Good Morning,
I do hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday enjoying special moments, visits, and hugs with dear friends and loved ones. We certainly enjoyed our day here at Lane’s End. Everything was lovely!
As many of you may know, MY TEAM absolutely adores all kinds of SPORTS. MY JOHN and Dottie are avid sports fans and have many teams in various sports they follow. In the many lessons we learn in life, “sports” can often be a great teacher!
For one N.Y. KNICKS Basketball player, yesterday was truly a very special day! JEREMY LIN clinched the WIN last night for the KNICKS with his final shot….a 3 pointer…in the last few seconds of the game.
Jeremy’s story is a fabulous one. He is Harvard-educated, is passionate about Basketball, and has exhibited a work ethic in his sport that illustrates a high level of perseverance. HE NEVER GAVE UP! (I so admire this quality in individuals. I practiced this when I was an athlete.) He kept practicing his craft and working…trying to earn his place on the TEAM.
Recently, a few Knick players were not available to play for various reasons and Jeremy got his chance…and has he made the most of it. Last night, for the 6th game in a row, Jeremy scored over 20 points. Charting which Pro-basketball players scored the most points in their first 5 games played since the ABA-NBA merger….Lin is now #1 with 136. Shaq is #2. What an honor!
The KNICKS have now won 6 games in a row…and all of the sports world is talking about “LIN-SANITY”! His post-game interviews are gracious and filled with thanks to his coaches, team, and the opportunity he has been given. As the sportscasters commented repeatedly on MIKE AND MIKE IN THE MORNING today..”He is so very humble”!
All of this happening in the last several days really makes one think…there are many talented individuals in this world…and if given the opportunity, they will do remarkable things. THE IMPORTANT THING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER IS…KEEP TRYING, DO NOT GIVE UP, AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR DREAMS!
Cheers to Jeremy Lin…for being a wonderful and joyful reminder of this!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Have a great day!)
Enrico Equus
Zenny Dear,
SUCCESS! Anthony Catanoso announced yesterday that the Atlantic City Steel Pier has CANCELLED its plan to revive the high-diving horse act! This is thanks to you and all your caring fans who joined the outcry on Monday.
HSUS President Wayne Pacelle declared that “This is a merciful end to a colossally stupid idea. We are pleased so many citizens spoke up and urged that this spectacle never get off the ground. Horse diving has the potential to frighten and injure and kill horses, and it rightly belongs in Atlantic City’s history books.”
A big hug and a high hoof to every one of the MANY Zenyatta fans who signed and recirculated the petition and sent emails! You ensured this happy outcome!
Dear Dottie, A HUGE high hoof to you for allowing Zenny’s fans to post off topic on equine welfare. The Power of Z!
Enrico Equus
Lisag in Texas
kelly-Allentown, Pa
That is good news!
Suzanne G (IL)
WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Thanks for letting us know!
sharon in seattle
yes, thanks for alerting us
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Here’s the link I shared on yesterday’s diary regarding this:
Alia Abu-Bakr
Queen Z, Jeremy is a great guy and team member. But, Gorgeous Girl, you were all he is and SO MUCH more when you were racing. You deserve the highest of praises and respect. I LOVE you!!
Eveline / Maryland.
Betsy McGrath
Enrique, thanks for bringing this dreadful “entertainment” to everyone’s attention; if it was banned for its cruelty and heartlessness thirty years ago, what kind of an individual thinks of doing it again?
Thank you, Dottie, for allowing this issue to get valuable support from the wonderful folks on this website.
Janie (in L.A.)
I am SOOO glad to hear this! Thanks for bringing it to our attention so we could all act on it.
Jan S. / Houston
That’s terrific..
Maryp (New York)
Louise Castello
Yay! Great, great news!
Debbie G/Kentucky
That is fantastic news! Hoof ray!
Paula Higgins
This is great news! Congratulations to everyone who signed the petition. The power of good people in action.
Robin - Ventura CA
Linda Edwards in NJ
Number one today !!!
Yeah !!! So glad the issue you
brought forth has been settled.
OraJean Stevenson
Great News !! Way to go Enrico & Team-Z….I’m so HAPPY !!
