Good Morning,
I do hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday enjoying special moments, visits, and hugs with dear friends and loved ones. We certainly enjoyed our day here at Lane’s End. Everything was lovely!
As many of you may know, MY TEAM absolutely adores all kinds of SPORTS. MY JOHN and Dottie are avid sports fans and have many teams in various sports they follow. In the many lessons we learn in life, “sports” can often be a great teacher!
For one N.Y. KNICKS Basketball player, yesterday was truly a very special day! JEREMY LIN clinched the WIN last night for the KNICKS with his final shot….a 3 pointer…in the last few seconds of the game.
Jeremy’s story is a fabulous one. He is Harvard-educated, is passionate about Basketball, and has exhibited a work ethic in his sport that illustrates a high level of perseverance. HE NEVER GAVE UP! (I so admire this quality in individuals. I practiced this when I was an athlete.) He kept practicing his craft and working…trying to earn his place on the TEAM.
Recently, a few Knick players were not available to play for various reasons and Jeremy got his chance…and has he made the most of it. Last night, for the 6th game in a row, Jeremy scored over 20 points. Charting which Pro-basketball players scored the most points in their first 5 games played since the ABA-NBA merger….Lin is now #1 with 136. Shaq is #2. What an honor!
The KNICKS have now won 6 games in a row…and all of the sports world is talking about “LIN-SANITY”! His post-game interviews are gracious and filled with thanks to his coaches, team, and the opportunity he has been given. As the sportscasters commented repeatedly on MIKE AND MIKE IN THE MORNING today..”He is so very humble”!
All of this happening in the last several days really makes one think…there are many talented individuals in this world…and if given the opportunity, they will do remarkable things. THE IMPORTANT THING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER IS…KEEP TRYING, DO NOT GIVE UP, AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAMS!
Cheers to Jeremy Lin…for being a wonderful and joyful reminder of this!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Have a great day!)
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, I am happy for the New Kid in BBall, Jeremey Lin, but for teams I just cannot get past The Mavericks…maybe Mr Lin would like to come to Texas????
@Anyone who would know (LauraJ?) I remember as a kid seeing a Diving Horse on B&W TV, it was not a show, I really canno remember what it was. Maybe one of those news reels that had back in the day. What was the purpose of this? and why would people go to see it? I have yet to know an explanation. Thanks, Lisag
Terry Crow
There was an old program called You Asked For It and the diving horse was shown. I believe it was in the 50’s.
Lisag in Texas
Thanks, Terry. That does sound familiar, but I would be so young then, maybe it made an impact on me and stayed with. How far back can we remember?
Terry Crow
I remember when the only thing on TV was a test pattern featuring an Indian.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Dear Z,
Your inspiring words about never giving up are just what I need to hear, since the spring semester starts next week and I am nervous about the Intro to Microeconomics class I will be taking! Econ was my least favorite class in high school, so this will be a challenge for me….
Trina Nagele
Good luck, Julie! We’re with you.
Terry Crow
I took economics in my freshman year in college and had trouble staying awake.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Another article –
NJ Steel Pier drops plan for Diving Horse’s return
Hi Z family, TT, and Queen Z herself!
I have twisted my ankle something fierce at school today. Someone thought it would be funny to push me, and I went to stop myself, and I felt my ankle joint touch the concrete. Ewwwww!!!!! It is terribley swollen, and I can’t put any weight on it. :( I can’t go to school tomorrow, and I am missing practice for tonight. I hope my coach doesn’t get mad at me.
I am so excited! My teacher read my rough-draft of my paper, and she loved it! I am hoping for an awesome grade!
I read about this new super-star basketball player! I heard he will be something special!
I was so happy to see that “diving horses” show cancelled. I mean really? No offense, and please excuse my language, but what idiot thought of jumping horses and riders off a platform into a tiny tiny “puddle” of water?? COMMON SENSE PREVAILS!!
And some people have the nerve to call horse racing cruel and abusive…
But on a brighter note, I finally jumped 3 and a half feet at the farm today! James did so well, I was so proud of him!! For a large pony/small horse, he did very well. He is being sold though, so that was the last time I will ever get to ride him again. :( The woman that bought him though is very kind, and caring, so I know he is going to his forever home. :)
Lisag in Texas
Congrats! It is a wonderful paper.
