Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Candles for Kari and all who love her:
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you for your kindness, Trina.
Suzanne G (IL)
Thanks for doing this, Trina.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you, dear Trina.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Stephanie Lambert, Kari honored you as a very special friend. Your heart will break with the sad news of her passing. Please know we share your grief, heart to heart. May you find consolation in Kari’s words that she is now in a place of joy without pain. In sympathy and earthly sorrow, Trina
Maryp (New York)
Kari’s family, I am so sorry for your loss and ours. She was a “special light” here with us and will be greatly missed. Surround yourselves with loving memories that make you smile and cherish those times.
sue and tony
To All, we will miss our beloved Kari more than words can express. We “found” Zenyatta while searching the internet for videos and came accross some of her masterpieces.
Then…we were hooked on what is our horse of a lifetime. Prayers to her famly.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Kari’s daughter, Cynthia H. and ALL–
Oh , no! Unbearable loss.
Did we know there was a surgery coming? I hate that I’ve been out of touch and missed a surgery alert if there was one. I was so in hope that the treatment in Atlanta would work.
Please excue my typos, as tears are streaming. To Kari’s family–please know that we are reaching out with arms of love to tell you that our loss is Heaven’s gain, but you know that already.
Not a one of us will fail to think of her every time we see Z’s foal or Zenyatta herself.
@Dottie and Z–thank you for the diary that has brought Kari to us all.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
No, we didn’t know. We are all in shock.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Kari’s daughter and family, Cynthia H and others who were especially close to her, and Everyone in Z’s family,
There really are no adequate words to express the sorrow I feel over the loss of such an amazing and brave woman. Her wonderful videos will be a forever legacy, and I pray that no one will remove them. She will be remembered over and over and over . . . . .
Prayers, love, and hugs to all
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
To Kari
(from a favorite hymn)
“The strife is o’er, the battle done,
The victory of life is won,
The song of triumph has begun,
(Translated from the Latin by Francis Pott, 1861)
Abigail from Montreal
Dear Kari’s daughter, husband, grandbabies & other family members, Cynthia Holt and everyone,
There are times that words are so inadequate. This is one of them, for me.
I met your moma even before there was a zenyatta website through her inspiring movies of our Zenny. It was one in particular that inspired me to make a Zenny Dancing video of my own for my close friend, Marjorie Dawn Cooper Gawley, who was dying of a cancer she had fought for over 30 years. My amateurish video was beloved by Marjorie in her final days.
Your moma’s response when I wrote her that I had shamelessly “borrowed” some of her footage was nothing but warm & happy. Right then & there, I fell in love with her.
Since then, we have corresponded in this virtual world and even though it is thus, I KNOW our Kari. She is my sister soul. Her words to me when my beloved Jericho died were poetry for a weeping soul. I know that she will not only be loving my Jericho, but that he will take the very best care of her. He was a Spirit Dog and your moma, a Spirit Woman. Here were her words to me after she read my tribute to Jericho on THE VAULT:
“I am so very sorry for your loss of Jericho. I have been sitting here crying , staring at this page for well over a hour grasping for the words to tell you how deeply (to the core of my being ) your story touched me. Let me start by saying that I am half Cherokee, Cree & Choctaw and half Irish. I have both on each side. While I am very much a Christian, I have been taught the ways of my Native American culture as well as many other cultures. The most precious gift I was ever given is my understanding of animals, which stems from the belief they have a spirit. I believe some things defy logic and well let’s just say…when it comes to spirit dog (animals)….I Believe…”
Kari: ‘I Believe’ too. Not just in the spirit of animals, but in a Spirit whose great heart, capacity for love and richness of being will live within me forever.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you for sharing Kari’s beautiful words with us. I truly understand more now where her deep passion and emotion for animals, especially Z, comes from. She will be with us always in the poignant words in her posts in Z’s Diary and in all the wonderful videos that she made and shared with us. I only knew her from this Diary, but I truly felt she was my friend. Hugs, JB
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Kari’s daughter I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I am writing through my tears. I only knew her through this site. Her videos touched my heart and my students in school. I so thank her for all she brought to us. May God comfort you and your family. We all loved you Kari. God Bless, Shari
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Dawn if it is alright with you I will call you tonight or tomorrow. I prayed for Kari everyday. I feel so bad inside. I will really miss her posts and videos. Love, Shari
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Please do my dear friend!