Stephanie in San Diego
Yahoooo!! Well done everyone.
Myrna VandenBerg
Today is a very special day for me. It would have been my Rum Car’s 40th birthday. Until he was diagnosed with cancer I was sure he would have no problem making it to this day. But on that dark day in November, the one year anniversary of my mother’s death, everything came to a screeching halt when the vet called with the horrible news that Rum Car had a tumor in his bladder. We knew it was the beginning of the end and the only thing we were concerned about at that time was keeping our promise to him that he would not suffer and making sure he was comfortable. The every other day visits to the barn became every day visits. Even during bad snowstorms I found my way to the barn and Rum Car. I only had to set one foot inside the barn and he knew it was me and started calling for me.
We had 15 and a half wonderful years with him. He was everything and more that I dreamed of in a horse. He was demanding, skittish, freaky, loving, caring and my best friend. If things didn’t go his way he made sure I knew about it. If I dared to stand and talk with someone before I gave him his food, he would start stamping his feet and if I did not jump then the stamping turned to kicking his stall with his hind hooves. Then I jumped. Friends told me I was crazy to let this horse walk all over me. To me, it was an honor just to be his caretaker.
One of my fondest memories was the day my sister Patsy and I left for a two week trip to Europe. When I went to the barn for one final goodbye, he was sitting in the shavings, looking just like a baby horse with his legs underneath him. I almost never saw him like that. He was not one for laying down except maybe in the middle of the night when I seldom saw him. I quietly went into his stall and knelt down by his side. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a bunch of kisses. I stayed there with him for a few minutes dreading the fact that I would not see him for two weeks.
Of course when we got back he was pissed and faked an injury to get back at us. After a few hundred dollars worth of x-rays we were 99.9% certain it was a fake and the vet agreed. After a couple of days of hobbling around he made a miraculous recovery.
At 4:15 this morning I awoke to a giant silhouette of a horse on my curtains. Of course it was Rum Car reminding me today is his day.
Lisag in Texas
Myrna, just a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Oh how beautiful. God Bless you and Rum Car : )
Great story!
Thinking of you & Rum Car on this special day.
Terry Crow
Myrna-God bless you and Rum Car.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Beautiful story.
Louise Castello
What a great story! Thank you for sharing his spirit with us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Myrna:
Lovely story and wonderful example of just how strong our bonding with our animal friends can be. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele
Thank you, Myrna, for sharing Rum Car’s story. Blessings to you both.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful story, Myrna. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Paula Higgins
Beautiful story Myrna.
Robin - Ventura CA
Wonderful story and God Bless you and Rum Car.
Thank you for sharing.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Myrna, what a beautiful story and what a remarkable love you shared with your Rum Car. Our lives are forever changed by the wonderful animals we share our days with and they live on in our hearts forever and ever!!!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful touching story of all the quirks, crazy, wild things that horses do to endear us to them. That faking an injury is TOO CUTE; one of my
friends had that happen to her at the barn I used to ride at. All of their wonderful, goofy, crazy behavior endears us to them even more to those of us who are horsewomen
and very endeared to our horses through experience of direct contact.
Sometimes with racing, owners buy and don’t know anything about how to care for their horse, even how to pet them. The trainers and teams from the backside have to teach them these skills. The presence of a horse is so very soothing and calming and powerful.
Stephanie in San Diego
Myrna….Thank you for sharing your touching story or Rum Car. You made me smile and cry. What a specials relationship the two of you shared. xoxo
Terri Z/ So Fla
Thanks for sharing your history with your special boy, Rum Car.
Three years to the day that my cat, Lovey, was euthanized I received a call from the vet. It was his second office and they called to see how he was doing. They called three years later at the exact time he passed on.
My poor baby had renal failure, was in distress and was crying. I told him not to worry, as soon he would be going to sleep and he would no longer be in pain. I also said that he can visit me at any time. He immediately relaxed and stopped crying.
That night, as I was lying down, I heard him vocalize and jump on the couch by my feet. There was an indentation on the sofa where his spirit was.
