Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Doreen in CT
@Kari B’s daughter – I am saddened to hear that Kari passed away. I want to send my condolences to you and your family. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Kari was an inspiration and her thoughtfulness and love for Zenyatta were boundless. I enjoyed watching her beautiful videos and I’m looking forward to seeing the new videos when the time is right. Take care of yourself and your family and remember we are here for you.
Lisa in TN
Firt of all Kari’s daughter, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. When I lost my brother it was the loving support of family and friends that got my parents and brother and I through it. Just know that this group of people will give you that. Just like Zenyatta and her team they are extrodinary in their ability to give. Just like your mother. My deepest condolences.
On another note. Judy from SC I couldn’t agree more. It is no longer about just winning the race, but about how fast they can get it done at the horses expense. In human studies tests have found that 72% of the total variation in BMD (bone mass density) is accounted for through familial factors. I am sure with all animals it is pretty much the same. If they want so much speed go by a race car! It breaking down is no big deal, just new parts!!!!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
To Kari B’s Family & friends. I was very shocked & saddend to hear the news of Kari passing. My heart goes out to all her family & friends. I enjoyed her videos & her love for animals. It takes a very special person to be able to touch so many people the way she did. Thank you Zenyatta for bringing her into our lives!
Eveline / Maryland.
This is an interesting article on two year olds and racing. http://www.horsetalk.co.nz/news/2012/02/169.shtml
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Eveline:
Do they race only on grass in New Zealand as they do in England and Ireland?Just wondering if these stats reflect just grass or dirt racing too. Hugs, JB
Eveline / Maryland.
Judy, interesting question. I’ve never been to New Zealand, but I assume it’s turf racing. I don’t think there’s much dirt racing outside the States. Dubai is synthetic now ,so are quite a few new tracks in England. Maybe someone has some answers on this.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Eveline:
Thank you. Would be interesting to know if all the two year olds studied ran races only on grass. Hugs, JB
Dear Kari B daughter,
Thank you do much for the lovely post today.
I agree your mother never knew how many of
Us she touched with her special talents. You were
So very lucky to have a wonderful supportive mother
Who loved you unconditionally with all her heart.
We will miss her so much; may your pain and sorrow
Ease with every day and look forward to hearing
From you when you are ready.
@ Kari B Daughter, So sorry to hear about the loss of Kari in this life. But looking forward to meeting her in the next. She was a wonderful, loving person. I am so thankful for the videos she shared with us all. She brought joy and inspiration. God bless and comfort you. Love, Arlene
Abigail from Montreal
To Kari B’s daughter & family:
I just wanted to say that I echo the feelings already expressed here by all of us who will always think of you, your mother, your father and Kari’s family, including her two dogs who she loved so very much as family. Your generosity in responding to our grief and memories of your moma at this difficult time has moved me beyond words.
Please know that I am always here for you, as are the rest of Kari’s honorary family members, including Zenyatta.
I hope that you will stop by again and I will always look forward to hearing from you. My thoughts and warmest embrace accompany this note. Much, much love.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Kari’s family, Cynthia, Z fans. I just found out about Kari’s passing. I’m typing through the tears. Like so many of us, I didn’t know Kari personally, had never talked to her on the phone, but did swap e-mails with her trying to figure out how to put together a Z video to Pavarotti’s Nesum Dorma. It was fund trying to do this. I’ve always looked for Kari’s posts and never missed one of her videos. What a gift she had to put those pictures/videos to music. It’s something I’ve never figured out how to do. She has moved on beyond pain and suffering now. Her spirit and courage live on in each one of us that remembers her. RIP, Kari, dear sweet soul…..
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta:
I remember exchanges between you and Kari B about doing a Z video to Nessun Dorma (love that song and Pavarotti so much). Did Keri ever do a video of Z to that song? How powerful would that be! Would love to see it if it was done and you have access to post it. Love and Hugs, JB
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
I don’t believe she ever figured out how to get the video of Pavarotti off of Youtube, so, as far as I know she never did that video. I wish I was even somewhat familiar with this process so that I could do that as a type of memorial to Kari. I wouldn’t even know where to start with it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon:
I have no idea either how to make a video. But, you are so right. A video of Z to Nessun Dorma by Pavarotti would be such a wonderful tribute to Kari. Maybe somebody will read our posts and know how to do it. Love and Hugs, JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
Bullet work by Havre de Grace.
Marilu V
Hello Zenny!
