Good Morning,
Tasty and I were recently visiting in the paddock and concluded we each have a great deal to learn about becoming a MOM . The entire process of having a foal and then raising it to become a healthy and talented race horse is rather interesting. Since it is the first foal for each of us, we decided it is something we really want to prepare for so we can do our very best!
I’ve heard with humans, they have birthing and childcare classes plus all kinds of books and videos to prepare people to become parents. Since we are horses, TASTY and I tried to figure out how we could learn more about all of this process that would help us in ‘our world’.
In our quest to do so, we asked our pals here at the farm for some advice. It just so happens that a friend of ours, FOR ROYALTY, recently foaled a filly by Super Saver. Her farm captured the video and shared it with us! How sweet of them! This way we were able to have the opportunity to see just how ‘special these first few moments after foaling can be…for both the mare and the baby.’
Watch the video here.
One thing I’m truly beginning to realize now is that becoming a MOM is going to be so much FUN on so many levels!
Thank you for sharing this clip with us, For Royalty! Just think….the foal Class of 2012 will be fascinating to follow!
Please enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Newborn foals are TOO CUTE!)
Abigail from Montreal
Sweet Zenny, Tasty, Dottie, Babies & Zen-sters:
This has got to be the CUTEST post ever! I just LOVE the photo and the diary is adorable. I agree: every mom-to-be needs a BFF to share her questions, feelings and….yup….fears. I would love to know what you girls decided about this “mom business” but I’ve gotta say, it IS tricky.
How you may ask?
Well…..there’s the TOTAL ABSENCE of REM sleep, for one thing. But your baby won’t notice you staring dull-eyed into his/her sweet little face during those 2 a.m., 3:30 a.m., 5:00 a.m. feedings.
THEN there’s the fact that you’ll be so busy with baby all of your usual routines will turn upside down. Happily for you, Zenny & Tasty, Bernie and TT’s beau won’t be home every night for dinner!
THERE’S the CHALLENGE of washing your hair……because: when will little munch-face wake up again, right? AND the sore “body extensions” from all that enthusiastic suckling….AND, in your case girls, the REAL concern that baby doesn’t creep up on you and scare you OUT OF YOUR WITS or RUN OFF with another toddler…..
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ZENNY? It really really really is WORTH EVERY SECOND!!!!!
New post just up on THE VAULT about our 2011 Horse of the Year:
AND: A daughter of Street Cry (Danehill is BM Sire) takes the UAE Oaks:
Falls of Lora is a great name for a filly. She did well in that race. Street Cry can be proud of his daughter. He has a lot of winners.
Danehill was a great dam sire. As we know, he is dam sire to Frankel.
Abigail from Montreal
Yeah. I just LOVE Danehill and so regret his loss at such a young age, Max. It took me ages & ages to land a photo of him for my “Northern Dancer & Family” photo collection and when it happened, I was thrilled! HUGS
Yes, Danehill’s passing was a great loss. It is wonderful to see that the legacy still lives on in the careers of so many great thoroughbreds. I also love his father, Danzig. He was a formidable horse like his daddy. The entire Dancer family is full of winners. Frankel is the image of Nijinsky.
Abigail from Montreal
GEEZ! A man after my own heart! I agree with you about the fabulous Danzig and intend to write something about him for THE VAULT very soon. Frankel does look like Nijinsky (whom I adore) but have you seen Nathaniel? He’s even got the heart on his forehead!
Abigail. You are right. I just checked a photo. The heart on Nathaniel is very distinctive. Stay Thirsty also has the family look. His dam sire is Storm Bird.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Abigail, as usual I love your writing, but this is exceptionally cute…….and so very, very true. Hugs
Abigail from Montreal
Glad it gave you a chuckle. I hatched the idea while out walking my Daisy Doodlebug!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Abigail, How is Miss Daisy, I’m guessing she’s recovering well and is now driving you.
Abigail from Montreal
Brenda: She’s doing really well! Dragging me all over the sam-hill. Off to watch Doc Martin on PBS. Another (sad) finale of a great show! Love & Hugs
Lisag in Texas
This is great, thank you Abigail. Grace is Grace, love her so much. We all know what Street Cry can produce, and watching the video of Falls of Lora, I will call her Lora…shades of Zenyatta. Wow, what a race by that Irish Lass. Thanks for all you share, Lisag
Abigail from Montreal
Lisag: It’s a pure pleasure to share with my Zen family! Thanks so much for your kind words. HUGS
Terry Crow
I am surprised that you did not comment on Brenda’s post regarding Miss Daisy driving you. It was a clever play on words.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Abilgail: So true so true, you expressed things so well!! ha ha
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Loved your Vault article on Havre de Grace and her sire history. Grace has been one of my very favorites.