Gloria Jeanne - In The "O.C." SO CAL
Has anyone heard news about Zenyatta’s full sibling (Street Cry/Vertiginieux) I think she should be due to foal in the next month or so, but I have not seen anything. Any update would be great.
Maryp (New York)
Gloria Jeanne,
Judy Berube answered me in a previous post that V had foal in April 2011 and that she is pretty sure Z & Dottie will be giving us an update.
No news yet about “V” and her Street Cry foal,
Her foal last year was by Henry the Navigator
Gloria Jeanne - In The "O.C." SO CAL
Kari’s Daughter- I am sorry for your loss- take care of your family, they need you now.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Stephanie Lambert:
So sorry for the loss of your special friend, Kari B. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dearest, Stephanie. I join Judy in expressing my deepest sympathy for your loss. Kari B. was so beloved by us all, but you shared a special connection. She will be deeply missed.
Here is a video of #19 for Black Caviar. Pretty amazing performance.
Thanks Max for posting this Video of BC # 19
Win; a challenging one for her, but what a turn
Of foot.
Was an amazing race, She hit 72 Kilometers an hour between the 400 and 600 metre mark
.Cheers, Elly
Hey! zen thanks for another great post! Congrats to black caviar! And getting very excited for AK! love you girl! oxoxoxox FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY
Does anyone know how and where the news of Zenyatta’s foaling will be made known? Will it be first put on this website or will the news go directly to the sports wire? I would love to be tuned in to the place where the news will first be made known. Thanks for any info! And best of luck to you Zenyatta! I’m visualizing the birthing faeries to guide you and protect you and your foal.
Bonnie good question!
Here is my guess–as hypothetical as it is. It depends on the time of day Z goes into labor. If she goes into labor during the day it’ll probably be announced here and on Bloodhorse. Don’t know if they’ll do a scrawl thingy on ESPN but one never knows.
However if she goes into labor in the middle of the night we probably won’t be told until morning.
There probably won’t be any announcement of Z going into labor. I know this saddens you but here’s why. Once the mare’s water breaks she should deliver within a hour and a lot of times it’s a whole lot faster. There won’t be time to prepare a news release.
But as Z and Dottie explained about Z’s first day being turned loose in her paddock we will hopefully get the same kind of lengthy explanation of all that happened.
One thing I keep quietly hoping for is that her labor and delivery will be filmed. And then released AFTER the fact hoping all goes well.
Also if you go to Facebook–at backside 55 Lane’s End did several wonderful videos on birth and delivery. I highly recommend these. They will help alleviate any concern you have.
Perky Green
Hay!!!!!!! Baby Girl How is the Goddess of the Equine World today? A trip to SA this fall is truly warrented. Your statue definately a must see. Have a fabulious week-end. LOTS’O’LOVE
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear all,
I’ve been thinking of our dear Kari all day. I do not have the words to post an adequate tribute to her. Since I know that she shares my faith, this is the only fitting song I feel fits the occasion. We had it at my mom’s funeral, and I hope someone remembers to have it at mine.
Kari, you will always be a part of our hearts. Love you always.
Marty R / Colorado
Beautiful. Very Fitting. Thank you.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very beautiful Barbara, thank you. We were really on the same wave length, but I couldn’t find the music for what I wanted – just had to type the words.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you, Barbara. That was beautiful, dear heart.
Ingrid Arnone
Barbara W, very beautiful RIP amen, Ingrid.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Barbara. Very moving.
Maryp (New York)
Beautiful, thank you Barbara.
