Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Roberta Smith
Hellor MY Pretty Girl…..I love you so much you will NEVER know!
i am sooooo excited for you and Tasty! I can not wait! I love you both! The time is so near………………….YIPEE to “my girls!”
Dear Zenny,
So glad your LE friends are keeping you relaxed as the
Excitment of foaling your first “baby” approaches.
Tasty must be getting excited also. It is so fun to
Have a BBF to have a baby with. We humans like to
Do that, too. So best human friends often get pregnant
Together. Don’t forget your voluntary exercise to
Stay in shape. Mowing that large paddock will
Give you lots to do. You look great Zenny, now a beautiful
Broodmare. Wonder where the Mosses are going
To build the barn for all your children. There could be
10 or 12, which would be a nice size barn.
Sweet dreams XXXXOOO
Evenstar’s baby needed a little oxygen, she kept trying to go to sleep! She had human help getting up the first time. Then she went down and IMMEDIATELY got back up. And Evenstar had placed herself so the baby could nurse without having to take a step.
So the baby has been up and has had her first milk. Kep thinking good thoughts for this tired baby and mom!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Zenny, I’ve had a busy day and so I’m really behind on all the posts, So very glad and relieved to know that you and Tasty are both well, taking things easy and following all the good advice you get from your friends at Lane’s End. I’m going to spend some time watching Abigail’s videos of Northern Dancer and then I’ll call it a day. Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty, enjoy the weekend racing.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Ooops. sorry Dawn, you posted the Dancer videos. My busy day is catching up to me but I’m going to watch them before I crash for the day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Brenda, I hope both you and Abigail enjoy them. He was an amazing little horse with an absolutely giant heart!!! The mark he has left on the thoroughbred breed as a sire is remarkable.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta Wow is Arcadia beautiful. I would love to see it one day. I hope you had a really good day. It was really a pretty day in Ohio. We had an after school dance for the children so I did not get much outside time today. Also my Doberman is really sick. I am going to ask anyone in my Z Family if they have ever heard of this disease Lupoid Onychodystrophy. My Miesha has this and it is really hard to see how much pain she is. She is losing her nails on her paws. I came home today to a lot of blood and two more nails coming off. Please if anyone knows anything about this disease please email me at Titus8@yahoo.com. I would appreciate it.
I love you Zenyatta. Hugs and Many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@Debbie G Thank you for the update. My heart breaks for them.
@ Terry I needed my laugh tonight. I have cried for my Miesha and my eyes hurt.
@ Good Luck No Spin !!!!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry about your Miesha, Shari. It’s such a helpless feeling when your baby is sick. I wish I knew something about her sickness, but I don’t. I’ll say a prayer for both you and Miesha.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for your precious Miesha and for you, dearest Shari.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear, Shari. I am so sorry that your baby Miesha is suffering with her awful nail problem. It has to be a painful process for her and heartbreaking for you. I too know nothing about this disease. There are several sites on the computer which address it and I hope that your vet is communicating with you. I think that it is very important when something like this is happening to be sure that all of your questions and concerns are being answered and that you totally understand what the treatment and prognosis is. My thoughts and prayers will be with you both sweet friend. If you need anything, I am only a phone call away!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Shari, oh my goodness that sounds horrible! Have you tried googling it to see if there’s anyone out there with more info……that’s where I’d start. I’ll put your sweet Miesha and you in my prayers. Hope there is a good outcome. Hugs
Eveline / Maryland.
Shari, I’m so sorry Misha is so sick, it sounds horrible. Hang in there, hopefully someone can come up with useful info.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Shari Voltz; Gee Whiz, I am so sorry for the both of you to be going through this. I never heard of this and all my dogs through the years never experienced it. Prayers for Meisha and you. hug to both
Terry Crow
Prayers going out to you and your precious dog.
Evenstar’s baby is about 75 mins old. The oxygen she got a little while ago sure seemed to do the trick! She’s been up and down, and can now get up without help!
And boy does she know where the food’s located at!
She is gorgeous. Black and white.
