Dear Friends,
It has been such a touching weekend…but I must say in so many different ways. Life has a way of being like this. There were 2 birthdays I honored…My dear pal, Charles, here at the farm and my owner’s wonderful MOM, Jean. Then MY JOHN and Dottie attended their niece’s wedding celebration and it was all so special.
On the horse front, BLACK CAVIAR won #19…. ANIMAL KINGDOM won his comeback race with style, and some very impressive 3 year olds celebrated victories around the country. All of this so much fun to watch and enjoy!
Then, on our Zenyatta. com home front, our dear KARI BUSSELL, one of my most loving and endearing fans passed away on February 17th. Her daughter let all of us know by posting on the site….and so many have responded with love and heartfelt sympathy.
I did meet KARI and would like to share with you some of her words that she shared with our friend, Steve Haskin. Steve sent them to Dottie over the weekend.
The photo above is very significant as standing by this fence at Churchill Downs the Sunday after Breeders’ Cup in 2010 is where I first met her. At this time, she knew she was very ill. This heart was made that day by fans for ME. I am sharing it with KARI, her family, and all of you this morning along with some of her OWN WORDS all written at that time.
“I try to find joy (Zenyatta gives me much) and pretend this (illness) is not happening, if that makes sense. I love to laugh. Just so you know on Sunday afternoon….I was making my husband go back to Churchill Downs to see the Barbaro statue. I am an avid (horse racing) fan. Okay, so in looking for Churchill Downs to see Barbaro we got lost and there SHE was. It still blows my mind how that happened. “

“It is really Zenyatta’s story. I thank God for her, Mr. Shirreffs (my hero), Dottie, The Moss’ and all of them. I love them all for their love and care for Z and all horses. Frank is the one I hold very dear. He was the one who made it happen. I picked up leaves, a stick, and an acorn from the spot it happened. I only need to look at them or shut my eyes and joy runs through my veins.”
“He made sure I got to feel Zenyatta’s right ear graze my fingertip through the fence. It was very emotional for me. He teared up watching me. It was the highlight of my life. My dying wish was to just touch her once. I know in my heart she is the reason I am still alive today and have thus far defied the odds and what Doctors told me. She inspired me to never give up. Plus I refused to go anywhere until her story was finished. I am terminally ill and want to write to him (Frank) and tell him what that meant to me and thank him.”
She did!
As you can see from Kari’s words, I have been extremely blessed to be around so many loving and giving people. She goes on to say how so many people were there on that Sunday afternoon and I even had a cake sent to ME over the fence. So many memories…so many treasured moments…so many wonderful people.
I would like KARI’S FAMILY to know from the bottom of my heart, how much all of her kind words, love, and respect means to ME and MY TEAM. We will definitely THANK FRANK AGAIN for his thoughtfulness and helping to make something very special happen for KARI on that November day in 2010!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Blessings to KARI and HER FAMILY!)
Oh, Z, what a beautiful tribute to Kari. She was a friend of mine on fb, and she was so very sweet. She absolutely loved you so much, and I know your words will be comforting to her family. I remember the evening when I was on fb, kari’s husband was not home from work, and there was a terrible tornado heading her way in Tn. There was nothing I could do to help her because I was in CA. She went to the basement, but we kept talking through fb. I was so worried about her safety, but we kept posting to each other and stayed on line with one another until I knew her husband was driving up. At the time, I had absolutely no idea how sick she was. She never really talked about it. But, she always remembered to thank me for that night-how grateful she was that I stayed with her. She was always thanking me for that night when I should have been thanking her for her kindness, her love, and her dedication to you Z. I so wish I had met her in person. I am going to miss her; the pictures, her words, and always a video of you! It is a tragic loss, and she will not be forgotten. I know she is with the angels now, and I promise you she is watching over you with great anticipation for the birth of your foal. And, I bet she is watching over Tasty too. She will make sure, I am positive, that you and your foal are safe. Thank you, again, for acknowledging our friend, Kari. I will think of her every day.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Fran, for being there for Kari that night. I remember how she posted about it later, and how thankful she was to you. Bless you.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Fran, it is wonderful that you were there when Kari was in need and that you continued to visit on FB. What a special connection!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
This has been posted before, but it’s been a while. It’s the story of the heart on the fence.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This is a wonderful read – thanks so much for posting it again. Sometime back in the very long past weekend, I replied to one of your posts, and I’m sure you didn’t see it so I will say again – thank you for all that you bring to this site – your knowledge and your incredible patience with us horse “newbies” (and never pointing out that you’ve answered the same question about 100 times).
