Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
NPR featured an interesting story this morning, on foaling in the bluegrass:
Judy from South Carolina
Cynthia……………..LOVED the video of the foal being born! Thanks the the web site/link.
Hope you are doing okay. ((((hugs))))
Abigail from Montreal
Cynthia: Thanks so much for this! A great article to read, listen to & watch. Hugs from me.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you for sharing this story and video. Very interesting.
Thanks for posting Cynthia! I missed the broadcast. You saved me the time of looking for the link.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Thank you Cynthia, as you say, a very interesting story. I just love the babies.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Cynthia.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Cynthia- thank you for that link! (((hugs)))
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you, Cynthia!! The beginning of a new life is a beautiful thing and I thought it was too cute when he talked about how attached he becomes to “his babies!! Hope you are having a good day, my friend!! Love you!!!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Thank you very much, everyone! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
(((Hugs))) and love to you all, too.
Shannon From Cool
Excellent report. We are standing by…
Pam Zacek,
Im so glad all is going good, I hope the comparsion with Tasty, is the good, new for her too, Oh I can t wait, for this tiny little foal, to come into the world, I hope she knows, that her Mom, is one big great, Mom to be, and that she will take very good care of the new little one, I glad all is going good, and that things, will start progressing, soon, Im hanging in there for the news, each day i go on to see how things, are going, Im glad all are going the best, of the best, Keep the good treats, and all that, Love you and when you do go into labor, have a good labor and all go well, prayers are with Lane end, and Tasty too, Love you Zen, still the Queen, of horse to me,
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
Good Morning Zenyatta et al,
Thank you so much for the update. All the details are very interesting to me as I have never been closely associated with the foaling process. I am learning a lot and, of course, comparing it to the whelping of a litter of pups. I was “whelper helper” for a friend last weekend. Mama was a Lhasa Apso I co-own with her and all through the final week, as we kept a close watch on her, I thought of you and all the folks keeping such a close and loving watch on you! Tiggie had 3 little ones, a difficult delivery, but all naturally and the results are one girl and 2 boys! All deliveries are different, no matter the species, but one does pray for the “normal” at all times. Tiggie, for example, had her milk come down 2 weeks before delivery. By the time the pups came, she had dried up so we had to tube/bottle feed the babies for several days until her milk production returned. Just one of those things.
We all hope and pray you continue to progress normally toward the much-anticipated foaling of your precious baby! And that everything after the delivery goes well. I cant wait to see that baby! “Magic”.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations, Lynn!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
congratz on your new puppies :)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Congrats on the new babies! Glad all is well now!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
To Diana Harris–Could you e-mail me about progress getting your beloved mare back?
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, Thanks for the up date on your condition and I am happy to know that you are doing so good. I will be checking on how you are doing daily for sure. This is really a very exciting time for all. When you have your foal you will be a happy MOMMY and that sweet baby will get so much love from you. We soon will know if you will have a Filly or Colt, finally. A Filly is sort of what I would like to see you have only because it seems as though there are alot of Colts being born recently. I would like to see another dancing Zenyatta but no matter what you have, it will be a beauty and a winner because you will be sure to teach it to be perfect like you. Have a great day, sending you and Tasty Love and kisses.
Love, love, and more love to you dear Zenny and Tasty. Praying that everything keeps moving along perfectly. Many kisses, nose rubs, chucks, and peppermints. h +++
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Oh my goodness Zenny…. It is such as exciting time!! Here we go again. I remember when my schedule worked around when you would be racing. The anticipation, the excitement, of the event was crazy. Now I find myself feeling the same emotions all over again (anticipation, anxiousnous, happiness, praying alot that all is safe etc…) Wow, never thought I would feel that again. Soooo Happy to hear that all is going well. I know for sure that when the time comes the whole Z nation will be holding our breaths and when the birth of your beautiful foal is anounced… YOU will hear our Roar!! It will be a day of great celebration.
Well, gotta go to physical therapy now. Messed up shoulder big time. You and Tasty stay happy and safe.
Terry Crow
Lisa-I’m sure that the celebrations will be heard from California to Kentucky and all points in-between and beyond.
