To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Oh, Great Zenyatta…will YOU be my valentine?
What is greatness? Is it defined by our personality or by our action? Or, could it be both? I have lived through three years of greatness, and I will tell you what it means.
Greatness, is when no matter how far the far, you always get up there in time.
Greatness is when everyone says you can’t, but you prove them wrong.
Greatness is when no matter how many times you hear that you have no chance, that you are not the best, you go out there, and deny them the privaledge of being right.
Greatness is when you bring people together of every walk of life.
Greatness is when everyone can find something in you that they admire.
Greatness is everytime you get knocked down, you get back up, and keep coming.
Greatness is when you cause people to come to tears, and hug people they don’t even know out of sheer joy.
Greatness is when everyone knows your name, and associates it with good-will.
Greatness is inspiring generations to do better than the one that came before them.
Greatness is when you get up in the morning, and all you think about is how to make another life better than it was yesterday.
Greatness, when everyone is talking the talk; you walk the walk.
Greatness, when you can do things that defy gravity.
Greatness can be defined by one word. By one name.
That’s my introduction to my research paper. It is a definition paper in English Honors. I wanted to take AP, but I was already taking two, and my schedule didn’t pan out.
It’s about my definition of great. What do you think? Should I revise? Yes, I realise that I use the word greatness alot but it is one of the techniques that we had to use to make our paper somehow rememberable.
Suzanne G (IL)
I like it very much, Pati. (use of the word plus the words ring true).
Good Luck with your paper and Happy Valentine’s Day too ♥♥♥.
You too. Lots of chocolate!!! :D
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Beautiful tribute to the Queen. Hugs, JB
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Pati – I like this very much – wish I’d thought of it LOL
Judy G
If I can, I will make sure to post the entire paper and the grade. I am already getting extra credit for the fact that mine will be the only paper of its kind in our graduating class. I did an entire project last year to why we should legalize horse racing in NC, and I used our Queen as a prime example of why we should!! Not only does the encounter enrich many lives, but it brings awareness to a sport many ignorantly (as in not knowing a lot about the subject, not the other definition intended as an insult) scream abuse toward at the slightest injury.
Athletes are athletes, accidents happen. They are horrible yes, I literally cry for an hour for every horse that breaks down, and then make a banner in their honor, and post it to my FB. Just so they are all remembered, famous or not. All horses are God’s gift, from the Zenyattas to the claimers who finish last. They ALL deserve equal recognition.
Suzanne G (IL)
Great to hear you’re following through on your convictions. Would love to see the finished paper! Lots of Good Luck and positive energy heading your way…
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Patti-Wonderful tribute! Thank you for sharing it with us..
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Patti, Happy Valentine’s Day. Your words are beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing. I will be looking forward to reading the rest of your paper!! Good luck!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Pati, I love it! High hoof!
Lisag in Texas
This is totally beautiful and perfect.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Pati, very nice. You asked for a critique, though, so I have some (I hope) constructive criticisms.
Introduction: I suggest use “actions” plural.
(I am treating each “Greatness” as a separate line for reference.)
Line 1, remove comma after “Greatness.”
Line 1, “far the far” sounds odd to me. Maybe “how far the finish line”, “how far the distance” or something like that. “Up” is unnecessary. “Get there” will do.
Line 3 “privaledge” should be “privilege.”
Line 6, probably should read “Greatness is when everytime” (add “when”).
Line 4, “from” every walk of life, not “of”
Be consistent with the “Greatness is” construction. See lines 11 and 12.
Line 12, “defy gravity”? I have two problems with this. First, it’s not literally true. Second, I am not sure what it means in this context. Either clarify what you mean, or drop this line. It sounds pretty, but that’s not enough reason to keep it in.
Lines 2, 3, and 5: This is a quibble. I agree that these characteristics can help define greatness. The only problem is that Zenyatta has never in her life been an underdog. She’s always been adored and pampered. The only time she was not the betting favorite was her maiden race. Even then, everybody in Barn 55 knew how talented she was, and the buzz was already there at the track. She has had her detractors, but most of them felt she hadn’t been challenged enough, not that she was inadequate to the tasks set before her. (The rest just hate Polytrack.) I’m not sure how to handle this. Do you care more about listing what you see as the components of greatness, or do you want to reflect greatness as personified by Zenyatta? If the former, leave the lines in. If the latter, then rephrase or eliminate them. Maybe you could say something along the lines of “Greatness is always rising to the challenge, no matter how difficult.”
