Good Morning,
I do hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday enjoying special moments, visits, and hugs with dear friends and loved ones. We certainly enjoyed our day here at Lane’s End. Everything was lovely!
As many of you may know, MY TEAM absolutely adores all kinds of SPORTS. MY JOHN and Dottie are avid sports fans and have many teams in various sports they follow. In the many lessons we learn in life, “sports” can often be a great teacher!
For one N.Y. KNICKS Basketball player, yesterday was truly a very special day! JEREMY LIN clinched the WIN last night for the KNICKS with his final shot….a 3 pointer…in the last few seconds of the game.
Jeremy’s story is a fabulous one. He is Harvard-educated, is passionate about Basketball, and has exhibited a work ethic in his sport that illustrates a high level of perseverance. HE NEVER GAVE UP! (I so admire this quality in individuals. I practiced this when I was an athlete.) He kept practicing his craft and working…trying to earn his place on the TEAM.
Recently, a few Knick players were not available to play for various reasons and Jeremy got his chance…and has he made the most of it. Last night, for the 6th game in a row, Jeremy scored over 20 points. Charting which Pro-basketball players scored the most points in their first 5 games played since the ABA-NBA merger….Lin is now #1 with 136. Shaq is #2. What an honor!
The KNICKS have now won 6 games in a row…and all of the sports world is talking about “LIN-SANITY”! His post-game interviews are gracious and filled with thanks to his coaches, team, and the opportunity he has been given. As the sportscasters commented repeatedly on MIKE AND MIKE IN THE MORNING today..”He is so very humble”!
All of this happening in the last several days really makes one think…there are many talented individuals in this world…and if given the opportunity, they will do remarkable things. THE IMPORTANT THING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER IS…KEEP TRYING, DO NOT GIVE UP, AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAMS!
Cheers to Jeremy Lin…for being a wonderful and joyful reminder of this!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Have a great day!)
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
Hi Zenny- It would be great to get an update on how you are “doing” if you seem like you are getting closer to the date or if things are just the same for now. I know mares start to act a little “different” before that time before they foal. Just wondering because I’m going crazy with how and when your foal will come…. I know you don’t have an exact date or time which is making it even more crazy for me. Anyway – I know IT will HAPPEN when IT’s supposed to…. PACE PACE PACE – WAITING for the BIG DAY….. PACE
Hugs and Love
Gloria I find myself wondering the same thing. Then I remember the date and I know anything before Feb 26 is too early. Feb 26 is day 330. We don’t want anything before then.
Buti know of what you speak of. And I don’t mean to be critical at all. Foal watch is tense time.
Try to save the pacing for when we here the baby has dropped. Hopefully we’ll get that news in a timely way. And just for the record just cause the baby has dropped doesn’t mean birth is imminent. It just means we’re that much loser.
And Z could start showing wax early and and and. We won’t go there.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Truly inspirational dear Zenyatta and Dottie and team Z peeps. I saw the young athlete Lin ( I believe either 60 minutes or some sport show ) just a snippet and I was just so impressed by his demeanor and his gratitute toward all who helped him along the way. In the end, he got his chance to shine and he has really pulled it off. A real success story. May he continue to move forward in his career. He is such a fresh new face and someone for our children to look up too. Just like the kids in Ms. Voltz’s class all look up to her and Zenyatta!
What a great way to start a Wednesday morning.
Z- you and Tasty and the other ladies in the foaling barn, take care and have a wonderful day. We love you all.
So happy we won for the “diving horse”!!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Whoops ( gratitude)!
Happy valentines day!!!! hope you had a great day yesterday! I love you soooo much!! Hope you are doing well! luv ya! oxoxoxoxo FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAn AMY
Z yesterday was a GREAT day for the horses! As mentioned the clown who wanted to jump off horses off that pier in New Jersey has finally stepped down. I hope it’s stays down permanently.
Then the BLM lost in Court to Laura Leigh. I know a lot of people come here to ge rejuvenated but this is really important. It’s about First Amendment. It’s about how BLM tried desperately to stop access to the horses because they didn’t like the truth coming out.
