Happy Friday!
Another week! Wow, the time truly passes by so quickly. Thus, we often get so caught up in our various daily activities that we forget to say THANK YOU to those people around us…..who care so much and work so hard to make our lives special!
Today, I’d like to take the time to do so! MY JOHN and Dottie receive lovely notes all of the time from so many of you. They asked that I personally THANK YOU for them. The time you take to write them…and the words expressed so graciously do mean a great deal to them and all of MY TEAM. YOU ARE SO KIND!
Last Saturday, Victoria Racimo was visiting Los Angeles from her home in New York. Steve Haskin (who you all know as he writes for The Bloodhorse) emailed John asking if she could visit BARN 55. Victoria had been at Keeneland the evening I arrived in Lexington and stood in the 17 degree weather for hours to see ME. She commented to John that she “still remembers rubbing ME that evening and feeling the warmth of my body”.
Victoria has a friend, James, who is 10 years old and receiving chemo treatments for a rare form of Leukemia. His parents work in a Feed Shop in Paris, Kentucky, and are very involved working with and following horses in our industry.
Per Victoria, “James has followed and adored Zenyatta from when she first started to make her mark. He is only 10 years old now.”
There are so many wonderful moments to Victoria’s visit to BARN 55 and her follow-up note to John. One very special and touching part was hearing about James and being able to visit with him. MY JOHN called him. At that very moment when MY JOHN called, he was in the hospital receiving treatment. Per Victoria, “James has been over the moon since that day.”
MY JOHN also gave Victoria MY DODGER BILLBOARD for him, the one he had standing on his desk. It is on his way to James right now. Victoria commented, “it took me a while to package and wrap so her ears would be safe.” (Thank you, Victoria! I appreciate that!)
In her note, Victoria went on to state, “I want to let you know how meaningful your good works are to so many. You, Dottie, and the Z Team continue to be a life force carrying on Zenyatta’s magic—the magic that has made the difference in thousands upon thousands of lives. I thank you for the kindness of that day. You are blessed to have met Zenyatta and she you and in the rest of the scheme of things, we are all winners because of your presence and grace in this world.”
To Victoria and All of YOU….WE WANT TO SAY….. THANK YOU! The true beauty of all of these experiences is we have all met each other and been able to share in so many special moments and friendships! THANK YOU for your kindness and the difference YOU have all made in our lives as well.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special HUG this morning for you, James!)
Dear Zenny,
You are such a kind, caring and very sweet
Horse to be concerned for others who are
Facing a battle for their lives like James. Hope you
Are still feeling well these last couple of months
As you do look a little fatigued and you usually
Do not but your chin on the fence, but maybe you
Are eating the freshly fallen snow.
Wishing you all the best in these very hard last
Few weeks with the love that surrounds you
At LE and with your Team. We are here on this
Site to be sensitive to your needs, desires and
feelings as you are do very much to ours.
As Trina would say, yours in Dumplinghood, which
I really love. Thanks for creating such a wonderful
Have a wonderful sunny crisp KY day as you wait
Out do patiently the birth of your foal. May health,
god speed and and all of the lords blessings be
With you in these last couple of months. Our kind
thoughts and caring for you and your family are
With you always.
Thanks so much for keeping is in your life.
Dear Abigail,
Waiting patiently on you thoughts on
Zenny’s second mate. Do love Cape
Blanco, he is the right size not sure about
Just went to Black Cavier’s web site,
It is a very nice site with blogs from
Her are very cute. Like the peach
Color of her silks.
Wonder where the got their ideas???
I guess we could try and get her a
Sponsor once she proves she can
Go a mile and a quarter or a mile and
A half “on the dirt” like our champion
Females do.
She is really a very talented sprinter and
A beautiful horse.
carol in utah
@sign of the times….they talked about Black Caviar silks of TVG the other noc….chose the “pink-ish” color because of salmon..and the “black” because the roe is black…hence black caviar….do not know if this is the true story….but makes some sense
carol in utah
also…the roe is round…so black polka dots….
