!
I’ve never met anyone with my b-day, so it’s been fun to find out the great John Henry and I shared one. Maybe we will add a special foal to our little group.
JAG / Nail Biting-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Kris O. – Chicago suburbs
You, my friend, are in excellent Company to share the same birthday as the Great Gelding, John Henry! And, he not only won the Inaugural Arlington Million right there in Chicago, IL, he won it again, and got a close 2nd another time – how cool is that!!! :-) Not to mention, he STILL has the highest earnings of any TB gelding to this day…. ♥
Thrilled to hear things are progressing nicely for you. So much to look forward to. I was also happy to hear that Peppers Pride gave birth to a handsome colt last weekend. Like you, dear Zenny, she has a special place in my heart.
Wonderful news that all is going along with you as it should. You’re going to be a great Momma!
Great news for you and Tasty. Any pictures of Pirate Queen’s baby?
carol in utah
Great news on your check up…sounds like all is moving at proper pace in right direction
…keep with the program….rest….eat well….appropriate exercise…sorry about the “limited treats” part….you and Tasty can help each other by comparing notes …any program is easier to follow with a friend…
Looks peaceful and serene where you are…this is good…
let your legion of auntie’s and potential nannies worry and PACE for you..we can do this
As always kisses for your nose nose and some for Tasty too
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Countdown…hoping there’ll be a foal-cam in the stall, since this is such an auspicious baby, much awaited…Lady Z you look great, glad that things are progressing as they should. Hope Tasty is progessing well too…that’s a baby whose arrival is much anticipated too!
March 1–a pretty filly hits the ground next to Momma Z…so says my crystal ball….
Ooooohhhh, how exciting! I can hardly wait.
sharon in seattle
Such great news!!! I’m starting to save up tears because once the foaling is announced I’ll need every last teardrop available – tears of JOY!!! Better get an extra box of kleenex out too. : )
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Make that TWO boxes….I’m gonna need them! :)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Seattle:
Ditto. Hope you’re feeling well. Love and Hugs, JB
Shema Satya
oh dear Z, this is so exciting, and yes do let us know how Tasty is doing! I wish you a most wonderful experience is your birthing your first baby! and best wishes for great health for both of you!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. What truly great news. May God bless you and Tasty and the new babies. Cannot wait!!! Tears are in my eyes as I read today’s diary. Love you big girl. God bless you Angels.
Lisag in Texas
@Shari V. So happy to hear the news about Miesha. It is wonderful when prayers of many are heard! So happy for you!!!!! Lisag
Kimberly Potter/Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ You just brought me to TEARS!!!! Tears of JOY, of course. This is never a good thing because I am at WORK! Oh my Gosh, your time is all most here….
I love you so with all my heart Big Momma!!!!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, when you post, sometimes I stare at your photograph, this time I could not help buy notice that the sky is Pink and Teal. It is a sign, the perfect foal of the perfect mare will be born perfect and soon. The sky gives me bumbs and a feeling of joy. I love you…Lisag
What great news! We are all hoping for an easy delivery and a healthy foal. Keep up the good work Zenyatta, taking good care of yourself. The baby will be here before we know it.
If they think it will be several days for the birth, then I’m hoping for March 7th. We are a family of seven (myself, my husband and 5 children), so seven is our favorite number. BUT,…… if it happens EARLIER, that will be fine!!! Cannot wait!
Pattie in South Carolina
Good Morning Beautiful Zenny :) I think about you every night when I go to bed, wondering if tonight is the big night!! I keep you in my daily prayers, asking God to keep you and Baby Z safe. Have a Wonderful Day. With Love, Pattie
Maryp (New York)
So happy that you are doing so well…..just waiting for nature to happen. Waiting is definitely nerve racking!!!
Sharyn - Vermont
So exciting for you and all of us!! Glad to read all your progress this morning – thank you for keeping us so well informed!! Counting down the days now and so glad to hear yesterday of Pirate Queens bundle!!
You and Tasty enjoy your quiet time together for now – that will soon be changing with your foals running around!
Judy from South Carolina
What great news that you are “right on schedule” and everything “is as it should be”!
I have a feeling if THE BIG DAY is, in fact, March 8th or 9th this coming weekend is going to be THE longest for all of us here since the diary started.
