Hello Everyone,
I can’t believe it is already the 22nd of February. The time is really going by so quickly. I am definitely getting to the final weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve gained just the right amount of weight and the ADORABLE BABY does move around a bit and even gives a little ‘kick’ now and then. This is all TOO CUTE!
Rachel from California asked “How I would let my pals here at the farm know when I am ready to foal?”
As I’ve mentioned in earlier Diary postings, I was put under ‘foal watch’ on February 1st. This is done so everyone at the farm is monitoring ME each day very closely to observe everything going on with my body.
From what I am being told (as I have not done this before), my body will start giving signs as the big day gets closer. It is a natural progression of things that will take place until the time I am ready to give birth. As MY JOHN was commenting to Dottie, this is the exact way you would want things to happen….a slow changing of the body to get ready for the big day. You do not want things to happen all of a sudden or too quickly. You want to observe and note the subtle changes.
One of the first things that begins to happen is the forming of a small ‘bag’….which gradually increases in size. This begins to develop so there will be enough milk to nurse the baby properly when he/she is born. This is very important!
I am happy to report that per my last evaluation….I am starting to do this. My ‘bag’ is about the size of a “small marshmallow”, per the farm.
I will keep you posted. I have time yet to go and my due date of the first part of March continues to be ‘on target’. It is all so exciting!
Thank you for sharing this journey with ME!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Dearest Kari,
The tIme is growing near. With apologies to James Brown, “Mama’s got a brand new bag.” I know this would make you laugh.
Perhaps we will get a report on Tasty soon, too. She had a special place in your heart.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, Cynthia, I love it and I know that Kari would. I would also love a report on Tasty, I’m very fond of her.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello sweetie! Great post, made me laugh too!
Love and hugs,
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Cynthia, I’m so glad to see you can find a little humor today. I have neglected to post to you because I have felt so bad about Kari and I didn’t know her anywhere near as well as you. But I do have a BFF and just thinking of losing her, like you tore up my heart so bad I couldn’t respond to you. God Bless you with healing and may Angel Kari surround you with love and comfort forever. Hugs
I am sure Mrs. Kari will be looking over Z the whole way! Yes, I would also like some information about Tasty’s foal. I would love to see the color! Maybe a beautiful gray like momma?
Shari Voltz\Ohio
@ Happy Birthday Sharon !!!!! God Bless and many more.
Judy from South Carolina
Good afternoon OUR QUEEN! I can’t believe how close THE TIME is now! We are all SO anxious for you to have a safe and uneventful delivery. By the sounds of it you are right on track with everything so just relax and let the good folks at Lane’s End take care of you — they are experts and have done this soooo many times before and will take the best care of you possible.
As always, thank you Dottie for allowing us to go on this journey with Zenny. You unselfishly take time out of every one of your busy days to include us in her life and we all love and thank you SO much! I know the entire Team Zenyatta is on pins and needles with anticipation awaiting the BLESSED EVENT and I that you and Ann have put your heads together and come up with the perfect names for this perfect foal out of the most PERFECT RACE MARE ever to step onto the racetrack! (No offense meant, Jerry, but PLEASE let the “girls” name this one!)
Have a great day, Zenny! We love you!
I second all that you have said. Thank You Dottie for sharing Z with all of us! I am sure you and Ann could pick a beautiful, noble name for this foal that will reflect all the dignity and majesty he or she will no doubt possess.
hi Z! YOU look so beautiful in YOUR paddock! It is getting so close to the magical day, I’m so excited! Thank YOU for sharing this journey with us!!! YOU and Tasty have a wonderful Wednesday!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thanki YOU, Zenyatta for sharing your life with US. YOU are such a special gift! You look amazing, Big Momma!
JAG / Major Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Good Morning Baby Bump Queen!
I’m still thinking PINK ——————————– March 9th (wink wink) or full moon day the 8th! :D
More later – back to work!
Love always and forever,
Auntie Judy G ♥
JAG / Major Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I think the closer we get to your delivery date I’ll be signing “Wringing Hands” in my name LOL
I pace in my sleep sometimes when I really get to thinking about Z and her foal… :D My mom will wake me up, and tell me that I was mumbling again. LOL
Kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
Lori K
My dear Queen Zenny,
Your bag will start leaking prior to foaling, forming a kind of waxy buildup. We could also tell when a mare was ready to foal because of the change in color of the ‘milk’. I’m so excited for you. BTW, we always said that fillies were born early, colts were born late.
