To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Good Morning Zenny, I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday you lucky girl, getting greetings from YOUR Bernie. Did you and Tasty get treats?
Trina, I will have to learn to wait before I start counting your masterpieces, you outdid yourself. The poem for Dottie is wonderful, you said what I know we would all like to say so thank you for being OUR voice.
Lisag in Texas
Tasty Treats for a filly.
Susan from Fl
Happy belated V day! Peace & Happiness to U!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who commented on my poems! I very much appreciate it. I hope everyone had a lovely day. Sharing the day with ALL of you here made it the BEST EVER Valentine’s Day for me!
Trina, that was AMAZING! Thank you from the bottom of my <3