I hope you had a lovely weekend! TASTY and I truly did along with our pals here at Lane’s End.
It is also such a busy racing time now. The 3 year old scene is definitely starting to ‘heat up’. During the month of March, the number of graded prep stakes ‘step up’. Everyone is trying to earn those necessary GRADED STAKES DOLLARS to qualify for Kentucky Derby Field.
As you may know, the horses who comprise the field for the Kentucky Derby and are ‘in the starting gate’ the first Saturday of May, are those who have accumulated the most GRADED STAKES EARNINGS during their careers. So, it is not only competitive for these horses and their connections when on the track…it is also very competitive to earn graded stakes dollars to ‘make the cut’. The Kentucky Derby Field is limited to 20 starters.
The publications are now listing the TOP EARNERS to date with the most black-type earnings. The horses who won the most at 2 are currently at the top of this list. This stands to reason! Per the DAILY RACING FORM, the current top 10 horses based on earnings are:
#1 Hansen
#2 Union Rags
#3 Sabercat
#4 Wrote (Ire)
#5 Creative Cause
#6-7 (Tie) Liaison and Dullahan
#8 Excaper
#9 Algorithms
#10 Drill
This list has the ability to change “dramatically” between now and the first Saturday in May. New horses are appearing ‘on the scene daily’ and as the distances stretch out and become longer (the Kentucky Derby is 1 1/4 miles), horses who were extremely talented at 2 years old going 1 mile or a bit longer as 1 1/16 miles…may find the added ‘Derby’ distance a bit more challenging for them.
The Future Book Derby Pool #1 just closed on Sunday evening. If you go to DRF.COM or The Bloodhorse.com, you can read all of these details. It is so much FUN to follow.
The next several weeks will really tell us a great deal about WHO will be RUNNING FOR THE ROSES! There are lots of races to watch, horses to follow, and graded earnings to chart!
TASTY and I are going to be extremely busy keeping up with everything…and, oh…by the way…becoming MOM’S as well!
Have fun! Who is your early DERBY HORSE?
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations, Black Caviar on #18!)
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
For those whø may need ♥s to cut-and-paste for for Valentine’s Day posts:
12th <3
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Eveline / Maryland.
Thank you! ♥ Finally got it!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
*copy-amd-paste ♥
Donna in El Paso
Love you, Zenny girl!! I was wondering what is happening with your baby sister, ‘E’?
Is she racing yet or will she be soon?
We are still waiting to hear about her debut, she is still having works and some folks from CA are posting them.
Happy Valentine’s Day Zenyatta and Tasty. I signed the petition about the stupid horse diving in Atlantic City. I can’t believe they want to bring this back. I live in NJ and AC is not doing so well these days. So I guess to make some more money, they want a poor horse to dive into a pool of water for show. All the old people will hate this. I hope they stop it. Maybe our Governor Christy will, oh wait he wants to stop racing in NJ. I would hope he wants to stop this. Fat chance.
Love you Z, stay well. Blessings to you.
Dear Zenny,
You look absolutely gorgeous looking out over your new fenced in paddock.
Curious as always. Hope you had a great day in the crisp KY air. Nice time
to be pregnant as you won’t get too hot. I guess TB don’t have that problem
as they are arranged to deliver in the early part of the year. Looking forward
to hearing about your new mate and seeing you lovely little one. Time is flying
by. Sweet Dreams XXXOOO
Mary Copelin
KARI BUSSELL – You never cease to amaze me. From the start of the Queen’s diary, you have graced us all with your love, wisdom, insight and incredible messages and videos. Each and every day I read Z’s site. When I see one of your posts I quickly read and reread it. You always have something significant and moving to say.
You fill our lives with JOY and LOVE.
You are truly remarkable and a gift to us all.
Wishing you love and peace.
With my love and respect, Mary
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Mary Copelin,
Your very kind, generous have left me overwhelmed..To think I make anyone feel Joy warms my heart more than I know how to say..Thank You!…..Wishing You love-peace-health & much Joy!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Signed the petition on Change.org link – Hope many more do the same.
Zenyatta and TT – take care ladies and a Happy Valentine’s Day to you both and all at Lane’s End.
to all the posters ladies and gents, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Must look at more of the links today. I’m way behind.
There is an incredible (the best they say of any superbowl )rendition of our national anthem by Whitney Houston. She had such a voice. I found it via the New York times on the internet. A You Tube video sometime in the 80’s. Tissue’s recommended.
Thank you Kari for the video. As always, you capture our Queen’s essence. I loved it.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
No one ever sang it the way Whitney did..
I am very glad you enjoyed the video.
Rose Edwards
Queen Z…you look happy maybe not comfortable! Can’t wait to see your little colt.
My choice for KD is Union Rags, I admire his trainer. If I couldn’t get your JOHN to train my horse, Michael Matz would be my next choice. Racing could use a lot more trainers like your JOHN and Michael Matz. They bring such class to the sport.
Terry Crow
Agree with all sentiments.
Barb Zylbert
Hey Z, why is it there seems to be more fillies than colts that go with long stretches of wins like you, Black Caviar, Pepper’s Pride, etc.????? The girl question. They are smarter and more serious racehorses!