I’m listening for it! Then I’ll make a mad dash to the computer to see the news!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Lisa, I’m so sorry. I came out of knee replacement with a torn rotator cuff! But therapy has worked wonders, and I pray it will fro you too. Hugs. Let us know how it goes.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Barbara, Thanks for your concern. I sure hope the knee replacement is working wonders for you. My shoulder is doing good. Nothing serious just a strained bicep tendon but very painful at times. It just needs time to get the swelling down and heal. Therapy is working out great. I too have bad knees. My left knee is bone on bone but they will not do a replacement yet. But that’s okay. Life is Good, for we have Zenyatta in our lives. I pray that we all stay healthy. :-)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisa, I hope you are better soon. Will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thanks Dawn. I’m feeling better already ;-)
Stephanie in San Diego
Lisa B. Hope your shoulder is better soon. We met at Santa Anita last month and I mentioned I would be going up this coming weekend and would give you a call. Unfortunatly…I have to work this Saturday. I have a couple people who have had to go out on LOA’s this past week so will be working straight through the weekend.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
So Sorry to hear that. Well maybe another time very soon!! Don’t work to hard.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So sorry, Stephanie. We will miss you.
Elizabeth in NM
Lots of laughter and cheering will be heard in NM also as soon as we get the news about Baby Z. Will pray for your shoulder to be well ‘quickly’.
Lisag in Texas
Get well fast…do not way you to reinjure yourself when Royal Baby arrives.
Happy Tuesday Zenny!
This is great news!
Thank you to everyone who has made it possible for us to remain “in your life.” You all are as amazing and kind as the big girl herself!
Joani Jiannine
I agree, Many many thanks to everyone involved keeping us informed on Big Z’z progress and a BIG THANK YOU ALL!!! Can’t wait for the baby! HUgs to all and Zenny too!
Lisag in Texas
O, yes, I agree. God gave us a special gift that is named Zenyatta, but He did not stop there, He included the wrapping, the ribbons, the bows and the tape that holds it all together, healty and strong….Dottie, John, Ann & Jerry Moss, Mario and all the others that have made it so special and wonderful for everyone. I thank God for you.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Zenny, OOOOOHHHHH MMMMMYYYYY GGGGGOOOODDDDD ……..we are in countdown mode. I’m so excited I can’t stand it! It could be this week! We could all be aunts any day now! What will it be colt or filly? What color will it be? What name will it have? How can we wait till tomorrows post?
You look so cool, calm, and collected. You should see me, I look like a wreck! I’m sure your whole family is on pins and needles, can’t even imagine how the Mosses and Sherriffs are feeling…..not to mention Mikey, Mario, and the rest of the team. I’d be on a plane and camped out in the barn after this post!
Well you just stay calm, my love, I hope you don’t read these posts, we’ll do the pacing from a distance so we don’t worry you. Hope Tasty is moving right along with you and you have your babies on the same day. Too Cute!
Love you and kisses on your noses, Tasty too SOON TO BE Auntie Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredricks:
Love your post. Too cute. Hugs, JB
Maryp (New York)
Sue, You’re a hoot! However, it is an EXCITING time as it grows closer and closer!!! I feel less calm & than I did last week. Pace Pace Pace, ooooooooohh!
Maryp (New York)
that’s supposed to say “calm and collected” but don’t know where that word went!
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Sue:
I’m right there with you. I just can’t believe it’s almost here. A few days or so????? OMG, I can’t stand it. My fingers will be drumming big time since I can’t pace. Her bag has gotten a good bit bigger since the last report – from a marshmallow to palm size. Her belly looks bigger which makes her legs look shorter. I wonder if a half-crippled up 67 year old would stand a chance of sneaking onto Lane’s End property, finding the right barn and hiding out until the actual moment of foaling. If I thought I could get away with it, I would but I know I can’t, so I won’t. OK, now I’m rambling. It’s just that I’m so excited!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Sharon, wish we had Skype, we must look like twins, LOL. Hey I’m 64 and still walk on two legs, we’ll meet somewhere and I’ll carry you into the barn! What a blast that would be, now how could we disguise ourselves’ Hugs
Susan Carothers (in TN)
How about if we hid inside a big hay roll and had ourselves delivered to LE??