How very creative !!!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Ann Marie; I just read the link of Zenyatta’s ancestors and thank you so much!! I certainly loved the pictures of our queen too!! This was a fabulous article.
OMG. Zenyatta now has 98,198 friends on Facebook. A few diaries ago, I read where the goal was to have 100,000 before Zen drops her foal. That would be so cool, and at the time, I thought that goal was impossible, but now it looks like a real possibility. Keep up the good work.
WOW the power of Zenyatta !!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Good morning Zenny, Dottie, TT, Babies & Zen-sters!
@ signofthetimes and anyone else interested:
A few weeks ago I started playing with “test- matings” between our Zenny and many of the most popular American thoroughbred stallions. Before I say any more, I do want to point out that I am no pedigree expert in the way OUR DOTTIE and others in this field are. I have just about enough knowledge to be dangerous, but not the required “full cup” by any means! Too, I am not privy to the orientation of the Mosses & Dottie in the sense of “what they’re looking for” in a potential mating other than the obvious, i.e. a very good filly or colt.
That being said, here goes. First, when we look at Zenny’s pedigree it’s very unique in relation to contemporary American t-breds because she carries absolutely no Northern Dancer. Zenny does, however, have some great names on top within 5 generations: Halo (sire of Sunday Silence) who was once thought to have the same pedigree potency as Northern Dancer, the incomparable Mr. Prospector, the British champion Troy who descends from Fair Trial and, in her 5th generation Native Dancer, Nashua, Hoist the Flag, Natalma (dam of Northern Dancer), Hail To Reason and the brilliant British sire, Hornbeam (a son of Hyperion). On the bottom (Vertigineux) there’s Roberto, Forli, a very potent Princequillo influence (as concerns large heart theories) as well as Tom Rolfe and Tom Fool.
Zenny is inbred (top & bottom of her pedigree) to Nashua (5 X 5), Hail To Reason ( 5 X 4) and Hoist The Flag (5 X 4). Hoist The Flag has always interested me as a sire influnce. He got Alleged and was the broodmare sire of Personal Ensign, Sacahuista and Cryptoclearance, to name a few. The crosses that worked best with “Hoist” were Mr. Prospector and El Prado. Hail To Reason was no slouch and better known for his brilliant sons & daughters, including Allez France, Triptych, Roberto and Stop The Music, among others. Hail To Reason was also the broodmare sire of the great Seattle Slew. Nashua is well-known and was a real character on and off the track, but for my purpose, of particular interest here is the fact that he is the broodmare sire of Mr. Prospector.
So this latter provides a strong clue/insight — because the Mr. Prospector influences in Zenny’s pedigree are lush, to say the least. And, as you might expect given his influence, the vast majority of interesting prospects are all heavily indebted to Mr. Prospector as well. This is great news if it’s not really a kind of obstacle course — meaning, would Dottie recommend matings based on a ton of Mr. Prospector, even if the sires were all different? Or: is this a problem, albeit a nice kind of problem? In other words, the vast majority of sires I looked at ALL — except for 8 (out of 24, including Bernie) resulted in a dominant Mr. P. in the foal’s pedigree. Quite extraordinary, really. Leading me to think that OUR DOTTIE would also be interested in the other percentiles in a potential mating, e.g. a foal with 18% Mr. P., 9% Halo and 5 % Northern Dancer.
So, out of my 24 test -matings, here are the top 10 stallions that yielded the most interesting percentiles, i.e. from Zenny & the sire combined. They’re not ranked from best to worst or anything, because each one offers interesting possibilities I thought. No question, though, some are a bigger “risk” than others! (NOTE: This test mating runs to the 6th generation — not convinced anything beyond the 5th really counts — so assume that the last % runs into 5 & 6th generation only in the pedigree.)
1) WAR FRONT: 14% Northern Dancer; 12% Forli; 9% Mr. Prospector; 7 % Natalma; 4% Hoist The Flag, Hail To Reason, Native Dancer, Petition and Princequillo.