That’s what a horsemen is–teacher, mentor, companion and extra help. When I was a kid a senior rider (one with experience with horses not by age) was expected to help lower level riders. It wasn’t written down but was understood.
And as the ever so kind and gracious Penny Chenery told me several years ago–you never get tired of signing autographs or answering the same questions. People want to know, they want to be educated and enlightened.
So I’ll say this, so what I know this and that. There is a TON and a half I DON’T KNOW. And some of the things I don’t you do. So I learn from you.
We’re all in this life together. As Oprah use to say “People are put in your path to learn from”. That goes both ways.
Here’s a couple of things I’ve learned in the past two weeks. Now you have to understand I’m a Windows person. MAC and me–Steve may’ve lived not to far south of me but we were miles apart on ‘puters! Anyway I totally Digress…
iPad users–click twice on the button. The button that disconnects you from the Internet or whatever game you were playing. This will cause all your Apps to line up in a row on the bottom of the monitor.
It’s a cool look. But now for the clencher!
Tap on one of the App buttons and all of them will begin to wiggle. You will get the delete button. You click that–IT CLOSES THE APP–it does not delete the App. This is really important if you are having issues with low memory. In Windows speak its the same as Control, Alt, Delete. I don’t know what it’s called in MAC speak.
And those are the two biggest things I’ve learned about my iPad in the past two weeks!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
You are very welcome. I learn a lot just by researching some of the answers.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J:
Loved that article the first time I read it. Thank you for posting it again. Hugs,
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ, I had never read the entire story before. Amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, LauraJ, I had not yet seen that Blog piece. It’s really good!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Here’s the lovely Steve Haskin article quoted by Zenyatta in her post:
This article is one of the best. Thanks for reposting it.
Jan S. / Houston
So very true. Wonderful article.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
“When I went back to California in the fall of 2009, I went to see John and he was grazing Zenyatta,” Migliore said. “When you get inside a horse’s space, you can feel their energy, and sometimes, you can’t believe what you’re feeling. I’ve been around a lot of great horses, so it’s not like I go ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ because they’re good horses. But feeling her energy was a genuine sensation that I had only felt when I was around Seattle Slew at the farm. It’s hard to describe, but it’s similar to the feeling you get walking into Churchill Downs on Derby Day. I just know with Zenyatta and Slew I’ve never felt anything like that in my life…never. She had become this amazing animal, and the energy she gave out was unbelievable.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thank you for sharing what MIG said with us. Wonderful from a man who has ridden many horses. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
If anyone can describe such a feeling, it is Mr. Migliore.
I love the Mig, his commentaries are so insightful.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Thanks for the link to that wonderful article by Mr. Haskin. Hugs, JB
Thanks so much Laura J for the repost of this wonderful article by
Steve Haskin, our horse racing literary talent
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ, thank you again my friend, this is great!! I love Steve Haskin very much and always enjoy anything he writes. I also make sure to catch “And They’re Off” with he and Lenny. I wish they did a show each week.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. My wonderful Dottie and Zenny, once again, the tears are flowing. What a beautiful message you have written for our dear Kari and her family. Zen-magic was certainly at work that day in 2010 when Kari’s path was altered and she was led directly to you. Frank was an angel to see how much Kari needed to be near to you Zenny and you must have felt it too. You helped Frank make a dream come true, by getting as close to the fence as you could and held still while Kari stroked your ear. Such a healing touch to a wounded soul. We know that you have always chosen to be kind, Zenny. Kari has beautifully expressed to us in many of her posts how her heart celebrated the moments she was able to spend with you again and again in her memory. I know that you were with her in spirit once more at those times, so that her hand could still feel the softness of the caress. Loving you was a gift she cherised that lasted throughout her much too short lifetime and is with you still. It was very kind of Steve Haskin to forward Kari’s words to Dottie and John’s photos of that day are lovely. We will all miss our Kari greatly, but will remain forever joyful that we knew her!! Blessings to all. My prayers are with Kari and her wonderful family.
I would like to join you in wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both Charles and Jean, Zenny. And to Dottie’s niece my very best wishes!!!
Black Caviar was stellar and Animal Kingdom is back in the game. Congratulations to both of them and their connections.
