Happy Friday!
Another week! Wow, the time truly passes by so quickly. Thus, we often get so caught up in our various daily activities that we forget to say THANK YOU to those people around us…..who care so much and work so hard to make our lives special!
Today, I’d like to take the time to do so! MY JOHN and Dottie receive lovely notes all of the time from so many of you. They asked that I personally THANK YOU for them. The time you take to write them…and the words expressed so graciously do mean a great deal to them and all of MY TEAM. YOU ARE SO KIND!
Last Saturday, Victoria Racimo was visiting Los Angeles from her home in New York. Steve Haskin (who you all know as he writes for The Bloodhorse) emailed John asking if she could visit BARN 55. Victoria had been at Keeneland the evening I arrived in Lexington and stood in the 17 degree weather for hours to see ME. She commented to John that she “still remembers rubbing ME that evening and feeling the warmth of my body”.
Victoria has a friend, James, who is 10 years old and receiving chemo treatments for a rare form of Leukemia. His parents work in a Feed Shop in Paris, Kentucky, and are very involved working with and following horses in our industry.
Per Victoria, “James has followed and adored Zenyatta from when she first started to make her mark. He is only 10 years old now.”
There are so many wonderful moments to Victoria’s visit to BARN 55 and her follow-up note to John. One very special and touching part was hearing about James and being able to visit with him. MY JOHN called him. At that very moment when MY JOHN called, he was in the hospital receiving treatment. Per Victoria, “James has been over the moon since that day.”
MY JOHN also gave Victoria MY DODGER BILLBOARD for him, the one he had standing on his desk. It is on his way to James right now. Victoria commented, “it took me a while to package and wrap so her ears would be safe.” (Thank you, Victoria! I appreciate that!)
In her note, Victoria went on to state, “I want to let you know how meaningful your good works are to so many. You, Dottie, and the Z Team continue to be a life force carrying on Zenyatta’s magic—the magic that has made the difference in thousands upon thousands of lives. I thank you for the kindness of that day. You are blessed to have met Zenyatta and she you and in the rest of the scheme of things, we are all winners because of your presence and grace in this world.”
To Victoria and All of YOU….WE WANT TO SAY….. THANK YOU! The true beauty of all of these experiences is we have all met each other and been able to share in so many special moments and friendships! THANK YOU for your kindness and the difference YOU have all made in our lives as well.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special HUG this morning for you, James!)
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta, Dottie, John and all Barn 55 and the Moss’s. There are no words I can write that will say more or in a more eloquent manner all that has already been said in today’s post and responses. I was so moved by your entry this morning Ms. Z and of course your scribe, Dottie is a precious gift to all of us in Z land.
To all contributors, fans, friends of Z and this wonderful loving place on the Internet where we can come each and every day and learn from each other, laugh and cry with each other, share experiences and fine hope and happiness, I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart. .
It is a gift. Zenyatta’s gift.
I guess that is a good name for my Plushie, ” Zenyatta’ Gift” or” Mystical Zen”. Haven’t decided. I will not cut the little plastic thing until Your baby comes into this world.
ALSO, YEAH MIKE AND YEAH THAT IT WAS ON EL VINO!!!!!! Your running buddy. What a nice day for Mike and El Vino. And my beautiful gray , Mr. Bossy Pants.
I don’t understand the “claimed” type race, but just as a newbie – I’m glad he didn’t get claimed!
I do see where they do get claimed and I suppose that night they go to the new barn. I would imagine since horses like routine it could be upsetting. Maybe that could be a subject of one of your wonderful educational posts.
and Hannah, Happy Belated Birthday and love the poem Trina.
What a great team effort to help James on his life’s journey. Blessings to you James.
Have a wonderful weekend all and you especially Zenyatta and kisses for you and Tasty.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
The rationale behind claiming races is to enable horses to run against roughly equal competition and to keep everyone honest. If a horse is running at too high a level it won’t be competitive, and if it’s running against opponents that are too soft, it risks being claimed. Claiming prices vary by track and can range from around $2500 at bottom-level tracks to high five (and occasionally six) figures at top tracks. When a horse is claimed, it is usually by someone who thinks the horse can do better. Horses are also claimed by people who want a racehorse but don’t want the gamble of buying an unraced youngster.
The claim happens before the race. The claim is paid, and the horse becomes the property of the new owner the moment it leaves the starting gate. If there is more than one claimant, then the new owner is determined by a lottery known as a “shake.” Claimants must be licensed according to state laws and must register in advance at the track claims office.