Lillian L, Illinois
Never paid much attention to the KY Derby future wagers, but decided to place a few small bets this year. Hopefully, at least one of my picks will make it to the starting gate: Battle Hardened, Dullahan, Empire Way, Rousing Sermon. (Nothing against Bernie’s boy Algorithms. Just wanted to pick a few that would pay more.) I wish the Derby field was smaller. I’m half watching/half cringing when the gate opens. Always feel relieved when the race is over without any mishaps.
Candi E. Carter
sign the petetion enrico,good evening my lady zenyatta as well as your bff tt, we love you always ,be safe all the time OK?
Judy from South Carolina
I personally think the Derby should be limited to 14 horses. This 20 horse field and auxiliary gate thing is ridiculous. Does anyone here remember when this started?
I know that John Shirreffs has 4 horses that are Triple Crown nominated (3 owned by the Moss’ and 1 owned by another stable) so any of his that make the starting gate would be my first choice in the Derby. My other choice is Union Rags not only because of his talent and I think he should have been the Eclipse Award winner but because I ADORE Michael Matz and everything he stands for (and has been through). Larry Jones is another trainer I think is SO deserving. Enough of Baffert, Pletcher, etc. Hard for them to NOT win when they end up having three and four entries every year in the race!
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day, Queen Z and stay safe! Not long to go…………………
I agree. That 20 horse field is a big reason why we are having such a hard time getting a TC winner. Some really game horses have won the P and the B, but had such a hard time in all that Derby traffic.
Terry Crow
Agree. Also, some trainers are not very adept at planning the races before the Derby ever since added money winnings became a factor in whether or not a horse will run.
Zenny, your clever Berni made a special Valentine filly, look at Whisper Louise, she has a heart shape marking. Too cute. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3246136073026&set=a.3246134112977.163378.1255627572&type=1&theater
Marshall (in NC(
Hello, Beautiful Girl!
Just wanted to send best wishes your way! All the very best to you and Tasty, too.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Love and Hugs!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, Happy Valentines Day to you and all your CA and KY family, I include Tasty as part of your family. Have a great day, and thank you to your Aunt Cynthia for posting hearts for us to copy and paste that are not so puter savvy. I love you, Sweet Girl…Lisag
Darlene Daniels
My dearest Zenyatta, Dottie, Tasty, John, Jerry and Ann, Mikey, Barn 55, Matt, Sarah, David and all at Lanes End and all my Zsters friends, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
Good morning Zee&Tee,
Happy V-Day, you lucky horses, you.
This shows what the’two-legged’ ones who live on V-Day all year round can do .
Lisag in Texas
@SunnyBoyd, thank you for this link. It is just Too Sweet. I wish he had not fallen, this story would have ended differently I suppose. I love it.
Darlene Daniels
@All. Something I find Z-Magical is so many of us are similar in age, have the same tastes in music, love horses and all animals, live all over this great USA and Canada and the whole wide world, have the same values, and of course love our Beloved Zenyatta with all our hearts, and we truly care for one another. It just does’nt get much better than this. Love to all.
Lisag in Texas
@Darlene, No, it cannot get better than this….Just another gift Zenyatta has brought to us, US.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Darlene, you are so right!! Aren’t we so lucky!!!! hugs on Valentine Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Zenyatta, and all your extended (and every growing) family! I hope you get a nice bouquet of carrots.
Pattie in South Carolina
Good Morning to everyone :) To those that are interested in seeing a foal being born, log onto:
They offer a free membership with limited farm cams or Grade 3 membership is only $8.95 per month or $99.95 yearly.
Also, WinStar has a Derby Contest that is lots of fun. That web address is:
I hope someday, Lane’s End will offer a Stable/Farm Fan Club similar to WinStar.
Have a Great Day :)
Robin Alexander
#9 Algorithms…love this boy : ) yet 2 have a love as GRAND as my ZENYATTA tho…she is the sun, the moon & the stars…it’s like your first love….you never forget…& you can never let go… : ) : ) : )
Lover of horses
Congratulations to Black Cavar! I can’t wait until you become a mom, Zenny! You will make such a good mother. My early derby horses are Union Rags and Alpha. Love you, beautiful girl!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Still sad about Whitney Houston. She had such a marvelous voice and was a pretty gal, one who was of the church, sang in the church. Now she has left her daughter behind.
Zenyatta, I will be paying lots of attention to horse racing between now and the beginning of May in order to watch the process by which horses get picked to run in the Kentucky Derby. I have to schedule it around my work, however, but I will do my best. Every day is a day closer to the foals of you and Tasty being born and I am looking really forward to it.
Good Day “Queen”and to the wonderful staff and all involved we love u wish nothing but the very best to all
Liz Labun
After reading the comments about graded earnings it got me to thinking that I have always felt that only half the earnings at 2 should count toward the derby. If the goal is to get the most talented horses who will truly have a good chance at doing well in the Derby then what a horse earned at 2 at a time when many others weren’t ready to perform at their best level should not count as much as earnings at 3. I’d love to know if anyone agrees with that.
Terry Crow
Agree. I will even go you one further. NO 2-year-old earnings should count.