I would like to Thank everyone for their kind thoughts on the passing of my mom. It is good to be home. It has been a very long and stressful month for me. Arrived safely and trying to get my life back to normal.
Thanks again for your thoughts and concern.
Zenny, you and Tasty are in my prayers every day for a safe and easy delivery.
Hugs, Marilu
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marilu V.:
Glad you’re safely back home. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Marilu,
I am so glad that you are back safe and sound. I know this has been a very difficult time for you and my thoughts and prayers have been with you. Hopefully time spent in the arms of your family and wonderful memories shared have helped with the healing process. Welcome back!
Take care,
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Marilu V.–Welcome back! I know this has been an exhausting experience for you. Hope you can get some rest now and recoup. Easier said than done.
I was just looking at the number of posts here and the outpouring of love for Kari. It is mind-boggling to me that we would have missed out on the BLESSING that she brought to us all, if it weren’t for this diary. We all need each other, and I hope everone here knows that we are all available (no matter how often you post) when you need us for support. Love you ALL!
One day closer to foaling…as Terry C. says, we’ll eventually get back to the task at hand…….
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Well said, Barbara <3
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta and Z Fans:
Don’t know if you’ve seen this video. It’s of Mikey and Z to the song “We Are The Champions” by Queen. Hugs, JB
Judy from South Carolina
Being one of the more “newbies” here, I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Kari as the rest of you. Thank you to Trina and Delrene for a couple of emails a month or so ago for getting me up to speed on Kari and the terrible tragedy she was so bravely fighting.
I have gone back to the archives since I learned of her passing so now I feel some of the loss that all of you have expressed here. What a beautiful spirit she was and my beliefs (I, too, have American Indian in my heritage) put her safely in the arms of the afterlife where she will continue to shine her light and we will all continue to “feel” her all around us always.
To you, HER DAUGHTER — losing a Mother is one of life’s deepest sorrows. From my own experience of losing MY beloved mother, the only thing that I can offer you is to embrace the mother/daughter bond that you shared and know that it can never be broken even in death. She lives on in you as she does in your children and their children and the children of future generations. Keep her memory alive and she will never truly be gone. Talk about her, tell favorite stories about her, remember her with a smile. “One that is loved so much remains in our hearts forever and is never really gone.”
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family members. Deepest condolences.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Judy from South Carolina:
Beautiful post. My sister and I lost our Mother many years ago and we still talk to her in our daily prayers. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Wonderful post Judy
stephanie in San Diego
Judy in SC,
What wonderful word to Kari’s daughter and to all who have lost ones they love. Simply beautiful. Thank You.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Judy, what a beautiful post.
Janie (in L.A.)
So sorry to hear about Kari’s passing. Her love for Zenyatta saw her through some very trying times and I think it’s wonderful she was so inspired by our darling girl that we all love so much. Rest in peace Kari.
@ Kari’s daughter, I have been out of town for a few days and just learned of Kari’s passing. Your mother was a true inspiration to everyone that has come to know her through our Zenyatta web site. I had another connection with your mother, we both bleed orange. I am sure that she is in heaven pulling for her Vols and watching over Queen Z and Tasty. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, may God Bless each of you .
Zenyatta I hope you and Tasty have a great afternoon. LOL from Tennessee.
Marty R / Colorado
I love words, but am not a wordsmith as so many here are. I am amazed that Kari’s daughter responded to our expressions of sadness while we were trying to help her and her family. I’m going to try to follow her suggestion of what her moma would want us to do and mention something about this past weekend’s racing.
I love the Tapit fillies, Zazu, Joyful Victory and Dancinginherdreams. They all had some physical difficulties last year, but this is a new year. Yesterday Dancinginherdreams won her race at Gulfstream. Hooray!! Joyful Victory had also won not long ago. Now I’m waiting for more news about Zazu. I think most of us here are fond of her. Does anyone know if she has started having any workouts on the track?
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I haven’t seen any workouts posted on her FB page but she returned to the track around the end of January so she has probably just been jogging and galloping so far. I would expect to see her on the work tab pretty soon.
Linda M
Dear Zeenny, Team Z, TT, and Zensters – so much to catch up on as I was traveling all last week.
First off – Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!! http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=3380583852645&source=jl999
Wow Z – statue of YOU! Now that is an accomplishment and tribute to everything you, your team, and all that you hav collectively accomplished. I always think of statues as an artistic expression of greatness and a contribution that ensures the memory lives on. Such a wonderul thing for all of us to experience YOUR GREATNESS in our lifetime – another unbelievable way Queen Z leaves her mark!