2) PADDY O’PRADO: 18% Kris S; 7% Forli; 7% Hail To Reason; 4% — Hoist The Flag, Natalma & Tom Fool.
3) PULPIT: 18% Mr. P; 6% –Hail To Reason, Bold Ruler & Nashua; 4% Hoist The Flag.
4) QUIET AMERICAN: 18% – Mr. P & Dr. Fager; 9% Cequillo; 7% Princequillo; 6% Nashua;
4 % Hoist The Flag & Hail To Reason
5) HENRYTHENAVIGATOR: 18% Mr. P; 12% Raise A Native; 9% Northern Dancer & Forli; 7% Native Dancer; 6% Hail To Reason, Riverman, Natalma & Special
6) ROCK HARD TEN: 37% Kris S; 18% Mr. P; 14% Hail To Reason; 9% Nashua; 4% Natalma
7) KITTEN’S JOY: 12% Roberto; 9% Hail To Reason; 7% Forli & Northern Dancer; 6% Tom Fool; 4% — Princequillo, Natalma & Hoist The Flag
8) BERNARDINI: 9% Mr. P; 6% Hail To Reason & Bold Ruler; 4% — Hoist The Flag, Dr. Fager, Princequillo
9) GIANT’S CAUSEWAY: 12% Roberto; 9% Hail To Reason; 6% Halo; 4% Hoist The Flag, Princequillo, Bold Ruler & Natalma
10) FUSAICHI PEGASUS: 31% Mr. P; 9% Halo, Nashua & Native Dancer; 7% Hail To Reason; 4% Hoist The Flag & Natalma
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thanks for sharing this Abigail. I’ve been wondering about who Z will breed with next. This gives me something to think about. Very interesting!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail in Montreal, Signofthetimes and Z Fans:
Thank you for the wonderful, informative post Abigail. So interesting. Sign, actually Z gets her Euro genes through Street Cry. His Dam was Helen Street who was bred in GB. Helen Street’s Sire, Troy, is also English bred and her Dam, Waterway, was bred in Ireland.
I love Bernie’s colt Consortium because he has a connection to Z. They share the same Grandsire, Machiavellian. Machiavellian is Street Cry’s sire and he’s also the sire of Consortium’s Dam, Marietta. Love investigating bloodlines. Love and Hugs, JB
Pedigree is all important, but there is also an indefinable quality which is unique to the particular horse. Noble Mission is a full brother to Frankel. Bullet Train is a three quarter brother. However neither horse appears to have the innate raw talent which Frankel possesses in abundance. Who knows why? Perhaps this incandescent ability comes to Frankel from his namesake who also loved to win. No one can say for certain.
Genes are only somewhat predictable; they
Set the stage, but each horse like each human
Comes with their talent. “V” had really bad ankles
And did not race, but she produced Zenyatta with
Street Cry. The chance Zenny’s full brother or
Sister will equal her talent are very slim. Like Zenny’s
1/2 sisters; none of their offspring or they them selves
Have her talent. I am afraid there will be only one Zenyatta
Like there is only one Secretariat, Seattle Slew, AP Indy
You are right. It really is something unknown that accounts for some of the talent!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Signofthetimes:
You are both so right. All the best breeding does not a Champion make. It’s just not predictable. To quote Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates You never know what you’re gonna get”. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy B,
Now I am confused, Machivalian is addressed as
An English stallion in Bloodhorse when he was euthanized
For laminitis. His pedigree does show US foaled. So
Was he foaled in the US and sent to stud and race in England?
Yes, I do see Street Cry’s dam side as European.
Missed that.
Thanks for great pedigree analysis.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes and Z Fans:
Here’s an article on Machiavellian. He was considered a Euro stallion as he stood at stud his entire career in England. He was foaled in the U.S., as was his Sire and Dam. So interesting to study bloodlines. Hugs, JB
Wow, I heard somewhere that Northern Dancer is present in almost 83% of all American bloodlines or is that Seattle Slew? I know it is one of them.
