To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well, Love that perfect picture of kisses to you from Sophie, she is just a doll. Thank you for the HUG, hugs and kisses back at you. Happy Valentine’s to all of here in Zenyatta’s World, everyone at Barn 55, all at Lane’s End, and of course, Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry, Mario, and Mike and all others who have played an important role in Zenyatta’s life. Sophie is just Too Cute. I love this pic. My Valentine’s Gift came Saturday, you and your Foal that I named Mio Ragazzo, (my young boy), yep, it is a colt. I miss you, darlin Queen and of course, I love you….Lisag
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
Happy Valentine’s Day to you Z and to Tasty…….and to all the Team Zenyatta…..especially our wonderful Dottie…… you could not have picked a better executive assistant than Dottie…..she keeps us so closely connected to you….no one could ever do a better job. The picture of Sophie is so cute…..she is adorable. Hugs to you Z….
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
A friend shared this link with me, so I just had to share it here!
Horse trainer is on a ride for their lives
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for this link, JAG, love the story of the trainer riding her way to VICTORY. I do not like reading about slaughterhouses, however, I know it is a reality, but it sickens me to think that any human could be that HEARTLESS.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
i enjoyed this article in the paper, too. She seems like quite a character, in a good cause.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for this link, JAG, and HIGH HOOF to this lady for raising consciousness about the need to protect America’s horses.
Lisag in Texas
@Sophie, darlin’, you should be a model. You always photograph so perfectly, and this one is just heart stealin’. Love, Hugs and Kisses, Lisag
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Dearest Zenyatta-wishing you, team Z, all those at Lane’s End, Tasty and everyone reading this, A Very Happy Valentine’s Day. Hoping that everyone finds something to be happy for and something that brings a smile to your face and fills your heart with love. Life is truly a gift and so precious!
Sending Love & Blessings to all!
Happy Valentine’s Day Zennny, Tasty, Ann & Jerry, Dottie & John, Barn 55, Lanes End and all Z Dumplings. So glad to know you all.
@ Dawn – Wonderful Smile Box.
@ Trina- Wonderful poems
LOL, Arlene
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you, Arlene!
Paula Higgins
The adorable Sophie Shirreffs should be at the Westminster Dog Show today. I have never seen a dog pose so perfectly. She is a hoot. Love her outfit. Happy Valentines Day to everyone at Zenyatta Nation and most espcially to Zenyatta, Tasty, Dottie, Ann, Carmen, Michelle and Sarah. All the girls who take care of our girl. Happy Valentines day to John, Mario and all of Barn 55, Mike Smith, David Ingordo, Matt and all of Lane’s End.
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Tasty, and all of Barn 55 too! I’m sure if Bernardini could – he would send carrots and peppermints to you.
Hugs and Kisses,
Sending BIGGEST hugs ever to the QUEEN FOREVER!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
♥♥♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Dunie! Sending BIG hugs your way, too!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥♥ DUNIE – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ♥♥ Lucky you, born on Valentine’s Day!! :-) I’m going on fb to wish you birthday greetings there, too!
Judy G
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Dunie
(February 14, 2012)
Dunie, isn’t it fine
Being a real live Valentine?
You’re the little Cupid come to life
Who into your parents’ hearts
Shot those arrows and darts
When you were no more than a twinkling
In their eyes.
When two give their vows
As husband and wife
They may yet have no inkling
Of the elation
The birth of their offspring
To them will bring.
What a lovely sign
And futher cause for celebration
That you arrived
As a Valentine!
Happy Birthday, and Many More!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
♥A special Valentine’s Day thank you to someone who sits at the center of both Zenyatta’s and John Shirreffs’ world, Dottie, for all of the time and effort which she puts into maintaining the Diary. When so many feared that Zenyatta would vanish from view upon retirement, she stepped in as the liason between Zenyatta’s new and old life, ensuring that would not happen, and that our heart-line to the Queen would remain unbroken. They say that, “Once a teacher, always a teacher,” and one can easily recognize this in the hundreds of wonderful Diary entries which she has composed, which both provide an introduction to the intricacies of the sport for the novice, as well as further enlightenment for the established hard-core fan. How many people have attended the races for the first time and become devoted followers, largely due to her efforts in developing a love of racing on this site? I would wager that it is more than a few .
So, dear Dottie, for all that you do for Zenyatta, Mr. Shirreffs (not forgetting Miss Sophie), Jerry and Ann Moss, the Dumplings and Diarists and all of those whose lives you touch—THANK YOU. ♥
The Kennedys in San Diego
Hear, hear! So well stated as always, Cynthia.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you, and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, Kennedys! ♥
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Beautifully said, Cynthia!!