If BLM had won it could’ve affected every news investigator in this country. For more info check out Straight From The Horse’s Mouth– RTFitch’s site. I can never remember the addy. RT has a wonderful way of explaining what happened in court, what it means and so forth. And he doesn’t speak down to people like condescending or patronizing. He doesn’t expect everyone to know or understand all the legal briefs–so he’s able to put it into English,
Fee, I think I read one or two other things. All in all yesterday was just TERRIFICC for the horses!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
Let’s hope this decision starts a trend to do the right thing by the horses. Hugs, JB
Enrico Equus
Dear Margaret, Thank you for posting this great news that Laura Leigh has won her case against BLM! What could be more rejuvenating than news like this? The fate of wild horses is at the center of this case, which is a VERY significant First Amendment judicial decision. Brava, Laura Leigh! Thank you Justice Milan D. Smith! Thank you Gordon Cowan!
Trina Nagele
Here’s a link: http://rtfitchauthor.com/author/rtfitch/
Margaret, wonderful news. Stories like this get lost . Thank you for sharing it.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Margaret, fantastic news!
Terry Crow
@Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you apologize to your car repeatedly just to get it started. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever taken a stair off your house and used it as a running board for your truck. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if you’re related to everyone at your high school reunion. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if you think Argentina is the color of your aunt’s hair. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you ever cheated at hopscotch. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if your church has a smoking section. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if you go to a wedding and ask someone to pull your finger. @signofthetimes, president, and Barbara Wood, charter member of Texas chapter-You might be a Texas redneck if you think Colonel Sanders got killed at the Alamo. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck when you found a tattoo you didn’t know you had. @carol in Utah, president of Utah chapter-You might be a redneck if you choose your vacation destination based on the in-flight movie scheduled to be shown. @Sue Colvin, president of New Jersey chapter-You might be a redneck if your family traditions involve an air horn. @Sandy in northern Ohio, president, and Shari Voltz, charter member of Ohio chapter-You might be a redneck if your school dress code contained the words “shoes optional.” @Brenda S, president, and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if your grandmother has ever stopped by the side of a highway to take a leak. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you have ever shaken hands with the Tidy Bowl man. You might be a redneck if your idea of a lawnmower is a dozen starving goats. You might be a redneck if, last year when they found you, you were declared the winner of the 1997 Hide and Go Seek championship, the search having been conducted by the police. You might be a redneck if most of your teeth are on a chain around your neck. You might be a redneck if, when you introduce a friend to your husband and your brother, the friend only needs to shake one hand. ,
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Terry- You give me such joy. Years ago my neighbors did have a pet goat . Henry…he was a great guard goat….a real funny little pistol. …and they never had to mow.-LOL!
Terry Crow
Kari-If these jokes bring you pleasure, my day is complete. A guard goat? Ought to be able to get a few jokes out of that.
Trina Nagele
Love those goats!
Marty R / Colorado
Terry, I get on a marathon laugh track when I read your jokes. A couple years ago, I was thinking that about MY OWN hair color!
Terry Crow
I now longer have to speculate on mine. It just depends on what shade of gray you call it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
So funny. Thank you. Missed you yesterday. Hugs, JB
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Terry, How did you know??? If anyone has a spare goat………. I’m fed up with mowing and that’s when I can start the darned mower.
Terry Crow
Judy-There was such a tone of love on the site about Valentine’s day that I thought it might be too jarring to some for one of my usual posts. There are people on the site who don’t appreciate these jokes.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yep, my feeling was similar yesterday, Terry. And excellent jokes today. Redneck relatives edition coming up next.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Who the heck doesn’t need some comic relief once in a while?
Abigail from Montreal
Sweet Terry: In light of my night out watching the Habs take on the Bruins, we might say this: Terry Crow might be a Canadian Redneck if he thinks Clarence Campbell was right to suspend Maurice Richard aka THE ROCKET !!!!!
Terry Crow
Maurice Richard? Probably the greatest who ever laced up a pair of skates? Suspended? I might be a redneck but it wouldn’t be for that reason.
Abigail from Montreal
Yeah, suspended! (And the Canuck Rednecks thought that was fine!) In Montreal, the response was the Rocket Richard Riot. Today, it is seen as the first shot in the story of French nationalism here in Quebec: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I24DnHrYxfY
Naturally, I would never think that OUR TERRY would agree with Clarence Campbell….but did think the comment might give you a chuckle!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
For my next installment in the Redneck Relatives edition (also known as the “truth is stranger than fiction” category):
You might be a redneck relative, if you put down your tools while making a bookshelf in your living room, and by the time you return, you can’t find any of your tools. You might be a redneck relative, if so much “stuff” piles up in the living room, that you have to go buy another drill, to work some more on the shelves. You might be a redneck relative, if a few years later, your relative comes over to help you clean up your living room, and six drills are found! You might be a redneck relative, if along with the six drills found, are the bones of your parakeet, that you bought to help get rid of the “mouse” … which turned out to be a lot bigger than a mouse.
