Happy Tuesday!
Yes, it is just that….a very happy Tuesday! I am so pleased to report the findings from all of my evaluations yesterday. I am DOING GREAT!
Per Mike Cline from Lane’s End, I AM DOING EVERYTHING JUST AS THEY WOULD HOPE! (Blush, Blush!) I am really beginning to ‘let down now’. This means my body is relaxing and recognizing the fact that the many changes required before foaling occurs are now gradually happening.
My “bag” did get a bit bigger over the weekend. It is currently the size of the palm of one’s hand.
From all reports and the many years of experience of my Lane’s End Team…I am still several days or so from actually foaling…but all of the proper stages they want to see are taking place in my body.
We are at the stage where nature truly directs everything as to how quickly these stages progress. Needless to say, I am constantly being observed and all changes…no matter how slight…are noted.
At this time, my daily routine is remaining the same. Weather permitting, I am turned out into my paddock at 7:30 each morning and I’m brought back inside around 3:30 each afternoon. My diet is monitored and my ‘treat’ intake at this time is very controlled. It is all about eating healthy and doing everything right!
I must say, this is getting very exciting! As I’ve never done all of this before, there is so much new to learn and experience. I do know things are changing with my body…and it is all GOOD NEWS! I am totally relaxed and very, very happy!
I’ll keep you posted on all future updates.
Oh, here comes TASTY to visit. I’ll ask her how things are going with her ‘status’….and we can compare notes. As we both conceived on the same day…it will be an interesting study of 2 maiden mares having their first foals.
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Liz Carlin
Lady Z! I’m glad to hear you and Tasty are doing well, and healthy. I’m happy you have such a wonderful team for your care! I’m so looking forward to meeting your foal. Hugs and kisses from Tennessee.
Congrats to Liz for being number one today;
Along with Zenny being the number one broodmare
To us.
Lisag in Texas
Signofthetimes, Most times your posts are Too Cute, at other they are Too Cuter..like this one.
Delia Lee Scallion
We are so excited for you and can’t wait for the little girl or little boy! Take care and we love you and will keep you in our prayers and Tasty too.
Cristy Binder
I am so excited! Can’t wait to see pictures of your baby!
Jeanne Sutton
Thanks so much for the update! So happy you are well! And you look so pretty!
Mary B.
So glad everything is going well! When my own mother was pregnant with me….(49 years ago) my father kept telling her that I had to be born on March 4th, because it is the only calendar date of the year that makes a “statement”. Zenyatta’s baby needs to … “March Forth”…on 3-4-12! If anyone can make a “statement” like that….it’s you Zenyatta!!! Good Luck & I’ll be watching!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
That’s cute!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Very cute, Mary!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Too Cute!!!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Very cute Mary.
Stephanie in San Diego
Mary B. I love it, even though I have been hoping for March 8th, but was very willing to give that up for JAG’s and John Henry’s March 9th. Now I have to admit…MARCH FORTH…love it and would be so happy with that date. Not a bad name for a baby either :)))
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Amen, if it isn’t March 9 for JAG!
Lisag in Texas
Liking that.
Keep us posted Zen, can’t wait for the birth of your beautiful foal!
Taylor Gross
I can’t wait to see the foal! I love you Z!! :) And Tasty too :)
So exciting, Queen Z!!! Stay healthy and safe, and we will be looking forward to any more news you have for us in the near future!
Oh Zennie, how exciting…we are all holding our collective breaths ! Best wishes to you big girl as you get ready for “motherhood”…can’t wait !
Gwendolynne Graves
Wow! I am finally first…. I can’t wait to see little Bernie-Z.
Jeanne O. in California
Such a special time….there is nothing in nature that compares (in my mind) to watching the miracle of a foal being born. All of your fans wish you the best at this moment in your life; may you and your baby be healthy as ‘your time’ arrives!
Malene Paulli
That´s good news :-) Looking so much forward to follow the upbringing of your foal…Stay sound, and give my love to sweet Tasty as well :-)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Welcome Malene, it’s nice to have another country joining the group.