Celeste in TX
BRAVO! So beautifully said. Thank you for sharing what is in so many hearts.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dawn and Celeste: Thank you. We are so fortunate to have Dottie. I hope that you both had a perfectly lovel-ly Valentine’s Day! ♥♥
Terry Crow
All of us on this site are grateful for the voice of Zenyatta, Dottie.
Abigail from Montreal
… and that means each and every one of YOU — Zenny, your Dottie & John & Sophie, your Ann & Jerry and your Barn 55 family, as well as Sarah, David, Matt and the rest of your Lane’s End family, your BFF, Ms. Tasty Temptation, your Babies and your Zen-ster family here at zenyatta.com
Yes, it’s important to take a moment to tell the ones we love just how much we appreciate them — not just today but ALL THE TIME — and it’s in that spirit that I send out my love and appreciation to each of you.
As has been said so many times before, special hugs to DOTTIE who has given so much time and energy and love to Zenny’s Diary and we, her family. Without you, keeping in touch with Zenyatta would have been pretty much impossible. Because of you, it all happens here, each and every day: warm wishes, virtual hugs, encouraging thoughts, newsy news, Zenny collectibles, snapshots of racing and breeding from the inside, wonderful photos and, perhaps most of all, the sense that we really are a part of your world. Thank you so much, Dottie. And I thank The Universe for you too. You are a woman who is, truly, “deep through the heart.”
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day my dear friend!! Thank you for the wonderful post and tribute to our Dottie. She is amazing!
Celeste in TX
Thank you so much, Abigail, for saying so well what is always in my heart.
Happy Valentine’s Day Zenny (and everyone!)
I hope Bernie sent you a basket of carrots and peppermints ;-)
Looking forward to your upcoming motherhood – so yesterday, I went to youtube and looked up videos of both the breeding/covering and foaling process. Good Gracious! Also, Lane’s End posted up a series of photos on FB yesterday about the beginning of breeding season ( I do think they should have waited until today, but I’m romantic like that.) I learned a LOT from the videos and LE was kind enough to answer my questions. I’ll bet you have some too – but just can’t ask them. You’re such a big, strong gal that I bet foaling is a piece of cake for you.
Much love to you, Tasty, Dottie, Barn 55 crew, The Moss’ and everyone at LE. ♥♥♥
poca hontas
Every day is a day to love you Zenshine every Day is a day to love period Love to all the Z family and friends
Many carrots and pepermints to you Sweet Girl
PatB from NM
Good baby name!
jackie from California
Good Afternoon Queen Z and Tasty,
What a lovely picture of Sophie. She is just adorable! Wishing all a wonderful and joyful Valentine’s Day.
Hugs and Kisses
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Tasty-Team Z, Barn 55 and all your pals at Lane’s End. You are…simply, THE BEST!!! Thanks, Z/Dottie for all the well wishes, the hugs, the love, and the inspiration that you give us each day!!! You make each day brighter and better for me and I will always treasure that. I cannot wait to see our new champion that will be born at anytime…you will be a great mother. You have so much love and experience to share with our new little champion-filly or colt. You will be such a doting mother. I cannot wait, Like all other fans…Pacing, pacing, pacing! Take good care of yourself and send Tasty hugs and kisses from all of us.
Special note to Zenyatta fans: Will you be my Valentine? Please “LIKE” me on my FB page, I only have 1,683 likes to go to reach my fans’ goal of 100,000 before baby Z is born. Fans of Z-send this message to every one you know-or don’t know. Let them share the love that Z gives us everyday!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Happy Valentine’s Day, Sophie and Z!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Almost forgot, Happy Valentine’s Day, Tasty Temptation!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I think it is just wonderful to see how many people have expressed their affection for Tasty on this day, too. She is a great source of joy to her best bud, and helps to keep our Queen happy!
Terry Crow
Agree. TT was quite a horse in her won right.
Diane in Solana Beach
Awwww, Zenny your Sophie is too cute….and so are you!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Tasty! I hope you have a wonderful day
playing and grazing in your pasture! XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO
Susan and Gaby in NIcholasville
Happy Saint Valentines Day dear Z! Thinking today of your beautiful baby. And how amazing that little life growing inside of you has been since the moment of conception, will be when he/she takes its first breath, and how amazed we will all be when we first see photos of you and that new prince/princess. In the middle of a humbrum tedious life, you bring us hope for tomorrow, and inspiration!
Loving you always,
Susan and Gaby.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, almost time to go for the long commute home. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to you, my heart is yours. Hope your man, Prince B. sends you hugs and kisses…it is probably all over your and his FB. He love to post on FB. Dottie, special thanks to you and Happy Valentine’s Day to you and John. There are no words to express the appreciation for all that you do. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, DUMPLIN’S.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisag, Happy Valentine’s Day to you!!
