To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here is a poem I wrote some time ago. Let’s hope we all have the “good” kind of broken heart this year!
Horses will break your heart
Not can
But will.
They can’t help it.
We want so much from them
See so much in them that isn’t there
Or at least is only there in
Fleeting glimpses.
It’s no wonder they disappoint us
Dash our dreams
They are not perfect
Much as we wish them to be.
Sometimes they break our hearts
Not with loss and grief
But with beauty.
This is the good kind of broken heart
The kind that mends all the stronger
And makes you come back for more.
Even in defeat
We love them
For their strength and speed and grace
So much greater than our own.
We long to fly without wings
To make the ground shake with our passing
Horses remind us we are small
But they lend us their power so willingly.
It is a privilege to share the world with them.
And this is what breaks our hearts
For we shall never see perfection
In ourselves
But in them, in sharp timeless moments
That linger in memory
And bring us always back for more
We see it
Now and then.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Julie- That is absolutely beautiful. It made me cry in a good way……and it is so true. Thank you very much for sharing it.
Elizabeth in NM
Julie, so very beautiful!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Julie:
So beautiful. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Julie, what a wonderful poem. Thank you so much!! It is a privilege to share the our world with them!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lovely poem, Julie! High hoof!
Celeste in TX
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Blush, blush! :) Thank you for the praise; I’m glad you all enjoyed it!
Lisag in Texas
Just beautiful, Julie. I am in awe of all the talented writers in Zenyatta’s World. Beautiful, Julie!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Your poem is incredibly beautiful, Julie. I could identify with every word; it rang so true. In the end, I would much prefer to have my heart broken by a horse than by a human. ♥
link doesn’t work :(
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for the link. I’ve one name, filly or colt, Jesse.
Lisag in Texas
Geez, I did not know the winner gets to meet Rachel and Jesse, Wow. I will take alot of pictures. I went back and looked at her cute little baby boy, and Jesse fits him just fine. I am so excited.
This one works :)
I have sent in my name for the foal! Hooves crossed!!
Rosemarie Bandura
That pic is soooo cute! ♥
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU too. I am sending YOU a great big kiss and placing it right on your velvet nose. Also sending a special hug to TASTY, and a special little Valentine’s Day kiss to Sophie. It is so nice to see a picture of Sophie. We haven’t heard from her in awhile.
Also wishing everyone at Barn 55 a very Happy Valentine’s Day too! It was so nice and special to have met many of you back in July.
Also wishing a very Happy Valentine’s Day to all Z-Dumplings! I had so much fun when I came out for your Gold Cup Day. I am hoping we have the opportunity to meet again when Ebby enters her first race. That will be great fun!
JAG–That’s Great News!!
Zenny you take care.
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Linda, Happy Heart Day to you!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Looking forward to seeing you out here again for Ebby’s first race if it’s at all possible for you!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you Zenny and Tasty. Kisses to you both. Love you much.
Elizabeth in NM
Very HAPPIEST VALENTINES DAY, ZENNY! YOU and Your amazing Family have put the HEART into this day for all of us! We love You so much and can’t thank you enough for Your encouragement and inspiration and generosity and love you give to us every day. When we say ‘You’, we’re inclulding your Family – The Moss’s (Your love has been shown in every photo we’ve seen of you with your, Zenny), Your Dottie and John – we can’t thank you enough for all of the posts and photos and videos – not to mention Sophie today – she seems to be doing her own ‘dance’ with Zenny in today’s pic – so-o adorable!, everyone at Barn 55 and Lane’s End (esp Sarah and Matt), and thank you everyone in Zenny’s Fan Family for your posts – I wish there was more time each day to pour over them – such inspiration, education, love and sharing. We pray for many, many of God’s richest blessings for everyone in YOUR WHOLE Family, Zenny!
PS Such kind and generous hearts….there are not words for you all!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day, Elizabeth!