My sweet Zenyatta, I love you and all of Team Z so very much!!!! I hope that you and Tasty are feeling terrific and getting plenty of rest. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Dear Dottie and Zenny, Thank You for this tribute to Kari B!! I have been sobbing for the last 5 minutes, difficult to read and write thru tears…HUGS
Helen Rasmussen
Dear Dottie, Zenny, and the whole wonderful team, thank you so much for the kind words for Kari today. Kari and I were fb friends and we were just starting to get close and share more things with each other. I only wish I had been as lucky as some of my facebook friends and gotten to know her sooner and even like some, met her in person. It is a rare occurance when God gives us a person such as Kari! God took his angel home and she still is talking to us.
Team Z – you are, always have and always will be a class act!
Louise Castello
I wish I had known Kari like everyone here did. Like everyone else, I so enjoyed her writings and videos. Can you imagine how happy she must be to have been so honored on this site and by Zenyatta herself? This is one of the most beautiful sites ever and I am so grateful to be able to come here numerous times a day to see the LOVE shared among everyone. RIP Kari and thank you Zenyatta!
Beautiful entry today.Godspeed Kari you wrote and expressed what is in our hearts to perfection.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My Dear Friends,
I was up quite late last night and I just had to write down some of my thoughts to share with you all. Forgive me if you have heard these sentiments before, but I simply had to express them again. I have often written about how wonderful Zenyatta’s diary site is. I have been here from the very beginning. We were brought together as strangers who shared a unique connection through our admiration of Zenyatta and her wonderful Team Z. We were fortunate that someone with a beautiful soul like our Dottie became the voice of our beloved Zenny. The diary entries allowed us to continue to be a part of her life. They have been fun, informative, motivational, educational and celebratory. The list goes on and on. The photos and descriptions of Zenyatta’s life are amazing. I look forward to every new day and the message that awaits me here as well as all of the posts from each and every one of you. Because you see, somewhere along the way, I believe we became a family. We began sharing not only Zenyatta and the racing world, we began to share ourselves. Our interests, accomplishments, dreams, humor, disappointments, challenges and celebrations. We reached out in need of support, encouragement, prayers, donations, answers, ideas, joy, laughter and love. So, I wanted to say that after what has occurred this weekend, with the passing our sweet Kari, I have never felt more blessed to be a part of something so amazing!!! The outpouring of emotion has been very special to witness and the absolute beauty of the heartfelt words expressed by everyone, is extremely inspirational. A loving tribute to a remarkable lady! Together we have created a Zen-magical place, a truly unique experience to be treasured for the priceless gift it is. Thank you again Dottie and all of my wonderful Z-friends from the bottom of my heart for sharing yourselves and this fantastic journey together with me!! What a joy it is!!!!!!
Love and hugs,
You said so beautifully what I have been feeling.
Thank you
Sending a hug
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Dawn, for putting into beautiful words the feelings that are in our hearts
Dawn I think you just hit the nail on the head! Truer words were never spoken and oh so eloquently!
Last week was huge for the horses! Laura Leigh’s First Amendment case was huge. BLM was playing hide and go seek with the trap site a year and a half ago. There were so many things done–really icky and ugly things. This case is not over!
One of the biggest parts of this case that Laura won was “Moot”. I can’t begin to tell you how many times BLM has won because of “moot”. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found for Laura and they said that her case WAS NOT “moot”.
Then that icky man in New Jersey–who was gonna jump horses off a 40 ft platform–he finally backed down.
Sadly in the midst of all the celebrations Kari passed away. I never knew Kari in real life. I’ve read her posts but not often enough that I feel like I was a friend to her. Your right, we have become a family here. Maybe not in the strictest sense of the word, but we talk and share. We share hurts and triumphs. We share our lives and talk about our pets and our interests. That makes us family of sorts. Now one of us has passed and I can’t help feeling like there was something I was suppose to do and didn’t. There is something left undone.
I just feel awful for her family. And sending a card at this time would be intrusive.
Has anyone started a candle for Kari?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dawn that was Beautiful : )
Karen Gogue
awww, beautiful lovely one!
Dearest Zenyatta, Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry, Frank and the rest of her team…
How special you ALL are…this post is so moving in it’s tribute to Kari and so appropriate for someone who dedicated much time to showing the magnificience of Queen Z in videos.
Kari’s videos were responsible for me becoming a huge fan and I cannot thank her enough for that. We are such a warm, welcominmg family on this site. What a refreshing change from the worries that face us in everyday life. I only wish Kari could have enjoyed the birth of Zenny’s first foal. But, she will know …. because she will be looking down from above at the wonder of it all.
