Hello Everyone,
I can’t believe it is already the 22nd of February. The time is really going by so quickly. I am definitely getting to the final weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve gained just the right amount of weight and the ADORABLE BABY does move around a bit and even gives a little ‘kick’ now and then. This is all TOO CUTE!
Rachel from California asked “How I would let my pals here at the farm know when I am ready to foal?”
As I’ve mentioned in earlier Diary postings, I was put under ‘foal watch’ on February 1st. This is done so everyone at the farm is monitoring ME each day very closely to observe everything going on with my body.
From what I am being told (as I have not done this before), my body will start giving signs as the big day gets closer. It is a natural progression of things that will take place until the time I am ready to give birth. As MY JOHN was commenting to Dottie, this is the exact way you would want things to happen….a slow changing of the body to get ready for the big day. You do not want things to happen all of a sudden or too quickly. You want to observe and note the subtle changes.
One of the first things that begins to happen is the forming of a small ‘bag’….which gradually increases in size. This begins to develop so there will be enough milk to nurse the baby properly when he/she is born. This is very important!
I am happy to report that per my last evaluation….I am starting to do this. My ‘bag’ is about the size of a “small marshmallow”, per the farm.
I will keep you posted. I have time yet to go and my due date of the first part of March continues to be ‘on target’. It is all so exciting!
Thank you for sharing this journey with ME!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Oh, Zenny, I am getting excited for you! I’m so happy to hear that everything is progressing smoothly and naturally. Hooves crossed for a “textbook” foaling for you and Tasty!! Your due date is just about 2 weeks away …
Thinking of you beautiful Zenyatta.
I feel you will have the most stunning filly but not until your due
date in March. Can’t wait to see the Princess or Prince should my
guess be wrong!!! LOVE YOU.
sharon in seattle
I hope that Zenny and Tasty have had some sun rays to soak up this week. Here in Seattle we got some much welcome sunshine today after LOTS of gray days. Here’s to the excitement of anticipation, safe foaling (for Z, TT and ll others), sunshine, spring and birth!
Jan S. / Houston
Sharon, You must be “Sleepless in Seattle” awaiting Z’s delivery. ;);)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Cute one, Jan!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, Zenny,
I have been anxious for a health update on you for some time! It is great to know everything is right on target. We have so many who are so knowledgeable here online, and I don’t know anything except what I read here. I do remember an article in BH magazine that stressed how important body condition is to a mare before she gets pregnant. She should not be too fat or too thin. That means, of course, that YOU were in PERFECT condition, having just completed your FABULOUS racing career. We eagerly await more news as the countdown continues. I would not be at all surprised if we have a surprise on the full moon.
I assume Tasty is coming along in fine shape too?
@SHARON CALL–Happy Birthday! And thank you so much for your help with Chester and Chopper. I love their updates. So glad you could keep tabs on Jess after she had to move.
@Trina N.–thank you again for anohter marvelous poem!
@Susan un TN–SO relieved to hear Chester is so much better. Praying for complete recovery.
Margie from SoCal
Oh Zenny, I feel so much a part of this impending birth that I think I should pack an overnight bag and park it by the front door! Just in case you say “it’s time.” I want to be ready! I will continue to pray that everything stays on course for both you and Tasty and all will be well and the celebrations may begin. So grateful for the care you and Tasty receive – kudos to Lanes End. I love you tons, Sweet Z.
Sharon Call – happy birthday! Prayers for Chester’s continued improvement.
Trina – I’d sure like to borrow your creative brain for when talent and clever are called for; I think I got the short end of that stick! LOL
RIP Sweet Kari
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Love to YOU and TT and your SOON-TO-BE-FOALS. Hope you and TT get enough rest before the BIG day my QUEEN. Hugs and kisses to you and TT and belly kisses to your foals XOXO
P.S. Z. everytime I eat a marshmallow I will think of you!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Happy Birthday Sharon Call~ and many, many more!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
I love the photo toda – it really shows your baby bump – and way out there too – so exciting!! Thank you Dottie – Sarah and Zenyatta for sharing this with us!!! As you may know this really means a lot to so many of us.
Thank you!!!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Zenny, I’m so happy to hear about your Marshmellow! It’s getting so close now!!! Pace, Pace, Pace…
Zenny: Thank You!!
Love you, Big mare
Thank you for the update and explaining about the constant baby watch. Too cute.