Can’t imagine the excitement that must be circulating at Barn 55 and with all of your Humans in California! I bet Ann isn’t sleeping much these last days………..
Take good care, My Queen, and love to you always!
Awe, Z, your are so perfect, you really are. I wish you blessings and a very safe delivery. You and Tasty take special care these next few days and peace be with you
Love ya Z
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Queen Z,
Jeanne from Texas
Am really getting excited; can’t wait to see that iittle booger! To Auntie Sue (don’t you love it) I have all the same emotions, feelings, sentiments just like you as you so well summed up your feelings about our beloved Zenyatta! Isn’t it amazing how many of us folks are also on pins and needles waiting for your baby to arrive? I’m like you Sue, I’d be camped out sitting right next to her if I could…..all the way from Texas! And geesh, you’re from Wisconsin! Now if that isn’t a stretch! Sending you a big 2-arm hug, all God’s blessings and love.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Jeanne, hey I love you Texans. Not to worry I’ve made it to Lexington in 8 hours and that includes 45 min lunch, 6 potty stops(because we always get coffee, personally I prefer McDonalds Iced coffee, sorry I digress) but all that takes is running in and hitting the bathroom, although many times we pick up a coffee on the way out. Jees must be babbling, this horse is making me lose my mind. Well thanks for the post, us crazies like to know we have company. Two-armed hug and God Bless you too!
Hi Sue, where in Wisconsin do you live? I live just north of Wausau. Hope you don’t get any of the crappy weather they say is coming our way. Hugs from a fellow Wisconsinite.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Hi Debbie, I live just outside the Dells and we are getting rain right now. There are about 4 or 5 of us that post here. Welcome fellow badger, this is the best place in the web universe to be! Hugs
Hi Sue, we are getting snow right now. I am so tired of winter, although I guess I shouldn’t really complain this year lol. I love the Badgers!! I used to live across the street from Camp Randall. Was down by the Dells this past summer for a concert. If I get down there again, maybe this summer I’ll let you know and maybe we can meet up and talk horses. I love them all, but esp. the girls. Zenny, Genuine Risk and Ruffian are my favs. Stay safe and dry. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
You have me laughing out loud. Too cute. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
That makes me happy Judy! Hugs
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue, you are on a roll today girl! Love it!!!
Donna from Baltimore
THIS IS GETTING SO EXCITING!!!!! It’s really great getting all the details for those of us who don’t know what a mare in foal goes through. Thanks Dottie for all the lessons and education you have provided us.
Linda Shull
Looking forward to the birth and videos of what is happening. Videos and pictures so we can all share in this event.
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Queen Z,
I am first time poster and I am very excited about your first time foaling. Cannot wait to see if it is a colt or filly. I have been reading posts for about 3 weeks now and felt I needed to contribute. Take care you wonderful beauty and Tasty too!
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Welcome, Raylene! Good to see you here and hope to hear more from you in the future.
Raylene/ So Cal
Thanks Sharon, I certainly will. I will always love Queen Z.
carol in utah
Welcome Raylene….you are braver than me…I read for at least 6 mo before I posted..this is about the nicest group of people you will ever find…caring and supportive
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Carol, I feel the love in this group, for one another and Queen Z, and that is why I think I posted so soon. I was at Santa Anita on March 25 and wanted to meet up with the others that were there but did not make it.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Welcome, Raylene!
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you Susan. I am really enjoying all of you welcoming me to the Queen Z post. I am glad I joined.
Lisag in Texas
Hi Raylene and so sweet, Carol in Utah.
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you.
Three weeks! We used to call it “lurking” when someone read and didn’t post. :) (Meant in a very kind and welcoming way.) I read for three months before I posted. You’ve come to the very best place for the latest news about horses. Beautiful Zenyatta and Dottie have been teaching us about Z’s world. They post the most beautiful pictures, especially the ones by Z’s John. Z-sters, Dumplings and fans teach us from their experiences and wealth of knowledge. Then there is the sharing, caring, laughing, tears, and virtual strength of support and encouragement. Oh, but you know all that! You’ve been reading. You are so welcome here.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
hi raylene. nice to meet ya
Raylene/ So Cal
Nice to meet you also Sue. and I sure could use hugs and prayers.
Jan S. in Houston
Hi Raylene, welcome to the Z’s site.