Myrna VandenBerg
Thank you everyone for all those sweet comments. His birthday is always a difficult day for me because if it weren’t for that dreaded cancer I really think he would still be with us. And he would have smashed the record for oldest living Thoroughbred which I think is around 35. He had always been a very healthy boy and was even featured in a clinic on how terrific and great an older horse can be with proper care. In the clinic everyone got to examine him and most were especially interested in his legs which were totally clean. At the time of the clinic he was 31 and until his age was revealed everyone thought he was about 10.
He was always the barn favorite and even though the youngers girls working there were not allowed to handle him he was the sweetest horse that walked the planet. The barn owner only allowed experienced people to handle him because as old as he was, he was still a Thoroughbred and there were many times when he must have gotten confused and mistaked a paddock gate for a starting gate and burst out as if his life, or in his mind the race, depended on it. He also didn’t want to just walk, he jigged and he was quite big and muscular so quite a handful. There was a young horse on the property and they loved to race each other in the 10 acre pasture. They looked indentical and the only way you could tell them apart when they were racing was that Rum Car could run circles around his 6 year old buddy and was always way in the lead.
I know he enjoyed his life and loved his retirement too. I get such pleasure out of seeing photos of Zenyatta in her pasture and just enjoying herself and being withTasty. I could watch Rum Car for hours in the pasture just being free and having fun with his friends.
Thanks again everyone for making a difficult day much easier.
Mary in MA aka eastcoastkid
Zenny your diary and its posts yesterday and the day before have saved lives…equine and human…Diving horses…what kind of human would think that is entertainment!
Hi Hoof to Dottie/Zenny for providing a forum of concern …WAHOO!!!!
Good morning Zenny. I have to say I loved yesterdays pic of Sophie kissing you, she is
A-dorable. Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
Linda Shull
Glad your team won and good news about the horse act in Atlantic City. People need to think about what they are doing.
Lisag in Texas
Amen about people thinking.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, what are you thinking about? Where is Tasty? i certainly hope you are feeling okay. I know you like to stare out beyond your fortress, but at this time of your pregnancy, I need to know that you are okay and you are just doing your thang. I love you, and have a wonderful day, you and Tasty…Love, Hugs, Kisses…Lisag
Looks like she is contemplating the future in today’s post.
It is a good idea to move them to a foaling barn so they do know something
new is going to happen. Horses depend on the environment and when it changes
things around them change.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Zenny, great story about Jeremy Lin, he must have a lot of heart like you. I’m also estatic about the reversal the owner made on horse diving, maybe he should do it himself!! The power of people standing together, WOW. Now if we could just reverse this slaughter legislation and pass laws to protect our wild mustangs and burros, we’d be closer to a perfect world (well horse-wise anyway).
Myrna Vandenberg I enjoyed reading your post what a character Rum Car must have been…….so endearing!
Terry Crow looking forward to more of your crazyness today. LOL
Kisses on your nose Zenny and Tasty Auntie Sue
Trina Nagele
High hoof, Sue! Yes, we need to stand together to keep horse slaughter from resuming in the US and to stop transport of US horses to Mexico and Canada for slaughter there. We must also stand together to protect our wild horses and burros. For their sake, join in the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign at http://www.wildhorsepreservation.org/index.html
Elizabeth G.
Dearest Zenyatta,
Why is it that I never have a dry eye when I read your daily sentiments? Because you are representative of the very best in life…..an inspiration of hope and joy. Now take care and give my best to Dotti, Sophie and John.
High Hooves!
Myrna VandenBerg
I used to be a huge Knicks fan back in the Bill Russell, Sam Jones, John Havlechek (I know I butchered the spelling there) era so it’s nice to see this young man doing so well. Jeremy is from the Bay Area, where I live, and everyone is talking about him. I love his attitude and determination.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hi Sweet Cheeks!
Uncle John Henry says: March 9th!! He is getting so very excited to become an Uncle :-D
Tummy Rubs! Peppermint Kisses! {{HUGS}} to YOU and your BFFF, Tasty. XOXOXO
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Whoops!! I wasn’t finished typing – I hate when I do that LOL
How I got BFFF when I meant BFF!