Most races inthe U.S. are claiming races. One can think of the racing hierarchy as a pyramid. The bottom portion consists of claiming races. Horses that have not won are entered in “maiden claiming” races. Once a horse has won a race, it then usually move into the regular “claiming” ranks. The higher the claiming price, the better the horses. Above the claiming ranks are allowance races and allowance/optional claiming races. The optional claiming price in these latter races is generally high–over$50K or so. Above the allowance level one finds restricted stakes races (usually by state), then unrestricted, ungraded stakes. At the pinnacle of the pyramid are the graded stakes races: Grade III, Grade II, and the very top, Grade I.
There is a special kind of maiden race called a maiden special weight (MSW). MSWs are for horses that have not yet won a race, but are considered to be too talented to risk in a claiming race. Horses that make it to the stakes level generally start in MSWs. There’s actually no rule that says a horse must start in a maiden race of any kind, but it’s general practice even for horses with great potential.
Horses do move between levels. A horse may run for a $7000 “tag” in one race and a $5000 in the next, just for convenience’s sake. Or the horse may move between higher claiming races and lower-level allowance races, or allowance and stakes company, and so on. Also, the horse may move to a more or less competitive track. Sadly, one sometimes finds former stakes winners, usually geldings, falling down through the claiming ranks as they age and can no longer perform at a high level.
Zenyatta started in a Maiden Special Weight in November of her 3-year-old year. Her next start as a 3-year-old was an allowance race. After that she moved on to graded stakes company in the Grade II El Encino in the beginning of her 4-year-old season. She never again ran in anything lower than a Grade II.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Great educational segment, Laura! I’ve read all of this before, but it still gets confusing to me, so it helps when someone with special knowledge explains it more in plain English. Thank you! Hugs.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ – Thank you so much for the great explanation!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
LauraJ, thanks a lot for that, I wouldn’t have but a rough clue, otherwise.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you for the great explanation! I tried to read about it (in regard to the horse that Shari Voltz’s students follow), but I just didn’t “get it.” This REALLY helps a lot.
Terry Crow
As good and succinct explanation of the “game” as one could ask for.
Great summary of the claiming process
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
“find” hope and happiness…. and what is worse, I looked it over before I hit submit.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
The Joy I feel in my heart that my beloved El Vino won today is indescribable! He is second only to you my Queen at Barn-55. I am so very proud of him!
Congratulations to El Vino, Dottie, My hero Mr. John Shirreffs and Mikey!! Yipeeeee!!
Dottie , Zenny is a breath from God, but in anyone else’s hands she could have been lost to all of the world, you were put in her life by God, and we are all so blessed by you, John, your family and Mr and Mrs. Moss. Who is to say what would have happened if even one thing was different …… I am so amazingly lucky to have known you and Zenny, you made a difference in my life xoxoxoxox
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Another HIGH HOOF for YOUR JOHN! I can’t think of a better person to chair this panel.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Abigail from Montreal
What an honour for YOUR JOHN. Here’s hoping he’s good @ keeping a straight face. Committees — however well-intentioned — have a way of making you wish you could just blow a teacher’s whistle and yell, “Great thoughts everyone. Now can we please move on?”
Terry Crow
Abigail-I may not be quoting this accurately, but as for committees, it is said that a camel is a horse which was designed by such a body.
Sorry for repost, reading from bottom up.
Like minds do think a like.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
I posted my video of Mr. Commons’ victory – it ONLY took Facebook 5 DAYS to upload it! GEEZ! Enjoy! It is on Z’s FB page. I will also try to upload it on Mr. Commons FB, probably another 5 days for that!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
I will have to go check it out – thanks, GF!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Karen and JAG, did you see the absolutely fabulous picture of Mr. Commons in the Bloodhorse. Double page in full stride, how gorgeous!!!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Thank GF! Had not seen this.
Thanks for the wonderful video.
Our video Queen !!!
cathy p
Yeah, your the best Zenny. Have a great weekend to all.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Ahhhh Zenny – have I told you lately that I love you more and more? You ARE the closest thing to Angels this side of heaven …
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
If anyone is online – BLACK CAVIAR is racing @ 9:50 PT and it’s going to be shown on TVG live!! Good luck and safe racing to all!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Dang! I meant 8:50 GRRR
Lillian L
Glad I saw your post. Ran in the living and turned turned on the tv in time to see the race. She makes it look so easy!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Yes, she sure does! I’d love to see her race here – BC Classic!!
War Horse the play; 2012 season includes; Dallas, Tx; Minneapolis, Minn; LA; SF;
Toronto (Feb 2012) total of 20 cities all not determined yet.
