I hope you had a lovely weekend! TASTY and I truly did along with our pals here at Lane’s End.
It is also such a busy racing time now. The 3 year old scene is definitely starting to ‘heat up’. During the month of March, the number of graded prep stakes ‘step up’. Everyone is trying to earn those necessary GRADED STAKES DOLLARS to qualify for Kentucky Derby Field.
As you may know, the horses who comprise the field for the Kentucky Derby and are ‘in the starting gate’ the first Saturday of May, are those who have accumulated the most GRADED STAKES EARNINGS during their careers. So, it is not only competitive for these horses and their connections when on the track…it is also very competitive to earn graded stakes dollars to ‘make the cut’. The Kentucky Derby Field is limited to 20 starters.
The publications are now listing the TOP EARNERS to date with the most black-type earnings. The horses who won the most at 2 are currently at the top of this list. This stands to reason! Per the DAILY RACING FORM, the current top 10 horses based on earnings are:
#1 Hansen
#2 Union Rags
#3 Sabercat
#4 Wrote (Ire)
#5 Creative Cause
#6-7 (Tie) Liaison and Dullahan
#8 Excaper
#9 Algorithms
#10 Drill
This list has the ability to change “dramatically” between now and the first Saturday in May. New horses are appearing ‘on the scene daily’ and as the distances stretch out and become longer (the Kentucky Derby is 1 1/4 miles), horses who were extremely talented at 2 years old going 1 mile or a bit longer as 1 1/16 miles…may find the added ‘Derby’ distance a bit more challenging for them.
The Future Book Derby Pool #1 just closed on Sunday evening. If you go to DRF.COM or The Bloodhorse.com, you can read all of these details. It is so much FUN to follow.
The next several weeks will really tell us a great deal about WHO will be RUNNING FOR THE ROSES! There are lots of races to watch, horses to follow, and graded earnings to chart!
TASTY and I are going to be extremely busy keeping up with everything…and, oh…by the way…becoming MOM’S as well!
Have fun! Who is your early DERBY HORSE?
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations, Black Caviar on #18!)
carol in utah
Happiest of days to you lovely lady…and bff tasty too…
…read Jewels story and been following the Many horses…she was only 40lbs….
1/3 the size of your friend Rachel’s little boy…also saw that Jewels mom was by
by Dynaformer…she must be one tuft lady to go thru that disaster and get her baby
into the world..
…talk of derby and triple crown is very exciting….love Hansen….but el padrino is
just scary..
…spent hours reading Genuine Risks memorial page on Bloodhorse yesterday…
all the derby talk made me do it..what a lady…won derby…robbed of preakness by
being hit in face by whip of other rider (my opinion)…second in Belmont in the slop
to a “fresh” horse…preakness “winner” some 8 lengths behind her…she
….would take feb 25th..my sons b-day…or go with JAG on 9th..or whenever you decide
is best…
…would love dark bay filly of around 131lbs…but will defer to your judgement in these
things because I am absolutely positive that YOU with the support of your team and
the loving support of all who visit here will handle this in your usual superb fashion
LOTS FOR TASTY TOO…have restful and peaceful day
carol in utah
almost forgot
sue and Tony
Have you worn out any rugs yet!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
You mentioned Genuine Risk. I didn’t start following racing until 1981 so I missed seeing her Derby win. I need to find the photos I took when I met her in Kentucky in 1996. She was in the pasture with her second foal. He was a bit of a brat; he tried to eat my camera bag. :) Rachel Alexandra’s colt reminds me of him, from the photos I’ve seen!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Carol. I didn’t know all that about Genuine Risk.
Dallas from Texas
Hey Baby Girl,
Glad that you had a good weekend. Your time to be a mama is drawing near, can’t wait. You have a wonderful week and be safe.
Love you Baby Girl
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Good Morning My Beautiful Zenyatta~ This is such an exciting time of year. #1 being the birth of your foal (and Tasty’s too), but the build up of the Kentucky Derby. I love them all of course, but really like Union Rags and Algorithms. I just want them all to stay safe and sound.
I want to give another Shout Out to all my friends here for all their thoughts and prayers the last 3 weeks. Losing Eli was one of the most difficult times in my life. Some days are better than others. We are getting ready for a trip to Washington state to celebrate his life. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Love and Hugz to ALL
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Kimberly P- You remain in my thoughts and prayers…Loss & grief is so difficult.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thanks so much Kari Bussell~ They are needed.
Love and Hugz to you!