I hope you both have a wonderful day…. we’re ALL pacing and waiting for the BIG day, Zenny! I’m hoping PINK: “Princess” :-)
Love always and forever,
Judy G
Auntie Judy
I knew you meant BFFF Best Friend Forever & Forever & Forever :)
♥ ♥ ♥
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Thanks! I thought that, too, after I “corrected” myself LOL
What inspiration this post has given me today. It reminds me that I am not alone in this journey to realize my dreams, not matter how long and hard it has been. It also reminds us all that there is no “I” in teamwork and that we must all work together to make things happen. I am so grateful that we have “squashed” the horse diving show. What a terrible tragedy this would of been. The biggest lesson that I have learned from Z and John over time is not to “rush” things, to savor every moment, to train every day and do your best and when it is time and you are ready-you will achieve greatness. Z did this for us and we can do it for ourselves…it only takes time.
Note from me: On VD Day Zenyatta gained 49 “LIKES”. We need to average 116.7 “Likes” per day on her FB page to reach our goal of 100,000 by the end of Feb. She is due 3-09 but could be anytime. Please reach out to all friends, family, and others that have not yet experienced the love and inspiration from Z to make this happen. Please repost and thanks so much-I am sure that Z and Team Z would be pleased with our efforts!!!
Trina Nagele
Well said! And here’s to 100,000 fb fans for the Queen!
Heather from Maine
Good day to you Zenny! Hope everything is going well for you today! Huggs and kisses to you!
I love you so much, Big Mare! You always have something uplifting to say. Thanks for being such a role model for everyone.
A live web cam in your barn would be soooooo cool!!! I would watch it all the time!!!! love Zenyatta!!!!
Robin - Ventura CA
I agree 100%, PLEASE DOTTIE???????????????????????????????????
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ = 9
Lisag in Texas
TOO CUTE! Whatever does that mean?
Trina Nagele
I think the nine hearts are symbolic of hoping for a March 9 foaling date.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
wink wink
Glorimar Urrutia
Happy Birthday, Seattle Slew! Today is the birthday of the GREAT Slew, who will be the great grandpa of your soon to be “bebe”! Love and Kisses from a fan of yours in the Caribbean, Glorimar
sharon in seattle
I join in saluting the great SLEW!!!!
Deborah Carlino
My all time favorite Triple Crown winner. Let’s hope your little one takes after his great grandpa Slew
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Victoria’s new friend Away Ahead, renamed Suki which is much better than Bear for such a pretty girl, has the great Seattle Slew on her dam’s side. Vic is so thrilled to be riding her, such good genes. She has Mr. Prospector on her sire’s side.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda and Victoria:
Wow, very nice bloodlines. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele
Is there a story behind the selection of the barn name Suki? I certainly agree it sounds much nicer for a lovely lady than Bear. High hoof!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
I also salute the Great Slew.
This is a wonderful video of his triple crown races…Chic Anderson lovingly narrates….
It is by cf1970…I can not recommend this person’s channel enough….Almost all great races can be found there.
Great find & recommendation.
Added to my Favs.
Louise Castello
Happy Birthday Slew! The most beautiful eyes ever!
Lisag in Texas
Happy Birthday, Slew. Dynamic.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Glorimar, thank you for sharing birthday wishes for the amazing Seattle Slew. He was one of the very greats. It was during the 1970’s that I first fell in love with horseracing. Those glorious Triple Crown years and he was a star!! I was privileged to meet both Jean Cruguet and Billy Turner a couple of years ago at Churchill Downs, it wa amazing!
Kari, thank you for the great link!
Glorimar Urrutia
I honor him every year. I had the priviledge of being with him in his paddock at Three Chimney’s in one of my visits to Kentucky. Awesome! Magnificent creature with the eagle eyes (they were like no other I have before in any horse). Zenny’s baby will have Slew’s blood! WOW, too much!
Happy Happy Birthday to Seattle Slew;
Dear Zenny,
Your foal will have such a wonderful pedigree to give it such wonderful talent.