Celeste in TX
Yep – you’ve nailed the whole new mom experience in a nutshell – lol! Brings back memories of when I learned to take the fastest showers ever, oh so long ago when my kids were babies. Too cute!
I absolutely loved your blog post with the history of Havre de Grace including all the wonderful photos you shared – wow! Your blog provides such a wealth of information that I would not even know how to begin to search for on my own – thank you!
M. Kern
What a great picture of you and Tasty. You guys are so adorable. I love you two very much!
That was quite an impressive backflip! What a lovely filly by Super Saver and I wish her all the best in her new life. Just think, Zenyatta, in a few weeks you and Tasty will be a part of this miracle of life yourselves. And I love the photo of you both posted for us today.
Sandra Harris Frey
Beautiful, Z! I received the BEST surprise yesterday in the mail! It was a card from YOU, my BFF, from your Lane’s End home! The photos in the card were STUNNING and it was so thoughtful of YOU to think of me knowing how much I support YOU and ALL of YOUR friends in the horse industry. You and the industry really do rock my world!
I’ve been thinking about your foal and the birth, which will be coming up really soon. YOU are going to be a fantastic MOM! I know that TASTY will be as well. So much to look forward to on this journey, my friend!
Much love always,
Marilu V
Hello Zenny and Dottie:
Thank you for sharing the video. What a wonderful experience to watch. I also viewed the other video of famous horses as foals. I loved it.
Take good care of yourself and Tasty!
Very cute video!!! I love this pic of you and Tasty. Such dear friends you are.
Mary Copelin
Oh my gosh….how cute is that video…..made me laugh out loud..adorable. I love the picture of you and Tasty…what two wonderful gentle mares. I hope your owners will share a video of your baby standing for the first time.
Mary Copelin
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Mary, We have been blessed with the most extraordinarily wonderful friend. My heart is over-flowing with love and gratitude. Thank you for your very kind words. ♥
Rose Cola
Thanks Z for the video of that Super Saver filly, it was so adorable! You and Tasty look like you don’t have a problem in the world and I just love seeing you both that way.
I work in a vets office (small animals) and even thu I live in racing town (many farms here, used to be more) I don’t always have folks to share my love of you with. So I tell the vets and my co- workers all about you and Tasty. They call me nutz but that’s fine with me. When I got my Zenyatta plushie I brought it in for all to admire! I can’t wait to be able to show them the videos of your precious babies when they come.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Waiting, waiting, waiting for THE DAY! The video of the Super Saver filly is like a preview of coming attractions for Z’s foal to get here. If I could pace, I would. Instead I drum my fingers………ALL………..DAY…………LONG!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Absolutely adorable — both the photo and the video. Thank you for sharing, Zenyatta.
JAG / Wringing Hands-Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Kentucky Derby 2012 Contenders
Bernardini boys place #2 and #7 :o)
I’ve been trying to keep track of the Derby hopefuls.
Any fillys this year? I haven’t read about any
This year is flying by (except for the arrival of a certain foal)
Keeping watch for a March Full Moon and a certain special birthday.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
A few fillies were nominated for the Triple Crown races as well as the girls’ races. One of them, On Fire Baby, is currently 10th in graded stakes winnings. If the race were held today, she’d be eligible to make the starting gate.
Here’s a list of the current earnings leaders:
Theresa Buck/Texas
There are plenty of videos on youtube for You and Tasty To watch
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
That Super Saver video was priceless! I could not stop from laughing – you are right Zenny, newborn foals are TOO CUTE! WHOOPS, WHOOP! and CLUMSY! ha-ha, but, oh so, Too Cute! Thank you, I think we all need a good chuckle after the week it’s been. I hope we get some awwws and ooohh moments with your foal! AND SOME awesome WHOOPS moments too!
Jan S. / Houston
Sweet Karen. Love the nanny/granny coma…… Aren’t we all!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
Well … it was either that or a redneck foal watch coma – which means you are a redneck if you BBQ marshmallows over the flame from your 1930’s zippo lighter and you come out in a coma with charred pinkies and cream for your coffee!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Terry Crow
Kari would have loved that one.