I do hope in the final weeks until Baby Z you continue to feel well, have some girl-talk with TT, and you are looking forward to this next trajectory of your life – Motherhood.
With special Valentine’s Day Love, Linda & George
Eveline / Maryland.
What a lovely card Linda, when this diary started you introduced me to Jaquie Lawsons’ cards and I’ve been using them a lot. Thank you so much!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for that card, Linda, it was wonderful with a horse. I always like JacquieLawson cards, it’s hard to argue with such class!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Linda, I enjoyed your card very much, Happy Heart Day, back to you! Thank you!
Just a reminder for those living near Sacramento CA and intending to go the Twin Peaks hearing. This was originally scheduled for Thurs but has been forward to Fri morning at 10 am. Court opens at 9 am and you need a picture ID to get into the courthouse. Please allow enough time to go through security. Also electronics will be severely limited so it’s best to leave at home.
Please come and support the wild horses and burros. BLM is expected to be there in full force cause they have an office in Sacramento.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Anybody else wondering why we haven’t heard from Zenny yet today??
Marty R / Colorado
Bobbie, I believe it’s because today is President’s Day, making this a three day weekend.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I thought of that after I wrote the email. I thought maybe Zen was busy in the foaling barn.
Thanks for the reminder.
Bobbie its still to early! I know–Feb 26 seems so close but horses are differentthan people. They don’t do well as premies. So honestly we don’t want to hear a thing before 6 days from now!
OMG are we that close! Yikes! I just spent two and a half days on foal watch! What an incredible experience it was.
One thing to keep in mind AND THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, Z is a maiden mare–never having given birth before. This means no one knows for sure exactly what indications she’ll give that she’s about to deliver.
Have no fear. She is being monitored when she’s outside EVERY 15 mins. Mares usually go off by themselves to give birth. The minute someone sees this happening–help will be there.
You can’t count on milk showing up beforehand. Some mares there milk will come in just before or after delivery. And the baby won’t necessarily drop.
I know how scary all this sounds. It’s a part of this whole breeding thing and watching new life come into this world.
I know placing your trust in people you don’t know sounds backwards. We’ve been taught not too. But in this case we have TO TRUST THE MOSS’s, JOHN AND DOTTIE AND ESPECIALLY LANE’s END. This is what they do. Maybe there not use to such a high profile mare but watching, assisting, training new help–this is the cycle of Lane’s End. They know what there doing. You have to trust the system.
About prayer and thinking good thoughts–absolutely. Some of us don’t pray but feel thinking good thoughts is perfectly acceptable. Whatever your belief system–Z could certainly use those good and positive vibes. They won’t hurt a thing and who knows–it might help!
Abigail from Montreal
I’m tempted to say because you are all supposed to be on holiday today. But then there’s another part of me that knows John & Dottie are grieving for our sweet Kari too. Tomorrow’s post will be hard for Zen-Dottie to write……
stephanie in San Diego
Dear Kari’s Daughter… As you know, we all cared deeply for your Mom.
And…I know your Mom cared deeply for all creatures. Making a donation in memory of your Mom, will be a complete honor. I don’t know how to express the warmth, joy, fun, determination and peace that she was able to exude through a piece of equipment (ie computer), that touched us all, but she did. God Bless You and your family. With Love and In Prayer. Stephanie
Debbie G/Kentucky
That’s a great idea Stephanie
Perky Green
Good Morning Beautiful, hope all is well with you and Tasty as well. Just waiting to hear of any late breaking news with regards to our Baby Girl. Will check back later.in the mean time have a plesant day ladies LOTS’O’LOVE
Especially Horses / Southern California
To Kari B’s daughter: I’ve been out of town and away from this site. It was with sadness I read about the passing of your mother. While I never met her in person, the moniker (Kari B) was like a familiar friend. Her posts and expressions of love for Zenyatta will be sorely missed.
I had some comments I was planning to share with my Z friends today, but I don’t feel like sharing them right now. I will wait and post them later this week.
margie from So. Cal.
