Good Morning,
Tasty and I were recently visiting in the paddock and concluded we each have a great deal to learn about becoming a MOM . The entire process of having a foal and then raising it to become a healthy and talented race horse is rather interesting. Since it is the first foal for each of us, we decided it is something we really want to prepare for so we can do our very best!
I’ve heard with humans, they have birthing and childcare classes plus all kinds of books and videos to prepare people to become parents. Since we are horses, TASTY and I tried to figure out how we could learn more about all of this process that would help us in ‘our world’.
In our quest to do so, we asked our pals here at the farm for some advice. It just so happens that a friend of ours, FOR ROYALTY, recently foaled a filly by Super Saver. Her farm captured the video and shared it with us! How sweet of them! This way we were able to have the opportunity to see just how ‘special these first few moments after foaling can be…for both the mare and the baby.’
Watch the video here.
One thing I’m truly beginning to realize now is that becoming a MOM is going to be so much FUN on so many levels!
Thank you for sharing this clip with us, For Royalty! Just think….the foal Class of 2012 will be fascinating to follow!
Please enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Newborn foals are TOO CUTE!)
Dallas from Texas
Hey Baby Girl, thanks for the Super Saver Foal video…Too cute! I can’t wait to see your foal video, that’s going to be an unbelievable event. Can you even imagine how many people on this planet will watch your video? I’m glad to see that you and Tasty are exchanging thoughts, good to see you have a close friend like that. Take care Baby Girl, love you.
Charming video. And today’s diary photo is one of the best yet.
Ingrid Arnone
Yes, Linda this photo of Z & TT is the most beautiful of all, hugs Ingrid.
Sharyn - Vermont
What a beautiful picture of you and Tasty sharing your time together!!
Oh my, the video is just so precious watching that foal stand for the first time – thank you and Dottie for sharing it with us!! I could watch it a hundred times – can’t wait to see your’s and Tasty’s babies!!
Z, you and Tasty are just THE cutest….and that new little baby girl from Winstar – TOO CUTE for words. Can’t wait to see videos of both your “babies”, you and Tasty and here’s hoping all goes well. Much love to all.
Maryp (New York)
You two beautiful gals are such loving friends. I am so glad you have each other. Thanks for the video of For Royalty and her foal…just precious! Love you Zenny and TT too!
Shanda Hooton
You are gonna be perfect at this just like you are at everything!!! I know in my heart you will know just what to do when the time comes and that precious little foal is gonna be loved by so many of us all over the world just like you. You will be the best mom (and Tasty too) Your people will help you and be there to see to all your needs. I am with you in spirit everyday now and always! So excited…can hardly wait my girl!!! Enjoy the day!
Very cute picture of you and Tasty! I’m sure you both will be fantastic Moms!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
It looks like Tasty is telling you a secret :) Or you two are making mischevious plans to fool the humans … “Okay, Zenny, you wander over to the far side of the paddock, so they’ll think you’re trying to ‘hide’ … that’ll get them all in a tizzy! Then I’ll sneak up behind them and we’ll have a good laugh!”
We are all learning about being a good horse mom right along with you, Zen. I think you and Dottie should write a book about the life of a Thoroughbred, from birth to the track to retirement (either to the breeding farm or to another career). There are so many books out there about how to bet the races, or the life stories of famous racehorses/horsemen, but I’m sure there is a market for a book that tells the life cycle of the Thoroughbred. All the “behind the scenes” stuff the casual fan doesn’t even realize goes on, like all of the people at the racetrack who work together to “put on the show” (horse identifier, farriers, stewards, jockeys agents, valets, hotwalkers, etc.)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Julie, I enjoyed your description of what Tasty and Zenny are up to. How fun!!
JAG / Wringing Hands & Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
L O L :o)))))
Lisag in Texas
Love that book idea, don’t you, Dottie????
(like she doesn’t have enough to do)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Julie- I love your book idea!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I have thought about writing something like that but I don’t have the time to do all the research, what with work and classes. Maybe someday … if Zenny/Dottie doesn’t beat me to it! :)
JAG / Wringing Hands-Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
It wouldn’t surprise me if Ann Moss comes out with a book —– :-D
Janie (in L.A.)
You and Tasty as TOO CUTE together Zenyatta and that video was soooo precious. What a darling little girl. You two have nothing to worry about – your babies will have the best moms ever!
