Dear Friends,
It has been such a touching weekend…but I must say in so many different ways. Life has a way of being like this. There were 2 birthdays I honored…My dear pal, Charles, here at the farm and my owner’s wonderful MOM, Jean. Then MY JOHN and Dottie attended their niece’s wedding celebration and it was all so special.
On the horse front, BLACK CAVIAR won #19…. ANIMAL KINGDOM won his comeback race with style, and some very impressive 3 year olds celebrated victories around the country. All of this so much fun to watch and enjoy!
Then, on our Zenyatta. com home front, our dear KARI BUSSELL, one of my most loving and endearing fans passed away on February 17th. Her daughter let all of us know by posting on the site….and so many have responded with love and heartfelt sympathy.
I did meet KARI and would like to share with you some of her words that she shared with our friend, Steve Haskin. Steve sent them to Dottie over the weekend.
The photo above is very significant as standing by this fence at Churchill Downs the Sunday after Breeders’ Cup in 2010 is where I first met her. At this time, she knew she was very ill. This heart was made that day by fans for ME. I am sharing it with KARI, her family, and all of you this morning along with some of her OWN WORDS all written at that time.
“I try to find joy (Zenyatta gives me much) and pretend this (illness) is not happening, if that makes sense. I love to laugh. Just so you know on Sunday afternoon….I was making my husband go back to Churchill Downs to see the Barbaro statue. I am an avid (horse racing) fan. Okay, so in looking for Churchill Downs to see Barbaro we got lost and there SHE was. It still blows my mind how that happened. “

“It is really Zenyatta’s story. I thank God for her, Mr. Shirreffs (my hero), Dottie, The Moss’ and all of them. I love them all for their love and care for Z and all horses. Frank is the one I hold very dear. He was the one who made it happen. I picked up leaves, a stick, and an acorn from the spot it happened. I only need to look at them or shut my eyes and joy runs through my veins.”
“He made sure I got to feel Zenyatta’s right ear graze my fingertip through the fence. It was very emotional for me. He teared up watching me. It was the highlight of my life. My dying wish was to just touch her once. I know in my heart she is the reason I am still alive today and have thus far defied the odds and what Doctors told me. She inspired me to never give up. Plus I refused to go anywhere until her story was finished. I am terminally ill and want to write to him (Frank) and tell him what that meant to me and thank him.”
She did!
As you can see from Kari’s words, I have been extremely blessed to be around so many loving and giving people. She goes on to say how so many people were there on that Sunday afternoon and I even had a cake sent to ME over the fence. So many memories…so many treasured moments…so many wonderful people.
I would like KARI’S FAMILY to know from the bottom of my heart, how much all of her kind words, love, and respect means to ME and MY TEAM. We will definitely THANK FRANK AGAIN for his thoughtfulness and helping to make something very special happen for KARI on that November day in 2010!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Blessings to KARI and HER FAMILY!)
hi Z! I’m crying- Rest in peace Kari! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
Reading all of Kari’s posts I felt like I knew her. We will miss seeing her here but know she is in peace. Thank you Dottie for all the beautiful words and to you and John for sharing our beatiful Queen with all of us. You truley are an inspiration for everyone and Kari will be watching from above when your little one is born. Prayers and thoughts are with Kari’s daughter and family.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Georgia, beautifully said.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Zenny and Dottie – What a wonderful tribute to your friend, Kari . I’m sure it meant alot to her family.
And Karen – what a uplifting video – Zenyatta at her absolute peak of perfection at Lane’s End. All the smiles and happiness that Z generates.
and Z and Tasty – have a wonderful day resting and enjoying each others company.
So wonderful to know you are in the best of care and loving attention.
Pattie in South Carolina
Dear Dottie & Team Zenyatta, that was a very touching story. Thank you for sharing it with us. Zenyatta and her team has inspired so many of us. God Bless You ALL :)
To Kari Bussell’s Family & Friends, you have my deepest sympathy & my Heart goes out to you. I believe, Kari is in Heaven, taking care of all of the horses that have gone before us. Someday, we will all be together, again.
