To all my Dear Friends!
On this special day, SOPHIE sent ME a BIG VALENTINE’S DAY KISS…not only from her, but from all of my wonderful pals back in California and BARN 55.
I, in turn, am sending all of them ONE BIG HUG and HIGH HOOF right back! (You too, Bernie!)
I’d also like to send each of you a BIG HUG and the warmest wishes possible for many special moments on this Valentine’s Day! May you have a loving and blessed day sharing joy and happiness with everyone dear to you.
Friendships mean so much! Relationships are so important to honor and something to be truly cherished!
Please take a moment to enjoy the FUN and JOY of Valentine’s Day today! Take a few extra moments to give those people in your life that mean so much to you one extra hug, a big pat on the back for a job well done, or send a text, email or note telling them how important they are in your life.
These things all MEAN SO MUCH!
TASTY and I are off to the paddock now to enjoy the outdoors for a bit. We want to be sure and tell all of our Lane’s End pals….THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR TAKING SUCH GREAT CARE OF US! We couldn’t do it without YOU!
With Love,
Hugs to all~(Have an absolutely marvelous DAY!)
Shema Satya
Happy Heart Day to you Zenny!, and Dottie, John, the Mosses’ and your whole team. You are all so loved and appreciated!
Sharman Woll
Ditto – I couldn’t have said it better !!! Happy Valentines Day to You Z and your Wonderful Owners and Team. God Bless All of YOU for allowing all of us to share in Z’s life. She is So Very Very Special, and so are all of YOU!!! Thanks again!!!
So glad Sheema that you are first on
This lovely sweethearts day. !!!!!
Ethel Cooney
Thank-you for being all that you are Zenyatta! Once I heard of you, you had my “horsey” heart now you and your foal will certainly captivate me more!
Happy Valentine’s Day, dear Zenyatta, and to Tasty and all your dear friends back in California, too. I hope everyone here has a wonderful Day. I must tell you, Zenyatta, your plushie arrived and I LOVE it. It’s so beautiful and even a little larger than I expected. I’m so happy to have this little reminder of you.
Elizabeth in NM
Hi Joan, Happy Valentine’s Day to you! I love my plushie too! Have Momma & Baby Z in my art studio right by the window. Don’t you just love the way Baby Z’s cute little brow is being kissed by Momma Z?
Darlene Daniels
Happy Valentines Day Dear Zenyatta. Nothing would mean more to me right now than a BIG HUG from you. Love you so much.
Alia Abu-Bakr
Happy Valentines Day Queen Z!! I hope you have a special guy in your life that will spoil you. You are such a special girl. I love you!! Smooches on your beautiful face-MUAH!!
Have a great day big girl! Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty. XOXO
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! Happy Valentine’s Day! ^-^
Darlene Daniels
P.S. Zenny, My little dog Chupy has that very same jacket Sophie is wearing. How Cute is that?? Love you.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Darlene, that is way too cute!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Happy Valentines Day to Zenyatta, the Mosses, John, Dottie and Barn 55. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Zenny, did Bernardini send you anything? Chocolate covered carrots? Or did he forget you already?
Debbie G/Kentucky
Bernie did post a Valentine on his FB page for Zenyatta! How cute is that?
Julie Malida
Sarah and Matt,
You are SOOO appreciated! Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day to you Sherry!
Kathy S.
Happy Valentine’s Day dear Zenny, Tasty and your entire teams. Much love to all my fellow Z-sters. Anxiously awaiting the BIG DAY when we all become nannies.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Now I have to learn how to do the heart thing…wonder if my iPad is that smart?….
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Check the previous diary entry. Down toward the botton, someone (forgot who–sorry) posted several different styles that you can copy and paste.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Heart Day to you too, Margaret!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Very cute picture.
Is Sophie following the dog show?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ, I can just picture Sophie sitting in front of the TV, she is such a sweetie! I love watching Westminister. Enjoyed the two hours last night and looking forward to seeing who wins Best in Show tonight!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I watched last night with two of my three Dobermans beside me on the couch. Tonight is ‘our” night, though. We like the Working group. Fifi the Doberman won her breed competition, and we will be rooting for her to go all the way. I have a casual acquaintance with her breeder/owner/handler and have met Fifi herself. One of my friends owns Fifi’s litter sister Porsche.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy Valentine’s Day, Zenny! Thank you for being OUR VALENTINE!
