Hello Everyone,
I can’t believe it is already the 22nd of February. The time is really going by so quickly. I am definitely getting to the final weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve gained just the right amount of weight and the ADORABLE BABY does move around a bit and even gives a little ‘kick’ now and then. This is all TOO CUTE!
Rachel from California asked “How I would let my pals here at the farm know when I am ready to foal?”
As I’ve mentioned in earlier Diary postings, I was put under ‘foal watch’ on February 1st. This is done so everyone at the farm is monitoring ME each day very closely to observe everything going on with my body.
From what I am being told (as I have not done this before), my body will start giving signs as the big day gets closer. It is a natural progression of things that will take place until the time I am ready to give birth. As MY JOHN was commenting to Dottie, this is the exact way you would want things to happen….a slow changing of the body to get ready for the big day. You do not want things to happen all of a sudden or too quickly. You want to observe and note the subtle changes.
One of the first things that begins to happen is the forming of a small ‘bag’….which gradually increases in size. This begins to develop so there will be enough milk to nurse the baby properly when he/she is born. This is very important!
I am happy to report that per my last evaluation….I am starting to do this. My ‘bag’ is about the size of a “small marshmallow”, per the farm.
I will keep you posted. I have time yet to go and my due date of the first part of March continues to be ‘on target’. It is all so exciting!
Thank you for sharing this journey with ME!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Marty R / Colorado
Good Morning, Zenyatta, You look beautiful in your paddock. Be safe and enjoy the day.
Congradulations Marty R
for being Zenyatta’s Number one fan today.
Love your posts, sensitive, infromational
and fun.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you, Singofthetimes. You’re very kind. My inner child had fun being first today.
Elizabeth in NM
Hi Marty,
Congratualtions on being the first to post today! So much is happening while we’re all awaiting Baby Z. Enjoy your posts. Blessings to you.
Tom Wiglesworth
Where does the time go. Before long Zenyatta will be walking that field with her new born foal. Can hardly wait to see.
Elizabeth in NM
Agree… where does the time go!
Darlene Rutledge
Good morning Zenyatta,
You look really peaceful in your paddock and not at all like a nervous mom waiting for the birth of the little one…unlike us humans who are waiting in anticipation of the birth. I cannot wait….
As always Zenyatta, you do everything perfectly and this will be no exception. Enjoy your time with Tasty awaiting the exciting events. Lots of love and extra rubs to you Z.
Elizabeth in NM
Feeling like we all need to touch base since the weekend. Love your posts. Agree that Zenny and Tasty enjoy their time together. Blessings to you and everyone.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta Thank You for letting us be part of Your Journey. The children and I are learning so much from you. I did not know about all of the horsey things with pregnancy. We are honored to have you be the Teacher. I hope you and Tasty enjoy a beautiful sunny day. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@Sharon Peck we received the books today. They are WONDERFUL!!!!! It was like Christmas in Homeroom 215. I did not expect so many. Thank you again from the Children and from Me.
@ To My Z Family Sharon sent me books on Seabiscuit, Seabiscuit vs War Admiral, Funny Cide, and a horse named Josephine. There are 8 books in all LUCKY US !!!!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Shari, you are too cute!! Hugs Sue
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof, Sharon!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear Shari, sounds like a wonderful day for you and all of the children! The books are amazing, what a kind gift from Sharon Peck!! Too fun!!!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dawn I hope Sharon sees my thank you. We love them. Have a good day sweet friend. Oh I love your posts about Kari. You Have a GIFT FROM GOD> : )
Barbara Wood (Texas)
What a great gift! Hope the children enjoy them. I know they will!
What amazing gifts! I am sure the children will have a BLAST learning about these awesome horses!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Shari: I hope the children love the stories. Sounds like fun!
Elizabeth in NM
Shari and the Children at 215,
Christmas in February! Books are so very wonderful! Blessings to everyone there. PS Is Class 215 filled with the sounds of pacing Aunties and Uncles?
@Shari, I would have loved for you to be my teacher.
Victoria from Canada
I love you so much, Zenny!
i hope video will be posted after the little one is born
Heather from Southern California
Z! Good morning :) Can equine vets tell what gender the foal is before it’s born, like we can?
Personally, I’m still rooting for you to have a colt so we can possibly continue this friendly Rachel rivalry :)
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Vets can determine a fetus’s sex. However, the Mosses chose not to have this done, as they like to be surprised.
I LOVE the fact that the Moss’s want to be surprised! It makes the suspense that much more intense!