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you Jan. I am so happy I came across this site I truly love Queen Z and cannot wait to see her foal like all the rest of you. I do not have any children so I will go thru this with Queen Z as a first timer and will be overjoyed when the final day comes. I personally hope it is a filly. I truly regret that I did not see her race being that I live in So Cal. I guess I was alittle late to the party.
Jan S. / Houston
Better late, than never. I hope its a filly too. ;)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Raylene:
Welcome to Z’s Fan Family. Hugs, JB
Raylene/ So Cal
Thanks Judy. It is wonderful to be in Queen Z’s fan family. I am glad I joined before the big day arrives. hugs to you also, Raylene
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Welcome to the diary, Raylene! We are so happy to have another Z fan and lover of the Queen as part of the family!!
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you Dawn. It is amazing how many of you welcomed me and I am thrilled to be part of the family. I am only able to post at work so I may not be here everyday, but I certainly will try.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Raylene, welcome to our fun, interesting, informative, caring, loving, educational, heartrending…….assylum. Just kidding, you’ll love it here, and I just love your name, it is so pretty! Hugs
P.S. There isn’t a mean bone in any of our bodies!
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you Sue. I will say it again I feel so welcomed by all of you and love being part of Queen Z’s family. I have already learned so much about foaling and cannot wait for a filly or a colt. My name is a combination of my Dad’s name Ray and my Mom’s name Dalene. Hugs to you also
JAG / Nail Biting Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Raylene
Welcome to the Southern California Chapter of Z’sters (aka Z Dumplings!)
If you ever go to the track, please give us a heads-up, I know numerous Dumplings (including me) who would like to meet you and greet you! So feel free to post on Z’s diary when you plan to go :-) We will be out in large numbers this Saturday for the Big ‘Cap!!
Judy G (yes, we have LOTS of Judys on the blog – LOL)
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Judy. I will certainly let you know when I go to track again. Cannot wait for Statue of Queen Z. Happy to be a member of the So Cal chapter of Z’sters. I may be going on March 10th and would love to meet up. Probably will not make it this sat for Big cap.
Marshall (in NC)
Welcome to Zennyland, Raylene!
Hope to hear from you often. It is always good to have another Z-fan in the family!
Take care!
Raylene/ So Cal
Thank you Marshall. I love being so warmly welcomed by all of you.
Elizabeth in NM
So glad you have joined in! Just in time to be pacing with the rest of her Aunties and Uncles. Blessings to you.
Raylene/ So Cal
Hi Elizabeth. I am glad I have joined also. I love Queen Z like all of you. I am pacing like the rest of you and cannot wait until she foals. I hope they do put up pics or a video that would be great. Prayers and blessing that she has a good foaling for her first time. Blessing to you also.
Joanna from TX
Hi all. I’m still pacing in place out here. I was in serving on grand jury yesterday; have to confess to thinking how you girls, Z & Tasty, were doing just once since I was pretty much out of touch. OK; you’re fine. Me too. Back to usual routine for now anyway.
Thanks to all for the foal links; they are just SO cute.
I saw something somewhere that Zen’s next breeding was also going to be with Bernie. Anybody know if this is so? Crud…here I was starting up my pedigree research just in case the ‘call’ came in for my advice (yeah….right).
Y’all be careful out there. Weather is being a bit strange.
Jan S. in Houston
Those two were meant to be together. ;)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh no! I never thought about being stuck in jury duty. I wonder if there is a “foal watch” deferral??
Joanna from TX
Why not! But at least for grand jury here, it’s just one day a month. :)))
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta How exciting! We are learning so much from you. Each step you tells us about is just so special. Thank you for sharing your life with us. We are so lucky to have this time with you. Please tell Dottie thank you too. We all love you very much. Hugs and Kisses from Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
@ To my Z Family. Thank you for caring about my Miesha. All of the comments I read made me feel better. This has been so hard on Larry and I. WE were scared about what was happening to her. Her disease is call Symmetrical Lupid Onychodystrophy. If you look it up she has almost all the symptoms. Again thank you with many Hugs,
@ Dawn thank you sweet friend.
Elizabeth in NM
Will keep praying for Miesha. Blessings to you and Larry and Miesha and all of your children at 215. You must be fairly exhausted from everything going on there and then the added responsibility of Pacing Aunt and Uncle for Zenny!