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Joshua 1:9
Frank thank you for helping Kari realize a dream.
I got to meet in her stall Z. I guess I never realized just how special that hug was. This was in 2010 at Hollypark. Just a few short weeks before Kari.
Z’s head came over my shoulder looking for that hidden carrot. And Steve snapped a pic the second Z’s nose touched my chest. It looks just like a hug.
Now I think how Kari must have felt knowing how I’ll she was and being able to touch Z. I know how she must have marveled at the experience. To know that Z felt her touch. And to have been touched by Z. It’s an experience that never leaves you.
I still know that Kari is helping Z’s baby prepare for that trip to real life. There is a place for animal lovers in heaven. It’s a special place because people that love animals more than humans–were not always understood by others. And we don’t get others very well. I suppose it doesn’t make much sense. It’s awfully hard to explain.
Just know that Kari is with others that know and understand all that she is and they love her unconditionally.
Wow as great as last week was for the horses losing Kari in the middle of it sure burst a big bubble. It makes you realize that there are still a lot of folks out there suffering.s I’m just sorry I wasn’t a better friend when she needed one.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Wow, if I was lucky enough to experience Z over my shoulder, I probably would never wear that top again!! I can not imagine how it must be to feel Z’s touch. I am happy for you and Kari.
I am content “talking to the animals” touching, playing; they don’t judge, but I do have to admit I need a few humans in my life to love too.
That is exactly what you are left feeling with! Talking, loving and playing with them! is the best! All Z wanted from me was the carrot! Forget the pats and the kisses!
When she saw Steve and me coming down the aisle she started pawing with her right fore. “GIVE ME CARROTS”! I WANT MY CARROTS! I never did get her ears up they kinda stayed flopped to the side. That was the horsey side of Z.
Kinda funny to think of now–cause we all think of her so highly. And yet here I was, someone she’d never met, loved horses since I was a kid, and I’ve walked my share of polo ponies–she felt so relaxed that she didn’t put on a show for me. Guess I’m one of the few outsiders that saw Z when she was just being a horse!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Margaret, thank you for sharing such a great story!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I had a coat that she nuzzles – do you think I ever wanted to clean that coat – NO!! I have a photo of her that is a blur because she did it so fast and Steve Willard moved her back. I guess he thought she was going to do something else, but, no Zenny was just being Zenny – curious!! I had her dna on my coat – high hoof!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Wow, Margaret, you are so lucky! You too, Judy. I would give anything just to touch her one time.
Margaret, you don’t have to try to explain how it is to love animals more than people. Don’t get me wrong, I do have humans that I love, but it’s different with animals. They don’t judge you, they don’t care what you look like. Theirs is an unconditional love and there’s nothing in the world like it.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Zenyatta – I’m hoping for blue and hoping/guessing for February 25.
Interview with Jockey Luke Nolen after Black Caviar wins 19th consecutive
From: Herald Sun
Chocking back swirling emotion, Luke Nolen spoke of his unswerving admiration for Black Caviar, who needed all her world champion qualities to produce a historic Australian moment at Flemington.
Jockey Nolen praised Black Caviar’s courage, marvelled at her ability, and acknowledged how privileged he was to be associated with the mare, which yesterday joined Desert Gold and Gloaming as joint owners of the record for 19 consecutive wins.
With the win, the Australia-bred six-year-old matched the record held jointly by New Zealanders Desert Gold (1915-17) and Gloaming (1919-21).
“I just have to take my hat off to that mare, she’s bloody wonderful,” Nolen enthused.
“She really touched me. The chips were down and she showed a lot of courage.
“He (Hay List) had me worried for a couple of strides,” Nolen said. “The people who came to Flemington to see Black Caviar were not disappointed.
