Happy Friday Dear Friends,
I have always been one to enjoy an early afternoon nap! I was on a very definite schedule when I was in training at BARN 55. MY JOHN used to have the entire barn area be completely peaceful after our morning training hours and 10:30 a.m. breakfast. This way all of the horses could totally rest, relax, and nap. He would have the fans turned on so we would have lots of fresh air circulating and the entire environment was completely tranquil. This is a habit I have continued to enjoy since I’ve been at Lane’s End. I must say, I love my naps!
When at Barn 55, this was the time MY JOHN would walk around and just observe us while we were resting! It was sweet to see him always ‘peeking in on ME’ as he walked around the shed row and made sure everyone was A-OK! Here at the farm, when I’m napping in the paddock, TASTY watches over ME to be sure I’m safe and happy. I do the same thing for her when she is resting. We have truly developed quite a bond. It is all so very special!
FRIENDSHIP is such a wonderful thing….and a TRUE FRIEND is something to be cherished!
Amid all of our other activities over the weekend, TASTY and I want to keep up on the great racing. The Fairgrounds, Gulfstream, Oaklawn, Santa Anita and Aqueduct have some very contentious fields running over the next few days. Several of the races will help to determine more about the 3 year old picture. Breeders’ Cup Sprint Champion, AMAZOMBIE, is running at Santa Anita and this should be one “fast” race. Good Luck to him and MY MIKIE who will be on board.
Don’t forget, MY MIKIE is getting close to win #5000! We have to keep current on his countdown as well! There is so much each day for us to do! This is really very positive as it keeps our minds busy as we progress through the next few weeks!
Enjoy the weekend of racing…relax, have fun, and here’s wishing you lots of WINNERS!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Isn’t TASTY “TOO CUTE” in this photo!)
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Wow, congratulations to Union Rags and the classy Michael Matz. What a race, what a beauty he is……….just cruised in! Also prayers for the beautiful Algorythms, what a disappointment for all. And lastly prayers for Theskysthelimit hope the surgery went well and he’s on the mend.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you Sweeties, Judy and Russ
carol in utah
congrats to all who finished their races…
prayers for those who had injuries..get well soon..
Happiest of birthdays to all…
hope loved ones get home soon..
hope injured family….of any species…return to health pronto..
good night Zenny and Tasty….pleasant dreams..
Soon ..the patter of little hoovies will be heard
Good evening, Zenny/Dottie,
I do not know if you see TVG, but Cristina and Matt were hosting, and they played your 2009 BCC win. Cristina said it was her favorite horse racing moment ever, I concur! Dottie, they also said that you will be talking about Zenyatta and all that has been happening with her, on Wednesday, coming up. Matt joked that your newborn will stand 14hh at birth! That guy is a joker! I will be watching! Thank You, Dottie, for all that you do!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I just read that LAVA MAN will accompany I’ll Have Another onto the track when he (IHA) works out between races on Big ‘Cap Day. http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/handicapping?source=http://www.brisnet.com/cgi-bin/editorial/article.cgi%253Fid=26924%2526print=true%2526header=bh
It’s gonna be a busy day for me and my camera :) Fingers crossed that Game On Dude runs …
Marshall (in NC)
Trina Nagele,
I am totally in awe of you! What great poems for us! Thank you so much for honoring me with a birthday tribute. You must be the best note-taker on the planet!! I am very grateful for all the birthday greetings from my dear Z’sters — I am humbled by the outpouring of love on this site. All of you are the BEST!
Again, Trina, thanks for your lovely gift! Hugs!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Marshall, for the lovely compliments—I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem!
Marshall (in NC)
@Brenda in Ontario: Happy Belated to my fellow 9th of Feb.!
Wishing smooth recoveries to Algorithms, Thiskyhasnolimit, and all those who are ailing or injured. May all of us stay well!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Well, Z., another day put to rest soon. We’re one day closer in the countdown. It can’t be too long now.
I would like to ask all Dumplings who consider yourselves to be anti-slaughter to join in the fight against the opening of a slaughter plant in Missouri this year in the Ozarks.
It is just so wrong, and it weighs heavy on my heart to hear misinformed people call horses “just livestock”. We know they are way more than that, and each one has so much to give in his/her own way. If I’m absent more than usual this week, it’s because I’ll be burning up the phone lines and e-mail messages to try to influence public opinion. I fear the fight will be unpleasant because some people see dollar signs, and the horses are always the ones to suffer.