Love your post today, so very meaningful to everyones life. Work hard and
you shall reap the rewards it brings. Hope you and Tasty had a great relaxing day
in your huge new paddock with a wonderful view. Lanes End is such a wonderful
place for you to be with all of your friends there. And thanks to Sarah and Matt
for the photos videos and everything that you bring to us that keeps us in touch
Terri Z/ So Fla
Thanks for telling us of Seattle Slew’s birthday.
Reiterating all the thankful words that plans for the Atlantic City diving horse have been canceled — the result of people banding together and making a difference.
hi Z! Happy Wednesday to YOU and Tasty;) Yesterday guess what I did, I watched YOU and the coverage of YOU in the 2009 BC! It was a wonderful 2 hours;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Thought for the day!
Bob Baffert tweeted:
It takes 90% horse to get to Kentucky Derby.
It takes 90% luck to win it.
Like Dottie & John & the Team, I follow many sports.
Linsanity has overtaken NYC & everwhere.
Toronto had its 2nd sellout of the year last night.
What a finish to the game!
Have a great Wed.!
Trina Nagele
Thanks for sharing this insightful tweet!
Bob Baffert is something else;
a typical Texan that lives in California.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Actually he’s an Arizonan, but he definitely DOES live in California ;-)
Remembering Seattle Slew.
On this day in 1974 SEATTLE SLEW was born,
he is 1 of 6 TRIPLE CROWN winners by Claiborne Farm stallions
Carmela B
Yes…the great Slew was a favorite of mine too.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Keta thank you for posting this remembrance of the great Slew he doesn’t get the press many of the other greats do, and not many know that he was undefeated going into the derby. What a truly great horse he was and without him we wouldn’t have the great A P INDY who has produced many great horses including our beloved BERNIE and he will be Zennys foal’s great granddad. Kudos to the great Seattle Slew I hope you’re running the grassy fields with Secretariat and the other greats.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Thanks for the reminder about Slew’s birthday. Ever since I “re-discovered” the sport, I’ve loved this horse. For many reasons, but one in particular is the comparison of Zen’s 2010 Classic to Slew’s great race in his 4-yr old season in the Jockey Club Gold Cup of 1978. It was a thrilling event, and it was originally set up as a second match up between Slew and Affirmed, the two back-to-back TC winners, a second time. Also in the race was Exceller, who had his best year in 1978, and a “rabbit”, Life’s Hope, entered by Affirmed’s trainer. The complexion of the race changed when Affirmed’s saddle slipped and effectively took him out of the race, allowing a far-back Exceller to take advantage of Slew’s tiring early pace with Affirmed. Here’s the Wikipedia write-up about Slew, go to the 1978 section to read about this race: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Slew.
I’ll post the race in a second “reply” below.
I wrote the following after Z’s near win in the 2010 Classic: “Most — make that all — watching the race felt she had no chance to recover, that she was staring disaster in the face. In spite of all the bad-trip issues, she got it together, gathered herself up, and in heart-stopping fashion, she was Seattle Slew running down Exceller in the 1978 JCGC. One could hear Karen Taylor: ‘I cried not because he lost, but because he tried so hard!’ At that moment, Zenyatta won hearts and minds because she tried so hard, and came so close! Blame won the race, but Zenyatta won the debate!”
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Here’s the heart-stopping race between Seattle Slew and Exceller in the 1978 Jockey Club Gold Cup. Watch as a tiring Slew battles back and keeps battling right down to the wire: http://youtu.be/zZFr6N2lNY4
The JCGC was run at 1 1/2 miles at the time.
Trina Nagele
Perfectly said, Ann Maree! High hoof!
Thanks so much, Ann Maree for that recap of racing history.
As time goes by, these get forgotten.
Slew was a great competitor.
Has anyone else noticed the ears? And the great intelligence?
Remind me of Z’s
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ann Maree, wonderful post!! Thank you for the link to Slew’s Jockey Club race. What an amazing, heart stopping run. Talk about grit and valor, he had it in spades!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta and Z Fans:
A beautiful photo of the great Seattle Slew. Hugs, JB
Lisag in Texas
JB, thanks for that link. I had forgotten just how beautiful he is. I wish I could have a pic of all my favorite animals. I would need a BIG HOUSE.