Zenny, it won’t be long now …when you see our Charles, wish him a happy birthday for me. I have no doubt he is full of excitement over what will come.
Zenny, Dottie and Ann…what classy ladies you are.
Zenyatta is a great horse, who has been cared for by great people. I’ve known that. And now, reading about Kari, add: loved by great fans.
Maureen From Santa Barbara, CA
Thank you so much the Kari B story. She is a special Lady like you and she will be sorely missed by all. All the tributes to her are very sweet and loving. I am sure she is basking in that energy. I send my thanks to Frank as well for recognizing how important it was for Kari to touch Zen’s ear! And thank you Dottie for all your sharing with us.
Oh Z and family, thank you for printing out Kari’s words, they are beautiful. I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in june of 2010. I was lucky and made it through. Before the dr visit I had been back to Oaklawn to see you in the Appleblossum. Oh my what a special event. It held and still holds a place in my heart.
After going through the cancer and the chemo, every day was special, but of late that specialness had started to dull, and I was missing it (my fault). However after reading Kari’s words, I will never forget to greet every day as a brand new one and see something special in it.
To Kari’s family and friends, I am so sorry for your loss, she must have been a very special lady. please know I am grateful to her for reminding me life is good. and to make the most of each day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cindy, I am very sorry that you have had to experience cancer. I am glad, however, that Kari’s wonderful spirit has touched you deeply and reminded you of the goodness in life. I wish you continued joy my dear. I hope you remain a part of this amazing diary family. You will find love and support from all.
Love and hugs,
Having cancer is a very emotional experience
But coming out on the other side makes everyone
Look at the world through different eyes as you
Mention so poignantly. Thanks for sharing this very
Special experience.
Abigail from Montreal
Dearest Dottie, Zenny, Tasty, babies-2-B and Zensters:
As much as I have enjoyed every single diary since the very beginning of zenyatta.com, this diary today is so moving and so very special that only Baby Zenny’s birth announcement might vie with it in my heart. Let me try to explain, if I can.
Throughout my grief this weekend, each one of you sustained me, even as I tried to support each one of you. I know a fair bit about the new media — I studied it before writing our new English Language Arts curriculum here in Quebec. But nowhere in the small mountain of books and research I ingested was there anything about the creation of a virtual community like ours. By which I mean: a meeting place that is so world-like that each of us fell in love with the exquisite Kari even though most never met her in the “real” world. (Of course, in my case, I could also say the same about falling in love with you, Zenny, and the closeness I feel toward John & Dottie, Steve Haskin and so many Zen-friends I have made here and through my blog, THE VAULT.)
….to continue:
I have been pondering real and virtual worlds in which we make virtual friendships and other kinds of connections ever since this special Zenyatta meeting place started to become what it is today. The thing about language which often gets lost in new media settings is that it’s an instrument in the hands of hearts and minds. (It gets lost because the screen image appears to be so much more evocative, although it has its own limitations just as words do.) But language — including gesture, body language and sign language — like music or drama or the plastic arts, is perfectly equipped to provide a window into the heart, mind and spirit and a door into the world.
So it is that Kari’s being-ness ( just as does Dottie’s and Zenny’s — whose language is usually by gesture and movement — and my extended Zen-ster family) resonates to me in as real a way as if she were right next door. And THAT is absolutely fascinating to me, although I have certainly experienced this kind of bonding within the pages of well-loved books. But it has never really occurred to me that, in rare cases with extraordinary people, a virtual meeting place could have the same power. And I’m kind of “dazzled” by the insight as I write this, since in the case of writing, I do know that we very often “talk ourselves into sense/insight” as we move forward, writing.
Okay — wrap this up, right? (The trouble with “dazzle” is that it could be a novel!!!!)
By way of saying that Dottie, you have the cadence of the angels and a heart of great beauty. In speaking our language on Zenny’s behalf, you honour all of us who see in her a source of joy, inspiration and hope.
Thank you for today’s open window. It means the world to me.
Celeste in TX
Thank you, Abigail, for expressing my heart so well.
Abigail from Montreal
Celeste! What a sweet thing to say. Thank you so much. I did labour over this message, I must say. So glad it resonated with you! HUGS
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you for this special in-sight, Abigail. We are so thankful that share your beautiful thoughts with us. I too marvel at the community Dottie has built. If I may repost an except from my birthday poem to Dottie on August 10:
For at Zenyatta.com, the DOT COM that you see
Refers to the COM-munity
DOT-tie has founded
Where we all reside
And all that is good can abide.
