Good Morning,
Tasty and I were recently visiting in the paddock and concluded we each have a great deal to learn about becoming a MOM . The entire process of having a foal and then raising it to become a healthy and talented race horse is rather interesting. Since it is the first foal for each of us, we decided it is something we really want to prepare for so we can do our very best!
I’ve heard with humans, they have birthing and childcare classes plus all kinds of books and videos to prepare people to become parents. Since we are horses, TASTY and I tried to figure out how we could learn more about all of this process that would help us in ‘our world’.
In our quest to do so, we asked our pals here at the farm for some advice. It just so happens that a friend of ours, FOR ROYALTY, recently foaled a filly by Super Saver. Her farm captured the video and shared it with us! How sweet of them! This way we were able to have the opportunity to see just how ‘special these first few moments after foaling can be…for both the mare and the baby.’
Watch the video here.
One thing I’m truly beginning to realize now is that becoming a MOM is going to be so much FUN on so many levels!
Thank you for sharing this clip with us, For Royalty! Just think….the foal Class of 2012 will be fascinating to follow!
Please enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Newborn foals are TOO CUTE!)
Ann Maree / Tennessee
The Super Saver foal is part of WinStar Farm’s “Stablemates” program. There are several levels of membership, including a “free” level. I opted for a higher level and they had a special on this past holiday season, which I was able to take advantage of. I think several “Zsters” are members as well. It really is a wonderful experience watching the mares with their foals, there are farm cams where you can watch the mares in the “nursery” with lots of other mares and their foals. There are also videos of live births. In the stallion barn, we can watch Colonel John and other stallions when they are indoors, or can see all kinds of activities around the entire operation. As members, there are levels of privileges available for visits in person, as well. Hope one day that Lane’s End might have some of their operation available. Would be just wonderful to be able to tune into see Zenny and her foal “live” some day soon!
It is like spring here in West Tennessee! Going to drop back down into the 50s tomorrow and into the 30s tomorrow night, but today, it’s 77!!! A little windy, though, as the cool front will be moving through here later this evening.
Hugs, sweet Zenny! Thanks for keeping us posted on your and Tasty’s “condition”. A little bird told me that your “family” have their bags packed and ready to be on hand for that big day. Love you lots. Ann Maree
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Ann Maree.
And your birthday
Poem is ready
For this Sunday!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Ann Maree: I saw that I am going to have to join up. I believe Drosselymeyer is there.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Oh–that sweet baby!!It must have amazed her momtoo!!
I absolutely LOVE the video of Ebby’s workout!!Aren’t helmet cams fabulous?? You feel like you’re “on board”–just wish we could feel the wind on our faces!! I was amazed that she was able to be ridden right into her stall,staying calm with all the people around and the other horse being led and all. Just more evidence of how secure YOUR JOHN makes the horses in his care feel. Looking around the barn from Ebby’s height makes you realize how tall she really is in comparison to her surroundings.
I surely hope that I get a chance to meet her when I am down there for the BC!! She is SO lovely and the Kennedy’s say she is so very sweet. That would be a thrill!!
Hope everyone has a really great day today!! Love the picture of “the girls” talking things over!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I hope to meet you at the BC 2012, Sue.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
The pic of you Zenyatta and Tasty, demonstrates the love of friendship between the two of you. Friends forever and truly side by side! You both will be fantastic and wonderful first time mothers when your time comes. You shine and sparkle brighter and brighter than any star up above-and your baby for sure will light up the lives and hearts of everyone around! Sending you my Love and Blessings with lots of hugs and kisses
Lisag in Texas
That was beautiful, brought a tear to my eye…
I love that video, I’ve watched it a hundred times. Zenyatta, I bet the first video of your foal will be of he/she dancing! :)) Cathleen XOXO
Elizabeth G.
You, Tasty and the new babies will be having so much fun together. How extraordinarily wonderful! Hugs!