Thank you very much! I am so grateful for my wonderful Z family that is willing to critque my work, and tell me where I need improvement!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Always enjoy reading your posts. Hope that ankle is better soon. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele
Dear Pati, I certainly hope your coach has the good sense NOT to be mad at YOU. The one he should be mad at IMHO is the thoughtless person who pushed you. I can’t help being mad at them myself.
I was thrilled to hear of your teacher’s approval of your rough draft. High hoof! Congratulations too on your jumping, and I hope you soon have a good connection with another pony/horse. I wish you a speedy recovery from your hurt ankle as well.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Pati, double congratulations, on the rough draft of your paper and on you jumpling the 3 and 1/2 feet with James!!! You go girl. Sad that it was you last ride on him, but wonderful that he is going to a great home. I hope your ankle heels soon, I’m sure you coach understands.
Terry Crow
Dawn-I hope so, too. But the way I remember it my football coach was anything but understanding. A lot of coaches in those days were idiots.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
So, do you think your teacher will become a convert to the Wonderful World of Zenyatta? Could happen.
Congrats on jumping 3-1/2. I’m still on 18 inches.
Thank you all so much for your good wishes! I called my coach last night, and he said that all I need to worry about is to recover soon. I tried to put pressure on it this morning, and almost fell down the stairs! No more adventures like that for me today! I am just frustrated that I am missing my AP classes.
@ LauraJ I don’t know if she would. My teacher loves a “feel-good” story. Maybe she will. I hope my presentation is good enough for her to believe me. I am putting a link on my presentation to this site in case she gets interested. ;) But hey, you got off the ground, even if it is 18 inches! That’s already moving forward and progress is being made! :D
James has left for his forever home today. The lady came early, and picked him up. She looked so in love with him, and so excited to take him home with her! She is a retired horse trainer in Tennessee, and she owns like 240+ acres, so he won’t run out of places to explore anytime soon! I cried a little bit…. but I know I did my best, I trained him from the time he was just a 2 year old, bouncing around in the paddock and pestering poor 20 year old Katie. He has developed into such a good horse, and he’s practically a puppy. He loves butterscotch candies too. He tried to eat my bag to get to them. o:
Lisa in TN
Zen’s bronze will be unveiled at the beginning of the fall meet at SA. Across from John Henry. The article is at DRF. A great read!! What a wonderful entry today. It gives to reason to keep on hoping!! Have a wonderful day all.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Lisa, Now we have even more reason to make that trip! :)
I just read the article and there was a fun fact that I did not know. Zen’s heart-girth was 78 inches! Wow!! As I read the article, I got tears in my eyes especially when the spokesperson for Santa Anita said: They are the ones honored by the statue! How Special is this!!!!
JAG, your John will be looking at Zenny all the time once unveiled! High Hoof, Zenny!!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What great news, Lisa. I can’t wait to see it, of course I will probably cry!
I meant to send a valentine to you yesterday. So here it is, now .
I was listening to tv sometime last week, where I heard someone say “Don’t forget
to send a Valentine to the one that takes your breath away”. Within 2 seconds YOU
are the one I thought of.
I have the plushie of you and the little one, I think it’s as big as Sophie!!
Hi Zenyatta, I just read the latest Jay Hovdey article in the DRF and am so excited to find out as I had hoped and prayed the big Zenyatta statue will get to join the likes of Seabiscuit and John Henry in the Santa Anita Paddock this fall. If we can’t have you in person then this is the next best thing, well at least until your kids race here. Hugs and kisses to you Zenyatta!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hovdey: Zenyatta gets John Henry treatment with Santa Anita statue
John Henry welcomes The Queen! He would probably stand on his hind legs and give her a High Hoof!!! :-)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Trina Nagele
Oh my goodness, this is WONDERFUL! And another reason for Zenyatta fans to converge on Santa Anita for the BC 2012. Come one, come all!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
WOW, WOW, WOW. I always assumed Santa Anita would have a life sized statute of the QUEEN. Can’t wait for it to be unveiled. If Zenyatta hosts another BC party this year, that coupled with the unveiling of the statute, there will be some kind of record attendance, I’m sure. We better start lining up at 5:00 AM for entry. Exciting doesn’t even begin to describe it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary:
That will be THE party of them all. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
you’ve got THAT right, Rosemary. I’ll be there early!!
