Good Morning, Everyone!
It was such a fabulous, yet rather quick weekend! I am constantly amazed at how fast the time is flying by now.
It seems like BABY NEWS is definitely in the air here at the farm. I just received this message and wanted to share it with you. It’s from my dear friend, Pirate Queen. As you may remember, when I first arrived at Lane’s End she was one of my original paddock mates. Then Mike and Charles moved things around a bit….and TASTY and I became such dear friends in our own paddock.
Often, so many of you ask about some of my friends here at the farm.
Well, I am very pleased to announce that PIRATE QUEEN had a grey colt…this morning at 3:50 a.m… by QUALITY ROAD. This is her first foal…and the first crop of Quality Road foals…so this adds to the excitement!
I’ve heard that from all reports everything is going well for both Mom and Baby!
I’m due to be rechecked later today to see how i’m doing and how ‘my bag’ is developing. I can tell things are progressing ‘a bit’ in a very nice, positive, and relaxed manner. Since this is the first time for ME, I can’t wait to hear what my veterinarian and the professionals here at the farm have to tell me about my Mom-to-Be news!
I’ll share it all with you in the morning.
On the racing front, the stakes activity over the weekend was fabulous. UNION RAGS put in a very impressive effort in the Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth (G2). It is so great to see his successful 2 year old form carry into his 3 year old year. The Fairgrounds finish in the Risen Star (G2) was a close one…with both El Padrino and Mark Valeski separated by a close photo. The Factor ran one fast race at Santa Anita in the San Carlos (G2)…and a HIGH HOOF to Summer Applause on her victory in the Rachel Alexandra (G3).
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend of racing!
Have a lovely Monday!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Congratulations, PQ on your new foal!)
Celeste in TX
Congratulations to Pirate Queen on her precious little Quality Road son! How exciting! Thank you for sharing the good news with us. Yes! All the races this weekend were wonderful and I have to admit that I am growing quite fond of Union Rags. Of course, no one will ever be able to reach your status in my heart, Zenyatta, you are so very special to me, but I do think Union Rags is a very beautiful and quite talented young colt. I enjoyed the Risen Star with Mark Valeski and El Padrino battling it out to the wire – whew! That was close. I will be anxiously awaiting the good news from your checkup later this afternoon. Thank you!!!
Kelly J. /ND
Congrats to Pirate Queen and her foal! Hope you and your foal are doing well, I can’t wait to see baby z!
sharon in seattle
congrats to new mare moms Rachel, Pirate Queen, Sea Gull, Alys and all the other I didn’t name — PLUS to all the mare moms to be, especially Z and Tasty, the biggest of warm wishes for health and safety.
Oops, made a mistake on Consortium’s pedigree;
Sire is Bernardini and dam sire is Machivallian
Street Cry’s sire.
Leslie R.
Congrats to PQ!! I’m glad she and her foal are doing well. That is great news! Thanks for the update Zenny! I can’t wait for your little one to get here.
Love to all,
Keep up the wonderful baby progress, dear Zenny!
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Congrads to your friend Pirate Queen on her colt, it seems alot of your friends are going to be moms this spring. Can’t wait to hear what your vet has to say about our Queen. Is your bag bigger than a marshmallow now? I know you will be just fine. Now you and TT get plenty of rest before the BIG day. Peppermint kisses on your soft noses. XOXO
Rosanne Glynn
First I would like to say Congrats to Pirate Queen!!!! Secondly I want to tell you Thank you so much for the special cards from Zenyatta! When I receive them in the mail, I WAS THRILLED! It was such an honor to get them and it brought tears to my eyes! I do love Zenyatta so much and adore her. I also have her photo in my hallway with Mike’s original signature. Whoever thought of me, you made my year, thank you from the bottom of my heart.!! oxoxoxoxox
I can’t wait until Zenny’s foal is born! Love you!
Hi Z family,
Just a quick question, does anyone go on the ntra.com site? I have been officially scared away..