A Valentine Poem for Animal Lovers
We thank God above
On this day of love
That He us does send
Animals with whom
We our lives can spend,
Companions who brighten any gloom
When we make room
For them in our hearts.
Heaven does us bless
By letting us life share
With others
Who for us do care,
Be they human or not.
So, animal lovers,
Don’t forget
To show your pet
You love them all a lot.
Your horse’s soft muzzle!
Your dear pooch!
The kitty who against you does press!
Be a loving Valentine
To your equine,
Your canine,
Your feline,
As I will be to mine.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trina, thank you so much for the lovely Valentine’s Day poems. They were both very special. You are a joy!!!
carol in utah
So good trina….my kitties always know what aches…they wrap around or next to the spot…works every tkme
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Such a lovely poem Trina. Have a Very Happy Happy Valentine’s Day !! Hugs to you from myself and my precious canine babys Oreo and Sophie. Love YOU
Christine in Placerville, CA
Thank you for the lovely poem, Trina! Happy Valentine’s Day to you & yours too.
Robin - Ventura CA
Thank you so much for the wonderful poem! Oh how we love our pets!!!
Maryp (New York)
Thank you Trina for the lovely poem for those that give us such unconditional love.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Dear Zen-et Laureate,
Happy Valentine’s Day! This poem is so bubbly and full of love. One of your best yet!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Trina, Thank you much for both wonderful poems. You are such a blessing in every way.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy Valentine’s Day Trina and thank you for the poems today, you brighten my day when there is one of your poems and today there are two.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful poem, Trina. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Trina: Another wonderful poem! Thanks for sharing.
Elizabeth in NM
Trina, Lovely and so very true! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Celeste in TX
Thank you for the wonderful poem, Trina. Its beautiful.
Terry Crow
Trina-You always find the right poem for the occasion. Hope YOU had a great day.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dearest Zenyatta and all Barn 55 family, Z-sters and your beloved Mom and Dad Moss’s. Bernardini of course, sends you his love and heartfelt admiration for his baby to be’s Momma!
Everyone enjoy and have a perfect day! As for HEART I would refer all of you to the Horse and Man blog today. Interesting article about the heart of the female line re: the chromosome, etc., all pretty scientific but extremely interesting about the large heart and how it is passed from generation to generation.
Zenny you have a world class big heart in love, generosity and spirit and I’m sure in size too!
You and TT deserve to be treated like extra special Queen’s for a day. We are on nanny watch too.
My shepherd can’t wear coats, she couldn’t even squeeze into yours! Kinda a big girl. Your Sophie is very cute in her coat. Very festive!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, SWEETHEART!!!! It was so wonderful to open the diary page and see your cute little friend Sophie surrounded by happy heart items!! Thank you, John, for sharing such a special photo with us all. Much love back to you, Zenny! Today is a day where love and friendship are celebrated and I feel so blessed to have you in my life!! You have brought me many wonderful friendships and amazing moments in my life. I hope you and Tasty have a great day!! I love you forever and ever. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Here is a little Valentine gift for you Zenny and for all of my wonderful friends. Sharing my life with you all is a gift beyond measure. From my heart to yours!!!
Love and hugs,
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
A special message of love and thanks to Dottie, John, Jerry, Ann, Mike, all of the Barn 55 crew, Sarah, David and everyone at Lane’s End. You have touched my heart and I appreciate your kindness and generousity, very much!!! May your lives continue to be blessed and filled with joy.
Hugs to you all,
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Perfectly said, Dawn! I would like to “Ditto” your sentiments. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO ALL! Ann Maree
Robin - Ventura CA
Thank you Dawn
Kari Bussell/Tn.
The was so special & beautiful…just like you. It made me cry….We are all so blessed by you.
Terry Crow
Dawn-I think think of a better sentiment. You are, indeed, a wordsmith.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Dawn, This is the nicest Valentine I’ve ever seen, thank you so much for sharing and a very happy, loving day to you.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Heart Day, Brenda and Vic too!!! I am so glad you enjoyed it. It is the first time I have attempted creating something like that. Have a great day my friend!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Dawn, Your Zenyatta smilebox Valentine is SO lovely. Thank you for this very special Valentine, treasured friend!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This is just lovely – beautiful words and pictures, and a great song to go with it. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (good thing JAG provided us with lots of hearts today – now if there were just some way to make them red :-).