Ingrid Arnone
This is one of the most beautiful videos. Animals in general are so wonderful. My love for them is endless, that is why my love for you my adorable Zenyatta it has no end. Ingrid.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Absolutely just too cute. Zenny has your little one been kicking today????? LOL
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
Interesting article Zenny ♥
Lisag in Texas
That was very interesting Karen! Why is it so important to be KY bred? Is this why CA stud fees are being cut so low?
Terry Crow
A lot of this is manipulated by individuals looking for easy purse pickings. If, for instance, Zenyatta was shipped to California right before she drops her foal (I know this would never happen, but is an example), the foal would be a Cal-bred and eligible for all extra purse money that is offered. It would seem to me that the important fact would be the place of conception, rather than the birth, and I feel it is a flaw in the system.
Lisag in Texas
I agree that it should be the place of conception, or bred if you will.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Karen- “marshmallow watch coma”-too funny! It’s just as well that Z doesn’t have “mare stare”. There would be a lot of zombies out here!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Susan: That is too funny!! You’re right.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
Zenny, I hope no one posted this before!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Gotcha! – I did post it, a few days ago, but it’s a great article. 65 tons per day is a lot of manure for one town!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
You betcha! Haha! I love this!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Some of you might enjoy this article on RA’s and Z’s prospects as broodmares, with reflections on some great distaffers.
Good morning to you and Tasty! One good thing that you and Tasty won’t have to worry about is changing diapers! Lucky you! Hope your day is just wonderful. You and Tasty have a very special and blessed day! Sending smooches and hugs xxoo
I want you to meet Mondatta. She is a filly.- a true clone of her mother.
Mondatta wanted to wait a few weeks before being introduced.
Being born is a big adventure. Meeting lots of people another adventure.
For me, It has been great fun watching her personality develop.
When they are lead from the barn, Mondatta mambos her way to the paddock.
She walks next to her mother in quick baby dance steps.
When they get to the field, they race side by side.
The little one certain she will beat the big mare–the Queen slowing so she can catch up. Sometimes, she lets Mondatta win these sprints.
Then the filly nurses and collapses to take a nap on the ground.
Her mother grazes nearby, head turned toward the filly, ever watchful.
Zenyatta leads her to the fence to her favorite spot.
They stand side-by-side absolutely still.
THe little one is looking through the fence openings–Z enyatta over it.
Then the big mare lowers her head. She is whispering in the filly’s ear.
I know this because the lttle ears are moving back and forth.
And, I wonder in what Z is sharing
Is it about the world outside the fence?
Or, the work, and rewards of racing and stories of the Moss’, HER JOHN, Dottie, and the Team?
Or, the people Z’s met like a fan named Kari whose touch through a heart-decorated chainlink fence brought a magical monent of love and hope?
Or, simply a mother telling her daughter how special she is, how loved she is?
By some internal clock or unseen signal, Zenyatta turns and begins the walk to the barn. Mondatta, enery expended, follows slowiy.
Now it is Zenyatt’s turn to dance to unheard music.
It is a slow one-a celebration of life, love, the pleasures of food and treats, and motherhood and the days ahead
Mondatta is registered with The Jockey Club as Plushie foal number 0087′
Why Mondatta? It seems such a natural extension of Zenyatta and could be used for a colt or filly This Mondatta is a born racer. She has a big heart and gentle nature.
She walks in beauty.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Keta- I loved that!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Keta, that is really a cute story……..got to admit you had me going there for a moment, thought maybe you bought a horse! Hugs
But, I did!! :)
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Keta, cute story. The Name Mondatta has been taken already, another Moss filly, I believe. If I remember right, in a interview with Anne, she said that they got two fillies, named one Mondatta and the other, Zenyatta.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lovely story, Keta!
Susan, Sue, Heidi, and Trina
Thank all of you for taking the time to read this & for your kind comments.
This was my imaginative & maybe visionary visit with Zenyatta & her foal–through a Plushie. I hope you see the love I have for horses, especially Z.
I’m probably guilty of watching too many mare/foal videos lately.
Yes, Mondatta is already taken–wonder what happened to her?
The Thoroughbred Times had a naming contest in Feb. 2011.