“They saw two champions fight it out and, thankfully, I was on the winning one. It was great to see how much courage she had and she pulled it out.
Keta note: Doesn’t this sound like Mike Smith talking about Zenyatta :)
Jan S. / Houston
She is amazing…So is her jockey.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Yes, it does sound like Mike talking about Z!
Somehow, the Post I made earlier got lost–the gremlin of computers strikes again.
Once again this site teaches us not just about Zenyatta, horses, but life.
Kari’s story show us how to live and love right to the end.
Thank you Dottie for sharing it and thank you to Frank, John and all for their kindness.
Prayers for Kari’s family!
Rest in peace, Kari.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
No Caviar in Dubai
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Trainer: Black Caviar Won’t Race Until April
Auntie Judy,
Watched Black Caviar race and win.
However, i did think I was looking at a tired horse, despite the trainer comments.
Glad to see that she is getting some R & R
Imagine there will be a huge turnout at Royal Ascot.
Black Caviar has quite a fan base on Facebook & she tweets.
After the race, she tweeted
Afternoon peeps, WOW what a day. Needed to chill out this morning, feel good however old HayList kept me on my twinkle toes
Not our Z, but fun to follow.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, I watched her race, too!! She got challenged by Hay List but she dug down deep to prevail!! I wish we could watch her race here in the good old USA :-P
She is the Queen of Australia, but there is ONLY one “Queen” – Zenny!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JAG, thanks for the update. Glad she is getting some rest and preparing for England.
Jan S. / Houston
I’m glad. She needs her R & R.
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
She is truly amazing and now will get a well deserved rest. I am very happy with her owner and trainer giving her the chance to rejuvinate.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny, how great to have you back, I missed you during the past few days and I’m glad to know that you are doing well. Thanks to you and Dottie for honoring Kari, she loved you so much, and as Sue has said, you do have your very own angel looking down on you, Tasty too.
Happy birthday Lisa, what a lovely poem from Trina, she never ceases to amaze.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Beautiful tribute to Kari B Zenyatta. She will be missed by all of us.
Mike Smith on Facebook
10 more wins to reach my 5000th win!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yup! He only has 10 more to go – Go Mikey!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
He has put so much hard work and dedication into his craft. It will add another exclamation point on his already illustrious career!! Go Mike!!
RIP Kari
Zenyatta its good to have you back. Hope all is going well with you and Tasty and hoping those babies decide to make an entrance real soon. Hugs and Kisses, you own my heart. Yvonne
Garrett Gomez update from Twitter
Agent Tony Matos said he expects Garrett Gomez to resume riding by Santa Anita Handicap Day, March 3, and has taken a call to ride Jeranimo
More on Garrett Gomez
He did a Blog on ESPN–good read. Here is an excerpt
In a perfect world, I’d love to be back when the San Felipe Stakes is run at Santa Anita on March 10. But it all depends on the verdict the doctor gives me today. If the leg looks OK, he’ll tell me how fast I can get ready and if I need to just continue what I’m doing or speed it up. He’s not worried about the plate and screws in my heel, he’s worried about not putting too much pressure too soon on the two screws in my ankle that went into the joint.
Link to story
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keta, thank you for the update. Hope to see him back, healthy soon!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Lovely precious Z ; I am sure, once upon a time, you never knew that your greatness and heart would extend far beyond racing to the finish. I am sure you never knew fully the extent your fans loved you. Because of your gracious and kind Z family who were happy to share you with us, you knew beyond a doubt we adored and loved everything about you – forever! You have given so much back. I am so grateful that Kari got to touch you. You gave her a reason to fight to live. Her memory will live on with her beautiful videos of you. Her letter you shared with us expresses the love, gratitude, and inspiration each of us feel. Frank must be a special person too.
Happy Birthday to Ann’s moma and to Charles!
Will Ann be able to rush to see you & baby z born?