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Dawn. Your kind heart always thinks of so many of us every day. I hope yours Valentine’s Day was wonderful. Last night, I just had time to quickly read some of the posts from the past few days. This Family of ZENNY’s is just too awesome. We’re hoping to get to CA this year, and maybe we’ll get to meet some of Zenny’s ‘Aunties & Uncles’. God’s blessings, Dawn PS Are you going out that way?
hi Zenny…How adorable is Sophie? Between you and her What a gorgeous pair. Hope you have a great valentines day! You are my valentine…Lots of big hugs and kisses, Alene
Rhonda Clements
Dear Zenyatta. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, SWEETHEART and to your BFF Tasty!! Also to Dottie for keeping us in touch with our Queen to John and the Mosses and all of Barn 55 and Sophie looks awwdorable!! We love you all and thank you again for the time you take to keep us all informed we are on pins and needles waiting for little Baby Z to arrive, cannot wait to see your gorgeous baby!!! Big hugs and kisses to you all!!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Dear Dottie & John and Mr. & Mrs. Moss: On this special day I would like all of you to know just how much you are appreciated. We are so fortunate that you continue to share Zenny’s life with us. It is quite a job for you Dottie, and we are so grateful to you for taking your time each day to bring us the latest updates on Zenny and other news of what’s happening in the world of horse racing. Also Sarah your wonderful pictures you take of Zenny and Tasty. Thanks so much to all of you. You are really such special people! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Good Evening Queen Z and Tasty. Hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day. I left the house so early did not have a chance to read the LA Times. When I got home this evening front page story about this amazing woman that is trying to bring awareness to Horse Slaughter. She lives in Lopoc California and left her home December 6, riding horseback and two horses tagging behind. She rides by day and camps at night. She made it to Hollywood California and made the front page of the LA Times.
Over the years she sold her possessions to go on the road making the public aware of this horrible law that now allows the slaughter of horses for human consumption. I praise this wonderful woman! If only we can do more.
Hugs to all
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Jackie, what an amazing story. Each person can make a difference!
AJ from CA
Z – hugs and kisses to you and TT there @Lanes End! Thank you John and Dottie for the adorable pix of little Sophie with her Valentine sweater.
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Happy V Day Queen Z. Sounds like your Bernie did not forget you Special Lady.
How could he? I hope he sent carrots dipped in chocolate along with your special peppermints and pears. We’re counting the days until your colt is born!
Sally L. Hopkins
Hugs and kisses xxoxoxooxo to you Zenyatta on Valentine’s Day! From your friend in Southern California
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
To my greatest most beautiful horse of my lifetime, a BIG HUG & KISSES on your soft nose, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to my horsey Valentine.
I wish I could afford to send boutiques of spring wild flowers to your Z family, and to all your other connections such as those taking such great care of you at Lane’s End.
What a cute picture of Sophie and the props on V Day. Have a very special time. Spent time with my husband today and within a day I will be visiting my BFF. We will have one special time and a few laughs too!
love you always, 2 kisses on your soft nose, 1 for baby z Auntie Sally
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy Valentines Day to all of you; hope your day was special in some way with many more to follow. hugs !!!
Did any one watch the Westminster Dog Show tonight? It was a nice way to spend Valentine evening as they had Best in Show tonight. Wow, the finalists were all awesome!!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Sally, we got home just in time to turn the show on. Actually, when I turned the channel on they had just started the best in show! I was a bit shocked! I thought that the Shephard, Setter and Dobbie were the best. Congrats to the Pickie though!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh, and the Pincher was just fabulous too. Such a pretty/alert girl!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I watched every minute and was not too happy with the outcome, perhaps a good thing that I’m just a dog lover and not a judge. I normally like small, fluffy dogs but when it came to the finals I was cheering for the Irish Setter, she was lovely. I was also disappointed that the Westie did not get chosen in the Terrier group.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh rats, did not like the outcome of Westminster! I showed dogs for years and the dog that was perfect and was “asking for the win” was the wonderful Breeder/Owner/handled doberman pincher. She was absolutely stunning and should have won instead of the pekinese! Just my opinion.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue, there were so many great dogs and I know they were all deserving, but I have to agree with you. I thought Fifi was absolutely beautiful and when she went into some of her stacks, it was amazing!!
