Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Lois Gillespie/DE
Just now reading all the posts about Kari B. My deepest sympathy to her daughter (how brave of her to let us know!) and all her family, as well as her special friends and Z family here. Again those who come here to celebrate Zenyatta lift each other up in time of need. What a special place-
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi loveable Z; I would love to watch those soft clouds with you. We can tell each other what animals or objects they look like. That has always been fun. Some day, I will just have to get out there for the FOOTHILL views, Santa Anita and most importantly, YOUR Statue!!!!!!
Yes, sweetie, stay calm and relaxed and all will happen when nature says so. You will be blessed , and I am loving this thought. Good luck to Black Caviar.
love u, hugs, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Cynthea (twelveh heart) and the Kennedys
They say time heals all wounds but before that time comes, bless you both during this difficult time of loss.
I know part of my heart would be gone, missing, if I were to lose my dearest friend.
Cynthea, I understand. We are all here with open hearts and friendship.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I just now learned of our dear, sweet Kari’s passing. What a huge loss this is. She was such a sweet, caring, funny soul. I will miss joking back and forth with her about her beloved Tennessee Volunteers and Lady Vols. But mostly I will miss her warmth and spirit. To her daughter, husband, grandchildren, Cynthia, Stephanie and all of those who loved her, may you find comfort knowing that she is not suffering any longer and that she is now watching over us. May she rest in peace.
Terry Crow
Debbie-I have been playing Rocky Top for two days now.
Gloria Jeanne - In The "O.C." SO CAL
another video by Kari – wow
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Gloria Jeanne:
Thank you for the video. So beautiful. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Gloria, how can I copy this link? Need you help? Ingrid.
Gloria Jeanne - In The "O.C." SO CAL
Just take your cursor and highlight the link – right click your mouse – select copy and then open the page you would like to paste the link in – then right click your mouse and select paste. That shoul work.
You can also go to the YouTube page and look up Zenyatta – there are a lot of videos and tributes there, there are also some videos on Zenyatta’s Facebook Page – just go to the videos link.
Hope this helps – Hugs to Everyone
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thank you Gloria Jeanne; WOW Kari always choose th best music to accompany the greatest horse, Zenyatta’s videos. I was so fond of Andy Williams songs.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Another wonderful video of Zenyatta by Kari B. Hugs, JB
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
At this very sad time I see a little something to be joyful about. It looks as if the Iowa eagles have an egg. One of the birds, probably Mom, is sitting. I shall try to pay a little more attention to them now, there will probably be more eggs in the next few days.
Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty Zenny.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
In regard to what I posted earlier concerning the mare at the feedlot in Canada, I just learned that Mindy Lovell, who has helped with rescues before, is taking pledges, The total needed is $500. I sent a donation through my PayPal acct. to her e-mail at
mindylovell@hotmail.ca. She is in Ontario. Sorry to muddle everyone’s remembrances of Kari, but I don’t think she would mind a bit. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Hugs.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
WOW! Back so soon, Just heard from Mindy that enough has already been pledged for “bail” and transport. May need a little later for vet checkup. This lovely mare can be viewed on the Equi-Army FB page. She has a foal who was black type. So thankful to report some good news for a change.
Vickie A Dana Point
Karen Gogue broken hearted
Karen … I have been reading the posts on the Z site this weekend regarding the passing of Kari Bussell. I am amazed at how perfect strangers little more than a year and a half ago have now become intimate friends and have poured out their hearts for this lovely, courageous woman. Her postings and creative videos were a highlight of the site and I’m certain were well received by Dottie & the rest of the Zenyatta family.
All of this would not have been possible of course if not for the initiative of Dottie in recognizing the popularity of this horse and what her exploits meant to an entire country. Zenyatta created instant fans and now one of them has left the club, but make no mistake the first chapter of the “Departed fans of Z” has already been organized by Kari and St. Peter will be the first member!
To you and all the other folks who were touched so deeply by Kari I offer my heartfelt sympathy. She is at peace now, free from pain and sending her affection down to all of you.
Best Regards,
Jack Wolferseder
Ballston Spa, N.Y.