Pam Zacek,
Oh You can tell, Zen Baby is on one side, there, looks to me, but still you are doing great, can t even really tell, unless you know, your about ready to have your beautiful baby, I hope all is going to be just perfect, Prayers are out there for sure, for a healthy beautiful, foal, and MOMa, will be a great MOM, and to the person who asked, what she would like, for a special treat after she gives birth, I think , she would like her Guinesses Beer back, LOL< and a bunch of carrots, My best to you and thanks for the lesson, for a birth of a horse I always, wanted to see it in person, never did, at all, Love you girl, Just keep, doing the retirement thing, and its all about to happened, and I can t believe its been a whole year, time flys,
Pam Zacek,
OOps, Forgot to thank Dottie, and JOhn, and the team for all these wonderful diarys, we love them, get to know, horse world a little bit more,
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Zenyatta – WOW – I am happy to hear that YOUR JOHN is happy with the way things are going with your baby and that slow is GOOD. It’s hard to not PACE since we can’t see the changes going on with you on daily basis, but if JOHN and the crew at Lane’s End say that things are going ok – then I am very happy.
I’m sure that there is a web cam on you at all times – wish we could see too – fingers crossed that maybe just maybe the fans will be turned on to this shortly to be able to “FOAL WATCH” or “MARE STARE” with your team.
Happy February 22nd and counting to MARCH MADNESS FOAL WATCH in full swing –
Enjoy the day my sweet Zenyatta –
P.S. – we are fast approaching the 99,000 mark well on our way to 100,000 Facebook Fans – we only need 1,174 to reach 100,000. Please help out if you have not joined Facebook yet or tell your friends and family about the Joy of Zenyatta and all that she means to US!!! What a special event this would mean – please spread the word.
Thank you – Hugs
Trinia, you are the best at writing poems. sharon happy birthday. Zenyatta, one never tires of the miracle of birth. This first foal of yours will be the apple of everyones eye. I love you and the team, and my Z family..SHERRY
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
We need about 72-75 people a day to Like Zenyatta – Thanks
Lisag in Texas
I sent an E mail to my friends that know I am a Dumplin’, have shared with them before about alot of you that I have grown so fond of and care very much for…this includes are beloved Kari B. I told them what we wish for, 100,000, and even if they do not want to experience Zenyatta’s World…just LIKE IT, for Kari B. Hope they do, I hope they do.
sue and tony
We do the same and have some “tough” male types reading this diary now and liking it. They say everyone is so civil. We say, of course, we follow our Queen’s good manners. :-)
Lisag in Texas
I am glad for the “tough” male types, Queen Zenyatta and baby need Uncles too.
Super Excited!!!
Shannon From Cool
Anxiously waiting for your foal out here in California.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
♥ Dear Diary Readers ♥
Due to the difference in time zones, some of you may have missed reading Kari Bussell’s daughter’s beautiful tribute to Dottie and the Diary towards the end of entry #441.
Thank I will go read it.
Lisag in Texas
@Cynthia H.***Hi Sweetie. I was behind and just found out that we lost our Beautiful Kari B. I still cannot stop crying, I know it was expected of her passing, but I have prayed for her everyday, rather or not I was in Z’s World or not. I was 110% positive that she would live to see The First Born of Queen Zenyatta as we will, God willing, and more. This is why I am shocked, I am a beliver in prayer, and God said NO. I will never forget the selflessness and love Kari B. gave us and everybody else in the world. Love you, CH…Lisag
JAG / Major Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Cynthia, I actually read her comments shortly after she posted it :-(
It was a late night for both of us…..
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for letting us know that Kari’s wonderful daughter posted yesterday. I had missed it. In the face of Kari’s tragic loss, she has been beyond kind to all of us. Her Moma would I’m sure be very proud! Her heartfelt expression of thanks was beautiful! I know Dottie, John, Steve and Frank must all be very touched by her words. It is wonderful to hear that the family found some joy once more!!! I loved her reference to our beloved Kari and Cloud Man. It is a heavenly image!
I want to thank you so very much Kari’s daughter for everything you have given us. I hope you may consider remaining a part of our remarkable family as you are able and that our support has in some small way made things a bit easier for you. Dear one, you and your family remain in my heart, thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
I’ll second Dawn!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dawn, I’ll third that, motion passed! You always seem to think of the right thing to say…….love your posts, I never miss them. Thanks for speaking for all of us we so heartily agree! Hugs
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Cynthia:
I did read the lovely message from Kari’s daughter. And I agree with the person that said, she is her mother’s daughter. She has a big heart!!!
Dawn said it so well–I too hope that Kari’s daughter will continue to join us.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I really do hope that Kari’s daughter will continue to post. You can tell that she has a big heart just like her mother. She would be welcomed with open arms.
Terry Crow
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia H.:
Just read the post on Diary #441 from Kari B’s daughter. You’re so right. She’s so like her Moma. God Bless her, her family and you for being the wonderful friend she so treasured. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Cynthia H,
It was such a lovely post, I was every so hoping she would see it and be comforted
by it. She does sound so much like her mother.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Cynthia, Thank you. I missed most of the diary yesterday, trying to keep warm. My furnace decided to go on strike, so I spent most of the day wrapped up in blankets. Kari’s daughter has been so brave, finding the time and courage to think of us .