Terry Crow
Well-deserved honor. It is unusual when a statue is erected of a horse who is still alive.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I got choked up just reading the article. I especially like this quote: “You hope for that moment when the work comes to life for you,” Kaiser said. “It happened for me and her when I finished working one day, and in walking away I unconsciously gave her a slap on the hip and said goodbye. … “She’s my ‘War and Peace,’” Kaiser added. “It’s the hardest work I’ve ever done, and the most important.”.
When I was getting my Bronzatta last year, I told Nina I hoped she would eventually do a life-size statue at the track, and then maybe it could have Zenny’s white blaze and socks, as that was the only part “missing” for me, in her statue. Nina said it would have been difficult on the small statue, given the size, which is understandable. I’m hopeful, as the article says she wants to include the dapples.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Vicki B., how fantastic that our wonderful Nina is creating Zenyatta’s bronze.!!!!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Wonderful news about the statue! Such Joy for my Queen and her legacy.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Australia: Black Caviar goes for No. 19 on short rest in Lightning Stakes at Flemington
Patricia/Far northern CA
Good afternoon, dear Zenny… and the entire Zen World…
I really enjoyed the story about the basketball player… saw a brief TV story on him last week too. What a great success story… and he doesn’t look like one who will let “success” ruin his perspective on life. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
I know there aren’t many Zensters in the central KY area, but today there is a young Saluki bitch lost in an area south of Lexington. She is 9 months old, colored black and tan (like a Dobe) and about the same size as a Dobe, but with hanging ears covered in soft, wavy feathering. If anyone sees her please call your local Animal Control as (being a Saluki) she would not come to a stranger and is capable of running LONG distances VERY fast… I don’t have the contact information, just heard about this a few minutes ago, and thought maybe some Zen friends could help spread the word. The greatest fear is that she will run out into a road….
My new Saluki puppy Jazmin, 13 weeks old, is playing at my feet, she also is a black and tan and I would be heartbroken if she got out and disappeared…
I agree about Black Caviar, 5 furlongs a week after a race is just another workout for her. Her trainer commented last week she might run in ANOTHER race a week or so after THIS one. Again, just another work? They are talking about Dubai and, later, Ascot. She is a super mare, let’s just hope she stays sound and does her thing. As someone said today, a record is just a record… it’s the heart and durability and raw talent… all of which we saw YOU exhibit all through your racing career.
Having waited on MANY foals, I know it’s just a matter of “when it’s time, it’s TIME!” and no amount of wishful thinking will change it. And since most mares foal at night (mine mostly loved 3 AM), a webcam observation would be missed by most of us. Also, there will be a minimum of fuss and people around to help, as a lot of chatter and commotion can unnerve any mare… so it will be just the “foaling manager” and a couple of helpers— and maybe Ann and Jerry if they time it right?
PS When can we expect to see Ebby run? We’re all on pins and needles for her too!!
Trina Nagele
Patricia, I will e-mail this to Debbie G, our Z-ster mail carrier in Lexington. She can spread the word among the postal workers–they go every where. Let us know if this Saluki girl is recovered.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I forwarded this to some of my carrier friends, Patricia, and I will spread the word at work tomorrow. I hope the sweet girl is found. Keep us posted.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
Glad to hear that you and Tasty had a nice Valentine’s Day. Did you get a lot of cards and goodies? I hope so. As was noted above, I wonder what you’re looking at. I know how you like to keep your eye on everything that’s going on, but from the perspective of the photographer, it doesn’t look like there is anything “out there” (?) Of course we have all had animals who have stared intently on things we couldn’t see (ha, ha).
