Dear Friends,
It has been such a touching weekend…but I must say in so many different ways. Life has a way of being like this. There were 2 birthdays I honored…My dear pal, Charles, here at the farm and my owner’s wonderful MOM, Jean. Then MY JOHN and Dottie attended their niece’s wedding celebration and it was all so special.
On the horse front, BLACK CAVIAR won #19…. ANIMAL KINGDOM won his comeback race with style, and some very impressive 3 year olds celebrated victories around the country. All of this so much fun to watch and enjoy!
Then, on our Zenyatta. com home front, our dear KARI BUSSELL, one of my most loving and endearing fans passed away on February 17th. Her daughter let all of us know by posting on the site….and so many have responded with love and heartfelt sympathy.
I did meet KARI and would like to share with you some of her words that she shared with our friend, Steve Haskin. Steve sent them to Dottie over the weekend.
The photo above is very significant as standing by this fence at Churchill Downs the Sunday after Breeders’ Cup in 2010 is where I first met her. At this time, she knew she was very ill. This heart was made that day by fans for ME. I am sharing it with KARI, her family, and all of you this morning along with some of her OWN WORDS all written at that time.
“I try to find joy (Zenyatta gives me much) and pretend this (illness) is not happening, if that makes sense. I love to laugh. Just so you know on Sunday afternoon….I was making my husband go back to Churchill Downs to see the Barbaro statue. I am an avid (horse racing) fan. Okay, so in looking for Churchill Downs to see Barbaro we got lost and there SHE was. It still blows my mind how that happened. “

“It is really Zenyatta’s story. I thank God for her, Mr. Shirreffs (my hero), Dottie, The Moss’ and all of them. I love them all for their love and care for Z and all horses. Frank is the one I hold very dear. He was the one who made it happen. I picked up leaves, a stick, and an acorn from the spot it happened. I only need to look at them or shut my eyes and joy runs through my veins.”
“He made sure I got to feel Zenyatta’s right ear graze my fingertip through the fence. It was very emotional for me. He teared up watching me. It was the highlight of my life. My dying wish was to just touch her once. I know in my heart she is the reason I am still alive today and have thus far defied the odds and what Doctors told me. She inspired me to never give up. Plus I refused to go anywhere until her story was finished. I am terminally ill and want to write to him (Frank) and tell him what that meant to me and thank him.”
She did!
As you can see from Kari’s words, I have been extremely blessed to be around so many loving and giving people. She goes on to say how so many people were there on that Sunday afternoon and I even had a cake sent to ME over the fence. So many memories…so many treasured moments…so many wonderful people.
I would like KARI’S FAMILY to know from the bottom of my heart, how much all of her kind words, love, and respect means to ME and MY TEAM. We will definitely THANK FRANK AGAIN for his thoughtfulness and helping to make something very special happen for KARI on that November day in 2010!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Blessings to KARI and HER FAMILY!)
Eveline / Maryland.
Love you Zenny!
Yeah Eveline, You are # 1 today.
Love all your posts !!!!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Thank you Zenyatta and Dottie for your blessing to Kari’s Daughter and Family – Kari is smiling from above. I know that you meant the world to her as her video’s for sure show! I hope all is well with you. Love and Hugs
When you didn’t post yesterday, I was hoping you were foaling! Thank you for the update!
Same Here!!! I hope she foals in the next couple of days!!
Me three! This waiting is difficult.
Love, love, and more love to you, beautiful Zenny. You make life so much sweeter for all of us, every day. Kisses, nose rubs, and chucks up your nose, darling girl. Prayers all around you and Tasty! hugs and kisses, h+++
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
What a beautiful moment for her. May she rest in peace.
Rip in peace Kari…
Happy Tuesday Zenny.
JAG / Grieving Auntie Judy / So. CA
Dear Karina,
I haven’t posted a comment because I’ve been in such a state of shock!!
The only words that come to mind:
How could my ♥ heart break for a friend who passed away – whom I NEVER met!
How could I cry for ♥ friend – whom I NEVER met!