Date Mar 3
Sex Filly
Color dark bay or brown
She’ll have a splotchy white spot on her forehead. It won’t be a perfect circle and it won’t be a star.
White stocking on her right fore. It’ll be about 1/2 between the fetlock joint and knee but measuring–it would be closer to the fetlock.
Angie A
Wouldn’t it not only be nice for Lady Z to have a Colt and between both Rachel and Lady Z we have both the triples in 2015 then they retire to make both regal ladies grandmothers and then tie them together forever.
Anna M
Queen Z i had to share since you are getting close.. My friends in Oconomowoc Wisconsin have an Appaloosa Breeding farm and last night at 11pm their time their mare Annie delivered a beautiful healthy filly.. She was on webcam.. as is all their mares when they get close to their due date.. so I got to watch the entire thing.. I cant wait to see your little one..
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Congrats to Annie and her new foal! My mother lived very near Oconomowoc in Chenequa- beautiful area!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Anna M, what a beautiful experience to witness, very sweet!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Anna M. ; That was a terrific experience for you!! What a small world; for 22 yrs. I lived quite close to Oconomowoc on Okauchee Lake. (My hubbies like a fish!) Does her farm have a name??
Susan C., Tn.: I am very familiar with Chenequa; my mother-in-law lived so close to there, and at one point had a small home on Beaver Lake off Hwy 83. It is a pretty area for sure. How long have you lived in TN?
Anna M
Saddlebrook Appaloosas is the name.. they also have a website http://www.barnbuddy.com (sorry if its not ok to post that .. I didnt know if it was okay)..
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Anna: How cool is that. I can play the Appaloosa piece on the piano. I will play it tonight in honor of the birth of that little filly.
Paulette Canam
It would be nice if you were on mare stare so we all could watch.
MC Parris
I second that! It would be so exciting!
Mare Stare…I love that. We should coin it as an official new breeding phrase.
holly butterman
Zen ~ you look beautifully pregnant and eminently due .. wont be long and you will have company full time .. hungry, sleepy, playful, and so joyous .. Thanks for sharing your story with us this way ~ it is wonderful to keep up with you and your life. <3 giant hugs and rubs in all the places you can't reach :)
Julie Malida
I wish I were there to see the wonderful experience. I am sure Sarah and Matt will make sure plenty of videos are taken on the big day and few days that follow. Be happy as you are now, always!
Cheryl Holland
@Paulette ~ Mare Stare! That’s awesome ! :) Continued good mojo to Zenny’s tremendous team ~ proud of you all
Taylor Gross
Zenyatta you are the best, im happy everything is going well for you. How is Tasty doing I haven’t heard from her in a while.
olga lidia rubi
omg you are almost there, have you considered hurrying up a little?I think it would be great if the baby is born on the 29th can you imagine a leep day/year birth wow a memorable birth for date for always.But hey no preassure….love u p.s dont be nervous we are all preying for you that child is going to come out in 1min tops you watch.
Life is hectic… First College now Zenyatta giving birth to her first baby! i love how its making the time fly! Anyone wana guess what he/she is gona look like? im thinking dark bay w/ a small blaze… also thinking its gona be a colt… xD
Hey Zenyatta! I’m thinking of using my degree to get a job in the Horse Racing world. fyi its Digital Media Technology lol
Horses Change Lives…Hoofprint by Hoofprint
Terry Crow
You are lucky to be in school at this point in time. If you decide to join the horse racing world it will be enriched by your presence. Horses do change lives and make a difference and if you are using your skills to chronicle this you also will make a difference.
Lover of horses
That’s so exciting, Zenny! I can’t wait! Do you know what you’re going to name him/her? Love you, Queen!
Elizabeth T./Kentucky
Can’t wait for the foal….be it colt or filly it will be a treasure.
I am “watching” you too, every day, from cyberspace courtesy of you blog site! I feel like we are going through this life changing process with you–and I am learning new things re: foaling along the way! xoxoxo!
LOVE you “Z!” Have an awesome and be blessed of the LORD! HE sure knew what HE was doing when HE made you! Can’t wait for your little one to join the world! :O)
LOVE you “Z!” Have an awesome day and be blessed of the LORD! HE sure knew what HE was doing when HE made you! Can’t wait for your little one to join the world! :O)
I can’t wait, Zenyatta! I think somehow, I’m more excited than you are- I’m giddy and I’ve never even met you in person!
I hope you and the soon-to-be-baby are happy and healthy. I can’t wait until the world meets Baby Z!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Lexi!!! Hope you are having a great day!!