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
Love the picture of Tasty and you nose to nose discussing motherhood. I’m sure both of you will be loving caring mothers just like For Royalty. She is an awesome mommy encouraging her foal to get on her feet – such tenderness! I had seen the video earlier on the B-H horse, but just loved seeing it here again. Hopefully she didn’t strain anything when she tumbled head over heels.
I also happened to see a wonderful, wonderful video of many famous horses when they were babies, weanlings or yearlings. Someone lovingly and painstakingly prepared it with gorgeous music for YouTube. It is a treasure to keep forever.
I’m glad Tasty and you are comfortable.
Hugs and Kisses to you both,
Paula Higgins
OMGosh this has got to be one of the sweetest posts! LOVE the picture of Zenny and Tasty “kissing.” The video was beyond precious. Made me day. I am sorry, please don’t be offended folks, but our species has nothing on these babies/foals. They are right up there with puppies and kittens.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Paula:
You’re so right. They really are. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
The champions are baack! Your Mikey is towards the end – enjoy!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Thanks for the link. Your monica is a hoot. Had me laughing out loud. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
Speaking of laughing. We could use some Redneck jokes. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy-Resuming the redneck jokes is a difficult decision. They will be back, but when? I am not sure. Hope Russ is doing well. I’m still looking for that football salesman, or should I say salesperson..
Amazobmie’s first race should be a really good one.
He will meet up with The Factor, but I am sure he will win.
The Factor is talented, but has been inconsistent.
Judith Ochs
Thanks for the laugh from Super Saver and For Royalty’s filly…….those human babies are so slow!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
This picture of Z and Tasty is too cute! This is the same picture that is inside the card that I got in the mail yesterday. I’m anxious to hear if everyone that bought a plushie gets a card, too. I sure hope so! I want everyone to enjoy it.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Debbie, I’m hoping that you’re right about the buying a plushie. Now I’ll be having anxiety moments waiting to see if I get an envelope.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Wonderful news! I opened up my card today; actually I received two cards because I had ordered two Plushies. This was so special!!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so glad you got your cards, Sally! Isn’t it awesome? What a wonderful, unexpected surprise!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Just love the picture of you and Tasty – wow, just gorgeous. I saw the clip of the baby filly of For Royalty and Super Saver this morning on the Blood Horse. It is the cutest and her back flip – just precious!!! Cannot wait to see pictures/video of yours and Tasty’s newborns. Love you, Angels.
Past the Grandstand
Can’t wait to see your foal! Or Tasty’s! I remember one year ago today was the first time you met Bernie. Of course, you had to go see him again, but that first day you met him was the same day I got my very first off-the-track Thoroughbred, Dexter. It was a very special day! And the day you have your foal will also be a very special day! Love you, Z!
For more on my “one-year anniversary” with Dexter: http://pastthegrandstand.blogspot.com/2012/02/diary-of-dexter-one-year-together.html
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Past The Grandstand:
Thank you so much for the link to your Dexter. Your description of what it’s like to own a TB and the intelligence he shows in his training is wonderful. He is absolutely gorgeous. All the best of luck with him. Sounds like you two have bonded very well. Hugs, JB
This is a wonderful story. Dexter is a handsome guy. He seems to be quite a brilliant horse. No wonder that you are so proud of him and happy to have him. Looking forward to updates on his adventures.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Past the Grandstand; I loved the link on Dexter, your story. It must be heaven each day with your special TB Dexter. I have never been able to have one, but I feel this way about Zenyatta. She takes my breath away!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Past the Grandstand, It’s great fun to read your entries about Dexter. He’s certainly handsome, and it’s wonderful that your mare Pebbles adores him too. High hoof, and we look forward to more.
Jill in Jersey
TOO CUTE!!!! The Nannies are waiting!!!!!
Zenny, this has to be the cutest picture of you and TT and the video of baby doing a complete back flip is awesome! i can’t stand the waiting much longer…you just have to share tons of pics and videos of your little one when he/she arrives. You and your team continue to amaze me. This diary is a highlight of my day…hugs and kisses on your sweet, soft nose.
Zenny, I’m betting your foal will be doing flips, too. Thanks for the video…it’s great.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: This photo of you and Tasty is just Too Cute!!! I know that you both will have your babies around the same time. Just wondering, will both you and Tasty along with your babies be placed in the same paddock?