How could I miss a ♥ friend – who’s voice I NEVER heard!
How do I fill the void she left behind? I will watch YOUR incredible videos of the Queen of our Hearts ♥ who brought us together: ZENYATTA!!!
Rest in peace, my friend. Please say hello to my beloved husband, ♥ John; my sister, ♥ Mary; and my beloved horse, ♥ John Henry! XOXO
Judy Maass Gadwood
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Dear Z fans,
Kari and I were also facebook friends – we had many private “chats” via fb. I’m so grateful I saved our last messages from January this year….
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Judy, your words echoed through my day today….while I never met Kari in person, I do feel like I knew her. She had that effect on people. She lived every second to the fullest because I think she held life so dear and precious, she never wasted it on pettiness or ingratitude. Not that she was a marshmallow….she could get mighty fierce and was passionate about Z! She and I actually “met” through her musical videos. I posted something at John’s YouTube channel once, which she commented on, and our friendship blossomed from there. I had commented on her videos before, but up until she tapped me on the shoulder so to speak, I did not know her “real” name. We had a connection also because we both are from Tennessee. I kept thinking and hoping that her illness would go into remission or a miracle would happen. I do recall a few months back, though, she commented ever so briefly that she had a decision to make…whether to “let nature take its course” or try something else, and the doctors were waiting on her answer. She never brought it up again, but in the back of my mind, I knew that she knew her earthly days had dwindled to a few. She seemed to pop back into our lives again for short periods with her cheerful words, and once, a few short months back, she sent me a message on FB that she had a special “present” for me. It was a sweet and very thoughtful thing that meant something personal only to me, but here was this sick girl, remembering something she knew would brighten up my world. What a lovely gift she has been to all of us, and yes, while we may not have physically met her, we knew Kari in the most important way there is to know another human being….through our hearts and our emotions. She was truly a blessing and a gift I will cherish forever. My prayers and deep sympathy go out to her family. God bless you all, Zsters, and thank you Zenny, Dottie, John, Frank and all of Barn 55, and Ann and Jerry for all your kindnesses and thoughtfulness. Hugs to all. Ann Maree
Cindy M. Ottawa, Canada
Like you Judy, I’ve never met Kari but she’ll be greatly missed.
I’m so sorry to hear of her passing, may she rest in peace.
Zenny I’m so glad you helped make her life that extra special.
You have done this selflessly for so many people… myself included.
My thoughts and prayers are with Kari’s family.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful post Judy. I feel the same way. I never met Kari or heard her voice, but I feel like I lost a dear friend. She was so special.
Linda Edwards in NJ
I feel the same way. I just learned of Kari’s passing this afternoon at work. Tears were literally pouring down my face. I too never met Kari, but just reading her posts, she seemed like such a thoughtful and caring person.
Paula Higgins
I am so shocked to see that Kari has passed away. I cannot tell you how sad this makes me. I always enjoyed reading her posts and seeing how Zenyatta lifted her up inspite of her illness. To her family: I am so sorry for your loss. I will never forget her. I believe that Kari will be an angel who will watch over Zenyatta from above. Zenyatta could not ask for a better guardian angel.
Anita in CA
I also met and knew Kari through YouTube, Facebook and emails. Many people here have said many more eloquent things about Kari than I could. But, like them, I loved Kari and am missing her so much. I will pretend for awhile that she is still here by watching her wonderful Zenyatta videos and loving expressions to myself and many others. How special is someone who can make you feel loved only by way of the Internet? Very very special. Kari, I am so happy that your dream came true. Zenny, you did indeed touch her and give her joy and love, as you have me. You are a “God Thing” for sure <3 <3 <3
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Zenyatta and Dottie – You have given many people hope and inspiration to never give up and to continue to fight on – Zenyatta, you are the GIFT that so many people look up to to gather strenght from. You mean so much to your fans – it’s truly amazing to see and hear what you mean to so many people.
Thank you for sharing Kari’s words with us – Missing you and Kari’s Gift of Love for Zenny.