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Tee Hee Giggle Giggle Wink Wink :-P
thank you Dawn, for the lovely day brightener
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
This was soooo adorable! Thanks for sharing.
Judy G
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dawn, what an adorable valentine you created with all those special moments and the music is wonderful. Thank you so much. You are so gifted in so many ways! Special Valentine hugs to you.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Yahooo Dawn! Way to go GF! I am so happy that you did this Smilebox! Isn’t it fun? It sure did brighten my day lovely one! Thank You!
Maryp (New York)
Dawn, thank you for the lovely valentine with all the beauty of our Zenyatta and friends.
Such a nice job you did……very talented you are! God Bless you.
Christine in Placerville, CA
Wonderful Valentine Smilebox, Dawn! Thank you.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Dawn, you made me cry! That was beautiful! Thank you!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
To all of my wonderful friends, there is no way to express my gratitude for your kind words. I am so happy you enjoyed the card. It was a work of love. Thank you!!!!
@Dawn, this is so special to all of us who so dearly love our Queen and her connections. Thank you!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you Dawn for that beautiful valentine. It brought tears to my eyes. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Judy Sims in Florida
Dear Dawn:
What a marvelous, beautiful tribute and gift of love to all whose lives Zenyatta has touched.
You are a remarkable lady and I salute you.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
You certainly have touched all of our hearts.
Marshall (in NC)
How absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for this lovely Valentine — you are one very special girl! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too. Hugs!
Elizabeth in NM
Dawn, You are so lovely/loving! Thank you for this beautiful capturing of Zenny’s life! I plan to revisit your valentine card often to remind myself how blessed we are by ZENNY and her amazing Family! Many of God’s blessings to you today (as always)
Celeste in TX
What an incredible Valentine, Dawn. Thank you so much for creating and sharing. Beautiful.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I thank everyone again, from the bottom of my heart!! You are too kind!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Trina – A special Valentine hug to you!!!! Very sweet poem today.
Tessa , Lucy, Priscilla,Mystre, Tyler and Panda send you their hugs! They have all gotten some special Valentine treats.
Doreen in CT
Happy Valentine’s Day to Zenny, Tasty, Sophie (she’s TOO CUTE!!!), Team Z, Team LE, Barn 55 and all Z fans and TBs everywhere.
@Lillian L, Illinois (from post #436) – I too liked Battle Hardened (Giant’s Causeway) and Empire Way (Empire Maker) the first time that I saw them. I’m partial to Giant’s Causeways and greys, so I can’t leave out both Creative Cause and Hansen. JJ (Javier Castellano) leaving Union Rags for Algorithms may be a telling sign – I have to wait and see on that. I’ve been fortunate that since 2007. I’ve picked the winners (Street Sense, Super Saver (2010)) and had the winners in 2008 and 2009 to make the board. Hopefully, I’ll be lucky again this year to either pick the winner (preferably) or have him make the board.
@All – There’s a contest to name Rachel’s colt: http://www.drf.com/news/contest-gives-fans-chance-name-rachel-alexandras-foal
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Doreen – I really like Giant’s Causeway too. In particular I adore his son Eskenderya. He is beautifully put together and very strong. When he ran, he took my breath away and of course he has Alydar in his bloodline also. I have enjoyed spending time with him at Taylor Made and he is such a sweet stallion, as is Unbridled’s Song. Of course as a sire Eskenderya is still unproven, but he does have a True Nick’s score of A+ when matched with Zenyatta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn C.:
For you. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Valentine’s Day, Judy!! Thank you very much for the link. Isn’t he gorgeous!!