Debbie G/Kentucky
You and Eli’s family are still in my thoughts and prayers Kimberly. I hope his mother and sister are getting along better.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thank you so much Debbie~ Those prayers are still needed. The relationship with Eli’s Mom and sister has done nothing but get worse. I realize that people grieve in different ways, but this is beyond ridiculus! Sister has planned and is planning her OWN services for Eli, and won’t be attending the one we are going to in Washington. She has kind of turned this into a circus, and my heart aches for Eli’s Mom.
I am sorry but until the Kentucky Derby stops being a 20 horse cavalry charge to the first turn and goes back to being a horse race where more than racing luck is involved I will pass on predictions.
Also given the shortened and or dismal post Derby careers of the past few Derby winners, I’d rather see my favorites skip the Derby and be around to run in the Travers, Woodward, Jockey’s Gold Cup and ultimately the Breeder’s Cup, some with an eye towards a 4 year old campaign.
I know this picking a winner is ‘for fun’ but the Derby as it has become is what I feel is the crown jewel of what is wrong in horse racing. Young horses, being pushed both physically and mentally to get those graded earnings to get in the starting gate for a race that you hold your breath and hope they all make it around the first turn on their feet. Then they either end up with their hearts or their bodies so broken they can never hit the finish line first again.
Owners pushing horses to run just so they can say they had a Derby horse and the careers of so many of these ‘First runners in May’ being over when the last horse crosses the line. The Kentucky Derby has lost its luster for me I’m afraid. Dial it back down to a 14 horse field and let the best, not the luckiest, horses shine.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
I have to agree with you on the number of horses entered in The Derby – IMO too, too many :-(
Lisag in Texas
2nd that!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
3rd that!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
It should be limited to 14 just like the Breeders’ Cup races. A big enough field to make sure all the top 3yos have a chance to run but small enough to give everyone a fair chance.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Or make that 6th after Julie DuVall!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Patricia/Far northern CA
What bothers me is that most of the Derby winners end up pretty much dropping out of sight if they are not instant successes in the breeding shed… If one is owned by a big name breeder he can get good mares and has a chance at early success… (think Fusaichi Pegasus and Street Sense) but even then, look at Silver Charm and Charismatic, for two, starting out at top studs and then ending up in Japan… Sunday Silence was lucky to “hit” over there when he did and was a major success, though he was essentially cast off from the US… then there is War Emblem, who has been a quirky guy from the git-go (any recent news on him?) and think about how many are in TURKEY, of all places, or ??
I will just say the name Ferdinand, no further comment…
Just how many Kentucky Derby winners are standing in the USA? Four? Five? Off the top of my head and not counting Funny Cide and Mine That Bird, who are geldings, just how many have had foals to race? And are still here? Just a thought, one that has bugged me for a while. All the hype and buzz, and then after a few years they just disappear. Even the great Alydar was sold to Saudi Arabia, though he did come home for the last few months of his life.
It wasn’t that way in the 70s and earlier… the Derby winner was always THE DERBY WINNER and was revered and honored.
I quit making my “early picks” quite a while back, as all too often the early stars drop out, or are injured in the crucial before-race time frame, or due to the traffic jam of the race itself, a “rank outsider” or a horse that was ignored by the “experts” (and me!!) sneaks through and wins it… so I just enjoy the spectacle, allow the goose bumps, cheer for the winners, and hope all come home safe.
I have watched or listened to every Derby for decades, even via Armed Forces Radio when I was a kid and we were stationed in Japan. And yes, the first Derby I remember seeing was Native Dancer’s —- oh yes, you say, he lost it to Dark Star? Hmmmmmm, how many foals did Dark Star send along down through the years??
Not trying to be negative, just realistic. LOVE the Derby and the Preakness and the Belmont; the sequence should NOT be changed, just the way they bring these youngsters to them. It is a huge accomplishment to win these races… and the honor should be accorded to all of them in full for the rest of their lives…
Zenny, much as I would LOVE to see your Bernie baby (or any of the following ones) win the Derby, in a way I would not wish it on them. YOU had such wonderful, thoughtful handling, and were so carefully brought along, the big 3-year-old races (the Oaks, etc.) were not on your schedule. But Oh My, how you made up for it!!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Alydar was not sent to Saudi Arabia; he had a very successful stud career. You are thinking of his son Alysheba. Alysheba stood in Saudi Arabia, where he was treated extremely well. He was essenitally the king’s pet. He was returned to the U.S. “as a gift to the American people” by the king, and ended his days at the Kentucky Horse Park.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Yipes, I DID mean Alysheba… Alydar, of course, was second in all 3 Triple Crown races to Affirmed — which tells the world he was a great one too, no less great than Affirmed. Too bad they both came along in the same year, but they gave us some tremendous racing battles. Alydar’s end was tragic… and far too early.