Terry Crow
Vicki-Your jokes sound like personal experiences.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Terry Crow
Anything to help a teacher get through the day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Terry, missed you yesterday. Glad you are back in championship form today!! I am sure if Redneck jokes became a national sport, you would be a super star!! Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!!!
Terry Crow
Dawn-High praise from a non-member. I thought about you for membership, but thought better of it. However…
Marshall (in NC)
Terry Crow,
You crack me up! HOPSCOTCH! I remember that — what fun!
Keep the laughs coming and take care! Cheers (oops), or is it
Beers? Say when!
Terry Crow
Keep em coming. I could use some about now. How about you might be a redneck if you play hop scotch with a walker.
Gary Moulton
BlacK Caviar is coming back this Sat in a 5f straight turf and I can’t believe she is doing it on just a weeks rest. She has come back with 2 weeks rest a couple of times but if she wins she will tie Zenny at 19. Well just one more and I lose my bet that she wouldn’t beat Z and get 20 in a row. I didn’t think it would happen this fast She has been going so easy that if she stays healthy and they keep running her she could conceivably get 30.
I hope she comes to England and races Frankel. If they do and she is still undefeated,
I’m Betting Black!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Gary, great to read your post…I agree. You just might lose that bet. I would love to see her run against the great Frankel. It would have me torn about which one to cheer for, but would be a awesome race.
Trina Nagele
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
She has races instead of workouts. 5F is nothing for her.
Terry Crow
It used to be a handicapping angle that 75% or races were won by horses who had run in the preceding 15 days. TImes have indeed changed.
Paula Higgins
Gary, Black Caviar is phenomenal but she has run only at shorter distances. Hard to compare her with The Queen. But I am following her like everyone else and hoping she continues her streak and races the longer distances. A race between her and Frankel would be one for the ages.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
My Queen ,
I love today’s post. Like you, I love all sports. I am so impressed by Jeremy Lin…His story is so inspirational and a example for how to achieve your goals. The words “Never give up” are so very close to my heart…..YOU are my inspiration, my heart & my Joy. I hope you are Tasty are having a fabulous day.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
@All- I hope all of you are having a beautiful day. I got behind yesterday. I just wanted to thank everyone for always being so kind to me.
To those of you who enjoyed the videos…thank you for taking the time to let me know. It truly warms my heart and fills me with Joy to share my love for Zenyatta with all of you.
Love, Peace, Health, Wonder, & Great Joy to All of You!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
@Kari Bussell~ I didn’t get a chance to thank you for the latest video of our Z. It was beyond amazing, as is all your work. When the side shot of Z showing how completely in foal she was flashed on the screen…. I just lost it…. Of course, I had seen that photo when it was first taken, but something about it this time just got to me. Thanks again for all you do for us.
Love and Hugz
Lisag in Texas
Kari, Kari….thank you for all you have done. You really are too sweet. I hope your day is beautiful and tomorrow and the next, and the next. Love ya, Girl…Lisag
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kari, my dear friend. You enrich my life everyday!!!
Love and hugs,
Mary Margaret Thompson
I am so happy to hear that Atlantic City is cancelling the diving horse event. I hope the exhibit doesn’t try to set up somewhere else. Pray for the horses. We have to be their voice. Zenyatta, I hope you and Tasty are enjoying your waiting period. Take good care. Luv ya, MM
Jan S. / Houston
Nice post today. Happy for Jeremy Lin, we had him here in Houston, but let him go. Didn’t have room for a third point guard.. Hope you are feeling good and not to uncomfortable.. Getting close Mama. xoxoxo
Jan S. / Houston
OOPs. Didn’t have room for a forth point guard…
Terry Crow
Four point guards are, indeed, not needed. I am not a big basketball fan but the Lakers sure could use a good point guard. The people who evaluate talent are unable sometimes to look beyond standards that they feel fit a particular position. It is difficult to measure heart.
Jan S. / Houston
So true Terry.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Really admire great sportsmen in their fields who are also gracious and dignified in their dealings with fans and press. Z hope you and TT are as comfortable as you can be at this time. Every day for the past few days we have been so anticipating what we might discover as we log into your Diary. So looking forward to your big news. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Terry Crow
Agree. Any athlete who donates his time to things like Make a Wish goes way up in my eyes.