Good luck with your paper. Your sentiments are lovely.
Ok, I see what you are saying. I will take a look, and change a few things. It’s more or less just a rough draft right now, but that is why we have them. :D
Thank you for the constructive critism. And yes, spelling I am good at, but sometimes, certain words elude me. Some of the references in the opening paragraph are from songs, but since we are having a PowerPoint to go with the paper, it will be more or less explained on there. Sorry if that was a bit confusing, it was my fault for not bringing that up. Plus, the lines are a little out of order, so I probably should have put them in the correct one before posting. Again, my fault. lol
Celeste in TX
That is wonderful, Pati! Here is hoping that your teacher gives that paper an A+!
Past the Grandstand
Happy Valentine’s Day, Zenyatta! Guess what I got for Valentine’s Day? A Zenyatta plushie! :)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Great Moniker “Past the Grandstand”.
Celeste in TX
She writes a very cool blog by that name. Very talented young writer. :)
Terry Crow
Horse racing could use more young fans such as yourself.
Past the Grandstand
Thanks everyone!
Happy Valentine’s Day dear Z!! Bernie on FB has posted the most adorable card for you!! He is quite the handsome stud, I would keep a good eye on him, and remind him not to go too crazy with the other lovely mares. ;-)
Love you to pieces!! Hugs and kisses for you and Baby Z!! <3 <3
Dear Zenny
Thanks do much for the wonderful valentine
Wishes from you, Tasty, Lanes End, Sophie the
Doll Sherriffs. And barn 55. How could we be so
Lucky to get wishes from the Queen of racing.
Hope you had a great day and so did your sweetie
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
judy berube from Rhode Island
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
Ahhh, Bernie. This is TOO CUTE!!!!
sharon in seattle
oh Bernie, you sly (thoroughbred) fox : )))))
This is adorable!!! I second the Triple Crown Winner part!! :)
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Bernie- This is too cute!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh that chocolate boy he didn’t forget you Zenny in spite of all the girls he seeing! He just knows you’re the best.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Bernie, you smooth talker you!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Wow, Bernie! What a great Valentine for the Queen! High hoof!
Elizabeth in NM
Wow, Papa Bernie! No wonder you are Zenny’s Valentine!
Lisag in Texas
Prince B, that is o, so romantic. I bet the Queen was thrilled, just thrilled.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Bernie, Too cute that you found time to send Zenny Valentine’s greetings. We know that you “started work” last weekend so I hope that you didn’t let the visiting ladies know that you were thinking of Zenny.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Wow Bernie: We are all so very impressed. What a guy!!!!!! Zenny talk about Blush, Blush!!!!
<3 <3<3 <3 <3
Hearts of love for you Zenyatta. Happy Love Day. We love you.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Bernie You are The MAN : )
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
This video will make you cry and cheer all at once. Hugs, JB (It starts right after the commercial)
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Whew!! Happy ending!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How precious is that!! I am so glad so many came to the rescue!!
Zenyatta, Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!! Will you be my valentine? I want you to be mine and I want to be yours, although I suspect that I have a lot of competition for that. I would jump at the chance, though. I would send you teddy bears, candy, valentines, and tons of other valentine related stuff if I could and I knew where to send it. I love you a lot.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Shoot, if she doesn’t take up your offer, I will LOL
Abigail from Montreal
Bernie’s baby, Algorithims, second choice in England to win to the Kentucky Derby!
Abigail from Montreal
WHOOPS! Read the Racing Post too fast! Sorry ’bout that!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Thanks to Kari B., Z dances and prances to Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation. Just breathtaking. Hugs, JB
Alex Bowdoin in MA
That was a great video, Thanks
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Alex B.:
Kari B. makes the absolute best videos of Z dancing. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
love it!! just sends chills through my whole being
Love this video,
We are lucky to have so many talented
People on this site in varying ways,
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m not sure if this has been posted before – worth a repeat, though!