Wobbly like all babies but give her til tomorrow morning and you’ll swear she was never wobbly! Mama’s been up and down. She seems pretty wiped out. She didn’t sleep well last night. I saw her down a couple of brief times. She seemed to sleep standing–but it’s not the deep restful sort of sleep she needed.
About 3:30 or so this morning she started laying with one of the cameras! She’d stick her face right into it and breath! Fog the whole thing up and then blam–we got some excellent views of the ceiling! I think she just wanted some sympathy cause she felt awful.
Two hours ago that little baby was still in mom’s tummy. Now she’s born, has figured out how to stand and nurse. And the whole bonding thing is still happening while I watch!
No it isn’t Z, but what Z will experience is pretty much the same as what I’ve watched. It’s truly amazing. A little less than a year ago two cells got together, and then somehow all of this came together to create this baby horse! And I’m still watching enthralled by the whole bonding thing.
I’ve watch mama nuzzle her baby, lick her, clean her and encourage her to nurse. All without human interference.
And in less than a month Z will have gone through pretty much the same thing. All baby’s are special and no one is alike. But some things are the same–just the actual experience is different.
For those pacing and nervous for Z–this is a good site for you. It might not be child safe–I leave that to parents to decide if they want their kids to watch this stuff. But this is real life.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Wow, Margaret, thanks for the moment-by-moment account! I’m so glad all is going well for mom and baby after some tense times. High hoof!
Paula Higgins
Thank you Kennedys for the update on Eblouissante. Dottie what a beautiful picture of the mountains! So glad Zenyatta is doing well and everyoneis on alert at Lane’s End for the arrival and Tasty’s little bundle of joy too. Good luck to Black Caviar tomorrow. I know the people of Australia love her like we love The Queen.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
It’s TONIGHT for Black Caviar (it will be Saturday afternoon in Melbourne, Australia, because they are on the other side of the International Date Line–19 hours ahead of California).
Dottie/Zenny, I just love how gracious you are as other horses, whether national or international approach your record. You are indeed a true LADY when you congratulate others on their successes! It shows your love of the sport we all love, in that all these horses are pouring their hearts out as they strive for perfection! Just as you did! Once again, Thank You!
Barb Zylbert
Hhm, April 3rd breeding……….you are right around 320 days so full term baby ahead!!!! Yay! Any time now is fine time.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Forty-five minutes to go for BLACK CAVIAR!
Barb Zylbert
Congrats to Margaret and Evenstar on the new Gypsy Vanner filly!!!! We are waiting for ours end of March 2012 by Nations Cup and World Cup Finals Reserve Champion show jumper Flexible out of our homebred Holsteiner mare Zebra KF. Can’t wait!!!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh my goodness, how great is that! Prayers that all goes smoothly. We will be eager to hear when baby comes!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Barb, I apologize that I did not mention your almost thirty-year-old jumper Packer in the dedication of my poem “A Valentine to Pets Now Gone” on the 14th. What a great fellow he was!
Evenstar isn’t mine! She belongs to Beth at Freelandsgypsyhorses. But she has her mares on the equivalent of MareStare and we can watch the whole thing.
Evenstar was really restless earlier. She wouldn’t leave the camera alone. And then all of a sudden she started getting up and lying down. After the second time I knew she was in labor. And quick as a cat there she was!
Now she’s three hours old and bouncing around the stall like she owns it! You would never believe that 2 1/2 hrs ago she needed a couple of breaths of oxygen to get her up and charging! She’s been using ever since like she hasn’t eaten in forever! I guess being born makes you hungry!