I love you & your Z family so much
2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Zenny, Do you and your team truly realize how you touch people? I doubt that you do. The compassion, love, access, friendship that flows from Team Z is, as Ann used these words often to describe you, “A Gift from God”. I didn’t know Kari from this site because I don’t get to read all the daily post, but she must have been a wonderful person. How does it feel to know you inspired Kari to keep fighting? That is your impact.
I thank God for you, and all Team Z, especially Dottie who so elequantly puts your thoughts into words.
May God bless your entire team, and keep His hand upon you and Tasty as you prepare for the birth of your babies.
I Truly Love You, Big Mare,
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kim, Zenny truly is a wonderful “Gift from God”!
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
HEADS UP all you people in the Florida panhandle, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia (south). This is a beautiful boy that needs adoption. This 8 year old TWH gelding has one of the prettiest heads and best eyes I’ve ever seen on a horse anywhere. He deserves a good home and Panhandle Equine Rescue has all of their horses priced reasonably and has good bio’s on them. Won’t you give a look and if you’re not in the market right now, perhaps you know someone who is. Here’s the link:
These folks also have a couple of OTTB’s up for adoption as well. Thanks from Jesse James (the horse’s name, not the outlaw)! BTW, I’m not on their staff, I just know a good horse when I see one. Thanks again!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
THANK YOU, SHARON for posting this. Diane at Panhandle will be so appreciative. A lot of times when I post things like this, it may not be for a Dumpling exactly, but a Dumpling might know someone who can help in the area.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta
Wonderful looking boy. Hope he finds his forever home soon. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
He’s SO cute, and affectionate too! I sure hope the right person comes along soon for him. Thanks for spreading the word, Sharon.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sharon, what a lovely boy. How I wish I had the land and money to adopt them all or at least help as many as possible. Wouldn’t that be a dream. Thank you for posting the information, I hope he finds his forever home!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Thank you for sharing Kari’s story and for recognizing a voice in the Zenyatta blogosphere so beautifully. By acknowledging Kari by name and her love for Zenyatta, it is by extension an expression of appreciation for the many Zenyatta fans that visit this site every day, but will never know each other in person; yet at the same time we share a like love for one of God’s most magnificent creatures – Zenyatta.
So very true!
Elena Erdman
Dear Queen Z. So good to hear you are nearing your time. We are so looking forward to it with such excitement.
Kari rest in peace.
Love to all
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Thankyou so very much Zenyatta for sharing the story of Kari, for highlighting such a great and wonderful lady. My sympathy, love and blessings go out to her friends and family. I am so ever touched and humbled and may Kari be now at peace and comfort in the kingdom of Heaven with our Dear Lord.
It has also been a super great weekend seeing and experiencing the wonderful return of some of the exceptionally talented horses in the sport.
Want to thank you Zenyatta for being my inspiration and for helping me get through my personal health problems and etc. I so much am touched with Kari, such familiarity and similiars. You do for me so much Zenyatta and you help to make life so special. I love you so much sending lots of love and kisses your way!
Kate Wheeler
Dear LouAnn,
I hope that Zenny’s inspiration will always be a source of strength and healing for you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lou Ann:
Wishing you all the best. Wonderful how Z brings us all together. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear LouAnn,
I know that you have had many health issues yourself and it is wonderful that Zenyatta has helped you. I always think postive thoughts for you when I read your posts and hope that you are doing well.