Love to you all, and Z. and Tasty.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Delrene from Carlsbad, You and your son will be in my prayers. I will be praying for his safe return. I work in a Bank in Georgia and we are close to Moody Air Force Base, Ga. About 10 years ago I worked at our branch at Moody when it was the 347 Fighter Wing. I was so proud of those pilots they were just the best of the best. I just loved my time spent out there and just made some wonderful friends. I know I prayed so many times for those guys to return back safely. I know they just loved what they did and doing it for there country. God bless your son and I will keep prayi;ng.. Love Peggy
Kimberly from Santa Anita
Zenny, The world can hardly wait for your baby!!!!!! I hope you aren’t in too much pain…
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for Steve and all those serving in the military. It really is a wonderful world of Zenyatta fans with lots of love and compassion in their hearts. I think a day at the races this forthcoming Saturday would surely keep me occupied. I know many of you Z-dumplings will be attending. And the thought of a chance to see Lava Man??? How exciting is that? He wasn’t feeling well the day he was to make an appearance on Zenyatta Appreciation day, so this appeaarance would be a real thrill and to hopefully run in to some Z fans.
To all that are facing health challenges/ life challenges, illness with family and beloved pets, I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers too.
Mama Z and Tasty – have a great Monday and we nanny-grannies/aunties are looking forward to your news. Thank you Dottie for keeping us as close as possible to our beloved mamas to be. You are all so very precious to me. Hugs to all.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, sweet Z!
I forgot to mention last night that I adore Lava Man too. I remember when Funny Cide was a pony horse. I bet he got lots of applause when he came onto the track.
sharon in seattle
can’t wait to have the chance to see Funny Cide at Ky Horse Park!!
Lisag in Texas
@ANN, Happy birthday. I was not by the puter yesterday, exhausted from all the racing. Aewsome Maris blew me away. I was so happy to see Sway Away back, and a good, strong second. Hope you had a great day.
Lisag in Texas
@Marshall, Happy Belated Birthday!
Marshall (in NC)
Thank you for the birthday greeting!
Lisag in Texas
@Trina, your poems are awesome, as always.
Lisag in Texas
@Shari V, my continued prayers for Miesha, with a special request of good news today, Amen! Thoughts with you and your baby, Meisha! Love ya, girl….Lisa g
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, Top of the morning to you and Tasty. How are you feeling, hope you have a long restful nap this afternoon. Will check in later, hoping for a new post and good news! Did you watch Awesome Maria win the race? She did a little dance, but no one dances like YOU. i LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART, 2 more days to March…Lisag
Trisha from VA
Tasty is a true friend as you are to her. Friendship is a very special thing in ones life to cherish. This weekend I received something so special, i just bawled. I still get teary eyed. Thank you so much , dear friend.
Love hugs and kisses to you and to all.
Lisag in Texas
Wow, I did not get a card and so many are! I wonder why?
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Lisa, I didn’t get mine yet either, I’ve been running to the mailbox everyday. Hope todays the day. Just didn’t want you to think you were the only one. Congrats to Pirate Queen, another beauty born, hope we can see it soon. Hugs
Lisag in Texas
Sue, maybe today is the day…I cannot wait to get home, there is still hope.
Your first pal, Pirate Queen, had her Quality Road colt today! Hooray! Wonder if you could have gotten a peek of the colt along with Pirate.
Just a few more days till you’re a mama. :-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations, Pirate Queen!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Congratulation Pirate Queen and Quality Road.!!!!
Lisag in Texas
Congraulations Pirate Queen and The Wild Man. He had a filly earlier this week, busy man.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Good morning sweet Z and Tasty Temptation and all Z-sters. I join you Sue in Wisc and Lisag – Is this a separate card one gets post plushie? That sounds so nice. I have not received one either. But perhaps time will tell. I love my plushie and the identification card that came with it. Not sure if that is what folks are talking about. Inside my card was the little wallet sized picture of the Queen’s Dance. Perhaps that is it. Now I have that for my wall and one for my wallet. Perhaps the new picture is of TT and sweet Zenyatta.
My computer is weird today. I type and nothing shows up on the screen for quite a while. Nice article by Bill Finley in the New York Times. I’ll attemt to link here. Off to volunteer work with Rescue Cats to keep me busy. Love to all.
Diane in CA
I also have not received my card for my plushie I hope soon. Also I wonder if something is happening. Isn’t the Diary post usually downloaded by this time???
Diane in CA
I was really hoping that Dottie was too busy to do the post but a short time later there it was. Well I’ll just have to keep checking the website. It seems like I’m doing every minute or so!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great news about Pirate Queen. I’m so glad Quality Road is getting some dates. He is beautiful.
I heard QR has the most impressive first year book of any of the freshman sires since Giant’s Causeway, or someone like that. I read it on the Lanes End site, and he has an impressive book of mares. The ladies are certainly lining up. LOL
Zenyatta, I love John’s idea of keeping his horses cool and quiet for their afternoon naps after breakfast and working out. He took perfect care of you at Barn 55 and he hasn’t stopped or slowed down now. I’m a nap taker myself. I saw lots of horseracing this past week and weekend except for Sunday when I couldn’t catch any until 11:30 PM Eastern Time due to work. I have to take what I can get and not complain about it. Beggars can’t be choosers after all.