Elizabeth in NM
Was looking for a post from you after this one that I just saw today. I’ve only been able to catch snatches over the past week from everyone. Will check tomorrow. Sorry I didn’t catch this one from you with your ‘expectant’ news. My prayers for God’s blessings in the next few to several days – God’s timing! Can’t believe you were keeping such excitement ‘under wraps’… Love and hooves crossed, Elizabeth PS now extra pacing, pacing from an expectant Auntie with added pacing duties in addition to Zenny’s.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
New Eblouissante gate-schooling video from John Shirreffs!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Cynthia, Did you see Delrene’s suggestion above that you should write a book? She is SO RIGHT!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
You are both such special people. ♡
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful video! Thank you for posting it, Cynthia. So silky, beautiful ears! Getting close to her first start. Exercise rider reports that “she went much better today out of the gate.” Getting very exciting.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
It is VERY exciting, Kennedys. I feel butterfly wings fluttering in my tummy once again!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cynthia, great link, thank you. Did you see those ears moving and that head turning from side to side, she was watching and listening to everything! Looked like she was moving at a pretty good clip coming out of the gate also. Beautiful girl!!!! Kennedys, I agree, it’s getting very exciting.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Isn’t she a gorgeous creature, Dawn? Despite her calm and gentle demeanor, she exudes charisma. And, like Zenyatta, she doesn’t miss a trick! She will begin her career already beloved, and with a ready-made fan base.
The Kennedys in San Diego
For us, it was love at first sight — Eblouissante is a beautiful, gentle, intelligent creature. So very like her sister.
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks for the video. E doesn’t seem afraid of the gate..
Black Caviar! The BOY BEATER!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“The WONDER from Down Under wins again!” Hoof-ray, Black Caviar! Wins over Hay List by a length and a half….
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trina, great news!! Congratulations to Black Caviar and all of her connections!!!
Louise Castello
Yippee to Black Caviar! What a beauty!
Congrats to Black Caviar #19 and to her superb jockey…he knows when to push her at the right time.
Gary Moulton
First time I saw the jock let her go and the first time ever that he struck her, multiple times by the way. She won’t be coming back on a weeks rest again. Be interesting how long it will take before a workout. I’m back on Frankel now if they race over 7 Bars.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Gary, I certainly pray they do not push her too hard.
Judy from South Carolina
Zenny……………your Australian counterpart just won her 19th! I bet you and she would be SUCH great friends. Both of you with such the will to win.
My best cyber friend in Australia has kept me close to BC since she began her spectacular career and although YOU will always have my heart she has helped me fill the void you left when I could no longer watch you dance, prance and WIN with those thrilling races of yours.
Tonight was hard for her — they shortened up her race and I am sure she thought she had much further to go (they ALL don’t know where the finish line is like YOU did!!). But she won and goes to either Dubai or the UK next.
You take good care MY QUEEN………..NOTHING is more important than YOU and Baby Z! Everyone is on pins and needles and can’t WAIT for the “blessed event”. And, as always, DOTTIE, thank you SO much for all of the hard work that you do keeping us in the loop and informed every day with this web site!!!
There has been much concern in past months by some BC is raced too frequently and should be allowed more time to recover. I read a while back her previous owner sold her afraid she could break down and did not want to be involved. Interesting.
Judy from South Carolina
Erin……….much too much is made about the way horses outside the U.S. are trained, raced, etc. They are NOT the fragile, over bred to only run 5 or 6 races and then be retired at the end of their 3 year old season to the breeding shed.
I hate to cast dark shadows on the sport we all love so much but because of the way that breeders have been forced (by owners, trainers, greed, money, the list is endless) to breed a Thoroughbred race horse for lightning fast speed that is only going to be able to be supported by a sub par body mass for a very short period of time and at the expense of breeding OUT stamina, endurance and SOUNDNESS, anytime we observe something that is foreign to what we are used to seeing it appears to us that a race horse is being over raced, over trained, etc.
That is why the Europeans come over here EVERY year and kick our butts in all of the Breeder’s Cup turf races. Their horses are not only BRED for all of the aforementioned traits but are TRAINED in a manner that they CAN race every other weekend. Back in the 50’s, 60’s American racehorses ran twice a month, carried up to 135 lbs or more and ran well into their 4, 5 and sometimes 6 year old seasons. Our very own Jockey Club Gold Cup used to be TWO MILES. Can you imagine most of these so called “Classic Winners” of today running that distance and carrying more than 130 lbs?