Jeremey Lin is certainly causing quite a stir – hope he will be able to continue doing remarkable things. That said, how are YOU doing? You know we are all a bunch of “nervous nellies” and need our updates. Hope these last stages are progressing well, and you aren’t too uncomfortable with your ever-expanding foal inside.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Barbara was feeling well enough to go to the hospital to see her hubby today and was actually able to bring him home which is very good news (especially for HIM). As we medical types like to say, “hospitals are no place for sick people.” She appreciated all of your prayers and good wishes (I copied all of the responses from yesterday into an email for her) and wanted everyone to know that it will probably be a while yet before she gets back to posting. In my humble opinion, continued prayers are needed for both Barbara and her husband.
Terry Crow
Great news!
Trina Nagele
Prayers for Barbara Wood and her hubby Allen. Thanks for keeping us posted, Sandy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Thanks. Glad to know he’s home and she’s on the mend. Hugs, JB
Maryp (New York)
Good news….prayers continue.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Thank you very, much for taking the time to keep us updated on Barbara and her hubby…That is wonderful news. I had her on my mind all day. They both remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you, Sandy for keeping us updated. Will continue with prayers and candles.
Doreen in CT
Sandy – Thanks for the update. It’s good to hear that both Barbara and hubby are feeling better and that hubby is back home. They continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Celeste in TX
Thanks for sharing the news about Barbara and her hubby. Hope they both feel lots better soon. Will continue good thoughts and prayers.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sandy, thank you so much for keeping us informed on the well being of our dear Barbara. I am so happy that she is doing better and her husband was able to get back home. My thoughts and prayers are still with both.
Jan S. / Houston
Sending good wishes to Barbara and her hubby.
carol in utah
Rachel’s little boy seems like a handful…and the family likes to use family names…so.
I thought first ActionJackson….but decided lots of others would think of that…
Instead I submitted…JessSoFiesty…seemed appropriate
Trina Nagele
Good one, Carol!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Cute name. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
What a great name, Carol!! I’ve been trying to think of something with “Jess” in it. Yours is perfect. I’ve been thinking his common name should be “Feisty”, anyway. Good luck in the contest.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Great name, Carol!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Zenny, in one interview, your Jerry said that he and your Ann were going to camp out when the time is near. Too Cute – and I bet they do! Pssst – I have an extra sleeping bag, nice and cozy, that fits three, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug! And as a redneck Nanny-Granny, I can whip up some mean vittles while WE wait! Hog jowls, chitlins, hog and hominy, ham and good ole lima beans, some mouth watering biscuits, and oh! maybe some grits while I’m at it! Mmmm-mmm-good! A redneck party! howabout it?
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
L O L !!!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I have a sleeping bag. Think they’d let me come too? But I’m not cooking, your menu sounds too good.
Lisag in Texas
Me too! Any country gravy with that? or is that not Red Neck enough?
Terry Crow
Grits go best with chopped chiggers mixed in.
Ingrid in MA
I have to thank you for today’s entry, Zenny. I’ve been feeling pretty down lately. Actually, in the past few weeks, I’d say I’ve become depressed. My rehab after hip surgery 6 months ago isn’t going as well as I’d hoped (during this time we found lots of other problems in my back that were causing most of the pain, so now I have all those things to contend with, also), my insurance company cancelled my physical therapy, adn even with doing my exercises at home, I’m just not getting the same result that I don with PT. I’ve been out on sick leave all this time, and now HAVE to go back to work because I’m out of paid leave days. Luckily, my surgeon insisted I go only part time, which is good.
Anyway, I’ve been feeling depressed about it all, and then I read your words, and I realized just how right you are. Attitude makes all the difference, and when you believe in yourself, it shows thru and others will begin to believe in you, too.
So THANK YOU for giving me the boost I needed, just when I needed it!
Love you, Sweet Zen!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid in MA:
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Hope things turn around for you soon. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele
Prayers for you, Ingrid. Please continue to share with us and Zenny how you are doing. You have the true Zen spirit!
carol in utah
Hang in there Ingrid….am going on 2 yr with new left knee…just do as much as you can each day…it does get better…and each of us heals at different rate…loved physical therapy…but could have done just as well at home by self with guidance …and insurance did not pay for it….just know that it will get better
Maryp (New York)
Ingrid, I’m sorry that you are going through a rough time but happy that Zenyatta and all of us Z-sters lift you up. Keep the good spirit that to be positive is to be better and you shall do wonders for yourself. Please keep us posted on how you feel and your progress. Blessings to you.
