Happy Friday!
Another week! Wow, the time truly passes by so quickly. Thus, we often get so caught up in our various daily activities that we forget to say THANK YOU to those people around us…..who care so much and work so hard to make our lives special!
Today, I’d like to take the time to do so! MY JOHN and Dottie receive lovely notes all of the time from so many of you. They asked that I personally THANK YOU for them. The time you take to write them…and the words expressed so graciously do mean a great deal to them and all of MY TEAM. YOU ARE SO KIND!
Last Saturday, Victoria Racimo was visiting Los Angeles from her home in New York. Steve Haskin (who you all know as he writes for The Bloodhorse) emailed John asking if she could visit BARN 55. Victoria had been at Keeneland the evening I arrived in Lexington and stood in the 17 degree weather for hours to see ME. She commented to John that she “still remembers rubbing ME that evening and feeling the warmth of my body”.
Victoria has a friend, James, who is 10 years old and receiving chemo treatments for a rare form of Leukemia. His parents work in a Feed Shop in Paris, Kentucky, and are very involved working with and following horses in our industry.
Per Victoria, “James has followed and adored Zenyatta from when she first started to make her mark. He is only 10 years old now.”
There are so many wonderful moments to Victoria’s visit to BARN 55 and her follow-up note to John. One very special and touching part was hearing about James and being able to visit with him. MY JOHN called him. At that very moment when MY JOHN called, he was in the hospital receiving treatment. Per Victoria, “James has been over the moon since that day.”
MY JOHN also gave Victoria MY DODGER BILLBOARD for him, the one he had standing on his desk. It is on his way to James right now. Victoria commented, “it took me a while to package and wrap so her ears would be safe.” (Thank you, Victoria! I appreciate that!)
In her note, Victoria went on to state, “I want to let you know how meaningful your good works are to so many. You, Dottie, and the Z Team continue to be a life force carrying on Zenyatta’s magic—the magic that has made the difference in thousands upon thousands of lives. I thank you for the kindness of that day. You are blessed to have met Zenyatta and she you and in the rest of the scheme of things, we are all winners because of your presence and grace in this world.”
To Victoria and All of YOU….WE WANT TO SAY….. THANK YOU! The true beauty of all of these experiences is we have all met each other and been able to share in so many special moments and friendships! THANK YOU for your kindness and the difference YOU have all made in our lives as well.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special HUG this morning for you, James!)
Here is some video footage of two of Lonhro’s races;
the 2004 Austrailia Cup win was awesome, hole opened, closed and he
could not get through; pushed to the back behind about five
horses and he came charging from the outside to win !!!!
Very talented.
These are from the Darley site; they do a great job of presenting
their stallions.
WOW! Thanks for the link! What a talent! I just love the way he runs! Heart of a TB, Heart of a Lion! Another great run is Afleet Alex in the 2005 Preakness. He goes to his knees coming into the home stretch, battles back to win. Went on to win the Belmont going away. Game little stallion! A great representative of what the sport is really about.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Love that Joyful Victory prevailed. Such a pretty girl.
Cynthia – what a beautiful post. How lovely that you were there for El Vino’s victory. Such a wonderful group of people. You are a beautiful writer. I hope to meet you at Santa Anita someday soon.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you so much, Delrene. I hope to meet you at Santa Anita someday soon, too. Please e-mail me the next time you plan on being in this neck of the woods. If not yet, then I hope you get your special visit soon!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Ok, Dumplings. If we’re having a “poll” on Z’s due date, I predict Feb 25th. I also predict that it will be a colt. Around 135 pnds.
Let’s get this going… Not much longer….. pace pace, chew, chew.. lol
Mar 3rd. Weight? Can I have a weight range? I’ll go with 140-150 lbs.
Pressuring a pregnant mare/woman is very very
Bad luck and can create insurmountable problems.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Who’s being pressured? No one is creating “problems”.
Pati likes your comment.
We need a “like” button.