Sorry for the vent. I am just a strong advocate of the group of people that want to breed OUT the fragile, 4 race, you are retired to the stud barn for millions of dollars race horse and go back to the sturdy, Thoroughbred of the past which will, in turn, sire generations of the same. That is what countries outside of the U.S. have never deviated from to start with and what we in the U.S. desperately need to get back to.
Louise Castello
Ditto and very well said! For the life of me, I cannot understand why people in the U.S do not see that we are doing so many things wrong in racing. If we don’t go back to the ways of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, there will be no superhorse like Secretariat and no triple crown winner again. Hate to see Black Caviar’s connections criticized for something we should do more of!
Amen, Judy!!! They are breeding their bones away!!!
Lynn from nearby Hwd race track
Yep! I’m raising my hand here in agreeing with you too! And limit the whipping.
Laura Peterson in DC
In my five years at Stanford, Zen, the clouds also seem to have touched the foothills south of San Francisco — a sight I always loved that seems more frequent in CA somehow, maybe because there are so many foothills near the coast!
My thanks to Dottie, and of course you and John too, for these wonderful posts and I’m so glad you’re doing so well. My hooves are crossed waiting for your first foal too! ~ XOXO, Laura
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
There have been a lot of posts lately about new stallions, proven sires, pedigrees and possible mates for our Zenyatta. I recently ordered a book from the Exclusively Equine site called, “Sire Lines” written by Abram S. Hewitt. Mr. Hewitt held a deep fascination for equine pedigree and wrote a great deal on the subject. The book is part of the BloodHorse Classics Library. The original was published in 1977 and has long been out of print. Eclipse Press is once again offering an updated version of this classic applicable in the 21st century, although you will still not find many modern day sires listed. This book holds a special place as a preeminent work on American Thoroughbred pedigrees. 88 of history’s top sires are profiled, including Broomstick, Native Dancer, Bull Lea, Ribot and many others. The historical references and fantastic photos are wonderful.
I have included a couple of links: one is directly to Exclusively Equine, you can find the book in the clearance section. It was normally $49.95, now it is $14.95.
The other is a great video about Man o’ War I posted a couple of weeks ago. He is one of the sire’s profiled in the book.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Super! Thank you, Dawn. I will check it out right away!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Maginificent Man o’ War
Kari B's daughter
Cynthia H- It is with a broken heart that I have the burden of breaking yours. The woman you knew as Kari B., my moma has passed. She never fully regained consciousness from surgery. She left a notebook full that I am supposed to type for you and others here along with some videos. I am sorry. I can’t now. I will some day. I promised her. I think she knew she would never make it home this time.She taped the following note to her Zenyatta statue. “Upon those who love ungenerous time bestows a thousand summers. Cynthia, thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for and for making me laugh. Remember the joy and the wonderful times we had. I will love you until the 12th-Heart. PS- Please tell Dottie and Hero I am with Cloud Man now watching over Zenyatta/babyz-b and Tasty with joy. Please thank Dottie and Frank Leal for making my dreams come true. Abigail I will take care of Jericho. Anita, I am sorry I never got to make that phone call. Trina all the joy you so generously gave to me will be returned to you.” She told me if she died to tell you this way so people here could be there for you. Will someone please inform Stephanie Lambert for me and make sure Cynthia is okay. I need to go tell my children their Nana is gone and take care of my Daddy. Please say a prayer for them. We are lost without her.
Oh my–I think I knew Kari was going I to the hospital but…this?
I’m truly so very sorry for your loss.