Here is the info
Driven To Tears suggested as name for Bernardini-Zenyatta foal
Posted: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 11:16 AM
After combing through the 1,004 comments received before the deadline, the Thoroughbred Times editorial staff selected Driven To Tears as the top name suggested by readers for the first foal out of Zenyatta.
Owners Jerry and Ann Moss said on January 26 that they would breed their Horse of the Year and three-time champion older female to 2006 champion three-year-old male Bernardini, a second-crop sire for 2011 who stands at Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum’s Darley in Lexington.
The seven other (names) finalists (in alphabetical order) were Berning Zensation, Be Zen, BZ Kneez, Sans Regrets, Tres Bien Zen, Zendini, and Zucchini.
Zendini was by far the most popular name—suggested by more than 10% of the people who commented.
Ed DeRosa is news editor of Thoroughbred Times
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for this report, Keta.
Linda B from Va
You will make a great mom Zen. With all the help you get you will enjoy it and be worry free. Testy and you will be blessed.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh Zenny this picture is adorable, two BFFs having their girl time chatting about all the news in the barn. I hope you two foal at the same time too so you can get the babies outside together and they will be BFFs.
The SS foal video was so sweet what a head over heels she took I’m sure with all the padding in those stalls she didn’t feel a thing…….just surprise!
I so enjoyed the video of your beautiful sis Ebby, can’t wait for her to hit the track, I hope they post her first race on the diary.
Well back to my pacing, will check back later.
Love and kisses on your noses, you and TT, Auntie Sue
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- I love that picture of you and Tasty! I think your ears are TOO CUTE! Also love your expression! You are a funny girl. I wonder if you and Tasty will go into labor at the same time and her labor will progress more quickly. Then, at the end, you will suddenly push that baby out. First again! Haha- oh, brother…I love the video of For Royal. I like when she sniffs his hind foot, like counting fingers and toes. “Yep, four. All here.” I hope you and TT are having a spring-like day as we are here. Love you <3
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Oops- meant “her” hind foot.
Jan S. in Houston
Are you and Tasty talking about Super Saver’s baby making that somersault! And did see how cool and calm her mama was. :) Oh by the way, does Lane’s End have a daycare program…… Waiting in anticipation for the big date to arrive. xoxo
Robin - Ventura CA
Ida Lee
What a beautiful photo of you and Tasty!!! Also the Super Saver baby is precious beyond words…
Lisag in Texas
http://www.bloodhorse.com/A Visit With Havre de Grace. I doubt if I did this right, JB. But I love this, I know it is old, but, wow, Grace is Grace.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Here you go:
Lisag in Texas
Trina, thank you….OMGoodness, I can never post sites I would like to share, but I tried one more time, as I just adore Grace…Isn’t she magnificet!! I love this feature on her and the pictures….THANK YOU TRINA!!!!
Dear Zenny,
What a very cute post and such a cute photo of you
And Tasty discussing motherhood. We do have to
Read books, watch videos and take classes because we
Do not have 5000 years of maternal instincts that
Come natural to us like horses do.
Love that video of the Super Saver fully, she stood
Quickly and went kaboom in her first hours of life.
Remember human babies don’t roll over until
5 months or attempt to walk until 9 months to
A year. So your babies will be far ahead of their
Human counter parts. At one year the will be broken
To carry a rider and be galloping around a track.
So love Super Saver, he is a real character. He likes
To stick out his tongue and have humans grab it. One
Of the managers from Winstar said when he bred his first
Mare he laid his head on her neck and stuck his
Tongue out when the dance was over. He also thinks
He is very special and has some very cute antics.
Hope you had a great day visiting, resting, relaxing and
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Love the story about Super Saver. I have heard that some horses will almost go into a trance if you hold their tongues. Now I want to go visit him.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Great story, signofthetimes.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Great story.
I love the way you teach & share.
Thank you!!