Marty R / Colorado
I went to church today. Granted it was Whitney Huston’s funeral on tv, but so many things that were said about Whitney, I transferred to Kari B. The love of music, the act of bringing joy to so many, known and unknown. Love was the main theme and that is the word I would use to describe Kari from getting to know her through this site. Actually, love is the word I would use to describe this site and love never dies. Kari will never be forgotten. Rest peacefully and shine brightly, Kari, for you are in God’s Grace among angels.
To Kari’s daughter, You seem to be very much like your moma. I know you will honor your promises to her. Yes, take care of your family including your daddy, but also take care of you. By doing that, you will be better able to help them. I don’t know if you love Zenyatta as your mother did, but you are always welcome here.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Beautiful, Marty.
Abigail from Montreal
@ Cynthia H., Stephanie Lambert, Marty R and everyone:
Cynthia & Stephanie, I send you hugs of support and deepest sympathy. I felt that Kari was a soulmate and am also grieving, so I can only imagine how you each must feel.
Marty R: You & I seem to be on the same page. When Stevie Wonder sang that Whitney was “…an angel from the choir of God” all I could think of was Kari. I couldn’t bear to watch the whole funeral service but, in part, it helped me to imagine sharing my grief with all of you.
This is a video Kari sent me on Thursday, Feb.15th and she said it was one of her “all time favourite videos.” I thought perhaps some of you would like to see it:
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you Abigail. “Whenever you remember ” is so fitting.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Abigail, I had not seen this yet. The tone is just right.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
We will ALWAYS REMEMBER! (Thank you, dear Abigail.)
Abigail. This is an excellent video of Zenyatta at her best, but ever so poignant now given the sad news of the loss of Kari. We can only hope that time will somehow ease the pain of that loss to her family and her friends. Kari will also be missed by all who love and follow Zenyatta on this site.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you for sharing Kari’s favorite, sweet Abigail. There have been many tears today. Kari will live in our hearts forever.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Abigail. Very generous of you to share this special video with all of us today. Love and God’s great blessings to you always.
I love this video! Now I know there have been other good horses and Rachael and BC are certainly among them but this video only emphasizes the greatness that is Zenyatta. There is not another creature on earth that can match her and I have Kari to thank for so many outstanding rememberances of our Queen. I hope Kari is smiling down on all of us from heaven as she eagerly anticipates the birth of little Z/B. When I think of Zenny I always remember Kari because of her boundless love for her.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Tears are flowing…Thank you for posting this video. HUGS
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Thank you. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
Kari’s February 14, 2012 video:
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Abigail, I also thank you, Ingrid.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
There truly “ain’t no mountain high enough”. Our angel Kari now rests on the highest summit where she will watch over her beloved Zenyatta, forever. Bless you, Abigail.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Here are the posts where our dear Kari talked about the mountain she hoped to climb.
Kari Bussell said:
August 21, 2011
My beautiful, perfect Queen– forgive my absence. I am facing a huge crossroad, followed by a very high mountain… So on this day I give thanks I made it to 49…I give thanks for all of my Zenyatta family…..and I hope each of you give your loved ones a hug today and tell them you love them…..each moment is so precious….
Thank you Zenyatta- if not for you I KNOW I would not be here…For me to look at you is to know there is a God…This is for those who believe…”How Great Thou Art”
Kari Bussell said:
August 23, 2011
@All——The crossroads was a choice between more radical surgery & pump more poison into my system…The small amount of time they said that would buy me isn’t even enough time to recover…so I opted to NOT…my mountain is to make it see Zenyatta’s foal…I have beaten the odds for over three years….I would set new goals with each race she ran…when she returned for 2010 I KNEW I would survive to see it!…
Now our dear Kari is above the highest mountain top, soaring with angel’s wings.
At peace and no longer in pain,
Rest well sweet Kari; the battle was
Long and hard; it is now over.