Ingrid, post-op pain & rehab wear you down. I have been there.
Add the difficulty of the current medical insurance fightes.
It is no wonder you are depressed.
Please know that there is a brighter time down the road.
Thinking of you & sending a hug.
sharon in seattle
Hi Ingrid – what a bummer – the insurance go-around!! I’ve been on that lately. You WILL be better – we’re all here (along with Zenny/Dottie) to help keep up your spirits!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m sorry about what you’re going through, Ingrid. I know what a hassle it is to deal with insurance companies, and to not be doing well physically only adds to your aggravation. I’m glad the diary helps to lift your spirits. It does seem to have that affect, doesn’t it? I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’ve been right there with the world’s slowest knee rehab so I really DO know how you feel. Wasted lots of money “talking” to someone who just didn’t get why I was so down about my lack of progress. Keep doing your exercises – I didn’t feel that they helped as much as PT, but . . . they will help maintain things until your progress kicks into a higher gear. Hang in there! Z’s “never give up” spirit has infused me with cautious consideration of the 2012 BC (or at least I’ve moved from “I can’t possibly do that” to “well . . . maybe . . . ) and I hope she will inspire you too.
Doreen in CT
Ingrid – you are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so sorry that you are going through a rough time. I’m so glad that Zenny has helped brighten your spirits and you know you can count on us to help brighten them too.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Hang in there!! It will get better. I am so glad we have this site to come to when life gets tough…
Celeste in TX
Isn’t it amazing what Zenyatta can do to lift our spirits when we are down? I hope this site will continue to inspire you to do your exercises and get yourself feeling better. Take care and let us know how it is going.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear, Ingrid, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I understand how difficult healing can be sometimes, you just want to get back to normal or as close to normal as you can. I hope you know we all care and that we are here to offer support and motivation. You can do it!!!!! Take care!
Jan S. / Houston
Ingrid, here’s hoping you get back to feeling better soon..
Lisag in Texas
Ingrid, in my prayers. Try not to let the depression get you too down, you’ve other things to focus on and the depression can hurt that. I know, believe me. Prayers and hugs..Lisag
Dear Ingrid,
Even though times are hard for you right now,
I am seeing a big bright spot in your recovery
With your great attitude and drive to do all those
Exercises on your own. So glad you are going back
To work part-time. Thanks so much for sharing
Everything you do on this site. Thoughts and prayers
Are with you always .
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
YAY! A Zenny statue! Can’t wait! can’t wait! Now if we can get marketing at Hollywood Park to have a Zenyatta Day BEFORE Santa Anita’s fall meet ….. after all, IT IS HER HOME! I for one am contacting Gayle Clark head of marketing with a few ideas to celebrate the birth of her foal! Join me! Contact HP maketing and ask for Gayle, let them know we’d like her home, Holly Park, to have a day for her and her foal! I understand that there is a DVD of the Queen that was put together by Hollywood Park of her farewell, and maybe there could be a bobble-head of Zenyatta and her foal as a give away for a Zenyatta Day coming up in the April meet. Maybe HP could sell the DVD in conjunction with the give away bobble-head … I’d like to see this dream come true …..
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
How perfect is that! A Statue of Z at Santa Anita. Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Good idea. I’m for it.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
How about a Zenyatta Day at Hollywood Park in conjunction with the BC?? If I came all the way to California, I’d want to see where she lived!
(PS – are my emails getting stuck in your “junk mail folder” ?????)
Terry Crow
All Z fans should have the opportunity to visit Barn 55, a truly magical place.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Havre de Grace Breezes Half Mile
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Hi Z. I am so glad that our votes counted and they canceled the diving horse. HORRAY!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Slew, what a great horse.
Our truly great horse is always ZENYATTA, of course. You and TT have a great day and kisses on your soft noses and belly kisses for your foals.
Dottie, thank you so much for all the great info. on this site, and sharing Zenyatta with us.