We are made part of “Zenyatta’s connections”
And truly feel
Strong bonds of affection.
Here we share Zenyatta’s story
And relive her amazing glory.
We share horse racing lore—
But also much more.
When we’re feeling adrift,
Here we get our uplift.
When we are weary with worry,
It’s here that we hurry.
Here we can share
With people who care.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Sorry for the typos, but you know what I mean…
Kimberly Potter/Montana
You are so awesome…. :)
What a lovely poem Trina.
Kate Wheeler
Your poem so graciously honors Dottie and the virtual, but compellingly real, community she has created among us on this site. What a gift she is and so are you.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m so glad you posted this again – it is super appropriate both then and, even more so, NOW.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you for posting this again Trina. Like Kimberly Potter said, you are so awesome!
Terry Crow
Awesome in the true sense of the word.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Abigail you are so right. Beautifully put : )
Abigail from Montreal
Thank you, Shari. Your photo with the munchkins hangs proudly on my fridge! Hugs
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, thank you for the amazing words and for sharing your beautiful insight with us. You, my wonderful friend are truly remarkable. You have “dazzeled” us on more than one occassion. I hope you know how much your friendship means to me, my fellow Zen-ster. I treasure you!!
Love and hugs,
Abigail from Montreal
Dawn: Thanks so much. You are an important presence in my life too. I worked so hard on the above to get it just right & thanks to you and the others who responded, I’m thinking I did! Hugs
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Abigail, You MOST CERTAINLY did!
Leslie Stidham
who would have thought that a horse named Zenyatta could take this world and shine her huge heart so brightly that in the deepest part of darkness she can take a life and make it worth living through the pain. RIP Kari thank you for all you brought to this site and to this world. Queen Z you bring me to tears at the outpouring of love you give to us all and the beautiful thing about it is you don’t even know you are it’s just you magnificant you……….sending a full heart filled with love to you and Tasty. I love you so !!!!!!!
Kathy S.
What a touching Diary post today. RIP, Kari. Condolences to her family and friends. Birthday greetings, wedding best wishes. Happy Tuesday, everyone. Kisses on Zenny’s and Tasty’s velvet noses.
Jan S. / Houston
I wonder how many posts will be on your site when you deliver your foal!!! I bet
Bernie will be passing out carrots to all of his pals. ;) Happy Birthday Charles….. Keep Cool and Calm Big Mama..
Abigail from Montreal
Jan S: This is too cute!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Jan S. – The overload may be so great that it could be a computer crash heard round the world!
Jan S. / Houston
Dawn, It’s going to be unreal. You are right about a big computer crash heard around the world, we may even have a blackout……. LOL. ;);)
Mary Copelin
To Kari’s Family- I cannot express in words how much Kari and her insights and love meant to all of us on Zenyatta’s site. Kari was an amazing woman who made each of us
better for the gifts she sent to us as often as she could. My love and support are with
you. Just know that Kari is loved by thousands of people who shared her values and
To Dottie- As always, your response to Kari’s passing was reflective of your grace and class. I will always be impressed by your sensitivity and amazing ability to know how to respond to difficult situations and to your truly incredible skill in striking the appropriate
balance as Zenyatta’s voice and your own. Mary
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Wonderfully said, Mary!!
Life is so precious and brief, we need to thank God for each day.
Hugs and Prayers and anxious to hear of your foal arriving safe and sound.
a million kissesxoxoxoxooxo
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Cynthia H ♥
I promised you a hug over the phone on Saturday. If you are working on Saturday – I hope you can take a moment to meet somewhere for that very, very special hug! ♥ Hang in there my friend XO
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT, Dottie and Z Fans:
Lovely post today. Thank you for sharing. Love you Z and TT and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisa:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina N.:
Lovely birthday poem. Hugs, JB
KARI-Perfect forever-just like our QUEEN!
You will both live forever in my heart!
