I hope you had a lovely weekend! TASTY and I truly did along with our pals here at Lane’s End.
It is also such a busy racing time now. The 3 year old scene is definitely starting to ‘heat up’. During the month of March, the number of graded prep stakes ‘step up’. Everyone is trying to earn those necessary GRADED STAKES DOLLARS to qualify for Kentucky Derby Field.
As you may know, the horses who comprise the field for the Kentucky Derby and are ‘in the starting gate’ the first Saturday of May, are those who have accumulated the most GRADED STAKES EARNINGS during their careers. So, it is not only competitive for these horses and their connections when on the track…it is also very competitive to earn graded stakes dollars to ‘make the cut’. The Kentucky Derby Field is limited to 20 starters.
The publications are now listing the TOP EARNERS to date with the most black-type earnings. The horses who won the most at 2 are currently at the top of this list. This stands to reason! Per the DAILY RACING FORM, the current top 10 horses based on earnings are:
#1 Hansen
#2 Union Rags
#3 Sabercat
#4 Wrote (Ire)
#5 Creative Cause
#6-7 (Tie) Liaison and Dullahan
#8 Excaper
#9 Algorithms
#10 Drill
This list has the ability to change “dramatically” between now and the first Saturday in May. New horses are appearing ‘on the scene daily’ and as the distances stretch out and become longer (the Kentucky Derby is 1 1/4 miles), horses who were extremely talented at 2 years old going 1 mile or a bit longer as 1 1/16 miles…may find the added ‘Derby’ distance a bit more challenging for them.
The Future Book Derby Pool #1 just closed on Sunday evening. If you go to DRF.COM or The Bloodhorse.com, you can read all of these details. It is so much FUN to follow.
The next several weeks will really tell us a great deal about WHO will be RUNNING FOR THE ROSES! There are lots of races to watch, horses to follow, and graded earnings to chart!
TASTY and I are going to be extremely busy keeping up with everything…and, oh…by the way…becoming MOM’S as well!
Have fun! Who is your early DERBY HORSE?
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations, Black Caviar on #18!)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, DEAR BRENDA!!!!! I cannot believe that I missed your birthday, am so sorry!! I hope you had a great day and did something fun with Vic. You deserve the best my friend!!! Love and hugs, Dawn
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Thank you so much Dawn, didn’t do anything special on the day and I have to say that I’m not exactly thrilled to be having birthdays. They seem to come along more quickly these days and I’m not ready to be the age I am.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Happy Monday, Dear Z!! My derby pick??? Well, I really like Hansen and Union Rags, Alpha, Algorithms and the filly My Miss Aurilia (sp?) but, no locked on favorites at this time. Too many more preps to watch. I just hope that this year, there will be less tragedies than the previous couple of years.
Right now, I’m focused on your foaling date and that you have a safe and comfortable delivery with a healthy foal! Pace Pace Pace….. Feb 25th!!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kari, your new video was so wonderful. Knowing you, the song had such special meaning. I am always so deeply touched by your creations. They definitely bring tears, but so much joy!!! Thank you for sharing your tributes to our beloved Zenyatta, they are remarkable gifts!!! Always thinking about you my dear friend and hoping each day is bright and beautiful!! Hugs, Dawn
Kari Bussell/Tn.
You are such a sweet, precious, gentle soul. Thank you so much for your generous words.I am very touched that they bring you Joy.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Since I saw the film “Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken”, years ago, I felt I could not just assume all horse-diving is abusive, the horses did not all seem terrified, or even frightened — so I did some research. Not only did the real-life subject of the film lose her eyesight from an accident on a jump, but earlier a young man was killed the same way, in Carver’s show. The fact that it was a 4-story jump, really seems insane, and I felt some of that, watching the film. But I did not yet find any mentions of the horses being injured or killed (which doesn’t prove the point). http://www.texasescapes.com/MikeCoxTexasTales/192-Jumper-and-Diving-Horse.htm
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I do have a feeling that not all horse-diving performances are necessarily abusive, although I am not sure, given my lack of experience with horses. I found a site with a current small diving act, which looks about 8-10 ft. high, and for which the manager states that “They are trained to dive. There is no rider, no prods, no electrical jolts, and no trap doors.” I don’t like the idea of anyone “making” any unwilling animal do something, but I don’t know whether there are horses that like to jump or dive, anyway. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2174
Enrico Equus
Vicky, There can be no doubt: diving from a height of 60 feet into 10 feet of water four times a day seven days a week is — pure and simple — abuse. No horse would willingly do this and it overwhelms me to think of the fear these poor noble creatures must overcome. The old Steel Pier used (at various times) a trap door and electric prods to force the horses to “dive.” It’s really more than abusive, and it perpetuates the notion that animals are here for our entertainment. PLEASE, if you love horses, sign the petition and get all your horse-loving friends to sign!