#1 New England fan
Like so many who visit this site regularly, I have come to admire KARI for her talent, her beautiful way with words, and her love of animals, especially Zenyatta. I am truly saddened to learn of her passing and send love and prayers to her family and her countless friends, many of whom are fellow followers of Zenyatta. God bless you, Kari. We will miss you and your amazing, positive spirit.
With heartfelt sympathy from Anne B. in MA
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you for the message and the videos.
Animal Kingdom won his race today
YIPEEE !!!!!! YIPEEE!!!!!
On to Dubai World Cup
Congratulations to Black Cavier;
She had to work for number 19.
The competition gets tougher.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh My!!! Kari B’s daughter, family and friends, I can not find the words to express. Except, Kari was a very special woman and loved by the Zen Nation for her thoughtful, kind words and the Legacy of Zenyatta videos. Such a loss! Kari will always be remembered by the Dumplings as a loving woman. I lit a candle for her and for the family. Please, except my condolences and may Kari rest in peace! I’m still in shock!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Went back to remind myself of some of Kari’s recent posts. She wrote this just three days ago, to us all:
Kari Bussell
February 15, 2012 at 11:24 am
@All- I hope all of you are having a beautiful day. I got behind yesterday. I just wanted to thank everyone for always being so kind to me.
To those of you who enjoyed the videos…thank you for taking the time to let me know. It truly warms my heart and fills me with Joy to share my love for Zenyatta with all of you.
Love, Peace, Health, Wonder, & Great Joy to All of You!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sorry, here’s the link, too: https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/diary-post-438#comment-129621
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And I knew of course that Cynthia H. & Kari are Best Buds, but again I looked for a reminder, which was written on Valentine’s Day: https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/diary-post-437#comment-129171
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
February 14, 2012 at 10:22 am
To my very (very) special, lifetime, forever friend,
It was through our mutual love of Zenyatta that we found each other what seems like many years ago. Through her, we have shared moments of transcendent joy and heart-wrenching sadness. She is the common glue which has bound so many similar souls together. When she ran, there was magic all around, and the air reverberated with cheers. Even though she is now “gone,” the magic lives on through the friendships which she spawned, and the echoes of those cheers will be forever heard down through the years.
Despite near-death experiences and catastrophic accidents, you have been there for me and have been my courage when mine has flagged, my comfort when heartache and loss came to call, and my constant and unfailing source of joy and refuge.
For the gift of your remarkable grace and the generous sharing of your God-given talent through your love-driven videos of our Queen, THANK YOU. You are truly one of Zenyatta’s treasures. And you are defintely one of mine.
I will always be grateful to you and to that magnificent mare which brought a miracle into our lives.
Love, “Tasty”
Until the 12th of Forever.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
February 14, 2012 at 3:23 pm
Dearest Great Friend-
Your beautiful words have me in tears..Zenyatta is my inspiration, heart & Joy. She brought you to me…..You have been there for me in a way No other person in my life has…You have been my rock lifting me up always..I hope you know what a treasure you are….I will be eternally grateful to you and to Zenyatta for bringing you to me. It is my deepest wish that you know all the love, comfort & Joy you have showered on me.
12th- Heart
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Vicki.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Here are some excerpts from Kari’s post about her cancer and how Zenyatta got her through three years that the doctors didn’t expect her to live.