Trina Nagele
Great link, Judy! Thanks.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina and Lisag:
You’re so welcome. You should see the wall just above and next to my computer; filled with photos and the poster of Z. So true, I would like to have photos of all my favorites on display. Hugs, JB
Judy, great photo. See my Reply to you which I included in one to Ann Maree–just above yours. Thanks
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
I thought the very same thing about Slew’s ears resembling Z’s. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh thank you Judy again you come thru with a really great link. What a beauty he was don’t you think our Bernie has a bit of his look?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue And Dawn:
Your both welcome. Sue, Bernie does have that same look (beautiful head). Here’s a photo of Bernie to compare. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I agree Judy, it is a very beautiful picture! Thank you for the link!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Thanks, Judy, for the wonder photo of Slew! This is what I love about this sport. So many wonderful horses and each horse a story to tell!!! I never tire of reading about each special horse I encounter….even the lesser known ones often have wonderful and heart-warming — yes, sometimes, heartbreaking, too — stories. When I got re-acquainted with the sport, I felt like a little kid with the “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” when I was a youngster….hours and hours of wonderful reading, exciting at every page-turn! One of my favorites of all time is the story of Round Table, his daddy, Princequillo, and his granddaddy, Prince Rose; and the intrigue woven in with the run-up to the Second World War. It also includes a brush with royalty, as King George VI bred Round Table’s dam, Knight’s Daughter; Hollywood movie mogul Louis B. Mayer, a sea voyage with Cosquilla and her foal, Princequillo who upon exiting the ship were in terrible condition. Then Princequillo wound up with the storied and legendary Claiborne Farm in kind of a round-about way. Of course Round Table is a story unto himself! I can’t write as well as our Abigail, but my love and affection for these wonderful creatures borders on obsession!!!
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Good Morning Z,
Looking out on our second snowfall, only several inches, of the winter here in ND. Amazing. There is just enough to make everything look fresh, sparkly & new without making snow removal an issue.
I too am glad the diving horse will remain a thing of the past. I don’t have any specifics on the number of performances involving diving horses, but it was not limited to Atlantic City. They had the most famous. I have never seen this in person but I do recall my parents talking about this with amazement. The same type of experience associated with a circus performance. The knowledge & progress of the present has now made events & practices that many of the elderly may hold fond memories of not only obsolete, but reckless & harmful. I can remember the sheer joy as a small child riding on the lap of my RESPONSIBLE DAD while getting to “drive” his convertible with the top down. There was a metal dashboard & forget carseats, seat belts had not yet been invented! Many of us share these long ago experiences. The past is the past. Life was certainly different. To condemn the past with the information of the present & future that we now have access to is a bit, well, jaded. There are MANY out there who would like to see an end put to horse racing, selective breeding, & other facets of this industry that could be viewed as cruelty to animals. I continue to have hope for improvements in all these areas based on intelligent, compassionate people guiding this sport aided by the use of modern technology & equipment. I would like to think that if a NEW BOLTON CENTER existed in the time of Black Gold his owner & trainer would have sent him there. Then again, they may still have run him like they did or shipped him off to be slaughtered in Japan.
Click – Click – Click. I’m back in Kansas now. There’s no place like home.
Peace & Love to All Creatures & Humans
kelly-Allentown, Pa
I also remember car rides on Dad’s lap. That was a long time ago. How things change.
Oh Lordy! My dad let me hold the steering wheel!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Carolyn: Somehow, when behind the wheel, you took a left turn and lo and behold Black Gold appears. Nicknamed “The Indian Horse”, the story of his road to a Derby victory is a favorite of mine. Alas he also has one of the saddest endings too.
“Black Gold was retired to stud, but was not fertile. At the age of six, he was returned to the racetrack. He started four more times without a win. On January 18, 1928, at the age of seven, he started in the Salome Purse at the New Orleans Fair Grounds. In the stretch, he broke down and finished the race on three legs. He was euthanized at the track.