When Gamal, the last Steel Pier diving horse was rescued, he was 26 years old and still diving! Sign the petition in his memory!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
So sorry. Just realized I spelled Hansen’s name wrong. Hugs, JB
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
ENRICO EQUUS: So glad you brought this up, and I hope many here signed the petition. I live in NJ and if we cannot get this ugly idea to go away, I will go to picket it with friends and hope others will, too. Zenny’s family here are all horse-loving people, and at this precious time–are all waiting for Zenny’s foal to be born. Please post your message on my website, which is called the OTHER website here, http://www.equi-army-ndo.com. We are a group of horse advocates who met on these pages almost a year ago, formed another group and are, among other horse-related tasks, proactive in networking horse issues to as many contacts as possible. People on Zenny’s site are very active in horse-related charities and causes–but right now, they (and me) are walking up and down like daddies and parents in the hospital baby ward–waiting for the birth of a very special foal and praying for both momma and baby!!!
Jill in Jersey
Thanks for the info – signed the petition. As a resident of NJ, that is just horrible to think of bringing such a cruel act back – what’s the matter with people!
Derby pick – Union Rags! Would love to see Michael Matz win the Derby – for the memory of our beloved Barbaro.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta Hi sweet girl. My class and I liked your post today. We are cheering for Hansen. We all think he looks like Pegasus. We hope he wins the Derby. GO HANSEN !!!! We hope you are feeling good and are so excited for the baby. Stay warm and dry. Tell Tasty Hi for us. Hugs and Many Kisses from Mrs. Voltz and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
@ Sue I wrote you back after your post today.
@ Especially Horses You mad me cry. Your the best Hugs : )
@ Terry thank you for making me laugh and laugh : )
Terry Crow
Ms. Voltz-To bring joy to a person such as yourself is all I could ask for. I was thinking about retiring the jokes, since I know there are some here who do not appreciate them. However, I have gotten some surprising converts, including you.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Valentines Day to you Zenny and Tasty, Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry.
Happy Valentine Day to everyone.
@Zenny, oh I have been meaning to ask you, What do you think about them possibly dyeing Hansen’s mane and tail???????? I just don’t know what I think about that. He’s such a beauty…I heard the guys on TVG talking about this over the weekend. Do you think the stewards will let them do this??????????
Love Ya Zenny
I am not sure why people post things that are not relevant to you and your topic! Anyway, I am so happy you and Tasty had a good weekend. Thanks for all the good racing information.
You are beautiful as always!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
The reasons are as follows:
1. This Diary has been active since November 2010–well over a year–and an on-line community has developed. Some of the folks here have gotten to know each other personally, and friends talk about various things. Sometimes they talk about things other than Zenyatta. Or horses. Or racing.
2. Who decides what’s relevant? I’ll agree that Whitney Houston isn’t particularly germane, but how about diving horses? Is that relevant? It’s a horse welfare issue. Are welfare issues relevant? How about Hansen’s mane?
3. Really, do you only want to read posts that say “I love you Zenyatta XOXO”? True sentiments perhaps, but not necessarily interesting when repeated for the 50th time.
4. If you aren’t interested in a particular subject, skip the posts! It’s easy to do.
Lisag in Texas
Debbie, please go back a few Diaries and get to know everyone. You will be very happy and never regret entering The Family of Zenyatta’s World. No, not all topics are about Zenyatta, her first born, horses, racing, Uncle MO, alot of topics are more personal, fun, even family squabbles, all is forgiven as WE ARE FAMILY. We getting to know each other, some more than others, bu nonetheless, We Are Family, the love of our Queen brought us together. I think Darlene, at the bottom of this post, said it wonderfully, “It doesn’t get better than this”. Please go back alot of Diaries, you will understand. Hope to see you again. Lisag
Oh one more thing, I am rooting for Union Rags. Love you Z
Hi Zenyatta and Dottie!
This past weekend, I received my first hug from a horse named Chance here in Austin. It was WONDERFUL to snuggle up to a horse and hold him. Do you give hugs??
I’m not really sure about who I like for the Kentucky Derby. Just hope everyone is safe!
I’m sending you a big hug from TEXAS. Everything is bigger in Texas, you know. xx
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Zenny & Team-Z,
Glad to hear that you all are doing well. Yes, I agree that this is a fun time of
year to be a racing fan. My fav. 3yr old colt is “Algorithms” and filly is “LadyFairbanks”.