Doreen in CT
Dawn – I love Eskendereya too. I made a special trip to Aqueduct to see him run in the Wood Memorial. What a cold day that was. I believed at that time, and still do that he was the one to break that long streak of not having a Triple Crown Winner. He is absolutely gorgeous in person(?) and on the track. I too thought about sending Zenyatta to him – but like you stated – he’s unproven – but then again, so was Street Cry. I also liked another one of Giant’s Causeway’s sons, who retired due to a condylar fracture – Giant Surprise. He reminded me so much of Eskendereya (he ran with his head down and although a bay, he has a star on his head just like Eskendereya), he’s also a grandson of A.P. Indy – so royalty runs through his blood too. He caught my eye when I saw him in the paddock at Saratoga. Here’s his maiden race (you can tell in his cool down and on the way back that he suffered an injury – luckily it wasn’t life threatening, unfortunately we’ll never see how promising a racehorse he may have turned out to be: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/race/USA/SAR/2011/7/30/2/race-2
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn C. and Doreen in Ct.:
Eskendereya certainly is gorgeous. Hugs, JB
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
I’m another fan of Eskenderya! I saw him last May at Taylor Made. It broke my heart when he got injured, just before the Derby – I really thought he could have won the Triple Crown. I am really looking forward to going back to see him next year. I hope he does well at stud. I think a lot of Taylor Made since they don’t send the stallions to South America when the US season is over. I don’t like to see them over-bred/over-booked.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mray Jo:
I felt the same way about Eskenderya. He had breathtaking speed. I’d rather see our stallions stay stateside too. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Eskenderya probably would have won the Kentucky Derby if he had not been injured.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Oh, Dawn—how beautiful is this! I could watch it over-and-over, and never tire of it (just like Downton Abbey)! This is my second great Valentine’s cry of the day. At least the color of my eyes will match the rest of my outfit!
It was made by you with love, which means that it is just perfect.
Thank you for always sharing your very special gift with us, through your uplifting, illuminating, and insghtful words.
I hope that yours will be the most wonderful Valentine’s Day ever.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia H.:
I addicted to Downton Abbey too. Just love it. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
me, too!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Will Matthew and Mary EVER get together? Gosh!
The Kennedys in San Diego
We love Downton Abbey as well. Yes, Cynthia, I am certain they will get together but with a lot of drama before that happens.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
The more drama, the better!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I know it sounds weird, but I have the funniest feeling that Matthew might eventually wind-up with Edith! I think I may be feeling the stress from waiting for Zenyatta’s foal!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear, wonderful, Cynthia. With such special friends as you, how could my Valentines Day be anything but lovely. Thank you for your very kind words, they mean a great deal to me!! I too absolutely love Downtown Abby, but we share so many interests, it is no surprise we both are hooked!! It is fun that so many other Z-sters are enjoying it also. I agree with the Kennedys, they probably will get together, but the story line will stretch as long as it can. No complaints from me, I could watch this show for years!
On a side note, I have been reading the new biography of Queen Elizabeth II in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee. It is great. I wanted to get something to mark the occasion, so I ordered an official cup and saucer from the Royal China. I received it today and it was amazing!! It was packed beautifully from Buckingham Palace. I have a cup and saucer collection that I received from my Grandmother upon her passing and then I have added pieces. My mother collects also. Anyway, you might already be aware of this site, but if you go to Old Durham Road.com you can see the china and many other English imports. Enjoy!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dawn, I recognized you at once as a fellow Anglophile! As an adjunct to the Zenyatta Austen Society, perhaps we shall have to initiate a Zenyatta Downton Abbey Club! I think we would have a robust membership, judging from the responses here!
I am very excited about the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. I lived for two years in England, and saw her in-person several times, once when attending the races at Royal Ascot! She is more beautiful than her photographs, and has the most glorious complexion.
I have to laugh, because I, too, have been a collector of English ware for over 25 years. It is not fine china, as is your love, but Torquay pottery, made in Devon (1867-1962). My collection now numbers over 750 pieces (yes, the family is concerned), and I can remember exactly when I acquired each pot, even to the weather conditions!
I shall enjoy checking the Old Durham Road site which you referenced.
Happy Hearts Day!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I’m a huge fan too, Sunday evenings are “do not phone me” times.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Thank you for the info on the name contest. Now I just need a good inspiration.
PatB from NM
Saw that and think it’s a great idea. Do you think the Mosses will go for it for your baby, Z? What a prize–to be able to visit with you!
Love you always, Zenyatta!
sharon in seattle
many beautiful hearts and flowers today and everyday to those who take such good care of Zenyatta and also to each and every human who cares for all the four-leggeds among us, including the crawlers, slitherers or swimmmers!!! Cherish and love those animals who share our lives.
simply put — may I be your VALENTINE?
