Hello Everyone,
I can’t believe it is already the 22nd of February. The time is really going by so quickly. I am definitely getting to the final weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve gained just the right amount of weight and the ADORABLE BABY does move around a bit and even gives a little ‘kick’ now and then. This is all TOO CUTE!
Rachel from California asked “How I would let my pals here at the farm know when I am ready to foal?”
As I’ve mentioned in earlier Diary postings, I was put under ‘foal watch’ on February 1st. This is done so everyone at the farm is monitoring ME each day very closely to observe everything going on with my body.
From what I am being told (as I have not done this before), my body will start giving signs as the big day gets closer. It is a natural progression of things that will take place until the time I am ready to give birth. As MY JOHN was commenting to Dottie, this is the exact way you would want things to happen….a slow changing of the body to get ready for the big day. You do not want things to happen all of a sudden or too quickly. You want to observe and note the subtle changes.
One of the first things that begins to happen is the forming of a small ‘bag’….which gradually increases in size. This begins to develop so there will be enough milk to nurse the baby properly when he/she is born. This is very important!
I am happy to report that per my last evaluation….I am starting to do this. My ‘bag’ is about the size of a “small marshmallow”, per the farm.
I will keep you posted. I have time yet to go and my due date of the first part of March continues to be ‘on target’. It is all so exciting!
Thank you for sharing this journey with ME!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Yes, this it is so exciting I can hardly wait for the day when your new baby is born.
Janet Cutting in Wisconsin
Zenny, I can’t wait to hear the baby’s name!!!!! I’m thinking PINK– I am wishing that its a filly and she looks just like YOU!!!! Tasty, I’ m not forgeting about you— I am sending you a BIG BIG HUG — I hope you get a lot of attention from your owners and they are there for you –like the wonderful Mosses are for Zenyatta. I’ll check back on the Diary this weekend.. Love ya, Janet C
barbara in clearwater
i just wanted to say i received “you and your foal” in the mail last week.
beautiful!!! i’d like to carry you with me everywhere!!!
thank you very much! love you
Good evening Zee & Tee
You lucky horses, you :)
Rest well & dream sweet
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So sad. Condolences to Jerry and Lisa Campbell. May the 38 horses lost in the tragic barn fire rest in peace. Maybe Kari will be giving them carrots, pears and peppermints now.
Paula Higgins
Thank you for the update Dottie/Zenny! This is getting to be very exciting. I know she will be closely watched and very well cared for. I just pray for a safe delivery for Zenny and a healthy foal.
Marty R / Colorado
I was so happy to see this diary entry today. After I finished reading, it seemed my heart felt lighter, in view of the emotions of the past few days. With hearing that John Shirreffs said this is how you want it to be with the slow, subtle changes, a great relief came over me. Then reading about the “marshmallow” sized bag, the smiles came. I think it’s so amazing how we humans go through hours of labor, and with a horse, once it starts, it’s over in no time. So far I’m staying calm….thank you, Margaret.
First and foremost, I hope for a routine labor and delivery with a strong healthy foal and mare. I am leaning toward a filly and I do hope there are some white markings. I understand Bernie doesn’t sire a lot of white markings.
I’m not a fan of the “friendly rivalries”, but the way the girls race against the boys these days, who knows what will happen in the years to come.
Denise / St. Louis
Waiting patiently – YOUR JOHN & DOTTIE are so brilliant – Slow is good. Horses teach us the real meaning of patience. Take your time Z – we will keep praying for a safe delivery. WE LOVE YOU Queen Z & Baby ZB !!!!!!!!
Marty R / Colorado
I meant to thank Sarah Campion for again providing a wonderful photo of Zenyatta. She’s beautiful no matter what the angle.