John Sheriffs to chair CHRB advisory panel; what an honor for YOUR JOHN
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
What an honor for YOUR JOHN. I particularly like Ms. Derek”s comment that “he has been quietly involved”. That says it all for me, he goes quietly about his business, doing an awesome job. The industry will benefit from his advice.
Love John Sherriffs personality, how he
Creates such a wonderful fun atmosphere
At his barn and just his sheer talent and
And experience. Love Bo Derecks comments,
Too. Did not realize she was so involved in racing
Guess it shows I am not from CA.
M. Kern
Queen Z, I was at Santa Anita racetrack today and saw El Vino winning the 5th race. I am sure you remember your previous workout mate so well. He looks like a very happy horse. He was jumping around the paddock full of energy. Congratulations to El Vino, Mike and John for a job well done.
HDG first work of 2012; Larry Jones says she is better than last year; aiming for the Apple Blossom or the Oaklawn against the boys both on March 17, 2012
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof, HDG!
MIKEY and Amazombie; great photo
Dear Zenny,
While we are waiting for your “baby”; Royal Delta and Consortium (machivalian dam sire;
Bernardini) are gearing up for their next races.
Terry Crow
I still believe that Consortium will be a factor on the triple crown trail.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Just a few minutes to go as BLACK CAVIAR heads to the post trying for her eighteenth straight win!
WOW!!! The Caviar does it again! What a looker!!! I wish she would come here!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Black Cavier wins Number 18
What a turn of foot she has; now at 7 furlongs
Next race Feb 27 Futurity Stakes and possibly
Terry Crow
Would love to see this horse run in Dubai.
Do you think they will be sucessful stretching
Out; she is very muscular and stocky for a mare;
Great Aussie look!!!
Jeanne O.
Reading this heartwarming story made me think…there are so many people out in the world boasting of their accomplishments; telling everyone how great they are, and how much they have done for people, etc.
Then, there are people like Mr. Shirreffs and Dottie (and all of Team Z, for that matter), that go about quietly doing what they do, reaching out and really making a difference in people’s (and animal’s) lives. Giving of themselves, and asking nothing in return. These are the people that are the true heroes. God bless each and every one of them!
Stephanie in San Diego
Jeanne O. You are so right. Well said (or typed::)
Congratulations To El Vino and John, Jerry, Ann and all of Barn 55. So happy to see him win.
and…a big congratulations to your Dear John:
“Trainer John Shirreffs has been named to chair a newly created medication advisory panel for the California Horse Racing Board to provide consultation with the agency’s medication and track safety committee.”
Congratulations to Black Caviar…. Way to Go.
Thank you Dear Zenny and Dottie…for making our world a better place and motivating us to be better human beings to each other and our beloved 4 legged friends.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Staphanie in SD:
Thank you so much for the info on John’s Chairmanship of the Medication Advisory Panel. The horses will definitely have the right person representing them.
Congrats to Black Caviar, the Australian Queen. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Bravo Jeanne O. Here, Here!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Jeanne – Beautifully put!!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Jeanne O,
Very beautifully said and what I feel is a perfect description of John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs. Generosity thought out, planned and contrived is an insult, but spontaneous and heartfelt as their’s is, is pure and a true gift.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Well said Jeanne. This world would be a much better place if there were more people like them in it.
Black Cavier has a lot of quirks and is fairly
High maintenance. ” she creates problems for
herself that takes a lot of folks to undo”
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Somehow I think she’s earned the right to be high maintenance. :-)
High maintenance is not earned it is a personality
Type; surprised trainer said this as she seems so
Cool on the track.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Hello my lovely girl. I wonder what you are thinking, standing so still and quiet in the misty winter air looking silently out across the snow dusted bluegrass. Do you often think about your wonderful John and Barn 55. The story you tell today, Zenny, of Victoria’s visit once again demonstrates just how remarkable he is. What a gift he has given little James. Not only your very special Doger Billboard, but a bit of himself calling up and spending one on one time talking together. The Z-magic was at work timing that call percisely when James was receiving treatment. I cannot imagine what it is like to have a child suffering with an illness like cancer. It must be such a blessing when they receive moments of joy in between the trials of their life. Moments like those spent with a kind, generous man, named John Shirreffs! The words Victoria wrote are beautiful and echo the feelings of most of us. How we love you, John, Dottie, Team Z and your Lane’s End crew!!! You continue to touch our lives and our hearts each and every day in amazing ways. How very special our mutual admiration club is!! My forever love to you beautiful friend. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Dear James and Victoria thank you for sharing your story with us through Zenny and Dottie. Steve Haskin is a wonderful man and I am so happy he helped to arrange your visit to Barn 55. Just like that night at Keenland, I know you and James will be warmed by very special memories of this time. My thoughts and prayers are with James. Blessings to you both. I do believe in miracles!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sorry, Dodgers! You would think I would get that right. When I worked in California, I was in the marketing area for a major bank and Tommy Lasorda was one of our spokespeople. I met him several times and went to the stadium home office and down on the field often. I was even at the Worlds Series game in 1988 when Kirk Gibson hit his home run!!! What great memories!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Awsome you got to be at THAT game, Dawn! I still see it in my mind’s eye (from tv) Gibby limping around the bases and “firing” his forearm like a shot, exulting. And the applause went on “forever”.