Wait a minute — you ARE my Valentine.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
The following poem is for all who have lost four-legged friends in recent months, including Debbie G’s friends James and Jason who lost Rachel and Roscoe; Lexi, who lost her dog Sequoia on February 3; the Mosses, Dottie and John, who lost Cloud Man; Shannon from Cool, who lost her TB last month; MLV, who lost her Lab mix Oliver in April and in 2005 her eventing TB champion Rum Car; Diana in NV, who lost her Slewpy Foundation broodmare Three; Judy in South Carolina, who lost her Saddlebred mare in October; Abigail in Montreal, who lost her shepherd mix Jericho in September; Sue Fredrick, who lost her rescued cocker Opie (before getting Gracie); Alma, who lost her Aussie/Lab mix Sweetie Pie; Susan in TN, who lost her St. Bernard Tiny; Celeste, who lost her kitty Mojo; Peggy N who lost her kitty Holly; Ingrid Arnone, who lost two kitties; Diana S in Tempe, who lost three rescued feral kitties; Darlene Daniels, who lost her kitty Cosmo; Heidi Kruckenberg, who lost her kitty Pixie Bob (Smokey); Signofthetimes, who lost her greyhound Katlyn at the beginning of August; and for those have mentioned more distant losses: Sally (B), who lost her black Lab Jesse three years ago; Shari Voltz, who lost her dog Titus; to Joan, who lost her Golden Retriever Cassie almost eight years ago; Sharon in Ohio, who lost her Afghan Hound Rebecca and Puppy, her Yorkie, in one year; Margie, who lost her Golden Retriever Elvis in 2007; Terry Crow, who lost his Bassett Hound Corrie some time ago; Doris McQuiddy, who lost her black Lab Bell; Karen Gogue, who lost her shepherd Lucky years ago; Wendy, who lost her stallion some time ago; Sarah Powell, who has lost two horses; Sue Fredrick, who lost her Saddlebred mare; Sherry Drish, who lost her Morgan mare Black Magic, and for ALL others who have suffered such a loss.
A Valentine to Pets Now Gone
To those who have sadly departed
And left us behind, broken-hearted,
We send undying love.
You, of whom we’re so fond,
At the bridge beyond
For us now patiently wait.
We draw renewed strength
From the deep belief
That our sorrow
Will find relief
On some tomorrow
When at length
Through divine fate
We will with you in love
We’ll have that thrill
In heaven above,
And our now heavy hearts WILL
Again be light.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
WOW! Two wonderful poems today. Thank you for caring SO much about Zenny and all of us.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
PS – forgot to mention that I have two kitties waiting for me (Tibby and Snickers). Wonder if they have found each other????
kelly-Allentown, Pa
That poem was very beautiful. Made me think of my kitties that have passed on. Bless them all! ^-^
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina N.:
Your beautiful poem brought back tears and joyful memories of my beloved sweeties who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Will never forget them. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Thanks, Trina…beautiful thoughts, beautifully stated.
sharon in seattle
and my sweet, little Flores (Dirly) who I remember in my heart every day
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
YOU ARE SO THOUGHTFUL TRINA! Thank you for remembering my Lucky! Tears at your poem – so lovely! Huge Hugs on this Valentine’s Day to our HEART OF POEMS! Thank you! ♥
Robin - Ventura CA
Simply lovely poem! And I how lost my Panzer boy in 2008, and by beloved Kirra (Dobie) in 2010, whom I miss every day. She was the best doggie!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Wow Trina… Had to fight back tears. I miss my Chip (Aussie/ Shepherd mix) who I had to say goodbye to for now on April 29 2011. I never knew that 12 years of memories would be so painful. We adopted Chip when he was 11 wks old from the Memphis Humane Society. 4 years later we adopted Oreo (Corgie mix) 8wks old from a Riverside Ca shelter. He is now 8yrs old and I still call him my puppy. Well I opened up my heart again and on 12-17-2011 we adopted Sophie (yellow lab/ german shepherd) 2yrs old from the California Labradors Retrievers & More Rescue. I think Chip sent her to me. She has become my shadow and watches over me just like Chip used to do. Just have to love our 4 legged babies.
Thanks for sharing this lovely poem.
Happy Happy Vanlentine’s Day to You.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Trina, God Bless You for catalogueing all this information over the year! What a wonderful tribute to our lost friends! I am going to print it and keep it forever. Please accept my loving thank you. Hugs
Gary Moulton
Trillna, I loved it!