Lisa in TN
I never get tired of watching those first tries. My 5 year old stallion when he was born he didn’t even wait until he was out of the sack. I so wish I had video of it. His back end had just come on out and his mother was taking a breather, and with the sack still around his rear up he pops. I had just gone in to check everything and it startled me that he was up. He broke the cord and his first step drug the rest of the sack off. He didn’t lay back down until after he nursed!!! He is still a stinker. His mother was not ready to get up, but up she got to give him his first meal. He has turned out to be a beautiful boy. At 3 months he won his first show under a German judge. Zen I can’t wait for yours. Hope she/he gives you a little rest time!!
Lisag in Texas
Sweet story, but at the risk of sounding ‘dumb’, what is the ‘sack’? I’ve alot to learn about this process that Zenyatta and Tasty are about to go thru. Thank goodness for Dottie and all the experts here in Zenyatta’s World. I cannot even see the video Dottie provided until I get home and everyone is ooh and aahing, and making me anxious…anyway, ‘sack’? Appreciate it, always. Lisag
Lisa in TN
The sack is the placenta. I used a common term and was not specific.There is never a dumb question just the thirst for knowlege. :-}
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lisag in Texas
Thanks, Lisa, I thought it might, but was not sure. And, you are so right, there is a lot of thrist of knowledge regarding these beautiful humans in the shape of horses…not a direct quote from Ann, but in the lines of. Thank you, Lisa.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful story, Lisa. Thank you for sharing.
sharon in seattle
what a great story! that must have been something very special to see.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautiful story, Lisa! Very impressive, winning his first show at three months! High hoof to you both. And what is this stallion’s name, and his sweet momma’s?
Linda Edwards in NJ
Wow Lisa that is quite a story!!
Thanks for sharing.
Shanda Hooton
You know what? If I had one wish….just one you know what it would be? To be able to meet you in person! Yes all the things I could wish for…money…big house…travels..NOPE! Some think that is crazy but that is just how important you are to me! Through you I learned to dream again and that dreams never die and can come true. I learned what it means to have a passion for something. Also, after several years of sickness and pain fighting to live and get back to where I needed to be…I found you! I started to smile again….! I began to have hopes and dreams and do things that I had never thought I could do….traveling to my first horse race. I chose the Apple Blossom and Arkansas Derby in Hot Springs because you were there the year before..and won. While there I visited The Race Horse Reclaim where I adopted a Thoroughbred bred that needed a forever home. 1 week later he arrived and it was one of the greatest moments of my life. It has changed me forever…While there I met one of the most special ladies who will always be dear to me. So thank you!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Shanda, thank you for sharing your beautiful story! It is wonderful that Zenny was able to touch your life as she has many others, bringing dreams and joy!! I hope your health issues are in the past and that you are doing well. It is fantastic that you found a horse in need and gave him a special new forever home. What a kind, wonderful thing for you to do!! I am sure he has brought a great deal of happiness to you!
Lisa in TN
Thank you for helping give one a forever home!!!! I have a very good friend that is an eventer at prelim level and she just bought a TB to take her there. I was so glad it was a TB.
Lisag in Texas
Wonderful an inspiring story, thank you Shanda.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
I don’t think your crazy. If someone offered me a million dollars or a chance to see Zenyatta. I would see Zenyatta. Some things money just can’t buy. : )
sue and tony
We agree! Is there a line forming behind you?
Lisag in Texas
O, yeah, I am right behind you, money cannot buy seeing, touching, feeding, just being in her royal presense. My affairs would then be in completed.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shanda- that’s wonderful!
sharon in seattle
Shanda – I’m so moved by your story – blessings to you for giving a home to a horse in need of one – I’m positive it’s filled with love for you both.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great story, Shanda. I was at Oaklawn then too. Wish we had met.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Shanda, I remember when you adopted, and how excited you were, and then we didn’t hear more about your TB. I’m hoping that he is OK? I’ve been worried. Blessings to you.
Linda Edwards in NJ
That was such a great thing to do give him a home. I hope he is doing well.
I’m so ready for Prince or Princess Bernie!!!! Please video as much as possible:) You know her fans will go crazy watching the little guy or gal!!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Dearest Kari,
You would have absolutely loved today’s Diary photo. You took such special joy in the beautiful friendship which Zenyatta has forged with Tasty. You knew all about what it takes to be a really great friend, and a wonderful mother.
12th ♥
P.S. I wish that this photo might be made available in Zenyatta’s shop.
Lisag in Texas
I too wish this photo would end up Zenyatta’s shop. Not only has Zenyatta found a BFF, but I think we all have fallen in love with Tasty.
So Sweet, Cynthia, Kari loves that post you made for her. I miss her so.
Terry Crow
Susan Carothers (in TN)
@Cynthia: (((hug)))
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Cynthia, Kari would have loved the pic, wouldn’t she!!! Big hugs to you!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
You are all so wonderful. I truly hope that you know this. ♥
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Another lovely post from Kari’s very own “Tasty.”