Stephanie in San Diego
Thanks for sharing this letter Karen. xoxo
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for sharing. Hugs.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Jack and Karen. How cheering to think about Kari organizing a Zenyatta Fan Club in heaven, carrying on her earthly work on yet a higher plane. High hoof!
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Queen-Z & Team-Z,
Thanks for the up-date on how your pregnancy is going. It won’t be long now.
Have a relaxing weekend. Hugs to you all, and Tasty and her Team-TT.
Fondly, OraJean
Abigail from Montreal
Good night my sweet Zenny. My but it’s been a hard weekend for all of us to bear, but knowing that tomorrow brings a new day with all of its blessings, including you in our lives, is just what Kari would wish, I know.
@ Kari’s Daughter: I realize that I said nothing about Kari’s note to me — “I will take care of Jericho” — when I sent you my condolences above. I hope you will return here to read this more recent message.
As many of the Zen-sters know, My Jericho was a Spirit Dog and when he left my son & I in his bodily form, I wrote his Spirit Dog story on my horse racing blog, THE VAULT. Your mother read it and loved the narrative and we spoke about it after she sent me the note that I posted above, shortly after you wrote to tell us of your moma’s passing.
I speak to Jericho every night and I wanted you to know that I asked him to take care of Kari for us all. I know he will. Like Kari, Jericho was an old, wise soul. And he will be there with Kari until forever and beyond time.
I don’t know if the following will bring you comfort, but your mother’s key thought after reading it was, “I Believe.” I share the story of Jericho with you at this time when we all need to call on our belief, get up on its broad back and ride with it:
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful touching story (again). I wasn’t “tuned in” the first time (and from all the familiar names on the comments, there must have been a first time). I believe too. I know it sounds strange, but after my first cat, Tibby, died following several years with both cardiomyopathy and a GI lymphoma, I could feel her jump on the bed sometimes at night.
As always, your words are beautiful and captivating, and I appreciate your letting us get to know Jericho at this sad time.
Terry Crow
Abigail-Near the end my old hound’s back legs were not working properly so at night I carried her upstairs so she could share the bed. She weighed about 60 pounds so once in a while I would complain about it. After she passed, I felt like biting my tongue off. I wish I could carry her upstairs just one more time.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I much enjoyed reading that again, Abigail. Jericho was quite a dog. Thanks.
Actually this past week has been GREAT for the wild horses! Laura Leigh won in Court for her First Amendment Rights that affect every single American.
Then a whole bunch of horses got a reprieve in WY. Details escape me at the moment but you can read about them at RTFitch.com . Also the Thecloudfoundation.org may have some info for you.
The other news is that the Twin Peaks Case in Sacramento CA that was suppose to be heard on Thurs afternoon has been pushed back to Fri at 10 am. That’s this coming Fri.
On Fri night–two nights ago I got to witness online the birth of a baby Gypsy Vanner filly. It was magical. In retrospect I think both the filly and Kari were transitioning at the same time and some where met up for a brief moment or two.
And undoubtedly Kari is with Z’s baby awaiting her turn in this life. She’s helping her prepare for her trip through birthdom…
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Margaret.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautifully said, dearest Abigail, as always. Your posts are a treasure, as are you.
Louise Castello
Abigail, This story of your beautiful spirit dog, Jericho, is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read! I’m so afraid of losing my own senior dog, that I feel I’m not enjoying my days with him, just worrying about him and dreading his ever leaving. Jericho’s story has given me great hope that his spirit will stay
Louise Castello
Oops, I hit submit too soon! Again, thank you so much for sharing your spirit dog with us!
There is going to be a movie on
“Eight Bells”
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Any other info.?
Dear Zenny
Thanks do much to you and Dottie, your voice,
Who brought everyone together on this site
To develop special friendships and a supportive
Network for helping others deal with difficult situations
Which become easier with all of the special people
On this site. Hope you and Tasty had a wonderful weekend
Relaxing and waiting for the birth of your little ones.
Elizabeth in NM
ZENNY, such anticipation for You and Tasty! It’s been such a hard weekend for us all with the news of Kari. God gives hope, though, and glimpses of future’s bright promise … awaiting your Baby Z and Tasty’s Baby T.