Alysheba was only back at the KHP for a short time brfore he passed away. One of my pals saw him about a week before he died.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Oh, hey, when was your family in Japan? My dad was stationed at Yokota. I was there in high school 70-74. I attended Johnson for 3 years and was part of Yokota HS’s first graduating class. l istened to the Derby on Armed Forces Radio. I remember Canonero II’s big win. He truly was the People’s Horse. We were in paddy housing at the time.
Patricia/Far northern CA
I was there for seventh grade, in the 1950s. Japan was still very Japanese then… we were in Kyoto, the ancient capital, and were able to partake in many Japanese cultural activities. And it is amazing in this day and age to think back at the fact my brother and I, aged 10 and 12, had the full run of the entire city and the nearby town of Otsu (where our military connection was), without the fears and worries we have today everywhere… we’d hop on the bus or the trolley, we knew enough Japanese to get by (99% forgotten now!), and could read the signs to know which one was the route we wanted.
And we knew (and respected) what was off limits, except that my blond brother (age 10, remember) would sneak off to the pachinko (like pinball) parlors where the girls working behind the machines would make sure he won a lot — they paid in large chocolate bars… which never made it to our house, he gave them away to everyone else. He always WAS good at making friends!
I went to Kyoto American High School, 81 students from 7th to 12th grade, and where our school was, there is now a tremendous glasshouse to rival the ones at Kew in England. Our housing was in the former Imperial Botanical Gardens which has now been restored to that use. My brother was able to visit it again about 7-8 years ago, and much of the old Garden was still the same or restored.
A fabulous opportunity, and we were lucky and smart enough to realize that fact at the time. I don’t know if the Kyoto Racecourse was there back then, but if it was, and I had known, I’d have dragged my parents there at least ONCE!!!
Thanks for making me dig up these memories again….
This is sort of my point about the current Derby.
At one time, when Seattle Slew and Alydar were running, yes the Derby was a true test of a horse’s ability and the winners were passing something on in the breeding shed (yes I generalize, there were still some duds) because they were worthy competitive runners on the track, not the horse to get the lucky trip.
The horses making their mark in the breeding shed and in the next generation of thoroughbreds are not the horses wearing the roses in May anymore.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Status of Kentucky Derby winners since 1990:
2011 Animal Kingdom: Active racer.
2010 Super Saver At stud at Winstar (KY), $20,000. First crop 2012.
2009 Mine That Bird Retired (gelding). Making a biopic.
2008 Big Brown At stud, Three Chimneys (KY), $35,000. First crop is 2 years old.
2007 Street Sense At stud, Darley (KY), $40,000. First crop is 3 years old. Shuttles to Australia.
2006 Barbaro: Deceased (Laminitis following racing accident)
2005 Giacomo: At stud, Magali Farms CA, $5000.
2004 Smarty Jones: At stud, Northview Stallion Station (PA), $7500. Shuttles to Uruguay.
2003 Funny Cide: Retired to Kentucky Horse Park (gelding)
2002 War Emblem: At stud, Shadai Farm, Japan.
2001 Monarchos: At stud, Nuchols Farm (KY), $4000
2000 Fusaichi Pegasus: At stud, Ashford Stud (KY), $12,000
1999 Charismatic: At stud, Shizunai Stallion Station, Japan
1998 Real Quiet: Deceased (paddock accident)
1997 Silver Charm: At stud, Iburi Stallion Station, Japan
1996 Grindstone: At stud, Oakhurst (OR), $2,500
1995 Thunder Gulch: At stud, Ashford Stud, $10,000
1994 Go for Gin: Retired to Kentucky Horse Park
1993 Sea Hero: At stud, Turkish National Stud.
1992 Lil E. Tee: Deceased (euthanized after illness following surgery)
1991 Strike the Gold: Deceased (euthanized due to paddock accident). Leading sire in Turkey.
1990 Unbridled: Deceased (Colic). Was a significant sire.
Great summary and list; do glad they are all
Busy as they are so special
Actually if you look at the stud fees, for a “Classic” winner, those numbers are dismal. Only 2 proven stallions (ie stallions who have current runners on the track) are still at 5 figures. The rest are bellow 10K.
All these stallions start out with solid fees based on saying “Classic Winner” but their value is not holding once their progeny hit the race course.