Rachel from CA
Zenny, how are you going to let your team know you are ready to foal? They’ll need some time to hop on a plane and come to kentucky to be with you. I bet their bags are all packed and they’re ready to roll!
You are on our minds, that’s for sure! Wishing you all the very best in the coming days and weeks. Much, much unlimited love to you and those who take care of you,
I bet The Mosses have a web cam in their
Home like they did when Zenny was on the
Track. The Sherriffs will come over and they will
Together watch Zenny’s first goal be born;
This foal will hold lots of hopes and dreams
For it’s “family” and it’s inherited fans, through
Best wishing in a safe labor and delivery QUEEN
Of TB RACING !!!!!!
Well it isn’t like humans going into labor. Once Z’s water breaks the foal should be born within an hour.
And with Z being a first time mom LE’s isn’t exactly sure what signs Z will give ahead of time. Some mares–there milk will come in weeks ahead of time, others, not until the event or right after. Some mares drop–their foal will drop in the tummy. It would look like a bowling ball. But others don’t.
HAVE NO CONCERNS. Lane’s End monitors the mares every 15 minutes when they are outside. One sign that they look for is–is the mare leaving her paddock mate to essentially go hide? Mares usually like to foal alone. That’s an indication that they would look for.
In the barn they have a night watchman who continuously walks up and down the barn checking mares. A NIGHTWATCH PERSONS–THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. You don’t become a nightwatch person filling out an application. It takes time and loads of experience. The horses have to trust you and the owners of the mares. The Farm has to trust you. This is a job that your graced with when your born. You have the instinct and unlimited patience. Skills that can be developed and experience. But like some kids are born athletes a foaling person is born with it.
It’s certain touch and feel. It’s instinct and a feeling. You become one with the mares in the barn.
Then Z’s handlers will be called to help so that makes three people in the stall. And then they always have one or two trainees.
Lane’s End has a policy that they check the foal when the mare’s water breaks. What they are checking for is presentation. If all is as it should be–they try to leave the mare alone to foal. Best to let Mother Nature do what she does best and has been doing for eons.
We don’t talk about what if??? Brings back luck. We think positive. We believe in the power of positive thinking.
I’m sure we’ll hear lots of details about the birth when it happens. I’m guessing somewhere between Feb 26 and Mar 9. That’s day 330-342.
Coloring? Dark bay or brown
Sex? Filly
Date? Mar 3
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks Margaret for the info… Yeah, I’m thinking
a filly too. As far as the date, I have no idea, but I’d guess March 6th..
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Zenyatta you are the BEST! Love you always! ^-^
Beverly Gerth
What a touching story. Kari was truly blessed to be able to see you in person and to touch your ear. My wish is that some day I will be able to meet you, Zenyatta. I watch your races every day and the many videos of you. You are so very special and have given so much to so many people. Love you Zenyatta
Z…You truly bring happiness and hope to the world. I’m glad Kari got the opportunity to meet you. Funny how something as simple as the soft touch of your ear can move someone to tears and fill their heart with emotion. I hope to get a chance to touch your ear someday…
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
What a beautiful post!! How wonderful it was that Kari DID get to meet you and to touch you–and how wonderful of Frank to make sure that it happened. It must have meant so much to him to know how much it meant to our dear Kari.
I was stunned to read yesterday morning of her passing–I had not caught up with the Zsters part of # 440 and was so sad . All of the tributes to her on the post must have meant so much to her family. She did so much for all of us and her love and devotion for you,dear Zenny,was truly inspirational. I loved seeing the videos she put together and loved reading each of her posts. The outpouring of love on this site never ceases to amaze and inspire me and I am grateful for the blessing of connecting with you all each day. I am SO looking forward to BC 2012,I can’t tell you!!
To Kari’s Family–Thanks for sharing her with us and may you be comforted by all the love sent your way,and hers. How lovely of you to be willing to continue sharing her work with us all. I know we will all treasure each of her remaining beautiful tributes to Zenyatta.