Terry Crow
Your memories are of the greatest kind. It is unfortunate that the Dodgers fell into the hands of the man who owns them now, at least temporarily. Great that you were at the Gibson game. I, however, attended the 1962 playoff game against the Giants when they lost after leading 4-2 going into the ninth. I still consider 1959 as the greatest season to be a Dodger fan in LA.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I do remember the ’59 Dodgers, but barely. I was pretty young, but got introduced to games on the radio playing in the kitchen windowsill of the lady next door. However ’63 and even more, ’65, were my years, as I was gripped by Koufax.
Darlene Daniels
Dawn, So beautifully said. Loved it and you. Have a great weekend.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA
Congratulations BLACK CAVIAR 18-0!! I’d love to see you race over here. Talks of another race in 7 days (whew) and then Dubai – good luck, Sweetie!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Yea, Black Caviar!!!!!!! Safe travels and racing in Dubai! Go, Girl, Go!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Z, you touch so many lives and bring so much joy to so many people. Thank you and your wonderful Team. Wishing young James the very best. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Hoofray Black Cavier – sorry to say, but I want our girl’s record to stay unbroken. Racing in Australia is sooo different than here in the states, and their horses seem to hold up with more strength. Anyone know if this is true or do they have just as many break downs as here? Could it be the feed, the courses, the training, the farms? Or is it that good ole Aussie Beer, mate? I am so happy for her! Kangaroos are jumpin’ and kickin’ with paws of high fives tonight, and the babies in the pouch are dancing along with moms every cheery bounce! Come on sing with me, follow the bouncing ball (remember that?) “Tie me Kangaroo down mate, tie me Kangaroo down!” Come on everybody now! “Tie me Kanagroo down sport!” OR join in now ! “Kookaburra sits in the ole gum tree, merry, merry King of the bush his he, laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra” OR “Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda with me” and the best singalong “”I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve breathed the mountain air, man!” Ahhh, brings back some great childhood memories! Love the culture over there, love the Australians, best buddies the USA could ever have! Beautiful country and beautiful people! G’day mate! AND YOU GO GIRL! 18 and counting!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I was singing right along with you my friend!!! It does bring back fond memories!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And also (Men at Work): I said, “Do you speak-a my language?”
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich. And he said,
“I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover.”
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Haha! Right you are mate!! How could I forget that one! :)
Darlene Daniels
Karen, Vicki and Dawn. I snuck a peak at this website at work last night and the next thing I knew I was singing or humming these songs for the rest of the night. Thank you, it was fun.
Abigail from Montreal
GREAT to see Black Caviar, aka “Nelly” cantering across the finish line although Blood Horse this morning quotes her trainer as saying that he’ll need to work her harder before her next race as this one was a little like a canter at the beach for her! It’s likely she’ll race another 2-3 times down under before she boards a plane for Dubai or Ascot and the next 2 races might come only a week apart (Blood Horse).
RE: Are Aussie horses stronger? Probably not. But I think we need to consider as well the Aussie breeding history, in the sense that different sires & broodmares will bring something different to the table. (Another reason to hope that jet-setting stallions will add good influences as opposed to eliminating all the neat variables in different breeding histories.) I do think, though, that the Aussies still work their horses harder than they do in the USA & in the UK. From what I can gather from reading, the tradition of hard-working thoroughbreds has been less watered-down over the last few decades in Australia than elsewhere, but no idea why the Aussies are different, unless it’s the breeding plus favourable weather conditions? Mind you, even as I write this, I’m thinking that the “ordinary” thoroughbreds here and elsewhere who never rise to public attention beyond local tracks are probably as hard-working as they always were. It’s just that we don’t study that aspect of thoroughbred racing, since we’re more informed about the superstars, right? Which is necessary to publicize the sport. But this also leads, in my opinion, to a fractured view of North American & British thoroughbreds as far as their hardiness goes.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Black Caviar races on grass, which is generally much kinder to horses than dirt tracks. European tracks are also turf, which is one reason why breakdowns are lower in Europe. Training methods may be different. Also, I’d have to check, but I think Aussie horses are run drug-free.