M. Kern
Oh! My goodness! This is great news. Fantastic! I can hardly wait to see your life-size statue at Santa Anita this fall. I love it! I love it!
Especially Horses / Southern California
M. Kern: Thank you for the great news!
Wow! So many of us have been waiting for this. This is fantastic news indeed.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Hovdey: Zenyatta gets John Henry treatment with Santa Anita statue.
Snippets from the article:
“Honoring her size and dimensions, at first it felt a little like a construction project,” Nina Kaiser said.
“I measured her, of course. In height, she goes a 17-1 and a nickel. But what really amazes me is her heart girth.”
By Kaiser’s tape, the 6-year-old version of Zenyatta girthed 78 inches. By comparison, the girths of the many champions measured by Dr. Manuel Gilman of New York included Seattle Slew (76 inches), Secretariat (76 inches) and Forego (77 1/2 inches).
“My goal is to include her dapples,” Kaiser added, heaping upon herself another layer of pressure. “I’m not sure she’d be Zenyatta without those dapples.”
“We originally thought about timing the unveiling with Zenyatta delivering her first foal in March. But the more we thought about it, the more we liked the idea of the fall meet, and having her in place when the racing world arrives for the Breeders’ Cup.”
“She’s my ‘War and Peace,’” Kaiser added. “It’s the hardest work I’ve ever done, and the most important.”
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Especially Horses, thank you for the snippets! Love hearing from Nina! I am beyond ecstactic that Zenyatta is being honored with a statue, she deserves every recognition we can give her!!
In a conversation with Nina after buying a bronze (last summer) ; she mentioned this an said to keep it a secret. So glad the cat is out of the bag now.
Perhaps all the Kennedy’s suggestions really helped this life size statue come about;
a fitting place for the QUEEN OF RACING at THE GREAT RACE PLACE; Santa Anita.
Lisag in Texas
Thank you M Kern for the post. WOW, well deserved and will be the most magnificent statue to date. I do not think I would want to be in Nina’s hooves, talk about pressure. Our Queen! ;)
Abigail from Montreal
M. Kern: Thanks so much for this. A really fascinating article! I loved the fact that Kaiser said “…This (Zen’s statue) is my ‘War And Peace.’ It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and the most important.”
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Acclamation Named Cal-bred Horse of the Year
Zenyatta. You might be interested to learn that a daughter of Dynaformer, Blue Bunting, has retired from racing because of a leg injury. She is to visit your father, Street Cry. According to the article, she may not be a great beauty like you, but, like all Dynaformer offspring, she could run like the wind. Best wishes to her on the next phase of her career.
Every day brings us closer to meeting your foal. Look after yourself for the big day. Thinking of you all of the time.
I really love Blue Bunting, sorry to hear she won’t race again;
but hopefully have a successful broodmare career.
Lisag in Texas
Nice article, Max. Thank you for the post, her foal will be expected to be brilliant. I think she is beautiful. Can any horse really not be the best looking thang?
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Blue Bunting may not be “the best looking” but she has some great genes. IMO all TB horses are beautiful, some just more so than others.
Robin - Ventura CA
Have a wonderful Wednesday to all the wonderful Z Fans!
Waiting for baby Z to arrive!
LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robin - Ventura CA
Sarah can we PLEASE get a CLOSE up photo of our girl? Maybe a full body one so we can see how big her belly is???
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta Hi sweet wonderful girl. I hope you and Tasty are both feeling good. The children are excited about the new babies coming soon. I hope you both have a really good night. Hugs and Many Kisses, Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
@ Thank you Z Family for posting back to Terry. He will be very excited.
@ Barbara Woods and Husband I am sending many prayers. God Bless you both : )
@ Z Family new post on the Peppermint Pal site. If you have time please visit. Mistletoe is not famous like our Queen but I bet Zenyatta would tell Mistletoe she likes this site http://www.peppermintpal.com
Shari: This is a wonderful site. Mistletoe is very sweet looking. She may not be a Queen yet, but she looks like she could be a Princess. She has a great name. I am happy that Serengeti has found a good home.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, dear friend. Loved our Valentine’s Day phone visit!!! Mistletoe’s post was just way TOO CUTE!!! Have a fantastic day tomorrow!