The Kennedys in San Diego
For Kari’s Daughter,
We are so very sorry for your loss and saddened by the loss we on Zenyatta’s website are feeling and will continue to feel for dear Kari.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B’s Daughter:
We are so very saddened to hear of the passing of your Mom. She was a brave, courageous an sweet soul. A very special lady. Please accept our condolences for your very great loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love and Hugs, Judy and Russ
Elizabeth in NM
Kari’s Daughter,
Your Mom always had such beautiful things to say on this website. She was so very kind and thoughtful. We will miss her. Our prayers for you and your family will continue. With love, Elizabeth
Trina Nagele in So Cal
To the daughter of our dear Kari,
Every fiber in my body aches receiving this sad, sad news which we have dreaded. We are all so sorry for YOUR loss and OURS. Your mother’s bright light has been taken from all of us too soon. I pray her soul is now resting in the even brighter light of Heavenly Grace, and that we may get to meet her there someday. Kari brought us so much JOY and INSPIRATION. We dared to hope that she could climb that great mountain that confronted her, climb it here on earth, and then climb yet another. We hoped she would be with us to see the birth of Zenny’s foal, and then to watch it grow, and then to welcome more in years to come, but it was not to be. Now she is effortlessly climbing mountains over the clouds, beyond…but here below we cry…
With deep sympathy for you, daughter, and Kari’s husband, the grandchildren, all the family, and the many who have adored dear Kari, as I have, from afar,
In tears,
Darlene Daniels
Dear Kari’s Daughter. There are not words to express my sorrow for the loss of your dear mother, our friend. I never had the pleasure or the blessing of meeting her but had hoped someday to meet her. I know you and your Dad and children know what a wonderful lady she was, but I dont know if you know how special she was to all of us on Zenyattas website. She was the beacon of light, the brightest star, the biggest, most generous heart of us all. She will be truly missed and loved forever by so many of us here. I hope you find comfort in knowing how loved and admired your Mom was and will continue to be forever. Her beautiful talent of those wonderful videos that made us always cry (good tears) will live on forever as only one of her great legacys. God bless you and your family. Cynthia H, my heart breaks for you.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
To Kari’s beautiful daughter,
My heart is breaking as I write this and it is difficult to focus through the tears. It is news that I dreaded to ever hear. I am so sorry for you my dear, for her beloved grandchildren, your father and for all of her family and friends. She has left a legacy of hope and remarkable love to you all. Your mother was a beautiful spirit that had touched my soul with her brilliant grace. She always thought of others and brought joy into our lives in every possible way. With her beautiful posts, her amazing videos, her great sense of humor and her unfailing care and support of others, she has changed us all. One of her last gestures was leaving a note from her heart to her dearest friends. She was brave and fine; a hero to us all. I am so thankful that she and our wonderful Cynthia found each other and that Dottie and John and Frank were able to help make her dreams come true. She deserved every kindness possible and more. Although we had never met face to face, we bonded as sisters in our mutual love of Zenyatta and our celebration of life. I was blessed to have known her even from afar and I trust that we will meet in heaven. I had once written to her that all things happen in God’s time. She is now in his care and loving embrace, surrounded by the light that she illuminated our lives with. My thoughts and prayers are with all who loved Kari. Beloved by everyone, she will live on forever in our hearts and in our memories.
May the lord bless you and keep you.
May the lord make his face to shine upon you,
And be gracious to you.
May the lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dearest, Cynthia. Words cannot express the sorrow I know you must be feeling now. You and Kari were blessed to have found one another, kindred spirits in this world and the next. Know that all of your friends are here for you sweet one. If there is anything I can do, please call me, anytime day or night. I have sent you my numbers.
All my love,
sharon in seattle
Dear Kari B’s daughter and all her family and Z-friends: the news is heartbreaking and I am so so sorry for your loss. May your mom’s great and generous spirit rest in peace. I did something this morning when I got up which I never do – I lit a candle to take with me to put next to the computer. Now I know why. It’s a light for your mom. Bless all of you in this sad time.
This is very sad news for everyone who knew Kari through this site. The power that she had to connect with others was really amazing, as was her love for Zenyatta. I hope that you and others in her family will find some comfort in the knowledge that all of those whose lives she touched through Zenyatta have nothing but the deepest respect for her. She is also sadly missed as a very dear friend by many on this site.
Stephanie in San Diego
Dear Kari B’s daughter,
I never had the honor of meeing your Mom face to face, but I felt such a love for her. Everyday looking for a post from her, missing and worring about her when she was not here, keeping her in prayer. She has been a blessing to all of us and we will miss her. My heart breaks for you and your family and you will all be in my prayers
I am so Thankful for this webiste, Zenny and Dottie for bring someone, so very special, into my life like your precious Mom, What a gift she has been to all of us with her amazing attitude, kindess and spirit. Never to be forgotten. Love, Steph in San Diego
carol in utah
@kari’s daugher….there are no words ….so very sorry for your loss…
Kari was a heroine of mine and many more, I suspect. What a rich Zenyatta legacy of videos she gave us…there are no words I can offer to ease the pain of her passing but I pray her family knows how dear she was to me and others. May God hold her in His hand for all eternity.