Kari’s Daughter, family and friends, my deepest sympathy for the loss of your beloved Kari. And, we on this site lovingly refer to her as our Kari. At first I was startled by my reaction to reading the news – an immeidate sense of loss, grief, and many tears. Why is this happening over someone I have never met? And then I knew why. Kari, through her posts and loving videos, allowed me (us) to know her. We met an amazing woman with a kind and generous spirit. We felt her passion for all animals, and certainly her shared love of our Zenyatta. She spoke to our hearts with her gifts of Zenny videos, with her caring replies to Z’ers, by her staggering courage in all that she endured in the past few years. She was a gift to this world, and now she is a gift to Heaven. You, as her family, had the ultimate blessing of her in your lives. I know you will carry her in your hearts forever and treasure your sweet and precious memories. I knew your sweet Kari only through her posts and videos, but feel blessed, as well. To Cynthia, I understand and feel your 12th Heart. I know this is a difficult time for you and will pray for comfort for you as well as for Kari’s family. Bless you all…
“God saw her getting tired and a cure not meant to be, so He put His arms around her, and whispered “Come with Me.” Soar with the Angels, and rest in the arms of the Lord, dear Kari.
Love, Margie
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Margie, that is what I wish I could have thought of to say. Thank you.
margie from So. Cal.
Susan, thank you, but those are not my words. It’s only part of a beautiful poem that my family and I used when we lost our mother 4 years ago (on Christmas Eve). It was so perfect for her. While her mind was strong, her body was just so tired from battling her heart problems. She always bounced back, but it was different her last trip to the hospital. We brought Mom home on Friday, and she left us on Monday. I thought it was appropriate for Kari, too, as she had fought the good fight always, and her body was just exhausted from her battles. Sue Fredrick – Wisconsin, thanks for posting more of this fitting poem.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Margie, I was typing that up at the same time you must have been writing your post……..how amazing is that!!! You are so right, it fit for Kari as it did for your mom, and my mom who battled cancer and at the end her body was just too tired. We all share so much on this website, the heartaches as well as the blessed moments. Hugs Sue
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Margie and Sue Fredrick; Such beautiful words left here for Kari’s daughter. I was lucky to have my mother here for almost 91 years. Suddenly she had problems, and was told she had lung cancer and went very quickly on February 17th, four years ago. I still talk to my mother and even think sometimes whether she would approve of a recent purchase!! (February 17th is my husbands birthday)
hugs, Sally
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Margie, such beautiful words for a beautiful friend.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
For Kari’s daughter and family,
God saw you were getting tired and a cure was not to be,
So he put his arms around you and whispered “come to me.”
With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away,
Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to us……
Prabhakar Pillai
Hugs and much love to you, Sue
Susan Carothers (in TN)
That’s beautiful, Sue.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
Beautiful. That is one of my favorite memorial prayers. Hugs, JB
Debbie G/Kentucky
Absolutely beautiful, Sue.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you–lovely!
margie from So. Cal.
Sue Fredrick- You’re right, amazing, and we do all share so much here. I think it’s because our hearts are so open and that enables us to “feel” each other. All for the love of a horse who was born with angels wings and the gift of seeing our hearts. Amazing! Hugs to you!
I think Dottie isn’t posting Z’s diary today because of holiday. She’ll probably resume tomorrow! ;=)
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Z family and Zfriends. I was trying to catch up and read the posts and links today and from the weekend. I also decided to look at a few of Kari’s videos just to lift my spirits . I found this one also. Not by Kari but someone else and the footage is new to me. It’s really pretty neat. Kari would approve!
I know. The memorial poem posted today is beautiful. Thank you so much.
Z- I hope you are enjoying President’s Day with TT and Lane’s End folks.
I hope it opens up for those who might be interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICT7sofhMuA&feature=endscreen&NR=1
Marty R / Colorado
Delrene, Thank you for sharing this.
Eveline / Maryland.
Thanks Delrene, I hadn’t seen that one.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Delrene, it was more memorable, as I was there on her Farewell day. Just being able to see the great Zenyatta up close (10 ft.), I will never forget.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Delrene, Kari would most definitely approve. Amazing video, brought tears! Thank you for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene:
Really enjoyed this video. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
I just found this on Zenny’s YouTube Channel. VERY short but REALLY sweet.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Abilgail; Very cute video! I needed another one, thanks.
Thank you, Abigail. This is a wonderful video of Z. She is perfection.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, I always loved this one. Makes you feel like you are right there. Your posts this weekend have been very special!!
Carole #42 / Wisconsin
Kari B. daughter and family.
I just heard about your dear mothers passing, so sad as I enjoyed her posts and videos. May she rest in peace. Prayers for you and your family, Take care. Please visit Z’s site when you need us. We will look forward to your posts and videos.