Those of you who are having patience problems
Need to go run around a track or do 300 jumping
Jacks and push ups to distract your PRESSURING
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I’m not pressuring anyone! Just having fun with this. Pace, Pace, Pace. :)
BTW.. Woohooo for Utopian, I thought he had nowhere to go, great run! Also G Ten @ GGF!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
signofthetimes, it’s a pretty safe bet that You’re the one feeling ‘pressure’, and almost nobody else here seems to feel it. Since the “pressure” is not really coming from us here, it has to be coming from inside yourself. Think about what that could be, what the source could be, in your life and experiences.
I’m hoping she holds out till March 17, the birthday of my mare Dash, who was born just two weeks before Zenny was. Likely she won’t (first borns tend to come early more often than late). But that’s my date I’m picking.
140 pounds.
With Zenny’s ears.
signofthetimes, get a sense of humor and stop trying to ruin everyone else’s fun. This isn’t YOUR board, it’s Zenny’s. When Zenny tells us she’s feeling pressure to perform, we’ll stop.
Lisag in Texas
I am also hoping another month of pregnancy, March 17, St Patricks Day in honor of Z’a Daddie.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I also have predicted Feb. 25, and as far as weight, it will probably be normal size, not too small, not too big.
Chantal Sutherland bumped off Utopian
For Mike Smith; almost ready to win.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Dear Singofthetimes, maybe she is jealous, because she lost in the BC, Ingrid.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I hope you and Tasty stayed warm today. It snowed and got really cold. I had to run inside. I wanted to tell Cynthia what a Beautiful story. It made me cry. I can only imagine how excited you must have felt. I am so very Happy for you. Our Dottie is so Special that it is hard for me to put it into words. Thank you for sharing that with all of us.
I love you Zenyatta. Have a good night and stay warm. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Terry I am looking at my ring and OH NO ! IT JUST MIGHT HAVE COME FROM THE CLAW HA HA HA : )
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Shari, I get so much pleasure reading about your life with your young charges. I cherish your kind words, because you are a teacher, and thus a very special person. It was very difficult to put this incredible experience into words, believe me. A+ on your opinion of Dottie!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Heidi I am thinging around March 7. I am guessing a colt. My girls in my Homeroom want a girl.
Don’t think your clas would be happy about
The bad luck you are giving our beloved Queen.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Why are you insisting on making this more than what it is? We’re just having fun with this and if you don’t see that then, don’t comment. If we try and pick out a name, is that bad luck too? Come on, lighten up and enjoy. After all, we are all Zensters! :)
I am banking on a girl too! I think it will be 133 lbs. and a big head. :D
I am wanting the name Purest Emotions, as love and joy are the purest of emotions, and Zenyatta provided them to us all.
I want socks on her left front and back feet, and a fancy blaze on her face!
Plus, if we leave Zenyatta to it, she may teach her foal some dancing steps! :)
Second place win by UTOPIAN with Mike
Smith aboard !!!!
Utopian slipped on the turn due to rain,
Lost position, got him back under himself,
And was able to make a great run at the
Mikey said UTOPIAN can run all day and
May turn out to be a BC horse.
Congratulations to TEAM UTOPIAN and THE
MOSSES for a great very close second place
Win !!!!!!
Mosses homebred by Giacamo
Won 12,000 Claiming at SA
Congrats. G TEN, you are a gorgeous grey
Boy !!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I am blown-away by UTOPIAN’s effort in the San Marcos! Wowowowow! Of all the horses in the race, he was finishing most strongly at the end. Had he not slipped, I believe that he would have won this! What a great training job by Mr. Shirreffs! Congratulations on a stunning effort!
And congratulations to the Mosses on G TEN’s win in the 9th race at Golden Gate! ♞
What an amazing ride by Mikey on Utopian!!!
Bet he would have won had he not slid around
That turn. Amazing Mike got him pulled back
Together and up to second place.
Really looking forward to this young colts, progressing.
The CA Dumplings are so lucky to have seen all
His career races. Thanks so much for keeping
Us posted with everything from CA.
