To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Happy Valentines to all!! We love you and your connections Zenny!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day, Stu!
pamela manzer
Happy Valentines Day Zenny!!!!! Love and Kisses
Jane (southern California)
Happy Valentine’s Day to you Zenyatta and to all of the Barn 55 staff, John, Dottie and Mike! And your wonderful owners, Mr & Mrs Moss!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
…………… ….♥ •.¸.•´♥……………
Have a wonderful day!
Linda Shull
Will everyone be there when you have your baby???
Elizabeth G.
And we honor you dearest Zenyatta who makes this day extra special. Happy valentines to you, Tasty, Sophie, Dotti, and John. Wishing you all a “heartfelt” day!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Hearts, flowers, candy and treats to You and Tasty today and all your wonderful connections that work to make certain you are loved and cared for!
Love the pic! Sophie knows a sweetheart when she sees one!
Happy Valentines Day!
With much love,
Happy valintines Zenyatta!!!! I had a dream tasty had a filly!!
carol in utah
Just read horse and man article on X-factor….either I am going really senile (always as possibility) or somethings wrong. Eclipse was a stallion foaled in 1764….awards named after him. The article says Eclipse was a mare….were there two?
carol in utah
Left note at end of article…..its fixed…eclipse was definitely a he…
Janie (in L.A.)
Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest horse in the world! I wish I could give you a kiss on your soft nose just like Sophie is doing in the picture… you both are TOO CUTE. Love you lots and lots Zenyatta (and Tasty, too!).
Happy Valentines Day Zenny! A great big hug to you and yours! Love you!!!
Betsy McGrath
Here is the link if you want to protest the resurgence of horse diving as entertainment at the Atlantic City Steel Pier:
What a horror!
(Sorry to post this on Valentine’s Day)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Don’t worry, this was an urgent cause. As JAG posted below, YOU and others here have MADE A DIFFERENCE!
“A petition against the act on the website change.org garnered 10,000 signatures in one day.”
Theresa Buck/Texas
Beverly Gerth
Happy Valentines Day!!!!! I love you Zenyatta.
I can hardly wait until you have your baby.
Also, send my love and well wishes to Tasty.
I love seeing pictures of you and Tasty out in your paddock.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
YOUR horoscope for today, Zen!
“You need to do whatever it is that makes you feel the most comfortable right now.”
A-W-W-W :-)
Sending lots of love back to you, Zenyatta……and also to everyone who takes such good care of you.
Sharyn - Vermont
Happy Day to you to – I’m sure you and Tasty will be getting a few extra treats today!!
Such an adorable picture of Sophie – she is a sweetheart!
You and Tasty enjoy your afternoon in the paddock
How about a horsey kiss, Z? Happy Valentine’s Day! Love you!
Jamie Smith
A Great big hug to you, Zenny and your team. Have a happy day!
Maryp (New York)
Love, Love, Love!!!! Sharing the love with us as you always do! Right back at you and MORE!!!! Love and hugs to You/Dottie, John, Jerry, Ann, all at Barn 55 and all at Lanes End and all Zensters! You are all truly the best of the best and I feel so lucky to have come upon our Zenyatta (totally by chance)! Must have been Cupid?!?!
Lori K
Mary in MA
@Dawn Conrad;
You are such a gift to this diary. You have the ability to express what we all feel and are not able to communicate as well as you do. GOD bless you and help you to stay well.
@Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry, Mike, Steve, Mario and everyone at Barn 55; GOD bless you all this St Valentine’s day; you have all enriched all our lives and we share our good fortune of Zenyatta with each other every day. I do not take any of this joy for granted…life is too short and too precious to forget. Baby “Z” is awaited with love.