This isn’t an exact number, but it was shockingly high. I remember thinking, “wow, I wonder how I would feel if my great great grandfather was present in 83% of the population’s genetic code.” LOL
Northern Dancer was the preeminent sire of the 20th century. His brilliance was passed on to generations of great North American and European racehorses. For example, Frankel has Northern Dancer blood on both sides of his family through Sadler’s Wells and Danehill. Zenyatta has no blood connection to the Dancer, but her foal will through Bernie.
Oh, so it was him. Yea, that makes sense. So Zenyatta herself doesn’t have relations to him, but her foal will? Well that’s interesting.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Z’s baby is absolutely Royally bred. Secretariat genes through A. P. Indy and Northern Dancer through Bernie’s Dam, Cara Rafaela; Mr. Prospector through Machiavellian. Wow. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
Hi again everyone. Hi sweet Zenny.
Glad you found the post interesting! However, I do want to point out a few other things (of probably a vast list) that OUR DOTTIE is also looking at and these are not reflected at all in my list above.
Dottie is also looking at current sire records — percentage of winners and the type of winners (black type or other); as well, she might be cross-referencing to see how Balance, for example, has done with matings to certain sire lines (Balance being a half-sister to OUR ZENNY); and she’s also paying attention to family, reflected through a dam of a stallion she might be interested in, as well as the dam’s sire, or broodmare sire. And there’s other factors as well, I’m sure!
Perhaps most importantly of all, Dottie knows that no stallion choice is a “sure bet,” just as Zenny isn’t a “sure bet” as a broodmare until she shows — through her babies — what she can produce. Remember, the likes of Genuine Risk & Lady’s Secret were not successful as broodmares. On the other hand, there are lots of great broodmares who never even raced. And then there’s that rarest of jewels, of which Personal Ensign is an excellent example, who were brilliant on and off the track!
Hugs to all……and sweet dreams, sweetheart.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Actually, Zenyatta has a better chance than most of becoming a successful broodmare. It’s an urban myth that great racemares make poor producers. It’s true that most stakes horses are produced by non-stakes mares. However, it’s not because the stakes mares are poor producers, but because there are so few stakes mares to begin with.
Despite some high-profile failures such as Genuine Risk and Lady’s Secret, studies show that the single best predictor of a foal’s racing success is the racing class of its dam. Many of the best racing mares have gone on to produce stakes winners. They do so at a rate of about 15%, which doesn’t seem like much but is considerably better than the population as a whole. Just a few great producers who were also graded stakes winners include not only the aforementioned Personal Ensign, but Serena’s Song (dam of six stakes performers), Arc winner Urban Sea (dam of nine stakes performers including Sea the Stars and Galileo), Dahlia (dam of eight black-type horses including six winners), Miesque (dam of Kingmambo and Miesque’s Son), Ta Wee (four stakes winners from five to race), Better Than Honour (dam of Belmont winners Rags to Riches and Jazil, graded stakes winner Casino Drive, and Breeders’ Cup Marathon winner Man of Iron), Better Than Honour’s dam Blush With Pride, Terligua (dam of the mighty Storm Cat and Chapel of Dreams) and many others.
Female family is also a good predictor of racing success, although not as strong as racing class. Zenyatta, of course, has both. Not only is she accomplished herself, she is the sister of a G1 winner (Balance) and of another stakes winner. Her dam Vertigineux is the sister of four black-type horses including black-type winner and producer Restrained. There’s plenty of black type under her third dam as well.
Only about 3% of North American thoroughbreds win a stakes race at any level, and less than 1% win a graded stakes race. Any mare that produces a stakes horse is doing well. That some of these great racemares produced multiple graded-stakes winners is a testament to their genetic power.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Abilgail; Thanks for all your efforts. This is very interesting!! I am certainly a green horn when it comes to distant pedigree etc. If you say your dangerously knowledgeable, then I’d be disasterously. ha
If I am not mistaken, isn’t Nashua and Princequillo’s head stone at Clairborne Farms? I believe I saw them at their cemetary.