You are so very lucky to work and be a part
Of the Santa Anita family. Always really love to
Hear everything that you share. It is so very
Special for those of us not in CA.
Thanks so very much.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I know that I am very lucky, “Sign.” I give thanks for this every day. When the season is on at Santa Anita, time is at a premium, but I love to share what I can with those more removed from the seat of racing action.
Psychological stress in pregnancy amplifies in the last trimester before delivery.
Psychological stress experienced in the Third trimester
In the third trimester, women are anticipating childbirth and coping with significant physical changes. While fears of losing the baby have usually disappeared by this point, a new anxiety takes its place — the fear of the baby’s arrival. Also, worries about labor and birth are also common during the last three months of pregnancy.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I get what you are saying but, how in the world are we putting pressure on Z? We’re having fun. So, as I said before, lighten up! Goodness gracious, already!
I am assuming you have never had a child and the emotions that are
felt during that last trimester; and the pressure one personally
feels at this time.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Look, the last thing that I want to do is disturb the peace on this site but, I have to say that you have taken this too far. My Fun as in, OUR Fun? Insensitive? Come on now! drf.com even has a poll going on whether it will be a colt or a filly.
I know that her due date is March 3rd but, what’s the harm in guessing the actual date or sex or name, for that matter? BTW, if you haven’t noticed, a lot of us on here have been predicting the date.
BTW… The pressure on a HUMAN vs. EQUINE is soo different!!! Do you really think that Zenny is feeling any pressure from the words written on this site? Come on now, get a grip!
@signofthetimes, I know Zenny “talks” to us here, but maybe you missed the fact that she really is a HORSE? Not a person?
There is NO WAY that anything we say or do on this board is going to have one bit of effect or influence on ZENYATTA, her pregnancy, her foal, her foaling date, the gender of the foal, or the foal’s birthweight.
Go take a reality pill and come back when you’re ready to play nice. No pregnant mares were harmed in the making of this thread.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
@signofthetimes — you seem really afraid, affected yourself by “the pressure”, like in “magical thinking”, as if our thoughts and words here, can directly affect what happens out in the world, in this case, in Zenyatta’s barn, or inside Zenny herself.
I don’t believe anything any of us pace the floor about, or run laps about, or wonder about, or talk about here, has any effect at all, on the most wonderful and incredible horse in the world, cared for around the clock by her professional and loving and diligent team.
Psychological Stress in the third trimester of pregnancy
The Third Trimester
A woman’s emotional state kicks back into overdrive during the third trimester. Extreme levels of anxiety and depression are very common during this stage of pregnancy. Women will become extremely anxious about the new baby, any possible life changes and the impending birth. Extreme levels of depression might also occur as the woman realizes that the pregnancy is nearing an end. Including fear of
losing the baby.
Final Weeks of Equine Pregnancy
Mare and fetus have been sporting some major changes over the last trimester – the fetus has grown rapidly, as with the size of Mom’s belly. The mare’s diet has been shifted to reflect such changes (as noted above) and now over the final weeks of gestation, some very exciting changes can be seen. Now is the time when the mare should be brought to a prepared foaling stall, or other preferred foaling area. She can be brought to the foaling stall as advanced as a month before her excepted foaling date, so she is aware of and relaxed with her surroundings. During this time the mare should still have plenty of turn out, allowing her a chance to exercise, reducing the chance of constipation during late pregnancy. As well, this is a good way for the mare to stay fit for foaling. Now is also the time to vaccinate the mare with any boosters she may need, under the guidance of your veterinarian. A change in diet to a slightly more laxative one may be needed, with plenty of free access to fresh water. As the due date approaches, the foal will start to rotate into the birth canal; this may spark an attitude change in the mare. Her attitude may change into one of annoyance with her little one bouncing around. If at anytime the mare appears to be showing signs of prolonged discomfort, it would be best to contact your veterinarian.