Celeste in TX
Thanks for creating such a good list. Kinda sad when you look at things that way. It has bugged me that so much was expected of them, then when the abundance of winners didn’t happen with the high stud fees, and now they’re not as highly thought of (in the media). So sad. Poor guys.
When they are sucessful at racing they will take a try at the shed.
But it is obvious not all can pass on their talent, that is why
champions are so very very very special.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Thank you for the Kentucky Derby winners stallion list. Thought I read that Big Brown was being sent to Australia to stand at stud. Have you seen anything on that? Hugs, JB
Not to sound like a broken record but I am right there with all of you!
Marty R / Colorado
I have compared it to a stampede. Cavalry charge is classier. I’ve felt twenty is too many for a long time. Very scary.
Love, love, and more love to you, most beautiful girl. Many kisses and chucks up your nose to show that I adore you, sweetheart. h+++
Lauren (Houston, TX)
Zenny! Thank you so much for all the fabulous updates! You and Tasty are beautiful! :)
I can not wait to see yalls little one frolicking together! :D
My Derby pick is El Padrino, he hasn’t made the top in earnings yet, but I know he will! I’m hoping to see him run at Fairgrounds on the 25Th of this month!!!
Happy Valentines Day! <3
Jan S. / Houston
Lauren, what part of Houston do you live in..
Chris Balmes
Petition has been signed and I have posted to my facebook and tweeted it as well to help with this cause! Thank you for pointing it out so we can all try to help! Happy Valentines Day to all tomorrow and to you Miss Zenny and Miss Tasty – an especially big Valentines kiss on the nose is being sent your way. Thanks again to the team for all the sharing you do…………..it is so appreciated and so enjoyed.
Enrico Equus
Thanks, Chris! Change.org petitions really do work — and so do Zenny’s fans: over 2000 signatures in 2 hours! Please retweet, re-friend, and re-post widely. It’s not just to spare the horses, but to keep such a negative image from re-entering the culture. I was happy when they shut down the high-diving horse “show” in the 70s. It’s horrible to think they want to bring it back.
Glad you had a great weekend. Can’t wait until the time comes for that baby! My favorites right now for the derby are Algorithms, Alpha, and Out of Bounds
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Here is some (almost) redneck pilot humor.
Here are examples of actual airline attendant announcements:
A flight attendant’s comment on a less than perfect landing. “We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal.
From the pilot during his welcome message: “We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry… unfortunately, none of htem are on this flight!”
After a real crusher of a landing in Phoenix: The Flight Attendant came on with: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in our seats until Captain Crash and theCrew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we’ll open the door and you can pick you way through the wreckage to the terminal.”
Overheard on an American Airlines flight into Amarillo, Texas on a particularly windy and bumpy day. Duoring the finall appraoch teh Captain was really having to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant came on the PA and announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Amarillo. Please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened while the Captain taxis what’s left of our airplane to the gate.”
Patricia/Far northern CA
Loved these— my late brother Bill was with a major airline in several capacities (the last being as vice president) so he flew a lot, and much of it was overseas. He loved all of it and he always had funny stories to tell. Thanks for the reminder.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I was lucky enough to have been on several flights where the attendants amused us with their one-liners and jokes and what a pleasurable flying experience it was. Nothing like a smile or laughter to make your day, I believe.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
LOL!…Thank you for sharing..I have also been on some bumpy flights, once taking off from Cancun Mexico during a hurricane (last flight out) and really awful turbulence returning from Madrid, Spain…I am a Big chicken flying and the humor helps….
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Loved the stories Rosemary. It certainly would make flying more enjoyable to have announcements like these.
Marty R / Colorado
Rosemary, Thanks for these stories, can’t stop laughing. My husband thinks I’ve lost it for sure. If only it were so humorous inside the terminals.
These are really great jokes, I am still laughing.
Shannon J. in Seattle
So glad that you and Tasy had a nice weekend…..the Kentucky Derby trail sure is heating up and it will surely be interesting to see just who stamps themselves as the 20 best and most deserving of a coveted spot in the Derby starting gate on the first Saturday in May. My early favorite (and who has been my favorite all along) is Creative Cause!! I am eagerly awaiting his first start of the year and hope we see the same talented colt and even BETTER than he was last year. I am actually high on both of Mike Harrington’s colts, Creative cause and his stablemate Empire Way. Of course there are many other horses I like as well, some favorites so far and some lesser coveted horses as of late BUT Creative Cause is my pick. This steel gray beauty of a colt looks to be the real deal and I think if he runs better and has matured physically and mentally even more than he was last year he could surely be a force to be reckoned with. I hope so!!! What about YOU and TASTY??? Who are your favorites this early in the game?? We Z/TT fans are just dying to know!