Zenny,may you and Tasty have a lovely day reflecting on all that has been happening,as well as what is coming up for you. May there be some sun on your back and a soft breeze to ruffle you mane—LOVE YOU!!!
Joanna from TX
RIP Kari. My heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.
The racing this weekend was grand! One of my favorite grays, Dancinginherdreams, won her race (1/2 sis to the lovely Zazu). And Bob Baffert’s runners…OMG…what is he feeding those kids! Very exciting!
Have a good week everyone.
Bob Baffert had an amazing week–wonder if this set a record.
Here is what he tweeted:
What a week. Won all my races this week. I have a great team.
Later he said:
I’m taking Bode to Disneyland tomorrow. We need to celebrate our big weekend.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Joanna from Texas:
Love Dancinginherdreams too. Thanks for the update; haven’t been keeping up lately. Didn’t know she won. Hugs, JB
Thank you for the diary entry today. So glad everything is well with you. And thank you for the heartfelt thoughts for Kari. I’m so glad her dream to see you came true. An unforgettable moment, cherished forever. Anyone who has had that experience, myself included, knows how special such a moment is, and for that to have happened for Kari is lovely beyond words. Zenyatta: Pure Joy.
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
You give all of us hope, strength and inspiration. Like Kari, who left us too soon, I garner joy and happiness from you and it sustains me whenever things look dark. You are truly a blessing, dear Queen. Thank you for being You!
Hope You and Baby Z are thriving and that Tasty and her little one are equally healthy and happy. I think of you both throughout the day and pray that God blesses you both.
Love, hugs and kisses,
Patricia/Far northern CA
Kari was so brave right to the end… what an inspiration to all of us. My hearfelt hugs to all Kari’s family and close friends… and to all the Zensters who knew her only through this Diary… I echo JAG’s thoughts.
Thank you, Zenny, and Dottie, for this sad yet celebratory update. Kari will be much missed, but she’s still with us, in many ways.
Zenny, I know that baby is kicking and rolling a lot now, hang in and the little rascal will be out in the sunshine at your side very soon.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Dear Queen of my Heart ♥
I will love you! May God continue to bless you and protect you and your unborn foal…
I’m hoping PINK! :D March 9th…….. or 8th (full moon) is fast approaching! XO XO
Tummy rubs to you and TT. {{hugs}} and peppermint kisses, Zen!
Judy G
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Typo: I love you – not I “will” love you – geez jag!! lol
There angels walking among us that are disguised as people. Zenyatta, your team are those angels.
Rest in peace Kari
To Kari’s Family: You will be in our prayers and in our hearts.
sue and tony
Very well said! You wrote what is in our hearts.
Kim in Louisville
I was there too. I just wanted to get a picture of the barn where the Queen Reigned and when I saw Ann and Jerry Moss I was overjoyed to know Z was still in our presence! I saw the lady making that heart. 10 minutes later we were graced by ROYALTY! I didn’t know Kari, but she was only feet from me! Her videos on this site and always positive and uplifting words in the face of many tragedies were such an inspiration to me and I admired her from afar. I, too, feel a great sense of loss and never post, but always enjoyed what she gave us readers. I’m sure there are many like me who just graze this site and silently enjoyed all Kari provided us, and I guess I just wanted her family to know she was loved not only by her other Dumpling friends, but by many of us who probably feel it isn’t our place to post about the loss. I will miss all you graced us with Kari, and I’m sure I will get to finally meet you one day. Thank you for everything. I am a better person for having observed from afar all that you provided us on this site.
Jan S. / Houston
I was there too Kim.. What a beautiful day it was.. We saw Kari standing there with her husband, of course I didn’t know her at the time, but was a pleasure meeting her on Z’s site.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you for sharing, Kim.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kim in Louisville:
Lovely post. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What a lovely post, Kim. Thank you for sharing.