Thank you so much for the updates! We are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Bump and I hope you know that everyone wishes you well. Here’s to the safe and happy arrival of your baby! Love you!
Malene Paulli
By the way…I´m watching all the way from Denmark ;-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to hear from you, Malene!
Malene Paulli, Denmark
Wow – what a nice welcoming :-) I must say, though I never saw Zenyatta run, until after her retirement, and then of course only via youtube, I´m quite excited to see the Zenyatta-Bernadini foal :-)
I live in Copenhagen, where there´s also a racetrack in the countryside north of the city (though small in american standards). Though always a huge fan of horses and horseracing, this last autumn I got even more hooked, when I discovered some really fantasticly written books about some of the great american TB´s – My favorite being Jane Schwarz´ “Ruffian – Burning fom the start” (HIGHLY recommend that one!!)
I´ve been to USA in ´98 for 6 weeks (Eastcoast, Westcoast and Midwest), time of my life! Next time I visit I´d have to go to Kentucky and also go see some of your famous racetracks :-)
Anyone know how many countries are represented in here? :-)
I will look for the Ruffian book, but it will likely make me cry, I remember Ruffian. “Seabiscuit, An American Legend” by Laura Hillenbrand is also an outstanding book.
How wonderful to have a fan on this site
From Denmark. Glad to hear from you.
Elizabeth in NM
How exciting to have you join Zenny’s Fan Family! I don’t know how many countries are represented here, but it’s so nice to have someone from Denmark!
“Shadows on the Grass” by Isak Dinesen has always been my favorite book since I first read it in the 1960’s. My two favorite non-fiction authors are her (Karen Blixen) and Annie Dillard (who wrote Pilgrim at Tinkers Creek). Agree with Mary about “Seabiscuit” by Laursa Hillenbrand is also a great one.
Terry Crow
Malene-Don’t be a stranger.
sharon in seattle
Maryp (New York)
Yes, very nice to hear from you, Malene. Time is getting near.
Marty R / Colorado
Zenyatta is truly a horse of world reknown. It’s very nice to have you here waiting and watching with us.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Hello Malene. When I was in high school we had a Danish exchange student that lived with us for a year. That was many years ago now. She still comes back to visit us every couple of years. She now brings her husband & young son. She loves coming to America to shop. She can shop like no one I’ve ever meet. She will hit up every mall in the tri-state area!
Jan S. / Houston
Malene, Nice to hear from you..
Many years ago, I had a quick visit to Denmark. What a beautiful place it is. Hope to see you comment often.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
hi marlene. welcome to the “Z gang”
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hello, Malene.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wow! My son visited Copenhagen and said it was beautiful. Glad you are with us :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Welcome, Malene. So glad to hear from you and have you share this very special place with us!!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Malene: I also want to extend a warm welcome! They say the people living in Demark are the happiest people on the planet! You’ll have to let us know if that is true.
Please don’t be a stranger! Hope to see your posts often.
Stephanie in San Diego
Hi Marlene in Denmark!! So very special to get to meet a new friend, who is so far away but yet so close thanks to our soon to be Mommy Z.
Mama “Z” I am so happy!!!!!! and I am soooo excited for you.
I love this part of the process (with my own mares) I get so nervous, and anxious. I cant wait to hear about your experience and cant wait to see you baby. Relax, enjoy and know that you are so loved by me and other. Send hugs to Tasty too. Love you Z, hugs and gentle rubs.
harriett (Oklahoma)
Thank you for the update, Zenny. You look marvelous at this exciting time. Love you!
I’m lighting candles for you and BabyZ every day at http://www.gratefulness.org (group: Zenny) and saying prayers for both of you.
Vickie A Dana Point
Me too! Folks we need to get those candles lit! I am so greatful to have Z and she is such an amazing gift that Ann and Jerry have shared with us! THANK YOU along with all of Team Zenyatta!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dearest Z– my chagrin at not being able to do water class this morning due to a malfunctioning heater is lessened by getting in early on a new post from you.
I KNEW everything would be ok, but it is still great to hear. And thank you so much for checking on Tasty for us too! We know that you are in the best of hands. We just wish every horse could be so well treated.
Love you.