Thank You for all the info! I learn a lot reading your posts.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
RIP Whitney Houston …
Oh no! What happened!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Karen, after you posted that, I was, like, what? I went to my home page and read the story. OMG!!! I cried and cried and still am! I grew up listening/idolizing her as a kid and still do. I used to sing her songs and Tina Turner, Madonna and Cyndi Lauper! Such a tragic loss!! Another, Pop Icon gone too soon! RIP, Whitney Houston!!! Prayers are with her children and family.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
I KNOW!! What a shock … almost as big as MJ’s death was. I also loved her when she was at her greatest … always prayed that she’d pull herself from the demons … what a waste of one’s life … life IS too short, least we all not forget that … enjoy everyday people AND HAVE FUN DOING IT, and not take anything for granted – love and understanding from the heart goes a long way in life.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Wow! 48 is way too soon.
The news of her death is even on the Polish News Network…she was a very influential and far reaching woman. They even played a beautiful tribute to her. I saw a video that someone had filmed in the captiol(of Poland), and they were playing her music, and it was a giant flash mob just dancing to it. Kind of like MJ. It was cool to watch. I think she would be honored to see so many people enjoying and having a blast to her music.
I hope you know that Zenyatta doesn’t actually read any of this. :P
If Zenyatta was showing any signs of stress, Lanes End would send out the calvary to make her feel better, and alleviate her stress. This is one of the most popular mares in the world. I HIGHLY doubt that Lanes End is willing to let something happen to her.
My mom goes to plenty of baby showers were women guess how much the baby will weigh, or how long it will be, and listen to the mother’s choices for names, and some-how, all the babies are born very healthy.
Your superstition may not be what everyone believes in. We are only having some fun. Besides, until Monday’s update, what else is there to do? There are only so many races to report, and if any horses need help, or are in need of something, I am sure there is always a guardian-angel for them, and they will alert us about it.
Plues, in the article you just posted, no-where does it say that guessing the weight and how the foal will look like will cause the mare stress. According to it, the mare needs to stay fit, have turn-out time, and a slight change in diet.
This is not meant to offend, but honestly, please stop yelling at people for just having a little fun.
This is a very senditive time for Zenny and
Dottie and Team Z. Of course Zenny does not
Read this, but Dottie and Team Z and LE do.
Dottie and the Mosses have made this an upscale
Educational website. I prefer to think of myself
At the level Dottie ascribes us to be at. Not spending
Time on mindless games that waste space and
Have no meaning.
This site has a huge depth of kowledge, caring
And sharing of information stories; IF I WERE A
Interesting you should say we have nothing better
To do while we wait for another post, how very
Very selfish you are.
Help eveyone on this site, who has questions
Or desires to learn about horses and horse racing.
Provide links for their learning as Dottie does.
Selfish I am not. You have your own superstitions, but telling others that they are being insensitive because you don’t think we should be guessing coat color is you being selfish. If you don’t like what we say, don’t read it. This isn’t just your site.
You help plenty of people and provide very interesting links, but your disliking of our “selfish and insensitive” game really is going a bit far. No one is making you participate in something you don’t feel comfortable doing. Please don’t ruin it for the rest of us.
And yes, I know it is meant to be educational, as I learn a lot from here everyday, but I don’t think Team Z would mind us being excited and having a little fun in guessing names or gender. You are turning this into something evil, when it is not. Only Team Z can tell us whether or not they are uncomfortable with us guessing what the foal will be like, and if they are, I am sure we will gladly oblige to listen to their requests and stop talking about it.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pati, thank you for speaking/writing what I was trying to get across without it feeling like a “fight!” That’s the last thing we need on here.
I just felt like you were being unfairly singled out and that all this yelling and carrying on is unwarrented. So many sites are having polls and articles written about this, that the home site (aka Zenyatta.com) should not be forbidden from ever mentioning it! That’s why we are here. To talk about her, and her foals, and re-live her glorious past! If I was pregnant (I make no plans to be for a LONG while ;p) I would have nothing against people making friendly guesses about what my baby would look like, what parent he/she would take after, what eye color they would have, etc.