Please tell Your Family in CA, Your Moss’s and John and Dottie and everyone at Barn 55 and Lane’s End how much they all mean to us. Please thank them for me for giving Your Fan Family such a voice in Your life and in the lives of so many others who care so much for You and for all of Your Family, especially right now – Your Fan Family.
I’ve never been a part of of such sharing and caring and love with ‘family’ with whom I’ve not yet met in person, but have gotten to know and care about through ‘letters of love’.
My prayers for you and everyone on your website is for many of God’s blessings for health and love and faith and happiness, and especially for comfort for Kari’s Family.
I heard today in church that we all yearn to rescue through our love. It is so true. So my wish tonight and for the future is that we all rescue each other and all of the animals in our lives who also need rescuing.
Love and Blessings from above to our awesome Creator and to everyone here on Zenny’s website, with borrowed other hearts ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ …. Elizabeth
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Haven’t posted in a while but just found out about Kari (thanks Susan for posting on Chester and Friends). I can hardly type through the tears – like so many, I was praying that she could see Z’s foal. So many others have expressed what she meant to us – I won’t even try. I think the fact that the passing of someone that I have never met – never had a conversation with could move me to such sadness speaks volumes. My sincere sympathy to all the family including Cynthia. Kari will always be a part of what makes this site so very special.
Good evening Zee & Tee,
And Lindsey Vonn clinched her fifth consecutive World Cup downhill crown Saturday. Yea, Lindsey :) :)
And here’s some awsome pics from Barbara Livingston
don’t they make you a little bit jealous;)
Kim S in Tampa FL
Kari B’s daughter, husband, grandchildren, Cynthia and Stephanie–I was so very shocked when I read the email from Trina. Sending sincere condolences on the loss of your mother, wife, Nana and friend. She was and is truly an inspiration too all of us here. Sharing in your sorrow and rejoicing in the memories that she has left for us.
Lots of Z love to you.
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
I am posting this for my respected and cherished friend, Trina:
Dear Friends,
The address I have from September (their new apartment) is:
Karina Bussell
523 Morrell Rd Apt D52
KNOXVILLE, TN, 37919-5864
At the moment I don’t recall if she ever mentioned her hubby’s name.
Cynthia e-mailed me today—she is coping. She suggests we wait for Kari’s wishes to be made know in the coming days.
Love to all,
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
For clarification, I did not supply Kari’s private address. My exact wording regarding possible memorial remembrances for Kari is as follows: “Everyone at this time feels so devastated, and so eager to do something to express their feelings about Kari and to honor her. My own feeling is, that if we be but patient and wait for a time, Kari’s wishes in this regard may become apparent.”
Sometimes, information passed through several hands gets a bit muddled in the translation!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia:
Thank you. We will wait for further word. Hugs, Judy and Russ
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thank you, I will keep this address and will wait to here if Kari has any requests in her memory. I have a feeling it may have something to do with horses! you think!??
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
We’ve just discovered that Kari’s husband’s name is Barry…should have been included in the message above–
carol in utah
Watching CSI Miami….its the one with Finders Key from Warhorse…they dyed him a darker Colorado for his role
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I was watching and when I saw the horse, I said: “That’s Finder’s Key!” Low and behold, there was Bo Derek too!! They both did fabulous!
carol in utah
Color not Colorado……….its this spell check thing…makes me Frazier than normal
carol in utah
Not Frazier…crazier
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
Gary Moulton
Amongst the animal kingdom,
Humans just ad-lib.
We sacrifice for their care,
So we all can live.
We do the donkey work,
And have a little fun.
We drink the same water,
And flourish from the sun.
If all the animals in the world,
Turned against man kind.
We would most likely face,
A stoppage of time.
The beginning of a war,
People could not overcome.
For if the animals win,
We will all be done.
But if the masses prevail,
We wouldn’t be the pray.
But then we wouldn’t eat,
So we lose either way!
Here in GOD’s Kingdom,
The burden is a ton.
Until there is no other choice,
Strive to be the one!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great poem, Gary.
Diana Stuart
@ To All: My final post for this sad weekend comes from the card I just put in the mail. As soon as I read it, I felt it was the perfect one to send.
“By love, she is remembered, and in memory she lives. Hold on to the thought that a life lived with so much love never really ends, but goes on forever in the hearts of those who remember.”