New Amendment Endangers Horses and Motorists
Happy Valentines’s Day beautiful Zenyatta, and to all. I love you.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Valentine’s Day, Zenny, to you and Tasty and all of your team. And Happy Valentine’s Day also to all my fellow Z’sters. (BTW, Sophie looks too cute kissing your bobblehead!)
@Kari Bussell and Darlene Daniels – I replied to your posts on yesterday’s diary about the UK Lady Cats being crushed by the Lady Vols!
Darlene Daniels
Debbie, thank you for the reply. I have always loved KY Wildcats. I live in Indiana, but I am a transplant here, was born and raised in Ohio, but my parents were born and raised in Ky. My mother still lives there, in Mt. Sterling. I have always felt like I have pure Ky blood no matter where I live.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Debbie G- I loved your reply….and as I have my whole life it once again looks like I will also be one Huge fan of your beloved Wildcats in men’s basketball come NCAA Tournament time….I always cheer for you above all others when my Vols are out of it.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
To my adorable Zenyatta and TT, and to your great team, and to all your fans, with all my love HAPPY VALENTINES! Sophie she is so cute, Ingrid.
Happy Heart Day Big Z………. I Love You, Lori
Judy Sims in Florida
Dear Zenny & Dottie:
Sophie Shirreffs is the cutest little creature I have ever seen. What joy and love all the people and animals connected to you have brought to the horse racing world and the world in general.
I wish all your family and all Z-sters a HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.
Warm hugs & nose kisses to you Zenny and Tasty.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day, Judy!!
Alex Bowdoin in MA
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you Zenyatta and your Teams in CA and KY. Thank
you Dottie for all you do for US, Zenyatt’s fans….I wish you and your family a
Great Valentines Day and Sophie is TOO CUTE…HUGS TO ALL
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Don’t miss Westminster kennel Club Dog Show tonight on TV.
I just love you – your diary always makes me smile.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Steel Pier owner drops plan to bring back the Diving Horse after protests in Atlantic City, NJ
“You have people trying to make a buck off the backs of animals, and it’s really cruel exploitation,” she said. “Everybody worked together against that, and I am so happy to see that happen.”
APPLAUSE, PLEASE!!!! HIGH HOOF!!! A wonderful Valentine’s Day gift!!
Janet Newman
That is great news! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!
sharon in seattle
APPLAUSE and lots of it from me.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Wonderful news. Hugs, JB
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Great news!
Marty R / Colorado
Fantastic News!!!! So wonderful how so many came together to protect the horses.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JAG, what fantastic news!!
Elizabeth in NM
Auntie Judy, Yay!! Thanks for the update.
Celeste in TX
Wonderful news;
These trying economic times
Make people think of anything
To make $$$$$
Dear Zenny,
We are waiting to see the teal and pink
Hoof botties you are knitting. Teal for a
Colt; pink for a filly. Hope Sarah and Matt are
Helping you with this project. They should
Have leather soles so your little foal does
Not slip.
Have fun Zenny
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Makes me think…. we’d all better be getting into knitting little foal slippers! It is getting so exciting…. pacing and pacing. Thank you Sign O T T for the reminder!
Lisag in Texas
Too cute, for sure
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Tasty, the Moss’, Dottie, John and all at Land’s End that take great care of our “Mom-To-Be!” So many thousands and thousands of people love you Zenyatta and we await “your baby!” The time “is near!” God Bless You…take great care of you and make it easy on you and your foal’s birth! I love you so much Zenyatta!
Guido Sanchez
Happy V Day Z!~ Love and hugs to you!
Roberta Smith
Pretty Girl…I forget to thank and wish Bernie also a very, very Happy Valentine’s Day! Also, Sophie….you are, too, so beautiful! Kisses to you Sophie…xxxxxxx
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Zenyatta nation rocks. Thanks for the good news JAG. Best Valentine’s news ever!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Great links and posts today. My goodness, due date about two weeks away (Give or take 10 days early or late). Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Debra Malone
Happy Valentines Day Zenyatta…Love you like crazy….Waiting patiently for baby Z…