Judy from South Carolina
I know a “lady” is never supposed to tell her age but I am 57 and actually saw the diving horses on the Steel Pier in AC many times when I was around 8 or 9 I think it was. I always wondered if those horses really wanted to jump into that tiny what -looked -like -a kiddie -pool of water but never saw anyone “make” them. Then I figured out that once they got up on that platform there was no where to go BUT down.
I never gave it much more thought until all of this came up again and I realized (as an adult) that some moron was actually trying to bring this barbaric form of entertainment back.
SOOOOO glad to come here and read that it was shut down before it ever got started. I think all of you had amazing power in assisting in making that happen. All of you ROCK!
To you, BIG MAMMA Z: I hope you are doing well and that you know we are all SO anxious for you and praying for a safe delivery and a beautiful and healthy Baby Z. We know you are going to be an incredible Mom and can’t WAIT until the BIG DAY!
P.S. Sure do wish they had a contest to name YOUR baby like what they did with Rachel! Hmph!
Love you Z!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Judy, from SC, there was an “unofficial” contest last year which I think BloodHorse ran. The winner from what I recall was “Driven To Tears”, submitted by Tim “Tiznow” Reynolds, who died tragically later in the year. I never liked that name, although, it certainly does fit with how I react when I see her videos of her races, photos, you name it, and the waterworks just flow.
Judy from South Carolina
Ann Maree………..hmmmm……..Driven To Tears………..great back story but I agree with you about the over all name. I think we all agree that THIS foal needs something regal, yet poignant……I am sure that Ann already has something picked out that will be perfect. At least I HOPE that Ann is the one that gets the final say. I know that ALL the connections love OUR GIRL but all you have to do is see ONE photo of ANN with her and, well, ’nuff said I think. Except for the only thing I think that kept (or keeps) Ann from laying down in the stall and sleeping with OUR QUEEN is Jerry. He is the pragmatic, businessman. She is the love, warmth and angel ESPECIALLY with Zenny.
I just thought that if there was a contest (hypothetically) let’s say and every entry would cost $1.00 and all of the proceeds would go to a Thoroughbred charity (ReRun, etc.) what fun it would be for the fans, plus a great contribution to a worthy cause and the prize wouldn’t have to be more than having the winning name automatically be one that was submitted to the Jockey Club for approval. Who knows? With all of the names that are submitted and rejected the person with the winning name just might end up with the name of the foal that ends up being THE registered name. Now of COURSE the Moss’ would have the final say if a name submitted for the contest was unsuitable and would not be considered.
I don’t know………I thought about this long before Zenny lost the first foal and waited to see if anything like it ever transpired. It was just a “promotional” thing I guess that I thought had mutual benefits and I was waiting for someone in the INNER CIRCLE to do it.
After 1 am here on the East Coast…….guess I am rambling and need to go to bed LOL! If you took the time to read this, Thanks!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
I have thought the same thing about a naming contest, but I agree, Ann will want to have the final say on this, Z’s first foal.
One other thought, though, and we are fast approaching another milestone in the life of the Queen, and that is her Facebook page will reach 100,000 around the end of February, to coincide with when her foal is about due. I was wondering that we should do to celebrate that? Surely, much will be said, even in the media, along with her foal.
Maryp (New York)
I too, try to pay attention to all sports and it is great that today’s post is about Jeremy Lin. Such a great young man with such talent and determination. He is the story out there these days. Nice of you, Zen, to bring it here to our attention. Lots of love & hugs to you and Tasty.
Lindy Pastrick
this is what we say for cross country we run the first part of the race with our head the second with our personality and the last part with our HEART! and its true about giving people the chance to prove themselves like in 6th and 7th grade i was the shy quiet person that no one talked to then when 7th grade track came i was the youngest to do the mile and i was really good my coach always said you have to believe and succeed! and since 7th grade track i have done alot of stuff like 7th and 8th grade mile runner then 9th grade freshmen that got 3rd in division and that year track being the only girl who voluntered for the 2 mile and going to states with a relay team also the freshmen that came from 10yds back at the start of the stretch and win by 3 tenths of a second and going up against one of the best sprinters and then 10th grade division champ and who knows what this years track season will be like
Trina Nagele
Wow, YOU GO, GIRL! As we say here, “RUN LIKE A GIRL!” and keep us in the loop!
Terry Crow
Good luck this season, although luck has very little to do with it. You sound like a determined young woman who will do well.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Good luck to you Lindy!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Dare the World to Save the Planet – March 31, 2012 – 8:30 p.m.