LauraJ, how great that you have seen Fifi in person. Is she as special as she appeared tonight? I was rooting for her to win. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to judge at Westminister. An honor to be sure, but I would think very difficult based on the quality of all of the dogs. I really enjoyed watching!!!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I agree, Fifi was Fabulous!
Marty R / Colorado
Sue, I share your opinion and I think the announcer did as well. However, the Peke has to be a good dog or he wouldn’t have been a finalist. I’ve never been involved in showing dogs, in fact, have only owned mixed breeds. They’re loveable guys and gals, too. In fact, my horses from years ago were “mixed breeds”, too. Lol Guess I’m just “blue collar”….good redneck material.
I hope everyone had a good Valentine’s day and that the loving feelings continue every day.
Marshall (in NC)
I think we are all “mutts” at heart!! Love my pound-pup mixes, too!
Doreen in CT
Sue – I was a bit surprised about who won too. I liked the 3 Ds myself – the Doberman, Dalmation and the Dachshund, I was hoping that one of them would win. When I saw FiFi circling the ring I thought that she would win it – she has a beautiful and fluid gait.
Marshall (in NC)
I totally agree with you! The Doberman was exquisite — her “stack” was spot on! What a lovely dog. The Dalmatian and Irish Setter would have been my alternates. Oh well, I guess I will have to look forward to next year. Maybe North Carolina will actually have winter season in 2013, as we used to have (with SNOW). I shall simply just have to remember last year’s Westminster Best in Show: the Scottish Deerhound, Hickory — I love those sight (gaze) houhds, and she was/is gorgeous! All the Best!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
@Sue, which breed(s) did you show? You may have said before, but I forgot.
@Dawn, Fifi is lovely in person. She is sweet, too. So is her sister Porsche. I haven’t met any of the rest of the litter. It was a litter of six, and five finished their championships. The other one, I’m told, probably could have finished as well.
I think David Frei was disappointed. He was quite enamored of Fifi and was pulling for her and her handler. Although I was not an objective observer, I think she should have won on her merits.
I’m not sure how I feel about Malachy the Peke. I am sure he’s a great example of his breed and no doubt an adorable little guy. If I met him I’d probably want to kiss and cuddle him. But Pekes are such a physical distortion of the canine body plan. He has no muzzle to speak of, could barely move, and was huffing and puffing as he waddled around the ring. I don’t think that’s the type of “ideal” that shoudl be promoted. Maybe now that the little guy is retired, they’ll cut some of that hair off and he’ll be able to run around some.
Anyway, we’re all proud of Fifi and Jocelyn here in Ohio.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Laura J I used to show Afghan Hounds and finished my male to his championship competing with mostly professional handlers, which is a feat unto itself. That owner/breeder/handler was just fabulous as she competed against ALL professional handlers, the dog was superb, like a statue. David knew her quality but also wanted to reward the owner, he is a great guy, I used to show against him and his former wife, Sandy, they had Stormhill Afghans.
Marshal, I agree about Sighthounds, the exquisite whippet in the hound group should have won she was “knock your socks off” gorgeous! Last years lovely Deerhound Hickory was a worthy winner! Too bad there is so much politics involved in dog shows, after watching the beautiful moving, Dobe, Setter and Dalmation, I couldn’t believe who actually was chosen.
Oh boy now you got me going, I’ll shut up now.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Sue, you’ll appreciate a couple of little stories about some friends. In 2001, the Doberman Nationals were held in the Cincy area, and our club was the host group. There was an agility trial, and two of my friends won HIT with their rescue dog. Some folks were not happy. At the following year’s National, another friend and club member took WD/BW with her boy Bubba, who is from a one-b*tch “kennel” of no prominence whatsoever. Some folks were really, really not happy. (Kudos to the judge for actually looking at the dogs.)