I used to, for the information, and handicapping expertise, but lately, it is filled with filth, and derogatory comments! Some of their comments literally made me feel sick! :o
I find that this site is MUCH safer, and I feel more comfortable coming here to learn than the NTRA site. Thank goodness for Zenyatta fans. There is a reason we are the greatest fans in the world. :-)
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pati… I know what you’re talking about. I and a special friendship group used to post on NTRA all the time but, in the last several months, not so much. It’s always the same people causing the problems. Over the last year or so, many emails had been sent to Alex Waldrop of NTRA and the only thing that gets done, is some of the comments get deleted but, other than that, nothing else happens. Now if you really want to be shocked, read the News article on Drill!! You’ll see what I mean. Filthy, nasty, disgusting! BTW… my moniker is DinkyDiva. :)
I READ YOUR COMMENTS!!! I am FastForwardInSlowMotion!!
You get them Mrs./Ms. Heidi!!!! I read your post that you put up after Mary Z. and Carmine got into their beef…..are they always like that? I am afraid to post because I am scared of getting sworn at, or getting viciously attacked by the Z detractors…I had a nasty email sent to me because I was defending Zenyatta, and RA, and someone didn’t like that…so I stopped posting after a while… :*(
I will read, but I am almost afraid too…LOL
I commented on the Bob blog. :D
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pati, I saw someone by the name of “Patay-tay,” that had posted to me and I thought, maybe that was you. I don’t ever recall you’re moniker over there and I’ve been posting there for almost 3 years. I don’t want to bring the crap over to this lovely site so, if you want, I can fill you in over there. You just have to remind me who you are.. Some sort of hint. Maybe, marshmellow should be the “word?”
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Umm, just thought about something. Are you on FB? Just look up my name and friend me if you are so that I can explain things. If not, here’s my email. hkruckenberg@yahoo.com… make sure that you mention who you are so that I don’t delete the message! :)
Yes ma’am, I will.
Mary Zinke
Best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy foal for Zenyatta. I predicted she would have a girl, but a boy will be so very welcomed. A new prince or princess.
Wars over w/ Carmine. He can be as disgusting as he likes. However, my conversations with another will continue. Some follow them like it’s their soap opera.
I know what you mean about the attacks. I can’t imagine having committed a crime bad enough for me to have been called what I was. Oh well. Have a nice day. Would like to discuss horse racing with you sometime. You too, Heidi. About the grey horses that were brown, there’s a photo of Creative Cause when his coat was changing as a baby, or what about Lucky Chappy. What color is he?
I understand how you feel, but we are all safe here. :)
Oh, it might be a harmless mutation…I have seen brown foals go chestnut, white, light light gray..i.e Hansen colored. Just some funky things going on… :D
Mary Zinke
This is a lovely site. Great info for the fans.
Great for Pirate Queen.I am so happy for her!I can’t wait to see your foal.Have a great Day Z!
Congrats to pq hope to see pictures how is life is sweet is her yearling still at the farm love ya zenny your baby will be here soon
Congratulations to Pirate Queen on her new foal. So glad that all is well with them. How are you and Tasty doing. Good to know that the vet is visiting and can’t wait for the news tomorrow. Looks like rain here Z but I seriously doubt it will occur. Is your family going to come for the birth of your foal or will they come right after he/she is born? It is a quiet day here-dogs prefer to sleep on the bed since it is a bit colder-LOL Have a good day Z! Hugs to you and Tasty!
Congrats to Pirate Queen! Can’t wait for your baby to get here!
Hi Big Girl, Glad to get the update from you today. Congrats to Pirate Queen and her colt. I’m glad they didn’t breed you to Quality Road…here’s why. If I recall correctly he had trouble at the starting gate at the BC 09 race and one of the vets actually called him a juvinile delinquent …or a rather immature horse. Then, fast forward to the BC 10 race. Again, if I recall correctly he started to run out of gas, slowed down right in front of you causing you to lose some precious time before you tore down that backstretch. I think Bernie was a great match for you…
I hope Pirate Queen’s colt is healthy and has a good career. She seems like a nice horse and must be if she was paired with you.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Tony, QR is a miler at best. He is a lovely boy and hopefully, he can have some good runners. Just not classic distance horses. Then again, many do outrun their pedigree. The crop of 2012 will be a must watch for, 2014/2015 will be exciting to watch!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Good post, Tony.
Past the Grandstand
This is all so exciting, Z! Congrats to Pirate Queen! Stay healthy, Zenyatta. Love you!
Marilu V
Hello Zenny!
Thanks for all the good news.
