Good Morning,
Tasty and I were recently visiting in the paddock and concluded we each have a great deal to learn about becoming a MOM . The entire process of having a foal and then raising it to become a healthy and talented race horse is rather interesting. Since it is the first foal for each of us, we decided it is something we really want to prepare for so we can do our very best!
I’ve heard with humans, they have birthing and childcare classes plus all kinds of books and videos to prepare people to become parents. Since we are horses, TASTY and I tried to figure out how we could learn more about all of this process that would help us in ‘our world’.
In our quest to do so, we asked our pals here at the farm for some advice. It just so happens that a friend of ours, FOR ROYALTY, recently foaled a filly by Super Saver. Her farm captured the video and shared it with us! How sweet of them! This way we were able to have the opportunity to see just how ‘special these first few moments after foaling can be…for both the mare and the baby.’
Watch the video here.
One thing I’m truly beginning to realize now is that becoming a MOM is going to be so much FUN on so many levels!
Thank you for sharing this clip with us, For Royalty! Just think….the foal Class of 2012 will be fascinating to follow!
Please enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Newborn foals are TOO CUTE!)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Too cute!
Especially Horses / Southern California
The little baby almost does a complete “royal” back flip. Good thing for green bones at this stage.
AZ Gal
Hmmmm…..Royal Flip….Back Flip…..possible name?
Ingrid Arnone
Dear AZ yes you right, her owner says this morning on interview by TVG that her name Back Flip, in reserve for her, Ingrid.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Ingrid Arnone: Thanks for the information on the name Back Flip being reserved. That was quick thinking on the part of the owner. I bet as soon as the owner saw that “tuck n roll” the name Super Royal went right out the window.
But, for me, while Back Flip is appropriate, I don’t think it has as nice a ring as AZ Gal’s suggestion of Royal Flip and I think I saw other suggestions, such as, Royal Acrobat or Royal Gymnast. Also, I know of occurrences where horses have done back flips in the starting gate. I’d never want to see the headline BACK FLIP DOES A BACK FLIP. Yeah, I know I’m over-thinking this, LOL. I just think she deserves a good name: Super Royal Flip.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I saw the video yesterday and had to laugh when the Filly did a back flip. To Cute, indeed! Back Flip would bew a cool name for the filly!
sharon in seattle
Ingrid – that’s wild !! Back Flip! I like the part on the video when the guy says “come on, lil Super Saver”. And then she stands up!!
Alia Abu-Bakr
Oh Queen Z, I am so excited to see Prince or Princess Z. You are going to be the MOST AMAZING mom EVER. You have NOTHING to worry about. I have no doubt that you will raise the MOST SPECIAL Racing Prince or Princess. I love you SOOO much Z. I hope you your labor and delivery are are easy and quick. Smooches on your GORGEOUS face-MUAH!!
Tasty- I know, you too, will have a very special Prince or Princess. I am so excited to see your baby too. You will be the very best mom, EVER!! I hope your have an easy labor and delivery. Smooches on your beautiful face-MUAH!!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Congrats on being number one today;
The day Tasty and Zenny share all of
Their instinctual maternal characteristics.
Linda Edwards in NJ
This was really TOO CUTE. I like the name Royal Flip!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I love that you give each other a kiss. TOO CUTE
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Brenda, how sweet is that!!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Zenyatta – You are just TOO CUTE – I can’t wait until there are dandelions in your paddock to munch on. I know how much you love them.
Hugs and Best Wishes.
As long as no mold is on them dandelions may be okay. Mold could her and the baby.
#1 New England fan
You and Tasty are such great pals, and will be wonderful moms together, I’m sure!
Can’t wait for you both to deliver your little packages of joy…
Annie B in MA
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Too Cute! Love you Zenyatta & Tasty! ^-^
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Zenyatta’s foal video will be the most watched video ever!!! I can’t wait – Thanks for sharing this Super Saver foal video with us!!! Please make the video longer than 2 minutes :)
Tasty and Zenyatta you guys ROCK!!!!
Stella Bagwell South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
You and Tasty look fabulous! And how sweet to have such a loving friend. I know you’ll both be great mothers.
Have a nice and relaxing day. And You and Tasty shouldn’t worry—being mothers will all come naturally! :)
Hugs and kisses,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT, Dottie and Z Fans:
Thank you for the video and the lovely photo of you and TT. Really looking forward to the babies being born. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Zowie Starr
Absolutely adorable! Yours and Tasty’s foals will be too! You both look spectacular!!