I’ll be adding to my Derby Fantasy Stable as time (and races) goes by.
I have named my “Plushies”, too…”Zenny & Zinni”…my cert. # is 0171. Thanks again to
Dottie and John for signing it. Really, TOO CUTE !!!
Also, I have to thank Enrico Equus for that 1st Post, today…warning all horse lovers
about that horrific plan to bring back THE DIVING HORSE SHOW, in NJ !! I grew up in Florida and remember seeing that type of act, in the 50’s. Even as a child, I knew
that was a cruel thing to put a horse through. I remember my MOM protesting to
the management about that awful act…a year or so later, it was gone. Yes, I signed
the petition and hope it works !! But, really, the best way to get rid of this type of
show is for NO ONE to pay to see it, or anything associated with it !!
Have a great week Zenny and Tasty. Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Arson Squad, who ran in the Dubai World Cup some years ago (I think when Curlin ran) is recovering well from his surgery!! Here is his FB picture:
I am doing my best to fix the links to my manipulations and banners of Z and other racehorses. I will post the link soon. Would someone mind clicking on it and testing it out for me to see if I have fixed the problem? (The link to my banners)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Not sure what “banners” are, but I was able to click on the link, go to the photos, click on Z’s photo in her pasture, and then see them in a strip on top, where clicking on the arrows goes to the next picture.
That picture is of Arson Squad. It was just to show his progress as he was able to go out into pasture, and enjoy some fresh air.
Terry Crow
Arson Squad ran out here in California for awhile. An honest horse who always gave his best.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
No one has mentioned here today, anything about the Grammy’s last night — well it is not horse-related at all, true, but we also have many music lovers here. Anyway, I was blown away by Adele’s performance of “Rolling in the Deep”, which I had never seen before. And she won.
I teared up when Jennifer Hudson broke down after singing “We will always love you”. She dedicated it to Ms. Huston.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, it was clear the audience was moved, as well.
Still beautifully done and she looked every part a beautiful woman herself. She really did.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
The grammys. Well, what can you say besides, I cried through the entire thing! Especially when Jennifer Hudson sang her tribute and broke down! Then, Adele, oh my oh my oh my!!! She’s looking fabulous!! A huge part of me realizes the reality of Whitney’s death but, another part is in dis-belief! Shock!! This is a HUGE loss, almost as big as Michael Jackson. I was trieing to remember which song of Whitney’s I used to sing all the time when I was a kid and, couldn’t think of what one it was. She had so many wonderful songs, it’s hard to just pick one. One of my all time faves though was, I”m every woman!
I was expecting more of a tribute to Whitney but, that didn’t really happen. I hope they will soon. Like it was done for MJ.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Heidi, I read beforehand, that because it had only happened the day before, it was so raw, they felt a bigger tribute would have been too soon. But they knew it was obviously on everyone’s minds, so they asked Jennifer Hudson. And they said her family wanted “the music to go on”, that Whitney would have wanted that. They mentioned that there will be something bigger, later on.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Anyone interested, here is Adele’s Grammy performance last night: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/videos/adele-grammy-performance-2012/
Jan S. / Houston
She was great.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Vicki B,, I saw Adele’s performance last night it was just great. I am a music lover too, and a horse lover.
I wish if someone could post from Youtube Oleta Adams l996 Get Here. It is just beautiful. I think a lot of people here would really love it. It is just beautiful. Love the part about the speedy colt. I know I have to learn how to pull these over.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Peggy (N) South Georgia – Here you go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgjJNkBb-kM&feature=related
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you both, Peggy, you’re right, it is a beautiful song. Vicki, thanks for sharing the link. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I love Adele. She has such an amazing voice.
Terry Crow
I haven’t watched the Grammys since the Kingston Trip stopped performing. However, I was surprised that the producers of the show did not fly out Dolly Parton to sing I will Always Love You. Would have been one for the ages.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I thought that too. But Jennifer Hudson was likely closer to Whitney herself, since I read that she had emulated her, as did a lot of others who came after Whitney. And I also read that Wihitney came by the song through Linda Ronstadt’s cover of it, rather than Dolly’s original.
Terry Crow
Kelly J. /ND
I have 4 horses that are my list, Alpha, Dullahan, Union Rags, and Hansen.
This is the link to the banner. Does it work?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Unh, sorry, no, says “This content is currently unavailable. The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.”