Marshall (in NC)
Dear Kim in Louisville,
Thank you for the very lovely post. Kari has touched us all with her angelic spirit and strength. The loss is felt by Z’s readers and posters alike — the silent fans belong to the legion of Z’sters, too. Love and hugs, always.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Rest in peace, Kari. You will always be in our hearts.
A Birthday Poem for Lisa in Tennessee
(February 21, 2012)
This is the time of year,
We hear,
Favored by Lisa in Tennessee—
Why should that be,
You ask?
Well, one reason
Is that it’s foaling season!
For twenty-six years
It’s been her joyful task
To be there
For many a mare
As they their babies did bear,
And then to see
Each little one
Take its first steps on earth.
How magical this miracle of birth!
That’s reason aplenty
For her to celebrate.
But also we’ve been told
That the date
Lisa herself was “foaled”
Was on this very day of February—
Another reason for her to be merry!
As I in her comments do read,
Her focus this spring will be new:
Since Lisa decided last year
No more horses to breed,
’Round her there won’t be any
Splendidly pedigreed.
Instead, Lisa herself will dedicate
To a different goal:
The rescue
Of the more than a few
Equines in need.
Instead of breeding,
She’ll help with feeding
Equines who have lost their home
And would, without help, be alone.
She’ll find them new human friends
So they won’t meet
Unfortunate ends.
That surely deserves a cheer,
So hoof, hoof, hoof-ray
For this dear
Lisa’s a birthday girl today
To whom I’d like to convey
This poem as a birthday bouquet!
Happy Birthday, Lisa, and many more!
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday, Lisa!
Another wonderful one, Trina!
Blessings and love to everyone
Especially Horses / Southern California
Happy Birthday Lisa.
Trina, another wonderful heartfelt poem for all to enjoy.
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Lisa..
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Hope it’s a happy day!
Great poem, Trina!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Happy Birthday Lisa and many more! Trina another great one, don’t know how you do it. Hugs
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Happy B-day to my friend, Lisa! Many hugs to you and yours truly! Sending you the best b-day wishes possible, your way! Hugs, DD :)
Eveline / Maryland.
Happy Birthday Lisa! Thumbs up Trina.
Wonderful poem today Trina, your talent shines
through and we are so very lucky to have you
share it with us.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday Lisa! And a high hoof for Trina for another splendid poem!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA!!! How amazing it must have been to witness the miracle of so many sweet little lives arriving in this world. Your new mission to help equines in need as much as you can is wonderful. I wish you the very best. High Hoof!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trina, your poem is wonderful!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Happy Happy Birthday Lisa !!
Lovely Peom Trina
Marshall (in NC)
Great poem, Trina!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! February is a great birthday month! Hugs!
Zenny you have inspired so many people. You are truly a blessing from God. As always I would like to thank Jerry and Ann for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of Zenyatta’s life, John and Dottie for the posts and pictures while always looking out for her best intrest, Mario, Carmon, and Steve for the care you gave her while at Barn 55, also a big Thank You to Charles, Sarah, David and everyone else at Lanes End for the continued care you give to our Queen. Zenny I hope you and Tasty have a great day as you prepare for the arrival of the Little Prince or Princess. LOL from Tennessee.
Ingrid Arnone
I am such sentimental person, I think this is the reason I love Zenyatta so much because everything about her and her team is kindness, what can I say about her fans, I do not have words to express the way they are. Dear Kari RIP.
Time is too slow for those who wait
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, time is eternity.
Hours fly, flowers die,
New days, new ways pass by, love stays.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ingrid Arnone.
Maryp (New York)
Beautiful, Ingrid.
Elizabeth in NM
Ingrid, such a beautiful poem. Agree with you about ZENNY and her Family’s kindness. The loving connectedness that Zenny (and Dottie and John, and The Moss’s and everyone who has and is taking care of her) is something so special and amazing. Thank You Zenny’s Family for this loving and kind and inspiring experience that we share almost daily. May God bless you all in every part of your lives.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Lovely sentiments and very true. Thanks, Ingrid!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid Arnone:
Beautiful words. Thank you so much. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What a beautiful post, Ingrid. Thank you.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Happy Birthday, Lisa, and once again, thank you, Trina!