Ingrid Arnone
Kari’s B daughter, I am so sorry I cannot stop my tears; I just realize that life is so short; my prayers are with all of you,
Time is too slow for those who wait
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, time is eternity.
Hours fly, flowers die,
New days, new ways pass by, love stays.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ingrid Arnone.
Diana Stuart
That is a beautiful poem, Ingrid. Thank you for sharing it. It fits perfectly.
diastu in tempe
Ingrid Arnone
Grazie Diana.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Ingrid, for this lovely poem.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I had to gasp! Shock, even though I knew she was not well. I only “knew” Kari here, but it’s too sad. She loved it here, so much. I’m glad she was able to leave such a wonderful message taped to ‘Zenyatta’. That made me tear up. We will miss HER here, even though a part of her lives on, in her wonderful videos. As her daughter, please take very good care of yourself, in such a hard time for everyone. Thank you for the extremely kind way you and your mom let us know.
Dear Kari B’s daughter,
I am so very saddened at your morher’s passing.
I wish that I had met her when in TN last year, but
It was not to be. Perhaps she was not feeling well.
However, she touched everyone on this site very
Deeply with her words, videos, kindness and compassion.
She also battled her illness with grace, determination
And courage. Loss of a mother is a very significant life
Changing event. Please take all the time you need to
Grieve her loss. Please at anytime come to this site for
Support. We welcome you hear with loving arms.
To all on this site who were very close to Kari. Thanks
For sharing your thoughts, her videos and words.
We have lost a very wonderful woman, who is now
Looking over us with the kindness and compassion
She so exemplified in her life on earth. She is also
Caring for all of our animals who have crossed the rainbow
Thank you Kari for letting us get to know your
Wonderful soul and spirit. May you rejoice in heaven
Without pain as a healthy angel; gracing those above
With your specialness.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Beautifully said. Hugs, JB
Jan S. / Houston
Dear Kari B’s Daughter,
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your mom, and our dear friend Kari. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I truly wish you peace, love, and understanding at this most difficult of times. Take time for you now, find the comfort you need. Know that we will all be here for you.. Your mom leaves us with so many cherished memories…
Eveline / Maryland.
Kari’s daughter – I’m so sorry.
I have been involved in a very special rescue and have just read about Kari B. It is with profound selfish sadness that I offer my feelings of gratitude for having met Kari B. as a special, gracious soul of magnificent giving spirit and example of love. To her family, to Cynthia and to all those who were close to her and there are many, of that I am sure, I offer my prayers for your comfort and my respect for the legacy she leaves us in her love for Zenyatta. It was in this diary that we could read her remarks, see her videos, grow from the example of love and friendship she gave Zenyatta and the Z nation, each one of us. Tomorrow, I will celebrate her life with deep appreciation. Tonight is the grieving time.
Vickie A Dana Point
Sincere condolences – I am so sorry…know she was loved and will be missed by many
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dear Kari’s daughter and family,
I have had company and not checked the diary until today. I am so sorry to hear of you moms passing…….I know how it feels to lose a mother. I knew Kari thru this diary and her videos, and special e-mails we shared when she wanted me to know of a momentous event in her life. It was our secret and will remain so.
She was such a lovely, kind, compassionate person with so much inner strength she got from her love of her family and the Zenyatta family. She will be remembered always on this diary and in the hearts of many people here. I lit a candle in her memory.
Prayers to you and family and may the strength the Lord gives you help you at this time. Hugs Sue
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@kari B’s daughter, I just heard I am so sorry for your loss. I am just lost for words. Kari we love you and may the Good lord have you with him now. We will see you again. You will be with us always. Love, Peggy
Terri ZB/ South Florida
To Kari B’s daughter: Sending you and your family my condolences for the loss of your mom. She must have sensed that she was leaving this earth. Even when confronted with her own mortality, she thought of others more than herself.