Better Breeding lines also !!!!
They certainly seem sturdier than our lines do. Their horses seem to run a lot more races than ours!
sharon in seattle
DO I REMEMBER the BOUNCING BALL???? I can see it now in my memory — how about The Hit Parade?!!! Karen, your enthusiasm is infectious : )
Better breeding lines, look at the strengh
Size and sturdy build of Lohnro.
Turf is kinder to TB legs when it is yielding,
When it is fast or firm not so kind but not as
“hard” on their legs.
Terry Crow
Grass racing is generally easier on a horse’s health.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Elizabeth in Oregon
Trina – Now, we just need a teal/pink dog collar for our puppy and our old Saluki girls
Trina – my husband must have a bazillion hats, but his Zenyatta hats are definitely his favorites. Maybe he’ll start a trend in Oregon.
Dawn Conrad – Hope you enjoy the dog show! My son sent a pic last year of his Finnish Spitz watching the groups at Westminster. Too bad the little guy fell asleep before his father was on there as Best of Breed, and he missed the Salukis too.
Abigail – Good luck to you and your Daisy! Hope you both got some rest. Surgery and anesthesia are always scary, but she’s in good hands. :-)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s a video of Black Caviar winning No. 18. Hugs, JB
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
She did it so easily, looked like she was just out for a Sunday afternoon “drive”. thanks for the post Judy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S. and Eveline:
You’re so welcome. She does make it look effortless. Hugs, JB
Eveline / Maryland.
Thanks for the link Judy. She just galloped, and that was 7 furlongs as well. Doesn’t look like that bothered her.
Queen Zenyatta as a baby:
at marker 6:40.
This is a lovely compilation of perhaps two dozen famous horses (Man of War, John Henry, Havre de Grace, Black Caviar, etc.) as foals, backed by music reminiscent of Old Hollywood. Well worth watching start to finish or jump ahead to 6:40 where it appears Don Robinson is presenting The Queen along with her identifying parentage on a sign being held for the camera. Diamond in the rough! And now the Diamond is bursting with a Baby Diamond!
~~Hugs to Big Z and Little Z (and TT and tt)
Elizabeth in NM
Thanks, Harriet – wonderful film! Especially, of course, ZENNY’s!
Terry Crow
HH-Always good to hear from you. I remember that Mr. Commons seemed to prefer your company when we visited Barn 55 on Hollywood Gold Cup day. At least, he enjoyed the taste of your hat.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Just when I had thought that there are a million reasons to love Zenyatta and Team Z, I have discovered that there are a million and one. Today’s Diary entry is beautiful, on so many levels. It speaks compellingly of the power of gratitude and thanks. The story of young James and his adoration of Zenyatta, of the graceful, compassionate woman who carried his story to Barn 55, and of the generous gift from the heart from the trainer whom he hero-worships, elicited a mixture of smiles and tears. As I was to learn, this was only the preface to a day which was to unfold in a most amazingly Zen-magic way, authored by none other than Zenyatta’s muse, the incomparable Dottie Shirreffs.
It didn’t matter, this morning, that my hair needed a wash, and my clothes likewise; that I had an arm’s-length of “to-do’s” ‘which would never be realized; and that the last place I should be on a day off was my place of employment! Zenyatta’s old workmate, El Vino, was running at Santa Anita, a living, breathing piece of the legend which had fired our imaginations and ignited our hearts. He had served her well, had listened to the steady drumbeat of her approaching hooves for years, and had watched one of the most famous hindends in racing history disappear into a cloud of dust. Sometimes, one has to put aside the mundane in deference to the possibility of magic.
At 2:45, I was standing in the saddling barn, cramming a banana into my mouth with one hand (lunch), and aiming my camera at El Vino, who looked Breeders’ Cup ready, with another. Heartmate Kari Bussell fosters a deep and abiding love for El Vino, and I knew that photos would bring joy to this most precious of friends. Every shot bore witness to his gentle, sweet nature, and I felt a twinge of nostalgia at the thought that this might be his last race in the Moss’ colors. Turning around, I saw our Dottie standing a few steps behind, and in her always receptive and lovely way, took the time to speak to yet another awestruck fan. I don’t think it would have mattered if I were a millionairess or a bag lady, her kindness is unequivocal and constant. Exactly like you, Zenyatta.