He was buried in the infield of the Fair Grounds close to the sixteenth pole, next to his mother’s (U-See-It) old rival, Pan Zareta. The Thoroughbred Record wrote that Black Gold was “…as game a horse as ever stood on plates, and answered the bugler’s call.”
Lisag in Texas
That is just a sad story.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carolyn C. Brown and Especially Horses:
Had never read up on Black Gold. Wonderful courageous horse. Carolyn, hopefully necessary changes will be made by the industry that will put the horse first. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Carolyn, I think it is very important to all who love racing and the beautiful thoroughbred, that the safety and well being of the horse be put first. Both while racing and after they leave the track. Recent changes leave me hopeful that this path will be followed and we will not continue to witness the tragic loss of horses like Black Gold . I know that there are alot of talented, decent, hardworking and caring individuals who work in the industry and are doing their best to make this happen. Bless them all!
Celeste in TX
Times do change and we do learn from the past. Besides helping to “drive” the car as a child, I can remember when there were ads for cigarettes everywhere and even the doctors would smoke – in the hospitals. We have come a long way and the progress we have made in many areas does tend to give us a jaded view sometimes. Your point was well said.
Carmela B
Thanks to all who contributed to the effort to stop horse diving in AC….and to you Lady Z…as others have noted, this forum is SO MUCH MORE than just a place for your fans to lavish our love on you…real work gets done here, imagine that!!
Still counting down to March 1…my 22 year old boy’s birthday…and a PINK flag waving over your stall!! (filly that is!) 370 days is the typical maximum time…which would put your maxiimum at April 6 I believe…but I’m hoping “she” comes right on time!
carol in utah
Good Morning Zenny…and Tasty too…
Loved today’s post…keep trying….possibilities open up…
Absolutely wonderful news about the “horse diving” being stopped ..
I check lanes end “foals born” list each morning…looking for your first group of friends..
no mention yet of Pirate Queen or Alys, but Sea Gull foaled a colt by Candy Ride 1/23..
Hope you and bff have and calm relaxing day…
Many kisses for your soft nose…rubs for your belly too…lots for tasty too
carol in utah
Trina Nagele
Thanks, Carol, for keeping track of Z’s former pasture mates for us. Best wishes to them all!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Top 20 list updated every Wednesday. New Derby Watch video every Friday
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thanks for the link on the Top Twenty. Nicely done chart. My Consortium still not there. Hope he comes up with a win in one the Preps so he can move up. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thanks for the link, JAG!
Maureen From Santa Barbara, CA
Happy Birthday to Seattle Slew as well. Thank God the Diving Horse Project has been killed. Thanks to all the protests, it goes to show that horse fans can have a say!! Hope all Z fans had a great Valentine’s Day, especially John and Dottie, Barn 55 and the Barn at Santa Anita too.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Santa Anita: Twelve Folds looks fastest in stakes prep
The SAD NEWS is that neither Santa Anita, or the Arlington Track, have a John Henry Grade I Stakes Race!! :-(
Terry Crow
The Arlington Million should be renamed in honor of John.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
That would be a really great tribute to John Henry. Hugs, JB
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
The John Henry Arlington Million has been my wish for YEARS!! I just don’t get it why they don’t do a thing about it – after all, he got two wins and one second! He earned it – the hard way! He put the THE First Million Dollar Race on the map!
Don’t get me started – I’ll get off the soap box now……….. ;-P
Terry Crow
JAG-What can the ordinary racing fan do to get Arlington to do the right thing?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C. and JAG:
Maybe we could e-mail Arlington Race Track and urge them to change the name of the Arlington Million to the John Henry Arlington Million. What do you think? Maybe with enough requests, they will do it. Hugs, JB
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, I think that’s a start – email the “powers that be” at the Arlington track, but I need to look up the info – I will share on a future diary! Thanks for your support!! :-)
Judy G
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Never give up! You are the perfect example of that motto, dear Z, and You continue to inspire us all!
Lovely pic of you enjoying the paddock. Soon you’ll have thick green grass beneath your hooves and Baby Z at your side! Can hardly wait!
Hope You and Tasty have a great day with lots of hugs and treats!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I love you Beautiful Zenyatta!