Kathy Baldwin
5,000! ;)
KATHY from SoCal xoxo
Kari, will be in our hearts and thoughts as well. RIP sweet lady. Zenyatta you make people feel like little kids no matter there age. I’m thankful that I got to touch you and be near you. I had the chance to talk to your beloved Ann at SA just before Makoma raced, she was so sweet as always, I never get tired of saying hello to your owners, John, Dottie, Barn 55 staff. And we always send are warm wishes to Lanes End staff. Will not be too much longer Z yourself and Tasty are due here very soon, the days are going fast.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ann is such a beautiful lady. She and Dottie are amazing in their kindness!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta( and Dottie) I can not express how very Special you are. Zenyatta you go beyond horseracing for so many of us. Dottie you are so Special that I can not even put it into words. Thank you for ALL and EVERYTHING YOU DO to make our lives happier and healthier. Zenyatta you were born for a Higher Purpose. You have never let any of us down. Thank you sweet giving girl. Dottie you are a Human Angel. I know my friend Dawn can say it better but this is from my heart. May God always keep you under his care. Hugs and Many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ God Bless Kari’s Family
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My sweet friend, what you post is always beautifully perfect. I hope you are feeling better!! Give Miesha a hug from me!!!!
Marshall (in NC)
You said it very well indeed. Hope Miesha is doing better and will recover soon. All the very best wishes to you!
Linda M
Dear Zenny and Dottie,
Thank you for such a thoughtful and heartfelt Diary today, not that it isn’t EVERY day! Such a wonderful story, memory, and tribute to Kari; may her spirit live on for her family, friends, and all others that she held dear.
Zenny, if you ever doubt the impact you have for all of us, let Kari be the reminder that you are indeed larger than life, and your reach and inspiration are far more impactful that you might ever realize. We are so much better of, because of YOU, your TEAM, and the COMMUNITY that naturally comes together around you.
We are forever grateful and love you, Linda and George
Linda M
Dear Family and Friends of Kari:
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Linda M.:
How beautiful and what a thoughtful thing to do. Hugs, JB
Linda M
Judy – thank you! that is who we are and what our Queen Z attracts! Hugs to you as well!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Linda M, how kind and thoughtful of you. The card was quite lovely!
Hugs to you,
JAG / Grieving Auntie Judy / So. CA
This was a beautiful card for a beautiful person! Thank you for sharing.
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
My thoughts and prayers are with Kari’s family. As with many of Z’s fans I knew Kari from her postings. I feel like we have lost a special friend. Rest in Peace lovely lady.
Queen Z…I am so excited about your foaling soon. We all pray for a safe delivery and a healthy foal.
Elizabeth G.
What more can be said…… the greatness and kindness of Zenyatta inspires us all and puts a smile on our faces everyday.
Looking forward to your statue at Santa Anita……. I live up on the hill and will overlook it with one of those smiles everyday.
Kathy Baldwin
KATHY from SoCal xoxo
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kathy, what a beautiful post.
Peace, Love and Blessings to you also.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- thank you for the compassionate but somehow uplifting memory of Kari you shared. If you see Frank, please thank him for being so kind. I am at a loss for words.
Hope you and Tasty are having a wonderful day! Love you, special girl. <3
Thank you, Dottie <3
Susan Carothers (in TN)
It’s kind of a long story, but Chester has a very large corneal ulcer that we found yesterday a.m. The vet came out and I am treating it, but if anyone would like to include him in their thoughts and prayers, I would be very happy. It is very painful and it’s hard to see him feeling bad. Thank you <3
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susan in TN:
Sorry to hear of Chester’s problem. Will light a Z candle. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Certainly–prayers for sweet Chester and for YOU, his dedicated caretaker! Get well soon, Chester!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m sorry about Chester being ill. I’m keeping him (and you) in my thoughts and prayers.
Jan S. / Houston
Susan, Sending love and prayers to your Chester. Hope is feeling
well soon..
Terry Crow
You have done a wonderful job with Chester. Sorry to read that he is having a problem but if anyone can cure him it is you. I will be thinking of him. Keeps us posted.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear friend, Susan. I am so sorry to hear that little Chester is ill. He is such a remarkable old soul. I loved meeting him! I know he holds a very special place in your heart. I will certainly be praying for you both!!!
Marshall (in NC)
Consider it done! Chester (and you,too) will be in my thoughts and prayers. Only the very best wishes for him and his sweet eyes. Hugs!