Good Morning,
I do hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday enjoying special moments, visits, and hugs with dear friends and loved ones. We certainly enjoyed our day here at Lane’s End. Everything was lovely!
As many of you may know, MY TEAM absolutely adores all kinds of SPORTS. MY JOHN and Dottie are avid sports fans and have many teams in various sports they follow. In the many lessons we learn in life, “sports” can often be a great teacher!
For one N.Y. KNICKS Basketball player, yesterday was truly a very special day! JEREMY LIN clinched the WIN last night for the KNICKS with his final shot….a 3 pointer…in the last few seconds of the game.
Jeremy’s story is a fabulous one. He is Harvard-educated, is passionate about Basketball, and has exhibited a work ethic in his sport that illustrates a high level of perseverance. HE NEVER GAVE UP! (I so admire this quality in individuals. I practiced this when I was an athlete.) He kept practicing his craft and working…trying to earn his place on the TEAM.
Recently, a few Knick players were not available to play for various reasons and Jeremy got his chance…and has he made the most of it. Last night, for the 6th game in a row, Jeremy scored over 20 points. Charting which Pro-basketball players scored the most points in their first 5 games played since the ABA-NBA merger….Lin is now #1 with 136. Shaq is #2. What an honor!
The KNICKS have now won 6 games in a row…and all of the sports world is talking about “LIN-SANITY”! His post-game interviews are gracious and filled with thanks to his coaches, team, and the opportunity he has been given. As the sportscasters commented repeatedly on MIKE AND MIKE IN THE MORNING today..”He is so very humble”!
All of this happening in the last several days really makes one think…there are many talented individuals in this world…and if given the opportunity, they will do remarkable things. THE IMPORTANT THING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER IS…KEEP TRYING, DO NOT GIVE UP, AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAMS!
Cheers to Jeremy Lin…for being a wonderful and joyful reminder of this!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Have a great day!)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Zenny, did you hear the news? There is going to be a statue of YOU at Santa Anita!!! http://www.drf.com/news/hovdey-zenyatta-gets-john-henry-treatment-santa-anita-statue
It will be installed and unveiled during the fall meeting, just in time for the Breeders’ Cup. YOU will be on the south side of the Kingsbury Fountain (John Henry is on the north side) so everyone can see YOU as they come in the main entrance gate. This is a dream come true — now I can see YOU every time I go to the track. I can’t wait for the unveiling; if it is half as touching as the unveiling of the John Henry statue, there won’t be a dry eye on the grounds.
Seabiscuit, George Woolf, John Henry and YOU … presiding over the paddock gardens. Santa Anita will truly be the GREAT RACE PLACE!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Wow! GREAT!! Do you think Z will be in a dancing pose? I am going to have to get out West there one of these days for sure!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Sweet Loveable Z, I love other sports too and have, when in my younger days , played tennis passionately. Never say die! Jeremy Lin and you do have that in common. He was interviewed on 6 p.m. news and in deed is a humble young man.
Zenyatta, you rocked the world with your heart and determination!!!!!
It is Feb. 15th and I think of you each & every day with a prayer and the best positive thoughts for you and baby z. Tasty included too. Hang in there my dear Mama, just one day at a time, and real soon you will see your foal for the very first time!!!
Then we will see pictures of her/him too; soon!
love, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Sandy? Please tell Barbara Woods that I will be saying a prayer for her husband and one for her too. She is important to us . We shall miss her.
all have had to deal with other things and I have not been able to read but bits and pieces of messages. So, know that I miss reading them and hope all of you are feeling great, and are not suffering in any way.
Terry Crow; I have missed reading your redneck jokes lately. I had no big major laughs!!
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the lovely photo in your paddock of serenity. Sarah is such a great photographer – of course she has a wonderful subject. Thank you also for pointing out a young sports player who is not one of the obnoxiously self-centered kind we see stories about too frequently. I have to admit I rarely follow other sports but it is nice to hear about this young man. I am so excited about a Zenyatta statue at Santa Anita and I’m sure it will be wonderful.