Will Ann and Jerry, John and Dottie be called and come to be at the delivery, do you think? I think Mario should come see baby…. Mario can see who he will care for in the future, do you think, oh so cute…. so exciting…
Hugs and Prayers for a safe and healthy delivery for mom and baby
The actual foaling will happen too quickly for a flight from CA to KY, even on a private jet. Unless the Mosses decide to go to KY a few days prior when Zenyatta starts to show the final signals for foaling I would expect they will wait till the foal is on the ground.
Also the Mosses are wonderful owners in that they put their horses with people they trust and then let those teams do their job. I don’t imagine they would want to put added pressure on the Lane’s End staff by hovering in the foaling barn. Remember, Zenyatta is in a barn with a lot of other foaling mares, mares who might be unsettled by the presence of strangers -to them- walking around.
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the wonderful photo of you in your paddock, studying in the distance. You look beautiful even from behind!! Thank you for sharing with us the information on how your udder is developing and has grown to a small marshmallow stage – like you said – too cute! We are pacing the floors here in Texas, too, Zenyatta my Queen – can’t wait to one morning click on this diary and see the wonderful news, but it is such a treat that your dear Dear Dottie shares with us all the news as it happens so we feel like we are part of the journey toward your becoming a mom. Thanks to all!!
Hi Zenny. I don`t know about anyone else but I`m a nervous wreck…I`m very excited as well but my nerves get the best of me. I know you have the most and best attention any horse has!!! Well, God bless everyone. Especially on foal watch…Love you lots, Alene
Your baby bump is getting very big Z!
Your due date is very soon I can’t wait!
Have a nice day Z!
Rose Cola
Dear Z, I just want to say what a treat it is to come to this site and see all the different folks that have come together because of you. They seem to be from all walks of life; male, female, horseowners and non owners, experts and total novices. It really makes me smile reading their posts and enjoying there excitement as your magical time draws near. Whenever I get down I come to this site (or watch your Classic win on Youtube!) and it really can make me appreicate what a true gift you have given us by sharing this time with us fans. Thanks again, and I hope to continue enjoying this diary as your babies hit the track and do you and Barn 55 proud.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Very nice post Rose. :)
Hello beautiful Zenyatta. Looking so forward to the Big Day! Soon you will be a mom. Can’t wait to your “little One.” I love you.
sue and tony
Oh, Zenny, the day is getting closer, isn’t it! Thanks for another informative diary post…we are sure everyone at LE is on foal watch right along with YOU. We won’t start pacing for another week…then it’s time to march around the room to expel excess energy!
Zenny, I love the picture of you today. You look so calm and serene like always.
I’ll bet feeling your little one move around seems a bit strange to you …but then you are so inquisitive! I can’t wait to see the first pictures of you after you give birth.
What a proud MOM you will be!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
@ Dawn – Just read your post from yesterday about your Mom and the gall bladder problem. I shall keep my fingers crossed that if surgery is required she can have a lap chole, so much quicker in recovery. Please give her our best wishes.
@ Downton Abbey Fans – A Zenny Book Club recommendation “Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey” by The Countess of Carnarvon. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it made regret that I’d never visited Highclere before I left England.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
@Brenda S. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I am a Downton Abbey Junkie….
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Brenda,
It is very sweet of you to send best wishes to Mom. We do hope that the surgery is as non-invasive as possible and that she is back to normal soon. I am taking her to the appointment with the surgeon next Tuesday. I will give her your regards.
I hope your house has warmed up!! I hate to think of you cold and huddled under a blanket!! Of course you have such a warm heart, maybe that will help!
Did you watch the final episode of Season 2 for Downton Abbey? What a great proposal scene, I melted! Cynthia H and I are not sure that all will be smooth sailing for the happy couple next season, however. It is going to be hard to wait to see what happens next! Thank you for telling me about the book. I will check it out. I purchased the book that accompanies the Downton Abbey series, it was very good.
Love and hugs,
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dawn please keep me posted . I pray everyday for your mom and you. Love you sweet friend : )
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear friend, Shari. Thank you so much for your prayers for Mom. It has all happened rather quickly. They did one test on Friday (which showed stones) another on Monday (which indicated the gall bladder was not functioning correctly and then set up the appointment for next Tuesday. Hopefully Mom will bounce right back and feel much better! I will definitely keep you posted. I hope Miesha is doing well and that you are feeling better!!