I would understand if people were like,” I think it will be born dead!” THEN, that is when it is completely acceptable to flip out on that individual and remind them where they stand. No-one has said anything remotely like this on this page! Planets different, in fact! People are so excited and full of hope for the foal, that merely guessing coat color will not cause a catastophy to occure. I promise. :)
Louise Castello
Heidi, you didn’t do anything wrong at all. If Ms. Z were reading this, maybe we could worry more. Nothing at all wrong with guessing dates, weights, colors, etc. It’s happening all over the internet and it’s fun. Have a great night!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
I am so proud of Utopian!!
What a great run!
I know! I watched the replay when he suddenly slows down, and my heart jumped to my throat! Then as he started to rally, I got so excited. I started screaming,” He’s gonna get there, he’s gonna do it!!” I was so impressed and so proud of him for an amazing and gutsy run.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Congratulations to G-Ten!!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Someone posted on Black Caviar’s FB that us “yanks” should pay an appearance fee for her to come to the 2012 Breeders’ Cup at Santa Anita!! Question, does anyone know, is this the usual business practice?? I had never heard of this being done in the states before, at least not for eons anyway. AND thank you Signofthetimes, Abigail (ahhh, Doodlebug precious), and LauraJ. for your comments on my question above about Aussie horses, most interesting.
That sounds weird to me. I wouldn’t pay a horse to appear, superstar or not. If they have a race they are interested in that my track is running, then they come whether I pay them or not. I think the race, and the quality of a performance they give, is more important than whether or not they were paid to come. Plus, if she does come, she may just get a paid work-out with the way she is going now. Plus, I would get to see her, so win for me and win for everyone else! :D
Bet you $5(theoretically) that if Queen Z came back for another campaign, and traveling over-seas was an option (I know she gets home-sick), they wouldn’t pay her connections an appearence fee. The fans, paparazzi, and reporters that would show up in flocks, and droves would be payment enough. Publicity, lots of bettors, lots of food being bought, superstar mare, and TONS of pictures. What more could you want?
Plus, the fans on Black Caviar’s page may be a little BC drunk. ;) But then again, when weren’t we Queen Z fans a little Zenyatta drunk?
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
haha, I agree, funny!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Good way to put it, Pati, thanks!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
It wouldn’t bother me at all if a private party stepped up and offered to pay Black Caviar’s way over here. In fact, if some business did it in return for some promotional considerations, that would be smart. IIRC, Guinness tried to entice Zenyatta to cross the pond.
Love that idea Laura J,
It would be so much fun
To have such a talented
Female come here, like Goldikova
Darlene Daniels
I’ll have an icy mug of Zenyatta with a Bernadina chaser, please.
Hi Karen,
I don’t think it is usual for anyone but the owner’s
Footing and cash and horse earning the cash to
Come to the BC. I guess they think BC is better
Than any US female horse, but we all know so very
Differently as we have had many female champions
“on the dirt”. Wonder how BC would fair on the dirt.
I agree we were drunk with Zenny, maybe the
Are too. Don’t think BC is better than any of our
US female champions or the great Goldikova, who
Won 3 BC miles is three very different racing styles.
So glad the Aussies are so proud of their girl,
Have there been very many Aussie female champions.
Stephanie in San Diego
congratulation to Utopian! What an incredible effort, definitly ran the best race considering the slipping.
Just heard the news …OMG Whitney Houston….So very sad. My heart breaks for her daughter and family.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Whitney Houston
“I will always love you” ……. Gone way too soon …….
judy berube from Rhode Island
So sad. Another wonderful talent gone. RIP Whitney
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Karen – that was my MOST favorite Whitney song. I just can’t believe that she’s gone!