Love and hugs,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mrs. Voltz:
Thank you so much for the link to Mistletoe. Too Cute that she invites the children to ask questions and she answers. What fun for the children to have a teacher like you. Hugs, JB
carol in utah
best morning shari and homeroom 215….i love reading the peppermintpal site…mistletoe is sure a very pretty little girl…so gland she has someone who is
taking good care to make sure she learns all she can about racing…i hope to watch her next race..one of the best parts of life is learning something new every day…
hae the best day…your friend…carol in utah
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th ♥. Forever and always.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Back at you! 12th-Heart-LOL!
Paula Higgins
Wonderful post Zenny/Dottie! Jeremy Lin was passed up again and again by teams and also dropped by teams . So glad that he is realizing his dream. Somewhat like Zenny who was passed by because of her skin condition at the horse sales. @JAG, thanks for the link about Nina Kaiser’s new life size statue of Zenyatta. Cannot wait to see it!!! I know it will be spectacular.
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Kari Bussell – I love your reply to my post from yesterday. I always cheer for UT in the tournament and in bowl games, too!
@Darlene Daniels – I loved your post, too. That’s so cool that you’ve always been a Kentucky lover your whole life. Do you come to Mt Sterling very often to visit your mother? I like to go to Court Days in Mt Sterling. That’s an excellent place to see a lot of rednecks. Terry Crow would love it! Go Cats!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: Another great post. It encourges me to keep playing the piano.
Just in case anyone might be interested, Rachel Alexandra is sponsoring a contest to name her baby:
The prize if your name is picked is a day at Stonestreet with
a wonderful meal, tour and time with Rachel and her colt.
Remember Stonestreet is a much smaller farm with a
much smaller breeding program than Lanes End.
All of the KY farms seem to offer something special
to horses and their owners.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Hello, gorgeous!! I am so glad you and Tasty had a wonderful Valentine’s Day at Lane’s End. It was fantastic to read all of the beautiful post’s from everyone yesterday!! So much love was expressed for you, Dottie and each other that I could feel the warmth radiating off the page. Amazing!! I enjoy a variety of sports too, Zenny. One of my favorites is golf. I try to play as much as I can and I watch it often. Mother has the Golf Channel playing daily at her house. She has never played, but she so enjoys it. The year I took her to the Master’s is a memory that will last forever. We loved every minute there. Augusta and the history that has been made makes it hallowed ground. It will be that way for me from now on not only because of what others have done there, but because of the remarkable day mother and I shared!! Love to you and Tasty, sweetheart. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Holy Moly!! You went to THE MASTER’S???? How in the world did you get tickets? That’s always been one of my dreams (grew up watching golf on TV with a father who was born in Scotland – so you get the idea :-) Tom Watson was his favorite – I love him too, but I’ve always been a Jack N. fan)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sandy, I had heard the same thing. I just decided to go for it. I went to the Master’s website to get the general information about dates, what is happening each day, meals, gate locations, parking, etc. It is pretty much impossible to purchase the actual badges or tickets directly from the official source. But, many individuals sell their tickets on the secondary market. I went to Stubhub to pick out the tickets for the days I wanted and purchase them. They vary in price a great deal, depending on what you want, but are actually pretty easy to get. Also, the hotels anywhere around Augusta are sold out well in advance and the prices are quite high, so make reservations early. I decided that it would not be hard to drive 30 to 45 minutes or so outside the city. I found a great B&B in a little town nearby. In fact a gentleman who lived next door to where we stayed had been working for Augusta National for over 20 years, so he gave us some info on what route to take driving to the course. I have to tell you it was one of those experiences of a lifetime and I have plans to go again sometime. I hope this information helps and you make a trip there one day!! The shear beauty will take your breath away and seeing the greats of the game is amazing!!
Terry Crow
Dawn-The Masters is on my bucket list and I had better get to it before it is too late. My favorite golfer used to be Gene Littler, if I am not dating myself too much. I envy you the experience.
Marian M.
Well said, Queen Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Bernadini-Kentucky, you handsome young stud with a wonderful way with words!! You and Zenyatta make such a great pair.