Seattle Slew wins the TRIPLE CROWN;
highlights of all three races; a wonderful trilogy
For those of you who have never ridden a horse;
here is the famous Monty Robert and his wonderful
training feat called JOINUP, when horse and man/woman
become one. He is such an awesome trainer and
a wonderful horseman.
Here is Monty Robert’s and his famous mustang “SHY BOY” a
very lovely boy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Just watched the video of Shy Boy (Parts 1,2 and 3). Just a beautiful horse; amazing man, Mr. Roberts. So, Shy Boy chose to stay with the wild herd. It was so moving to watch how easily they welcomed him back. Thank you for the link. Hugs, JB
Dear Terry Crow;
Thanks for all of the great jokes yesterday,
my day was complete with LOT OF LAUGHTER.
Terry Crow
Glad you enjoyed them. Its for people like you that I do this.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Barbara Wood and Hubby you are both in my prayers. Hope your better soon and we miss you. God Bless, Peggy
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
“Sign of the times” I felt so fortunate to come upon Monty Robert’s book and a PBS special many years ago. On a fun outing with my friend for a week’s vacation and after delivering her daughter to University of Santa Cruz, we meandered around and found Mr. Robert’s ranch/farm in the Santa Ynez valley area as I recall. We came in through the gorgeous driveway and we were allowed to walk around and visit with the horses. It was such beautiful ranch. Somewhere around there we also passed “Neverland” sign too as I recall. Visited some of the wineries too. Never met Monty but enjoyed feeling so welcomed by members of his staff. Thanks for taking me back to that pleasant memory.
Nighty night Zenyatta and TT. and LOVE THAT YOU WILL BE @ SANTA ANITA NEXT YEAR. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOUR STATUE! Nina says she will attempt to show your dapples….. I say “cotton in ears” a must!!!!
Wow, Delrene, how very special to visit
Monty Roberts and his ranch and horses.
He is such a very special trainer. I love watching
Him on TV. He really is able to work out problems
Luke fear of clippers, major spookiness and
Not wanting to load in a trailer in a kind fashion.
Join up is also very awesome. Love when he says
The horses book was written 5 thousand years
Ago and his book was written 3 years ago.
Thank You God!!!! You heard our prayers!!!! Never again will a horse dive from a platform into his death. I signed the petition and I’m very happy that all the signatures made a difference.
We love you Z. Thank your family for letting this avenue do the job to end this.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cynthia H, I loved your story about seeing the Queen at Royal Ascot. How wonderful is that!! It is interesting that you mentioned her complexion. The beauty of her complexion is mentioned several times in her biography when describing how lovely she is. It is fantastic that you got to spend two years in England! Visiting the British Isles is most definitely on my “bucket list”. My best friend Ramona and I talk about it whenever we are making vacation plans, but have not made it yet. I will though!! Maybe I will get a chance to see your amazing collection of pottery when I am in California for the BC along with having that promised cup of tea! Have a wonderful day tomorrow, my friend!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Zenny, to have YOU there at Santa Anita every time I go would just be heaven – JH would love it too! It is so fitting, I thought that we’d have to wait years for this to come true! But where would George Woolf go? Maybe they would put him in the paddock next to Seabiscuit – WHERE HE BELONGS! Then all they’d have to do is find the original plaque that was dedicated to the ‘Biscuit, way back when, by Mr. Howard’s widow. It probably is in the warehouse there at Santa Anita, somewhere! At least Santa Anita is trying to revive the sport somewhat, wish ‘others’ of the powers that be would listen to ideas that could help racing out, and bring more people out to the tracks. Now all that is missing is a stakes race named in your honor, and, of course, YOU OUR QUEEN OF RACING! BTW, I agree with JAG – it is time for JH to have a race in his honor too!
Terry Crow
Agree with every sentiment expressed. Karen should be running SA.