@ Sandy in NE Ohio and Signofthetimes-My best friend from my Jr. High School days in the Cleveland area sent me some links to Euclid Beach. One was taking a ride on the “Thriller” roller coaster. Another was of the Grand Carousel. I may have ridden the carousel, but I mostly rode the derby ride with the sleek race horses. I believed I was racing every time. I told her I think that’s where the interest in horse racing began for me.
@ Peggy N and Dawn Conrad- I hope each of your mother’s regain good health very quickly.
@Carol in Utah-I hope the bumps in your life are now all smoothed out. This is indeed a great place to come for quiet and restoration.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I got the most wonderful surprise when I checked my mailbox today. I had an envelope with no return address on it. When I opened it, there was a card with Zenyatta on the front. It was a card from Z herself thanking me for being such a good friend! Inside were pictures of Z and Ann Moss and two pictures of Z and Tasty. In one picture it looks like they’re kissing! Too cute! To say this made my day is an understatement. It made my year! I’m thinking that maybe everyone who bought a plushie will get one. Thank you Queen Z! You’re the greatest!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
How exciting for you!!!!
Vickie A Dana Point
How COOL was that! I am jealous!
Debbie-I got one too. Made my spirits sore. How I love that big mare!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
She’s just perfect isn’t she?!
Hi Z! It is evening now, and I am sure you are in your stall sleeping. I am so glad you are doing well. I am getting so excited for the birth of your baby. I am glad you and Tasty are such good friends. It is good to have a friend going through the same changes at the same time. It has been beautiful here in CA and very warm for the time of year. Tomorrow it will be about 70 degrees! Wow, I have a feeling it is going to be very hot here this summer. Have a good evening Z. Sending you and Tasty smooches! xxoo
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hi Fran!
We had temps in the 80s here in Southern Calif :-)
Judy G
sharon in seattle
keep up those great temps for the SA Handicap!! I leave on the train a week from today!!
JAG / Major Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@Sharon in Seattle
I hope us local Z Dumplings get to meet you at the track!!! Does Trina have your info??
Judy G
Rhonda Clements
Am on pins and needles waiting for your big day, cannot wait, love to all of Team Z and big hugs to Zenny, thanks Dottie!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
A “Feel Good Story”!
Decorah Eagles Soar Back onto Camera (Interview)
Judy G
Hi Zenyatta!! Just wanted to send a BIG thank you for the precious card I got in the mail from you today!!! I loved the pictures of you (and Tasty too)!!!! =) Hope all is going well………..sounds like we’ll be welcoming Baby Z to the world very soon!!! Take care, big girl. Love you lots!!!! XOXOXO
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ Zenyatta “Rhythm Nation” by Karina Bussell (shared on youtube 1/17/2012) ♥
I love how Zenyatta walks/prances/marches to the beat of this song – genious, Kari! ♥
Good night!
Judy G
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Perky Green
Another day down 1 less day to wait.My God this is so expirating. Stay warm & safe will check back tomorrow. LOTS’O’LOVE Baby girl
Lynn from nearby Hwd race track
Dear Z,
I was just thinking.. when your little one is born, he or she will think ***
“Geezz, who are all this people!!” and, “WOW!… I got ZENYATTA for MY MOMMY!!!!” WOW !
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Lynn: You got that absolutely right! Living up to Zenyatta as your mother is a huge responsibility, but I’m sure he/she (hoping for a he) will be up to the task.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
I like that !!!!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Zenny is thinking “I wonder if it is time to EAT yet”.
Dee Klockziem
Just saw an adorable video of SuperSaver’s first foal getting up for the first time. HOPING that videos will be posted of your baby Z. Its exciting :-)
sharon in seattle
that video – Bloodhorse.com – is so adorable. The filly stands for a few seconds and then does a little roll back onto the straw.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, top of the morning to you! Hope to see a pic with Tasty in it as well, It has been awhile and hoping everything is okay with her, she loves you so. Have a great morning, will check in with you later. I love you and I miss you…Lisag
Elizabeth in NM
ZENNY, it is just getting so exciting! Wish there was a huge waiting room outside your stall for all of us pacing aunties and uncles! Thank you, Sarah, for the photo.