Dear Abigail,
Thanks so much for doing this wonderful
Analysis. Judy B pointed out to me, which
I forgot, Zenny ‘s pedigree includes some
Top class Euro’s (Machivalian); Eric K was
Brilliant in breeding “V” to Street Cry.
Will start studying your potentials.
It will be fun to see if Dottie does actually
make recommendations from your list.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: Well I finally made it to your diary. It was a very busy week. Wow, what great posts from your fans. I have really enjoyed reading the various entries.
Zenny, how kind it was of YOUR John to send the Dodger Billboard right from YOUR John’s desk to James. No doubt this will really help to brighten James’ day.
Sending many good thoughts and well wishes to James.
I watched a Youtube video, and it was called “Inside Nature’s Giants-Racehorse” and it was really good, and informative. They do disect a diseased horse, so if you don’t like internals, you may not want to watch it. :)
But they show the heart, and talk about Phar Lap, and what they learned when they disected him. He was also the first kind of post-mortem of his time. They have all the papers, and the skeleton is still on display. They also show an awesome view of how much air a horse that is moderately tall takes in, in just one breath! Now make that horse two feet taller, and imagine how much air Queen Z could take in!!
The track vet was on HRTV talking about
All of the procedures that can be done
For displacement. There are hundreds of
Them. He said a horse breaths
About 150 times during a race and takes in
Gallons of air with each breath. Horse physiology
Is very interesting; they are so very different
From humans. He said that if they miss 2 breaths
During a race they are done.
Ms. Huston’s daughter was just hospitalized. I hope nothing is wrong, and that it is just shock. My prayers for her and the family.
Her mother was every woman…
Annabel Girard
Zenyatta, I know you made James very happy with the Dodger Billboard.
Perky Green
Wow just a few more weeks to go. I’am so excited , it has been such a long and difficult year to see your foal. The wait was grooling,and am still on pins & needles till the little one comes to be. What a touching story of the 10 year old ,I pray for him and his family.I’am pleased the way Team Z takes the time to address the issues of people who have been less blessed.A beautiful way to help thy fellow man.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta and My Z Family I am very upset by the remark of the person called signofthetimes. You are now attacking 10 year olds. HOW DARE YOU SAY THEY ARE GIVING ZENYATTA BAD LUCK. If you want to attack someone attack ME. You big meany. The children are so cute asking me everyday when Z is having the baby. Then the girls will say we want a girl and the boys say a boy. They mean no harm. I know how Much Zenyatta loves children. She would not see it as bad luck. I love you Zenyatta and would never hurt you in any way. HUGS AND KISSES, Shari XXXOOO
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo,Ca)
Shari, this all started with me. For whatever reason, by me creating a “poll” guessing the due date, sex and weight, offended, signofthetimes. I don’t why! It’s not like I’m the ONLY one to do so but, for whatever reason, I was singled out. After the back and forth and being made to be putting Bad Luck on Zenny, well, I’m not going to respond to that Moniker anymore!
No need to fuel a fire that isn’t even lit. If you know what I mean!
This site is meant to be a thing of love, beauty, understanding and kinship! Not about bickering and fighting over something that is sooooo silly! I will say this though, if anyone is bringing Bad Luck to Zenny, it is that person!
signofthetimes…. Take your negative and holistic attitude elsewhere! It’s not wanted on this site, period! For crying out loud!!!
BTW… Feb 25th!!!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Heidi. I agree. I won’t mention this to the children because they are so excited and cute. They ask me every day if she has had the baby yet. This is a big deal and the children really respond to Zenyatta and Mistletoe. I wish you could see how cute and what they ask. It sometimes just blows me away. I think what you started is really fun. Take care my friend, Shari : )
Shari. I see your former student Brooke still posts from time to time, but are any others from our class from last year still interested in Zenyatta? Did you show the video of Rachel’s foal to your class? That little guy is amazing. I am looking forward to the arrival of Z’s little one. Very exciting for all of us.
I admire you Mrs. Voltz(or Ms. Voltz),
You are helping educate the fans of tomorrow! I think it’s wonderful your students love to hear about Zenyatta so much!