Shannon From Cool
I am certain that your MOM instincts will kick in just like your WINNING instincts did when you were racing. We have complete faith in YOU and Tasty.
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Zenyatta, You and TT a just TOO CUTE today, I should say every day.l It will be great to see you with your new little one. You are right 2012 with be a very interesting year. Love to you and TT and kisses on your soft noses. XOXO.
Kathy S.
Dearest Zenny and Tasty, what an ADORABLE photo of the two of you! For Royalty’s filly is JUST PRECIOUS…hey! That would be a great name! Can’t wait to see Zenny’s and Tasty’s babies. All us nannies-in-waiting are on pins and needles.Happy Thursday everyone.
Trisha from VA
Aaahhhh . How precious. Better watch out dancing queen, she may be the new girl on the block turning flips!! So sweet to watch. I know as sweet and gentle as you are, you are going to be a wonderful mother.
Getting antsy!
Love hugs and kisses to all
Much love. You two darlings are the best! hugs, kisses, and chucks, sweet girls! h+++
Chris Balmes
Oh – I have been waiting to see the two of you together – so precious. Only days to go now………..hard to believe. I can’t wait and I am sure you two girls can’t wait either! Those babies must be getting heavy!
Cathi Sadocha
Lady Z you are going to be a AWESOME MOM! How can you not? Don’t worry YOUR JOHN will be with you always. He will help you when your not sure what to do. We love you Lady “Z” and can NOT wait to see your foal.
We all have a lot to learn but I know you will be a wonderful mother. Love!
Judy from South Carolina
Not to worry, ZENNY…………..you will be as great a mom as you are at everything else!
LOVE this photo of you and Tasty! I hope that each year the two of you will continue to be in foal at the same time and can be best friends forever.
To DOTTIE: Can you let us all know what the tentative plans are for when you “get the word” to leave California and go to Kentucky? Will Ann maybe already be there staying at your brother’s and will you fly out when you get the call to join her? We are all just SO curious as to who will be there, etc.
Have a wonderful day, SWEET ZENNY, and take good care. Love to you always!!!!
Susan from Fl
Too cute!! So many great videos…thanx! Peace & Happiness to u both!
Joanna from TX
Hi, Zen and Tasty! I saw that foal video at home a couple of days ago. Wasn’t that something else?? I suggested a name like ‘Twinkletoes’. Bless her little heart; I’m assuming she was OK after the backflip as her barn people said something about how funny it all was…they wouldn’t have made light of it if she’d been injured.
Anyway, we’re all out here in cyberspace pacing in place on virtual ‘foal watch’. Love you girls. Looks like you’ve got reasonable weather out there in KY. (Us too here in south TX…in the 80’s today but anticipating a cool front coming in very soon).
Take care everybody. My gentle thoughts for all having difficulties.
In alot of your pictures I see what looks like cotton balls in your ears… why is that?
JAG / Wringing Hands & Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Kim
When Zenny was racing, John put cotton in her ears to protect them from the noise – Barn 55 is near LAX. I’ve seen cotton in all the horses ears at John’s barn, except for one. I asked John why, he said the horse was “hard of hearing” (as a joke!) But, yes, he protects all of the horse’s ears from LOUD noises. John is so thoughtful!
Terry Crow
JAG-The best explanation of this was in an old movie named “Wall of Noise” in which the hero/trainer explains that, when the horses turn for home, they are hit with the “wall’ and a lot of them cannot handle it.
JAG / Pacing with Wringing Hands Auntie Judy / So. CA
Thanks, Terry! Too bad other trainers don’t follow suit…….
The cotton was used when Zenyatta was on the track to help lessen the noise. Now that she’s at the farm and life is more laid back she doesn’t need it!
But Ebby wears cotton in her ears too! Z’s half sister.
Sue Simpson
Oh now this is just TOO CUTE! And a full body pic really would be great to see both of you in your last few foul days. Brings to mind BABY NAMES.
Zenatini for you Z and Tasty Freeze for Tasty. I know, now you are both just laughing your tails off over these. I am! Have a very wonderful Thursday.
Judy from South Carolina
Sue…………Zenatini! I like that one!!!!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Cute. A Zenatini sounds like a good cocktail. I may have one after work!
sharon in seattle
love Tasty Freeze!!! I still like Zendini the best! Back Flip – that’s TOOO Cute!