Gary Moulton
Trina, Sorry Mistake
Paula Higgins
Nice poem Trina. Losing a pet is losing a member of the family.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Trina! How are you able to remember so many details from previous posts! You are amazing.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh, my goodness! I forgot to mention Sierra who lost her horse Spike just at the beginning of last month, and YOU, Especially Horses, wrote the MOST BEAUTIFUL poem for Sierra! I knew I was bound to overlook somebody–probably more than one–but I wanted to mention everyone I could, to honor them. Apologies to Sierra, Spike, and you, Especially Horses…Thank you for your kind words.
Louise Castello
Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful! Also, how beautiful that you have remembered ALL these losses. Not knowing you, I DO know that you are a very special person. Thank you for this and all your beautiful words!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh My, Trina!! Beautiful but, how in the world did you remember all of that? Amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my Zenny Heart! Yes, loosing a pet is just like loosing a family member. Our kitties are our kids.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Trina, what an amazing gift of remembrance you have given us on this special day. I know that I love my fur babies as members of my family. Being on my own, they bring me remarkable companionship each and every day. They make my house a beautiful home!! Thank you!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
You are amazing Trina. The fact that you remembered all of us who lost our pets just blows my mind (and unfortunately there is a lot of us). God Bless You, dear friend, for everything that you do. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Trina; You are so very thoughtful and kind to think of all of us that have lost a dear animal friend with a very warm poem. Your the best! Happy Valentines Day
Celeste in TX
That is so sweet and beautiful. Thank you.
Terry Crow
Trina-The world could use more people like you. The hurt never really goes away, but now when I think of my old hound I just remember that she loved me unconditionally.
Shannon From Cool
BIG HEART HUGS to you and everyone in the Zenyatta Nation.
Have a lovely day.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Good Morning MY VALENTINE!!!
Oh, this photo of Sophie IS TOO CUTE & TOO ADORABLE for words!!!
I’m sending my Valentine card to you today, My Queen :D
LOVE TO YOU AND BERNIE AND BABY B/Z!!! God Bless you always!
Tummy rubs, peppermint kisses, and {{{BIG HUGS}}} XOXOXOXO
Uncle John Henry sends his Love, and this message……………………….March 9th (or 8th)………………….we are THINKING PINK!!!
All my love today and every day,
Judy G
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Z’STERS OF THE WORLD!! Thank you for your Loving Friendship and Support :D
I assume you and Bernie have plans for this evening. Perhaps you guys, along with Tasty and Candy Ride, will hit the town night!
I love you, Big Mare, and wish you, Tasty, John, Dottie, Jerry, Ann, and all Barn 55 a wonderful Valentine day. May our greatest Valentine wish be born healthy in a few weeks!!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I absolutely love this image. Delightful!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Aahhh, Kim. That is so sweet! I certinaly join you in that wish!!!
Happy Valentines Day Zenyatta and baby! Xxoo
Jeanenne Cliffman
Happy Valentine’s Day Queen Momma – I love you, xxxxoooo
Happy Valentine’s Day to Big Mama Z (sending a HUGE hug and kiss to the Queen!), all of Team Zenyatta and all of the Zenyatta fans out there. XOXO!
What a fabulous photo. Thanks to Sophie who I’m sure spent a lot of time getting it just right. If we can be loved even half as much as you Zenny, we’ll be doing wonderfully.
Happy Valentines Day to all.
Oh! P.S. Sophie looks sooooooo adorable! A big hug and kiss to her too (even though I think she’s part of Team Z!).
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
What an adorable picture of Sophie sending a kiss to you! I’m sure she would LOVE to see you up close and personal. Thank you for your Valentine’s wishes. The following is for you, Dottie (your scribe extraordinaire who keeps us all together), the rest of your California Team Z, everyone at Lane’s End for taking such good care of our Mom-to-be and for EVERYONE on this site for sharing knowledge, humor, and their hearts with all of us:
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Sandy! Love to you, too!
Maryp (New York)
The best of Valentine’s Day to you. Thank you Sandy.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Thanks Sandy valentine hugs to you!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sandy, Happy Valentine’s Day my friend! Your card was wonderful and brought a smile to my face. Thank you so much!!!
Hugs, Dawn
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Valentine’s Day Sandy!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Sandy- What a lovely card. I hope you have had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. I somehow missed this the first time.. Hugs, love, and Joy to you.
Celeste in TX
Awww. That’s just so sweet. You are so thoughtful! Thanks!