Forever sweet Kari. Forever.
diastu in tempe
Marshall (in NC)
To all of Kari B.’s family (including her beloved dogs,too) and friends: Please know that my thoughts and prayers are added to those already sent from our Zenyatta site. Kari was our shining light! We always looked forward to her posts, and of course, her wonderful videos of Zenyatta warmed our hearts. Her words brightened our days.
She shines still, and we will always love her. Remember your dear moma, wife, grandmother, and friend continues to watch over you, and there is no more illness.
Take care of each other, and visit us here whenever you need hugs.
Marshall (in NC)
Hope you and Tasty will have an enjoyable week!
Goodnight and sweet dreams to both of you. Hugs and kisses, too.
Kari B.s daughter
Thank you for sharing you loving thoughts and feelings about my Moma. She would have been overwhelmed. I am certain she would have contacted Cynthia to seek her wisdom how to respond. She is the only one moma ever gave the authority to speak for her or us.Her words to me in her note book- ” There will be a handful of people who may be sad at my passing ….please be sure to answer all of them…please remember to be gracious and kind to everyone…..”
I don’t think she had any idea that this many people thought so highly of her. She would want you to go back to being full of joy and talk about Zenyatta, racing and things you love.
Daddy gave moma her first computer for Christmas in 2008. He made her promise to never use her real name on the internet. She kept that promise. Her nickname is Kari , but she made up the rest of her name. She dubbed daddy Barry for the internet and would clown around with him sometimes calling him that. The address given above was a family members address. She moved a few days ago and is too devastated to agree to allow people to send cards to her new address.
I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but we ask that you not send cards. We do
appreciate the fact that some of you wanted to. She would want you to apply the money for a card and postage toward saving a animal.
From our hearts to yours, thank you for your prayers, for loving her, being there for her and for all the beautiful sentiment and candles for her. You gave us much comfort. She would want you to feel joy when you think of her.
I will keep my promise and return to this days post and honor my moma’s wishes at a time when I can get through it. I have her FB and YT codes. She wanted me to keep her FB up for a while so her Zenyatta did not lose any “likes”. She made a number of videos she has marked for special occasions and holidays. I will honor her wishes and upload them at the appropriate time.
To Zenyatta, Our heartfelt thanks for inspiring her to fight. The memories of watching your races with her are sacred to us. You will always have a very special place in our hearts.
Suzanne G (IL)
Thank you for honoring us with your post. We will look forward to your uploads. This reminded me of your mother (author is unknown)…
A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam and for a brief moment its glory and beauty belong to the world but then it flies again and though we wish it could have stayed…we feel luck to have seen it.
With love and the hope that beautiful memories will comfort you. Suzanne G
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kari B’s Daughter,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us at such a time. She meant a great deal to so many of us. There have been a lot tears this weekend at the sorrow of your moma’s passing and I do believe tears allow healing. They are the outpouring of grief. But as I thought about her and everything she had posted here and the wonderful tributes to Zenyatta that she created, well I thought of a saying I loved:
“When I am gone, remember me with smiles and laughter,
for that is how I will remember you. If you can only remember
me with tears, then don’t remember me at all.”
Remembering your moma brings such joy to my heart. Reading her posts and watching her videos a smile to my face. The music she enjoyed makes me want to dance. Our Kari loved life, she battled valiantly to hold on to it; she loved her family, her wonderful Cynthia and all her friends, she loved Zenyatta in a very special way. She expressed that love to all of us over and over again. That will be her legacy to all, a legacy of love.
Thank you for letting us know her wishes, I will make a donation on behalf of those animals who need our help in her honor. When you are ready, my dear, I know you will keep your promise to share the last gifts to us from Our Kari. Know that it will bring continued joy to our hearts. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always.
Love and hugs,
First time I heard that was Patricia Neal in an episode of Little House on the Prarie.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B. Family:
We will honor your wishes and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Judy and Russ
Terry Crow
We will, eventually, go back to talking about Zenyatta. But we will never forget Kari and all of the happiness she brought to this site. We will smile when her name is mentioned and remember. Bless you and the rest of the family.