Amen to that Barbara!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Well said, Barbara!!! That is my prayer!
Lisa in TN
Can’t wait. What an exciting time for the horse racing industry!!! I love this part also, but it is also an anxious time. The mares seem to be the only ones who really take it in stride!!! Have a great day everyone.
Sarah T.
Lovely photo and looks like you have “dropped” a bit. Exciting that it’s getting close.
Janey Boyd
How exciting Z!!.Can’t wait to see the baby and know that all went well. Spring is coming and what a great time to celebrate life.Thanks to the team for keeping us all updated!! Praying for safe delivery and arrival. Enjoy your day and tell Tasty that of course we wish her the best also!!
Good Morning Z and a good morning to Tasty too! How exciting! And, Kate’s trainer had her baby a week ago. She named him Travis James, and he is a very cute little boy! Can’t wait for you and Tasty to have your foals. That is going to be so nice because your foal and Tasty’s foal can be buddies just like you and Tasty! Take good care of yourself sweet girl! And sending you and Tasty lots of smooches and hugs! xxoo
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations to Kate’s trainer on her bundle of joy.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Tell her congratulations from all of us here!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Me too!!
Happy Tuesday Zenny. I am glad everything is going according to plan. You look fabulous by the way. Have a great day.
Kim Rockefeller
Happy Tuesday Z. I share your news w/ my aunt who is a BIG fan and does not own a computer. She feels so connected w/ you she said she feels she should be going out to the barn to see you. She is very excited about your progress. I am too. Love, Kim and Pam
Mary M. Meek
Oh wow, now I’m getting nervous. Should we boil water and get clean towels?
Would be cool if Z and Tasty foaled on the same night, like when Round Table and Bold Ruler were born on the same night, in the same barn.
Mary MMM
Terry Crow
Mary-You just named two of the all-time great horses. Been a while since I have seen their names in print but they are never to be forgotten.
The Kennedys in San Diego
That was a magical event. As I recall, they also both stood at Claibourne in stalls across from each other.
Terri Z/ South Fl
It could be Mary. And they have enough staff and vets to handle it. It’s interesting that Dottie did this diary entry so early in the morning–did she receive a middle of the night phone call about the let down and enlargement of Zen’s milk bag? Or being a mother, did she sense the birth would take place very shortly?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Mary, I always love that story about those two remarkable champions!!
sue and tony
Zenny…how exciting! So your folks at LE think you are still several days away from your little Z/B’s arrival. We thought it would be this week … maybe we should start our pacing in earnest a few days later than that.
Thank you for sharing information about TT as well. It would be great if both of you have your little ones on the exact same date.
Susie Cartwright
I’m so very happy that you are doing well Z. I check on you everyday!
Diana Harris
Oh Zenny I cant wait. How exciting for you and tasty. I know you will be a great mom as you are so sweet and kind. Thank you for all the Great news!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
Diana Hanson
I was thinking about you and Tasty yesterday. Glad you have such a nice day today to enjoy the sunshine. My Baby was out early this moring enjoying the weather too. She is due in May. I just love how Dottie keeps us informed. I love reading good news first thing in the moring. Relax, enjoy and cherish the day. Love ya Big Girl!
Sarah, thank you for yet another great picture of our gorgeous Mom-To-Be. If you ever tire of taking them just give me a hollar and I’ll be there pronto to give you some relief. ;-)
Zenny, I may have to rethink the date I had in mind for you to bring your little one into the world. Maybe March 9th. will work afterall. I think several folks who also post here like that date.
Stay relaxed…it’s the best think for you now. Hi to TT as well.
Stella Bagwell South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Your news has made this a very Happy Tuesday! I’m smiling. Hope Tasty is progressing as well and that you two girls have a lovely day.
Sending love and hugs,
Dear Zenny – Thank you for the exciting news. I am so happy for you. I can’t wait to see the little Prince or Princess……who knows, maybe this time next week you will be a MOM. God bless you and Tasty and everyone at Lands End for taking such good care of you.
OH I CANT WAIT!! Zenyatta i luff you!! cant wait to see the lil one running by your side!!