Rachel from CA
Thank you, Zenny, for your explanation of how your team can make a good guess about your foaling time. i can relax a little now, I think. Maybe Leap Day? or the day of the full moon?
Praying each day goes well for you and little one–be it he or she–I know you have the best team in the world.
Love, love, and more love to beautiful Zenny! Surrounding you and Tasty with many prayers of strength and health. Hugs, kisses, and many chucks up your nose, baby-girl. h +++
Dianne Meyer
I know this sounds crazy. But I am feeling some of the same things I feel each time I am waiting on a new Grand Child and the time gets near.
Hoping all goes well and you and your baby are healthy and happy after during and after the birth of this little joy.
So exciting!! Cannot wait–just saw something posted on facebook by TVG , a video posted by them on the Super Saver filly’s first steps–so cute!!! I’ve seen video of Rachel’s colt & can’t wait to see video of the Queen’s baby–need video of Tasty’s baby when it comes too!! Love the videos of the new babys!!
Joanna from TX
Yeah…I saw the vid of the Super Saver filly too! Just to adorable for words. I think they should consider ‘Twinkletoes’ for a name :))))
Elizabeth G.
So happy to hear that everything is going so well and that your body changes are right on target…….. Thank you so much for sharing. The birth of your foal will be a most wondrous event. There is just so much love for you!
Hooray milk! This is important for the baby. Some mares don’t have any milk until right before the baby or right after. And some mares never get milk. But this is looking great!
I know folks are getting worried–like when are going to deliver? Horses gestation is about 330-360 days. I know people are getting impatient. This is the time when we just sit back, be extra patient, note changes and WAIT.
This is what foal watch is. Watch and wait.
Beautifyl Z, thanks for all the information, we have learned so much from you.
Aww reading your posts make me so happy! The marshmellow –
too funny. I am so happy things are going well. And so happy
you have wonderful people taking care of you. I am so excited
that it feels as though I’m having the baby. Can’t wait to your baby
dance! Love you Zenyatta <3
Oops typo – I can’t wait to see you baby dance!
Mary Margaret Thompson
Dear Zenyatta,
This is a very exciting time. Enjoy every moment. This event is a beautiful gift from God, just as you are. Patience is a virtue. He will let you know when the time is right. I never get tired of assisting in the birthing process, only when necessary. Mother Nature has the process down pat but, it is always best to be on hand to help. Take good care sweet royal lady. You and Tasty are on my mind every day. Best to all of your team. Luv ya,
carol in utah
Good day lovely Z….and Tasty too
all us nannies are going to wait …patiently ….for Baby’s Z and T…
But its hard….
we had a couple of “bumps” in our road over last few days….but things better now
-my son in law had collapsed lung…was able to fix without surg….
-very good friend out passed 4x at home…now has pacemaker and much better
-hubby dizzy/numbness spells result of new medication..wont take that again
just want everyone to know that coming here and reading about Z…is like a quiet place to find the strength to move forward so
Tnanks to all of TeamZ…esp Dottie… and THANKS TO YOU ZENNY…just for being you
as always kisses for your soft noses and gentle rubs for those growing bellies
have a restful day …lobe you Zenny…Tasty tooi
carol in utah
That is LOVE not lobe…the evil spell check is at it again
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Carol, so happy that everything seems to have worked out for you and your family and friend. Hopefully no more “bumps” in the road for awhile! It is wonderful to share this special place with you!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy to know all is fine now in Utah. Yes, It is so nice to come here to Z’s post!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Carol, so sorry to hear about your bumps, I pray all is smooth sailing they always seem to come in groups don’t they. Hugs
sharon in seattle
Carol, I know what you mean about the quiet place to find the strength to move forward!! Thanks for saying it so well !
Linda Edwards in NJ
Carol: This too shall pass :)
Janie (in L.A.)
This is the real home stretch, Zenyatta. You’re almost there and I know you’ll get there smoothly and safely with your team watching for all the subtle changes your body will go through as your darling baby prepares to enter the world. Feel all our love for you as you experience this life changing event – we are right there with you sweet girl.
Janie (in L.A.)
FYI: I’ve just emailed my friends and family to ask them to “like” Zenyatta on Facebook so that she can reach 100,000 by the time the baby arrives. If everybody on this site does that, it just might work! Hooves crossed!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Glad to hear everything is on target. I have no doubt you’re in the best of hands. I just know you’ll deliver on a day the moon changes! :)
Hope You and Tasty are enjoying a lovely day!
Hugs and kisses,