Hugs to both of you!!
i cheering for Hansen, he is a beautiful gray, can’t wait for little z (i am hoping for a filly just like her momma) Mybe a Derby runner in 2015
Happy early Valentines Day to you and Tasty! Hansen and Union Rags – my early picks!
Please sign the petition re the Atlantic City proposal to CANCEL the DIVING HORSE. i saws this as a child and was traumatized and horrified. This fellow has to be stopped from bringing this show back. PLEASE SIGN and write. If we use FB and letters and every media we can at our disposal, surely the overwhelming sentiments against this atrociously abusive act will dissuade him from moving forward. Z fans, we can do this!
Enrico Equus
Thanks, Victoria! You are so RIGHT! Z’s fans are the best, the heart of the Queen!
Happy Monday Zenny! My Derby guy is Union Rags!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Good afternoon loveable Z!! I am happy to know your days are still so much fun with your friend Tasty and that you are not too uncomfortable yet carrying extra weight of baby z. I had a blast with my grandkids this Saturday playing outside, eating out, and indulging in desserts back home. I needed Sunday to REST!! “This old grey mare is just not what it used to be” is a saying that describes how I felt! Ohhhhhh, your birthing day is getting closer!!!. This is the most exciting moment in your/ our lives right now. I always love the Kentucky Derby. Right now, Hansen and Alpha are whom I think and hopefully Algorithms too. I will go to FBDP#1 that you posted later as I must start to deeply concentrate on doing tax work. I do not like this job.
Always thinking of you, my sweetheart Z. (Valentines Day is tomorrow)
love, hugs, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Diana S (AZ) sent an email to me – in part, this was her comment:
“Haven’t been to Zenny’s in days. People there probably think I’ve been abducted by redneck aliens. If you post today, can you let everyone know I’m okay and hope to read and post soon as possible. Gosh it’s getting so close to Z’s due day!”
I just had to share her comment about the “redneck aliens” – TOO FUNNY!!!
Hang in their GF!!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I like the Redneck Alien comment. Gives us another category for Terry’s humor.
Terry Crow
All aliens, at least from outer space or other planets, are rednecks. Can anyone prove otherwise?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’re right! I hadn’t thought of that!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
OMGosh! I must be a redneck because I can’t spell – I wrote hang in “their” GF!!! DAAAH!!! I meant hang in THERE gf!!! (eyes rolling!) :-))))))
Terry Crow
The only thing left for you to do is to join the club.
Mary Margaret Thompson
Happy Monday to you and Tasty. I have my beautiful Z plushie in my office, you have such a calming effect on me. I, also, received your beautiful poster “The Queen’s Dance”. I plan to have it matted and framed for my office. My new office has lavender walls. You will look gorgeous hanging over my desk.
Hope you and Tasty have a very special Valentine’s Day. You have my heart all the time. Stay safe, warm, and toasty.
Luv ya Zenyatta.
Perky Green
Hay!!!! BIG MAMA. Just another day passes COME ON MARCH .
Victoria I signed the pitition and passed to contacts on facebook hope the state laws will find a way to keep the promoters from continuing on. Thanks for the info. Have a wonderful week BIG GIRL & Tasty too. LOTS’O’LOVE
Sandra Frey
Good afternoon, Zenyatta! Can’t wait for that foal to be born! Looks like you are doing well – the Lane’s End folks are awesome! I have some friends who work there and they love that you are at their farm!
For the KY Derby – I like Hansen – saw him win at the 2011 BC and fell in love with him. I’m also watching Union Rags and Creative Cause. Heck, Zenyatta! I love them all!!!
Hugs and Love,
that would be cool if the liitle one is born on valitines!!! My LaMancha dairy goat had 3 doelings last year on valintines!!! Or how ever you spell that!! haha!! love ya The min you look like you gana have a baby post !!! I think it would be soooo cool if there was one of those live web cams!! We can see what your doing!!! That would be soooooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, you are a beautiful woman, but when you get your Curiosity On, you become a cute little girl, can see that mind of yours wanting to know what is going on! I love all your looks! I guess you already know that I do not have a heart stopping favorite colt this year, but I always have this special love for Grey’s, so I am going to have to cheer Hansen on. O, to fall hopelessly in love with a colt that is racing…I am waiting to see him, it does not matter if he wins a race…it is a look in his eye that captures my heart at first. Well, the year is young. I am patient, waiting for my racing colt! Have a wonderful, relaxing day with Tasty, I can tell you are just being you….let us know what is going on! I love you so and miss you….Lisag
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Hi, sweet Zenny,
Just 2-4 more weeks and your “bundle of joy” could be here!! Really is getting exciting. Just am about to bust!