What an amazing legacy she left; she has been loved and will be missed. We all loved her special videos.
Wishing you much strength and courage in this difficult time. And know that your mother will be watching over you.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
To Kari B’s Family, I am so sorry to hear this news. She is now at peace, no more pain. Everyone on this Zenyatta site will miss her.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Kari B.’s daughter, husband and families,
I have returned from visiting my BF to read on Sunday of your dear Mom’s passing.
Please accept my deepest sympathy. I had never met her personally, but this past year on the post, I felt I knew Kari somewhat; kind and generous; always sharing her creations of our Zenyatta here on this post with us. I knew of her battle with cancer and what a fighter she was. I wish all of you stength, peace and wonderful memories.
I do believe she will be watching Z have her baby.
Anita in CA
Dear dear Kari’s daughter,
I too am brokenhearted. I just found out last night. Your moma was very special to me. I am praying for you, your daddy, your children, her puppies and for all of us here who loved her and love Zenyatta. She was remarkable. Thank you for passing on her words to us. May God comfort and bless you. Words fail me, but I am thinking of you.
Your mom told me often of her love for you and her grandchildren, I have No words to say here that will ever make things right or whole for you ever again, you need to just hang on the best you can and GO on, live each day as it comes along, mommy would want you to do that, live it for her boldly, enjoy every moment you can because as we both know our lives can be short. You can be the strongest person you have to be, I believe in you sweetie, and so did your Mommy xoxoxoxo. Please call me if you ever need a shoulder or an ear or an escape vacation to Maine xoxoxo Stephanie Lambert
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Kari’s daughter- I am so saddened for your loss. Your Mother was a priceless gift to all of us . Such a dear lady. We are here for you and your family. May your Mom rest in peace. Dear heart I am so sad. Words do fail. Others that knew her will I’m certain be in touch with you. Know that your Mom was beloved by all.
Just a quick note to let you all know that Black Caviar did succeed in making it 19 in a row! She won by 1 and 3/4 lengths
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia H.:
I know how close you and Kari B. were. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your 12th Heart BFF. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
All of you will be saddened when you post today and find that we have lost our beloved Kari B. As a tribute to her, I am posting a video she made in July of 2011. She dedicated the video to Zenyatta, Z’s Team and All The Dumplings. RIP Beautiful Kari B. Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Judy.
I’m going to miss Kari, even though we never had a chance to meet in person. I hope we all (Zenny’s Fan Family) get to meet along the way in the future. Such generous, kind and interesting people whose love for Zenny has brought us all together on this website. God’s blessings we pray for you and for everyone today, as we do everyday.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you so much, Judy.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy B, oh dear I cannot believe what you are telling us, can you please let me know what happened to her, hugs Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid Arnone:
I don’t know anything more than what Kari’s daughter said in her post. I don’t know what prompted me to check into Z’s Diary in the early hours this morning; but when I did, I found the message from her. Apparently Kari went into the hospital for necessary surgery and she never woke up. If you go back to her post from February 5th in Z’s Diary No. 430, she describes a near fatal event that happened on Jan 27th. She survived that, but even the most bright spirit and determined will cannot always overcome the damage done to the human body. She told me once in a post that I was the Fire in Z’s Diary. I posted back, “If I’m the fire, then you are the flame”. She really is a bright flame of courage, love and joy. We will miss her. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for that Judy, I remember reading about the Jan. 27 scare, but had forgotten until now.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy B, thank you for let me know about Kari, you are always so thoughtful, hugs Ingrid.
Elizabeth in NM
Cynthia H,
Kari always had such sweet, inspiring and kind posts. We’re so sorry for the loss of your wonderful friend. Please know we care and will keep you in our prayers along with Kari’s Family. With love, Elizabeth
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Cynthia,
My heart aches for you. I wish I were nearer you to hug you and hold you close at this time of tears. Love lives forever…
Yours in sorrow,