Love you,
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Dawn, I watched four hours of Downton on Sunday evening and yes, the proposal scene was so romantic except I was shivering for Lady Mary. I think you and Cynthia are correct, something or someone will show up to muddy the waters. Probably the badly burned “rightful heir” who disappeared so suddenly and upset Lady Edith.
I am warmed up now thank you, the furnace was fixed this morning. It had to have two parts replaced and so I’m thanking my lucky stars that I have the platinum service plan. I practically have a new furnace – both the parts were major items and would probably have been pretty costly if I’d had to pay.
Love to you and Mom.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S.:
Love Downton Abbey. Just read where there will be a Season Three in September of this year. Hurray! Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
Hi Brenda – you’re so right – SOMETHING has to muddy the waters. The wounded/burned Peter HAS to come back. I think he was engaged to Mary before the Titanic. Anyway, the whole storyline is so addictive : )
Robin - Ventura CA
Hello my (our) beautiful Zenyatta, I am so excited! We are all waiting for that day to happen. As I go to your page on a daily basis I am waiting for that post that you had Baby Z. This can be very nerve racking… I am praying every day that things go smoothly and everybody is healthy. Have a wonderful evening and get plenty of sleep because you are going to need it once baby Z comes!!!
Sue MacGray
Thank you Z for writing today, I was wondering where you’d been. And thanks for the update as well. We’re all learning so much about horse pregnancy and foaling as we get closer to the big day.
Take care of yourself. How is Tasty doing? Are you still turned out together?
Love Love Love you Big Z. You look fabulous to me. Can’t wait for you to be with your foal!!!!! Lori
monica in long beach
dear zenyatta! i am praying every day for you and your baby – we are all so excited to welcome your little one in the coming weeks – it will be a thrill for all of us! mostly we want you to be safe and healthy dear girl – we are all thinking about you every day – God Bless our glorious Zenyatta – with love always… monica
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. You look so beautiful in your paddock, as always. Thank you so much Dottie for sharing this information with us. I never knew about the “bag”. I have all of my calendars pointed towards February 27 through March 12, 2012. Cannot wait for the big day for you and Tasty. Love you big girl. Continue to do what you have been doing, stay comfy, eat well for two and have quality fun time with Tasty. You and Tasty have so much to share about becoming mommies. Love you, Angels.
This is all so exciting Z….. cannot wait to see your foal. I had to get a new computer…got a laptop this time…..and one of the first things I put on my favorites is your daily post. Keep us informed of the changes….it is nice to learn all of this. Hugs to you Z….
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: I am with everyone else. I am getting very excited. Can’t wait. It won’t be long now. You take care of yourself Zenny, and remember: We love you!!
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Being a maiden mare her “mama’s got a brand new bag” (Love That) will be on the smallish side. When close to foaling her teats will wax up, that would be the colostrom that the foal needs very much.
@To all who wanted an update on my friend Amy, she just spent 5 days in the hospital because she is having lots of trouble eating and is very dehydrated…she is getting “food” thru the IV now for the time being. She is now loosing her hair and they have stopped the chemo until she can get real food digested. Not good news, but her “Spirits” are up and she is a real fighter….my lovely cat Tessie is hanging in there. Her coat is getting some dandruff now which she has never had and it is starting to loose it gleaming luster….sad…she is a tough old bird, the prednisone is helping a lot and her diet. HUGS TO ALL
Debbie G/Kentucky
Alex, I’m so sorry about your friend Amy. I can’t imagine how hard that must be to see her like that. I’m glad your Tessie is doing better with her medicine. You, Amy and Tessie are in my prayers.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Alex B.:
Wishing Amy and Tessie improving healthy. Hugs, JB
The only one who is not a nervous wreck is Zenyatta herself who looks as serene as ever. She will probably come through this brilliantly like everything else that she has ever done. It will be interesting to see if some of the predictions on the site about what the foal will look like do come true. Take care, Z. You are in the homestretch now, which is your signature speciality.
Jan S. / Houston
Love your post Max :)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Alex Bowdoin–thanks for the updates. Will keep praying.
@Dawn Conrad– praying for your mom and wishing her good health soon.
Hugs to all.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you so much, Barbara!
Thanks for the update – I’m so excited!