Irene Caty
My dear Zenyatta, it makes me sad to see you looking out at the paddock and looking so lonely. It looks like you are expecting one of your team barn 55 to appear soon. I guess what is goingb on with you as a brood mare is what life is like but I have to say that I don’t like it for you.. You are so special and I would hope there would always be something there special for you. I think of you always and always want to see the best for you. Take care my dear Zenny and if you really have any way of knowing the love that is out there for you I know you would be so happy. Wishing you the best and know that i will love you forever.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Irene, she’s not lonely. Tasty is there in the paddock with her; she ‘s just not in the photo. Horses like to be out in their paddocks. A large paddock approximates a horse’s natural environment. Stalls don’t, never mind race tracks. Anyway, we’ve been told several times that one of Zenyatta’s favorite activities is standing and watching the world go by. She gets fussed over by humans several times a day. They groom her and give her treats. The main thing is, she is getting to be a horse at this important time in her life. She’s happy. Please be happy for her.
Marshall (in NC)
Barbara Wood and husband,
So glad to hear that both of you are at home! Hope you two will recover quite speedily.
Thoughts and prayers for you continue. We do miss you!
Best Wishes and Hugs!
Stephanie in San Diego
Dear Zenny, It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, coming back from vacation and trying to get caught up at work. Just checking in everyday to see how you are, not enough time to get all caught up on everyone :( Hope this Saturday will give me time to get all my reading done.
So exciting to read that your statue will stand opposite, JAG’s, John Henry at Santa Anita. What a treat it will be to walk in and be met by your likeness!! Something to look forward to for all, at the Great Race Place.
Hope the week is going well for all !! God Bless you Dear Z and all dumplings worldwide. Looking forward to seeing many of your the first weekend of March at Santa Anita.
March 8th :D
Laurie Collins
I love reading your daily diary! It makes my day!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, good morning. It is all exciting this morning for me. Your Ann and Jerry are going to come see you soon and sleep with next to you. I am not surprised! Just excited. The other exciting news your LIFE LIKE STATUE
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, good morning. It is all exciting this morning for me. Your Ann and Jerry are going to come see you soon and sleep with next to you. I am not surprised! Just excited. The other exciting news your LIFE LIKE STATUE at Santa Anita. My Queen, will ever get back home to CA? It is on my bucket list, I was so hoping this year for the BC…and now the most important thing this fall…the unveiling of YOU! I wish that it was possible. Still have my hooves crossed for the 17th, but really, whenever you are ready sweet, beautiful, loving, precious, Gift. I love you and so miss you….Have a wonderful day, hope to see a new pic today with Tasty Too. Her foial could have a lot of cute names. I picked Jesse for Rachel’s baby boy, I am purty sure I won this contest. TTYL….Lisag
Lisag in Texas
Geez, it looks like I cannot spell, it is just hard to type when there are tears in the eyes. I wish I could visit home this fall. I wish I could meet you, Ms Zenyatta.
Go Shaq I love him he retired with our Celtics that is my team!
I hope you have a great day Z!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th ♥ forever and always.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Cynthia H, Vic and I saw the Queen and the Duke at Woodbine in 2010 when they attended the Queen’s Plate. Vic somehow managed to get quite close up to Her Majesty when she was walking somewhere. Vic insists that Queen smiled at her and Vic’s comment was “Nana, she’s so pretty, she’s beautiful for a woman of her years” Plate Days are just not the same now when there’s no royalty in attendance.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy B you are so welcome, Ingrid.
Zenny, such a wise horse your are….if only humans could be as smart.
Zenyatta, how right you are about how everyone needs to try their best and never give up. They are usually the people who succeed and usually the people who are looked up to. Such as Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks. Such as you when you were racing and other horses past and present. I follow some other sports too such as the University of Virginia, Penn State, Florida, USC, Kentucky, San Francisco 49ers as well as others and, last but not least, horseracing. Who are the teams that John and Dottie follow? That would be interesting to know.