@Dottie and Zenny–thank you so much for the lovely, heartfelt post today. We who are privileged to meet here daily share something very rare in today’s world, and I am so grateful.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I agree wholeheartedly Barbara, very rare indeed and so very special!!
Karen Gogue
This had me bawling for 10 minutes again at my computer – thank you Jack, she WAS “Simply the Best!’
jackmwolf has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Karen….. My final tribute to Kari Bussell for all the work she did in entertaining Z’s fans! May Zenyatta’s spirit eternally shine on her and may she rest in peace…Amen
Zenyatta – At Lane’s End Farm – Simply the Best 2010- She Rocks
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karen, thank you so much for sharing that with us it’s absolutely “simply the best”. To see her running free in that huge paddock, tail flagging, squealing with delight, just gives me goosebumps! Hugs
sharon in seattle
Sue F. — goosebumps ALL OVER!! My heart just melts when I see Zenny and Mario together. What an amazing relationship they had!
I’m thinking of Kari, her family and all Z-sters today, hoping we can all be consoled somewhat knowing what a bright spirit Kari shared with us.
Paula Higgins
Yes Sharon, well said. Kari was a very bright spot. A source of joy even though she was sick. I hope when my time comes, I can show half the courage and spirit Kari did.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Absolutely love this video. Whenever I need a lift, I watch it. Thank you for posting the link. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Zenny,
I thought you planning something very special
Today for Kari. Although she will not see your goal,
She has seen you and in spirit she will be with you
When your foal is born. Such a very lovely lady, Kari
Bussell. Thanks to you and Team Z and LE for giving
Us all an opportunity to share our dreams, hopes, tragedies
And delights together on this site. Have a great day
Zenny and Tasty, too
RiP Kari, Condolences to your family and friends. Zenyatta, you and your team have touched so many lives..we are all so fortunate to have you and each other.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Zenny, so good everything is okay with you, and what a lovely post in tribute to our Kari……thank you Dottie, you’re the best. I am so happy she had this special moment with you that lifted her spirits and made her forget about her illness. A very special lady meeting a very special horse! And when your foal decides to come not only will you have all the knowledgeable people at LE and your team, but your very own Angel to watch over you. We needn’t worry at all, your going to have the best team possible, and that goes for Tasty too. Love you special girl and your special Angel too!
Kisses on your noses and Kari’s too. Auntie Sue
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
So true, Kari will be watching. Thank you sue for the lovely thought.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue, Kari will be a very special presence at Zenny’s blessed event.
Trisha from VA
Aaahhh, as always such kindness from you and your wonderful team.
I hope you had a great week end, We received our first snow of the season and if i looked at the radar correctly you should have received a few inches also. So pretty to watch .
I have a video for everyone , especially for Mosses and Sherriffs. It reminds me so much of how gentle you are. Enjoy!
Love hugs and kisses
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Trisha, aaaaaaaaaaaaaw too cute! Two of my favorite animals. Thanks for sharing. Hugs
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Yes, aaawwwwwwwwwwww! What a precious video! I got kicked outof this post, couldn’t get back, but this was well worth it!! Thanks
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Tender puppy love! Too cute! Thanks, Trisha!
Gary Moulton
@Trina, I’m surprized you didn’t comment one my t “”ANIMAL KINGDOM” post on #440. I need someone to check my spelling and gramer.
Debbie G/Kentucky
That is such a sweet video! That puppy is just too precious for words.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trisha from VA.:
Have seen this wonderful video before. Thank you for posting it. Just Too Cute. Hugs, JB
AJ from CA
Trisha – really adorable puppylove video!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trisha, thank you so much for sharing this link. I had seen it before and really loved it. Finally got it saved to favorites. So very adorable!
Cheryl Smith
Kari was a wonderful person and her love for you is how we met. I pray for her family!
We all know she will be looking down on you from heaven. She made several spectacular videos on you tube of and about you!
Zenyatta, we love you!