Ok, than yes, I am afraid that it requires a FB account. I am sorry guys, but technology this advanced alludes me. ?:(
I am still confused why the other one worked, but if you want, you can go onto my FB page, and you can see it there.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Pati, I was logged in to FB, but still got the error. So it’s something else.
Ok, maybe it is something I have done. I will keep trying. Thank you for clicking on it for me anyway. :)
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pati, I tried your link as well and the samething happened.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Pati, while this 2nd link gets an error, the earlier one, above, works when I’m logged out of FB. So that is good news, right? It let me click on a photo to go to the next pic, and has ‘Previous’ & ‘Next”.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Thought this interesting.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
You GO Declan!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
KY. Horse Park
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Info on ‘Luck” from Vet
Paula Higgins
This is a good post Dottie/Zenny. I like Hansen, Union Rags and Algorithms. But much remains to be seen. As Dottie said, alot can happen between now and the Derby.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
And one more on Black Caviar
Zenyatta. Here is another possible Derby contender from your part of the country. Good win at Santa Anita.
Celeste in TX
Sarah has shared another lovely photo with us and I’m so grateful. I love your serious expression in front of the clouded sky – maybe pondering on your growing youngster soon to be . Thank you for sharing with us and I’m glad your weekend with Tasty was a good one. I’m looking forward to watching some of the Derby prep races, but it is just hard to get very excited about any other horses at this point – my heart belongs to Zenyatta and there is no one out there quite like you, dear Queen! Of the newly turned three year olds, I do think that Union Rags is a gorgeous and talented horse and I have such admiration for his trainer, so I would love to see him do well….but staying sound and healthy is my first goal for all!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
My Queen,
You, Tasty & and All my friends and neighbors in The Great Commonwealth of Kentucky need to cover you eyes and please indulge me as I congratulate my very, very beloved Pat Summitt & The 11th ranked Lady Vols for beating The 7th ranked Lady Wildcats……91 to 54…Go Vols!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B.:
Congrats to your Lady Vols. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Well done! Congratulations.
Darlene Daniels
It’s Ok Kari, I’ll give you that because my beloved Men’s Ky Wildcats are doing SO GREAT! Love those boys!! Go UK Wildcats!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I didn’t know you were a UK fan, Darlene. I’m glad I’m not the only one on here! Do you live in Kentucky? I just love our basketball team. They are incredible! That win Saturday night over Vandy was incredible.
Terry Crow
Kari-I bet Rocky Top was played often after that result.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Go ahead and gloat, Kari, you’ve earned it. I don’t know what happened to us. It was ugly!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Pretty soon those Little Dreams will be right by your side. Love you lots, Judy an Russ
Elizabeth in NM
Gracious Gift from God
With wonder…awaiting,
her dreams and her visions,
remembering her races,
quick moments … decisions.
Charging and racing
such courage breaks through,
all of life’s trials,
cascading to truth.
Long-legged shadows
casting their shapes;
wind-captured manes;
light-dazzling fates!
Blossom-crowned blankets,
sweet petals far strewn,
catch memories than linger,
inspiration’s tracks hewn.
The Queen’s own great Dance –
Joyous Royal Ballet’
Her steps … noble-spirit;
enlightening play!
Inspired and inspiring
Such generous love,
Can we yet doubt
her gifts from Above!
Whispers of Springtime,
her future, her heart;
Zenyatta’s new glory –
her foal’s fresh new start!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Elizabeth, Oh Wow! That is beautiful….You have me in tears, but the good kind.
Thank You!!!
Such a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Beautiful. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh my goodness! Exquisite, Elizabeth! Brings tears to the eyes. High hoof!
Darlene Daniels
Elizabeth, All I can say is WOW!! How beautiful and poignant. Thank you. There are so many talented people here in Z-land.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a wonderful “Valentine” to Zenyatta!! You’ve brought tears to many eyes with this lovely post. I hope you will consider posting again on the Feb. 14th diary page – it was late in “the east” when you posted, and many may not have seen it. Thanks for sharing your creative ode.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
♥♥♥A truly beautiful Valentine’s Day gift to Zenyatta and to us all! Thank you for your wonderful words, ELizabeth!♥♥♥
Terry Crow
Elizabeth-I’m not afraid to admit that this poem moved me. It reminded me of previous posts when I said I would be among old horse players who, years from now, would sit around and talk about having seen Zenyatta run.
Elizabeth in NM
Love You, Zenny! Blessings to everyone in your wonderful family. Love all of the amazing posts from everyone! Isn’t this so much fun to be a pacing Auntie (or Uncle)?!
Terry Crow