“The stars were out in Miami on Monday, Jan. 17, as the horse racing industry recognized its very best at the 40th annual Eclipse Awards. A fun and exciting night was highlighted by the announcement of Horse of the Year honors. Eclipse voters crowned Jerry and Ann Moss’s Zenyatta as the best horse of 2010 after taking five of her six starts, all in Grade 1 company, and nearly overcoming an acre worth of lost ground to run Blame to a head in the G1 Breeder’s Cup Classic. It was a fitting send off for the Queen of racing, who put together one of the most accomplished and celebrated careers in racing history under the tutelage of trainer John Shirreffs and his team. When all was said in done, Zenyatta compiled a record of 19 wins from 20 starts, including 13 Grade 1 wins, and over $7.3 million in earnings. Zenyatta also earned her third straight Eclipse as Champion Older Female. Zenyatta now begins her career as a broodmare at Lane’s End Farm!” -Lanes End.com
I just read this, and re-living my Z moment. I screamed so loud when she won. My neighbors were like, “Gee, thanks for waking up everyone from here to Florida. -_-“
Thanks for such a wonderful remembrance
Of that very special moment of THE QUEEN
Becoming HOY!!!!!
Thanks to you all for keeping this website up. It’s a joy when I’m able to get out here and catch up on Zenny and all kinds of other interesting horse and people “stuff”.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Elizabeth in NM
What a beautiful post today, ZENNY! So inspiring about Victoria’s story. We’re keeping James in our prayers as well. Dottie and John, you have both touched so many lives with your kindness and generosity. And the people at Lane’s End are taking such great care of Zenny (and Tasty). So many inspiring things have happened through this websitel. Thank you for everything you do for all of us.
We pray for God’s many blessings for Zenny’s whole family.
Judy Sims in Florida
@All & specifically @Signofthetimes:
I visit this website everyday and comment occasionally. I am distressed with the comments from the last two Diaries for this reason: I firmly believe in the right to free speech but I do not believe it gives one the right to belittle or demean other’s opinions. You are entitled to your beliefs and can express YOUR opinions but not continue to berate others for theirs. Zenyatta’s team have been shining examples of love, devotion, caring and extrodinary character. I would hate to think they and especially the marvelous Dottie would be concerned or upset about petty comments on this forum kindly devoted to all of Zenyatta’s thousands of adoring fans all over the world. There is so much bickering and strife going on all over the world right now it is a wonderful respite to visit this site and share in the life of Zenyatta (God’s gift to us all) and to learn about the horse racing world. Animals especially horses and dogs love unconditionally, trust when it is earned and above all are not judgmental and only ask for our love and respect. We as flawed humans can certainly learn from their example and treasure their being and companionship. (Soapbox returning to corner)!
I’m a bit hoarse (no pun intended) this morning from screaming at my computer last night watching UTOPIAN putting in his gallant effort (I belong to “Calracing.com).
Without the unfortunate slip going wide he would have won. What a beautiful boy he is with such a brave heart.
Tons of love, hugs & nose kisses to Zenny & Tasty.
Stay warm and careful in the snow and prayers for safe deliveries and sturdy, healthy foals.
Zenny I like the name ANTICIPATION (do the Moss’s have any ties to Carly Simon?).
Peace and Love to all you Z-sters.
Zenny, Dottie and Team Z are a gift to us
And our sensitivity, caring and concern
For Zenny in her last trimester is one
AND HER TEAM. I am assuming you have never
Had a child as well.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
signofthetimes – No one is creating strife for her or her team. You are imagining this.
Louise Castello
This is so beautifully written! Wish these were my words. I, too, do not understand the anger that has been written here the past few nights over something that was meant to be silly fun. I. too, believe in free speech and am a child of the 60’s (yes, an old hippy!) This is such a beautiful site and the anger needs to stop. Let’s keep respecting each other the way we usually do. Anyway, love your words. P.S. I, too, have two children and a miscarriage!
Louise Castello
JUDY SIMS: I messed up. I was replying to YOUR beautiful words! Sorry people.
Judy Sims in Florida
Thank you so much Louise for your supportive reply (I am a child of the 50’s and just an old broad!).
I feel especially bad for Shari Voltz and commend her for her dedication to teaching and enriching her children’s lives.
The word for today as you so aptly put it is RESPECT.
Judy Sims in Florida
Wrong – I’ve had two chidren and one miscarriage.