I can certainly understand your daddy’s request for keeping Kari’s real name private. There are a lot of yucky people out there.
Next month when I send out my monthly donations I will try to see if I can find a spot on the PayPal button to include that the donation is being made in Kari’s honor. If nothing else I’ll know in my heart that this is the case. Perhaps Kari wherever she is will also be aware.
All I can tell you is what I learned many years ago when my mom died. My daddy taught me some of this and then I learned more upon his passing. It’s this.
Be kind to yourself. Know that the days ahead will be full of tears and pain. It’s absolutely normal. You may even feel regret for not having said things that you might feel needed to be said. Be at peace. Know that Kari is free from pain, drugs. She is an infinitely better place than here. Days from now when you feel like you have a grip there’ll be a day when you know your gonna have a crying fit. Find someone that you know and trust. Be with them and allow the tears to flow. Don’t be ashamed. If your chosen wisely that person will offer love, compassion and strength when you most need it.
Above all–don’t ever put yourself down for the pain and anguish you feel. It’s absolutely normal and is part of the healing process. Be kind to your heart. Enjoy a pizza–even if it’s off your diet. You don’t have to load it down with terrible choices. It could even be a small take home frozen pizza. Digiorno has a great small pizza!
And if choose to go to some counseling group again make wise choices. Don’t be afraid or ashamed if it isn’t the right group. Keep trying and going to different groups until you find the right one.
Take time to type that notebook your mama asked you to typed up. She understands your grief. Even if you don’t fully. You’ll know when you can look at the book with all the joy in your heart that the time is right. It will bring back the pain of your loss. But it will be less intense.
Just take time for you and your family. Protect them, love them and share your love for your mama with them. Let them know you miss your mama. That it’s okay to feel the pain and hurt of your loss.
I hope some of this makes sense to you and that you can take comfort in them. It’s meant sincerely, not condescendingly or patronizing.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful post Margaret
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Kari’s daughter; Bless you for honoring your moma’s wishes and for your kindness. I will not send a card. I will send another check to a rescue in memory of your moma.
She has gone Home. We may not know why He works the way He does, but I do know this. She is free of pain, and can now run around together with John Henry, Ruffian and all the other greats. She will be Zenyatta’s and all the future Baby Zs’ guardian angel; as her love for Z will pass on and forever be remembered. As we say for many fallen greats (as she truely was a Great person and Z family member):
Gone but never forgotten. <3
Our Z family may have lost a member physically, but her soul will always be with us; as our love for her will never waine, nor will our memories of the good times shared.
I have been on this site since the day it was created, though I never posted. I always read the comments everyone made though, and I always enjoyed some of the conversations. She always was so very kind and patient. I will keep her family in my prayers, as we go on through the week. I will light a candle in her honor next Sunday Mass, if I can go, as well as one fo my great grandma. I know she is happy, and if you think about it, Mrs. Kari B has the privilege of being the first to know what Z's baby will look like; while we still have to wait for another two weeks or so. She gets to always be with Zenyatta now, and keep her safe. <3 Zenyatta has an amazing guardian angel looking out for her.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
To Kari’s daughter: Bless you and your family. We certainly understand and respect your wishes. You can always come here if you’re having a bad day- kindest people in the world and your mother was one of the kindest. We are lucky to have known her.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Kari’s daughter – Please take all the time you need to get back to us. We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be glad to hear from you no matter when it is. I never met your mother in person, but we did email back and forth. We were supposed to meet at Zenyatta’s party at the Breeders Cup, but she couldn’t make it. I was so looking forward to meeting her. You could tell what a warm, loving, funny person she was just be reading her posts. And the fact that she told you to keep up her FB page so Zenyatta wouldn’t lose any likes just amazes me. She was always thinking of others. I’m going to make a donation to at least one of my favorite animal charities in your mother’s name. May God be with you and your family.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Kari B’s daughter, Your momma had no idea how many people loved and respected her or what impact she had on so many of us. I will look forward to you posting those very special videos when the time is right and thank you for finding the time and courage to post again. Many Zenny hugs to you and all your family.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
@Kari B.’s daughter and family, my sincerest condolences for your loss. Honor your mother’s wishes, but do not worry about us. Please take care of yourself and your family first. We can wait.