The run-up to El Vino’s race was nerve-wracking. I wanted him to win so badly, for Jerry and Ann Moss, for John and Dottie Shirreffs, for the memory of his days with our Queen, and most of all—for himself. The sight of horses flying down the El Camino Real hillside turf course is among the most spectacular and thrilling of all racing venues, but sometimes, I can hardly bear to watch. I think I may have held my breath for the entire race, and felt as if i were clinging to Mike’s back in desperation, as I watched El Vino slowly advance from mid-pack and circle the competition, eating the ground with hungry strides, moving up and up, until—HURRAY! He was at the front and going on, with only the ghost of Zenyatta in pursuit, holding off his late-charging foes with a courage and tenacity which brought tears to my eyes and a jig to my feet. I had never ridden a horse so hard in my entire life! In the midst of this total euphoria, John and Dottie appeared, and I could hardly restrain myself from rushing to hug them, I was so ecstatic. Dottie smiled and looked so happy, but not as happy as I, when she stopped and asked if I would like to go with her into the Winners’ Circle as a guest. As a guest! What a turn-around from my usual job, of escorting guests into the Winners’ CIrcle! It was only then, that I became acutely aware of my battered sneakers, wrinkled pants, and bad hair day hat, which resembles one of grandma’s crocheted doilies with a brim. There was no magic to fix that! But in the end, it really didn’t matter. Standing next to Dottie in the Winners’ Circle, I felt like Cinderella minus the finery, and although I did not lose a glass slipper, I did gain a gorgeous TIffany leaded glass plate with the Santa Anita art deco lgo etched into it—-the racetrack’s gift to the winning owner, which Dottie so very generously handed to me, beautifully boxed in turqoise with a white silk ribbon.
So, dear Dottie, holding to the theme of today’s DIary, I would like to thank YOU, for tying a ribbon around my heart and presenting me with a boxful of memories which will last a lifetime. As long as we have you, Zenyatta’s magic will live on. For all that you are and do, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. ♥
Darlene Daniels
Cynthia H. WOW!!!!!! MAGNIFICENT. I got goose bumps from excitement for you reading this. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. The Shirreffs are truly heaven sent!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you very much for your kind words, Darlene. I still cannot quite believe that it really happened. You are so right about the Shirreffs being heaven-sent! We are truly blessed to be a part of their world.
Elizabeth in NM
Wow!!! Cynthia!!
How wonderful for you! Your day yesterday is one we can all think about and dream we were there too! It makes me so happy to read your news! Beautifully lived and beautifully written! It’s so great that you were able to share in such a moment!
The Shirreffs have the kindest and most generous hearts. And ZENNY is and has been surrounded by such kind and wonderful people.
It is such a tremendous blessing every day for us to read about Momma Z and share our moments in life together! I truly do feel like part of a big family with everyone.
Contratulations, Cnythia on your Dream Day coming true! And our prayers are for many of God’s blessings for you and everyone in ‘our’ Z Family.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and sentiments, Elizabeth. I, too, wish that everyone on this site could experience a simlar Zen-Magic moment. I can now speak from experience, that they happen when least expected. So, always dress appropriately (hahaha)! It is wonderful to have a loving place to share joys and sorrows, and hopes and dreams for our Queen and her much-anticipated little one.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Cynthia, OMG could that be TRUE or did you just dream that!! It’s absolutely one of the best stories I’ve heard in a long time!! How wonderful these people are, you must feel like royalty. I’m so very happy for you!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Sue, at this point I wonder if I might not have had an out-of-body experience! It is almost too much to absorb, when it is happening in real time. They truly are wonderful people, in so many ways. Thank you!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
So happy for you!! She says , smiling from ear to ear!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you, Karen!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Your post today way absolutely amazing!! I felt like I was right there with you every moment and by the end I was in tears. I am so very happy for you, my dear friend!! I have know for some time that there was more than one angel among us and this one has irredescent blue eyes and silver blond hair!! Dottie and John are such kind, generous people, they continue to touch my heart each day. They have made so many dreams come true!!! It is fantastic that your’s was one of them. Zenyatta’s magic was working overtime!! I wouldn’t worry about your appearance, I know with the smile on your face and the glow from you heart you not only felt like Cinderella, you looked like her too!! I love forever memories and you now have a very special one indeed. Congratulations to Ann and Jerry, Mike and of course the fantastic El Vino!!!! My love to Dottie, John and especially you my wonderful friend, Cynthia. Hugs, Dawn
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dear Dawn, you know how very much I admire your beautiful writing, and how gifted I think you are. Your words seem to glow with a special inner life. Thank you for spending some of them on me. You know what it is like to have a Zen dream ome true, as I believe you have had several! It is truly amazing, how one random act of kindness can so positively affect a person’s life, and spread like a ripple in water to all of the lives which touch theirs. “A kindness is never lost.” Positive words aren’t, either. Thank you for the loving hand which you are always so willing to extend to others through your uplifting and heartfelt comments. Hugs, Cynthia
Marty R / Colorado
What a wonderful experience you had. One I’m sure you will relive over and over.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
You bet! The memory machine has been on automatic replay for over 24 hours!