Christine in Placerville, CA
Happy Valentine’s Day, Zenny! ♥♥♥ A Happy Valentine’s Day and a big THANK YOU to Team Z, CA & KY for keeping all of us connected. And a Happy Valentine’s Day wish to all the Zsters too.♥♥
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
HAPPY VALENTINE”S DAY TO ZENYATTA AND TASTY TEMPTATION!!!! Also to all the Zsters here and to all of Z’s Team!! I love you all more than you will ever know!!
Z and Tasty,hope you are having sunshine there,as we are here–it’s a beautiful day in Sun Valley!! Hope you two are getting special treats for the day and that you can really feel all of the love directed at you today!! LOVE YOU!!!!
@ Dawn and Trina–Loved the poems and Valentine!! Thank You!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you, Sue!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
My Queen,
Happy Valentine’s Day ! You are the Queen of our hearts. I hope you and Tasty are having a beautiful day. I love you with all my heart and always will.
ALL- Happy Valentine’s Day !
Zenyatta- Ain’t No Mountain High Enough to Keep Me From YOU
Suzanne G (IL)
Thanks, Kari, great pictures and great sentiment! Happy ♥♥♥ to you too!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
When Kari says there is no mountain high enough to keep her away from Zenyatta, one can chisel it in stone on that mountain!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B.:
Thank you once again for another beautiful video of the Queen. Lovely photos and I have always loved that song. Happy Heart Day to you. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
KARI: You are AMAZING! This is still another of my FAVOURITE songs and it gave me chills to see OUR ZENNY matched up with the incomparable Diana Ross! Thank you so much, my friends. HUGS!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dearest, Kari. Happy Valentine’s Day!!! I hope you enjoyed a day filled with all of the love and joy you bring to other’s. Your video was beautiful!! I am so happy that you liked my Smilebox Card and that it touched your heart. That means a great deal to me my friend!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
To our greatest and most beloved MOUNTAIN CLIMBER, KARI BUSSELL—Thank you, and happy Valentine’s Day!
Celeste in TX
Wow! You did it again. Thanks for creating and sharing.
Beth -So Cal
Hello Beautiful Girl,
Happy Valentines Day Zenyatta. I hope you are feeling well. I hope You and Tasty are having an enjoyable day. I Love You Zenyatta. I hope Team Zenyatta and everyone at Barn 55 are doing well. Sophie looks so cute. I sure hope you have your baby soon. I really hope it is a Filly that looks just like you. God Bless You and Your Team. May You Have A Healthy Little Baby. God Bless You. Love Beth
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Happy Valentines to the entire Z Team (Barn 55 and LE). Also, all the dumplings! Sophie is just too cute!!! I have to say, that the love, understanding and kinship on this site can be overwhelming at times but, in a good way! It’s amazing that so many people have come together to form friendships all because, of you, Zenny! So much Magic! Pace pace pace…….
btw… Zenny/Dottie, are you going to guess a name for Rachel’s fiesty lil boy?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day, Heidi!!!
M. Kern
Happy Valentine’s Day to Zenyatta and Tasty! I love you guys soooooo much! Have fun outside. Hug and kisses to both of you.
Kelly J. /ND
carol in utah
just got email back from Rachels people…they received my entry into the naming contest….
trying to decide if i should enter the “derby” contest….seems like you would have to know a lot more about the horses than i do…but who knows….i know what i like so maybe i will go with it…..
Go for it !!!!
sue and tony
Zenny, Happy Valentine’s Day to you and all your wonderful connections,…both in CA and KY.
Never in a million years would we have dreamed of the journey you have taken us on. We have met such amazing people and, through this site. have made internet friendships that otherwise would not have happened.
You are a catalyst for good. Your gentle ways and wisdom help all of us become better people. The amazing Dottie is such a huge part of this …as are your wonderful owners who continue to share you with all of us.
May everyone here and all who share your life have a blessed, love filled day.
It won’t be long before you have a little one at your side to teach some dance steps to.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue and Tony, I hope your day is filled with love also. Happy Heart Day!!
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Happy Valentines Day
Thanks Trina for the poems, I sure enjoyed them.
Dawn thank you for the lovely e-card with Zenny, just can’t get enough of that BIG girl.
Sandy thank you for the valentines card.
Sophie is so CUTE in her coat posing for the picture. She sure loves Zenny too.
Zenny and all your connections have a GREAT valentines day!
TT we can’t forget about you, such a special friend to Z. so nice to have great friends. Hugs to the mothers-to-be and sweet valentine kisses. XOXO
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Carole, I am glad you enjoyed it!