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Cynthia: Yes, I believe Kari would have gotton such a kick out of this photo.
Hugs to you Cynthia.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
DItto to you two. ♥♥
hi Z! I love love love the photo of YOU and Tasty, it’s TOO CUTE!!! And I’ll watch the video right now, I’m sure it’s precious! YOU and Tasty have a wonderful Thursday talking about babies;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
JoAnna Liming, Inverness, FL
That was absolutely prescious.
I can tell you Queen Z, I am a Mom to a very active 2 year old little girl. She is my miracle baby as I was never supposed to have children. Every minutes is a gift; and this minuest fly by so quick. In the blink of an eye, your little champ will be in his/hers first race!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Zenny, you and Tasty look like you might have some secrets to tell!
The video of the new filly at Winstar is soooooo cute!
I’m sure your Zenyatta Team will video your new baby to share with your adoring fans. Of course we want to see Tasty’s new baby also.
Praying for all the new mom’s out there in horse land.
Hugs and Prayers for this extra exciting time
What is on your baby gift list? If you have all the blankets and booties you need, are you requesting donations in baby’s honor to a horse retirement farm? Let us know after the big event. xoxoxoxo
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Mary, I want to join you in your prayers for all mares and their beautiful foals. May they all be safe, healthy and well taken care of.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
TOO Precious! I Love you Big Momma….and Tasty too!
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Ha ha, Zenyatta, whether you realize it or not, everything you need to know about foaling and raising a baby is inherent in your DNA / hormones. I’ll bet you’re going to be a terrific mom, and will correct your baby to curb bad habits. My mare was a great mom, very protective and always available for a meal anytime, except she allowed her colt to nip her and never corrected him. As a result, that colt developed a biting habit which has been nearly impossible to correct. She could have literally nipped it in the bud by simply giving him a ‘taste of his own medicine.’ Some people think a foal gets most of his abilities and personality from his sire, but those of us with broodmares know that the mare is the most important parent.
By the way, I wonder how the 3 mares that were in the first group of horses that Zenyatta was with at Lane’s End are doing … probably foaled out by now if they all took. When Zenyatta lost her embro after her first breeding with Bernardini, she was put in with Tasty so they could be on the same schedule. I still have the photo of the 4 mares lying in the pasture together as one of my screen savers, so I often think about them too.
Lisag in Texas
That picture was priceless….Zenyatta and her GF’s deserves to ‘lay out in the pasture’. I love that picture.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Her former pasturemate Sea Gull foaled a Candy Ride colt January 27. They haven’t provided information about Pirate Queen or Alys, though.
Jan S. in Houston
It was priceless. Four ladies soaking up the sun.
Joanna from TX
I also LOVE that photo of the Queen and ladies in waiting. I always wondered how long the photographer had to wait for that picture or if it just happened!
Roxanne…you are SO right about the importance of the mare (or any mother for that matter) in the first ‘training’ of the kids. There is a darling colt by Smarty Jones with a facebook entry that may of us have had the fun of following thru some of his early growing up antics; I think his name is ‘Get Smarty’. He tried to pull some stunt with his mom but she got back at him, so he was a little banged up for a bit. Learned his lesson tho. :)))
sharon in seattle
also one of my all time favorite photos! along with today’s photo – how cute can those two momma’s get, nose to nose, waiting for the big day : )
The Kennedys in San Diego
Roxanne, did you know that “Roxanne” is Zenyatta’s favorite song?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute! Thanks, Kennedys!
Lisag in Texas
LauraJ, thanks, Twilight Tear’s, I have not thought of her in ages. Need to study her…wonder if Abigail has anything in the vault.
Lisag in Texas
Really, how do you know? What is the story behind it? I know you know. In any case, should The Queen’s First Born be a filly, I say she should be called and recognized as Roxanne.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Roxanne. Thank you for sharing.
Linda Edwards in NJ
I absolutely loved that photo. I think it was Charles that got the shot. He should have entered it in a photo contest. He would have won.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Hi Roxanne, when I saw the other day that you’re in Boulder Creek, I thought about the Santa Cruz Mtns., because I used to visit friends living on Summit Road, just off Hwy 17, many years ago. And I loved staying up there, whenever I got the chance. Beautiful, out of the Valley, and half-way over the hill. My friends had a couple horses, as well.