I am sorry that the arguement escalated so much, in fact, I apologize to everyone on Zenyatta.com. I didn’t think it was right for the individual in question to call people out for something as simple as a “poll”, but I didn’t think it would turn into what it did. Again, I am sorry for the arguement that ensued as a result of my post.
Take your polling to the site you quoted.
This site is meant for those who are sensitive
To Zenyatta, not those who are always wanting
More. Practice giving to other a little more and
The depth of your personality and insight will
Grow and flourish.
There is a reason the word poll was in quotation marks. I know one thing, we are not harming Queen Z in any way, as she does not read this, and with or without you, we will continue to enjoy this site, and continue to be excited about the foal.
Please don’t attempt to preach to me about how to improve “the depth of my personality and insight” . That is not your place to do that to anyone, regardless if they are 16 or 56.
Judy Sims in Florida
Dear Shari:
You are to be commended for your dedication to teaching and enriching children’s lives. I feel really discusted by the comments of the one we are no longer mentioning.
Evidentally SOFTT is also prone to demeaning women who have not had children.
See the reply to me above.
You keep on keeping on and give all those adorable kids of yours a big hug from me.
You deserve one too!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Shari, Heidi, Pati & Judy – you may know this already, but I think it should be said: None of you have anything to apologize for, although we may feel sorry anyway. None of you did or said anything wrong. Nor did all those who are playfully and gleefully guessing when Zenny’s foal will be born, and choosing names, all with excitement and anticipation, PACE-PACING, or not. It’s a lot of fun.
But none of us here — those who write, and those who don’t — can control when someone else has inordinate and out-of-control fear or anxiety over our fun, unfortunately — and makes inappropriate remarks, as a result. That is really their problem. Various attempts to respond with a “voice of reason” haven’t seemed to make a difference, except maybe to us. I feel like I benefit from simply saying what I really feel. I think it’s important to respond appropriately, and if it’s rejected, move on.
No fear or anxiety of mine, just a little education
On this site for those who do not understand
The emotional and psychological impact of pregnancy
On a horse or a human.
Perhaps Shari could incorporate these topics
In her class room, I have been in education for
Many years and looking at the psychological impact
Of life events and illness is very well received by
Those who are progressing through these life events
And request and need the support of those who
Are educated to provide this support.
That is what LE is exactly doing for their broodmares,
Understanding what is going through their minds
And preparing them.
Judy Sims in Florida
Dear Vicki B:
Your comments are spot on and I thank you for YOUR voice of reason.
I’m guessing that Z’s foal will be a filly and weigh 166 lbs and exhibit the
unbelievable traits of her “gifted” mother and I hope she will be born
on March 9th (because of Auntie Judy, the constantly pacing one and the John Henry lover).
I was born on May 14th so no chance there!
Love and good wishes to all Z-sters.
Bless Zenyatta with an easy and safe delivery. Tasty too.
mary g in MA
Hi Zenny! Getting excited about the pending arrival…I’m sure you are excited too!
Sending healing thoughts to James and his family…What a nice gesture by your JOHN to send his Dodger billboard! I’m sure it will find a place of honor in James’ room now too! (that was a great billboard–one of my favorites). Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Anxiously counting the days until baby Z arrives.
Abigail from Montreal
This is really TOO CUTE!
A REAL “Owl & the Pussycat.” ENJOY!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Thank you Abigail,
That was too precious!
@Cynthia H- You must see this….I know how much you love owls & cats.
PS-keyboard still off……fingers crossed…..
Eveline / Maryland.
One of my barn cats looks just like this one. Now I just need an owl. Amazing video, thanks Abigail.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Oh, this was absolutely wonderful, Abigail! I LOVED this—loving owls and cats more than anything (except horses!). Thank you so much for posting, and thank you, Kari 12th <3!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
* ♥
Especially Horses / Southern California
Thank you for posting! My Spooky Joe looks just like the pussycat in the video. I will be sharing this with many friends. And the owl….so beautiful!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh my goodness, what fun those two unusual playmates are having! You have to see it to believe it! Thanks, Abigail.