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
I like the hayroll thing. That would actually be big enough to get several of us into. But somehow I don’t think we’d make it past the LE people. Better park a vehicle close by so we don’t have far to go when they kick us out. Crying might be good for a few minutes and add in some begging and groveling for a few minutes more.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sharon–too funny! Maybe we would work out a flare system? Smoke signals? LOL!
Joanna from TX
Maybe carrier pigeons could make a comeback!
Marty R / Colorado
How about Dr. coats, bags and stethoscopes around the neck and flash Medicare cards for ID, they’re pretty official looking. No hiding needed.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
The Kennedys in San Diego
Just loved your post, Sue. All your/our questions will soon be answered.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue, your post is great!!! What fantastic ideas you are all coming up with to infiltrate Lane’s End. I can picture it now, the Great Z Caper, carried out by the Z Dumpling Gang. Please be careful ladies, you might get caught by Charles and Matt. Of course, thats not all bad!! Headlines would appear and an immediate screen play would be ordered or perhaps reality television. You all need to think seriously about who you would like to play your part. Too fun!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dawn, ha, ha too funny. I’VE GOT IT!!! How about one of those two piece horse outfits…….but then Sharon you would have to carry your END. It might be fun to get arrested my Charles and Matt…….ah only in my dreams, right!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Ah that would be “By” not “My”.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, I was thinking the two of you should get a horse suit, and try to masquerade your way in. Except you’d be the sorriest looking “horse” on the farm, and like a “nag” not a thoroughbred! And how could you explain your proximity to the foaling barn, if confronted, when you’re not even pregnant? Better give it up!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I’m so happy to hear that you are doing well and everything is progressing smoothly. Maybe you will have your foal on the same day Mike hits his 5000th win! Both events are coming up very soon. Maybe even this Saturday (Big ‘Cap Day)?? That would be “unbelievable” as Trevor would say. ;)
Of course, another very special date is coming up soon …. March 9th, John Henry’s birthday. But whatever date YOUR FOAL is born on will instantly become a very special date for all of us!
Hmm … maybe I should start wearing my lucky horseshoe earrings and foal pendant for extra good vibes …
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
So good to hear everything is as it should be with you at this time. Can’t help getting excited though, as the big day is so close. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Barbara Sanders
Does the “carefully controlled diet” mean no more Guiness?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
barbara, I think months ago in another post, or interview, John Shirreffs said there’s been no Guiness since Zenny got in foal. There was some mention of no Guiness, at least.
Elizabeth in NM
Zenny, You just look beautiful! Thinking of Baby Z and Baby T running and jumping about in just a few weeks is so exciting! I’m so thankful that You and Tasty are doing great! Thank you for the wonderful updates and pics, Dottie and Sarah! What a great way to start each day – foalwatch news! So much pacing going on with us all, I think we’ve created new mini race-“tracks” all over the world! Love and blessings Zenny to You and Tasty, everyone at Lane’s End and everyone in Your whole Family…
to think You’ve got 8 hoofs – 4 inside, 4 outside – awesome!
So happy to hear you are doing well! You are so beautiful in your mommy condition! Praying for a safe delivery of a healthy foal for you & for Tasty!
Very exciting. Will have to let us know when you are waxing over. Can’t wait. Will keep watching for your updates.
Sue MacGray
Thank you so much for the update Z!! I just heard a story on foaling in Kentucky (on NPR) and it was interesting how much goes into the care of the mares and foals.
Will your “family” fly in for the big day? I can’t imagine that John and Dottie, the Mosses and Mario wouldn’t want to be there (although I know they’re very busy with the horses out in California). Please keep us posted with your progress (and Tasty, too!). Take good care of yourself.
Glad to here you and Tasty are doing well Z :) Hope everything continues to go that way. I’m so excited to hear name/gender and see pics of your baby!!