Kathy Baldwin
What a lovely photo of you Zenny, with your BFF Tasty! The way your heads and ears
are, it looks kinda like you are forming a heart shape, as you visit with each other. :)
Too, too, cute! Great photo by Mathea! Thanks for the post and pic Dottie. :)
Peace, Love & Blessings To All,
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
I turn my back for one minute and then you finally post! LOL
I can’t wait to see your baby, Zenyatta. I can’t believe that it’s been more than a year since you retired from racing… It feels like yesterday!
I hope your foal inherits your talent, in dancing and racing… But if he or she is healthy, that will be more than enough for me. :)
Love you, Zenny! <3
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta,
What a great picture of a wonderful friendship, Zenny. Such special friends as your Tasty are a gift from God and I am so happy that you two are sharing this beautiful connection. I always count my own friends as a true blessing in my life!! Zenny, I just know that you will be a remarkable mother to your sweet little foal. I have watched video and seen pictures many times of your interaction with human children. You always showed such kindness and gentleness with little ones. It was so lovely to witness and I can imagine them as they grow up, still remembering the amazing Zenyatta. You touch people deeply and create memories wherever you go!!! I know my heart and love is forever yours, hook, line and sinker!!!!! You two sweet mothers-to-be have a great afternoon enjoying your paddock and get a restful sleep tonight. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Oh and Zenny, I loved the video of the gorgeous Super Saver filly. Have to say I almost jumped toward the computer screen when she started to tumble backward so I could catch her. Too cute!!!!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dawn My class was so quiet watching the video. Then we all clapped. I have never seen such a young baby horse. Just Beautiful. I hope all is going well with mom. Larry and I have an appointment with a Specialist for Miesha. Have a good rest of the day sweet friend : )
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shari- thinking of you and Miesha <3
Terry Crow
Shari-You are an inspiration to us all. What a role model you are!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Blessings to you and Miesha.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I liked your post Dawn! I agree, friendships are a blessing, both human and horse or other animals. You just express it so well.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
One of the mares in the first group that Zenyatta was in was Pirate Queen. Her information on the pedigree database hasn’t been updated in a year. We need updates! http://www.pedigreequery.com/pirate+queen7
Absolutely too cute!!
You and Tasty will be wonderfull Moms. FYI: You two are not the only ones excited about the impending births!
Love You, Big Mare
“Hmmmm…..Royal Flip….Back Flip…..possible name?” – that’s hysterical, and yes, great names!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zemyatta THANK YOU for showing us the video. My class and I just watched it. I Have never seen a foal that young. Too cute when the filly tried to walk. The children and I all clapped at the end. I so hope they make a video of you with your baby. Tasty too. Please thank Winstar for sharing. We all love you Zenyatta. Hugs and Kisses, Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
@ PS I play Kari’s videos during the day in between my classes. They help to calm the children down and get their attention. Your dancing is AWESOME !!!!!!
Lisag in Texas
Too Sweet, Shari. I was thinking of doing the same with Kari’s videos this weekend. Hold a private, tiny memorial of her with Lucy, my canine baby, My Plushie and by Dreyer Zenyatta. Think happy things about our Girl, Kari. I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in school….you will be forever the ‘unforgettable’ teacher of all time…How great is that!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Lisa thank you. I miss our Mo. I so hope iIget to see him this summer. The color orange will never be just orange to my students. It is always Uncle Mo orange. You would just get such a kick out of how the children even correct each other and say it is not orange but Uncle Mo orange. I love that boy : )
Lisag in Texas
o, I miss MO and love my Baby Boy so much. I loved watching him as a 2 year old…he was so like a child, wide eyed and innocent…that made be fall so hard for him. I love your kids, they are so right…UNCLE MO ORANGE..You are amazing, Shari…
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shari- that’s a great idea!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Susan thank you sweet friend : )
Hi Z looking forward to seeing your baby hope he or she growns up big and strong and is loved Hope to see you one day thanks so much for the card I got in the mail today love it love ya always your fan in Ohio Darlene.
Is Pirate Queen still at lanes end? how is life is sweat?
JAG / Wringing Hands-Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥♥ Nature at it’s best!!! Mommy and daddy take turns laying on the eggs – love is good ♥♥
Decorah Eagles Soar Back onto Camera
Anderson never expected these Decorah eagles to attract so much attention, “It just doesn’t involve terrorism, flooding or wars and it’s just a feel good.”
The Decorah Eagle Cam is the number one most viewed live video of all time on the host site Ustream, and all that attention prompted Anderson to get better computers and faster connection speeds this year.
“Everybody is commenting on how the quality is so much better it’s almost high definition this year compared to last year,” said Anderson.
JAG / Wringing Hands-Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenny, hopefully, we will have the honor of watching a video of YOU giving birth! XOXOXO It will go viral for sure!!!