Take care of yourself.
Love and Hugs, Marilu
Leslie Stidham
Happy Monday Zenny and Tasty. A big congrats to Pirate Queen for her new baby boy. Zenny YOU would be so proud of YOUR MIKIE and how he is riding lately. I too would think it would be amazing to have his 5000th win on Ebby but I don’t think she will be ready and YOUR MIKIE is winning left and right these days. Can’t wait to hear tomorrow about your check up today with the vet. It won’t be long I’m sure and am so happy everything has gone so smoothly. I love you to the moom and back sweet girl. See you tomorrow :)
Jane Wade (so. California)
Congrats to Pirate Queen! Hopefully we’ll get to see pictures! Now our real countdown begins with you! Can’t wait! Speaking of countdowns, your Mikey is getting really close to his 5,0000 win! We are really going to try to be there when he hits it! We were there Saturday to cheer him on!
Have a wonderful day and can’t wait to hear the news from you check up today! xoxo
JAG / Nail Biting-Insomnia Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Jane – Mike has become “family” to you, James, and, of course, Madison :-) It’s wonderful to watch the interaction between Mikey and Maddie – TOO CUTE!! High Fives for all…… lol
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I hope you’re there, Jane, James, and little Madison! It would be very meaningful to MIKIE!
Margie from SoCal
Hi Zenny, thanks for the news on PQ, your pal. I loved hearing about her when she was your pasture pal before. I think we all became quite fond of her! Congrats to her and QR, and thank goodness for a safe delivery for both baby and mom. I guess it’s safe to say we’re all basket cases here waiting on YOUR time to come. So many nervous aunties and uncles, including me! Praying for a safe delivery for you and a healthy baby.
Delrene – belated birthday greetings and a safe hero’s return for your son. I’ll tell you a little story some time about that 2001 fly over in Pasadena (my home town). I still tell people about that day – and now I can’t believe that amazing pilot’s mom is right here in Zenny Land. God bless your son for keeping us safe and free. I’ll email the story to you in a separate email.
Nighty-night Zenny and Tasty. I hope you girls will rest well knowing you’re in the best hands and that you are loved by so many people. Love you both.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Margie, I got the year wrong, my mistake–it was 2009!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
First, congrats to PQ and her grey colt by QR. I would love to see some pics and possibly a video? That’s if her owners will allow it. Same with you’re other “original” paddock pals!
Yes, this weekend was wonderful for the races! Boy o boy, did Union Rags re-appear! He sure has filled out and has gotten taller! 17 Hands now! Big Boy! Oh, and he ran straight this time! I surely hope that Algorithms will be ok and back on the work tab when the time is right. This weekend will prove to be exciting as well. With Hansen coming back. I hope he learned something from the Holy Bull. Isn’t Alpha racing this weekend too?
So, you’re having a check-up today, how exciting! No more, marshmellows? LOL…
Not long now, and I feel (like others) that it will be this week! The first thing I do after getting my cup of java is come straight here! Read the Diary, do some trolling and then, come back to read every single post before I post.
Zenny, you just relax and let the Aunt’s and Uncle’s do the pacing for you. Waiting on pins and needles! Love ya and tell Tasty hi too and that I hope everything goes smoothly for her as well!!! Can’t wait to see the new Dumpling!
How exciting! The “event” is almost here! Stay safe and stay happy. Love you much1
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- congrats to your friend PQ! I’ll bet your Ann is beside herself! I’m so glad to hear that you and Tasty are just doing your thing in a nice, calm atmosphere with knowledgeable people watching out for you. You are much loved, Z- I am sure you can feel it! Looking forward to vet’s report tomorrow!! Love you, pretty girl <3
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Re: Chester: Great news! The vet rechecked Chester’s corneal ulcer today and said it is 90% healed- ahead of schedule, as it has only been one week and it was quite large. He feels so much better and I am SO relieved- it looked so terrible a week ago! Chester has certainly done his part- he is such a good patient.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
great news
Jan S. / Houston
Happy news…
carol in utah
Glad Chester is better
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yippee!! Made my day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Susan, my wonderful friend, I am so glad that little Chester is so much better. Give the sweetie a hug from me!! You have been in my thoughts and prayers also. I do so hope you are feeling much better after being ill!!!!