Beautiful video Abigail, what a wonderful
Animal combination; owl and a cat.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That’s great, Abigail, thanks! Reminds me again of the “Crow & Kitten” link posted a few days ago, although with that one, the crow also helped the kitten survive, by feeding it worms and bugs. This one made me think such animals become friends from ‘not wanting to be alone’, just needing companionship — more important at the time than their predator/prey needs.
Debbie G/Kentucky
That video is too cute, Abigail! That owl is so beautiful with his round face. Thanks for sharing.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Absolutely too cute and entertaining!!!!! What a friendship…..All creatures have such capacity for play and civility. A lesson 2 legged creatures should revisit and learn from this amazing pair.
Thanks Abigail!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Hugs, Love & JOY to All!
I Love you Zenyatta!
Eveline / Maryland.
Lovely, thanks!
Abigail from Montreal
Kari: Just EXQUISITE! And The Commodores…what more can I say? You are The Voice for me — The Voice of loving Zenyatta!!!! Hugs to you, sweetie. Love you.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th <3.
Darlene Daniels
Brilliant Kari, I loved it and so needed this. God bless you and I hope your health and strenght are resuming. Love, Darlene Daniels
Elizabeth in NM
Heartwarming! Loved the song too! Praying God’s many blessings for you. Hope you’re health is improving every day.
Lovely video Kari, yours are so very wonderful
And expressive. We are so lucky to have you
Share your talent!!!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
That was awesome Kari! Thank you so much!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Dear Debbie G.
I just read about James & Jason, how very sad. I can not imagine …..I will pray for them.
I am still behind reading comments.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you so much Kari. All your prayers are much appreciated.
Good evening Zee & Tee,
@Heidi Kruckenberg
signofthetimes comes across at times not really liking horses. He complains about them more than not. They don’t ever seem to be doing athg right, and he belittles people’s observations/dislikes of certain practices done to horses by ‘ they’re only animals.
Don’t worry about it.
I think it’s going to be a filly, a fairly good size one, she’ll have her Mother’s blaze.
Just a lot of years working with horses and
Really loving their quirks and learning how
To work with them. Not a fairy tale the reality of
True horsemanship and nothing could be better.
They are such wondeful different creatures that
Share their power, athleticism and talent with
sue and Tony
Good night and sweet dreams Zenny and your BFF, TT.
Julia B
What a wonderful and gracious gift for James ,I am so glad you shared this story. I met Victoria at Keeneland and gave her a Z stick i made( to greet Queen Z for her visit on that very cold day !) Z warmed us all by her electric personality!!! Best wishes for Z and Baby and for Victoria and James!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Darlene Daniels
So sweet the way you always say goodnight to Z and TT.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B.:
Thank you for another beautiful video. Hugs, JB
You no what would be coool!!!!! A live webcam!!!!!!!!!! That would be soooooo coooolllll
Darlene Daniels
@Kari, always love your videos. Thanks so much. @Abigail, loved the owl and pussycat. @all, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. If you cant say something nice, then dont say anything at all. And lets all remember, this website is a privilage, not a right, it is a great blessing to me and most of us here. Lets not mess this up. Peace, Love and Goodwill to all.
Darlene Daniels
Goodnight my angels , Zenyatta and Tasty. I love you so much.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Good night (12:00 a.m.) My Queen
Sweet dreams – Pink Blanket on March 9th………………………………………. or, the 8th with the Full Moon! XO ♥♥
Judy G
Dear Zenny
Hope you have a very peaceful, relaxing
Monday, mowing the lawn and running the
Paddock I am sure slowly these days. So very
Hopeful that James is doing well as he progresses
Through his treatment with the support from
Barn 55 gifts. How very very very sweet of you
And your Team to embrace this wonderful boy.
Mary Hale
@Kari Bussell — really enjoyed the video you put together. There were many pictures I had never seen. Thanks.
@Abigail — aren’t animals amazing? Thanks for sharing the Owl and the Pussycat. Had me smiling and laughing on a Monday morning.