Good Morning,
Tasty and I were recently visiting in the paddock and concluded we each have a great deal to learn about becoming a MOM . The entire process of having a foal and then raising it to become a healthy and talented race horse is rather interesting. Since it is the first foal for each of us, we decided it is something we really want to prepare for so we can do our very best!
I’ve heard with humans, they have birthing and childcare classes plus all kinds of books and videos to prepare people to become parents. Since we are horses, TASTY and I tried to figure out how we could learn more about all of this process that would help us in ‘our world’.
In our quest to do so, we asked our pals here at the farm for some advice. It just so happens that a friend of ours, FOR ROYALTY, recently foaled a filly by Super Saver. Her farm captured the video and shared it with us! How sweet of them! This way we were able to have the opportunity to see just how ‘special these first few moments after foaling can be…for both the mare and the baby.’
Watch the video here.
One thing I’m truly beginning to realize now is that becoming a MOM is going to be so much FUN on so many levels!
Thank you for sharing this clip with us, For Royalty! Just think….the foal Class of 2012 will be fascinating to follow!
Please enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Newborn foals are TOO CUTE!)
Memento Vivere
Ahhh Zenny I cannot wait!!
kim z wichita ks
I lived in Malibu ca for 30 yrs and spent most times going to santa anita hlywd prk n del mar i lovd all horses but one ornery one took my heart the great JOHN HENRY. I nvr tht i would feel tht way again bt u took my breath away the most awe inspiring wonderous gentle beauty i have evr seen and when your magnifcent long stide cam into th stretch i cldnt breathe. I lovd JH bcause he didnt look th part bt he beat thm all but u beautiful Q ueen Z mom to be blong in Secretariats world he had eyes tht looked nto ur soul and so do yours uwalk away from your aura n feel u bn touched by GOD its unexplainable bt nyone thts bn near u knows this is my first time writing to horse God bless tht baby n you QueenZ
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to meet you, Kim. JAG will be thriled to have another John Henry fan here to reminisce with.
JAG / Insomnia-Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
WOW! You and I have something in common – JOHN HENRY!!! I’d love him sooooo much. He lives in my ♥ to this day!!! XOXO
I’m thrilled that Nina Kaiser is doing the Zenyatta statue right across the fountain from JH :-D They can “swap” racing stories LOL
Judy G
Z Ill be back later tomorrow afternoon. I’m off to Sacramento for another Wild Horse and Burro lawsuit.
I’ll be thinking of you sweetie. See ya soon. I love you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Best wishes and prayers for a good outcome.
kim z wichita ks 1:13 am feb 24
I guess since this is my first time posting i messed up i wrote nearly a full page about u Queen Z n a little bit bot the orneriest horse evr John Henry what a guy i lovd him so mch well precious mom to b Zenny I was able to be near u once,i absolutely blieve u looked at me n ithought of Secretariat i wasnear him once n he looked my way you hav th same look it, goes to your soul n want to cry u almost feel u hav bn touchd by,God. There is amagical feeling Zenyatta i hav nvr writen to a horse bfore I nevr miss ur diary kisses to u n Tasty n th babies are going to b wonderous great caring people on ur diary hope t
Lauryn Moore - England
Hi all, have not commented for a while but have been visiting the site, cannot wait for baby and me and my LOVE the photo, you are such a beautiful looking horse, keep well love Lauryn xxx
Vickie A Dana Point
What a SWEET picture and I so love reading all of the comments!
Visited the L.A. ZOO on Tuesday to see the Carousel and RIDE Zenyatta! What a beautiful Carousel – so many unique animals! Thank you Ann and Jerry Moss – it IS a treasure and for a great cause! Of course with Zenyatta it is even more fabulous!
Linda Fabiszak
Love the picture. All mares should be as lucky as you and Tasty. I’m getting excited over the pending birth of the foals, especially yours. I’m sure all your fans are praying for an event free foaling!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, good morning to the most beautiful girl in the world and her beautiful friend, Tasty. I love this picture, can post that one again anytime. Will check with you later, waiting for your new post with anticipation…wondering what news and info you have for us today. I love you, Sweetheart…..Lisag
What a special photo of you and Tasty! I can’t wait to see Matheas photos of the Zen-baby and Tastys too
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo of you and Tasty in deep conversation. It is so sweet! I loved the video of Super Saver’s little filly – what a talented and athletic little girl! This diary is always such a boost to my day – thank you!
Sarah T.
I’m sure you’ll be a great mom, Z. You’re so sweet and kind with people I’m sure that translates even better to your own foal. :) Can’t wait until he/she is born and hopefully to see video of you two together. I got a sweet card yesterday with a bunch of photos of you at the farm that said “thanks for being a good friend.” :) That brightened my day and I am so glad your people did that.
or how about Summersault .
Zenny, it has been ages since I left you a note. I just have been so busy but always checked your lovely diary posts even though I have to ready many at once. I am so glad you are happy and so exited about Baby Z. Not much longer now… You will make a wonderful mom! Good luck to you and Tasty!
With sad heart I also read of the passing of Kari Bussel. I remember her by the beautiful Zenyatta videos she made. My deepest condolonces to her family.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Good Friday Morning Zenny and Tasty – another day closer. Can you believe that we’re counting days now, not months or weeks. 14 Days until March 9th ( for Nannie JAG). Some good news from Canada to share. I just read in Vic’s Canadian Thoroughbred magazine that Roger Attfield, the trainer of Perfect Shirl winner of the BC Filly and Mare Turf, will be inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame in the fall. It’s an honor well deserved.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations to Roger Attfield!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zenyatta I hooked my projector up to the computer and have been showing the new foal from Winstar. All my classes love it !!! Thank you again for shaing and helping me to teach. Love Shari and 5th Grade Social Studies : )
carol in utah
kim z wichita ks 1:13 am feb 24
kim z good nite sweet Tasty n Queen Z, im sure u mst b sleeping nicely by now XOXO’ s to both n th precious babies . To all wonderful posters please b patient with me now i realize both posts went thru so sorry i am a novice at this but reading th beautiful posts evryday i finally dove in bcaus I love Zenyatta so much I am going bck to Ca. in May I am so happy n hoping I will be, well enough by thn to go to th track n meet sm of you Of course, hopefuly by th Great Maestro himself His Magesty MR JOHN HENRY!! I love th pics of Zenny n Tasty what a sweet pair! Reading posts evryday has literly hlpd save my life luv kim z
Great reading from everyone who contributes to this wonderful Zenyatta website.
Does anyone know if the Mr and Mrs Moss have any favorite names yet? Also, has anyone been able to put forward any name suggestions on the Zenyatta’sbaby.com website – I can’t get into it properly for some reason. Or is it just not open until the baby arrives! I would be most grateful if someone could throw some light on this. It is getting so exciting.
Love to all especially Zenyatta XXX
Zenyatta, you and Tasty are going through this pregnancy thing together which must make both of you feel a lot better about it. Both of you will learn how to be mothers through trial and error just like humans do. It will truly be an exciting time when your foals are born and all of you will stay pretty much together, play together, and enjoy each others’ company, At least that’s how I hope it will turn out. I saw that video and absolutely loved it. I loved seeing the cute little foal trying to walk and its mother looking after it. I would love to have a foal or foals of my own. I would love them to death forever. They would be my pride and joy.