Georgia Bleu
I can’t wait for this beautiful baby. I just have one thing that bothers me: thinking about Zenyattareign in pain for even ONE second just kills me. No epidermal for her, how do these mares bare it? Will someone be comforting her, or is it a leave them alone situation? I just cannot bare the thought of her hurting.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Generally speaking, they leave the mare alone as much as possible. She’ll be monitored, of course, but they won’t intervene if all is going smoothly. Once her water breaks, labor should only last 20 minutes or so. She will be uncomfortable, but she’ll forget all about it once she sees her foal.
Terry Crow
The usual good stuff from LauraJ, a fountain of knowledge.
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, that pic of you and Tasty is too cute!! I’m so happy you have such a dear friend. You both look fantastic!
Thanks for sharing the link to the Super Saver filly standing for the first time. I just hope she wasn’t hurt when she took that fall. I assume if she was, they wouldn’t have sent it to you. Anyway, a high hoof to her! Seeing that vid is making me even more excited for your foal to arrive. I hope you’ll share many pics and vids with us.
Have a great evening sweet girl.
Love to all,
Lisag in Texas
I really miss Gary Moulton, I know he is busy..but can’t he just take a sec and say ‘Hey’
Gary Moulton
Hey, lisaG,
I’ve been lurking.
I put a new poem on #440 and nobody commented. Will you read it?
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny in a marshmallow watch coma ♥
Hi Gary
I read your poem and I am sorry I didn’t comment either. That was an awful day and our grief just was so overwhelming. Every one’s post and comments that day were so emotional, touching and heartfelt. There were so many to respond to, that it just was impossible through the tears. Please repost that poem again, you were missed too. Great to hear from you.
Lisag in Texas
Hey, Gary! I will go back t #440 and read your poem, Karen is right, it was a rough week. Keep lurking and don’t forget to say ‘Hey”
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Gary, I’m like Karen and Lisa–I DID see your poem, but it seemed quite intense and the whole week was intense, so I put it on my list of things to go back to when I could take them in better–which I’ll do now.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, going to be on my way home soon…must see this video you posted for us, so I will give you your good’night and tell you how much I love you later this evening….Lisag
sharon in seattle
today’s photo is darling!!! Tasty and Zenny seem to be so good together – what a blessing. Of course, they are both total sweethearts! I wonder if they sense that the other is “expecting”??? and that they share this “expectation”? It would be so fascinating to know what they perceive!
Kelly J. /ND
What a nice picture of you and Tasty! I saw the video and loved when the filly did a back flip, it was very precious when she stood up for the first time.
Helen Rasmussen
Oh Zenny, yes foal class 2012 will be fascinating to follow! You and Thirsty will do just fine. You my dear Zenny will have a very special angel watching over you when your time to foal comes! I know Kari will be there, listen and watch for her.
I am excited more and more as the time nears. This is silly but, my birthday is 3/10 and that would be quite a gift my dear! Tee hee. I am also excited for Thirsty as well!
Rachel Alexandra is learning to be a mommy as well. This is all so awesome!
Love and big hugs xxxxoooo
Lisag in Texas
Helen, I have not seen you in awhile, may have just missed your posts or something…but it is so good to see your name again.
Nancy Freeman
You’re a champ at whatever you do. Betting (so to speak) you’ll be a champ at mommying as well.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Zenny,
what a lovely picture of YOU and Tasty. You are so adorable together. I hope you get to be in the same paddock after your babies are born. We are really getting antsy now.
FOR ROYALTY relly did herself proud. What an adorable filly. And fist pumps to SUPER SAVER, of course as well.
Still wondering about PIRATE QUEEN and ALYS, though.
@Shari Voltz–please update about Miesha.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Barbara I have an appointment with the Specialist this Monday. I will let you know what she says. Miesha is doing ok. Still has pain and it looks like another nail lifting. I am giving her medicine and vitamins. I am hoping that the meds and vitamins stop the nails from falling off. 7 so far. This is so painful with a lot of blood. Thank you for caring : )
sharon in seattle
so sorry to hear about this, Shari
Terry Crow
Shari-Hope your precious dog perks up soon.