It won’t be long now Zenny. I even check your diary at lunch just to see if there is any news of the Big Event!!
Zenny, thank you for the card…it means a lot. :-)
Hi Zenny First off I love the shot of you and Tasty. It`s awesome!! The video is the sweetest ever. Can`t wait to see you and baby…Lots of Love, Alene
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ooooh! What a darling picture of you and Tasty!! It’s so great that you have a BFF. I have no idea whether or not that is “usual” for horses, but it doesn’t matter – you have each other. The video clip of the foal was also just adorable (as has been said about a million times now, but I wanted my admiration to “count” :-) Take care, dear Zenny. We’re all trying very hard to be patient aunties and uncles.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Marty R/ Colorado
Nice to be in touch again. I’m embarrassed to say that I never went to Euclid Beach while I was growing up. My parents were a bit on the . . well . . . um . . “provincial” side, and I don’t remember going to the east side at all (other than school trips to Severance Hall) until I started at CWRU. I don’t think you ever told me your HM friend’s name. I still have my LHS yearbooks – maybe I knew HER (even if I never did anything remarkable enough for underclassmen to know ME :-).
Marty R / Colorado
Hi Sandy,
My friend’s name was Shirley Maple. You may have been an underclassman at LHS when her older sister, Elaine, was there.
Going to Euclid Beach was always the highlight of the summer for me. Never went swimming there, only visited the amusement park.
Isn’t this picture of Zenny and Tasty Temptation great? I don’t think two stallions would ever stand calmly face to face like that. Boy horses tend to be pretty macho towards others. I also loved the video of the little foal standing for the first time. Hopefully, we’ll get to see some videos like that of Zenyatta’s foal and maybe Tasty’s too.
Have a good evening.
Hi Marty
Euclid Beach was always so very much fun with my cousins who were the same age. Also Cedar Point in Sandusky is where my Father had his Yearly company picnic. Quite a family affair; everyone riding all of the rides; staying over in the hotel and eating load and winning lots of prizes at the company picnic. I went to Valley Forge HS in Parma, Ohio. Live in Lakewood in the 1970’s with my husband.
Are you still living in Cleveland, Ohio (no Texas)???
Jan S. / Houston
Loved going to Cedar Point when I lived in Michigan…. I didn’t know it was still there.
Had to join in.
My husband Bob was born & raised in Akron.
He started his radio career there & moved on to Cleveland
We were in Cleveland (lived in Parma) and then on to Philadelphia , Chicago, and New York City.
Here is a tribute site created by Lee Harris
Thought you might be interested.
Marty R / Colorado
Wow. This is like a little Ohio Reunion in Zenyatta’s diary. I was born in Minn. and moved to Ohio when my dad was transferred to Cleveland. We arrived the day before my 8th birthday. I finished my elementary school years in Rocky River then we moved and I went through Jr. High in Lakewood. My dad was then transferred to Akron and we lived in Cuyahoga Falls for about six months. Another job transfer took us to Toledo and I finished High School there. My dad was my custodial parent and he passed away a month and a half before I graduated. After graduation, I moved to Denver, Co. to live with my aunt and have lived in this area ever since. That will be fifty years this summer.
Jan S. and Signofthetimes, I went to Cedar Point when I lived in Toledo. Wasn’t too far away. And, Jan, it is still there to this day.
Keta, That is a very wonderful tribute to your husband. A lovely wedding picture and cute little kiddo pictures, too. You certainly traveled around during your husband’s career By the way, I really enjoyed your Mondatta story above.
Thank you for going to Bob’s site.
He was one of the best radio newsmen & so down-to-earth.
We did move a lot.–each city a larger market–spent the last 30 or so in NYC.
On his last day on air, Mayor Rudy Guiliani called in to congrat Bob on a job well done. Quite a compliment
I was his biggest fan & saved his work–the basis for the site.
We were married almost 46 years.
He died way too young. And, i do miss him.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Keta, for sharing this beautiful love story, and belated condolences on your loss.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, the video was just wonderful, too cute, and just precious. This evening I caught up and learned more from Lisa in TN and our prankster, Terry Crow, and from the Kennedy’s in SD that you’ve a favorite song…surely they will let us in on the story behind this. Sweetheart, you and Tasty sleep all nice and cozy, have wonderful little foalette dreams. I love you, I love you..Lisag