Kari Bussell said:
April 22, 2011
I am very terminally ill. I was told by all my doctors I would be dead almost 3 years ago…I had given up…I was trying to raise 3 grandchildren ages 18 months, two and a half and just four…( with a husband of 30 yrs who works 2 full-time jobs to support me, the kids and my illness)….I had body parts sliced off of me that would give anyone nightmares and make your skin crawl…I had given up …I was hospitalized for attempted suicide because I was in so much pain and wanted to spare myself and my family a long death to where I would be a burden…I went from being very pretty to looking like a walking corpse overnight. I looked ten years older than I am (45 then–now 48)-….after being the belle of the ball so to speak my whole life….At this same time my daughter nearly died of undiagnosed type-one diabetes; furthermore I was diagnosed with type one (in the middle of half my body being chopped off and chemo) as well as my husband with type two-D…nearly lost his foot and had to have a stint placed in his heart after suffering a heart attack. During the last 3 years he lost 2 cousins to diabetes, and we both lost our grandmothers to the same dreaded disease. Then one afternoon my husband left the TV on the Sports South Channel that at that time carried 3 hours a day of horse racing…This was April of 2008…I saw Zenyatta and fell so madly, deeply in love with her essence the moment I laid eyes on her. She inspired me to continue to fight no matter how hard the battle…somehow out of love for her and her connections I came to realize that I am not a burden, that my family needs me around as long as possible….She restored my faith in everything. Were it not for her miraculous existence, I would have ceased to exist…She has –as P. Clark so beautifully wrote– been tonic for my soul…and very trans-formative…It is the sincere truth and that simple. Last week I walked out of the hospital where they were basically waiting for me to die. Healing- surviving does not come from a hospital room with loved ones sobbing over you like you are dead already…so without permission I walked out. Healing comes from laughter and joy…. I am not the only one who counts on this diary to help them feel the magic and joy of everything Zenyatta in their life so they might continue to exist…
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Trina. That post is so powerful. I felt myself holding my breath as I was reading it.
I am not computer literate enough to know how to post videos or songs or other links, but if I knew how, I would like to send Vince Gills “Go Rest High On The Mountain” for dear Kari and all of you.
Love you all.
Darlene Daniels
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Trina. I remember that post, but had forgotten just how bad the details were for her.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Here you go, Darlene, a link for Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High On That Mountain” for our dear Kari and all who are sorrowing for her.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene:
Here’s the video Go Rest High On That Mountain. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Trina & Judy, you two – great minds think alike! Thanks.
Thank you for reminding me of Kari’s illness. How sad. But I’m so glad she lived to see some of Z’s greatest moments. And somewhere wherever it is we go–she’s helping Z’s baby prepare for her turn here on earth.
I think it was right before or after that Kari’s daughter wrote here. This was right after the mare Evenstar who lives at Freelandsgypsyhorses gave birth to her baby girl. The baby had to be given oxygen–but the change was so fast! A few breaths and the little one was on her feet! And oh how she nursed last night!
Evenstar had started playing with the camera in her stall about 3:30 am Friday morning. And she continued all day to come over, stick her face right into the viewfinder and breathe all over the camera!
In retrospect I’d like to think that as Kari was transitioning–the baby was making that transition for this life. And both met up in a special place.
While I know Kari is in a better place I’m so sorry for her family’s loss. Cherish all those sweet memories you have of Kari. And know that someday it won’t hurt just as badly as it does right now. It won’t ever be really good, it’s just that the stark pain of loss won’t be quite as sharp.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Sweet thought, Margaret.
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you for reminding us of Kari’s tenuous last year and the joy and hope she found. Life is so very very precious. She seemed to be telling us all to take the snatches of joy as they often quickly pass by, and sometimes we choose to not even notice.
Each season is full of wonder or joy or sorrow or pain… moments of ‘waiting’ then bright lights of excitement and inspiration! But by those who choose to fight and catch the moments of joy, like Kari, I am so grateful.
I’m so grateful to be able to share in such moments of everyone’s life here on Zenny’s so expansively life-sharing website. I feel as if you are all part of our own family.
My prayers are especially for you Cynthia and Kari’s Family tonight amd blessings of peace and thankfulness for Kari.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Trina, thank you so much. I didn’t want to feel like a fool and ask for a reminder of what was wrong with her. You answered my question and thank you for going back to “almost” the very beginning!
Suzanne G (IL)
Thank you so much for posting this.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thanks for posting this, Trina. I somehow missed this post.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Trina, since yesterday I have been crying, but now that I know the reason of her dead and I can see that she was greatly ill, I feel better thank you for let us know, sometimes life is so cruel and good persons have go to soon hugs Ingrid.
Zenyatta – you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your
world with us. It’s an honor. Get lots of rest. Love you Queenie!