JAG / Wringing Hands & Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
A-W-W-W you two are just adorable!!! I love this photo :D
March 9th———————— or Full Moon 8th —————– Hoping PINK for a Dancing Princess Z. Your next pregnancy can be a “boy” ;-)
Love you always!
Auntie Judy G
JAG / Wringing Hands & Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I posted this video link on Diary #442. It’s of Ebby schooling in the gate and a wonderful workout! XOXO
Especially Horses / Southern California
I watched it. Fabulous.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Jag, thank you so much for posting that workout, wow, I felt like I was doing 80mph down that track. She’s like a lovely black swan with that long neck and thank god she’s got those Zenny ears. What a beauty can wait to see her run. Hugs
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wasn’t that wonderful? I felt like I was flying along on her. E is so beautiful and seems very sensible. Thanks, Judy! (and John, of course!)
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
JAG you beat me to it! I was going to post the link. Anyways, Ebby seems to handle the gate like a true professional! She’s getting closer and closer.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, JAG. Almost made me dizzy–she was going so fast! I cannot imagine how it would feel to come off a horse going that fast.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi JAG: Thanks for posting the link again. I missed it the other day.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi JAG: I just saw your post from #442. Wow, I am really impressed. I can’t wait to see her.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
What a workout for E!! I don’t think I could stay on E, there isn’t any horn to hang on to!! ha Loved watching her ears.
JAG. You are so dedicated to that date that you have me hoping that your wish comes true. It just might happen.
JAG / Wringing Hands & Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Max – thanks :-P “Uncle” John Henry would be soooo proud and honored!
Sandra Bennington
Count down is getting close…..between you & Tasty…..I can hardly wait! Both of you are looking great!!! Hugs & kisses!!!
And Winstar Farm’s has the cutest video of a Super Saver baby learning to do a backwards somersault! Have no fear I think’s fine. The clip has over 10,000 hits I think and growing!
Duh, didn’t realize they were talking about the same video! That video is going viral–in Internet speak Z that means lots of people are watching it. All good!
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
Dear Zenny: Loved the picture of you and TT. It is so wonderful to have such a good friend, its important for us girls to have another gal to share our thougths with. Thank you so much for the video very cute and loved watching the little gymnast. My grandaughter is a gynmast for the University of Washington so I especially enjoyed the reference. Can’t wait to see yours and TT’s videos of your babies first step. Love to all the Zenny sisters
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi Georgia,
As your grandaughter is doing gymnastics in a university program, I bet you have seen quite of few of these backflips through the years. If she is doing beam work, I imagine it can make you a little nervous just to watch! I wish her every success in her sport!!
sharon in seattle
go Huskies. You must be so proud!
Wonderful vid. Makes me think back to my mare Penny when she was alive(rip) and in foal. The wonders of life Z and Tasty, soon we hope to see the images from you and your foals. Is life not grand :) We just love you Z and care about Tasty as well, you both are going to be good moms and it is clear that you two have a bond with each other. The days are going by so fast, I have been counting them and looking forward to that speical day.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, what a beautiful, beautiful picture of you and Tasty, so sweet, so loving, as you both are. I cannot see the video, restricted at work…I will watch when I get home tonight. You two are the most beautiful ladies, mama’s to be soon. I am so glad they put you two together….you seem to compliment one another. It would be great if your kids were born the same day. Tasty can be an Auntie to yours, and You an Auntie to hers…can you hear it now…Tasty is my mama and Zenyatta is my Auntie. O, YOU ARE THE DELIGHT OF MY LIFE. I love you…Lisag
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Zenny, I have every confidence that the natural instincts will click in and that both YOU and TASTY will be perfect Moms. Mother Nature is much kinder to horses than to humans, we two legged animals have lost many of the natural instincts and so birth has become a more involved experience. You don’t see many of us going off quietly on our own to give birth to our offspring.
February 26th is on Sunday, as we start a new week, and so Baby Z will be making an appearance pretty soon. I hope we don’t have to wait too long, carpets are getting a bit threadbare in spots with all the anxious pacing. I am thinking pink but any color at all will be just fine as long as you have a smooth delivery and Baby Z is healthy.
Thank you, Dottie too, for the video of For Royalty’s foal, that back flip could have won a gold medal.