Ingrid Arnone
To all Z fans is a contest to name Rachel Alexandra’s colt,
You can send your selection to visitrachela@stonestreetfarms.com
You have to send your name and address and phone number if your pick gets selected you get and invitation to the farm.
My adorable Zenyatta I hope they do the same with you, I just cannot wait to help in picking yours, love you Ingrid.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I had a name picked out, but when I checked the Name Registry it was already in use (since 2008). I’m assuming they will probably make sure the name can be registered before selecting it as the winner. So back to the drawing board.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid A.:
Thanks for the link to Name Rachel’s foal. I submitted the name DOUBLE GOLD. I picked it because both of the colt’s parents are Horses of the Year and also it’s an award given to a winning wine. So, a connection to Jackson vineyards. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele
Good one, Judy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Thanks. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy, I also submitted my pick ALEXANDER THE GREAT, I went to the jockey club and I found some other horse has that name, boo joo boo joo… I hope they pick yours is good, hugs Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid A.:
Yours was a good choice. Too bad it’s already registered. Thanks for liking my choice. Will be fun to see which name they choose. Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / Southern California
Lovely name and no direct match to a name at the Jockey Club Online Names Book.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I’m speaking about the name Double Gold…..no direct match for Double Gold.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Especially Horses and Dawn C.:
Thank you both. It’s a fun thing for the fans to have a part in. He’s so adorable. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Judy, I like it!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta My name is Terry and i am a boy do you lik racing? we love you
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry in Mrs. Voltz’s Class:
So good to see your post to Zenyatta. Hugs, JB
Dear Terry,
That’s an awesome question! Maybe the Queen herself will answer your question! Wouldn’t that be something special??
Terry Crow
Terry-I like that name. I am also a “boy” and I hope you post often and let us know how you are doing.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Terry – I bet Zenyatta does like racing. I like racing too. How about you, do you like racing? I’m glad that you love Zenyatta like all of us do.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Terry! I’m sure it makes Zenyatta very happy to hear that you love her. I understand that you have pictures of Zenyatta, Mistletoe, Uncle Mo and Hansen put up in your classroom. That is very fun!!
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
Black Caviar running again this weekend with only a one week rest in between… Zenyatta was lucky to have such great connections – to give you a rest and take good care of you….
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
BC doesn’t need much rest to run in a 5F race. She races instead of having workouts. She will be fine.
Terry Crow
As always, I respect your opinion. As I previously posted, an old handicapping angle was that 75% of races were won by horses who had run in the past 15 days. Breeding has made trainers become more cautious in how they spot their charges. I would think that Black Caviar’s trainer knows what he is doing.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Laura, you would know this more than I, but, do you think that part of the reason that Black Caviar and other overseas horses can run back quicker has something to do with the recovery time needed in the states because of the effects of giving a horse lasix. I’ve read that horses can lose 30-50 pounds and that it takes several weeks for their systems to recover fully. Just a thought.
Trina Nagele
Very interesting.
Besides, most of her races were paid work-outs anyway. :P
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
What a wonderful diary entry today Zenyatta, (Kudos to you Dottie)!
Everyone truly has some special talent and all they need is to be given the opportunity. Never give up, when the time is right, we will all get our chance to show what we have to offer. Smile everyone, we are all great!
Love & Blessings to all equine and man alike!
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
No one will ever be as awesome as Zenyatta no matter the record!!!! You will always be special and the best racehorse ever!!!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Cigar is out.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I must have the worse timing. I checked the webcam within a minute of your post….no Cigar. What am I doing wrong, LOL. Do you still see him?
Oh wait! THERE HE IS. I see him. I see a real live horse on the webcam.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’ve been watching him today – he was looking over the front fence earlier. I think he knows we are “stalking” him LOL
Cigar has a lot of fans. It is fun to check on him every day, actually many times a day. I love that horse. Love Dynaformer too.
sharon in seattle
I haven’t had any luck in days! I miss seeing Cigar!! maybe tomorrow
Is there a link to this? I have never seen Cigar (other than on t.v.) before. :(
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
You have to refresh in order for the cam to change (update) – enjoy! At this time he is grazing :-D
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
p.s. The image changes every minute or so, so be patient when you refresh ;-)
YAY!! Thank you!!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Judy, I have tried going to the KHP web site, and can’t find the web cams. I tried your link and got one of those pesky “error” messages. I have gotten so frustrated, since I would love to “visit” Cigar! Help!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
I know – a video cam in her stall would be cool – I’m just so excited, I don’t want anything to happen before it’s time – I’m just excited for the day Foal Watch 2012.