Thank you Dottie, John’s life (and ours) has been transformed by you capacity for love, kindness and generosity of spirit…
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Mary, what dear and special thoughts. Thank you so much my friend!! You are too sweet. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Beth Lauxen
Dear Zenyatta, I’m a newbie Z-fan as far as FB goes, but little known to you, I have loved you for years. You were one of my only bright lights in a three year dark battle with a serious illness, and when I didn’t feel like watching much else on TV, I didn’t miss any of your races. Even in that last race, I will not say you lost, for not a braver race was ever run. It has inspired me to continue to strive, and embrace every day. I am SO looking forward to seeing your baby. What a record for the ages you have left with us! You and Secretariat are my all time favorites, and I am almost 59, will be on March 5th, so I’ve seen a lot of good horses come and go, but only two I consider the greatest of all time. Again, thanks for the uplifting moments in my life. May God Bless and Protect You, Dear Zenyatta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beth L:
So glad to see another Z Fan posting on Z’s Diary. Hugs, JB
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
A Very Happy Happy Valentine’s Day to you Zenny, Tasty, YOUR John, Dottie, Sophie, Mr. & Mrs. Moss, YOUR Mikey, Barn 55, Lanes End and All who loves Zenyatta!! May your day be filled with love and joy!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Black Caviar given clearance to contest Lightning Stakes
Zenny, I guess all we can do is pray for the best! She’s hoping to match your ♥ 19 wins.
Jan S. in Houston
Only eight day layoff for her. Umm!!
carol in utah
Her trainer said something about running her in a week and then a week after that…3 races in a little over 3 weeks….yikes!
I figure its like an apple & oranges thing….can not compare the two…different kinds of races…and Z is a pear…..the only one…
Shanda Hooton
Hugs and lots of love to you too Zenyatta! Hope your day is filled with lots of love and good things that you are so deserving of. I know it will be you are a very lucky and loved girl. Your Valentine wishes were the most special of all so thank you! Sending lots of love!
Joanna from TX
Love and peace to all!
For chocolate lovers (like me)…
Save the planet; it’s the only one with chocolate.
How many calories in a box of chcolates? Who cares?
Take care Zenny and Tasty.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Joanna, that is too cute my dear. How fun. Love and peace back to you!! Enjoy your chocolates, I know I will!! Yummy!!!
Jan S. in Houston
Joanna, probably a trillion calories.. LOL. I am allergic to chocolate..
Big XOXOXO to you Zen and Tasty and to John and Dot, Jerry and Ann, Barn 55 everyone at Lanes End. And to all Z fans world wide, have a wonderful day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
You have a wonderful day too, Nancy!!
Trisha from VA
Smooches to you Zenyatta, John , Dottie, Ann , Jerry, Mario, Carman, Steve, David, Charles, Matt, Sarah and everyone connected that have taken care of you, worked with you, love and cherish every moment of you.
Happy Valentines Day to you the heart of our hearts. Special kiss to Tasty also for being such a good friend and companion to you.
I am pacing the floor
Love, hugs and kisses
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Happy Valentines Day MaMa Zen and Tasty, Dottie (special hugs) John, the Mosses,all you wonderful people at LE, Mario and a big kiss for Mikie. I would love to give you a big hug Zen, but I guess I’ll settle for my Plushie. The pic of Sophie all decked out is adorable, dogs are very special people and so intuitive.
I also want to sent a valentine and hugs to that handsome CHOCOLATE BOY of yours BERNIE. He is the man! Can’t wait to see your baby, I’m not ready to even think about who the lucky man is who will be next.
Happy Valentines Day to all the wonderful Zsters that post here, you have become such an important part of my life……..as is Zenny. Hugs to all
P.S. Can’t wait to see what TERRY comes up with for V day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Sue. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Isn’t it wonderful how important we all are to one another. It is a very special joy!!
Mary in MA
@Beth Lauxen;
Welcome, welcome welcome! You are among friends…we have all had pain and troubles and Zenyatta is a gift from Heaven. I share your love of Secretariat; he is “my big red boy” and always will be. Zenyatta is the best thing to happen to horse racing since his incredible year of 1973. She heals pain and understands sorrow; Zenyatta/Dottie’s heart is as grand as Zenny’s career…simply unbelievable….