God’s blessings Zenny for you and Baby Z and also to everyone in Your Family and to Tasty and Baby T and for everyone Lane’s End who all take such wonderful care of Zenny!
Terri Z
Speaking of being on pins and needles anxiously awaiting something. I am literally pacing in anticipation of the Fountain of Youth at Gulfstream Park on Sunday.
It’s going to be a battle in South Florida beteen Discreet Dancer, Algorithms, and Union Rags.
Algorithms and DIscreet Dancer are both undefeated. Discreet Dancer is the only horse to have a track record at the age of 2. His owner, Joyce Robsham, took over the stable of horses she and her husband have bred after his death in 2004. They started in horse breeding and racing in 1984 after the death of their son in 1983. E Paul Robsham Stables has won 11 of 18 races this season at Gulfstream and they only own 25 horses; that’s amazing!!
Discreet Dancer is from a bay sire and dam, but he is a chestnut, like his great-great grandpa on both sides–Secretariat (without the socks). What a sweety pie he is.
Robsham Stables started his line with the mare Pretty Discreet who is the dam of Discreet Cat the sire of Discreet Dancer.
You go Joyce Robsham!! A high hoof to the great women owners and breeders in horse racing.
By the way, look out for her filly, Broadway’s Alibi, who won by 16 3/4 lengths at Gulfstream.
Marty R / Colorado
Terry Z
Thank you for the heads up about the Fountain of Youth race. Also, thank you for the background information about the Robsham Stables and Mrs. Joyce Robsham.
Betsy McGrath
Oh my! How are we going to manage over the weekend without any news?????
Shirley Donoho
Zenny, I am getting so excited for you. That little guy or gal inside of you is very special, as you are very special. So glad you are getting such excellent care and monitoring. A whole new world waits for you–and it will be all great! Much love, Shirley Donoho
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny — Just a quick note to the Kennedy’s in San Diego: You mentioned in an earlier post that Ebby appears to be almost ready to race. I am just wondering if you THINK John MIGHT point her to a race on Santa Anita Derby day? I guess what I am thinking is that maybe if there is a race for a beginner like Ebby John would definitely consider entering her if she is ready.
I would love to come out to see the Derby event and Ebby’s first race. Flights are so much cheaper if you plan ahead.
I just thought I would ask. Thanks.
JAG / Major Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Linda – check out Ebby’s latest gate schooling and workout, and tell us what you think ;-)
Judy G
Hi Zenny: The saying goes “Never wait for the pot to boil” But in Z’s case we are all waiting for her pot to boil. Good Luck, I can’t wait for the new addition. High Hoof’s to all.
Lisag in Texas
I know I am, impatiently waiting for today’s post.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, everyone. There is a short video of adorable little Jewel at http://www.horseandman.com
She is the one who only weighed 40 lbs. at birth, and was born to one of the Many, LA rescued mares. Just precious.
Lisag in Texas
Too cute for sure, what a little doll. Thanks for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Thank you for the link to Jewel. She really lives up to her name. What a Sweetie. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy from South Carolina
Hi all………..it is 9:30 out on the West Coast, right? Is it unusual for there not to be a current diary entry up yet?
Could there be “something” going on???????????
Dear Zenny,
You look quite the part of a broodmare, soon to be
Mom. So glad you are relaxing with all the changes
so they can happen slowly and gradually. Hope you
Are having a great relaxing day and your LE foaling
Team is monitoring your progress closely. Bravo
to your foaling team and to you and Tasty for growing
Some new Racing babies. Look forward to the wonderful
Surprise that awaits all of us and especially your
Wonderful owners The Mosses and your wonderful trainer
John Sherrifs and his adorable kind and caring wife, Dottie.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Hope you are both enjoying a great day outdoors. Our weather here is sunny and high 50’s. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