Love and hugs,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susan in TN:
That’s wonderful news. So happy for you and Chester. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof to Chester and to you!
Thanks Susan, that is a wonderful piece of news!
Terry Crow
Chester is the man.
Can’t believe your due date is coming up already! I’m still hoping you’ll hang on until St Patrick’s day, which is my own sweet mare’s birthday, but probably your little bundle of joy will be impatient to “get out of the gate” so to speak.
Congrats to your friend Pirate Queen on a successful delivery of a potential champion. It’s going to be interesting to watch all these 2012 foals grow up and start to race each other in two or three years.
And we know it will be YOUR foal whose nose hits the finish line first!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Cute post, luvscritters!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I am so happy for Pirate Queen. God Bless her and the new foal. I hope you and Tasty enjoyed the sunshine today. It was beautiful out. Miesha, Larry and I saw the Specialist. Dr. Jeromin was so nice to Miesha and very informative. Miesha’s feet are one of the worst cases of SLO she has seen. Miesha was a real trooper. She has new meds and is now on special food. No more chicken treats or chews. I guess my Miesha has been in such pain but never made a sound.Dr J said she is one tough dog. This treatment is going to take time to see results. Larry and I thanked God for this good Dr. We will now just take it one day at a time with her. Miesha was also a good traveler in the car. I want to thank my Z Family for caring. You make my world a better place. Zenyatta Hugs and Kissed, Shari XXXOOO
@ Dawn thank you sweet friend. It will take time for my girl to come back around.
@ Susan in Tn please let Beth know what Dr. said. I hope Chester is mending too : )
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Shari, We are pulling for Miesha and hoping that the new meds and diet do the trick. Does Miesha have to see Dr. J again?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for Miesha–I’m glad there is a new medicine and a new diet to try. Is Dr. J far away?
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Shari – positive thoughts from southern California for Miesha’s speedy recovery.
Terry Crow
Another Californian says ditto!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
what’s SLO shari?
See? Tough cookie…. All the best and continued prayers.
Jan S. / Houston
Shari, Sounds like positive news on Miesha. xoxo Keep us posted.
It is good to have answers & a plan for healing.
Went through months of misdiagnosed “season allergies” with Emma, my Cavalier.
Finally took her a dermatologist who with great lab work discovered
Emma had the doggie of equivalent of MRSA.
The lab identified what specific meds would kill it.
They worked–Emma’s coat is magnificient now, she feels good.
Will probably be on meds rest of her life
We share a birthday–she will be 9 this year.
Although we (vet & I) don’t know positively, Emma may have picked this up from
a human. She had worked as a therapy dog.
May Miesha have a full & complete recovery!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
When’s the birthday?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dearest, Shari. What fantastic news!!! I know it will take time, but now at least you have some answers and some steps you can take to help your beautiful Miesha recover. You are both in my prayers sweet girl!!! Say hello to Larry, I know this must have been difficult for him also!
Love and hugs,
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Shari, that’s wonderful news about Miesha, at least you know now what it is and have a treatment protocol for it. I guess patience is the key here as I read on the internet it takes months for the nails to grow out. Prayers get answered! Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shari Voltz:
Hoping the new meds and diet do the trick for Miesha and she feels better. She’s a brave girl. Hugs, JB
Marshall (in NC)
Glad that Miesha has new meds and a special diet. We must be patient, I guess, since it seems that it will take some time to get over this hurdle. I do hope she will be more comfortable, however. All the best wishes to you, Larry, and Miesha!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Hello all – Too many people to thank for all the belated birthday wishes! but yes, THANKS!!! and a big hug and thanks to Trina – A truly amazing writing talent you have. Lovely, tears flowed. But just to let you know because I would never want to mislead anyone especially you Trina , he flew over RParade Jan. 1, 2009. Most likely you couldn’t read my writing!!!! It was a moment in time I will never forget. Just like the races I saw you run, Ms. Zenyatta.
Dear Z’sters…. I was lucky enough to meet Trina in person at the Equestfest held in Dec. of 2011 at Los Angeles Equestrian Center. It was my pleasure. We had a nice visit, short but very nice. Hopefully if no rain this Sat., I’d like to get up to SA and enjoy the company of Z-Dumplings and the beautiful horses.