You too!
Janet Newman
Happy Wednesday Zenny! I am very excited that you are getting closer to the debut of your little one. I am still praying for a safe birthing process for you and Tasty. Give my high hoof to her when you see her.
Cathy - on watch in FL
Good morning to all AND Pace, Pace, Pace. Queen Z, thanks to you (and Dottie) for this great Diary and to all Z-nation! I really enjoy reading all the great info – and the jokes! Being a dis-placed northener, the redneck offerings are special. I have really learned about racing and horses too! Hope some of you are keeping check on Beauty’s Haven Rescue. They are trying to care for and place Paso fina horses that were abandoned for 2 years – the studs in STALLS.
I want to send a special thanks to Gary Moulton and Doreen in CT for the information and link to Blame’s colt. What a trip down memory lane that turned out to be! When checking it out, I found out that Derry Meeting Farm is within 1/2 mile of where I grew up!! And checking out the satillite map I saw the farm I grew up on, the woods I played in and the new buldings/homes that have been build. I also realized, in the 1970’s, my uncle put in most of the fence on that horse farm. That was really a nice connection. Another link led to this older story on how Derry Meeting Farm gets young horses ready for sale – some of you might enjoy it:
So, as with all the of Diary postings – thanks to all of you – the Queen especially – for this connection with others! Hugs and kisses Zenyatta!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Cathy- that’s remarkable!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Susan, I hope Chester is doing better. keep us posted.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cathy, what a great link, information galore!!! Thank you for sharing.
Cheryl Y
Cathy,thanks so much for your link to the Derry Meeting Farm,I live very close to the farm,and many of the horses I worked with were born there or have returned there after their racing careers were over.I worked at Ashwell Stables,which is very close to Derry.Marshall Jenny was one of the nicest people I have ever known,I have several win pictures that I had the pleasure of being in with him and one of his horses,that was trained at Ashwell by my trainer. I had missed this article,it meant a lot to me,as I also worked with a lot of Mr.Strawbridge’s horses,and totally admire the work Mrs Bettina Jenny has done to keep Derry Meeting Farm operating after the passing of her husband ! Thanks again,I have printed the article and signed up for a subscription to the paper and their E-Mail !!
Elizabeth in NM
It sounds as if you have had many wonderful years with horses. Thanks for sharing a bit of your own history; it’s so interesting! God’s blessings for you.
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you for this very informative link. Also, it’s so nice that your Uncle built the fence, and that you grew up near there. God’s blessings for you.
You athletes always look amazing pregnant! I can hardly tell from behind! ; D
I hope you are comfortable… you certainly seem contented. Do you have any cravings for treats as the day draws near?
Sending you *all* love, light and a big juicy apple.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
LOL When does Zenyatta NOT have cravings for treats?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
You look lovely, Z, standing in the paddock contemplating the future. Soon you will have a little champion along side you, learning all your winning ways. My wish for you is a safe delivery, without complications and a healthy foal alert and ready to receive all the love you have to give. Get ready Z, your new champion will be running alongside you soon with ample energy. You will be a great mother with more love to give than any foal could ever ask for. I wish you the best of luck In your next “Z” adventure, bringing a new champion into the racing world. I agree with quite a few of your fans. A video of the birth would be a beautiful idea!
Note: To all Z fans-We need 1190 more “LIKES” on Zenyatta’s FB page to reach our goal of 100,000 before baby Z is born (due 3-09) but could arrive anytime! Please repost this-send to all you know who have not yet experienced her inspiration, love and respect that we all share as fans! We are running out of time! Thanks for your help!
Barbara Crawford
It’s so exciting to be able to share all of this with you! As the time swiftly approaches we just pray for you and Tasty to deliver safely and have beautiful healthy little ones. I just can’t wait to see pictures of the little ones. High hoofs to all involved for taking such great care of all of you.
Hi Z,
March 8th is a Full Moon. The Moon does affect many parts of the body.
I am not an expert on the Moon I just know things happen when it is Full.
Whatever day you have that precious baby that we are all waiting for will be a GREAT day!!
We all are on pins and needles and can’t wait to see that CUTTIES LITTLE FACE.
Love ya both TT and baby Too
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
I can hardly wait until the big day. You are in my thoughts every day.
You realize that a LOT of people are very excited about the impending arrival of Baby Bump and wish you only the best. So many people love you Zenny and already love Baby Bump simple because s/he is yours.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Kim: That’s too funny–the arrival of Baby Bump. I love it.
– Linda