Perky Green
Thanks to all who signed the petition and thanks for sharing the alert, and its outcome. Now my lovely Z hope this day finds you well. Still waiting I am just so anxious for you to give the gift of life. Am watching your diary daily.Hope you got lots of peppermint kisses and carrots via cake. LOTS’O’LOVE
Trisha from VA
High hoofs to all the fans of Z who participated in sending e-mails etc. in protest of resurrecting the diving horse stunt. Sometimes the voice of the people does count for something. If it were not for you gorgeous girl and keeping up informed, how would we know .
Also just wanted to mention Noor and all who were involved in bringing him to Old Friends. What a wonderful thing for that amazing animal.
You and your team and all your fans are a fabulous, caring bunch of people. Don’t you think?
Love you Z
Love, hugs and kisses to all
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trisha, I agree. Noor’s story and those that loved him, honored him and fought to preserve his memory and dignity is amazing. Charlotte was a remarkable lady!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Good afternoon Miss Zenyatta, Dottie, TT, those much-expected babies & Zen-sters:
You & your Dottie are certainly on the same page as yours truly today: I’m off to see my beloved Canadiens play the Boston Bruins with my son. He’s even lending me his Carey Price hockey shirt!!!! Actually, the tickets were our Christmas gift to one another. We did the same last year. We always try to pick February or March because it helps to have something special to look forward to through the winter.
Every time my son & I go to a game, the Habs (our pet name for the Canadiens) ALWAYS WIN. Will MY winning luck continue? Hooves crossed, Zenny!
Hugs & love to all. Happy B-day to the bad-tempered albeit brilliant Seattle Slew!!!
Lisag in Texas
Hooves crossed for you Habs
Abigail from Montreal
Thanks Lisag!
Terry Crow
Maurice Richard is probably still good enough to start in the NHL, if he is still alive. If he isn’t, he would have to come off the bench.
Hi Z! Yes, that basketball player is the talk of the town. Congrats to him! Today, it is our Dozey’s 9th birthday. Kate has not been able to ride Dozey for a couple of weeks. She was to be at a horse show-eventing-but Doz has some issues so she is on hand walking has sessions with the chiropractor every couple of weeks. Tough on Kate, but Dozey’s health is all important. Hope you are feeling good and hope Tasty is doing well too. Have a great day! xxoo
Marshall (in NC)
Hope Dozey recovers quickly and that Kate can ride her again soon!
All the Best!
Sue MacGray
Hi Zenny,
I also must remind you that yesterday the Detroit Red Wings won their 21st game in a row at home!!! (the Joe Louis Arena) breaking the record for games in a row in one season. That is a HUGE milestone, and also due to the wonderful teamwork they have exhibited throughout the streak. Their starting goalie (Jimmy Howard) has even been out for the past 4 games, yet they have continued winning with his backup Joey MacDonald. On Friday night, they go for 22…. Please wish them luck, after all, you know something about winning streaks yourself !!
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day as well to you and all of your connections. Take Care!
Trina Nagele
Wonderful for Detroit!
Terry Crow
Detroit always has a very good team.
Jan S. / Houston
I lived in Detroit years ago. The Wings are the Best. Most likely to win the cup this year…
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Zenny and Dottie, what a nice tribute to Mr. Lin. the news reports this morning were all praising him and I was proud to hear that all the fans in Toronto were excited to see him. Your remarks about never giving up are so true and I hope that they make an impression on Victoria and our two hopeful jockeys. They couldn’t have a better example than you to guide them in their journeys towards careers in the TB world.
You have been kind of quiet about how you and Tasty are feeling and we are all so anxious. Please give us some news. At this stage in pregnancy humans see their doctor every week, I wonder if it’s the same for you.
@ Abigail, Go Habs, enjoy your night out. Does Miss Daisy have a sitter??
Abigail from Montreal
Mais oui, Miss Brenda. She’s off to the neighbour’s to spend some quality time with her BFF, Finley the black Lab!!!!!
Trina Nagele
Too cute!
Terry Crow
I always like it when one of the original teams wins the Stanley Cup. Good luck Montreal!
Abigail from Montreal
Darn tootin’ honey! We’re major fans of the “original six.”
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, I hope you have a blast and “GO HABS”!!!!