Congratulations to Pirate’s Queen with her bouncing baby boy…. The suggested names have been so clever. Love them.
and thanks to those who gave advice about the card received from you, Zenyatta. Since I did buy a plushie, I will look forward to it coming in the mail. fingers crossed…
What a thrill. I love that Rock Hard 10’s foal was born on my birthday. I love that horse. I hope we will find a picture of Alyss and her baby and PQ and hers too.
It is pouring down rain with high winds here in Carlsbad, Ca today. My dog doesn’t care and is bugging me for an adventure outside. Just can’t today. Really nasty out.
The group I volunteer with is called Rescue House and they are in various Petco’s around San Diego County. I volunteer at the Petco Encinitas. Not looking to advertise, just a little background. They are all sweet kitties/cats looking for forever homes. SPAY & NEUTER IS THE WORD!!!! I have definitely reached my quota at home (5) + my shepherd, Tessa. Thanks for your loving thoughts, prayers and hugs. I am unable to express in words how grateful I am. Please know that I am. And yes, I feel this website is such a safe, comfy haven. Like coming into a dear friends warm and cozy kitchen.
I will see what you are referring to on NTRA. I hate it when people are so mean-spirited.
This a.m. I listened to Lisa G. Fly’s song and as always that song makes me feel good and ready to face anything that might come my way on a dreary Monday morning.
We look forward to hearing about your daily progress Zenyatta. Wouldn’t it be neat if on the very day you delivered, Mikey got his 5000. win? Yikes. The racing world will explode with happiness and joy.
Thanks ALL, for helping make my day a lot more positive. I will let you all know when I know.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
OOPS–my face is red! Of course it was 2009–I think I got carried away with thinking of rhymes and since I definitely had “son,” my mind leapt to “2001”–I’ll try to correct it! You’re so sweet to “cover” for me suggesting that I had a hard time reading your writing when the info came to me in an e-mail! LOL! Thanks, Delrene, and continued prayers for Steve’s safety–I second the comment by Vampressqueen Sue Colvin that he is a HERO!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Delrene, that must have been just so wonderful to see your son fly over the Rose P:arade. When I was at our Moody Branch I just love seeing the F-l6 fighting falcons. Even though I saw them almost every day, I was always just blowed away by them and the guys that flew them. Your son flew the B-2 right, the stealth Bomber was at moody too we heard, but I missed that. I know you are so proud of him. I know I asked one of the pilots I was talking to one day, how did he feel about going to Iraq, this was back during the gulf war. He told me he wanted to be there right now. Just great guys. Please Thank Your Son, for us.
Happy Birthday, also
Trina Beautiful poem. You are so talented.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Delrene… Such a unique name. If you post at NTRA please let me know in someway that it’s you. As I told Pati, I’m DinkyDiva. The one and only! However, I do have to thank NTRA for one thing!! Through the blogs there over the last few years, a group of us Zenster’s have formed a lovely friendship and we stay in contact through a Private chat site, phone, text fb. We are planning to be at BC this year for our first face to face meeting! See, Zen, it doesn’t matter, you bring people together and in doing so, friendships are created!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Oops. Maybe I misunderstood. Perhaps Alys had her foal by RHT on 2-22; not 1-22.
Thanks for the update., Zen. Very thoughtful.
Thanks for keeping us updated on Queen Z. Say hi to My John for us.
Thanks again!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Wow, Zenny. This is wonderful news about Pirate Queen and so glad to know that mom and munchkin are doing fine. And I’m really looking forward to hearing what your vet and staff had to say about you, in tomorrow’s diary !!!!
PS: I suspect that the cards our Zenny is sending out is what Zen-Dottie meant in a previous post when she said that she was going to spend the days leading up to baby’s arrival doing “loving things.” What a GREAT way to pass the time until our little prince/princess arrives, Zenny & Team Z!
PPS: I’m getting a little jumpy, big girl. I checked your site so many times this morning that I gave my wrist cramps!!!!
Would you like me to mail out a few cards on your behalf? Or muck out your stall? Or count the carrots you’ve been pictured munching since 2008? Or…..?!!!?******!!!!
Love you, sweetie. Love & hugs to Dottie, Tasty and my Zenster family, both near and far
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
This is too cute! LOL!