Kelly J. /ND
Love you Zenny!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Fran–thank you for sharing your own special memory of Kari. I first “met” her through her YouTube videos when she figured out who I was, and then later we became FB friends. We shared an amiable rivalry between my Baylor Lady Bears and her Lady Vols. I will never see or hear of that orange and white that i don’t think of her.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I also knew Kari thourgh youtube videos – she flat out asked me if I was lovetheponies! lol We continued to exchange comments via the videos and fb.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
You and Dottie have more than “risen to the occasion” as I KNEW you would. Thank you for the lovely tribute to Kari along a bit more of her “story.” She will always be a part of this place where (as Abigail wrote so eloquently above) we have become a family. Hope you and Tasty are having a good day. It won’t be long now!! Take care.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Lisa in TN
OM Gosh I was standing there next to Kari and never knew it. I watched the lady make the heart in the fence, and was talking to Ann Moss about where I had gotten my shirt that I was wearing made.( Of course Zenyatta was on it) What a VERY small, wonderful world. I took pictures of that day and of that group of people. It was such a magical day. Those pictures will always be very dear to me. I know exactly what Kari was talking about. Today is a wonderful day as I am fortunate enough to celebrate another birthday today.(They seem to be coming quicker!!!!LOL) I consider it very lucky. Once again my thoughts and prayers are with Kari’s family.
Chester is also there in my prayers!!! Hope he is on top of his game again soon. I have 4 that are over 20.( 24, 28, 30 and 35) every day is a treasure. They are so very special, and their personalities so unique. Love them dearly.
To Z’s Team thanks for all the good things you do!!! And Zenyatta can’t wait for the baby. Thinking about that puts a smile on my face. Have a wonderful evening all, Lisa
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY – yes, they come quicker the older ‘ya get lol
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Well, Lisa, your birthday and mine are just a day apart. I’ve managed to make it to 67 as of tomorrow. Happy B’day to you. Where in TN are you locate? Susan didn’t tell you all of Chester’s story and her rescue of him. He was laying down in a part of the pasture where there is a very slight incline and and he got cast with his legs going up that incline. Luckily, he had on his winter blanket because Susan said it looked like he had been down a long time. His pasture mates, Chopper and Annie, had probably been with him quite a long time, Susan said, judging from the fresh droppings in that area. Chester was very stiff from being on the cold ground and just couldn’t get up by himself. Susan called her daughter, Beth (an equine vet) and Beth told her mom to give him a shot of bute and put warm towels on his legs, which Susan did with the help of the gentleman that lives there. Eventually, they had Chester warmed up enough that he could get up but was moving very slowly. The local vet came out and gave Chester some Banamine and put an antibiotic ointment and anti-inflammatory cream in Chester’s eye. When Susan left a while later, Chester was playing in the water trough. The people that own the land that these horses are boarded on checked on Chester about 1:00 this morning and then again around 4:30 and he was fine. I think his eye will be OK too. Susan deserves a hugh THANKS for her exeplementary care of these senior horses. She really goes above and beyond to take care of them.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Sharon, for filling us in about Chester. We’ve all grown very fond of him and wish him and his two guardian angels (Susan and YOU) all the best!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta:
Thank you for telling us the whole story. Susan, as is her way, minimizes her role. She’s a very special lady. Hope Chester recovers well. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
P.S.: Happy Birthday tomorrow. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Very good news about my my man Chester.
Celeste in TX
Aww, thanks for filling in the rest of Chester’s story. Hoping he will get lots better soon.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sharon, thank you for sharing the full story of Chester’s mishap. I admire Susan so very much!!!! She gives an amazing amount of herself to the horses in her care, even when at times she herself may not be doing well. It has been a shared love with each horse bringing a special healing to Susan and she giving them the love and care they so desperately need. She has a remarkably beautiful soul and I am proud to call her friend!
Abigail from Montreal
Happy Birthday, Lisa. Agree with JAG — they do seem to come faster over the years!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday Lisa!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisa in TN:
Happy Birthday to you. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy Birthday Trisha; many more healthy ones.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I mean Lisa!!! It is getting to close to my bedtime I think. I have not been thinking very clearly lately! Happy Day
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA. What a fantastic experience you all shared on that amazing day with Zenyatta and Team Z. It is so wonderful that you are able to share each day with your remarkable “seniors”. You must take very good care of them. I hope you had a great day!
Pam Zacek,
RIP Kari, and thank you team Z, for showing, us just how far, the Queen helps people, around the world, I can just say one thing, I hope Zen foals, on March 4th then she will share my Dog s birthday, with a winners, touch, he is going to be 12 years young, and he is a hearing dog, so hes so special, too, so that would be the greatest thing, to share a birthday with you baby Zen, for sure….. hes name is Sundance, and he is sunny most of the time, as you are, Zen , hope you have a very easy foaling, and all goes very good, I can t wait to see what you are having………………. Just so it is Healthy and Happy, is all we all care about, Love you Zen, and we all know your be the best Mommy, Have a good week, too… Good luck,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pam Zacek:
Love the name Sundance. He must be very special, indeed. Hugs, JB