I wanted to congratulate Mikey and John, and your Ann and Jerry on Utopian’s great effort in the San Marcos on Saturday at Santa Anita! He nearly got there and was very impressive at second. The ride by Mikey and the trip were terrific and thrilling to watch, weaving in and out between foes. I thought the run by Utopian showed great courage and he never gave up, just missing winning by a nose. He should pick up some wins this year, and will look forward to watching him in future efforts.
Hugs, sweet girl! Ann Maree
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy Monday to you Zenny. How nice to log on today to your beautiful face gazing out over the gate. I’m guessing that you were waiting for Matt to take you in. Finally, my plushie is here all in one piece, no damage to the box, and I have 303. I’ve set you and baby up just inside the door so that you will be the first thing Vic see when she comes in from school. You just may hear the screams in Versailles!! My favorites for the Derby are Alpha and Union Rags.
Marty R / Colorado
Brenda, I’m so happy that plushie #303 arrived safe and sound. I know what a big concern it was to you. Just wanted to say, you are so considerate to set them up to be the first thing for Victoria to see when she gets home. She will be over the moon . What fun.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So glad your Z and little Z have finally arrived. Too Cute how they will greet Vic!
Lisag in Texas
@Especially Horses,Thank you, Especially Horses. Mio Ragazzo (My Young Boy) is very pumped up for a newborn about following in his Mama’s and Daddie’s hoove steps. I have been telling him about Gio Ponti racing with his Mama, the Queen, and Goldikova. Needless to say, he was quite excited and began bucking around the room. He wants John to train him, I told him that I thought it could be worked out. Lisag
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute! Congratulations on the safe arrival and getting up and at ’em!
Jamie Smith
My pick for the Derby is Union Rags for various reason but one being the trainer, Matz (Barbaro’s) and another being his story:
I watched Black Caviar’s race and it was great, what a talented lady. Reminded me of YOU and how much I miss you at the races…. but alas, time marches on. Great BIG smooches to you and happy Valentine’s day tomorrow.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great link, Jamie. My heart is with Union Rags too…
Union Rags!!! Reminds me of Barbaro:)
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Wow! Really appreciate and enjoy the interesting facts that are posted here in your daily diary Zenyatta. I learn so many things here that will help me to understand the whole entire sport of horseracing. Lots that I didn’t know and of course, that I still don’t know. But none the less, horseracing is definitely my favorite sport. Love all the buildup and steps that it takes for a horse and their connections to get to the derby, so exciting and also disappointing at the same time. Looking forward to this yrs Kentucky Derby!
Glad that you and Tasty are doing good, won’t be long and the two of you will be busy mommas.
Love you so very much Zenyatta-Sending my Love, Kisses and Blessings your way!
Elizabeth T./Kentucky
so far……. (after seeing him run)….really like Hansen
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
♥ To everyone who so kindly and beautifully responded to my marathon post yesterday, please know how very much your remarks meant to me. Truthfully, I was blown-away and overwhelmed. I left comments for you in yesterday’s Diary. ♥
Terry Crow
Cynthia-Very classy thing to do.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
The Kennedys in San Diego
Classy indeed!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Pure Class!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Cynthia H., for your wonderful story! I had not had a chance to read it, yesterday. Very nice, indeed. And I loved your comment that “even sackcloth can appear as gloroius raiment.”
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you very much, Vicki B. I always enjoy reading your comments, too. You are so lucky to live near the place which Zenyatta called home throughout her career. I have such fond memories of Saturday afternoons at “The Track of the Lakes and the Flowers” when growing up.
Love for you to share your SA experience.
You are so lucky to have a regular job that
includes horses everyday. I just loved to
go out to the barn after a really hectic day
at work; and groom, brush, tack up my horse
and ride without a care or worry. Always so
very relaxing and helps one just forget the day.
And to have that at your fingertips every day.
So very lucky and to escourt people to the
winners circle when the are so ecstatically
happy. How very special is that and only
fitting that Dottie would invite you to be a guest.
How very sweet.
Have a wonderful Tuesday, Cynthia H.
I’m sticking with Union Rags!