Abigail from Montreal
Cynthia: WHO KNEW YOU WORKED AT SANTA ANITA? Or have I misread that inference? Either way, what a beautiful story and OH MY! how exquisitely you rendered it! DOTTIE you are “UN-BEE-LIEVABLE” in your groundedness and generosity. And CYNTHIA! You must be still gently turning over this experience of a lifetime in your own mind, whatever you’re up to today! I’m just THRILLED for you and LOVED the references to your attire & TO-DO list!!!!! Yup, could definitely see myself in sneakers & jeans, berating myself over not doing my TO-Dos. But I’ll remember this experience of yours the next time that happens because these kinds of miracles are always just around the corner if you’re smart enough to shelve the “must do’s” for the “need-to-do’s”!!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Abigail: Thank you so much for your wonderful words. Yes, I do work at Santa Anita—when there’s work! I know that I will relive this experience many more times in the course of my life, and Dottie was the “fairy godmother” who made it all happen! I love your remark about the “must-do’s” versus the “need-to-do’s.” So true, and a challenging concept by which to live! I am so glad that you have found your bliss, and are living your dream. Your writing and research skills are immense! Thank you for sharing with us the vast reservoir of your knowledge.
sharon in seattle
Cynthia – what incredible writing!! Are you a writer on the side?!! Will I get to meet you at Santa Anita on March 3?!! Is it really the end of El Vino’s racing career?? Anyway, I’m blown away with your story and the beautiful way you’ve written it. KUDOS!! Dottie is a godsend!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Sharon – Thank you very much for the lovely compliment. I just like to write for my own enjoyment. I hope to be able to meet you and others on March 3rd. It will be an incredibly hectic day, with lots of groups attending the races, but I will do my best. You will have a super day, I promise! The reason I was worried that it might be the last time that El Vino carried the Moss silks, is because he was running for a claiming tag (there were no takers). Thank you again!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Oh Cynthia, we are so happy for you, El Vino and his connections. BRAVO, EL VINO! Your description of the events is positively Haskin-esque!
sharon in seattle
right on!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Oh, gosh! Thank you very much, Kennedys! Wasn’t El Vino wonderful? I will love him forever for the way he won yesterday!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I forgot to mention, that many times you have enthralled us with wonderful anecdotes of your personal visits with Zenyatta and other horses which we love!
Dear Cynthia
Definately remember you mentioning working
At Santa Anita. What a lovely blessed and lucky
Person you are to have a job at The Great Race
Place. So very glad El Vino won that turf race. It looks
Like so very much fun to run that course on a TB
Flying. Flying is one of the great gifts a TB gives any
Rider and it is a very exhilarating rush to feel the
Power of flying. El Vino is very special in our hearts
For the reason you mentioned and good luck to him.
Since he is now a gelding may he find a wonderful
Retirement home or possibly a second career.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dear Sign,
I love what you said: “Flying is one of the great gifts a TB gives any Rider and it is a very exhilarating rush to feel the Power of Flying.” You beautifully described exactly how it must feel to ride the downhill turf course at Santa Anita. Thank you for your lovely ad gracious words. I wish I could call you something other than “Sign,” but I do not know your actual name. Z hugs to you.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Dearest treasured friend,
The Joy you have brought into my life is impossible to measure. Every since you shared this amazing story with me last night I have cried tears of JOY and laughed while crying.You are such a special person. I am so very, very thrilled for you and El Vino. I think I may burst with JOY.
Dearest Dottie- Thank you for all you do for us , but on this day I am very grateful to you for giving such a special, kind , generous soul as Cynthia such a wonderful lifetime memory. Thank you for being YOU…..the spirit of Zenyatta…spreading nothing but Joy!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dearest treasured friend,
It seems as though we go back forever. You have enriched my life immeasureably. Your name will always be synonymous with two things: Zenyatta, and JOY. I will never be able to think of either one, without automatically thinking of you. You were one of the two primary reasons that I went to the racetrack yesterday. Were it not for that, I might never have experienced that wonderful Zen-Magic moment. I have never given you anything, which was not returned to me in a more beautiful form. For this, I will always love you.