For the past week, I’ve gone to this site, rather than read the paper first to find out what’s going on in the world…….so I can find out if Zenyatta has foaled yet! Every morning, like clockwork, even though I think it may be more like the March 9th date. Looks like so many of us feel the same! I’ve had many mares foal and never missed being there for each one. They were precious and part of our family. I’ve been there when things went right and when they didn’t, but it usually comes out all right in the end…..good luck, Zenyatta! and your Lane’s End family!
Susan A
Hi Z!
I’m getting excited….You are the first thing I think about when I get up in the morning right now…wondering if you’ve foaled overnite! Hope things go really well for you and Tasty……I know you will both be GREAT mamas!
(Z, could you please ask Dottie if she could find an update on “Thiskyisthelimit” who was injured on Saturday?..I would really appreciate it!)
carol in utah
Hi Susan…saw article yesterday saying surgery went well…he is being excellent patient.
he is standing with weight bearing on all 4 legs and eating….they fused his bone …
Everyone hoping for the best…oh ..also said he is “retired”…well sounds reasonable
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Carol!
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the info on Thisskyisthelimit! I have been so worried about him! I sure hope he recovers…he deserves a happy retirement!
Thanks again for posting!
Hi Sue, I saw the same article and it said that he is doing well. I hope he continues to improve. Hi Zenny & Tasty, can’t wait to see your beautiful babies. Hugs and kisses to you both!! Love you, Debbie in Wisconsin
Barb G
I’m glad you and Tasty are doing well. I too am anxcious to see your two beautiful little foals. Good luck to you and Tasty.
Theresa Buck/Texas
Ohhhhh I can’t wait to hear the news
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, this is all very exciting! I’m so excited for you and your family. Like everyone here, I can’t wait to see your little one. I’m glad you and Tasty are doing well. Thanks for the update!!
Love to all,
Sandra Ryan
Dear Horse of my Heart…..we are all saying our prayers for your delivery of you first beautiful baby. I hope they will have cameras on hand….so maybe we could watch.
We are praying for you and your team….we know you are in good hands. God Bless You.
Kathy S.
So glad to hear that everything is progressing as it should, dear Zenny. Kisses on your velvet nose and a high hoof to Tasty. We anxiously await the blessed event!
carol in utah
@Amanda…thanks for your post about Alys yesterday…can you share where you found the news? I have searched …and am obviously not looking in the right place …
all help would be greatly appreciated
With a lot of looking at other sites I figured out how others find out stuff. One of the best ways is through the Breeder’s Cup site https://members.breederscup.com/nominations/checkeligibility.aspx
You enter the dam’s name and the year of birth for the foal and it will give you the sire and if it is a colt or filly. This is also updated once the foal has been named most of the time.
Also, equineline.com there is a link at the top for Free 5-Cross Thoroughbred pedigrees and same thing you can either enter the horse’s name or the dam’s name and date of foals birth to get the info.
carol in utah
Thanks Amanda….will try that…hope Marty sees this too…thanks again
The Kennedys in San Diego
Amanda, what a great link. Thanks you so much for sharing it.
Marty R / Colorado
Thanks Carol and Amanda, I’ll give these a try.
Robin Farina
I’ve been wondering if your family will fly in to see this wonderful birth??? Jerry, Ann and maybe even Dottie? I just can’t believe they’d miss this very first baby being born….. do share?? :)
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Robin–I’m wondering if there will be a “baby cam” in the stall when it’s time….just in case the Masses can’t be there right when it happens…how exciting!
Leslie Stidham
Great news big girl :) thank you to YOUR team for letting us continue to be a part of your life from afar. Keep it up Zenny you are doing all the right stuff as usual perfectly and a big high hoof to Tasty as well.
Can’t wait for the big day. I know people are hoping for a filly and I guess I am too but the most impotant thing is that if a filly or a colt that all things go smoothly and everyone is healthy. Have a great day today Z I love you with all my heart……………Auntie Les from California
janie from Massachusetts
Just remember Zenny do what they told me when I was giving birth …… BREATH !!!!!! All the best ……. you beautiful girl !
This works for me, too, LOL. I’ve been holding my breath, waiting to hear. Feet are ready to do the HAPPY DANCE!
Glad you are coming along healthy and happy!! Can’t wait. Love you