Celeste in TX
I liked the Doberman also, and I agree with you about the Peke. When I was a kid, many, many years ago, we had several Pekingnese dogs over the years and they never looked anything like that. They actually could walk and run and be dogs. I felt sorry for that poor little thing.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dearest Zenyatta – Hope it was a perfect day for you and Tasty….. I was wondering. Your former paddockmate, Pirate Queen – Has she had her foal as yet?
Sleep well beautiful ladies. May visions of peppermints and pears and happy, healthy bouncing foals dance in your head .
Must try and think of a clever name for Rachel’s colt.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Valentines Day Everyone. Love Ya Zenny and Tasty
@Vicky B near Hollywood Park, Thank You so much for pulling the link over and Marty R glad you enjoyed it also. I just love that song.
@Dawn, absolutely beautiful smile box.
Zenny its not long…….Take care you and Tasty
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, sis!!!! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day, sweetie!!! I am glad you enjoyed the Smilebox.
Love and hugs,
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Peggy (N) South Georgia – You’re welcome, I got a chance to hear the song too — I was not familiar with it. Thanks.
Hugs and kisses to all my equine girls, feline girls, Mom, brother, aunt, gal friends, and to you, Zenny, and Team Z!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I guess because it’s Valentine’s Day, there has been almost no Redneck-ery going on today, so I will adhere to the current flow. And it’s late. But Terry, I will soon have another installment to add to the Redneck Relatives category, for the Redneck Club.
Terry Crow
Due to the theme of the day, I thought it best to refrain from posting. Looking forward to your very funny “relatives of” jokes.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Valentine for Dottie Shirreffs
I speak from the heart
When I say
This Valentine
Is for a lady most fine!
It’s a token true
Of ALL Z-sters’ esteem
For you,
Dearest Dottie,
With thanks for all that you do
Z’s Diary
To make us feel part
Of Team Z.
You are due
Our deepest gratitude
For keeping us close to the Queen.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trina, what lovely words of appreciation you have crafted together for our wonderful Dottie!!!! Beautiful!!!
Wonderful poem Trina.
Thanks do much for writing it
And sharing it.
Yours in Dumplinghood
Lisag in Texas
This is wonderful and beautful, written for and by a wonderful and beautiful lady. Make me cry. Lisag
Mary Hale
@Pati – your paper on Greatness gave me chills. Very well put. The only thing you need to fix is the spelling of ‘priviledge’. I know people hate when I do that but it just comes naturally to me – my mom was an editor. I think you have an A++.
@Dawn – went to your Smilebox last night. You did a beautiful piece – it sums up Zenny’s life so far and the love that she generates. Thanks so much for sharing.
@all — happy belated Valentines Day. I wish I had more time to keep up with everyone but it’s work work work during the day, and crash crash crash at night. Love all of you and welcome all newbies. Have a wonderful day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Glad you enjoyed it, Mary!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, good morning. How was your Valentine’s Day? I am not sure that Prince B could call since you are in your ‘new surroundings’, but he has posted you some lovable stuff. You wil always be his #1 Girl. How about Tasty? Did you two have a relaxing and cozy night. Tell All! Am waiting for your next post. I love you, Lisag.
Julie, nice poem. Thank you. Wonderful horses and exceptional people come into our lives. We can learn so much from them. They provide a window to our soul. Losing them, is sweet sorrow.
name for Rachel Alexandras foal
Rae’s Al :)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I like it!
I had an awesome day with family and friends.Hope you had a good valentines day.
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the adorable, precious photo of Dear Sophie – she is just too cute. And thank you for the sweet Valentine wishes. My computer did not show this diary entry yesterday morning when I had my chance to be on line so my good wishes are of course, a day late, but they are still sincere. Thank you so much for all that you do for us, Dottie – you really do rock. Happy Day After Valentine’s to Everyone!!