12th ♥
Terry Crow
There is only one part of this story that I do not believe, and that is you looking anything but great. As Humphrey Bogart said in The Maltese Falcon, this is the stuff dreams are made of.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Yes, Terry you are quite right about Cynthia. I do believe SHE IS the best dressed employee they have there at Santa Anita – at least that I have ever seen! Quite ‘chic’ as they say and too cute!
Love this comment, Terry !!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Terry, methinks that Dashiell Hammet via John Huston via Humphrey Bogart played fast and loose with a few of The Bard’s most immortal words.
Thank you, you two. Santa Anita chic is kindly provided by our on-premises couturier, better known as Wardrobe.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Yes, but Cynthia, YOU MAKE IT LOOK SOOO GOOD! You are just so impeccable in your work place, very impressive. That I have not seen from the others employed there – no offense to the others intended! You must confess that what you all wear is not the most comfortable nor practical, BUT very professional indeed, which it should be, of course. Yet, somehow ‘it’ just fits YOU and YOU ‘it’ and your persona – and your outer wear, that I have seen you wear from time to time, IS so ‘chic’!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Many blush-blushes! But I truly believe, that if one really loves what one is doing, then even sackcloth can appear as gloroius raiment.
sue and Tony
Wonderful post! Do we believe in miracles…you bet. And in Z Land they happen every day to even the unexpected person. How awesome that you had a chance to share in the magic on a great day for John, Dottie, Jerry, Ann and El Vino who always did his job with The Queen so well.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you very much, Sue and Tony. I believe in miracles, too. It seems to me that Zenyatta’s Diary pages are full of them—because they are filled with love.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo,Ca)
Cynthia, how wonderful was that? Wow!!! Such a special, forever, gift and memory for you!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
It was wonderful almost beyond description, Heidi. You said it all!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Oh my God, Cynthia! That is incredible! As I was reading your post my jaw dropped open when I got to the part about Dottie inviting you to the Winners Circle. How incredible! That is a once in a lifetime experience, you lucky girl! And the way you wrote this I felt like I was right there with you. You have such a way with words. A High Hoof to Dottie for her awesomeness and to you for sharing it with us!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Hi Debbie! You said it perfectly. It truly was an incredible, jaw-dropping experience. It gives me great joy to be able to share it with sweet friends just like you. Your words are special to me.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh, dearest Cynthia, I’m crying tears of happiness for you! This couldn’t have happened to a NICER or MORE DESERVING person than YOU! What a wonderful thing to happen at just the right time. HIGH HOOF to OUR SPLENDID DOTTIE for her constant thoughtfulness and generosity! Thank you so much, Cynthia, for taking us with you on this marvelous ride!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dearest Trina, Thank you for your beautiful words and for always caring so much about everyone on this site. It actually could have happened to a much nicer and more deserving person—-YOU. I think your three most favorite words in the world must be, “Can I help?” You are truly a remarkable lady, and I feel blessed to know you.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
What an amazing story!
I have been in the winners’ circle at Santa Anita (I was at a group day at the races last year and a few of us got to visit the winners’ circle for a race) but I can only imagine how wonderful it was to be there with TEAM Z and El Vino!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Wow, Julie, I wonder if perhaps I might have been the representative who took your party down! Wouldn’t that be a Zen-like coincidence?
I hope that you and your group will come to visit us again, with maybe another WInners’ Circle visit!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Wow Cynthia: I have tears running down my cheeks. I can hardly see to type. How wonderful and such a special experience that was for you, and how kind and thoughtful that was of Dottie.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Linda, I am so moved by your post. Thank you very much for sharing. Dottie is solid gold class throughout.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Cynthia! It is Sunday morning and I have just read the most gratifying, exhilirating story from you; and with tears towards the end of it. I don’t think I ever read you worked there at Sanita Anita. What do you exactly do again? Simply a perfect story , though I had already gathered here on the post, you have personally experienced the graciousness of Dottie!! That is priceless.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Hi Sally, I am totally blown-away by the remarkable kindness of people like you on this site. Posts such as yours are a gift and have increased my joy in remembering this dream day many times over. I guess my job at Santa Anita can best be described as that of a stewardess, minus the plane. I am assigned to special groups for the day, and it is my responsibility to see to it that their experience at Santa Antia is a positive one and the very best that it can be. Loyal fans are the backbone of our business, ad we want to do everything in our power to ensure that they will want to return!